The Huron Expositor, 1951-04-27, Page 4ti sh ira�r�'o t;less acorn t; �9t AGE FOUR • THE HURON EXPOSITOR • APRIL,; 27, 1961' ossified Ads. 1 Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: • let week 1 Cent and week % Cent 3rd week >4e Cent Minimum charge, first insertion—, h5 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Nal5ces, Oonriag Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week. Enquiries way be directed to a Box No., cfo The Huron Examsitar. fer 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above obrea are not Laid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted 'tree of theme. Auction Sales. Notices 90 Creditors, F]tc.—Rates on, application_ Coming Events DON"r MISS THE BIG FRIDAY NIGHT Dances at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell, You will enjoy dancing at this Popular Ballroom. 4847x2 MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE MOD - ern and Old-Tyme Dance at Looby's Hall, Dublin, Friday, May 4th, Johnnie Petrie and His Starlight Serenadets. Ad- mission 50c. 4348x2 COMING TO THE CRYSTAL PALACE Ballroom, Mitchell. Wednesday, May 2, 9:30 to 1 a,m-, Lionel Thornton and His Casa Royal Orchestra, featuring the Royalairs Trio and Neil MoAuley as voc- aliat. This will be the highlight of the season, so make up a party and enjoy dancing to Western Ontario's styl.iats of sweet music. Admission 75c. 4348x;1 Property For Sale FOR SALE -6 -ROOM FRAME HOUSE and barn, Lots 211 and 212, in Hen - sell. Apply to ALBERT WALFF, Box 666, Goderich, 4342x8 FOR SALE -7 -ROOM BRICK HOUSE, all modern conveniences; hardwood floors throughout Apply E. D. CROWE, James St Phone 376. 4343 -ti FOR SALi'v---WH1TE BRICK: 2 PAIRS coil sprints ; 2 sinks : 2 pumps. 1 well a d 1 cistern: organ; 2 mattresses ; 2 • ccs oilcloth ; commode; 2 washstands; 2 ties: 1 cook stove; 2 Quebec heaters: ▪ site dinner plates. Apply CLARENCE VES, Seaforth. 43-18-1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES IR USHER Goods), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list 6 samples 25c: 24 samples 91.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO„ Box 91, Hamilton. Ont Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS • In the Estate of ISABELLE HESTER ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate, of Isabelle Hester, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the Coun- ty of Huron. Widow, deceased. who died on the 21st day of March, 1851, are here- by notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the llth day of May. 1951. after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this 14th day of April, 1951. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4347-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHANNA ALL PERSONS HAVING \¢I.AI against the Estate of Johannah Roach, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Widow, deceased, who died on the 2nd day of February, 1951, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 4th day of May, 1951, after whioh date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this llth day of Aprn1, 1951. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4346-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ROBERT G. HOGGARTH ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Robert G. Hog- garth, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on the 7th day of Octo- ber, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of May, 1951, after which date the ssseta will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this lith day of April, 1951. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4846-3 Wanted WANTED TO RENT—IN TOWN OR nearby: House or apartment, un- furnished; 4 rooms and bath, or more. Wilding to pay good rent for nice place. WILLIAM MORRISON. Phone 386. 4345-tf Poultry PULLETS FOR SALE -4. 6 AND 8 weeks- Reasonable charge. CALL 69-R, Hensel!. 43484 FOR SALE -300 HYBRIDS,11 WEEKS obi: 35 chunks pigs. Apply GLEN McN1CHOL, 10.R. 2, Walton. Phone 831 ✓ 24. Seaforth, 439851 Help Wanted HELP WANTED—PRACTICAL NURSE ; also girl to help in kitchen. RIVER- SIDE REST HOME, M8tchell, Ont 4346x4 For Sale FOA SALE—QUANTITY OF COB CORN. Apply to MOORE'S POULTRY FARM. Phone 666 r 8, Seaforth. 4540-tf FOR SALE -NUMBER OF POULTRY shelters and brooders. Apply to Boa 993, HURON EXPOSITOR. FOR SALE—TWO DURHAM STEERS, about 600 lbs. Apply to ROY LAW - SON. Phone 667 r 16. 4348x1 FOR SALE—HOLSTEIN CALF 1 WEEK old Apply KEN Wlr.i.IAMS, R.R. 4, Clinton.. Phone 616 r 23, Clinton_ 434851 WOR SALE—YOUNG YORK HOG, FIT for service. Apply 60 JOSEPH CARLIN. Phone 661 r 24, Seaforth. 4848x1 SEED FOR SALE — RED CLOVER, sweet clover, timothy. Apply to JOHN W. THOMPSON, R.R. 2, Seaforth, Phone 833 r 81. 484841 F{ OR SALE — HEAVY DUTY POWER lawn mower, in good running order. Apply to W. J. DUNCAN, Victoria Square, Seaforth, 4348-1 FOR SALE—SMALL QUANTITY OF red clover and timothy seed- FRED SINCLAIR, H.R. 2, Walton. Phone 842 r 14. 4348-1 FOR SALE -11 WEANERS, FEEDING at trough : a dandy bunch. JONA- THAN E. HUGILL, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 667 r 6. Seaforth. 4348.1 FOR SALT—REGISTERED HEREFORD bull, 2 years old : also some feed wheat JOHN W. THOMPSON, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 833 r 31, Seaforth, 4348-2 FOR SALE --4 REGISTERED T.B. TEST - ed Alberta bred Hereford bulls • of ser- viceable age. STANLEY JACKSON, R.R. 2, Ki'ppen, Phone 653 r 5, Seaforth. 4348-2 FOR SALE—ONE MASSEY-HARRIS 11- hoe fertilizer drill, in first class condi- tion- Apply WILLIAM WESTLAKE, R.R. 1. Hensal. Phone 171 r 13, Exeter. 4348-1 HELP WANTED --ALERT YOUNG MAN to assist carpenter. Good job to suit- FOR SALE—'COAL OR WOOD Mc - able applicant Apply to Box 10. HURON Clary range with water front; in Al• EXPOSITOR. 4318-1 shape. Also a 4 -burner electric rrngc, used two years. Apply to ELGIN NOTT. Phone 847 r 5. 4347-2 Tenders Wanted FOR SALE BY TENDER THE FOLLOWING LANDS ARE OF- fered for sole by tender, namely, part of Lot 25, Concession 1, Hibbert Town- ship. being on Na 8 Highway. in Village of St, Columban, 3').i miles east of Sea - forth. Tenders must be in the hands of the undersigned on or before the 1st day of May. 1951, and be acecnnpanied by a mark- ed cheque for 10,1 of the amount there- of. On the said lands there is said to be erected a 114 storey frame dwelling in excellent condition with three-piece bath anti pressure system. Adjacent to Church and School; low taxes- Possession on closing. These lands are offered for sale to close the estate of Johanna Roach. The high- est or any tender not necessarily accept- ed, McCONNELL & HAYS. Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 43.47-2 Auto Supplies FOR USED, PARTS FOR ALL MAKES of cars, see MERLE DUNLOP. Phone 169-M, Seaforth. 434854 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines. electric and treadle. Re 'pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223-tf FOR SALE—AN OUTDOOR TOILET IN excellent condition: good winch, suit- able for moving buildings, etc.; 3 H.P. ca oline engine.: new home-made wheel- barrows. Will sell reasonable for quick sale. JAMES ELLIOTT, Chalk Street, Seaforth. 4848-1 News Items of Hensall and District Persons desiring assistance with their income tax returns are invit- ed to consult Mr. W. B. Cross.— (Adv.) 4346-3 (Continued from Page 1) sumers is pointed out in this 20 - minute colored film. Those in at- tendance ttendance are invited to put ques- tions to Mr. Webber regarding the hydro's frequency work, Mrs. Wm. Pollard and daughter, of London, visited over the week- end with Mrs. George Gram and with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan. Mrs. Alice Joynt, who has been ill for the past week or so, is re- cuperating at the home of her son, Laird, in Toronto. Rev. R. H. Sanderson, of LumsL. den, Sask., wintering here at the Presbyterian manse, will be guest minister at the United Church Sun day morning, April 29, at 11 a.m. 'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson, To- ronto, are visiting with the form- er's. sister, Mrs. Flora Consitt, Mr. Wilson, who is a retired police of- ficer, is confined to his room with illness. Mrs. E. Geiger, who has been visiting at Whitby, returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geiger will leave t'or Whitby Wednesday of this week to visit with their son and daughter-in-Iaw, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Geiger, and family. Their son, Ralph, who recently un- derwent a major operation in the General 'Hospital at Oshawa, ex- pects to go to Toronto the end of this week for further X-rays in the interests of his health. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson motored to Toronto Sunday last to visit Rev. William Weir, at present a patient at Toronto General Hos- pital, recovering from a serious operation performed two weeks ago. Mr. Weir, who is stationed at Brampton, was a former popu- For• Sale FOR SALE -650 -Tb. VIKING CREAM .separator, electric or hand driven; us - ,81 less than one month. Will be sold reasonable, Alco tubular milk cooler, cools milk in a minute, complete with :oyer; set of team harness, brass mount- ed ; 3 bridles. Will sell all above at bar- gain. CHARLES BARNETT, Railway St.. Seaforth. 4348-tf 1940 FORD DE LUXE SEDAN, REAS onable. Apply to MERLE DUN LOP. Phone 164-.M. 4348x1 GOOD BARGAINS IN Used Cars, Trucks and Tractors CARS 1936 FORD SEDAN I938 FORD COACH 1983 PLYMOUTH COUPE 1940 PLYMOUTH COACH 1910 PONTIAC SEDAN 1941 FORD COACH 1949 MONARCH COACH TRUCKS 1948 CHEV. 2 -TON 1949 FORD 1 -TON 193.2 FORD u,,7ON PICK-UP 1937 FARGO 1 -TON THAMES 1,s -TON PANEL TRACTORS 1941FORD 1941_ 138CKSHUTT 70 STANDARD 1'947 C(�}CKSHUTT 70 ROW -CROP -with power lift and cultivator SPECIAL 10-20 M C.ORMICK-DEERING in good running order for belt work—cheap, DALY MOTORS SEAFORTH NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of GEORGE ALEXANDER JACKSON ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of George Alex- ander Jackson, late of the Village of Eg- monville, County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 24th day of Febru- ary, 1951, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of May, 1951, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties en4Ltled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned ahold then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shell not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this llth day of April, 1961. ALVIN W. SILLEBY, Barrister, Solicitor, Etc., Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor far the Estate. 4846-e Notices DAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND repaired, A. O'LEARY, Goderich St. East, Seaforth. 4348x4 Mops , PROOF YOUR W I NTE R blotbea before storing for the Sum- mer. Five -Pear written guarantee with Merton Mothproofing, Small additional ehairgd, GILLESPIE CLEANERS. Tel. 106, Seaforth. 48454 "b'Ttt18--AS6'S, CANS AND RUB. balm atl and . Muds tist 1AA1i' O D' MALONEY.oved .. Plitinb;81Y4. Please oat et noon boar or tavtllaalliiba 4842X10 $ Wf0'ittf $ PLowt10 AN11 eiiltrusiott w tfi a R A , ffa rtfeit e- Pti2t0E ,i, Fltirtie 146 A In. i> ], 6r 41. d&Snng attiftitt3e u�)ett7 1i ; r4t148f1* T4** o' *thlft110114 l4 1 IrliH`&fY r 1,1s Ile I' 51 50 50 50 49 49 49 49 2 48 47 42 35 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN—Air conditioning, under- coated, many extras CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN CHEV. FLEETLINE SUDAN CHEV. DE LUXE FLiesrrLINE SEDAN CHEV. FLEETTLINE COACH CHEV, STYLELINE SEDAN '49 CHEV. STYLEMASTER COAOHES OIIEV. FLEETLINE COACH FORD 5-PASSEN(ii it COUPE custom radio PLYMOUTH SEDAN—Radio PLYMOUTH COACH --4100.00 MANY O1tmk+R MODELS TO CHOOSE BRUSSELS MOTORS 'The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING In Memoriann, • Dli --IN LOVING MEMORY OF O,UR • dear mother, Mrs. William Piper, who passed away ten years ago, April 24, 194), Wit do 6601 need a sptesfai day T'o bring anti to tart mind, Por tine days we do not think of yon Are Very bard to find. If all t'lilt 'world more ours to give 3M age the face of Mather dear, COMP dfmlrriffft threttgh The door. She *ll! atWata be tammthilb her d6tightet: V 41 Recessed Bathtubs $50-$60 LUXURIOUS BA'T'HROOM SETS 9187 with recessed stainless enamel sitting ledge bathtubs. Martha Washington or Richledge basins. Sylenta toilets, beautiful chromed brass fittings. Also pastel colour- ed sets $287. Sinks, cabinets, stoves, re- frigerators, furnaces, oil burners. Save nt to one hundred dollars on your bath- room alone. Attractive savings on all product;. Also sper6al builders' offers Guaranteed satisfaction, Phone or write for appointment Tell others about JOHNSON - Streetsville Hardware Streetsville, Ontario Phone 281 Evenings 51 R 15 4348-3 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Effects wiI1 be held at the residence of Mrs. John A. McGregor i.n Egmond- ville, one door south of Haney's Store, on Saturday, April 28th, at 1:30 p.m.: Antique chesterfield, 4 -piece mahogany parlor suite; walnut whatnot; fernery; quantity potted geraniums; 3 large maid- enhair ferns; velvet rug 9512: quantity hooked rugs; bridge lamp; reading lamp; table lamps ; curtains; drapes; pi ;ctures ; books; clock ; mirror; oak rocking chair; 4 kitchen• chairs; sofa; chest of drawers; :WO -burner electric plate ; Maitland !citehen range; two bedroom suites; 1 bed: coil springs 48 in., Marshall mat- tress, 48 in.; vacuum cleaner; 2 electric irons: toaster; Raymond sewing machine: trays; quilts; congoleum rug 714x9: 2 pairs feather pillows- eushi ;ons; Austrian china dinner set; antique china and glass- ware: carving set; dishes; 2 tea kettles; pots and pans ; chicken shelter; 2 trunks; scoop shovel; large barn,.. screw jack; fork ; 2 barn windows; 2 horse collars; grain bags ; logging chain ; numerous other articles. Terms ---Cash. MRS. JOHN A. McCREGOR, Proprietress; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, 4347-2 AIJCTION SALE OF HOUSE FURNISH- inss, in the Village of Hensall, Satur- day, May 51,h, at 1 p.m.: Kitchen range; Quebec heating stove; 2 -burner hot plate; drop leaf table; kitchen buffet: kitchen chain; modern dining room suite; rolled oak; table; buffet: ehina cabinet and chairs; studio couch; cabinet radio; mod- ern chesterfield (like new) ; chesterfield end tablas ; 3 occasional chairs ; number of rockers and small tables : card table; modern bedroom suite; bed dresser, chif- fonier, sprints and spring mattress; modern three-quarter brown bed; quilts; blankets linens ; cherry chest of drawers: 2 rugs, 9x121 and 9x111'; 3 con- goleum rugs; scatter mat; electric wash- ing machine: sewing machine; clocks; electric lamps ; curtains: drapes; cushions; mirrors: ornaments; sealers; Banned fruit: quantity of dishes and kitchen utensils; lawn mower: step ladders; garden tools; house plants; pictures; host of other art- icles. Terms --Cash. MRS. ELIZABETH CHESNEY. Proprietress: Harold Jacloson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4348-2 Cards Of Thanks I WISH TO THANK THE MANY friends who ao kindly remembered me with letters, cards and treats while in the Hospital. 4348x1 MRS. MARGARET KETCHEN I WISH TO EXPRESS MY SINCERE thanks to the many kind friends who brought flowers, fruit and other gift,, also to all who sent cheery letters and cards while 7 have been iii, both at home and in Clinton Hospital. Also to' those kind neiuhboe, who sent in baking or helped in any way. To one and all my heartfelt thanks. Special thanks to Dr. Myers and Rev. R. G. Hazlewood. MRS. ROY BENNETT, 4143-1 Walton. Births McKEN7,IE— At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKenzie, 12,11, 3, Kippen, a daughter. DECKER—,At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Deck- er, R.R. 2, Seaforth, a son. REYNOLDS --At Scott Memorial Hospital on April 28, to Mr. and Mas. Frank Reynolds, R.R. 2, Seaforth, a daughter. STEVENS--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 26, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stevens, Seaforth, a son. Deaths KNIGHT—In Seaforth. on Sunday, Atoll 22nd, Rhoda May Raker, beloved wife of John Knight, in her 76th year. SCARLETT—In Seafineth, on Friday, April 20th, Robert Scarlett, ih his mita year. FOWLER—In Hallett, on Thursday, April 26th, Christine Brlfwn, wife of the late Herbert •Fowler, dear mothee of Frank, 4n her With year, 1' roveral from the tai. ,cloned of Ler don and daughter-in-law, ter, and Finn& Fowler. Ramo ltd. 4ldp", .140 111 2f , ,At 2 p"hf. 1� • NEW MAOHINERY FOR SALE •-- 1 9 -ft. spring tooth cultivator; 1 3 -sec - ;ion spring tooth lever harrows: 1 used 4 - wheel spreader on rubber, in good condi- tion. Tractor discs and packers will ar- rive May I. V, J. LANE, Fleury -Bissell .Agent Phone 46 r 12, Dublin. -1 Cards Of Thanks R. JOHN KNIGHT AND FAMILY wish to thank their friends and neigh- bors for their kindness in their bereave- ment; also the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hcepital, Drs. Brady and Mc- Master. Seaforth Clinic staff, Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Miss Rath Cluff, Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Lieut. A. Morrow and the Sal- vation Army, Mr. G. A. Whitney, those who loaned oars, and to all who helped in any way. 4348-1 ceral„,:fx. TRADE MARK REG, The pause that refreshes - TAX GORDON WILSON ALL PASSENGERS INSURED PHONES '2 9 or 567 SEAFORTH FOR SALE FIVE ROOM HOUSE — 3 -piece bathroom, modern kitchen. Excel- lent condition. Good barn, Situ- ated on George St. Priced reason- able, with possession April 1st. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH : ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 immoilmossommouniummung Wool Wanted All Wool shipped to . JACKSON'S is Graded in Seaforth and full settlement made by them. H. M. JACKSON SEAFORTH Phones: Days 684-W; Nights 3-.1 FREE An Easy -to -read THERMOMETER plus CASH AT YOUR FARM For Dead or Disabled Horses - $12.50 each Cows - - 12.50 each Hogs - - 2.75 cwt. According to Size and Condition Phone "Collect" WM., SPROAT Phone 655 r 2 - Seaforth or William Stone Sons, LIMITED Phone 21 - Ingersoll, Ont. lar minister of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church in Hensall. Mr. Weir's family will be pleased to learn he is recovering nicely from his criti- cal operation,. Mr, and Mrs. James A. Paterson spent Sunday with friends in To- ronto. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. G. Hess.. Miss Irma Kipfer, of Toronto, spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. Harry Hoy, well-known local resident, has been a very busy man the past week handing out cigars. "It's a boy!" (Michael Henry). The many friends of Mrs. Alice Joynt will regret to learn has been confined to her home with illness. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie and son, of Seaforth, visited. on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Dougall. Miss Bernice Jinks, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, spent the week -end at her home. Miss Eleanor Cook, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, visited over the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Venner, of Chiselhurst, have taken up resi- dence in Mrs. J. D. Stewart's home on the main floor. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, of St. Marys, spent Sunday last with Mrs. C. Ballantyne, Mrs. P. Gra- ham and Miss K. Scott. Word was received in Mensal] of the sudden death of John R. Chap- man, Hamilton, a native of Hay Ttvp,. who formerly resided in Hen- sall where he was well known. He had been living in Hamilton t'or the past 45 years, where he was engaged in the Westaway Textile business. Surviving are one daugh- ter, Geraldine, Hamilton, and one brother, Charles, Palmerston. His nephew,' S. G. Rannie, and Mrs. Ronnie, attended the funeral on Thursday in Hamilton. BRUCEFIELD Mr, C. D. Simpson is visiting with his, son and daughter in De- troit. Mrs. Alice Hohner spent Sunday in Bayfield with Mrs. Belle Lara - son. Miss Bessie Dutot, of Goderich, spent the week -end with her moth spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. C. Dutot. 'Mrs, R. Dawson has' returned home after spending the winter with her brother at Alvinston. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snelling spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs, Nelson Heard at Bayfield. We are sorry to report that Mr. William Douglas is very i11 in Stratford Hospital. We hope for a speedy recovery. Misses Ruth Scott and Marion Paterson, of London, spent the week -end at their homes here. KIPPEN Mr. Gordon Wren, who had the misfortune or being in an accident three weeks ago, was removed by ambulance on Monday from Clin- ton Hospital to Victoria Hospital,` London, for more X-rays. Miss Ericka Schultz, nurse -in - training at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, visited 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schultz, over the week -end. Miss June Ziegler, of Clifford, is spending this week with her friend, Meryl Dickert. Mr. John Whiteman, of Alberta, has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs,. Earl Kinsman, also Mr. Dan Kinsman. Mrs. Arthur Anderson, who un- derwent an operation in St. Jos- eph's 1-Tospital at London, is con- valescing favorably, and we wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Jonah Green is slowly gain- ing his strength. CROMARTY Mr. George Nicol, of Toronto, spent a day with his aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Wright. - Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robertson, Listowel, visited with his mother, Mrs. R. Robertson, and his brother, John. Miss Sarah McKellar and Mrs. Jessie Hamilton spent the week- end with their brother, Malcolm McKellar, and Mrs. McKellar, in Seaforth. Mrs. E. Balfour, of Windsor, vis - MONSTER BINGO AND DRAW under the auspices of St. Joseph's Church, Clinton in the Town Hall, CLINTON WEDNESDAY, MAY 2nd — $50.00 JACKPOT — 15 Rounds, $5.00 a Round — 3 Share -the -Wealth Doors open 8 o'clock — Bingo starts 8:36 Admission 75 Cents Specials 10 Cents each 3 for 25 Cents DRAW TO BE HELD AT CONCLUSION OF BINGO PRIZES -1. Mantel Radio. 2. Electric Iron. 3. Gent's Wrist Wa.tcb. 4. Ronson Table Lighter. 5. Value $10.00. TICKETS — 25 CENTS EACH, OR 5 FOR $1.00 Austin and Nashtars ARE DOING A GOOD JOB ! We have one only 1951 Austin Sedan, without,tax New 1951 Nash Sedan 1949 Austin Coach—like new 1950 Chevrolet Sedan -6,500 miles, like new 1950 Meteor Sedan—overdrive 1938 Studebaker Sedan—new motor, new tires, paint job; lots of years of service 1931 Ford Coach 1929 Chevrolet Coach These Cars must go at once! No reasonable offer refused. Terms arranged. Jonathan Hugili Highway No. 8 — 3 miles West of Seaforth Phones: Seaforth 667 r 6 Clinton 616 r 34 U,e-d Farm Machinerp 1 Cockshutt "60" Rowcrop Tractor 2 Cockshutt "70" Standard Tractors 1 Case "S.C." 1949 Tractor 1 Eight -Foot Disc Harrow NEW MACHINERY ON HAND • Eight -foot Disc Harrows • Cultiviators • Manure Spreaders • Wagons TRACTORS FOR EVERY JOB • Rociiffe Motors Phone 267 Seaorh ited with her son, Murray, and her mother, Mrs, D. Bruce, and with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bruce. Mrs, Wm. Houghton visited au Thursdhy with friends in Hensall and Exeter. Miss Sarah McKe114tr held a very successful wale of stock and grain one day last week. A nephew, Jim- mie Miller, has rented the farm for a term of years. TUCKERSMITH Miss Shirley Love, student nurse, underwent another operation on her ankle in Hamilton General Hospital last week, Miss Love, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Love, Tuckersmith, and a sister of Mrs. Wm. Dolmage, Hullett, suffer- ed a severe fracture of her ankle in a riding mishap while .on vasa- Cce#,CZ TRAOE MARK REO. is a natural partner of good things to eat 'STR ATHAVEN' A Home away from home FOR THE AGED Bed Patients and Convalescents M R S. ETTA MacKAY HODGERT Phone 184• Exeter tioru last. August. Since then silpfi hap been a patient in panoral H.„ppb pital, Hamilton, nr a � A First Lesson. In Thrift Your child's Life insurances Policy is his first lesson in thrift. As an investment in his future, it may help give him an education, or start him in business when he grows up. Think of this . . , a Junior Estate Policy for $1,000.00 auto- matically increases to $5,000.00 when your boy or girl becomes 21 , . and at no advance in premium. Let me explain in detail. ERIC MUNROE North American Life Phone 394-M : Seaforth Launching 1951 ed Shield Appeal AY 1 to 22 Objective $2,100 FOR THE HELPLESS SS THROUGH THE WORK OF THE SALVATION ARMY • GENERAL AND MATERNITY HOSPITALS • SUNSET LODGES FOR AGED WOMEN • EVENTIDE HOMES FOR AGED MEN • CHILDREN'S HOMES • HOMES FOR UNMARRIED INFANTS • MEN'S HOSTELS • FAMILY WELFARE SERVICES • EMERGENCY RELIEF • MISSING PERSONS' BUREAU • RECEIVING HOMES FOR WOMEN • FRESH -AIR CAMPS • CORPS AND EVANGELISTIC ENDEAVOUR • PRISON AND POLICE COURT WORK • CHARACTER -BUILDING ACTIVITIES FOR THE YOUNG • INSTITUTIONAL VISiTATION MOTHERS AND SVPPO, Give Generously and Give With Gratitude to the Salvation Army! Campaign Committee J. A. BALDWIN and R. S. BOX - Joint Chairmen E. C. CHA1',EBERLAIN - Treasurer J. M. SCOTT - - Rural Chairman • Space contributed in the service of this Community by John Labatt ' Limited sea