The Huron Expositor, 1949-12-16, Page 477.177.7 i�. ssni'ied ids Inserted At New Low Cash Rates Felt SALE, WANTED. LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -44M word; tat week 1 Cent $pd week S Cent 3rd week % Cent Minimum charge, first insertion2.5 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts es one word. t • of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events --1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, fer 10 cents extra. Ten cent) Additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Salm. Notices to Creditors, Eta—Rates au application. " Coming Events LOVERS OF DANCING ARE FINDING the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. a grand place to dance every Friday night to the music of Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys. 4277x2 For ,Rent ROOMS FOR RENT -••-APPLY TO 58118. JOJIN GRIEVE. Phone 149-M home evenings. 4278x1 Lost and Found FOUNID—A BROWN KID GLOVE, AL - most new; right band. PHONE 305•J, Month. 42784 For Sale p.OR SALE -25 SUSSEX PULLETS. • laying. Apply to WM. ALEXANDER. Phone 848 r 15, Seaforth, 427a-1 "plOR SALE—QUEBEC COAL HEATER. medium size, only $7.00. H. H. DASITM, Kipper, 4278x1 FOR SALE -2 PURE BRED TAM - worth boars. ready for service. Ap- ply FRANCIS COLEMAN, Jr. Phone 838 ✓ 22, Seaforth, 4278-1 FOR SALE -3 -PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite, Apply to ROSS Mc/DONALD. Seaforth. Phone 836 r 31. 4278'x1 1O11 SAT,Y NICE TURIMYS, WELL • finished. not to, large. A. R. DO'DDS., Phone 833 r 14, Seaforth, 4278xl Property For Sale NEW HOUSE FOR SALE -7 -ROOM brick house, new; all modern- Apply ALEX KARPEN. Phone 51, Seaforth. 4278-1 FOR SALE -- CHRISTMAS TREES, large or small. Phone 848 r 2, Sea - forth. STANLEY PULLEN, R.R. 4, Wal - .hon 4278-1 v'LKING ELECTRIC CREAM SEPARA- tor, riearly new, Model W-75. ALEX RAMSEY, Cromarty. Phone Dublin 4440. EIGHT-ROOM SHINGLE HOUSE LO- 478-1 cated on West William St, in Sea - forth. for sale- Immediate possession. Three-piecebath, built-in cupboards in kitchen: furnace. Apply to WINTHROP MILL, R.R. No. 1, Seaforth, or phone 832 a 11. 4277x2 FOR SALE -2 LADIES' SUITS, 12-14 years. in good condition, reasonable; also lady's black flowered silk dress, 12-14 years, nearly nervy. PHONE 241-3. 4278-1 PROPERTY FOR SALE $2 500.00 --STOREY AND A HALF 44?? f Bungalow, together with three tots, large barn equipped for chick- ens ; property of the late Mrs. Elizabeth E. Denman, in the Village of Brussels. Immediate possession. For further particulars, please mall MR. W. H. JARDINE, 35 X 3, Brussels, Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN WILSON LITTLE A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of John Wilson Little, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 11th day of November, 1949, are hereby notified to send in firil particulars of their claims to the undersigned, ' on or before the 30th day of December, 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed, having re- gard .only to claims then received. DATEDat Seaforth, this 8th day of December, 1949. lieCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth; Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrators. 4277-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of FRANCIS STEPHEN HAGAN ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Francis Stephen Ragan, rate' of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Partner, deceased, w ao. died on the 9th day of October, 1949, are hereby notified, to send• in full particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned on or befo a the .23rd day of December,' 1949, alter Which date the assets will be dis- tributed,having regard only to claims then receive•& DATED at Seaforth, this nth day of November; 1949. McCONNEI.L & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrices. 42764 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM' A. JOHNSTON ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Witham A. Johnston, late of the Township of ffic- K:llop, County of Huron. deceased, larho died on or about the 2nd day of Do- cember, 1949, are hereby notified to send is to the, undersigned on or before the 7th day of January, 1950, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shalt not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth this 14th day of December, 1949. By their Solicitor, ALVIN. W. SILLERY, Solicitor for the Estate, Seaforth, Ont, 4278-3 Motor Cars For Sale R SALE--GOODUSED 1941 DODGE tb In it -alaos Anne- Avply DUN- LOP'S B. A. SERVICE STATION. 4278-1 BRING YOUR WHITE ELEPHANT TO w'1 We'1_l give You a liberal .trade-in allowance On our 1947 Mercury Sedan. DUNLOP'S B. A- SERVICE STATION, 4278x1 9 CHEV. DE LUXE 5 -Passenger Sport Couyie;brand new and equip- ped with air conditioning; maroon in color. 49 48 48 48 47 2 priced to gen at 41395.09 40 HUDSON COMM 38 CHEV. DE LUXE COACH, with leas than 5,000 Miles; green in color CHEV- FLEETLINE COACH OHH,V. CHEV. CIrEV, STYLE;KASTER COACH SEDAN FLEETLINE SEDAN '47 CHEV. COACHES; both cars DODGE COACH 35DODGE SEDAN .33 CH11.. S.OA("Ai'. CHEV. MADE CiiEV. 1/2-TtIN PIOB4n' POW l 7(114 1lrlcrtAlP WHY NOT GIVE A PUPPY FOR Christmas? Registered black Scottie Terrier; puppies reasonably priced. ROY VODDEN, R.R, 2, Seaforth. 4277x2 SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE—SPY, Greening. Baldwin, King, Bellflower, etc. Phone Clinton, 613 r 24. FRED Me- CLYMONT, Varna. 4276x5 1tifra. i:7: 1 r •.: :rFe,� c�ei +a, 2twt vio�pres., Mine a 4> lied"* iniac klrrued to eaiq$1e k'ublie 14ib oa ser .Pat els Deo. 24*. GAETA WO ON. Y,tb',;akiee, 427.87 N•INErgEN-.k'IPTY CATALOGUE OF GVgdialus, Wive, Daffodils and • Irises Phew 4•eady, YUItVELL FLOW M, OAR- tsEnTS Seeforth. NOTICE—BENNEWE1S^ APPLIANCE Seroice, 8Lynn Range Oil Burner, Few., sett Torrid oil apesPAr.le heaters ; electrical wir$0gg onttrarAta, SALES & SERVICE. Phone 68Q -W, Jarvis Sts 4278x8 personals IsTYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods) paailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with, price list, 6 samples 25e: 24 mutinies $1,00, 'Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. lielp Wanted WANTED --GIRL FOR OFFICE WORK. Apply to .Produce Division: SEA - FORTH CGO-OPERATIVE. Phone 13. 4278-1 ' ALESNIAN WANTED — TO SELL roofing and insulation. Commission basis. White Box 834, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4275-11 `WANTED — GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, from January 2nd to June 30th, in Port Credit, 15 miles from Toronto; $50.00 a month. Liberal time off. MRS. WM, VAUGHAN, Ritchie Cres- cent, Lakeview, Ont. 4277-3 • Wanted B CARDERS WANTED --.APPLY TO MRS. MARGARET HAWKINS, Gode- rich St., Seaforth. 4278x1 WANTED—ABOUT 10 HEAD, OF CAT- tie for w•intcr feeding, until May 11. For .prices per month, apply CLAREN'CE HONER. Phone 58 r 11, Hayfield. 4278x2 In Memoriam I N LOVING MEMORY OF JAMES Dallas, Brucefield, who Passed away December 17, 1948. —Ever .remembered by his Son, Wife and Family. 4278.1 Cards of Thanks FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re - rain to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223-tf DON'T BUY STORM WINDOWS UN - you have seen the new Simplex combination storm and screen windows and doors. Cuts high fuel cosh with more comfort The inserts are easily changed from winter to summer from in - '"de. Free installation. easy term:. For free estimate. write Box 840. Huron Ex- positor. ROWL'.ND C. DAY, London Weathert.ite Co. 4277-1 Notices NOTICE . Court of' Revision THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP of Tuckersmith will bold a Court of R.�vision on the 1950 Assessment Roll on Wednesday, December 21st, 1949, at 2 P.m., in the Town Hall, Seaforth, E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith, 4277-2 COURT OF REVISION Town of Seaforth THE 'TOWN OF SEAFORTI3 WILL hold a Court of Revision on the 1950 Assessment Roll on Wednesday, December 28th, at 8.15 p.m. An appeals must be in the the -hands of the Clerk prior to December 2011r. D. H. WILSON. Clerk. 42.78-2 (SECTION II) CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting Of Voters' List NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have complied. with Section 7, of The Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my Office at Lot 27, Con. 2, Mc- Killop. on the 6th day of December, 1949, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elec- tions, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last' day for appeal .being the 27th day of December, 1949. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk of McKillop Township, 4277-2 NOMINATION MEETING Township of Tuckersmith NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN THAT A me au'g r,f the Electors for the Nom- ination of Candidate; for the offices of Reeve. Councillors and School Trustees for the year 1950, will be held in Watson's Hall, Kipper, on 'Monday, December 26, 1915, between the hour, of 2 and 3 p.m. AND IF NECESSARY. an election to fill the above named otiice; or any of them will be held on MONDAY. JANUARY and, 1950 at the following places and by the fol- lowing ofllcera: P.S.D. No, 1, King's House: D.R0.. Harry Chesney; P.C., Harold Finnigan. P.S.D. No. 2, S. S. No. 8: •D.R.O., Roy McGeoch; P.C., Edward Brown. P.S.D. No. 3, S.S. No. 4: D.R.O., W. P. Roberts: P.C., Bert Garrett. P.S.D. No. 4, S.S. No. 3: D.R.O., Nor- ris Sildery; P.C.. John Broadfoot. P.S.D. No. 5. S.S. Na. 1: D.R.O., M. Traquair: P.C., Glenn Bell. P.S.D. No. 6, S.S. No. 9: D.R.O., W. S. Sroadfoct; P.C., Ivan Forsyth. Polls shall be open from nine o'clo, in the forenoon till five o'clock in the af- ternoon. E. P. CHESNEY. Returning Officer. 4278-2 NOMINATION MEETING Township of McKillop AMEETING OF THE ELECTORS OF the Township of MdKiilop will be held at W,intthrop Hall, on Monday, the 26th day of December, 1949. for the purpose of nominating for a Reeve and four Coun- c'iHors. Nominations will be received from the hour of one o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon. In the' event of mora being 'notninhted tha mare required to fill the positidtla, an election, will be held on Monday, January 2, 1950, Polls will he open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at the following ,places No, 1 -James Carlin's house, Lot 10, Con. 5: .Tames Nolan, D B O ; G1l#bliam Maloney, P.C. No. 2, Wihner Scott's house, Lot 25, Cori. 4: James IC Nogg, D.R.O.; Alex ,gerr, P.C. No. $.•--4Th*sepit Smith's house, Lot 11, 31 lath Gnnitlaioti ; Eimer Dennis 15RO.7 Ste herr Murray. I'e. '4 ' shook Iia, I. rat $6. coif, Ise 3. Campbell, I3,It.0; nese tkeseelly: 4,. J lits Xut7li , Xeetuinlrlk onto., i,.S•, .., ,-_. r , ,.. .,: ,,fir 2r MRS. JAMES...). KING AND FAMILY '+d=ire to Thant- the many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy extended to them during their recent be- reavement ; also to thank those who sent tlowert and loaned car.. 427Sx1 Births BOSHART--in Scott Memorial Hospital, an December 10, to Mr, and Mrs. Enos Roshart, Seaforth, a daughter. LITTLE --In Clinton Public Hospital: on Dec, 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lit- tle, of Hensall. a daughter --Cheryl Ann. A sister for Marcia. Deaths (:O VENLOCK--- In Seaforth, on Monday, Dec. 12, Susan Govenlock, in her 85th year. Horse racing, according to an- cient drawings, is at ]east 3.000 years old. HENSALL The annual meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of the, United Church was held Thursday afternoon, Dec. 3• at 3 p.m. Mrs. E. Geiger was in the chair and Mrs. H. McMurtrie acted as secre- tary in the absence of Mrs. L. Mickle. The 'Scripture lesson .was read by Mrs. N. E. Cools, and prayer offered by Miss Ellis. Vis- iting Committee reported 14 calls made to sick and shut-ins. Splen- did reports were presented by the secretaries of the different organ- izations, showing an increase in givings and membership during the . year. Mrs. Maude Hedden rendered a solo, "It Came 'Upon the Midnight Clear," with Mrs. T. J. Sherritt at the piano. Rev. R. .4. Brook addressed the meeting, choosing for his theme, 'The Beth- lehem Highway." He congratulat- ed the organization of 55 members on the work and achievement ac- complished during the ,year and wished them a splendid 'year and success in 1950. Rev. Brook con- ducted the election of officers, and the following will form the slate: Hon. pres.. Mr. C. Ballantyne; past pres., Mrs. R. A. Brook; pres., Mrs. It . B. Cross: lst, vice -press, Xmas Concert Kipper. Church MONDAY, DEC. ,19th 8 p.m. Featuring a two -act Play, "Want- ed, A Housekeeper," and The Black Diamond Show. EVERYBODY WELCOME! Adults 35e School Children 20c 'A (wax ruteeenG- BULGY • Wuia',shi u Drgatiee. Exquisitely designed expaitsioit bracelet by fACHON fir milady. Wit enhance the beauty 01 any watch: $7.50 Savauges' Jewellery . Gifts rine China• S.EArOi P T Dlis' 3rd vice-pres., Ike.; 'M- 4t, Drysdale; recording aid carrel- pgnding seereta,I;y, Mrs. i• ,Iie1 i ; assistant, Mrs. H. " NeMurtrie; treasurer, Mrs, Ci. VptlU ', OIrristian Stewardship see., Mrs. W. Carlile; Community Friendship :See., 'Mrs, J. Passmore, Mrs. W. Chile, Mrs. C. Cool,, Mrs. N. Jones s *I ply sec- retaries, Mrs, J. McBeatix, Mrs. C. Stephenson ; Associate helpers' secretaries, Mrs. N. E. Cook, Mrs. T. J. Sherrktt; temperance sec., Mrs. E. McQueen; Missionary Monthly sec., Miss K. Scott; pian- ist, Mrs. T. Sherritt heels sec., Mrs. G. Hess; Mission $end' Supts., Mrs. W. Spencer, Miss Dorothy Mc- Naughton, Mrs. J. Drysdale; Baby Band Supts., Mrs. Robt, . Drysdale, Mrs. D. Kyle; study tilook, Miss Consitt; assistants, Miss Ellis, Mrs. Brook, Mrs. Mc3 urtrie, Mrs. .1. Walker. The Christmas meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church was held in the Sunday Schoolroom on Monday night, Dec. 12, with the president, Mrs. J. Cor- bett, in the chair..The meeting op- ened with the singing of the hymn, "It Came U'p'on the Midnight Clear" and the Lord's Prayer. The min- utes were read and collection tak- en. In answer to the roll call, a collection of toys was received and will be forwarded to the London Protestaut Orphanage, • During the business session Miss Ellis, Mrs. B. Kyle. Mrs.- L. Chapman, Mrs. L. Hyde and Miss Gladys Luker were named a nominating committee for the purpose of presenting a new slate of gffl e cr s0 t the next meet- ing, which will be held in the Sun- day Schoolroom. A thank -you let- ter was read from Mrs. M. San- ders, Exeter, a •former member. Mrs. P. McNaugbton volunteered to attend to the transportation of the gifts. Mrs. Cross had- charge of the devotional period and opened with Scripture reading, 1st Corin- thians; chapter 13, after. Which she gave an inspiring talk on this pas- sage, stressing the Christmas spir- it and closed with prayer, On this occasion the W.M..S. members were special guests. The following pro- gram, arranged by Miss Ellis, con- vener, was of a Christmas nature, and was greatly appreciated by those present: Piano instrumentals, Mrs. J. Goddard. Gladys Luker; vo- cal solos, "O Little Town of Beth- lehem" and "Silent Night," Mrs. Maude Hedden; vocal duet, "Oh Christmas Bells," Mrs. H. McEwen and Mrs. R. Broderick; a story en- titled, "Keeping Christmas," Mrs. A. Shirray. An impressive candle - lighting and carol service follow- ed. The following took part: Mrs. J, •Corbett, MTS. P. McNaughton, Mrs. L. Chapman, Mrs. P. Pass- more, Mrs. D. Kyle and Mrs, B. Horton. Prayers were offered by Mrs. E. Sbaddick. Ml's. Blackwell. Mary Goodwill, Mrs. R. Drysdale and Mrs. L. Hyde, The hymns us- ed were "O Come, AU Ye Faith- ful" and "In Christ There is No East or West." Mrs. Cross, ori be- half of the W.M.S., expressed thanks to •the Auxiliary members for their kind hospitality. Mrs. 'W Spencer ably acted as `thastess Attractive Christmas decorations' were used throughout, the follow• ing ladies being responsible; Mrs. R. Broderick, Mrs. L. Chapman, Mrs. A. Sthirra', Mrs. S. Ronnie and Mrs. W. Spencer. The Mizpab benediction was repeated. Delis ismsr ' ei!i'e 4uverlta veeref seliradt :b the hostessand her Assis'tante at the close • The annual Meeting of the NV,' M. ,S',• of Ca rne1' . Rrn0141terinn Church was held Thursday suer noon, Dec. 8, with the President, Mrs. C. S. Hudson, presidding meeting opened with tile, singingOf Christmas carols' and the' 'Christ mus story. Rev. P. A. Ferguson ad dressed the meeting, delivering •atX inspiring Christmas' riiessage and installed the officers. Reports suii- we'iOnl ,ntfWelka• e,` Mrs.Qt land 404 is F?tull5 ,l, rgfry', seeretaxy, .: . J eraN Peeitetfk i1i a 444s '. Sikh .4ass'tt'kZ B800.1 le der Aka:, Mie ..� lase e'Ip a.^ s; , ,.. , �^,. � li, Mm p1 . 4th 4etpel and; M) s: 'CS •Itebllzed ^'; treasurer Mission 'Demi; .Mrs, R g'a(f`Laren. :"17,i4 , Fer aon ec ntr}{ illited. azrticsies froom, `Orad Tidillgst ,Aare, Miss J'eau McQueen 'moved a vote, ., of thanks to Mt'e • 'Hrgason and x23 ,tarring ,part, Several caroler were sung and reereahinents serv- ed. ei^ved. mitted by the seoretartet3 disolOsed The aecand degree was exempli- fied by Holden Rllle Lodge 42x, LO. O.F., Mpnkton, in :the Town. Hall Tuesday night for tweevp candi- dates from Hensall and gruriebt. Visiting 'brothers' were present from Brueefield•, London, Exeter, Linwood, and D,D:G.M, Bro. Fifed Boyce, Huron District No. 8, and D.D.OI . Bro. Bannerman, of' Dis- trict 12, ' were guests. A vote of thanks was extended to Golden Rule second' degree team for the splendid, manner in which they ex- emplified the degree. Over 100 were present and lunch was serv- ed. The White School concert is; ;be- ing held Thursday night, Dec. 22. Dr. and 'Mrs. A. R. Campbell, of Guelph, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr, Donald and Jimmie visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex 'Lockhart and Phyllis at Dresden. Mr. Harald Albright and Bill and Betsy visited on Monday with 'Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr and Donald and Jimmie. At the Young People's meeting atar• C mel Church Monday evening, an outstanding year With iinanees all above the previous year. Fol- lowing are the officers for 1949-50; Hon. pres., Mrs. H. Arnold; pres., Mrs. C. S. Hudson; 1st vice -press, Mrs. G. Wacker; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. J. A. Patersep secretary, Mrs. R. Y. MacLatbn; treasurer; Mrs. A. D. McEwan; Home Help- ers sec., Mrs. W. R. • Davidson; Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. J. W. Bonthron; Glad Tidings sec., Mrs. B. Edwards; Student sec., Mrs. J. Paterson; Literature and Library. Mrs. J. Forrest; pianist, Mrs. M. Dougall; flower fund sec,, Miss Violet Hyde; Mission l3a,nd Lead- er, Mrs. P. A. Ferguson; supply sec., Miss M. Reid. A Christmas concert, sponsored by Hensall public school, will be held In the Town Hall, Hensall, Tuesday, Dec. 20, at 8 p.m, Pro- gram will include dialogues, drills and a cantata entitled, "When Santa Listened In." This concert promises to be outstanding, and everyone attending will be assured Of a real evening's entertainment. Santa Claus will arrive in Hen - s711 at 2.00, p,m., Saturday, Dec17, for the annual Christmas party for the children of Hensall and com- munity, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and Canadian Leg-. ion. A picture show in the Town Hall will be one of the highlights of the affair. Each child will re- ceive treats of candy, nuts and oranges. Hensall stores will remain open Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 22, 23 and 24, of next week. The Arnold Circle Evening Aux- iliary of Carmel Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. P. A. Ferguson at the Manse on Monday night, with the president, Mrs. Glenn Bell, in the chair. Mrs. C. Forrest was in charge of the worship period, Mrs. Harvey Hyde read a story, "The Real Christmas Spirit." Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs. W. Brown contributed a vocal duet with Mrs, C. Forrest accompanist. Rev. P. A, Ferguson addressed the sleeting and installed the new of- ficers: President, Mrs, William Brown; vice-president, Mrs. Har- vey Hyde; secretary, Mrs. Stewart Bell; assistant, Mrs. C. Forrest; treasurer, Mrs. 'F. Bonthron; sup- ply secretary, _Mrs. George Tinney; Send a Friend . . . "TRIBUTE TO A TREE" For Christmas 50c EACH Proceeds go to Community Centre On Sale while they last at Beattie's 5 to $1 Store For the Information of The General Public Places of business will be remainingopen all day on the Wednesday before Christmas and the Wednesday following Christmas. MONDAY and TUESDAY, ,DEC. 26 and 27, ARE HOLIDAYS SEAFORTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Model R 118 The Perfect Personal Radio! Just a 'handful - you can carry anywhere. Stations all across the dial with • no aerial or ground — just plug it in ! AT' x19'.85 TERRY'S.. REPAIRt, I OPPOSITE DICE I E SEApORTu IIIIIIIIIII111111lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiillllllhillll4 Re -opening Services Cavan United Church WINTHROP SUNDAY, DEC. 18th at 3.00 p.m. REV. D. A. MacMILLAN will be guest minister for this special service. All friends and former parish- ioners are cordially invited to worship with us in our beauti- fully redecorated auditorium. J. R.,PETERS - Minister 1111111111I111111111111111111111MIII111MIII1 ee4ted :iiltel'eetll fi1#n� pP pl�ittfpiq , pioturee, wli eb *ere tOebk, ettite*edt • ., rise.:; e'rI"ioope 9I3 riatniao U . ii}i %rmo) rresbytehia,n Dllul'oh : ite ailinistex, •i Y, : 4 .. `erguson, Will; p1'ee,#de. 'rho morning sermon' them will be, "Tile iMmortal Sone' The evening service will have a choral setting with junior choir in the gallery', 'assisting the seniors in, the d'elight'ful old car • ",1tiRI' ilie X1,1 D 5' e` "o ,.'dt a ills ar ' l 't Y �'', ta, i. 4. 7 n',aine t ,l'O 1II ee ;A.0•. "T1s" �,, .,� ��.e YOIL :Fex441ez ;',irises- °xi4 recital,. ' Tri service etrrot tethces At 7.09. AA up- erl. eeseiaai Q;t:; tlia .S*X lay eSQheol 2.'d4i , tNtite41141es� the 41ti S aetiYfi ties, andthis :reoderinl o the 'Haat 1011110.chgiri s by` the organist com- pletes, the Qbservellee, The seOn- day iSelloal .'Christmasparty is an friday, Dec..28, at WANTg. !.! Full-time Secretary -Treasurer, and Fieldivan for Huron County Federation of Agricol e Duties to commence January 2nd Apply by tender not later than Deceiber •80' to W. V. ROY, Secretary:.:.°reasurer Box 310, Clinton,. Ontario. ,N %"#i". �asrosr,' XMAS TURKEY AT Commercial Lunch Monday, Dec. 26 12 to 1.30 . 5 to 6.30 St go Per Plate — Children under 10, 75e RESERVATION --PHONE 227 r,: Hydro Consumers Of Seaforth Some additional power resources will become available to the H.E.P.C. on December..15,1949, at the close of the naviga- tion season on the Great Lakes. During the night hours and on Saturdays this extra power will make it possible to afford some measure of relief to retail merchants during the pre -Christmas season. . Consequently restrictions on store window lighting ONLY will be suspended daily from 7.00 p.m. to midnight, December 15th to December 24th, 1949, inclusive, and all day on Saturday, December 17th, and' on Saturday, Decem- ber 24th.' - This announcement, however, does not mean that power supplies will be unlimited during this period. The Commission cannot stress too strongly that this temporary relief to merchants and Christmas 'shoppers will .only be pos- sible if all consumers exert every effort to conserve electric energy. Your continued co-operation is most essential. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL Seaforth Public iv Utility Commission sEArawrn