The Huron Expositor, 1950-08-25, Page 4fz it l>; {' N n N 'I:l�4�Rr' i1 fi C ire'; • THE RpRON EXPOSITOR • ossified Ads. Classiiied Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: F.oR SALE, WANTED. LgST AND FOUND. ETC. -Per word: let week �l 1 Cent 2nd week % Cent 8rd weeklef s cent Minimum charge, first insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation conte as one word. Cardof Thanks. In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 Dent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week - Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 Dents extra Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above claw are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on application. Help Wanted Coming Events HELP WANTED -RELIABLE LADSY ATURDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 26, THE "Cry tat W tabs sit: six nights a week, 8 to Palace Ballroom, Mitchell,will sponsor Sat,ttrday Night Modern Dane - 12, Apply to MRS, MARY WASH Louisa St., or Box 373. 4313=1 -•Ing with Cam McLean and his Orchestra. Dancing at this popular ballroom every Friday and Saturday .nights, 4318x1 Livestock Wanted UP TO 55.00 EACH FOR DEAD OR Disabled Horses, Cows, Hoge. at your farm. Prompt service. Phone Collect Wm. Sproat, Seaforth, 665 r 2. WIL- LIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED, Inger- soll, Ont. ° For Sale '7016 SALE -JACKET HEATER, NEW dondittion. Apply WM. M. HART. Phone 784: 4313x1 FOR SALE -SEED WHEAT, 595 COR- nell. Apply to CHAS. BARNETT. Phone 130-W. Seaforth. 4312-2 pole seux SPACIE 'BEATER OIL burner, like new. Apply GEORGE MILLER. Phone 695-W. 4313-1 �-I OR SALE -SOME BRICK, WINDOW glass, big wooden 'boxes, 2 Pumps, 2 cic.th rugs, couplings. CLARENC'E REEVES, Seaforth. 4313-1 FOR SALE --t 3 -PIECE DIVANETTE, new; wool rug: piece of linoleum, W ANTED -GIRLS BICYCLE, 1N GOOD h new, 9x11. MRS. W. S. NAY. Phone condition. Apply t.r Box 904, HUR 667 r 31, Seaforth, 4313-1 ON EXPOSITOR. 4313-1 ' "{'O.R SALE -QUANTITY OF WHEATUT'ANTED -4-ROOM APARTMENT OR .1 fol. -seed. Cornell 595. recleaned: also VV- ,.mall house to rent. Apply STAN - some ,mixed -rain. LOUIS LECHNER. LEY J. SMITH, Music Supervisor. Phone Seaforth. Phone 49, 4313-1 Exeter 221, or write Box 96, Exeter- 4312-tf BR1NG YOUR FRIENDS AND HAVE a good night of enjoyment, dancing at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night, to the music of Don Robertson and His Ranch Boys. 431252 IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY A patron of the Crystal Palace Ball- room, Mitchell. come along this Friday night and enjoy dancing with hundreds of others to the music of Don Robertson and His Ranch Boys. 4312x2 Poultry FOR SALE -BARRED ROCK PULLETS, 10 weeks old; also 500 8 weeks old Leghorn X Rock pullets. MOORE'S POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 666 r 3. 4310-tf Wanted WANTED --,WOODEN S'rAtvE- SWANTED--,WOODEN PHONE 552 r 31, Seu.forth. 431851 FOR SALE -SCREEN DOOR, 35'o.,x in excellent condition. Apply HURON EXPOSITOR. Phone 41- 4313x3 FOR SALE -26 ACRES RED CLOVER and alfalfa, standing. Apply to JACK PECK. Phone 681 r 23, Hensall, 4813-1 ,Fly OR SALE -A QUANTITY OF USED shiplan skiing, in good eondition. Ap- py .Lu MRS. ALEX KERR. Phone 269. Seaforth. 4313-1 FOR SALE—FIVE-PIECE BEDROOM suite, spring mattress; kitchen table and 6 chairs; hall rack. Apply to MRS. E. J. DINNEN, Goderich St. 4313x1 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines. electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223-tf FOR-SALE—.QUARTER-CUT OAK DIN- ing room table, 2 extra leaves, finish- ed, in good condition: also walnut bed, and large wardrobe. Bargain for quick sale. Phone 663 r 0. Seaforth. EARL VAN EGMOND. 4313-1 -pan SALE, TIMBER—ONE BUILD- ing of timber 20' x 32r, suitable for double deck henhouse or other purposes: 5140 a quantity of square timber, in dif- ferent sizes and lengths. Apply to Box 903, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4313-1 FOR SALE -- CORNELL 595 SEED wheat I have for sale seed wheat, over Hee, ,germination. This strain has produced' 46 bushels per acre in 1948, 40 bushels per acre in 1949. and 50 bushels in 1950. It is absolutely free of weed seeds and dry. CHARLES BARNETT, Railway St., Seaforth. Phone 130-W at noon or after 6 p.m. 4313x1 FOR SALE—BRUSSELS RUG, AP- proximertaMy 9' x with moth- proof rug pad (will sell separately) ; 1 chesterfield chair; kitchen cabinet with white enamelled tap : 16 -pc. kitdhen spite. natural maple with red trim; Clare Jewel took stove: 3 pairs 'homespun drapes, ap- proximately 3 yards each; medicine cab- inet; .wash boiler with lid; 2 verandah rockers; 1 leather rocker. Apply to C. A. TROTT, High Si Phone 150. 4813x1 PIANOS GOOD CHOICE OF NEW PIANOS AND good reconditioned pianos, at the Mildmay Furniture Store. Also 60 and 25 cycle refrigerators, var- ious sizes. J. F. Schuett & Sons MILDMAY FREE DELIVERY 4312-3 Notices HAVE YOUR PAINTING PROBLEM$ done the economy way by an expert ,eprayman. Wallpapering a specialty; wallpapering and brush painting- All work guaranteed. For free estimates phone 780. HAROLD FINLEY, Seaforth. 4307-tf RADIO REPAIRS - WHEN YOUR radio won't work, bring it to TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. and take it home the same day—any day. Opposite Dick House. Phone 347-R, Seaforth. 4295-tf BARNS CLEANED AND WHI1i'WASH- ed following T.B. test Brand new sprayer capable of 1,000 pounds pressure. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. FRED HARBURN, Staffer 4301-61 EDWIN BENNEWJDS, ELECTRICAL Contractor-tAnthorizod dealer f Lynn conversion burners, 'Fawcett spec heaters. Quickanaker water ,heaters and Atlas furnace' 'burners. Convplete Faw- cett oil burning ranges. Easy {ernes. Convenient monthly payments. Phone 660-W, Jarvis St.., Seaforth. 431358 TWP. OF HULLETT rirHE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING 1 Of' the Council of the Township of Hallett for September will be held I, MONDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 26th in the Londes'boro Community Hall at 9:00 p.m., instead of Labour Day, Mon- day, September 4th, Geo. W. Cowan, CLERK, 4313-1 VOTICE TO RAWLEIGrH CUSTOM- ets.—I am giving up Rawleigh agency. A>1 goods are now on Sale. Orders over SUS to $10.00, 10,% oto: over SI5.os, 1.3% off, 'eftcept minerals, sprays and spic- 0; iehA$f are 10,'0. Orders will bo taken `v t�t Phone et tbt�a rgh gI it01. I will snake /i'elivte s into Hayand SteoJhort itt Rep - `f Wont Others call at tiny bonze, Bo iYb to .Oar old trot -mato *boa 1 call. ti h t +Wadi% kr), itInde'iitciek is Cora, ti ° sill b le eveafigit' and t Ba +fXTSDY�, dPlaine XBE ri 441324 Auction Sales Personals Lost and Found T.TYGIENIC SUPPLIES(RUBBERR LOST—A NAVY $LU E C$l)$ CARD. mailed postpaid in plain„Reeled igen, with red and bluediamond envelope with price dist. 6 samples. 25c; ' front Finder please return to MRS. 24 samples $1.06. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. JACK MOORE, or call% 828. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, 481351 Ont. + Property For Sale FOR SALE -'THREE BUILDING LOTS at extreme west end of James St. Apply W. E. SOUTHGATE, Seaforth. 4809xtd FOR SALE — TO CLOSE ESTATE, house, frame construction, Church St., Sea:orth. Former residence of the late Mrs. James Beattie. Open dor in- anection. Phone 176, or write Box 900. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4311x3 Tenders Wanted BUILDING FOR SALE By Tender Located in the Village of Hensall, known as the Zuefle Building, Tenders to be in the hands of the Manager Hensall District Co-op before August 28, 1950. Purchaser to remove all debris. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM 1 Stuck. lmplem, n;s, Feed and House- hold Effect=. on Welt half Lot 25. Con- cession 2. Lofoten. 22•, mile, west of Mit- choll, and ',_ mile north, on Wednesday. August 30th, at 1 p,m, No reserve as the farm is sold. MRS. GEORGE PROC- TOR. Proprietress: W. M. Scott. Auc- tioneer, 431351 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Furnishings. Saturday night, August 26th, at 8 o'clock, at the Community Centre. There will be 2 kitchen ranges in A-1 eond'ition; Good Cheer .circulator heater; Quebec heater: 3 -piece chester- field suite: 3 extension tables: 12 dining room chairs: china cabinet: fiat top desk with dnia'rrs : number of rockers and small tables : beds: dressers; number of Brood qui't4: day bed: couch: kitchen table and chairs: large quantity of dish- es: and kitchen utensils. HAROL') JACKSON. Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney. Clerk. 4313-1 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE RESIDMNCE AND FURNISHINGS CF the !ate Martin Ryan, on the prem ices, Seaforth, on Saturday, ,Septmnber 2nd, at 2 p.m.: ROPERTY- Six -roomed frame cottage ri eniently located, on - the East side of Cha * Street, in .the Town of Seaforth, being Lot 93 in Gouinlock's Survey. CHA II ELS -.Quebec heater ; two, -plate electric burner; Raymond sewing ma- chine: radio: chest of drawer.; two beds; dresser; two wash stands; trunk : three couches: five kitchen chairs; three occa- sional chairs : three oil, lamps; kitchen cupboard; bedroom suite; 1 small rug; drop leaf table: small table: Dutch oven; bedding: blankets and kitchen utensils; ice box : linoleum; sealers and quantity of hard wood. Also one organ and stool, child's rocker : quantity of Limoges china and other china. Terms on Chattels -Cash - Terms on Property --20 per rent rash on date of sale: balance 30 days. Subject to a reserve .bid. McCONNELL & HAYS. Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix Lott Rowland, Auctioneer. 4313-2 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE - 1535 DODGE SEDAN ; new motor. PHONE 210. 43.3-1 1949 MORRIS -OXFORD, AT DUN- LOP'S B A. SERVICE ,STA- TION. 4312x2 Ct'1'AT1ON WAGON FOR SALE - stJJ ,Willys, 1947: .low mileage. 51175.0(1. M. E. CLARKE. Phone 146, Seaforth, 4313-1 1950 49 49' 49 48 48 48 39 OHEVROLET SEDAN DODGE COACH CHEV. DE LUXE 5 -PASSENGER COUPE CHEV, SEDAN; radia, ondcrcoat- ing. air conditioning., many extras CHEV. COACH CHEV. SEDAN PLYMOUTH SEDAN PONTIAC COACH CHEV. COACH 381IIODGE SEDAN 37 36 34 NASH SEDAN CHEV. COACH CI -?EV. SEDAN 49 CHEV. y, -.TON PICK-UP MANY 0l'HFJR MODF.I.A TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Honte of Better Used Cars” OPER EVERY `E`VEN114d w The mighty little Claasified ,Ads. in The Huron FI positor bring best results. Phone 41, Seaforth. Hensall District Co-operative HENSALL, ONT. 4312-2 Cards Of Thanks MRS. W. S. HOGG AND FAMILY WISH to sincerely thank those who in any way showed sympathy to them in their recent bereavement, and special thanks are expressed to Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Mr. G. A. Whitney, Dr. M. W. Stapleton, Miss Annie. C Lawrence and Mrs. Henry Enzensberger, 4313-1 RS, R. JAMES WRIGHT AND FAM- "T"ily desire to express 'their sincere appreciation for the many acts of kind- ness extended to them during their recent bereavement ; specitl thanks to Rev. W. A, Young, Dr, J. C. Goddard, Mrs. Orville Workman and Mrs. George Glenn, .1313x1 THE RELATIVES OF THE LATE MRS. Elizabeth McElroy would like to thank "heir many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement; also far the beautiful floral 4ributc=. Special thanks to Mr. Whitney. Ref, W. A. Gardiner, Rev, D. A. MacMillan and Rev. J. Elford. 431351 MRS. INEZ MI;EWAN. DONNA AND Harry 'wish t.i thank their many friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown to Mr. McEwan during .his long illness and our recent bereave- ment, and specially to 'Dr. J. C. Goddard, Rev. P. A. 'ser ua -n, (the p,.,,nthrun Fun- eral Home, LMaaon.s, rte„ M^ Bert Hor- ton. the pallbearers. and those who loan- ed cat., and aLo for beautiful floral tri- butes. 4313-1 MRS. ANDREW McLELLAN AND femily 5.1.1 ti expre+s their sincere thanks and appreciation t:, their many friends for their acts of kindness, sym- pathy and beautiful floral tributes extend- ed to them durina their recent sad be- reavement in the death of a dear husband and father: special thanks to Mr. G. A. Whitney, Rev. W. A. Gardiner, Rev. D. A. MacMillan and Rev, J. Elford. 431351 Births WHYTE- In. Clinton Community Hospi- tal, en August 20, to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Holm Farm. Hullett Twp., a daughter-Mar.;ar.•t McMillan. DE7'r7 - In Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Mervin -Dcitz. R.R. I. Dublin, a daughter, PO YELL- In Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 20, to Mr. and Mns. George Powell, R.R. 2, Seaforth, a daughter, DUCHAIRME-In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on August 21. to Mr. and Mrs. George Duch'arme. R.R. 3, Dublin, a daughter - BROWN -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 22, to Mr. and Mrs, Borden Brown, Constance, a daughter, Class Reunion The Wohelo Class of Hensall United Church is planning a Re- union Picnic at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield on SATURDAY, SEPT. 2nd at 2 o'clock. All members of Miss M. Ellis's former Sunday School Classes are invited. Bring your faernilies and picnic basket Plates, etc., will be provided, • SPORTS AT 3 O'CLOCK • SUPPER AT 5 I'ieese register at the• picnic, Ball game .e60. ,.upper: Old -Timers vs. Present Class. In .case of inclement. weather the Pic- nic will he held in Hensall Community A rena. Secretary, GLADYS LUKER Hensall Child Discipline Children should learn to sit quietly at the table until 'excused, but it is well for parents to see that this sitting quietly is not for all unreasonably long time, Chil- dren need to move about more of- ten than grownups and it is unfair to expect them to be quiet for un- necessarily long periods. Sleep and Health Nearly everyone needs at least eight .hours sleep each day to stay fit and healthy. Many of us get ,by with less than this amount, but eventually symptoms such as irri- tability, loss of weight and.fatigue begin to show themselves. No one can work and play properly with- out adequate, and regular sleep. • Curing Cancer Physicians point out that mod- ern methods of treatment can cure aLout 95 per cent of all skin or lip cancers and 75 per cent of breast or uterine cancers. But it id im- portant that treatment be brought to bear as early as possible. \lake yourself familiar with' the symp- toms of cancer and, if you suspect 1 anything, see a physician atonce. Y g.1 Y Food For the Kiddies Child health .experts suggest that it is best to give children small servings of food , , . big amounts may be discouraging, It is better for a child to form the habit of cleaning his plate and. it still hungry, asking for a second helping. PotteryPrecautions tiv �r it'll �C df ilr h , t e....t dP„ It s r'. rk to t of. i WANTON Cracke:l ;end chipped di Lt -s, cups and drinking glasses are a. hazard in home or restaurant. Such equipment cannot be prol'er- ly sterilized and provides a na- tural rallying point for germs and bacteria. Cracked pottery at home should be discarded and restaurants retaining such equip- ment should be avoided, Mr. and Ml's. Percy Holman visiting their daughter in Eastern States. Miss Jean Mills, of Heinz Labor- atori,es, - Leamington, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Mills, 'Walton,. Mrs. Raba„ Patterson and daugh- ter, Barbara, are visiting her sis- ters in Seaforth. Mrs. Harvey Hulley is i11 with thp flu. Mrs. Porter, Sr., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Lamont in Den- field. . Mr. and Mrs. R. Traviss, Mrs. Lawrre.nde Marks and Mrs. Nelson Marks were' in Kitchener on Thurs- day. Mr. Wes. Hackwell is ling his house. Essential Light Good light is essential to easy reading and proper care of the eyes. Reading with inadequate light, or continuous reading of fine print or poor ink colors may,,lead to eyestrain. Wearers o1' glasses should check their lenses Periodi- cally with a physician to ensure Ghat their glasses are o'till ade- q'Mt e, 1 Mrs. Duncan McKellar, Miss Nettie 'Scott, vlrs. Lindsay McKel- lar and Mrs. Houghton visited her are grandchildren, Audrey Kemp and the I Leonard Gordon Hougthton visited with Mary B. Currie at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Young, near Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs, William McKaig and two daughters, Marilyn and Marjorie, of Sudbury, are holiday- ing with Angus McKaig and Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig, Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. T. Storey and little daughter visited with friends in Kincardine. Mrs. Don Wallace and children, of Seaforth, visited with her moth- er, Mrs. Lindsay McKellar. Leonard Gordon Houghton has returned to his home in- Wingham. Mr, and Mrs. Otto Walker, Hel- en and Margaret, attended the Stone and Smith wedding at Thorndale. Nutrition From the Sea Fish and sea foods provide a variety of nutritive factors. They are rich in protein, minerals and vitamins and some varieties also provide a quantity of fat. Obtain- able fresh, frozen. canned and cur- ed they may be prepared in many ways to add interest and enjoy- ment as well as health -giving nutri- ents to meals. "They're very much in love with each other." "Are they?" "Yes. When she's away she writes letters to him whether she needs money or not." KIPPEN Mrs. R. James Wright had the misfortune to fall in the barn on her farm and dislocate her shoul- der. USED MACHINES 1 Model VA CASE TRACTOR—Excellent condition 1 Model G ALLIS TRACTOR—With Mower and Plow Attachments 1 Model 20 M.H. TRACTOR CULTIVATOR— With Corn Planter 1 Model 20-30 M.H. TRACTOR—New rubber 1 HORSE CORN CULTIVATOR and BEAN PULLER 1 International 7 -foot BINDER 1 6 -foot M.H. CLIPPER COMBINE 3 -Furrow M.H. TRACTOR PLOW ALSO NEW M.H. CLIPPERS with motor and P.T.O. NEW M.H. TRACTORS, all models - NEW ONE-WAY DISCS -41,T and 6' NEW 8' TANDEM DISC NEW 3 -FURROW TRACTOR PLOW NEW MANURE SPREADERS SEAFORTH MOTORS P ONE 141 remodel- • BRUCEFIELD Mr. alnd Mrs. Murray Tyndall attended a glariolus show in St. Catharines tuts week. Mr. and Mrs. Ranald McKenzie Detroit, were visiting friends in the district this week. They were accompanied home by Mrs. H. Lapfe and Miss Blanche Zapfe. Miss Eleanor Smith, Bluevale, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry. Mr. Don Ross, Auburn, visited with friends in the village Sun- day. Misses Marion Paterson and Itisth Scott, London,spent the week -end at their homes. Misses Mary Broadfoot, Ann Haugh,' Marlene Haugh and Nancy Stanway attended the United Church Girls' Camp north of Gode- rich. Mr, Thornton Mustard, of St. Marys, was home for the week- end. Mr,'and Mrs. George Griffith; of i w' Mr. and Stratford, visited with Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Rev. and Mrs, E. R. Stanway have returned from their holidays. .1111111.011 WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. Austin Blair, of Alexander, ' Manitoba, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Hawley. Misses Doris and Margaret i:t'oadfoot, of Toronto, are visiting relatives in McKillop and Hibbert. Mr, and Mrs. John R. Adams and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. Mr. Andrew Montgomery, of Brantford. is holidaying at his home. Masters Donnie Dodds and Mal- colm Montgomery are attending summer Camp. Mr. and Mr+a, Doug. Puddy, Tor- ento, and Miss Catharine David- son, of Listowel, called on Mr. and Mrs, Ralfki Davidson on Sunday. Mrs. Laughnam and Mary of Niagara Falls. N.Y.. visited with Mr. earl Mrs. E. Haase. BRODHAGEN Decoration service will be held Sunday afternoon at three o'clock, with Rev. Martin Stockman, -v1i1- verton. as guest speaker. Personals; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Ahrens, Clayton. Bobby and Kenneth and Mrs. Charles Ahrens with Mr. and Mr's. Clayton Ca•rl- ton, Niagara Falls, N.Y.; Mr, and Mrs. John G. Hinz in Niagara Falls. N.Y., with the former's sis- ter, Mrs. Clayton Carlton -and Mr, Carlton; Mrs. Vin Dittmer and son, Van, with Mrs. Mary Dittmer at the home of John F. Prueter; Rev. and Mrs. Walter Becker and fam- ily and Mr: Becker, Sr„ are holi- daying this week at Port Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk with lir. and Mrs. Carmen Mogk, St. Thomas; Mr, and Mrs, B. N. Sparks, Enterprise, with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Herbert: Miss Betty Rock with friends in Chesley and Mildmay; Miss Margaret Hodgert, of Exeter, wibh Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vin Hodgert; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Malone, Ruth Ann and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham and Paul, and Adam Fuhr. Tavistock, with Mr. and Mrs. William S. Riehl; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scherberth and Earl, Detroit. with Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bennewies; Miss Maureen Hinz with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Carlton, Niagara Falls, N.Y,; Mr, and Mrs. William Dankwart. Kitchener, Mrs. Eick- meie-r, Mr, and Mrs. John E. Sie- mon,,Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Hinz at St. Thomas with Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Osborn. CROMARTY • 'Mr, and Mrs, Carl Weitzman and son, Douglas, of Niagara, U.S.A., have been visiting with their many relatives. Shirley Wallace has re- turned with them to their home, Miss Nettie Scott has returned to her home in Paisley after spend- ing a few days with Mrs. Duncan McKellar. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl recently were Mrs. Har- old Iv. Leod- and daughter. Mrs, Neil Lomond and Isabel, of Lon- don, accompanied by Mrs. Charles Wilson, of Regina, who was for- merly Flora McLean, daughter of Lachlin McLean, now of the 'Wrest. Mr- and Mrs. George Wallace visited for a week with Mr. and Mrs- Donald Wallace at Carling- ford. arlingford. e». 4® 1.111111111 SM IMMO Eby Dr. 3. C. Goddard, bust later re- turned to her home, where she is resting comfortably. Walter Moffatt, of Brucefteld, met with an untoiltdn,Mte accident on his farm; 'He war drawing in grain to be threshed when rite horses bolted, throwing, him to the ground. He fractured Ms heel, and was attended by Dr. W. A. Oakes, of Clinton Mr. Laird Mickle received word of the death of his father, Mr. Geo. tj r a t t' r 4e• 1t atilt:ak!. r tee M I'Seta L AUGUST 2i,e;;191"x.0 'Wale, in Ridgetown. 1EI ,�tty�.1 his 93rd year, and wan the oldest resident and also the oldest Mist. nessman of Rid etow . • g n , Peter Watson, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Cliff Watson, Centralia, has enlisted with the Princess Pats at London, and is now at Petawawa, where he will train in the sPeciall brigade. Additional Hensall News on Page 3 HENSALL Hundreds attended the floodlight donkey baseball game at the Hen- sall Park Monday night, sponsored by the Hensall branch of the Can- adian Legion, with every bleacher in the large park filled, The game between Tuckersmith Toughies vs. Hay Huskies resulted in a score of 0-1) for the Donkeys at the end of five innings. The affair was a scream from start ,to finish, with thrills and spills. Players for Tuckersmith were John Sangster, Neil Campbell, Russ Pepper, Roily Smith. Lorne Hay, Jim Sangster, Jim Venner, Jack Traquair and Lorne Broadfoot- For Hay: Sol - clan, Koehler, Mousseau, Corbett, MacArthur, Adkins, Coleman, Flear and Adkins. Death of Almond Douglas McEwan Almond Douglas McEwan, prom- inent resident, passed away at his home there on Thursday, August 17, following, a lengthy illness. un- derwent n .Some months an operation in the in-' terests of his health, from which he never fully recovered. Born' near Hensel] on Highway No. on the farm now owned by Archie Rowctiffe, south of Hensel]. be v; as a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Duncan Mt•Ewan. A veteran of World War I. he was a member of the Hensall branch of the Cana- dian Legion and a member of Hur- on Lodge 224, A.F. ett A.M. He was a member of Carmel Presbyterian Ciaurch. Surviving are his widow, the former Inez Sparrow, of Pais- ley; one daughter, (Donna) Mrs. Harry Smith, Hensall; one sister, (Nora) Mrs. Harry Watcher, Grand Prairie. Alta,; four brothers, Dr, John McEwan, Carleton Place; -Wil- liam, Edmonton; Ewan, Sarnia, and Earl. Toronto. Funeral serv- ices were held from the Bonthron Funeral Home on Saturday' at 2 p.m.. Rev. 5'-. A. Ferguson officiat- ing. The service was in charge of Huron Lodge A.F. & A.M. Inter- ment was in Exeter cemetery. The bearers were T. J.. Sherritt, Sam Dougall, George Thompson, Archie Rowcliffe. Bert Horton and Wil- liam Brown, The Masons were flower bearers. In charge of the graveside service was Alfred -stof- fat, I.P.M. The floral tributes were numerous and very lovely. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie and Miss Greta Lammie attended the funeral of Miss Edith Foster at North Tonawanda, N.Y., on Thurs- day, August 23. Miss Foster, who is a niece of Mrs. Lammie, often visited tri Hensall. A man told Billy Sunday: "You are a fake—you make folks test religious and hit the trail, but it doesn't last." Billy replied: "Neither does a bath," • This man—a saintly looking old fellow who might have been a deacon—was running to catch his bus. It was raining and the street Wa's full of puddles. Just as •he appeared to be winning the rate; tlko bus driver with a fiendish sltfir'k' pulled away from the curb- dr urb ,d d the wheels splashed a shower d ",11tlddy water over the old m'an. t 11�Sof4ly, this kindly one murmur- ed, 'May ills'"Soul find peace fat .17 1Vlfltlle ; sdtiy he added, "And the ole' the 'hotter,' f A very pleasant time was spent at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs, Wm.; Hyde whenMrs. L Mickl Mrs.1 M s. J. Faber and Mrs. Florence Joynt arranged a lawn picnic .in honor of their aunt, Mrs. Addie McLeod, i of Calgary, who has been spending' some ' time with relatives and friends in and around Hensa11.1 Twenty attended. Mr, and Mrs, K. C. 'Passmore and Mr, and Mrs. Ab, Passmore and family, of Aylmer, and Mrs, G. W. Rivers, of Essex, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, John Pass- more, A large congregation attended service at 'Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday.morninglast. Rev, W. J. Rogers occupied the pulpit and delivered an inspiring mes- sage. The choir,• under direction of J, L. Nicol, rendered a pleasing anthem. Two baskets of beauti- ful flowers on the Communion table were in memory of the late Almond D. McEwan, placed there by his family. Dianne' Koehler, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Koehler, of the Parr Line, while visiting at the 'home of her uncle, Mr. Leonard Erb, was bitten by the family dog on Monday night. The wound was over her right eye and required a number of stitches. She was rushed to Clinton hospital 00% O OAS WE XiARE AGENTS foi` Counter Check Books and Printed Gummed Tape o {p� ��MADE ay Opplfyl d PAPER P90881T5 f 'S_tylesfor every business. Various color, and designs. 0.,rr.itic•':, su8gcction,, and ell t t' Sit} nut ohlti,arion. THE 'ill',TRON • ExpoRTOR Opportu.n ftp ,. WILL HELP FINANCE RIGHT MAN IN PROFITABLE YEAR-ROUND SOFT DRINK DISTRIBUTORSHIP Will net $3,000 first year. Some business experience required Must be reliable PHONE MITCHELL 242 IMMEDIATELY For Appointment Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING NIGHTLY NEIL McKAY and his ORCHESTRA AFTER THE SI -IOW! AFTE,fj, THE GAME! AFTER SHOPPING , . . OR JUST ANYTIME! STOP AT THE hell Servke Station FOR HAMBURGS, HOT DOGS, SANDWICHES, DRINKS, ETC. We Feature Curb Service A Phone call to 182 will deliver any order, anytime —Cigarettes, Drinks, Lunches, Etc. • This Week's SPECIAL OFFER ., -- A -COMPLETE CAR WASH .— including — THOROUGH VACUUMING & GLEANING OUT OF YOUR CAR 9 8 c MAKE THE SHELL SERVICE STATION YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUR CAR NEEDS • Washes • Polishes - • Simonizing SHELL SERVICE STATION PHONE 182 Goderich St. IRO FIREMAN OIL BURNER with the ivi4 # 6®w/-seepedf/aswe SAVES UP TO 3096 ON OIL BILLS... Flame is up in the heart of the furnace where it acts directly on the heating surfaces—not in the ashpit. Burner reaches top efficiency in a few seconds —saves asomuch as a third or more on your oil bilis. Yes, an Iron Fireman Vortex gives you more "usableheat"...saves you money year after year. It's clean, quiet, compact and com- pletely automatic. Come in and see for yourself Conversion burners for your present furnace, or boiler; or complete oil- fired furnace or boiler -burner units are availabon Don't delay, IRON FIREMAN IZt B Today! Z FREE HEATING SURVEY it IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION Z 3 YEARS TO PAY FRANK -KUNG Plumbing, Heating, Sheet, Metal Work, Electric Wiring, Suppilesi Appliances, Radios, PHONE f9 .. :- 1: • SEAPIORfill ro 11k' is 11 tit p ih, res Sr �iil 7:. ts