The Huron Expositor, 1951-10-12, Page 4P4.G'i FOUR lassified Ads.I Classifi...;d Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word: 2nd Week % Cent First Week 1 Gout 3rd Week ty Cent Minimum charge, each insertion . , 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks. In Memoriam Notice.. Coming Events --1 cent per word. Minimum, .50 cents per wee -k. Enquiries may l,r directed to a Bos No., c/u The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. '1'i4n cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 00 days of date of final insertion, Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge, Auction Sales. Nuticea to Creditors, Etc. hates on applica6fom- • Coming Events For Sale VUt"talo ENJOY OANCINe AT THE L'Ulf SALE )2 FEEDER STEERS, Ittu1rootn, Mitchell. 1' weighing aboot S00 pounds, Apply .tit I4m 1b1,srtsoa and ,11)iiN I•. INt; ItAM, R.R. 2, itcusall.unv his 1L,n�'b Boys, Dancing !,::iu w IS:au. r 1,1. ILena..i1. 17171.1 1371x1 A I' 1'1!1•: CRYSTAL I'A1.:1t'1•: tar�,xU3t SALE 111.1'3; .\NU RED WOO1. ,on \l' ': !cit ht, niahl U1t. 19, so-ptev,• soots w suit, sire S. in f=ood Jeery Brunie :... hi. Rh that fasters, in `nwh;ion. .'pp,; 53.,x G!t, IIU1ION EX - y /.0,1 4'371x1 a eo,..I , .,,e t m, 1;4411 ,hen:,. 11,ur and .._ nee Bill 11;dtua•. Canada's lx st taller fu- 1..'4J11 SALE 'I'1113).;k:.l•I '!i!KO W IN'rFat- n.JWt . 1441414441. 1371442 1' ,:atonal :,dJ6:::a:la 1•,u.v. Apply to j IOIIN 'fFIOMI'SUh. !'Lon, 353 r 31, 5e:e- I forth. 4371x1 1.,'011 SALE 20 1'It:,s SIX WEEKS 01.11. DEA, ILVt:Si•:S, COWS AND HUGS i Apply to 1'. 11.1 1 \11 17. 510N'rGOM- F:RY, It.31. 4, Nalten. Phone 8313773.1„.41. ,•. •tm r. e.! I.n•mpkite. Oaeh farts, ! Seaforth. Tessin,, 1''••I. .'F'tIUA'r, Sca.funth ,55 e 9 ; \i l t-L1A.'d STONE SUNS, LIMITF:L7, In -1 pun LF: UR :A 1101 3'l'F:I ti 13141FF:R WI.; UnH ger>o 3. 1. 1' ,alt eat foot. ;•,.: ir.:.Lvn.,I. Apply to 1HAROld1 J ACK.SON, l'hone 641 0 14. eafurtu. 4371-1 l.;Wit SAI,)•: Vs N'7)':i: \I'I'LEF, 7111.';'. 42. (14,1d,,it I:,.. -.e;.. !V 6: 1'H CAITLIN. "c:KIN.V G 111...81 GI';')' 00VEI,,Y B. .1. S.afora:. 1hone eel r .1. rJ rats .. C .;n to 10 lbs., new pep. ' 1:,71 I 'try famousweight-builder, health and weight-buder,' t n• . '1,,6!••ta, Intrxluctory, "gut-' I1''U)t SAIF; (1)''I'"1DF. 'I'O1LE'1'; (111 5I- acquainted"sire ONLY 50c. All drug- t. •,l dose,. loth Elie new : w•hec:bar-' • row, new : some sterns dot I's oted. ,1.1111.1:3 41.L14J'r1', Chal:. St.. Seaforth. x1013\1C SUPFL11IS tRU 13BER ;571-1 U..ods I. ,-nailed postpaid in plain, sealed en; elope with pt•iee list- 6 saraPhn 25c; FOR SALE SPECIAL: WE HAVE TWO "1 s empl.� 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, only 4 -wheel spreaders on rubber NOVA-R13BRER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, re -ruler 34_:,.00, to clear at $100. V. J. Ont. LANE, Fleury-Disscll Agent. Phunc 40 r 1-1, Dublin. 13713.1 Livestock Wanted Personals Wanted GMS"OM wortK viAN'I'EI) - 1 AM equipped for custom plowing. App1Y to LYLE .11UN'PCOMERY, R.R. 1, Clinton. Phone 541 r 31, Seaforth. 4369x3 WANTED- -fu OR 100 ACRES OF GOOD Y wurkuble land, preferably without buildin.'s. within fisc milts of Seaforth. _,3'ply Put 64. HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4371z1 IIIIOR SALE - DUAL SHORTHORN hulls for sale. Acres ranging from five months to twelve. Dania are on R.O.P. !AMES F. SCO'T'T. Phone 511 r 1, Sta. forth. 437131 1-011 SALE :1 DUAL-PURPOSE SHORT. Seth 1u 5'. one v.ar of age: till dark roil from RD.?. ,,ualified dams. .1. M. `CUTT POU L1rRY 1•'ARb1, R.R. _ Sea - fort h. '4371-1 I;'OR SALE --NEW SINGER SEWING m:tehinet, eleetHe and treadle. Re- Motor Cars For Sale Pairs to all m:•ke:, SINGER Sr:IV'NG CENTRE. SH OM -trio gr.. Stratford, FUR_ SALE-. 1931 CHEVROLET SEDAN car in csted cnntlitien. PHONE 352. 1770-? 1'OR SALE -1950 DODGE DE LUXE Cou•.h. PHUNt. 961 r 10, Seaforth. 4371-1 FUR SALE 1941 PLYMOUTH COACH, radio alai heater. Splendid condition; privately owned. Can see owner at Hick's House Mitchell. ur PHONE 9, Mitchell. 4371x. For Rent FOR RENT -OFFICE SPACE Dominion Bank But7ding. the Manager. 4223-tf OR SA1.4 YORE :OW, SECOND IIT t••1• ., 1th !' rE s. three weeks old. AI. •e chunks. JOSEPH CARLIN, 33.R. •i, ;reaforth, Phone 661 r 24. .1371-1 Mc- ' Into SALE SI'RAYE.T) APPLES: Mc- 1ntn.'; \('elf 12i;er Blenheim Pipuin, Snow- ready now. Order' t••krn for S^+y Delirious and stark. HARRY R. PI.UM- C 1'F;Foto Phone Cl1nten 6:11 r 4. on No. 4 FHghway, south of Ci'nt.,n. 4370 ;1 - 'WOR SALE •FLOOR TRI -LIGHT. PIM- - '-o car red' , :} swine. madded seat : carriage runners: -t pairs children's oho s from 4t_. to 8: hien and Ion• nthhers size bedroom slippers. size 4: lady's velvet IN THE; overshoes. sire 112, and different siz^d Apply to sheet and dresses. size 1:'. ('heap for 4349-t31nu7.•k Kale. Apply Box 70. EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 437131 HOUSE FOR RENT--8-ROOM BRICK' house. near Seaforth, 'Modern cnnven- tenrrx. Apply' in Box 71. HURON EX- POSITOR. 43741 Recessed Bathtubs $60 -port RENT --PORTION OF HOUSE, I SMART MARTHA WASHINGTON AND ec.hsisting of kitchen. pantry, back R,ialhtedge stainless three-piece hath. kitchen and set•nnd floor and use of base- 'nam seta. White $160.00 to 9199.00. Co'. mento Apply to Box 73. HURON ET- cured $274.00, complete with 1•enit'rul POSITOR. 4371x1 chromed fitting,. Air conditioning, furn- aces 9295.00. Speria) &Nets to phmniters and builder,' tort. Save m''ny o'lu Ile dollars. l rs, hvy with rnnfiriPnce and h^^•e a nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra discount? off eatelocue Trice- if see tipple every" -Ing env need for crinr',te elem1'1ng or he the 1n•t ld"ties. Cato I"•-ue includes li'1•n chn'oe. of m in rx- _ _ . -.._. - -_-.- mice,, and in'tallation d!agr•'ms. PropertyF®r Sale " ; Select style of sinks, ceh'nets. laundry weever, -loves '•err)•-er••'or+. Pr e w - u-eter system, nil burners, septic ant FOR SALE --1N EGMONDVILLE, A "'1 t"nks, etc. Vi'it or write FOR RENT -SELF-CONTAINED HEAT - •d ne.r+m'ni in S?a r fn th ; lame living „••'m dinette, bedroom. kitchen, bathroom. Availoble nee. 1st. Apply in writing to rtnv 6.: HURON EXPOSITOR. 4370x2 ;',,al rr perty, wi:h comfortable frame hoe::c end coed h•nhnuse. Apply 30 MRS. 1'AVIr1 3T'FPH'T•::NON. ' 437131 • HOUSE, FOR SALE- SMALL COTTAGE •n '• "it forth. with basement; also barn on property ; $7.000.00. I m m ed i a t e r" s. •K. bort. Appy to Pox 72, HURON j F.XPOSr7OR. 43741 1 JOHNSON ",5)), ORDER DIVISION, St•ee'•+111e Hardware Sire t'ville Ontario Phone 261: Fwm'r.m 71 it 's Notices To Creditors Il•Olt SALE---4-ROOIVi FRAME HOUSE, I w'th woedsh,d and garage, in Sea -1 F1()SITU Rrp1> t<, 13ox 65, HURON13E03 NOTICE to CREDITORS sin the Estate of SOLOMON HENRY FOR SALE IN DUBLIN DUNCAN SHANNON ONE AND A HALF ST'OR'EY FRAME HOUSE Priced fur quirk sale. APPLY (IOX 63 The Huron Expositor 4371-2 Notices RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KiNDS of r din,, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAiR m'^osite Dick House, Seaforth, Phone 347-R. 4363-tf Township of Tuckersmith COURT OF REVISION (1011R1' UF REVISION WILL. BE HELD on the 197,1 Asar•sm, nt Roll, Tnwnahip of 7'uc•ker,emit.h, en Wednesday. Oct. 27, 1951, in the 'town Hall, Sea44arth, at R Porn. Last dote for appeals, October 14, 1951. E. 1'. C13ESNEY, Clerk. Township of Tuckersmith, 4371-2 Township of Stanley COURT OF REVISION G1OURT OF REVISION WILL RE HELD on the 11151 Assessment Roll, Township of Stanley, on Monday. November 5th. 1951. in the Township Hall, Varna, at ' 1 :00 p.m. Last date for appeals, October 31, 1971. FRED S. WATSON, Clerk, Township of Stanley. 4371-2 TENDERS TENDERS ARE INVITED BY tirE Townah:p of Tdckcrsmi,h, for the con- tr+ruction of the Clarke Mu.niminal Drain, 4,879 lineal feet of open drain. Tenders' to state lump sum for oormpletion of the whole job, and will be received up bo 1 p.m., Friday, October 12, 1961. Lowest er any tender not neee=earily accepted. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, PownehMp of Tacketsmith. , • - , • 4S44:11 Births tblailN At Seat lldtemorltil... 4, 8'a'tti, dli 06•56114r 4, to Mr. sad 11Ira„ 'ititf Xigiftt, S„ It, fro BeMotth, k (tangle, A L I. PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the E;<t etc t f S dem. n H• my unertn Shannon. late of the 'l'nwnship of ! 6,Jiillup, County of Huron. Farmer. de. meet who dad on or abrr.1 the 17th da: of Set temper, 195), are h"r•hy notified to s rd in to the unde•a'gn, rl on or before the "rd day of Nnv• miter, 1951, tu:1 par tietdars of their claims, ;mm, diately after the said lost men 1:nn,d date, the assets of thy• said estate will Le dist •ibuted amongst the parties entitled thereto. haring regard only t of whish the unrlcrsit'nrd s11a.1 then have anti:,•. to the e'cus8,n '3 :41 nth,rs and the unders!gnd will slot 1'.r liable to any Pe -son of ',those cissa, ,.1• undersigned shall not then ha.e. notice for the assets so ,list rilmtrd or .,ny part thereof. 1'A'rE'1 at See fort this 4th day of October, 1951. ALVIN W. SILLERY. Sen forth, 1.nta rIo, Soliicor for the Estate, 43')1-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN ANDREW MONT- GOMERY A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS 57nnt, against the y n(e Estate nf John of thetownship ofrlr Mc- Killop, County of Huron, rlerrascd, who died on or about the aril day of Septem- ber, 1051, are heresy notifi d to send in to the undersigned on or hefnre the Sed day of November, 1951, full particular,, of their claims. Immediately after the said lastmen• liontd date, the asset.., of the said ratatc will he diatril utcd amongst the pnr3iee entitled thereto. having regard only to claims of which the underairrnl'd shall then have notice, to the e;•elueion of all othera, and the undersigned will not 1.e liable to any pe,ann of whine r'a'm the undersigned shall not then ha.^e noti,e for the assets so diatrlhntrd or any part thereof, DATED at Seaforth this 4th day of October, 1961. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitor for the Estate, 4571-3 Deaths O'IiEILLY---.In Scott 'Memorial Hosbital, on Saturday. Oct. 6. James J O'Reilly, of Seaforth, fa itis 80th year QDINIV In St. Joseph's 1/capita}l, Lon- don, on 1`riday, Oct. 5, Catherine E. Redman, beloved wife of Patrick Quinn, of Salifdtth, Ili her 45th year, Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ROBERT H. CARNOCHAN A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Robert H. Cars. uehan, late of the 'Township of Tucker - smith, in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of September, 11)51, are here) y notified Lu "4403.1 in TO :he undersigned un or before the 3rd day of November, 1951, fu11 par. ticulars of their claims. Imunccliately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will he distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of ail others• and the undersigned will not be Rabin to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distriLuted er any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth this 10th day of October, 1951. ALA IN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Soli:iter for the Estate - • THE HURON EXPOSITOR • News Items of rHer salt and District Mrs, Geo. Schwalm received word that the photo wffich she sub- mitted of her three-year-old daugh- ter had won third prize in th., Good Will Photo Contest at Crystal Beach. In Memoriam TAYLOR, IN MI']M,ORY OF 044)1t DEAR t sun and brother, Pte, Sidney Taylor, kilted in Belgium six yearsage,, October 14, 1945. You left us beautiful memories, Often secret tears: Always you'll be with us As we journey through the years. Parting was great sorrow. Our hearts know many a pain, Will meat when God is willing, Never to part again. -Ever remembered by Dad, Mother 4371-3 Brothers_ and Sistces. 4371-1 Auction Sales CL.EAI.tING ,\tiI'I'ION SALT; 0F' I"AJIM Stock, Implements and Household Er. feels will be held at Lot F9, Cunctosiun 3, Tuckersmith 'd'uwnship. l)y mile's east and 1 mile north of 6ippr11. on Wednesday. Uctuber 21th. at 1 p.m.: HORSES 'rwu good work hones. e'A'l'rl.P: .1 cows, steers rising 2 years: 3 heifers rising two years; 3 sprint: Oakes; 1 calf four weeks old. IMPLEMENTS F. & W. Weiler, 7 - ft. cut in A -I condition: side rake M,-1-1. hay loader (new -I; 11 -run fertilizer drill: 1'3 ran sued .)rill: Iran ire sprrndvr: hay rake: lean ,.,-•.;titer: mowe).; .tin' tooth ^ulti. ,dor: "-fur»"w p:uw : walking plow; -1•seetion ha -roes: fanning mill: wagon rack; alone o•.1: )t'n crate: bpg truck: 10 three-inch tai.,': rata bars; whce•lbar row ; Oslo 1.1...01: set doeble ha,•nt es ! set single harness; 1 horse collars: buggy; :utter; sleigh with plat fu,m: 2 w'a:ar t run5fha: t•.,ieny house; 'shelters: brood - r si5,t'. /I 1.S AND CHAIN 11) tons of timothy tory : S tons n ! - d hay : :310 hush cels mixed grain: 5 bushels timothy seed: 'ling ropts; sling auxin; hay fork; Es Laval cream separator; forks, shovels. ate. F'OW'I, -75 v.1,r.0:1 hens. F10C1SFdi0L11 EFFECTS 2 kitchen tables; 6 xiLenen chairs; Prioress Put range in gouda condi- tion. Terms cash. No reserve as farm is sold. R013ERT DAYMAN, Proprietor: Harold Janssen, Auctioneer: E. 1'. Ches- ney, Clerk. 4371.2 ELEVENTH ANNUAL SALE OF REGISTERED HEREFORDS The undersigned will sell by Public Auct'.on for STUTT BROS. 2 Miles North-East of Forest 14 Mile East of Highway 21 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1951 At 1 p.m. sharp 28 Heid -9 Bulls around one year old; 15 Bred Heifers; 4 Open Heifers. Herd Fully Ac•t'redited, 13u11s Blood Tested. Heifers Calt'hood Vaccinated. 9 Bulls by M.B. Real Emblem 2nd: 13 Heifers by M.B. Rea; Emblem 2nd; 5 Heifers by Ellis Domino 13th C.F.. 15 Heifers are bred to Ringwood Crusty. a half- brother to the 1950 Denver Cham- pion. • Launch available a4, farm. Sale held under cover. Catalogue on Request. W. S. O'NEIL. E. M. LESTER and LINC. WHITE, Aucts. 4370-2 C'1LEAR1NG AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stork, Implements, Fred and House- hold Ell'eotet, at Lot 112, Godcrich Town• ship, on No. 8 Hicrhwry, half way Fe :ween Codcr;ch end Clinton, on F'r:dry, October 121h, at 1 p.m., sharp, the fol- lowing: CATTLE -=45 head including Dur - ?Ism caw, 6 Years old, freshened 3 weeks liol•tein caw 7 years old, due Oct. 20th; urh• m cow 4 years old,. due Oct, 22nd; Rrrt•ler,.rl Hereford heifer clue Oct, 23rd: t, Hp m X Foll An --les cos;', 6 years old, 'lie Oar. 210.; Rrind'e cow 7 ye ns old, due Oct. 28.5 : Purl) •m X Holstein heif- er, clue Nov. .3rd: ITol'te!n cow 7 years old due Nov. 1345: I'urh•'m cow, 7 year, -'d milking.. due Feb, 18th: Durham cow ye,:rs old, milking. due Feb. 20th: Dur - 1•'w• cow 6 year's old, milking, due March Ido]'te!n cow 7 yeasts old. milking, '"e Apr11 12.h: Hereford heifer 3 years arta:, ng due Arril 16th; Durham X 11,1.1.-..1n heifer, rine April 17th; Hereford heifer, 3 years old milking, due April 18; Hereford heifer 'a years old, milking, bred -.grin: 4 Hereford lrrby beefs: 6 Durham 'teem, rising 2 years old: 4 Durham X Hereford steers 1 veer old: 2 Durham heifers rising 2 years 'dd: 2 Holstein heif- ers rising 2 years old: 5 yearling Here- ford steers and heif„rs: 4 spring calves; Hereford calf 3 weeks old. Most of these rave and hc'fers have been vaccinated, PIGS- - 3 young Yorkshire sow.: due time if sale; York hire tow 2 years old, due NOV. 4th; R pass, 41r, months old. SHEEP ...11 Leicr.-ter owe, 2 years old; 14 Leices- ter ewe lambs. IMPLEM,ENTS--Oliver 60 Row Crum trac'or ,+n rubber, with lights "nal st.e4-ter; One 3 -furrow tractor r'low with 12 -inch bottom; M. -H. hay loader; M. -H. mower 5 -ft. eat; M, -H. 11 -hoe drill with grass seeder: r,bbnr tire wagon and fiat rack : Fleury-Bi-osell grain grinder' single row snuffler; Chatham fanning mill with bagger; 3.0001b. •c -les; De Leve,J cre•"m sep.,r',tnr 1650 lbs. capacity) ; 5 milk cans: filter, mills pail', milk cart: electric hrnnrt•r 'n' rly rely r3'1 "Nett Y..p'cityl; whi'et:ee. FTE , 1. TC..- A •unnti'y of •ed clover hay: npprorim,t•-- ly 400 hwhet. of fle'ever oats, HOUSE - 3103,r) EFFECTS. 2 extension oak tables 3 -burner Colem'in gas stove; mr'hnard .. chairs: electric he •ter, ALBERT E BOND, Proprietor; Edward W. Elliott. A ued.t'n neer, 4370.2 Cards Of Thanks I WISH TO THANK MY MANY friends for their kind letters. cards flour rs. tr' alta and nil other acts of kind- ness shown me w'hi'r a patient in Clinton Community Hospital, '371 1 .MRS. T. R. BAIRD WISH TO TAKE THIS OPPORTIIN- it- of expressing try appreciation to neighbors, re)atisea rind fri'nda for the many nets of kindness shown me during my recant illness, loth at home and in Scott Memorial Host:ital. Seaforth. JARVIS HORTON, Henaall '171.1 MRS. A. HARVEY ANI) MRS. ANNIE Ln an d step in .?. ^'•Ps. theie ein0ere thanks to their many friends and neigh - Irmo who were so kir.d to them durirg thele recent inns++, and to their nePhrlvs 'tele/biter's and friends who kindly came to their aasist.an,e to help them move. 4171-1 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS. J. t*'..'t1.,.rton 'nh,^ntnn vi.5 to extend their sincere ',cathode to their relatives, neighbor8 red frieeda fnr the kindness and symrothy rhown them in their re-ent bereavement: pian for the beautiful 3)e -al tributes. $pe-ial thdnka to Rev. T. ,1. Pitt. r)r. J. A. Oorwill and to thane who no kindly loaned cars. 41111x1 The mighty little Classified Ads. in The Huron Expositor bring best reauits. Phone 41, Seaforth. Members of the Evening Auxil- iary of Hen-s'af1 United Church had a booth at the Rowelffe' sale en Wednesday and realized $120. Mr. and Mrs; Ivan Kipfer, of Lucan, and Miss Irma Kipfer, To- ronto, spent the holiday with iela- til'es. Miss Marie Miller and Mr. Jack Folds, Windsor, were Thanksgiv- ing guests with Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Jinks. Miss Donna Shields who is stay- ing with Mr. and Mrs. M. England, spent the holiday week -end in Bel - grave. CROMARTY Monster Turkey Supper, Bruce - field United Church Shed, Tuesday, Oct. 16. 5:30 to 8 p.m. Prepar5.tion WANTED Men's, Ladies' and Children's Clothing, Hats and Shoes, Etc., for ANNUAL HOSPITAL AII) RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, I'ctober 20 Articles will be picked up on Friday, Oct. 19th Tables of Flower Bulbs, Produce, Etc. SEAFORTH PUBLIC LIBRARY from 2 to 6 p.m. ' ,, 4t , Good se tat j Cars AND TRUCKS '51 Studebaker 4 -Door Sedan -Like new '50 Plymouth 4 -Door Sedan -Blue '49 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan -Blue '49 Dodge 2 -Door Sedan -Maroon 47 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan '41 Dodge 2 -Door Sedan '39 Chev. Sedan '39 Plymouth Sedan '35 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan '31 Ford, Model 'A' '41 Chev. Truck -Stake body '46 Ford Truck '49 Mercury 3 -Ton Truck '46 Ford 3 -Ton Truck Rowdfk M Phone 267 •Seaforth Used. Cars 1949 CHEV. FLEETLINE DE LUXE COACH -Good condition 1947 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 1947 CHEV. SEDAN 1938 DODGE SEDAN 1937 DODGE SEDAN 1936 CHEV. COACH USED TRUCKS • 1948 CHEV. 2 -TON STAKE 1946 CHEV. PANEL Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Phone 141 , Seaforth Farm Machinery NEW Forage Harvester Plows -2 and 3 -furrow Hammer Mills -10 -inch and 14 -inch TRACTORS - All Sizes Used 1 V.A. Case Tractor 1 S. Case Tractor 1 McCormick -Deering Farma11 Tractor Model M 1 Cockshutt 60 Tractor 1 Cbckshutt 70 Tractor % Used Forage BIower--Bargain Price Rowcliffe Motors Phone 147 •,..•..a;.01 Seaforth for 1,200 people. Admission $1.50 and 75c. Mr. Oswald Walker is visiting with friends at Markdale, Mrs. R. Chittick has returned to her home in St. Marys after spend- Ing a few days with her mother, Mrs. K. Robertson, and her broth- er, John Robertson, Visitors with Mrs, W. Houghton on S'und'ay were: Mr. and Mrs. John Houghton and two daughters of Mildmay; Mr. and Mrs, Len Houghton and two sons, Mrs, ,Jack Lloyd and two daughters, Wing. ham: Mrs. Jack Kemp and five daughters, of Mitchell: Gordon Houghton and Shirley Gale. Lon- don, and Frank Stagg of Cromarty. Mr. 1-Iugh Currie, of London, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Mrs. S. A. Miller is spending. the winter months in Stratford. STAFFA Monster Turkey Supper, Bruce - field United Church Shed, Tuesday, Oct. 16, 5:30 to 8 p.m. Preparation for 1.200 people. Admission $1.50 and 75e. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Taylor have returned from a motor trip to the Western Provinces. They were call- ed home owing to their daughter Dorothy. having to undergo an eni- ''rgt'ncy operation 1'ur appendicitis, ST. COLUMBAN Death of Martin McQuaid Martin McQuaid died in Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, Toronto, on Wednesday, Oct, 3. He had been in the hospital for almost a year. Born in McKillop Twp. in March, 1870. he was in his 82nd year. As a young man he went to Toronto where he was married to Margaret Desmond, of Ingersoll, in 1903. A few years were spent in Alberta, "Strathaven" REST HOME A Home for the --Aged -Invalids and -Convalescents M RS. ETTA MacKAY HOOGERT Phone 184 Exeter IOW 1 How You Can Always Remember Royal Visit Shortly after Princess Elizabeth's marriage, an entrancing new lea - ware pattern appeared, known as "Royal Bridal Gown." It is a faith- ful reproduction of the exqui fte beauty of the Royal Gown she wore. and is further enhancer) by the spray of orchids which the "Queen Anne" artists have painted from a photo of the actual flowers the Princess carried on this historic oreasion. You can always remenl'ber the visit to Canada of Princess Eliza- beth and Prince Philip by purchas- ing a cup and saucer in this. lovely lesign, which is modestly priced at $2, or 'a sweet dish at $1.50: or, better still, use this cup and saucer at the fitst piece of a "Royal Bridal Gown" tea set, all pieces of which are obtainable in open stock at 'Savauge's, in Seaforth,-(Advt.). The Confederation Life Association announces the appoint.nlent of K. I. McLEAN as their representative in the Seaforth District sumumisanammumumma BRAND NEW CARS OCTOI3ER 1g, .195I. but most of his life was spent in Toronto where he worfted for the C.P.R. His wife died in 1921, and ,he is survived by one son, James, of Islington, and one daughter, Sister M. Beatrice, of Montreal; al- so one sister, Mrs. Jas. Delaney, of Dublin, and two brothers, Mich- ael, of Detroit, and John of Sea- forth. eaforth. The funeral was held on Saturday, Oct. 6, front the Heath funeral home in 'Mitchell to St. Columban Church, wherq Risk Mass was sung by Ms' nep ,eyp`, Rev_ Thos. McQuaid, S.F.M. Burial took. place in St. , Colunaban cemetery. The pallbearers, all nephews, were James Delaney, Joseph Delaney,, Wilfred McQuaid, James McQuaid,. Ed. Melady and V. J. Lane. Monster BINGO Friday, October 19 at 9:00 p.m. •~ Mitchell Memorial Arena (Heated) $1,500.00 IN PRIZES MUST BE WON Proceeds for ARENA FUND and LIONS SERVICE WORK 75th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES and FOWL SUPPER 1.3RUCEFIELD UNITED C t LJRCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 -11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Services by Rev. E. R. Stanway, B.A., M.A. of London SPECIAL MUSIC BY CHOIR , assisted by Harry Hoffman, Dashwood, as guest soloist. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16th Turkey Supper - 5:30 to 8 p.m. _Adults $1.50 -- Children 75c SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21st Services by Rev. J. H. Arnup, B.A., D.D. Toronto, Ex -Moderator of the United Church in Canada SPECIAL MUSIC BY CHOIR :Assisted by Mrs. William Murdoch, of Hamilton, as guest soloist. EVERYONE WELCOME Bargains- Bargains MUST REDUCE OUR STOCK OF USED TRACTORS ! - Make Us An Offer! - 1 7 -foot Binder on rubber 1 8 -foot Binder on rubber M. -H. 55 Gas Tractor -Used 2 years; excellent condition. Cockshutt 70 R.C.-New paint; reconditioned. Int. -H. Tractor -New tires and motor 6 -foot One -Way Disc Used No. 7 Massey Spreader 2 Used 3 -furrow Narrow Bottom Plows • IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US AND MAKE AN OFFER ! SEAFOR OTORS Massey -Harris Sales & Service Phone 141 Seaforth Any Make! - Any Style! ' -- Any Color! FORD CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE BUICK PONTIAC METEOR All- at Regular List Price - Approximately 24 -Hour Service - GUARANTEED SERVICE ALSO G.M.C. CHEVROLET FORD MERCURY TRUCKS USED BRAND NEW PONTIAC DE LUXE STYLE- . LINE SEDAN BRAND NEW CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN '51 PONTIA'C DE LUXE SEDAN -Only 3.000 miles ---4200.00 below list price '51 CHEV. S'I'YLELINE SEDAN --6,000 miles; $200,00 below list price '51 PONTIAC i'SE LUXE SEDAN-Fleetline, air conditioning; reduced price '50 CHEV, DE LUXE COACH -Two-tone in color; only 5,000 miles --$30(3 below list. '50 CHEV, DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN '49 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN - Fully equipped '49 CHEV. FLI3IFTLLNE COACH CARS '49 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN '49 CHEV, DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN - Radio, air-conditioning '49 MERCURY SEDAN -Custom radio; many extras '48 CHEV. FLE'ETLINE COACH - Customs radio '48 CHEV. COACH '47 CHEV. SEDAN '47' PONTIAC SEDAN• '46 MERCURY COACH -Radio '40 'MERCURY COACH '46 'NASH SEDAN --Custom. radio, air -condi, tinning SPECIAL'38 PONTIAC SEDAN -Radio '48 Chev, %.Ton Stake Truck A written guarantee for 60 days on' all fate model cars. Some o$; these Cars are on display at the SUPERTEST SERVICE STATION, SEAFOIiI�TH. For further information, contact the lessees, MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM PHONE 73-X BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS - ONTARIO "Tlae Horne of Better Used COW, OPEN EVERY EVENING t. 6.33 ti'