The Huron Expositor, 1950-03-17, Page 4it ±l: is czssified Ads.I ossified. Ads inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED. LOST AND FOUND. ETC. --Per ward: 1st week ", 1 Gent end % Cent _ /4 Cent Mi knum char" Haat Insesticn, 25 Cents Eae5 h,,.,•. .u5u,l and abbrevoa.wn counts as.one word, card of, Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week. _ `%agonies may be directed w e Boa No., o/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 ceote esus. -Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above clary are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. *friths. Marriages and Death. inverted Loss of chargee. Auction Salm, Notices w Creditors. Eta—Bata OD applicants. Personals HYGIENIC SUPk'L1Ri (RUBBER A Goods) mailed pwtpa,d in plain, sealed envelope with price lug 6 samples 25c; 24 sampler 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton. Oat. Help Wanted SALESMAN WANTED — TO SELL roofing and insulation. Commission basis. Write Box 834. HURON EXPOSI- TOR. TOR Notices venom AND BOARD AVAILABLE FOR elderly person. Comfortable home. References, if accessary. MRS. JOSEPH THORNTON, R.R. 2, Walton. 4291x1 Wanted IITANTED—OIL HEATER. APPLY TO 9Y MISS SHIRLEY HAMER, Commercial Hotel. Phone 227. 4291x1 WANTED—BY MAY 15th, SFr.F.CON- t 'p rtment or house, furnished or unfurnished; 2 bedrooms essential PHONE 201, Seaforth. 4291-2 WANTED—A HEATED TWO -ROOM apartment. furnished or unfurnished. with use of bath. for two. adults. Phone MISS SHIRLEY HAMER, Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, 4290-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of PLACYD CHOMICKI ALL PERSONS SAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Placyd Chomicki, late of the Township of McKillop, in 'the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, Who died on the 20th day of February, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 31st day of March, 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 8th day of March, 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 42903, NOTICE to CREDITORS In. the Estate of JOSEPH L. MALONEY ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Joseph L. Maloney, late of the Township of McKil- lop, in the County of Syron, Farmer, de- ceased, who died on the 22nd day of January. 1960, are hereby notified to send in frill particulars of their claims to the • undersigned on or before the 31st day of .March. 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this. 8th day of March. 1950, McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4290-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of RACHAEL MALVINA MURDIE A lea PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate df Realise! Malvin Mudie, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County Of Huron, Spinster, de- ceased, who died on the 31st day of Janu- ary, 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of March, 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATA) at Seaforth, this 28th day of February. 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4289-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of DUNCAN McKELLAR A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Duncan MaKel- lar, late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Retired. l9ason, de - cased, who died on the 20th day of De- cember, 1949, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of March, 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard rosily to claims then received. DAI'&D at Seaforth 'this 2&th day of February, 1950. McCONNELL &' HAYS, :forth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 4289-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY ELLA TREMEEet A L L PERSONS • HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Mary Ella Tre- Sneer, late of the Township of Tucker - smith, 12! the County of Huron, Married Woman, deceased, who died on the 19th day of Ootober, 1945. are hereby notified to send in foil particulars of their claims to'the undersigned on or before, the 24th day of March. I950. after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 28th clay of February. 2950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solie%tors for the Administrator. 42894 ' NOTICE to 'CREDITORS InT tlie Estate of JOHN ALEXANDER A LL PERSONS RAVING -MAIMS against tate Estate of John Alexander 'rketniene late a,f the Township of Tucker- Ori%ithi: in the County of Moron, Retired "bit`ttidt, decease}, who died on the 27th, Idy qf` April; 1949 are hereby notified to ,aryl' il`I i`ttll pastaenlera of their claims to htf eilitleleietted on er before the 24th ray dif I►brab. 1910, after Which date the �geta;.toll be distribtited, hating retread dims§ heti received. tl itiliter0,.thla "60Us day •f &b t Data �., la Vie iYt 2tiil-ll Property For Sale "NOR SALE—NEW HOUSE. RANCH style; frilly modern; oJ) furnace, air conditioned C. G, LEE. John Street. 4286-tf FOR SALE SEVEN -ROOM HOUSE, IN PERFECT condition. l."medt to possession. Phone 353 - 'Seaforth 4290-2 Tenders Wanted GRAVEL TENDERS Township of Stanley SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIV- ed by the Township of Stanley for crushing and hauling approximately Five Thousand (5,900) cubic yards of gravel. to be Jaid on township roads, by October 15. 1950. Three-quarter inch screen to be used. and tender to state a fiat rate per cubic yard. Gravel will be •furnished by the Township from Fred Reid's pit. A marked cheque for 5200.00 is to ac- company the tender, and all tenders are to be in the bands of the Clerk by April 1st, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted: For further particulars apply to ROY KEYS, Varna, Road Superintendent. (Signed) FRED S. WATSON, Clerk, . Township of Stanley, ft -R, 3, Bayfield. 9291-2 For Sale 9Ft OR SALE — FOUR -BURNER ELEC- •tric range. HURON EXPOSITOR FOR SALE — SPRAYED APPLES. Phone Clinton 613 r' 24. FRED Mc- CLYMONT- 4287x10 'port WPMSALE—FORD TRACTOR, WPM plow and pulley : good as new. Apply to Box 854, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4_"91x2 pee SALE — MEDIUM SIZED COOK stove, white enamel, in good condi- tion. Cheap for quick sale.. ED. AN- DREWS. Phone 851 r I1, Seaforth. 4291-1 FOR SALE -11 -RUN M.H. FERTILIZ- er disc drill. steel wheels and lid; in first-class condition. Apply to JOHN SINCLAIR. Phone 657 r 41, Seafottth. 4291x1 rt OR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWIN(. CENTRE, 78 Ontario St.. Stratford. 4223-tf FOR SALE -11 LITTLE PIGS, 6 WEEKS old, Phone 4 5 orth at Phe s e. r 5 e r a noon or '6 o'clock. WILLIAM ELLIOTT, R.R. 1, Walton. _ 4291-1 VOR SALE — 3 -PIECE KROEHLER chesterfield suite in good condition. Apply ERIC MUNROE, Crich's Apar•.t- ment,--or 4291-1 VOR SALE — MASSEY-HARRIS 23-A 2 -furrow tractor plough. nearly new. Apply ARNOLD GAGES I B 1 1511. Hen- sall, Ont Phone. 100 r 33. 4291x1 FOR SA1.F INTERNATIONAL B. N. Farman tractor: scut5er, in good re- pair; spring wheat Redman variety; 8 pigs six weeks old. JOHN OSTROM, Varna. Phone 613 r 2, Clinton. 4291x3 VOR SALE --SAP PAN AND SMOKE- ' 1 used Jamesway oil brooder; quantity of Beaver seed oats ; 1929 Chev- rolet car in good shape. ?hone 840 r 13, Seaforth. FRANK JOHNSTON. R.R. I, Dublin, 9291-1 FOR SALE—BLACK EVENING GOWN. size 16; navy blue pin stripe suit, size 16: black shortie. coat, sire 16, all in A-1 condition. Cheap for quick sale. Also one Rollfast bicyole in perfect canditian. PHONE 662 r 32, Egmondville. 429151 `OR SALE -3 PUREBRED YORKSHIRE boars nearing service' age- the Sire of these being Senior and Grand ORampion at Teeswatcr. 1949. 99 bushels of Grade No. 1 Galore Earley. germination' 995, grown from Registered No. 1 Seed. Gaps*, tel Soybeans : also horse-drawn cultivator. mower and hay !oade- at low coat R. E. McMILI.AN. Phone 844 r 4. Seaforth. 4291x1 SUMMER COTTAGE FOR SALE LARGE 4 -BEDROOM SUMMER COT- . tate, with all conveniences. One mile south of Rayfield, on lake front. Apply Box 855 HURON EXPOSITOR 4291-1 "FULLER FIBRE BROOM" OVER TEN MILLION HOMES MADE it farnoos. Speciwl offer of 51.2.5 each expires March 18, 1950. Phone your "Fuller" dealer today. E. Albrecht IN SEAFORTH PHONE 7I -R 4291x1 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY 100 Acres, 55 workable. 15 bush. orch- ard. soil clay loam: good water supply, creek. House brick siding, 7 rooms, water inside, cellar. cistern. Bank barn 40x60, tie-up 4 horses, 14 cattle, water in stable; hose pen, chicken house garage; Hydro throughout School across road, church and railway 1 'Fy mites : 7 goon mi)ch cows, s l bred, 8 horses': implements-- wagon, al- most new, plow, harrows, disc, buggy, ret - ter, mower. Taxes 885. On mai» road, Auburn Ilk mile;, Blyth 4 miles, Code - rich 12 miles. Total price for all $7500. Cash $5590. Balance mortgage 5%. Im- mediate possession. The buyer of this farm may secure positions good for 5650, nr mote a year. Joseph Anderson Broker, ' 35 Lamellas Blvd., TORONTO 12, Ontario. HYland 6776: 4291-1 Something to sell , to bop . . then Phone 41, The Miran'filter, Seaforth, iCelit)i tet t e hest iesui"te.- i` Poultry FOR SALE. X75 WS1TE LEGHORN BARRED ROOK X PULL 'E3 --Batched Feb. 23rd. 848 BARRED ROCK PULLETS Hatched March 6th Specially priced for immediate Bile. irtoore's Poultry Farm riONE 666 r 3 : SEAFORTH Auction Sales SUCTION SALE IN THE SKATING Rink, Seaforth, on Wednesday, March 3tb, at 1 p.m.: White fireplace =ante) with electric log grate; new office desk, lass top; round coffee table: end table: aesterfield; 1 chair and footstool to catch; telephone table with 2 drawers; •leotric fan; bed lamp; wall lamp; polar ear rug: booked mat; fern stand; ver- ndah table; 2 boudoir lamps: 1 table .rap; trunk; bird cage; grab box; wash amid and variety of dishes; living room mirror; 2 pairs drapes 3 yards long; 3 mall mirrors; pictures; 2 bags charcoal: coal pail and fire shovel, bed; dresser nd seat; green chair; drophead Raymond ewing machine; chest drawers; corner tend; spring and mattress; Simmons 9eauty Rest; 2 pair's drapes; 4 kitchen hairs and arm chair; falling leaf table; tideboaxd ; kitchen set; small frig., Astral; square table; camp chair; toaster: 2 old fashioned lamps : 2 -plate electric; Prest- a-acker (new) ; kitchen stave (Acme), wood or coal; 8 old fashioned ,irons; 2 old antique chairs; rosewood chair and foot- stool to nmtoh. Terms --Cash. ESTATE OF THIS LATE MRS. OLIVE SLOAN; Edwin P. almoner. : Clerk; Harold Jack- son, Auctioneer- 4291-2 Motor Cars For Sale -WO& SALE—SEDAN DELIVERY, '48 CHEV.; perfect condition; low mile- age. Would trade on good oar. THOMAS TATE, Bayfield, Ont. ' 4291-1 OTOR CARS FOR SALE -1947 CHEV. M Coach; 1941 Chev. Coach, both thor- oughly reconditioned. DUNLOP'S B. A. SERVICE STATION. 4290x2 1948 1947 1947 1946 '1941 of 1940 1938 1937 1937 1935 DALY MOTORS MERCURY COUPE—Heater, radio; low mileage. FORD SEDAN—Heater, sun visor. Excellent condition. OLDSMOBILE—Radio and heater. Good buy. FORD COACH New paint job. FORD FORD FORD COACH COACH COACH COACH PLYMOUTH COACH FORD PANEL TRUCK Ford -Monarch Sales & Service SEAPORTS 49 48 48 48 48 48 42 42 38 38 37 37 37 36 35 35 34 46 40 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN Blue in color; 8,000 miles. CHEV. COACH -22,000 merles 41,460.00 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH Two-tone grey. CIiEV..FLEETLINE COACH, 51,725 CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN—$1,700.00 OHEV. STYLI+M ASTER COACH CHEV. SEDAN DODGE SEDAN PLYMOUTH SEDAN --8800.00 PLYMOUTH COACH -5550.00 DODGE SEDAN -8450.00 NASH SEDAN—Needs motor job 5250.00 ;..HEV. STANDARD COACH GRAHAM SEDAN -5325.00 CHEV. STANDARD COACH DODGE SEDAN --$250,00 CHEV. MASTER COACH -3200.00 PLYMOUTH COACH CHEV. ?y -TON PICK-UP • CHEV. 3; -TON STAKE TRUCK MANY OTHER VALUES BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better TJs•-d Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING Cards Of Thanks MRS. W. WEBSTER WISHES TO EX - press her sincere' thanks and apprec- iation to the friends and relatives who so kindly remembered her with cards. flowers and treats while a patient in the hospi- tal. 4291x1 THANK YOU !—I WOULD LIKE TO take this opportunity to express my thanks. to my friends and relations for their many acts of kindness shown to me while 1 was a patient in the hospital ; and al-o-tothe doctors and nurses who holpcd me in every way possible. 4291x1 URSULA FEENEY THE McCLYMONT FAMILY WISH TO express their sincere thanks to those k.> Fent flowers, fruit;, cards. etc., to Violet while She was in the Hospital. and Pr. Goddard and staff of Clinton Hos- false: Rev. Reba Hern, and those who helped in any way in theirrecent bereavement. 4291x1 I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE 'PHIS OP- nortunity to thank my many friends and neighbors who visited me or sent cards and treats. I e,peeially want to thank the nurses and staff of Scott Mem- orial Hospit-1, also Drr. Stapleton and Howson. while a patient there. 4292x1 HUGH GORDON In Memoriam CUDMOItE—IN EVER LOVING ME•M- ory of our dear father, Roland Cud - mora who passed away in Hansell on March 16. 1928. • —Sons and Daughters. (�+CRtJTON — IN LOVING REMEM: brance of our death Mother Mary Jane Scruton, who passed away march 19, 1948. At rest in God's beautiful garden. Sheltered from sorrow and Pain; Some day when life's Promo is ended, 35c Asti reed our loved ori'e oknin . —Ever' ee1ttembereedt by her 'Andrea Ita;totd, Alma, Mildred and S yki& 1291«t Coming Even RE SURE ANDATTEND G BT. Patrick Dance at the 0r4144 X1y' lace aroom, Kitchen, Frfday anglify wlrt t•DOB Robertson and bis Ranoll, Boys, Sion' 50 cents. 4291x1 Births PRYCE—At Scott Memorial' Hospital, on March 3, ,to Mr. and Mals. Lei,-Pryce, McKillop, a daughter. KEYES—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 10, to Mr. and Mrs. John Keyes. R.R. 1, Varna, a daughter. • Deaths HUTCHISON—In Thorold,\ on Tueeday, March 14, Jelena Babb, widow of the late Faster DeCourcey Hutchison, in her 86th year. South Huron . (Continued from Page 1) Seaforth. Buckwheat—Donald Mid- dleton, R.R. 3, Clinton; Earl Noble, Blyth; Fred Bell, R.R. 2, Goderich; Bob Thompson, R.R. 2, Clinton. Any other seed; Fred Bell, R.R. 2, Goderich; Merton T. Keyes, Sea - Winter Wheat, Junior 'Division— W. Geo. Turton, R.R. 5, Goderich; Jim Clark, R.R. 5, Goderich; John Clark, R.R. 5, Goderich; Oats, jun- ior division—Harold Knight, R.R. 2, Brussels; Leslie -Knight, R.R. 2, Brussels; Jas. Knight, R.R. 2, Brussels; Charlie Turnbull,R.R. 2, Brussels; Flora Turnbull, R.R. 2, Brussels. Flax—Robt. W. Irwin, R.R. 2, Seaforth; Earle Noble, Blyth. Ear- ly Potatoes—John F. Ingram, R.R. 2, Hensall; W. R. Dougall, R.R. 2, Hensall; Geo. E. Walker, R.R. 1, Hensall; Robt. P. Allan, Brucefield; Douglas Hughson, Exeter; Elgin Nott, R.R. 4, Clinton; Andrew Turnbull, R.R. 2, Brussels; Jim Clark, R.R. 5, Goderich; Fred Bell, R.R. 2, Goderich; Gordon Knight, R.R. 2, Brussels. Corn—Allan Waiper, Parkhill; Elgin Nott, Clinton; Robt. Allan, Brucefield; Donald Kernick, Exe- ter; Gordon Kniggbt, Brussels; Fred Bell, Goderich; Russell Knight, Brussels, - Oats-10-breshel Iots: H. H. G. Strang, Hensall; Elder Bros., Hen- sall; R. N. Alexander, Londesboro; Alvin Betties, Bayfield; R. D. Eth- erington. Hensall; Fred Bell, God- erich; Elgin Nott, Clinton, John Taylor, Wingham; M. T. Keyes, Seaforth. Barley — 10 -bushel lots: EIder Bros., Hensall; Jas. E. McEwan, Hensall; Bob MacMillan, R.R. 2, Seaforth; Elgin Nott, RR 4, Clin- ton; Merton T. Keyes. Seaforth; Harold Pryce, R.R. 1, Seaforth; F,. N, Alexander, Londesboro. USBORNE Mr. John W. Stewart, a life-long resident of Usborne Township. died suddenly Tuesday night, Mar. 7, at his ,home on the northeast- ern boundary. He had been around. as usual and was in Exeter the day of his death. He was a mem- ber of the Thames Roadt United Church and one of the best known farmers of the district. He was fi:• years of age. Surviving besides his wife are two sons, Ivan, of Us - borne; William. of Toronto, and one daughter, Mrs. Edwin Hawk- ins, Exeter. The funeral was held Friday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. from the Hopper -Hockey funeral home. Interment was in Exeter cemetery. HIJLLETT Buy your Dinnerware in March and save up to $10.00 on your Dinner Set, at SAVAUGES'. Sea= forth.—(Adv.). There were 21 present at the regular meeting' of the Fireside Farm Forum meeting which was held at the home of Alex Riley Monday night. "Can We Farm Co- operatively" was the topic, for dis- cussion following the broadcast, Wm. Jewitt, Jas. Jamieson and Geo. Hoggart were appointed to make arrangements for the final party. Progressive euchre was played with the winners as fol- lows: Games,/ Betty Addison; lone hands, Mrs. Bert Hoggart; conso- lation. Mrs, Ben Riley; men's games. Alex Riley; lone hands, Bert Hoggarae consolation, Wm. Jewitt. Lunch' was served. The next meeting will be held at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hog- gart. BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Rehe,ly Larson spent the weekend in Sarnia and' London. Miss Beverley York, of Lucan, spent the week -end at her home in the village. Ambng those who attended the funeral of the late Miss Cameron on Tuesday were: Mr. and Mrs.. Jas. Cameron and Mr. and lire. MacPherson, of Toronto, and Messrs. Wm. and Frank Cameron, of Detroit. Mrs. Lloyd Mal(ins, who has been a patient in Clinton Publ'c Hospital for the past three weeks, returned home on Tuesday. Miss Gloria Westlake, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with her -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westlake. Mrs. John Sturgeon, Sr., who has been in St. Thomas for the past two months, returned to her home there last week. Death of Miss Cameron The death occurred at the'Quee:'i, Elizabeth .Hospital, Toronto, last Saturday of Grasp Robertson Cam- eron, who had been a patient there for the past 24 years. Miss Cam- eron was born in Bayfield 73 years ago, the only daughter of the late 'Monies and Isabel Morrison Cam- eron, eand ameron,'-and had been an invalid' since she was a young woman. The funeral took place Tuesday from the residence of her brother, Jahn Cameron, Bayfield. Interment was in Bayfield cemetery. The Rev. t.aVerne Morgan of 'Trinity Angli- can Church officiated. She Is sures vived by two brothers, James, of Toronto, ands John; of Bayilelde The pallbearers *ere Walter West•• Ieke, Wm, Parker, Melvin Davi sofa Hugh DJ?ddKap, Harold Stlliti dos aid Johin Marks. „"e KIPPEN telnelWercr Buy your Dinnerware' in March and save up to . $.1#..4O 041 Your Dinner Set, at SAVABGEa', 'Sea- forth.—(Adv.). What might have proved to re- sult in a serious accident wars averted by the prompt action pf the driver of a truck while passing through the main intersection in, Kippen during the afternoon of Friday. March 10:' It appears that Mrs. Holmes, a resident of HO - pen, after stepping from a north- bound bus, attempted to cross the street, and stepped directly into the • path of a Hobbs Glass Co. truck of London. In order to pre- vent a serious accident, the driver had to apply his brakes so quickly that a large sheet of. plate glass, valued at $200, was knabked'off the truck to the pavement, with such force that the pieces were worth- less and could therefore not be salvage for any purpose. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McBride and Mrs. Robt. McBride were in Lon- don on Thursday last visiting Mr. Edgar McBride, - whowis taking treatments for a nervous condi- tion. Mr, Ivan 'Wren, of Lotion, spent Saturday and Sunday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren. The choir of Kippen United Church, under the leadership of Miss Jean Ivison, commenced prac- ticing for Easter music on Thurs- day last. Mr. and Mrs. • Stewart Beattie and family, of Wingham, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride. -. Peter Reeves And Nobby Holmes were in London on Saturday. Mr. Kenneth Hartung and AI- fred Glazier were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dayman over the week -end. The many friends of Rev, Rich- ardson, of Millbank, were sorry to hear that he suffered a slight par- alytic stroke at his home last week. Mrs. Harry Norris had the mis- fortune to get infection into her left hand, which finally turned into blood poison. She is now improve ing under the doctor's. care. A number from this vicinity at- tended the Seed Fair at Clinton on Saturday last and report good ex- hibits and a record attendance, Lorne McBride, of Windsor, was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McBride, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs- Ivison Torrance, of Mitchell, visited friends in the vil- lage on Sunday. Mr. Edgar McBride returned to h!s• home on Sunday last, his health much improved after two weeks. treatment in London, Stuart McBride, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McBride, has won a 9 1 .,o scholarshipat Western Uni- versity, versity, which entitles' him to en- ter Madison University, Wiscon- sin. Congratulations, Stuart! Leslie Armstrong, son of Me. and Mrs. John Armstrong, has bought Mr. David McNaughton's farm near Bayfield. Mrs. rDeitz and Norma and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Munro have got set- tled in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family' visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden, Denfield Mrs. Ivy Butt, of Seaforth, vis- ited friends in this community last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones and Grant and Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and Gail Ann visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ferguson at llderton, The W.M.S. met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Or- ville Workman with a large at- tendance. The president, Mrs. Winston Workman. presided and opened the meeting with She theme: "Ye are not your own." Hymn 387 was sung and Mrs. Workman led in prayer. Mrs, J. McLellan had charge ofthe wor- ship and read Romans 12. Hymn 356 was sung, one verse between each Scripture. Mrs. W. Caldwell read Matthew 25, verses 1-13; Mrs. Robt. Elgie Psalm 26:1-2, also vers- es 1:20-21. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot read Luke 21:1-4; Mrs. Harold Jones. Mark 12:30-31, and Mrs. Workman led in prayer. Twenty- four members answered the roll call and there were 10 visitors. Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter and Mrs. Harold Jones favored with a duet, "Sweet Hour 'Of Prayer," Mrs. Allan Johnson gave the topic, "En- Iightening the Mind." A poem, "Wait and See," was given by Mrs. W. Alexander. Hymn 358 was sung and the meeting closed with benediction by Mrs. Workman. Lunch was served by Circle No. 2. FriendshipCircle was held in the Sunday schoolroom of St. An- drew's Church, Kippen, Monday, with ; over 40 members present. Ther meeting opened with Hymn 486; are lasso � 8i Y , the Berl 1n. Scripture 0 1 is vp Ilan My - en bt) M- . Il ., y BlaineF,lalne $e1, Ault Sinclair and Bonnie Kyle, Mr. Hinton led in prayer. This was followed by the reading of the min - idea 'of the last meeting. A com- mittee composed of Don Bell, Don Kyle, Mrs. W. Workman and Mrs. R. McGregor, was appointed to ar- range the next meeting ,on March Hy7nxt 500 'was sung; Mrs. H. Jones and, Mrs. A. Gackstetter fav- ored, with •aduet, and .,.a reading 'Was given by Mrs. J. 'Sinclair. Several contests were conducted by 11fre. Bell, Mrs. Cooper and Helen Turner. Between contest everyone joined in a sing -song, af- ter fter which all went to the basement where games were played, follow- ed by the box social. The Nation, al Anthem closed the meeting. HENSALL Buy your Dinnerware in March and save lip to $10.00 on your o "neer Set, at SAVATiGES', Sea- forth.—(Adv.). Girl Guides are sponsoring a paper drive Saturday, March 25. Please hese papers -tied in bundles by 9 a.m., in front of homes. Maga- zines and papers will be accepted. 4291-2 (Continued from Page 1) Wilfred Mousseau, who. resides on No. 83 Highway, near Hensall, was the lucky winner of a $50.00 lady's wrist watch at the Cozy Grill Restaurant, Heneall. Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Drysdale and Mr -'and Mrs. Walter Spencer returned from St. Petersburg, Fla., on Wednesday. Mrs. Jack Wilson (nee Pearl Brown), of Stratford, is in Strat- ford General Hospital with a frac- tured ankle, which she sustained in a fall in her home. Mr. Alf. Taylor, who has been very ill, is improving. Mr. Wallace Trann, who has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. J. D. Stewart for the past month, has returned to his home at Crystal City, Man. A program by pupils of Hensall public school and. neighboring sur- al schools will be held in the Town Hall Tuesday, March 28, at 8:15, with proceeds in aid of the Com- munity Building Fund. Keep the date in mind, Satur- day, March 25, when the Girl Guides will sponsor a paper drive, and would appreciate if you will have bundles tied and placed in. front of homes by 9 a.m. Maga- zines and papers will be accepted. Mrs. Lillian Hyde presided for the monthly meeting of the Eve- ning Auxiliary which took place in the United Church schoolroom en Monday night, with a splendid at- tendance. Mrs. Mary Buchanan and Miss Edna Walsh were hostesses. The theme song and the hymn, "He Liveth Long," were sung, af- ter which the Lord's Prayer was repeated. Mrs. Mary Buchanan conducted the devotional period, using as her theme, "In the begin- ning God created heaven and earth." Mrs. Maude Hedden read the Scripture, Psalm 121. Members offered a lovely selection of ap- rons for the fall bazaar in answer to the roll call. Minutes were read, collection taken and business re- viewed. Members are asked to pre- sent at the next meeting, April 3, pot -holders, dish cloths or similar items. An appeal for good used clothing (adults' or children's) for enclosure with the V.M.S. bale, requires turgent attention. Auxil- iary members are requested to have contributions at the next meeting if possible. A cordial writ- ten invitation was read by the sec- retary, re the annual W.M.S. birth- day party to be held in the school room of the church on Friday eve- ning at 7:45, to which all Auxil- iary members are urged to attend. A 'thank -you' letter was received from the McClymon family. Miss Gray then ably de t with a con- tinuation of the st dy book bear- ing the subject, In Health and Healing." Mrs. H. Faber and Mrs. Make Your Never-Nevers Pay Off Plenty Whether they're few or many, the things about the house that you never, never use will pay off in cash with a Huron Expositor Ad I acting as your salesman, Putting those too -good -to -throw -away books, (tools, appliances, baby carriages and cribs in an "Article for Sale" Ad gives you extra dollars and needy people a chance to,buy. It's so easy—telephone 41, Seaforth. 6V2 CUBIC FOOT ELECTRIC General Refrigerators NOW IN STOCK ! - Price - 257.50 THE SUPPLY IS LIMITED so place your circler NOW! • 0 Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Sales & Service PHone 141 , � SEAFORTH O. Broderick will be hostesses for the neat meeting. Mrs, Id. Eider Will give the devotional and Mrs. Blackwell the study. The ciosislg hyluln was "In Christ There Is No East or West." The Mizpah bene- diotlbre.was repeated. The hostess- es and the social committee; serv- ed a Minty lunch at the close. It waa decided to forward a donation of $5.00 to aid the March of Dairies Fundi In the recent Toronto Conserva- tory examinations, held in. London, Mavis Reid was awarded her A.R. O.P. degree on violin with first- class honors. Mavis, who is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Reid, former residents of Hen- sel], is a member of the London Civic Symphony, and • Ernest White's string orchestra. Mrs. J. R. Murdoch, of Bruce - field, has returned home from a delightful week's visit spent with her daughter, Miss June Murdoch, New York. Miss Beth Murdoch, of Hamil- ton, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mur- doch, Brucefield. Death of Miss M. McAllister Miss Margaret McAllister, well- k-nownl and highly esteemed resi- dent passed away Tuesday morn- ing at her home, following a heart attack she suffered while perform- ing her housework last Thursday night. Born on the Parr Line, she resided in Hensall for many years, where sine was engaged as a dressmaker.' She was an active member o$ Carn>le ehut'ch, member' of t ze 'Wi me** Missionary Society, and: g, Vers" ardent worker in the R•ad' 9Sel �iill`.4.. rooms during .:the war. -Pilrviving, is one sister, Mrs. Williare 2 AI, lister, of Hensall. Private f'un'O 'al services • were held (rent her late residence Thursday at 2 p,m, eon - ducted 'her m, . P. A. Ferguson.by Intermentinisterwe.&Rev. in H311s- green cemetery. Additional Hensall Nevi on,Page 6 • WIIIIIIIIIiNIIIiIIINIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIINIIII�IININiII�NINIIIIIiIINNV�Ip 11411 .11111 NEW AND OLD-TIME ST. PATRICK'S DANCE in the Town Hall HENSALL FRIDAY, MARCH 1 h Dancing 9;30 1:20 MURDOCH'S ORCHESTRA Sponsored by the Hensall Legion Auxiliary DOOR PRIZE for LADY add GENT Booth in '.Hall GENERAL ADMISSION 50c 1111NIIIINIIIIIIIIIINNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNIIIINIIiNfNNINNNIINIIN1Nil(NNNIIN li ,i Min Malting Barley We are again contracting acreage for The Canada Malting Co. SEED SUPPLIED Contact Us Geo. T. Mickle and Sons ,HENSALL, ONT. • Phone 103 _ Nights 133 CLEARING OUR. Good Used Cars '47 '41 '38 '29 PLYMOUTH SPEC. DE LUXE COACH—New car condition. CHEVROLET SEDAN—Radio, heater. A real good buy. DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN --A good car in A-1 shape. FORD COACH— Cheap transportation. • TERMS — TRADES ACCEPTED Hensall Motor Sales Ford - Monarch Sales and Service PHONE 31 HENSALL 1 TRUTONE WHITE. The paint that cleans itself. White to start with — and stays white. Ask your C -I -L Paint Dealer for TRUTONE White. CILUX Enamel. "One -Coat Magic" for furniture and woodwork. Excellent, too, for automobiles. 24 gay colours that ]retain their beauty — outdoors and in. - DULUX Super White Enamel. For bathrooms, kitchens, etc. Brilliantly white .. '. will not yellow or absorb grease. Cleans like a china plate. See your C -I -L Paint Dealer Thtire's a C -I -L Finish for every painting need. Whether you're panting a house, a room or a chair, it pays 'to see your C -I -L Paint Dealer first. Baldwin PHONE 61 SEAFORTH "The Store That Carries the St ' k ", tie t lt ..;ihf , is . § giU. it , <rni.i' 1 ,/