The Huron Expositor, 1950-09-29, Page 7-dc gs- Gloria Boyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Boyd, R.R. 2, Walton, uses a rather unique method for keeping tab of her pet. She proudly displays a kitten in the pet show, using a bird cage for a handy container. List Prize Winning Entries At McKillop School Fair • Following are the prize winners of McKillop School Fair, held Tues- day afternoon, Sept. 19, at S.S. No. 6, McKillop: Horses Hackney pony, Stephen Maloney; atony colt, Leslie Campbell, Jack MoIlwain, Ken Mollwain;' show- manship, Ken Mcllwain; pony and saddle, Marion 'Mcllwain, Jack Mc- Ilwain, Stephen. Maloney. ' Comic vehicle; Iris Bauerman, Bobby Murray, Edward Campbell; horse-drawn vehicle, Jack Mcll- wain; unique means of travel, Bobby Murray. Cattle Beef—Donald Moylan, Catherine Campbell, Kenneth Campbell, Ron- ald Murray; beef (pail fed), Bob Regele, James Sloan, Gerald Sloan, Pat Sloan; dairy calf, Carl Buuck, Bob Doerr, Ronald Trewartha, Louis Murray; registers Holstein calf, Bob Doerr; senior beef, Cath- erine Campbell, Kenneth Camp- bell; sweepstakes, Catherine Camp- bell ; showmanship, Catherine Campbell, Kenneth Campbell, Louis Murray. Lambs—Dianne Bolton. Pigs Sow, 1950, Ronald Trewartha, 1st and 2nd, Gloria Boyd, Bobbie Kerr; pigs 2 months ur under, Gloria Boyd, Jim -Melady, ,Iris Bauerman; pigs under 3 months, Bob Doerr, Carl Bunick; pigs un- der 100 lbs., Leon Murray, Mac Stewart. Poultry and Pets Geese, Jean Scott, Robbie Scott, Leon Maloney, Bobby Betties; tur- keys, Arthur Murray; ducks, Carl Bunick, Gloria Boyd, Freda Hunt, Gloria Boyd; ducks, mixed, Gloria Boyd; duck, Jean. Scott, Bob Bet- ties, Marjorie Campbell, Leslie Campbell; pheasants, Elsie Sie- mon; pigeons, Ronnie Trewartha, Susan Enzensberger, Ronnie Tre- wartha, 3rd and 4th; cats, Ronald Ryan., Fergus Maloney, Jean Scott, Jimmie Sloan; rabbits, Fergus Jantzi, Harold Jantzi, Don Dodds, Jean Scott; pets, Jean Scott, Fran- cis Hunt, Freda Hunt; Barred Rocks, Gloria Boyd, Marjorie Campbell, Joe Murphy, Billie Mur- phy; White Rocks, Robt, Regele, Barbara Boyd; White Leghorns, Mildred Ryan, Susan Enzens•ber- ger, Glen Walters, Fergus Ma- loney; Red Rocks, Mary Dennis, 1st and 2nd, Arlene Diegel, Arnold Campbell; Sussex, Mary Dennis, Robert Regele, 2nd and 3rd; Hy- brid, Dorothy Keys, Kenneth Pap - pie, Ken Ryan, Billie Murphy; Light Hybrid, Kenneth Papple, Stephen Maloney, Garry Little; Bantams, Peter Maloney, Joy Jantzi, Francis Hunt, Carl Bunick; doge, Rosemary Lane, Betty Camp- bell, 3rd Collie pup, no ticket. Pa- tricia Nolan. Eggs, white, Dorothy Regele, Susan Enzensberger, Iris Bauer - man; brown eggs, Leonard Miller, Sean Bitten, Robert Regele. Grain and Roots Oats, sheaf, Beatrice Siemon, SOLUTION TO BOXWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1-4. l'ranz Liszt 7. Mar 8. Ovate 10. Avian 11. Vexing 15. Din 16. Elobim 19. Canada 22. Exert 23. Aver 25. Chart 26. Trash 2,7. Iotas Ip Ski 31. Ethics 24. Splash 37. Tea 38. Haste 40. Whirl 41. Parka 42. Easy 45. Blimp 46. Regard 49. Erects 62. Hoe 53. Bolero 56. Terse 57. Banjo N. Rid fip .b9. Ledge 01,+ DOWN 1. France 2. Alien 3. Zoned 4. Levi 5. Six 6. Ton 7. Media 9. Ado 12. Emetic 13. Inert 14. Gates 17. Laches 18. Heath 20. Artist 21. Avail 24. Vista , 28, Ostler 29. Amass 32. Thwart 33. Icing 35. Pepper 36. Agree 38. Hubub 89. Skill 42. Adhere 44. Yield 47. Estop 48. Acrid 50. Robe 51. Con 54. Oil 55, gilkt Clendon Kerr, Jimmie Shea, Jean McLaughlin; barley, sheaf, Elsie Siemon, Kenneth Ryan, Ronnie Trewartha; wheat, sheaf, Bert Dennis, Clendon Kerr; mangolds, Barbara Boyd, Bobby Doerr, Leon Maloney, Don Dodds; turnips, table, Terry Ryan, Barbara Boyd, Jack Melady, Marlene Scherbarth; turnips, fieffi, Stephen Cronin, Paul Murray, Mary Cronin, Wilmer Walters; sunflowers, Bobby Mur- ray, Mary Macdonald; oats, grain, Mac Stewart, •Kenneth Papple, Bert Dennis, Betty Axtman; bar- ley, Clara Hackwell, James Axt- man, Betty Axtman, Leon Murray; wheat, grain, Gloria Boyd, James Axtman, Jean Scott, Stephen Ma- loney; beans, field, St. Columan School, Barbara Boyd, Darlene Robinson; peas, Leon Murray. Vegetables and Fruit Beets, Billie Walters, Bobby Wal- ters, James Axtman, Cleo Bow- man; onions, Louis Murray, Rose Siemon, Helen Horan, Jack Mel- ady; parsnips, Bobby Walter, Earl Rock; cucumbers, Earl Rock, Mar- jorie Cuthill, Billie Campbell; pot- atoes, James Axtman, John Mc- Clure, Elsie Siemon, Beatrice Sie- mon; carrots, Bobby 'Kelly, Mar- jorie Miller, Barbara Boyd, Mar- lene Scharbarth; beets, , small, Grace Siemon, Lois Somerville, Dianne Bolton, Bobby Murray; plums, Aleck Glanville, Helen Pryce, Joe Murphy, Billie Murphy; grapes, Mayda Bauerman; pears, LToyd Bauerman, Helen Scott, Mary Macdonald, Ken McClure; peaches. John McClure, Ronald McClure; tomatoes, Don Moylan, Helen Pryce, Don Dodds, Paul Murray; corn. Bobby Kelly, Grace Siemon, Billie Campbell, Jim Mel- ady; pumpkins, Billie Campbell, Anne Maloney, Mary Dennis, Jo- anne Doerr; cabbage, red, Marlene Scherbarth; cabbage, white, Mar- garet Boyd, Jim Melady, Dorothy Rege, Marie Maloney; citrons. Shelia Malone, Francis Malone; squash collection, Garry Little; squash, Jim Palin, Bobbie Palin, Pauline Malone, Patalcia Nolan; apples, fall, Mary Macdonald, Don- ald Hulley, Rosemary Lane, Bar- bara Boyd; apples, winter. Iris Bauerman, Dorothy Regele, Roy McQuaid; canned raspberries, Ter- ry Ryan, Helen Pryce, Barbara Boyd, Elizabeth McGavin; canned strawberries, tame, Helen Pryce, Norene Melady, Mary Macdonald, Dorothy Regele; canned strawber- ries, wild, Betty Murray; canned cherries, Dorothy Regele, Helen Pryce, Mary Dennis, Betty Camp- bell; corn, Rosemary Lane, Mar- guerite Scott, Jean Scott. Siemon, Ruth Montgomery, Rose- mary Duscharme. Grade 8—Marjorie Miller, Ron- ald Trewartha, Eleanor Beaman, Iris Bauerman, Drawing Map of McKillop—Nancy Mel- ady, Terry Ryan, Marine Melady, Marian Walters. Map of Huron—Ray Love, Jean Byers, Fergus Kelly, Teresa Mel- ady. Map of South Anierica—Barbara Boyd. Marlene Scherbarth, Bea- trice Sidmon, Jack Melady. Map of Canada—Helen Horan, Elsie Siemon, Catherine Campbell, Marie Dalton. Colored Drawings—Jean Scott, Bobbie Kerr, June Smith, No. 4, McKillop. Crayon Drawings — Rosemary Lane, Teresa Melady, Nancy Kelly, Mary Melady. Platt of Farm—Marlene Scher - berth, Helen Horan, Bobbie Kelly, Gordon Kennedy.' Fancy Work and Knitting Grade 3—Edith Boyd, Marjorie Boy. Grade 4. Cross stitch pattern— Cleo Bowman, Jean McLaughlin, Grade 5—Fancy work on tea towel: Marjorie Boyd, Katherine Moylan, Beatrice Siemon, Arlene Diegel. Grade 6—Pillow slips; Margaret Boyd, Joan McLaughlin, Helen Connelly. Grade 7—Cushion top in wool: Joan Somerville, Margaret O'Rourke, Joan McLaughlin. Grade 8—Best dressed doll: Rosemary Lane, Betty Axtman, .Ann Murray, Veronica Lane. Pot Holders—Sandra Doig, Mar- jorie Boyd. Hand hemmed tea towels—Helen Pryce, Barbara Boyd, Marion Hunt, Dorothy Regele. Plain blouse—Elsie Siemon, Bet- ty Axtman. Scarf with frineg—June Smith, Marjorie Miller, Marjorie Cuthill, Helen Pryce. Doillie—Betty Campbell, Rose Murray, Helen Walthers, June Smith. Flowers Asters, Peter Maloney, Eleanor Keys,- Barbara Boyd, Fay Little; Marigolds, Jim Melady, Joe Ma- loney, Bert Dennis, Paul Murray; Phlox, June Smith, Beatrice Sie- mon, Bobbie Betties, Mary Dennis; Zinnias, Norene Melady, Kenneth Papple, Helen Walters, Sandra Doig; Sweet Peas, Joan Somer- ville, Bobbie Bettles; Dahlias, Joan Somerville, Barbara Boyd, Mar- jorie Miller, Rose Siemon; Glad- ioli. Joan Pryce, Marjorie Miller, Sandra Doig, Gloria Boyd; Snap- dragon. Bobbie Betties, Joan Som- erville, Mary Dennis, Elizabeth McGavin; Cosmos, Elsie Doig. Jac- queline Davidson, Beatrice Siemon, Arlene Diegel; Pansies, George Wilson, Dorothy Keys, Bill Kerr, Ruth Montgomery; potted plants, Bobbie Betties, Georgina Little, Dorothy Regele, . Carl Buuck. Colleotion leaves, Beatrice Sie- mon, Mayda Bauerman, Elsie Sie- mon, Iris Bauerman. Collection weeds—Beatrice Sie- mon, .Joan McLaughlin, Elsie Sie- mon, Grace Siemon. School Exhibit.—No. 4, No. 8. Writing and Printing Grade 1—Jimmie Melady, Ann Dalton, Stephen Cronin, Ann Mur- ray. Grade 2—Marjorie Smith, Mer- vin Pepper, Marlene Melady, Mar- ian +McLaughlin. Grade 3—Helen Maloney, Jean Bitten, Nancy Kelly, Teresa Mel- ady. Grade 4—Rosemary Lane, Mar- jorie Cuthill, Gloria Boyd, John Alexander. Grade 5—Beatrice Siemon, Doro- thy Ensenaberger, Ronald lite - Clime, Anne Maloney. Grade 6—Katherine Moylan, Bel - en Connelly Marlene 6cherbalth, G)1$oAift 1,4'60 Bowman Seaforth Fal a r (Continued from .#"age 6) Floral Exhibits For Garden Club —Blueboy Corn Flower, , Madre Chapman, Eleanor McCartney, Dor- is Stevens, Ann Haugh, Marilyn Bolger; Aster, Giant Mixed, lett No Name, Doris .Stevens, 'Barbara Nicholson, Ruth Hemingway; Zin- nia, innia, Dahlia Mixed, Ann Haugh, Barbara Nicholson, M. Bicknell, ,Gladys Chapman, Lena. 'Miller; Petunia, Rose or Heaven, Thelma Maier, Mary Hicknell, Ann Haugh, Frances Lane; African Marigold, Margaret McArthur, Ann Haugh, Doris Stevens, Lena Miller, Mar- ilyn Bolger; Gladioliue, A. Haugh, Doris Stevens, Jaen Scott, NancY Nott, Barbara Nicholson; collec- tion Annuals, Ann Haugh, Doris Stevens, Gladys Chapman, Mary Bicknell; collection perennials, Ann Haugh. Children's Department Vegetables—Swede turnips, Dav- id Livingston, D glee Riley, Bruce Coleman, Ellen oyce, Ann Haugh; garden carrot hort, Keith Peth- ick, Bill Cor ett, Lloyd Pethick, Keith Bennewies, Marie Rowland; garden carrots, long, Ann Trott, Gordon Dale, Eric 'McIntosh, Alice Christie, Mary Charters; long red mangels, Douglas Riley, Moss Mill - son, Donald Matthews, John Scott, yellow intermediate mangels, D. Riley, Donald Matthews, John Scott; parsnips, Keith Pethick, Lloyd Pethick, Ann Nott, Bili Cor- lett, Ross Milison; garden beets, short, Bonnie McLeod, Keith Peth- ick, Marie Rowland, Alice Chris- tie, Lloyd Pethick; onions, Harvey Dale, Ross Millson, Douglas Riley. Laurel Dale, Phyllis Forbes; ripe tomatoes, Douglas Riley, Wayne Dinwoodie, Keith Pethick, Ann Haugh; citrons, Ross Vincent. D. Riley, Jack Broadfoot, Ross Mill - son, Bob Broadfoot; cabbages, El- len Boyce., June Dupee, Sandra Mc- Gcnigle. Ken Dupee, Clayton C•tn- nell; potatoes, early, girl exhio,tor, Alice Christie, Beatrice Siemon, Merle Cooper, Joan Roberton, Eliz- abeth Habkirk; potatoes early, boy exhibitors, Douglas Riley, Jno. Etue, Glen Nott, Douleg Pretty, Jack Crozier; potatoes, late, girl exhibitor, Mary Allan, Lois Char- ters, Mary Scott, Janet McGregor; potatoes, late, boy exhibitor, Doug. Jamieson, Douglas Riley, Beverly Nott, Wayne Dinwoodie, Glen Nott; potatoes, any variety, Douglas Jamieson, Douglas Riley, Mary Al- lan, Alice Christie. Judge—Norman Carter. Flowers—French Marigolds, Ross Vincent. Marlene Forbes, Beverly Nott,' Ronald Mason, Anne Char- ters; African Marigolds, Craig Willis, Keith Pethick, David Liv- ingston, Douglas Riley, Bonnie Mc- Leod; Pansies, Bruce Miller, Lor- na Dinwoodie, Marie Dale, Mary McIntosh, Douglas Riley; Asters, Baking ' Art Wright's special was won by Kathleen Scott; Mrs. Bradshaw's special was won by Betty Camp- bell. Fruit loaf, ,Marion Hunt, Helen Pryce; white bread, Curtin's spe- cial, Fergus Kelly, Nancy Kelly, Helen Pryce. Billie Murphy; bran muffins, Marion Hunt, Marie Mel- ady, Lois Somerville, Betty Camp- bell; oatmeal cookies, ShirleyHor- an, Elizabeth McGavin, Helen Hor- an, Helen Pryce; buns, Barbara Boyd, Marion Hunt, Helen Pryce: school lunch, Elizabeth McGavin, Barbara Boyd, Edith Boyd, Mar- jorie Smith; tarts. Tory Jantzi, Marjorie Boyd, Mary Melady, Bar- bara Boyd; layer cake, Joanne Bauerman,, Catherine Moylan, Bar- bara Boyr' Georgina Little; angel cake, Kathleen Scott, Mary Den- nis, Margaret Boyd. Helen Pryce apple pie, Rosemary Lane, Nancy Kelly, Rose Siemon. Helen Pryce. lemon pie. Hese Siemon, Marlene Melady, Margaret Boyd, Helen Pryce; pumpkin pie, Barbara Boyd, Helen . Pryce; raisin pie, Nancy Kelly, Barbara Boyd, Helen Horan, Marlene Melady; pie bak- ed by teacher, no entries. Manual Training Lawn ornament, Paul Murray, Vincent Nolan, Leon Maloney, Ron - aid Ryan; doorstop, Betty Camp- bell; wall bracket, Lloyd Bauer - man, Paul Murray, Bobby Betties, Lloyd Bauerman; pot holder rack, Betty Campbell, 1st and 2nd; shell craft, Marian Hunt, June Smith, Jean Scott, Marjorie Smith; mov- able toy, Paul Murray, Bobbie Bet- ties, Wayne McMiohael, Jack Ry- an; bird house, Bobby Murray, Leonard Miller, Bobby Murray, Betty Campbell; milk stool, Rose Siemon, Robbie Scott, James Axt- man; chair, Leon Murray, Pat Sloan; hammer handle, Jas. Axt- man, Ross, Cuthill; model of farm gate, Andrew Patrick, Donald Ful- ly, Don Dodds, Mary Macdonald'. Insect Collection June Smith, Beatrice Siemon, Grace Siemon, Don Dodda. Curios—Leon Murray, lat and 2nd, Don Woods, Leon Murray. Choral Reading --No. 3, No. 0, and and 3110. Recitations Grade 1—Amita Dalton, Anne Murray, Jim ,Melady. 'Grade 2»-J'oan Lane, Martian Melady, Jean, Millett, Grade Bea -Sandra .DOS, ,foam Dal" tori, Vent ytir er iri iS# r, O'Connor, Marjorie Boyd, Robbie Scott. Grade 5—Joy Jantzi, Norine Dalton. Grade 6—Jack Melady, Helen Connolly, Margaret Boyd, Bobby Walters. Grade 7—Rosemarie Ducharme. Bobby Kelly, Leon Murray, Wilmer Walters. Violin playing—Fergus Kelly. Winner of draw for bicycle— Dianne Bolton. Best decorated bicycle—Boys: James Axtman, John McClure, An- drew Patrick; girls: Mary Horan, Miss Hackwell, Dorothy Keys. Beauty contest—Miss McKillop: Joyce Bauerman, Marion Roach, Iris Bauerman. Huron Expositor trophy was won by S.S. No. 6. Cattle Judging—Boys: Kenneth Campbell and Joe Murray (tied), Lloyd Bauerman, Mac Bolton; Girls: Catherine Campbell and Dorothy Regele (tied). Melady Special — (Tied) : Joe Murray, Ken Campbell, Mac Bol- ton, Arnold Campbell. Lloyd Bauerman, Catherine Campbell, Dorothy Regele. 1ti b Teal),. Douglae 1.114 1)),, poug- 1nlG Riley, Mary Scott, Theresa. Tsttre; bouquet. Sweet Peas, 'mug,. 1n Riley, Peggy McLeod; boutitret 7.41anias, Billy Teall, h'iilen Boyce, •PPnl:glas Riley, Mn Haugh, Peggy lIC;Leod; bouquet Gladioli, Douglas Riley, Geo. Ross, David Living - Sten, Neil Haugh, Emily Elliott; bouquet Dahlias, Douglas Riley, Ronald Mason, Sandra McGonigle, Glen Nott, Ellen Boyd; bouquet of Cosmos, Neil Haugh, Douglas Ril- ey, Glen Nott, Robt. Elliott, Bev- erly Nott; best bouquet, any var- iety, D. Haugh, Neil Haugh, Bon- nie McLeod, Anne Haugh, Lorna Dinwoodie. Cooking Tea biscuits, Ruth Teall, Sandra Dungey, Douglaa Riley, Merle Cooper, Ruth Crozier; white layer cake, iced, Nancy Stan- way, Laurel Dale, 'Marie Dale, Mary, Broadfoot, Ruth Albrecht; apple pie, Wayne Dinwoodie, Lorna Din- woodie, Douglas Riley, Pearn Mc- Lean, Lois Dale; rolled cookies, Douglas Riley, Mayda Beuerman, Joanne Beuerman, Barbara Dun- gey, Jessie Brown; bran muffins, Douglas Riley, Lloyd Pethick, Keith Pethick, Ruth Crozier, Jes- sie Brown. Whiting—Grade 1, Ruth Anne Allen, Evelyn Dick, John Midde- gaal, Cathie Eckert, Margaret Ma- loney; Grade 2, Patricia O'Leary, Robert Elliott, Mary Allan, Lois Maloney, Barbara Plumsteel; Grade 3, Marie Rowland, Robert Goven- lock. Madelon Townsend, Joan Boyce, Joan Middegaal; Grade 4. Ken Dupee, Patricia Horton, Joan Dick, Marlene Miller, Pieta Ver - burg; Grade 5, Lorna Dinwoodie, a_.. :y attt+eana, ll%rte Hoii"au, Merle Owner,., Ann ley MOS:,Drage 6, lien 'M100.0a ¥aiieue.A'itstin., helico Boyce,araoe Siemon, Ruth Sllis, Grade 7, Marla Dale, Joan 'MeT nugllilin, Lois Dale Rut] 0I Ing, Joan Deuertnan„11 Grade 8, Elaine Etue, Manierie Miller, Mary Lou Ruston, F'r'ances Schultz, Frank Nigh, Art—Grades 1, 2, 3—E. Nott, ,K. Albrecht, Darlene .Coughlin, Janet Roweliffe, Ruth Anne AMP; Grades 4, 5, 6, Nell Broadfoot, Ren- nie onnie Johnston; Ken McNairn ; Grades 7 and 8, Marie Hunt, B111 Vandenburg, Geo. Rose, Carl Akin ardson; iC i- ardson; mural or fall scene, Doug• - las Riley, Neil Broadfoot, Wayne Bennewies. Miscellaneous --Best poster, Jan- et anet McGregor, Milton Dale, Douglas Riley; model aeroplane, Douglas. Riley, No. 2, • Carl Richardson, Ralph Bennewies; bird house, D. Riley, Leonard 'Miller, Neil Haugh, sxRj• l. Slempn, llroadroot, .dlTr4Jn�Y 1lo1 r, a s1e'. i1a,ugh, Dotrgia<e i1 eT,� feat, Hugh' GRrw,ili^,l ed. Douglars Riley, W41-40 Marie Bunt; citild'a coni+ Haugh, Mar1prle Riley, CeccUia' ;B Praiser Douglas Riley Marie - ley; artificial, -ex'ers, Marlena eken Austin, Theresa, Etutt, Pegg* INo 2 c#{� Mrllr Riley, Marie Dale, hila Dalrymple; Y " : handkerobief, Douglas Rata, Mar- lene Austin, Barbara • Menne); pat holders, Douglas Riley, Betty'Polk die, Barbara Mennell, Lois Dale, !Marlene Austin; clothes pin bag, Douglas Riley, Nancy Stanway ; knitted or crocheted article, Beide Buri, Barbara Mennen, Betty Gou- Saforth Moment Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Seaforth Exeter Clinton vT•rr7 Seaforth Showrooms Open Tuasde, See Dr. Harburn for ap, Dant ment any other tiara nr• I•h,,ri.. 41-J. Exeter. �sl Company of canal , blst CQNSEGUTIVE Aiwa NOTICE is hereby gi.'te, t a dividend, of lr/ fg��ftqug twelve and one half ;+genie p0A share and at the rate of 5% per annum on the paid:up capital stock of the Cumpany, has been declared for the quarter year ending Sept.:, 30th, 1950, payable Oct, 16th, 1950, to shareholders: of rpc:' ord at the close of busrnese.. Sept. 30th, 1950. By order of',:; the Board. J. WILSON BERRY President & General Manager Ai iiea,tti- e� "See this model? It was made before I was born, and when Arvida was just farmland. Yet I can show you on it just where our house is, and the streets along which I come to work, or go to the stores, or to church, or to play tennis or ski. And I can show you 'the alumi- num smelter where my father works, and the powerhouse where my boyfriend works — and the house in which we're going to five when we're married. "It's all here. This is a miniature of an up-to-date city, a city that has everything-- andwas born full-size. That's why I call it, 'A piece of future Canada in a glass case'. "You see, an,engineer's dream has added tPswig/ 111 a city to Canada — a place where 12,000 people like me live and work and enjoy outielves. My neighbours who have lived in other places tell me this is the nicest city in Canada. Cer- tainly I wouldn't want to live anywhere else." The smelter at Arvida, the powerhouses at Shipshaw close by, the wharves at Port Alfred a few miles away — these are only parts of what Alcan has planned and built in Canada during the last fifty years. The Company is still planning. still building. Its growth makes Canada a bigger, better, richer place in which to live and work—for every aluminum ingot produced in Canada makes Canada that much better off. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. Producers and Processors of Aluminum for Canadian Industry and World Markets Plants at Shawinigan Falls, Arvid,, Isle Malign, Shipshaw, Port Alfred, Wakefield, Kingston, Toronto, Etobicoke • OOFRN M.t'�,: •, YOU CAN DO MORE THAN TALK ABOUT nfet-Dow.. CANADA NEEDS MEN TO TRAIN FOR SIGNAL CORPS OPERATIONS The Signal Corps is vital to almost everphase of operation in the network of Canada's defences. Nerve centre of the Army, the Signal Corps helps co-ordinate the vast and complex operations of our modern forces. To young men who want to serve Canada, the Signal Corps ers service that is interesting, exciting — important. TO ENLIST YOU MUST — 1. Be a Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be 17 to 29 years of age. 3. Be single. 4. Meet Army test requirements. S. Volunteer for service anywhere. GO ACTIVE SERVE YOUR COUNTRY by strengthening Canada's Armed Forces today to build up the defences against aggression everywhere. Report right away to Room 2019, "C' Building, Began St, OTTAWA, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Begot St., KINGSTON, Ont No. 6 Personnel Depot, Charley Park, Douglas Drive, TORONTO, Oat. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Elizabeth Street, LO`N1tibM, Oet. Depots open 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. daily. Eying errtifltates.of age tial' leducatioi with you ryl iii