The Huron Expositor, 1950-01-20, Page 4"t4 DRi Hyl ITR Lassified Ads. • assifleil Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR' BALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND,' ETC. -Per word: 1st week - 1 Cent 3rd week % Cent Vs Cent Aiinlmum charge, first itwertion.. 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Card of Thaniq, In Memoriam Noticed, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, ISO cents per week. alleparles may be directed to a Box Noe a/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. T coma date di io a wildInsebe elt charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days oBirtbe, Marria$ers aud Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors. Ete.'-Rates on application. Coning Events OU WILL FIND 11ir,.CRYSTAL FAL- ace Ballroom, Mitchell. a friendly place todance every Friday night, to the music of Don Robertson and his Ranch ,Boys. 4283x2 PHE Rk1BEKAH LODGE WILL HOLD its rerul.tr truing in the Orange Hall, Wednesday, January 26, et 8 p.m. 'Would the members who have luncheon cloths bring -them to the meeting, or to the euchre and dance Friday night 4283-1 Notices 'WOULD THE PARTIES WHO BOR - rowed four card tables from the Ser teeth_ WomenInaadtute, pleaao return immediately. 4283-1 ANNUAL MEETING THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Directors and Members of South Huron Agricultur'l Societyveill be held in the° Commercial Hotel, 'Hensall, on • SATURDAY, JANUARY 21st at 2 o'clock p.m, for the purpose of receiving Financial Re- port. Election of Officers and other busi- pets, GEO. ARMSTRONG. W. R. DOUGALL, President See--Treas. 4282-2 Notice To Cjeditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of SUSANNAH GOVEN- LOCK, lute of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceas- ed. A L I,. PERSONS HAVING CL_AliVls I di against the Estate of the above de-' aired to Ole the same with *Om undersigned Solicitor for the said et.- • e. .n• .rte 6:h day of Febru- ary. A.D. 1950, after which date the assets ' wrtl be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having retaarcd only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 13th day of January, A.LI, 1950. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ANGUS McKINNON A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Angus McKin- non, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceas- ed, who died on the 29th day of Novem- ber, 1949. are hereby notified to Bond` in fell particulars of their claims to the un- dersignced on or before the 27th day of January. 1950. after which date the assets 'zdll be distributed. having regard only to claims them received. DATED at Seaforth, this 5th day of January, I950. McCONNELL & HAYS. Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitozs for the Exeeutor, 42813 For Rent FOR RENT --SELF-CONTAINED apartment, living room one bedroom, kitchen, bath. Heated. Apply in writing Only to Bos 346, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4283x1 Personale HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (HU B B ER Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list 6 sampler! 25e; 34 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont BEWARE OF HARSH LAXATIVES - They gripe rand many haters delicate internal organ.' Play safe. Help relieve your constipation naturally. Every morn- ing take D'r. Jackson's Raman Meal . the cereal that's, more than a cereal . delicious end nutty in ttavor , with a gentle laxative notion that has won the gratitude of thousands of sufferers from constipation. Roman Meal, developed be Robert G. Jackson. M -D.. combines '-the natural food values and delicious flavors of whole wheat and whole rye with the gentle laxative properties of flax -o -lin and brut. Ask your grocer .for Roman Alexi today. Write today for FREE Booklet. "Na- ture's Way to Good Health" by Robert G. Jackson, M.D. Address Dr. Jacleion Foods Limited, Dept. K. 1 Wllingdon Blvd., Toronto. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- feata in the Town of Seaforth, corner VI'ilsen and Centre S'trvets; on Saturday, January 28th, at 1 p.m:: Complete line of household effect:. including electric stove: Quebec rook stove: Connor wash- ing machine: 3 -piece chesterfield suite: oval dining room walnut table: 6 dining room chairs :• sideboard;' 6 antique dining room chairs kitchen chairs and table; number small tables and rockers; settee and 2 chair:: hall racks: b ekc;n.e and writing desk; 3 furnished bedrooms. com- plete; bed springs : rnattre:ses; dressers and standh. ; chest of drawers ; dishes: kit - •ten utensils; tools: garden tools and a host of other articles. Terrns - Cash. ESTATE pP THE L?t'I'E MRS. ROBERT P. BELL: E. P. Che'neyi;:s.Clerk; Harold Jackson. Auctioneer. ' 4263-2 For Sale Welt SAIL:- LADY'S WH TE TUBE 1 -ate;. size is ;:nod c::uddt ion. PHONE 326. 42r351 FOR SALE --ONE WARD MAGIC WAND aerial fo"'F.M. and ,t :'iskun- L. H. McKINNON, Box 233 I 4223,-2 FIOR SALE --DURHAM" COWS 'AND, hi -fifers. vaccinated, fresh and spring- ers- •Apply to JOHN J. WALSHI. Phone Dublin. 40 r 20. 4283x1 FOR SALE --GREY HORSE,/i4 YEARS s,-ueiranteed sound. Apply to J. IRL•>rMOND. Phone 90 r 15, Hensall. 428.351 FOR SALE -- DRESSED RED ROCK Pullets. cheap, delis erect. INVER- BRltE FARM. Phone 494-W. NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate" of NEIL MeemLLAR A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS agair rt the Estate of Neil McKellar. late of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Farmer. deceased. who died on the 29th day of October, 1949. are hereby- noted to send in full. Particu- late of their e r eataima to the undersigned on � or before the 3ect eta of February., elnby i after which date the assets will be distri- buted. having regard only to claims then received_ DATED at Seaforth, this 12th day of' ,Tarns-ry, 1950. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario,- ,., Solicitors for the Executor. 4283-8 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN WESLEY BEATTIE AL L PERSONS HAVING CLALiIS against the the Estate or John Wes- ley Beattie. Gentleman, tete of the Town of Seaforth- deceased. who died on or about the !2ti•�Iiay--nf-January, 1950, are hereby notified to send in to the •.tn•.er- signed nn or before the 3rd day of Febru- ary. 19;0. flit particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said hist men- tioned date, the assets of the said rotate Will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard; anis .to *!sang a which the undersigned shall then have notice. to the exetusroty of all others, and the undersigned• will not be liable to any person of where claim the uader4ign- ed shall not then have notice. for the" asxe'r so distributed or any part thereof. DA 1 t -D nt Seaforth, this 1 .th day of January, 1950- ALVIN W. SILLERY. Seefortb, Ont, Solicitor for the Estate. 4293-3 NOTICE, to CREDITORS la the Estate of CALVIN - rYESTMAN IRONSIDE ALL PERSONS PLAYING CLAIMS against the Estate of Calvin Wontman lronside, late ; f . the Town of Seaforth, Gentleman, edeceased, who died on or about the 7th day of Januaryt 1930. are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the ltd day of February, 1950. fn11 particulars of their claims, , Immediately after the said last teen - timed date, the assets of the said estate *ill be distritnuted amongst the parties ertitled thereto, baring regardonly to cia0ins of which the unders2g ed shall then have notice. to the exclusion of all *titers, and the undersigned wilt not be liable to any person of when^claim the -undersign- ed shall not then have notige, for the aEceeee so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 17th dray of Jtnuary, • 1950, AL•VIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate. 42S3-1 NOTICE to CREDITORS In tate Estate of NELSON J, III 8E L Z PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate o£ Nelson J. Masse. lateof the Village of Drysdale. Retired F� Amer, deceased. who. died on or about tilt• 4th stay of January.. 1950. ate here- by notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of February. 1930 !Sill particulars of their claims- -- reread-Leads atter the said haat men- eY,ttod sleds the eeeete of the said estate iR b#ti ditotribotcd amongst the parties t£ti thgreto, having regard ;afar w ,til tvbach thea VOsdetteleteet slain then pee Irwtfcel fc tlaef +Ntelotooe of td .4.hens. oil ALM. tltktTL ad *in !tint be nee& to e. -abase, endarearre 5riaifbitib« yi1 1292x3 HOUSE FOR SALEE-A MODERNIZED beta`s on Jarvis Street: good loca- tion. Immediate n,ersexsion, Apply to R. F. C•HRISTIE. Phone 58. • 4283.2 ' pOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING P machineF electric and treadle. Re- pairs to eke,; all makes, SINGER ER SE SIC .CENTRE. 78 Ontario St, Stratford. 4223-tf Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -CHEVROLET CAR. IN cool condition. Apply SEAFORTH MOTORS - 1^53x1 USED CAR BARGAINS 930 FORD Model A COACH..3 1937 1937 1937 1938 1941 1946 FORD COACH 100.00 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, with radie FORD FORD FORD FORD COACH COACH COACH COACH DALY MOTORS Ford -Monarch Sales & Service SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 49 48 CHEV. DE LUXE COACH, with radio and heater; green in »tor. CHEV, FLEETLINE COACH 48 C.$EV, sTYLEMA.STER COACH 44 CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN : i radio and heater- 47 CI1EV, COACH A-1 conditioty, •47 CIIEV. • OACH Pruccil o sell nt 512.3.00 37 GRAHAM SEDAN 38 PLYMOL-'rH COACH 38 DODGE SEDAN 35 35 48 49 DODGE SEDAN CHEV. COACH, Standard ' r WIf.LYS JEEP. all egnipv d, CRRV. 3 -TON PICK-UP with 11'ss than 2,000 'Mites. 48 CH5.v. vz.TON PICR.t'i1P Citg-r. 5 -TON STAE TRUCK 24 with racks. • 11.AN r"13i DIS VALIalati' MOTORS at0 O #ettokQVtoa - Tenders Wanted E 4 TENDERS WANTED For Caretaker TENDERS W11LL BE RECEIVED UP TO and dltoluding January 24, 1960, for position as carebaker School Section No. 1, 'ruri.ersmith School Area No. 1. Duties to cover period from let Febru- ary to 31st Leoetwber. 1950. W. P, ROBERTS, Sec. -Treat,. R. R. 3. Seaforth. 4282-2 Help Wanted QALESMAN WANTED - TO SELL rooftng and Insulation. Commission basis. Write Box 884, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4275-tf FEMALE HELP WANTED TWO DOMESTICS WANTED Foe THE Huron County Home, to commence duties immediately. Good wages, board and lodging provided. Please contact MRS. M. E. JACOB, Matron, Huron County Home. Cdihton, Ontario. N. W. MILLFER., County Clerk, 4283-1 Cards of Thanks MISSES ETHEL AND' FLORENCE Beattie wish to thank all the kind friends who helped in so many ways dur- ing their recent. bereavement 42885I MR, AND MRS, JOHN &leGAVIN Tuckersmith, wish W express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the cards, letters and gifts received on the occasion of their 50th wedding annivers- ary. 4273-1 MISS NYLE DOIC WISHES TO THANK her many friend for fruit, cards and flowers sent her while in Scott Memorial Hospital; also to thank Dr. John A. Gor- will and the Nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital. 'v 4283.1 MR. WILMORE SCOTT AND FAMILY wish to express their sincere thanks for the many kindnesses extended to them during their recent bereavement; also for' the floral tributes and flower -bearers and to thine who loaned cars; a special thanks M Rev. W. Patton. 4283x In Memoriam TN LOVING MEMORY OF A DEAR mother, Mrs. Jane Hood, who passed away January 17, 1945. Pan ins, out of the shadows Ince a clearer light: Stepping behitai the curtain, Getting a better sight: Passing out of the shadows Into eternal day: Let' us not call this dying. This beautiful Massing. away- --Always remembered by her daughters. Kerma and Eleanor. 428351 Births PEARCY-- In Scott 'tlemorial Hospital, on eanue ry 12, to Mr. and 11n..Ed. Pearcy, Seeforth. a son. BENNEWEIS-- In Scott Memorial Hospi- tel, on January 14. to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bennew-eis, Seaforth. a sen. CAMERON -4n Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 15, to Mr. and Mrs, William Cameron, a daughter. 9 A ARAS- In Scott Memori a! Hospital. on January 17, to Mr. and Mrs. ;Ross Sararas, Cromarty, a daughter, Deaths DOWNEY-In Seaforth. do Monday, Janu- ary 16, Annie Fortis nr. !!cloy wife beloved vafe of the lace .t1 ' rc heel Downey. , in her 78th year. KERR--In Buffalo, N.Y., on .Thursday, January•'1t, Wilfred Brenton Kerr, in,his 54th year. STOREY In Woodstock. on Monday, Jan. 16, Annie Storey. Make Your Never-Nevers Pay Off Plenty Whether they're few or many. the things about the house that, you never, never use will pay off to cash with a Huron Expositor Ad acting as your -salesman. Putting those too -good -to -throw -away books, :oolse appliances, baby carriages and cribs in an "Article for Sale" gives you extra dollars and :reedy people a chance to buy, It's eo .easy -telephone 41, Seaforth. BEECHWOOD Mr. Stephen Maloney, of Cen- tralia, son of Mr. and firs. Wilfred Maloney. underwent an operation for appendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seafot',th. on Tuesday. • KIPPEN On -Thursday evening of last week; friends and neighbors ot\Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell tender- ed a surprise party on theioccasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. The evening was pleasantly spent in games and -many were the con- gratulations for mangy more years of wedded happiness. Mr. and Mrs. McBride and dam- lc. of Exeter. spent Saturday at he home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride. . Mr. Wm. Bell. n[ Blyth. and a familiar figure in and around Kip - pen, passed away in Myth on Tues= day of last week, 'due to a heart :attack in his 75th year. While in Kippett Mr, Bell stayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long, where he bad made many friends. Mr. Robt. Cooper left on Sunday last 'to spend part of the winter in California. g The annual meeting of St. An- drew's United Cburch. Kippen, which was to have been held on Jan. 21, has been postponed to Tuesday,' San. 24. , Friendship Circle !net in the Sunday ,Schoolroom lin Monday. Jan, 16, with Mrs. E. kyle in charge,' The meeting opened with the Singing of Hytrin 376, Ann Sin- clair read the Scripture, This was followed by .Mr. Frinton leading in prayer. Mtrs. dose Broaditratt read the inhales of 'the last -meeting. !The etalection rias taken by Doug 1'a s Cooper sad lack Bell. lftee • TM/MON EXPOSITOR Armstrong favored With piano -oto. This was followed,~fly a, •piano instrumental t 1 by Marie Jalirott, Don and Jack Bell sang /elere's a Blue Bird on Your Window Sin" and "There's An Angel Waiting For Mother," accompanied by Elaine at the piano. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot favored with two piano numbers with everyone joining in the singing of the latter.I mn 604 was sung and everyone jo sed in a game of crokiuole, which was followed by lunch in the (basement. The national anthem dosed the meeting. HENSALL See Tudor's in 'Hensall for your curtain needs: Celanese Voi,Igs, Tus- can Net, Criss Cross. Ruffle Dot and Tailored Dot, from 2.9'S to 9.50. -(Adv.), - The first hockey game in the new Hensall Arena will be held on Friday, Jan. 20, itt 8.30 p.m,? when Lucan vs. Heusali will meet in an Intermediate 'B' W.O.O,A. game. Tory Gregg, of CKNX, will be pre- sent, as well as Jack Adams,,of the Detroit Red Wings, and other cele- brities of the hockey world; Lloyd Buchanan has accepted a position at the C.N.R. freight of- fice at London, and commenced his position on Monday of ,last week. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ester, of LIoydminster- Alta., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, Miss Mavis, Spencer entertained a number of neighbors at her home on Saturday- evening in hon- or of Mrs, T. C. Joynt, who was a recent bride. Bingo and . cards were enjoyed during the 'evening and a social hour spent. Mrs. An- na C. Walker favored with a num- ber of readings. Mrs. Joynt was the recipient of many lovely gifts. Miss Spencer was assisted by Mrs. Walter Spencer. The Wohelo Class meeting took place in the United Church Sunday Schoolroom on Tuesday night, Jan. 10. Mrs. D. Kyle presided. After singing the hymn. a'0 Jesus, I Have Promised," the Lord's. Prayer was repeated. The Scripture lesson, 1st John, chapter 4, was read by Mrs. J. Corbett. An appropriate devo- tional reading. "The Bible and Prayer,'• wars given by Miss Gray.. Mr. J. Corbett offered prayer; min- utes were read. and roll call and collection taken. Mr. blackwell .capably presented the topic _ bear- ing the- theme, ."Solomon," follow- ed by the business session.' The talluwing new slate of officers was named: President, 'Mr. Blackwell: 1st vice-president, Miss Gray; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. J. Corbett; secretary, Gladys Luker; treasurer, Dorothy McNaughton. pianist. G. Luker; buying committee (cards), Mrs. Hedden, (boxes), Edna Walsh; press .reporter. • Mrs. M. Hedden, Miss Dorothy. McNaughton present- ed the financial report, Gladys Luker offered a piano solo, after ,Jvvhich Miss Ellis favored with a humorous reading. Mr. Ed_ Cor- bett gave several mouth organ se- lection. The hymn. "Jesus is Ten- derly Calling" and the Mizpah bene- diction closed this part of. the meeting. Ed. Corbett directed set-. 1 eral contests. Mrs. .Kyle woiceti in the Town Hall Friday even ng with the hall peeked for_the event. Prize winners tor e ichre ' were: Ladies, first, Mrs, J. McBeath; set - and, Mrs. W. Sangster; consolation, Mrs. A. Clark; gents, first, J. Mc- Lellan' second, M,, G. Drysdale; consolation, Harold Bell. Lunch prize was won by Mrs. Stewart Bell, Committees were ds follows: Tables, . Mrs, A, D. McEwan, Mrs, A. Foster; lunch, .Ml's. Roy McLar- en, Mrs. C. Forrest and assistants; publicity, Mrs. M. Hedden, Mrs. R. Maclaren; ,ticket punchers, Mrs. E. Norminton, Mrs. Blackwell, Mrs. Beer, Mrs. H. Horton; prizes, Mrs. Drysdale, Mrs. C, Cook; tallies, Mrs. R. 5, Paterson; distribution of bills, Mrs. J. Ae Paterson; money, Miss Gladys Luker. Murdoch's orchestra furnished the music for the dance. . An . accident occurred Sunday night at 7.30 on Main Street wthen Harold) Parker, of Tuckersmith, travelling west, was in collision with a car 'owned by C. L Jinks, mail carrier of R.R. 1, Hensall, which ayes parked on the south side of 'the street, Mr. Parker's view was obstructed by •fog and a parke* truck on the north side of the street, The Jinks' car, a 19.47 Dodge, and Parker car, 1938 Chev- rolet; were badly damaged, with damages amounting to several hun- dred dollars. In the Parker ear were ;lir, and Mrs. Parker, their four children and Mr, Parker's mother. All escaped injury with the excepti.on.of Dorothy, the youngest child, who received a bump to her head. P.C. Elmer Zimmerman, of Exeter, investigated. -r. Mrs. E. .Geiger is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Geiger and family ie Toronto. Miss Hannah Craig is a patient in Scott. Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, in the interest of 1er health. Miss Clarissa :Mitchell, who has been a patient at Victoria Hospi- tal, London, having undergone an operation for the removal of her knee cap. the result of a fall she suffered in her home, has return- ed to her home. Shriners from Canada are 'con- templating a trip to Hollywood iu June this year, Several Shriners and their wives from Hensall and Kippen are planning on taking this trip, which will take two weeks, including nate days of entertala- ment. in Hollywood. and the trip their and back which will be made by train. - Lloyd Buchanan, who recently accepted a position at the C.N.R. freight office, London, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Mary Buchanan. • The monthly meeting • of ' Hen- sall Institute. !which was held in the Legion rooms on Wednesday night, Jan. 11, opened with the Ode, the Creed and the Lord's Prayer, led by the president, Mrs, Beer. Mrs. G. Armstrong and Miss M. Ellis were in charge of arrange- meuts for this interesting meeting, termed "Education." Roll call was 'My first teacher." Miss Winnifred Gray presented an interesting iemonstration portraying- everyday work done by her pupils, also Mr. Blackwell's boys -art, mounting of eaves, novelties, scenes, religious ducation scrap book. knitting, Plass paintings being features. Miss can Henderson delightfully sang unaccompanied, "Rudolph, the Red - lose Reindeer," "The Irish Lulla- y" and "Old Black Joe" were sung S all; A highlight was the spell - ng match, conducted by Mr. Black- well. In Group A. Grades 5 and 6. he foll ci n g pupils tookpart: rt • E l- ie I Sm tb, Billy Kerslake, Phyllis erten, Tom Lavender, Bill Laven- der. Jinlmy ,Baynhant. First prize was eon by •Jimmy Baynhar; 2nd prize by Billy Kerslake, Lr Group B, Grades 7 and S. the following pupils took part: Ruth Soldan,'Jean Lavender, Gladys, Moir. Joan John- ston, Gordon Lavery, Don Koehler. First. prize was won by Gladys Moir, and 2nd prize by Ruth Sol- dan. Favors were given t0 the.los- ers. Business discussion took place on crib quilts for War Memorial Children's Hospital, Size 45x60, members favoring the plan of mak- thanks to all taking part. A dainty lunch was served at the close. J Teachers Hold Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the teachers of Hay Township and Hens 1 Village was held at Mrs- Ellis'chool on Tuesday evening, Jen. 10. General discussions took b Place on the subjects " of Art and t English. M. r binnishowed c • •- s ttra slides Ides which were examples of L pupils' art work. actual samples of art work which had been done by Essex School. Toronto. were al- so shown. In addition to this, each teacher was given a chance to have his voice recorded by use of a tape recorder. This proved very inter- esting as well as educational. in showing each one how his own voice can be improved. ' Lunch wine served by Mrs. Jolley and Mrr, Ellis. Hensall Women's Institute held a very successful euchre and dance• i Start 1950 Right WithA New Austin The Car That Has Been Put Through Hell Fire pTests One traveller reports 98,000 miles of driving without even a valve -grind and a saving in gas and oil of"$1,960.00 over the same miles in other cars which he formerly operated. SLIP INTO OUR SHOW ROOMS and get a line-up now with a 1950 Austin. Terms to suit your income, with 24 months to pay Jonathan Hugill OPPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL Phone 784-W Residence 616 - 34 CLINTON , USED CARS 1948 Austin Coach, 9,500 mile 1939 Chev. Coach, with Radio 1940 Dodge Coach 1950 -Dodge 1 -Ton Chassis, with cab 1939 Ford Coach 1933 Ford Sedan Above Cars are all ready for the road ' and terms ,,arra nlged no* several of .these, Mrs. Q: Arm- strong, Mrs. A. D. McEwen' and Mrs. S. Bell were named to make further plans re same, Institute to buy batt and linings. The presi- dent outlined committees for the euchre and dance held Friday night ,last in the Town Hall. Pur- chasbf a piano was mentioned and the members favor paying one, third of the share of cost of same,. in conjunction with the Hensall Ladies' Auxiliary and the Kippen East Institute. Miss G. Laramie and Mrs. T. C. Joynt were named to represent the Institute- Mrs. Ed- wards, an active member, who is confined to Clinton Hospital, will receive' a• shower of cards and let- ters from the group. The secretary read 'thank -you' notes from Mrs., Drysdale and Mrs. J. Paterson. Thank -you notes were received' from the War Memorial Children's Hospital, referring to toys and 'gifts, also money forwarded at Christmas. Mrs. G. Hess expressed sincere thanks to the Institute for cards, letters and other kindnesses shown her during her illness. Gladys Luker, secretary. reported that a gift, a pair of pillow cases, and an' address will be sent to Mrs. G. Bennett, an Institute member, who has Left the village.. At this this time Mrs. T. C-.Joynt (nee Miss Florence Welsh) was present- ed with a lace tablecloth, Gladys Luker and Mrs.. -Beer dieing the honors_ Mrs. Joynt responded in a -fitting-manner. The motto, "Chil- dren whose problems are never re- cognized become problem chil- dren." -aa prepared by Miss Avery, wes.read by Alis Grey, The Miss- es Audrey Walsh and Marlene Petzke rendered touching duets, "Whispering Hope" and "Now is the Hour," with guitar 'accompani- ment. The president announced that $215.00 had been cleared, as a result of the Institute ladies Op- erating the °hamber of Commerce booth, at the frolic. This makes a total sum of $878.55 given to this particular project, the Community Building Fund. Mrs, Beer voted thanks to all responsible for the excellent 'program, "God Save the King" folloired. Dainty refresh- ments were served at the chive, The affair was Jargely attended, The copy of. -the address is as fol- lows: "Mrs. T. C. Joynt: Hear Florence: Knowing that a very happy event bas taken place in your life. we, your friends .ami members of the Hensall .Institute, have met to wishyou muchjoy ' v new 1 In ,our n /venture. You have always -been ready and willing to help in any way, Luckily, in this instance, we are not going to be deprived of your association with uS, Please accept this gift as a token of our friendship along with best wishes for your future health and'happi- ness.-The Hensall Institute: Mrs F. Beer, President; Gladys Luker, Secretary -Treasurer." The annual vestry meeting of Si. Paul's Anglican Church was held in the Sunday Schoolroom with the rector, Rev. C. L. Langford, in the chair. Financial reports of the var- ious organizations of the church: were presented. showing them to be in: a very healthy condition. The rector reported one baptism. seven confirmed and two deaths. Officers for 1950 appointed were: Vestry clerk, A, L. Case; rector's warden, W. F. Riley; people's warden, Jno. Henderson; treasurer, W. O. Good- win; lay delegate to synod, J: L. Scott; substitute, R. Cameron. A social half-hour wiis' held. The many friends of Mr. E. R. Shaddick will regret to learn is confined to his; home a Vc' Ith illness. In . Me. Fre v' Fred Slavin, who underwent an operation in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal. London, is improving nicely. Mr. Joe Flynn is confined to his home with illness. Mr. and Mrs_ T. C. Joynt and Mr, T Welsh, accompanied by Jitn UNMET 20, 1900'• `almmmom�Rmlmnogipiymg�sam®aml9 149®tlmt�mm�pR4R�IRIRPImmrtM9R�tF' Rowoliffe and Mr. Gardiner, left by motor Wednesdaythis week for r Florida to spend several weeks. The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church held their, New Year's meeting in the church schoolroom Thursday afternoon, Jan. 12. Mrs. C, -S. Hudson, the president, was in charge of the meeting, the theme being "Prayer." The Scripture les- son, Psalm 46, was read by Miss -Piolet Hyde. Mrs. Logan led in prayer •and the roll cal} answered by sentence' prayers. Mrs. A. D. McEwan reported" on Christmas boxes to shut-ins, and read cards of thanks from recipients, The an- nual meeting held in Clinton on Jan. 10, was reviewed, Hensall Home Helpers being the banner group. Plans were discussed to provide clothing for Indian famil- ies at the Cecilia School Home, Mrs. Hudson conducted a devotion- al `period on prayer, taking tart were Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Paterson, Miss V. Hyde and Mrs. A. D. Mc - Ewan. The phasing hymn, "'Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer," was sung and the meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer' in unison., Mrs. A. Kerslake was hostess for the January meeting of the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary Monday evening. Jan, 16. T'he.pres- ident, Mrs. Wal. l3rmwn, presided and opened the meeting with a call to worship, Mrs. C, Forrest read an article from Glad- Tidings, and Mrs. Brown read an article from the -Record. The topic taken by Mrs. Harry Hoy, introduced the study book- on Japan. Reports from Huron Presbyterial were pre- sented by Mrs. Brown, Mrs. S. Bell, Mrs. C. Forrest, Mrs. C. John- ston, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Kerslake and Mrs. Ferguson. Worship part was conducted by Miss Jean McQueen, reading a passage on "The Good Samaritan." Miss, Joan Kerslake gave a 'piano duet and Marlene Petzske and Gertrude 'Bell played a piano duet, The Scripture. Luke 10:2537, was read by Mrs. J. K. Irvin. Following the closing cere- monies a sOCiai hour was spent end luncheon served. Skating was enjoyed for the first time. Tuesday evening in the new community building. The Hensallite Girls' Club met at the home of Mrs. Wes. Jones Tues- day evening. Jan. 17, for their fifth meeting. This club was ol'gaailxedl in October 'of this Ye ar an i} Co* prisedof several wor9ing glrls dl young married women; They have sponsored several dances witie most of the proceeds to be donat- ed to the new Community Arena. The club learned, of a baby girls who has been in Victoria Hospital, London, for almost two months. ' She is the daughter -of a man left crippled by polio. It was decided to have a benefit dance for 'Linda' Munroe, of Kippen, 19-months-oltl niece of one of the club meiaberg. . The daace'is to be held in Hensall Town Hat on Feb; 8, music to be furnished by Desjardine orchestra. The proceeds are to be used for Linda's hospital bill. Members et the club are: i?'reflident, ,Shirley Deitz; vice-president, Dorothy. Mc- Millan; treasurer,; Ellen: Be11;.sec- retary. Eleanor Veneer; 'a$e1'stant, Wilma Kyle; lilac' coin i ittee, Dorothy McNaughton, Pearl Me- Leod; decorating committee, Mar- garet Sangster, Minnie Noakes;,, publicity, Betty Moir, Edna Petzke. Other members of the club are: Norma. Sangster, Helen Farquhar,. Norma Deitz. Marion Peebles, Don- na .Smith, Edna Mae Jones, Jatene Keys. Additional Hensall News on Page 3 1947 CHEVROLET De Luxe Fleetline COACH Excellent condition Color, two-tone gray. , PRICED TO SELL at S @df0 Iti Motors Phone 141 - Seaforth i BABY CHICKS We believe that 1960 will be a good year for the Poultry raiser who starts good Chicks earl, raises then right, and hits the highest .Sumner and Fall market with good- sized eggs. Heavy liquidation of fowl, now going on the market, will soon have the desired effect on strengthening egg prices! Pressure is con- tinuing to be applied for floor prices on eggs. DO NOT HESITATE TO ' ORDER YOUR CHICKS AT THE NEW REDUCED PRICES Scott Poultry Farms J. M. SCOTC Phone 853 Seaforth Commercial. and Power Consumers . of Seaforth are invited to attend a meeting IN THE TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH on Monday Jan. 23 at 8:30 p.m. 'Where Engineers of the FREQUENCY CONVERSION DIVISION OF THE ILE.P.C. wall describe in detail the manner in which frequency conversion will affect the consumers in Seaforth, and how the ,program will be proceeded with. They will answer your questions regarding your own installations. c, • 7" S.eaforth Pubiic UtiIity Commission -) PHONE .1004 SAFORTH • !r 1 4 es