The Huron Expositor, 1950-05-26, Page 4It; Y�9 4 le i 5 +:' CXassifiad Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per word: let week 1 Cent Sad week Gent Ord week Cent Minimum charge, unit insertion, 5 Cents - Each ,agura, initial and abbreviation count/ WI one woad. Card of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices, Coming Evun'ts-1 cent per word.' Minimum. 00 cents per week. Mundt.* mar bat dire ted to a Box No., c/o,The lluron Expositor, for 10 Dents extra. Ten oe is additional will bee ss charged if ads in above clam are nrt paid within 10 dere of date Bullis. Marriages and Deaths inserted fres of charge. Auction Saha, Notices to OrOditoay. Eta -Rates on application. Coming Events DURING THE ALTERATIONS OF THE Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, dances will continue every Friday night, and when completed will be one of the finest ballrooms in any rural section 0xn n Ontario. Teachers Wanted TEACHER WANTED - PROTESTANT teacher for S.S. • No. a 2vecctMe Ktlmnd op Township. State salary CUTIULL,nualificationSecretary-TreasurrISI to e OSCAR R.R. 4, Walton. 4800-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY 11 the undersigned for the painting of the classrooms of Seaforth Separate School. Work to be done early in Tenders to be in by Saturday. June 3rd. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, JAMES J. CLEARY, Secretary, Seaforth, Ont. 4301-tf Help Wanted WANTED - CAPABLE GIRL AS waitress. Apply in writing to Bas 879,. HURON EXPOSITOR 4301x1 Poultry DON'T iJJY Until You Send For Our. Reduced Prices For June Day old, started chicks two, three, four and five week old, non -sexed, pullets. cockerels. 12 Pure Breeds, 13 ones breeds. Older pullets. Turkeys, three breeds in day old two. three and four week old. non -sexed. sexed bens, sexed Toms. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited FEItGUS - ONTARIO 4301-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ALEXANDER SINCLAIR AL L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Alexander elair, date of the Town of Seaforth, Coun- ty of Hume, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of May. 1950, are hereby notified to ev nd in to the undersigned on or before tie1s 10th day of June, 1950, full particulars of their claims. Property For Sale 1:47,94 SALE -.-NEW ROU8 . 'RANCH stylo ; holly modern: oil furnace, air cltrldi)ioned Can be bought with down payfllent and monthly 'Payment plan. C. 4 LEE, Jahn Street. 4286-tf Immediately after the said last men- tioned. date, the assets of the said estate Will be' distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others. WANTED - LADY TO CARE FOR and the undersigned will not be liable tee WANTED in your home. Can any person of whose claim the undersign - furnish room. Apply. Box 877, HURON , ed shall not then have notice, for the EXPOSITOR. 4300-2 assets so distributed or any part thereof_ 'OUSE FOR SALE -'FIVE ROOMS aid hall, 25 -ft. living room including buy vrindow;• hard and eoft water in sink: large garden and lawn, with ehrruba and floweni ; full. 'basement. Being sold to set- tle estate. Priced reasonable. CHARLES °ARNETT. Railway et_, Seaforth. 4301-1 SALESMAN WANTED - TO SELL roofing and insulation. Commission basis_ Write Box 834. HURON EI - TOR. WANTED - HOUSFKF.RPER MIDDLE - aged, for retired gentleman in small village, with small modern home. Refer- ences. Bax 580. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4301-1 DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 11th day of May, 1950. ALVIN W. SILI.ERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 43004 Notices WANTED -MAN AND WIFE TO AT-1LAWN MOIYF.RS SHARPENED AND tend to pasture farm. Suitable for ,aired- A. O'LEARY, Seaforth. oldish couple. Ideal place for reliable 4299-6 party. DR. JAMES BELL, Herman. 4801-1 For Sale FOR SALE -:i -BURNER COAL OIL stove, in good condition, with good (ven. PHONE 134.1_ 4301-1 FOR SALE -TOMATO AND CABBAGE Pleats. Apply to THOS. M. GRIEVE. Egmondville. 4301-1 FOR, -SALE -2 YOUNG SOWS, DUE first week in June. Apply to WM. BOYD, R.R. 2. Walton_ Phone 848 r 41, Seaforth. 4901-1 'j OR SALE -COAL RANGE, COAL OIL stove, 3 -burner; kitchen sink; white kitclben cupboard. PHONE 2444, Sea - forth. 4301-1 FOR SALE -SMALL WALNUT FINISH buffet, in good condition_ Apply to WILFRED CAMERON, East William St, Seaforth. 4301x1 FOR SALE -QUANTITY OF MIXED grain. Alaskil oats. barley, spring wheat. Apply JAMES LANDSBOROUGIL Phone 665 r 16. Seaforth 4301x3 FOR SALE -42-45 HARLEY-DAVIDSON nlhtore ale. in good condition; nice appearance. Will sell or trade. Also a man's bicycle_ PHONE 691-W. 4301-1 FOR SALEDIUM SIZE OIL BURN- er, in first-class condition. Will be sold reasonable. PHONE 789_ 4301x1 FOR SALE --NEW SINGER SEWING machines- electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE. 78 Ontario SL, Stratford_ 4223-11 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -.1947 PONrIAC COACH: excellent condition: underseat heater; new tires. Must sell. Phone CLINTON 131-W. 4301x1 FOR SALE -'42 DODGE SPECIAL DE Luxe Sedan. reconditioned motor re- cently installed: body, paint. ete_, in good condition, Apply after 6 to KEN DAM,M, Kippen. - 4299-3 For a British Small Car See "THE SMALL MAN" at FOR SALE New House, Modern, Seven Rooms, James St. Immediate occupation. PHONE 353 T Y TI NIo SUPPt1$:'. ($i 17 $13 s R Goode) maw inoineid dao lrladn, peraaed envelope with Price liat. 6 sordes 2fia; 24 44mp1es *1.00. Mail. tr110 Vint. On A-RUBB2 R CO . ' 01, .Hamilton, Notices WESTON WEED SPRAliElt--TF YOU " :have mustard,' drag weed, Canada thistle, sow thiable, . 'bind weed, chicory. wild carrot or other weeds in your grain or corn fields. make arran'get)1en s to.4Lave them sprayed. It will clean. •'them out without damaging your crops, il.H'ARLES BARNETT. Phone 180-W, Seafoxelt. , 4801-1 The brook trout, according to angling experts, is not a trout at all but rather a ch,arr, due, to the bone structure of its mouth. Perth County Horse Show 15th ANNUAL Sale & Show of Swine - Machinery Demonstration Agricultural Grounds, Stratford WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7th, 1950 — PROGRAM — Ontario's Outstanding One -Day Heavy and Light Horse Show Judging will commence at 12;80 noon, and will include the following: Clydesdale, Percheron and Belgian Stallions; Agricultural and Heavy Drift Teams. four -horse hitch; all line classes of Heavy Horses. Thoroughbred, Standard Bred, Hackney and Coach Stallions; Carriage and Roadsters, Ponies, Express & Delivery, Hunter & Saddle on the line; Tandem • Hitch, Road Races. This should provide aportamen and horse lovers with one of the finest one -day shows to be held in Ontario. SEE THE NEW FLEURY -BISSELL Rapid Easy tractor spreader on dis- play at V. J. LANE'S Farm_ Phone 46 r 12, Dublin. 4301x2 RADIO REPAIRS - WHEN YOUR radio won't work, bring it to TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, and take it home the same day -any day. Opposite Dick House. Phone 347-R. Seaforth. 4295-tf DUNLOP'S British American Service 4301-2 49 48 CIV. SEDAN Two-tone in color; radio, son-wgOr; many extras. CHEV. FLEET'LINE COACH 48 CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN Radio, sun -visor, mealy extras 48 2 40 DODGE COACH 39 38 38 37 . x31, al'' OHEV, 35' DODGE SEDAN 8 "OHEV. 14 -TON PICK-UP F'b11t9 3-'TO13 5TA108-41116,0 ftsSt , roc **sift PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH 5 -PASSENGER COUPE '48 CBEV. SEDANS FO11D COUPE CHEV. COUPE DODGE SEDAN PONTIAC-SEDAN - OHEV. STANDARD COACH Reconditioned and new print job STANDARD COACH BARNS CLEANED AND WHITEWASH - ed following T.B. test Brand new sprayer capable of 1.000 pounds pressure. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone 44 r 9. Dublin. FRED HARBURN. Staffs_ 4301-tf ATTENTION FARMER! Frank Coyne, of Staffa pgr SWINE SHOW AND SALE Judging at 12:90 -- Sale at 2:15 32 REGISTERED YORKSHIRES, including bred and open Sows, Young Boars and Market Hogs. For catalogues of sale or prize lists of Horse Show, write to: R. E. WHITE, Secretary, Stratford, Oht. FOSTER M. DE.MPSEY JACK McCRACKEN President_ Managing Director. has been appointed U.F.O. Shipper. to succeed James Scatt, Sr. For further information, call 43 r 27, Dublin. E. )t' HOUGHTON Secretary Cromarty Farmers' Club. 4301-1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF 35 HEAD SCOTCH Shorthorn, 30 Females, 5 Bulls. fea- turing Imported and Popular Canadian bloodlines; two imported heifers.- one by Pittodrie Return by Pittodrie Upright; one by Calrossie Highland Leader by Kirk - ton Baronet; the get andservices of our imported sire, Lawton Ranker, by• Bapton Winalot: dam, Lawton Rosewood be Law -- ton Jamie, are featured: 18 female; are bred to this sire: several have calves at foot; 6 open heifers ; 5 bulls l4 are by Lawton Ranker). Sale is called to settle a partnership. Every animal will sell to a new owner. Herd fully accredited. Heif- ers and young cows are vaccinated. Sale on May Slst, 1950, 1:30 p.m., Daylight Saving Timed at . the farm, located on Highway No. 8, two mile; east of Sea - forth. Auctioneer: W. S. O'Neil. len- coin White, H. Jackson. For catalogues, write WM. DEVEREAUX S SON, Sea - forth. Ont- 4350-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements. at Lot 21, Con- cession 11, of Hallett Township. at 1 p.m., Thursday, June I. e. mile east of Londes- boro: CATTLE -White Durham colo, fresh 2 weeks: blue cow, 8 years, due July 13; roan cow, 4 years, due Oct_ 35; roan cow, farrow ; black heifer, 21,e years, due Jan. 27; blue heifer, 3 years, due Dec. 28; black heifer. 3 years, due June 21; black heifer, 2 years, due Nov. 5:Register- ed Aberdeen Angus bull, 16 months ; 3 calves, 1 year old: 1 calf 8 months old: 1 calf 4 months old; 1 calf 3 months old • 1 calf 2 weep old_ PIGS -1 pig three months old; 1 York sow with 9 pigs, 6 weeks old: 1 Tamworth sow due time of sale; 9'pigs 4443 months old- 13 York pigs 7 weeks old. 1111PLEMENTS-Mnssey- Harris cultivator; Massey -Harris 51§ -foot mower; Massey -Harris steel rake: Massey - Harris 3 -drum roller ; walking plow; rid- ing Plow: new pair of sleighs; 1 seed drill: 1 seuffler; 1 set disc: Mes ey-Har- ris electric cream separator. No. 9; 3 iron kettle:: 4 sections harrows; I new yelper; 1 turnip drill ; 1 cut box : 1 Port- land cutter; 2 galvanized pig troughs; 1 fanning mill ; 1 gravel box: 1 set heavy harness; 16 -foot hay rack : 1 set plow harness; 1 new flat rack: 1 single har- ness ; 4 sling ropes; 1 chicken shelter. Terms -Case. ALBERT AUSTIN, Pro- prietor ; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4301-1 DISPERSAL AUCTION SALE Monday, May 29th At Lot 9, Con. 1 E.D., Colborne Township Two miles east of Benneller, of John,the young sot, of Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot, had his hand, severely burnt recently when he and other Members of the family were playing with a cigarette light- er. ighter. They were filling it with fluid when some 'spilled on his bands, and when the lighter was lit; the gas ignited, severely burning his hand. He is improving slowly but is not able to return to school as yet. WINTHROP '10:. and : a'boilit:i $0;e. .Pear* ago to Itf Where atle • lla4, woos r43r a1a,Qd, shee 4ui^vived tlpr ' i,tlree,: d a*htel'e ,.Mrs (,nne> Robiwso0,:' We. (B,,ty0 ; Reese and ',nsei. 34.17Wood t�, nfi'7]It3trolt, t1Yo slate's, Mrs. Weimer Connolly, Logan,and MI's. John 'Delaney. McKillop: also four brothers: Thos, Ryan, Chat- ham; William Ryan, Kinitora, and Frank and Timothy Ryan, Scott, Sask. Requiem Mass was sung by Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Wednesday morning. The pallbearers were Joseph L. Ryan, Joseph Connolly, Patrick Woods, John T. Ryan, Joseph Ryan, Kinkora, and Joseph Givins, of London. Burial was in St. Patrick's cemetery, where Dr. Ffoulkes officiated at the commit- tal service. Among those attending the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Reese and Miss Mary Woods, Detroit;. Joseph, Misses Mary and Kathleen Givins, London; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ryan and son, Kinkora; James and Blair Givins, Wingham. The Helping Hand Mission -Band will meet on Saturday, May 27, in the schoolroom of the church, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter and family of Brampton, visited with Rev. J. R. and Mrs. Peters, over the week- end. They returned to Brampton with them on Tuesday. Mrs. C. Hawley,- of Stratford, visited with Mr and Mrs . W' E. Hawley over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson. ELIMVILLE Mrs. Thos. Bell visited on Sun- day with her niece, Miss' OrdeIl McAllister, Woodham. Mr, and Mrs. W. Routly 'attend- ed Woodham anniversary and. vis- ited with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Don Whetstone, Miss Donna Murch and Mr. Frank Walsh, of London, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Bell. The W.M.S. and W.A. held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. John Coward on Wednesday after- noon, There were 20 present. Mrs. Garnet Johns had charge of the meeting and led in prayer. Scrip- ture readings were given by Miss - Ruth Skinner and Mrs. Phil, Hern. Mrs. Newton Clarke gave a splen- did report of Clinton Presbyterial. Plans were made for entertaining the societies of Whalen and Zion Church at the June meeting. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. HALF SLIPS Just the thing for Summer wear with bare midriff dresses and skirts and halters. Generously trimmed with lace and spec- ially designed to give you freedom for Summer activities. • SMALL • MEDIUM' • LARGE 1.49 1.95 • TUDOR'S Ladies' Wear - Dry Goods - HENSALL PHONE 70 .tet'::: WARDROBES Storage Chests, Under - Bed Chests Store away those Winter Clothes Prices from 4.75 to 56.95 Drawer space, Hat space, full-length Mirrors, sin- gle and double doors. • Box Furniture Store Funeral & Ambulance Service OFFICE 43 NIGHTS 595-W or 18 60 Head of High Grade Guernsey Cattle Ali ages, milking and spring cows and heifers. Bred and open heifers add calves. Herd folly accredited for seventeen con- seeutive years, and all are vaccinated ex- cept a few of the older cows. The nealth status is good_ Theherd is being diepcsed of on 06- eaont of the owner's health. Salle starts at 2 p.m., Daylight Saving Time. Terms -Cash - HUGH 11I1J,, O'vner It. R 4. Goderleh. DONAW BLUE, AiTetlond6tr f8gI.1 Ford Tractor Owners Come in and See the Wood Bros. Combine For the FORD Tractor DALY MOTORS FORD - MONARCH DEALER . TeL '102 . Seaforth BAYFIELD HENSALL (Continued from Page 1) from Mr. Smallacombe and fam- ily and Miss M. Ellis were read by the secretary. Dorothy McNaugh- ton cNaughton read the Scripture passage, John 6, verses 41-51. Mrs. Maude Hedden offered prayer, while Miss Gladys Luker gave the devotional entitled, `50ur Daily Bread." It was decided to hold the class pic- nic at the Lions Park, Seaforth, on Friday night, June 23. Members and guests are asked to meet at the church 'at- 5:30 or 6 o'clock. The following committees were appointed: Sports, Howard Brook, Mrs. Hess; social, Mr. and Mrs. D. Kyle, Mr. Blackwell, Jack Cor- bett. An interesting program was presented consisting of the follow- ing numbers: Vocal solo, "Ora Pro Nobis," Mr. Appleby, accompanied by . 'WS. Appleby; reading, Miss Ellis; duet, "In the Garden," Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Hedden; 'piano solo, Gladys Luker; mouth organ selec- tions, Ed. Corbett; hymn, "My Faith Looks 'Up To Thee," was sung and the Mizpah benediction repeated. After a period of recre- ation directed by Mrs. Blackwell and Dorothy McNaughton delicious refreshments were served by the committee in charge. Additional Hensall News nn Page 3 Miss Lillian Morley, of Detroit, arrived on Thursdety to spend the season at her cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Harry' Ahrens, of Detroit. spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker. Mrs. Bruce Kennedy left Mon- day for Montreal, where she will sail on the Empress of Asia on Friday for England to spend a three -months vacation. Misses Gloria Westlake and Bet- ty Lou Larson, of London, spent the week -end at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Atkinson and Marion and Stewart, of St. Clair's Shores, spent the week -end at their home here. Mrs. Lloyd Westlake has return- ed to her borne after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Toms, for five weeks. Miss Marion Fairburn of Detroit arrived this week to spend the summer. Mr. Casey Atkinson. of Detroit, and Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Holmes, of Sarnia. spent the week -end at the Atkinson home. - Mr. and Mrs. Renaus Johns and son and Mr. Jas. Harding spent the week -end at the Albion Hotel. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ritchie, of Elimville, spent the week -end at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George King. DUBLIN A. native and. former resident of this district, Mrs. John Woods, died in Detroit on Monday following a brief illness. She was formerly Miss Mary A. Ryan, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. Ryan, Mc- Killop. In 1901 she was married to John Woods, of Dublin, who died in 1910. Following her husband's death, Mrs. Woods moved to Strat- In Memoriam COAL C gnterpiises, God. fid �a d and, Dry Cleang ,Se L � ry WET WASH, 10 lbs... • ..:.. . SEMI -FINISH, 8 Ms. $1. AU Types of Dry Cleaning PICK UP MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS (Apron and Towel Service) TRUCK WILL CALL AT YOUR DOOR PHONE SEAFORTH 182 New, Low Summer Prices on our Famous BLUE COAL are now in effect. You'll want to take advantage of these low Spring prices right away and; get your order in now for our good, clean trade -marked Coal. LORNE E. HAY PHONE 10 HENSALL ROBINSON-IN LOVING MEMORY OF a dear wife and mother, Mss. Thomas Robinson, who passed away May 28, 1943. "To live in the hearts of loved ones left behind is not to die." Her works live on. "Whosoever livet.h and believeth in me shall never die," John 11:26. -Lovingly remembered by Husband and Daughters. 4301-1 Cards Of Thanks THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS_ W. J. Sillery wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness,' floral tributes and cards ex- tended to them during their recent sad bereavement ' 43014 MRS. MINNIE LITTLE AND T'liJx relatives of the late Charles Alexan- der wish to thank the friends and neigia- bons who so kindly helped at the time of his death. Special thanks for the beauti- ful floral tributes ; to Mrs. Long, Mrs. Mellisr Mas. Dalrymple and Mrs. Hender- son who -helped at the home on'Satur- day;, also to Rev. A. Hinton and the Bonthron Funeral Home. MRS. JOHN CLARK MISS EDNA ALEXANDER 4301-1 (Nieces) Births MULVALE-In St. Joseph's Hospital, Sarnia. on May 20, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Melvale (nee Mary Neville), a son. BAILEY -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 18, be Mr. and Mrs. IAM Bailey, Sea - 'forth, a daughter. MOORE-1n Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore, ;,Seaforth, a daughter. SGO,' T --In Scott Memorial Hospital, on May io, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B. • Scott, RR. 1. Seaforth, a daughter. PRYCE-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pryce, Seafortb, a daughter. HENDEIRSON-Mr. and Mrs. John Hen- defiiotl, Hensa,U, are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, Krehleen • Ante, on Sunday, May 21, 1950 at the Stephen Nursing Home, Hensalf. Death **OALLi1M-'-1n.Itowick, cit $'Hday. Mfg 19, Jaynes Arable McCallum. in his 92nd a Scar., Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY SATURDAY May 27th Bobby Downs and his Orchestra. June 3rd Bill Howe and his Orchestra. June 10th, June 17th and June 24th to Labor Day NEIL McKAY AND HIS ORCHESTRA DRIVE 1N TO YOUR NEAREST RELIANCE DEALER FOR A TANKFUL OF THIS SENSATIONAL NEW GASOLINE TODAY .�ri.x, 5T . , q GFVES NEW POWER r© ALL CORS NW HIGH-OCTANE RATING NEW SMOOTH ANTi-KNOCK POWER NEW FLASHING GET -A -WAY 4VEW ROCKET PERFORMANCE NEW HIGH VALUE ... REGULAR PRICES TIRE• RTERS fOR AUTHORIZED r%' GOOD EAR AND SERVICE SALES MENSAL! FA TOR SUES HENSALL PHONE; 31 DODGE -DE 5030 OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 P.M. SEAFORTH & DISTRICT MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE BUILDING FUND Community Auction Sale Saturday, June 3rd, 1.30 p.m. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS—Furniture, Radios, Washing Machines, Stoves, Etc. FARM IMPLEMENTS and LIVESTOCK CARS and TRUCKS Contributions of value over $15:00 to $20.00 may be made subject to a 'reserve bid, which will be paid to the owner, less the usual auctioneer's' commission. Members of the Seaforth Lions Club will canvass all of Seaforth and Egmondville on Thursday and Friday evenings, May 25th -and 26th In the event that any articles are overlooked, contact Dr. P. L. Brady. • ®. REMEMBER Spring Jamboree and Entertainment J..r:lw.". WEDNESDAY, MAY 31st - - 8:00 ; pr m. All proceeds in aid of Seaforth & District Memorial Community Centro,: Building Fund. 11 4, 1 'I e