The Huron Expositor, 1949-08-12, Page 4104 Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates •:pop SALE. WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETCs-Per winds t Peet ta Cent Brd week Cent - Minimum charge. firat insertion25 Cents Each figure. Initial and abhreiviation counts as one word. Stlierec4O'hawanoleers, Iwneekellemoriam Notices. Coming Events --1 Cent per were!. Minimtutte 'nfillneeete Welcome will be charged If 1,1s in abent class are n:Ppirtft ettiertiti days IOW 01.e5" be directed to a Boa No. teeo The Huron It 'date of final insertion. Births; Marriages and Deaths inserted fres of charge. • Anceeen Sales.. Notices to Credit.'. EM. ---Hates on application. Notices Wanted . pld w tweetk RANK YOUR EXTRA DOLLARS -10% discount on eertain sizes first tine Goodyear thres. SEAFORTH MOTORS, Seafoeth. 4260-2 RARNS CLEANED AND WHIIEWASH- ." ed following T.B. test. Brand new sprayer capable of 1,000 pounds pressure. Work done to inspector's satisfaction. Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. FRED HARBURN, Staffs:. 4256-t8 OWER KNIVES WELDED AND sharpened. Lawn mowers also sharp- ened. JOHN MacLEAN, Enmondeille Garage. 4255-tf p ADIO REPAIRING- WILL REPAIR .Lb81.1 'makes of radios- Well pick up Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. CAostes Barber Shop. GLEN ICECIRITE. Blyth. 42184:f NOTICE leteANTED-TWO CHICKEN SHELTERS " Phone 658 r 33. 4260-1 TAKE NOTICE IIIATo BY-LAW NO. 508 of 1949. or the Town of Seaforth. copy of which is hereunder written, is a true copy of a proposed by-law of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth. which was given its first and second reae- ting on the 19th ,day of July, 1949. The Manictipa4 Council has agreed to submit such proposed by-law to the electors of the Town of Seaforth to obtain the sseat of the electors for the issuing of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) of deben- tures on the credit of the Corporation for the purpose of constructing and equipping a Seaforth and District Community Mem- orial Recreation Centre. If the assent of the electors is obtained to the By-law the same shall be taken into consideration by the CouncR after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication. This By-law shall be first Published " the 21st dos, of July, 1949. The vote for and against the said By- law shall be taken on the 15th day of August, 1949, during the hours between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., Daylight Saving Time, at the following Places: Polling Subdivisions Nos. 1 and 2 at Teen's Garage. Palling Subdivisions Nos. 3 and 4, at Public Library. Polling Subdivisioris Nos. 5 and 6, st Cardno's Store. The Mayor. or the meraber of the Council appointed for that purpose be 1--olution, shall attend at the Town Hall on the 12th day of August, 1949, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose, if requested so to do. of eP- pointing by writing signed by him, two persona to attend at the final summnig 00 of the votes by the Clerk and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in, and desirous of promoting, the proposed by-law and a like nuznber on behalf of the persons in- terested in, and desirous of opposing the proposed by-law. Any tenant desiring to vote strati, not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote. file with the Clerk a deelaratien as provided by' the Municipal' Act, R.S.O. 1937, Chapter 266. Section 283 (3). AnyCorporation desiring to appoint a nominee to vote on its behalf shall file with the Clerk, not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote, an appointment in vrriting of a person to vote as its nominee and on its behalf. WANTED --A BABY WALKER, IN " good condition. Apply to Box 790, HURON FeePOSITOR. 4260x1 WANTED-INSTRU4T10N IN TYPE- " waiting by English Modern staying in Seaforth 'one month. Apply to Box 789, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4260%1 WANTED-UR.GENTLY NEEDED. 4 " roome. or small house to rent MRS. DOC CAMERON. Phone 44-W. 4260-1 Te0ARDERS WANTED -.GENTLESIEN " preferred Apply to Box 792, HIJR- ,ON EXPOSITOR,• 4260-1 D. FL WILSON. Clerk. By -Law No. 503, of 1949 of the Town of Seaforth Tenders Wanted TENDERS Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY " the undersigned up to 7 p.m. (D.S.T.) August 20, 1949, for the construction of the Crozier Drain, Township of Tucker - smith. Tender to be in lump sum for complete job. Bond of $150 must accompany each tender and work •must be coanpleted by October 1, 1949. Tenders must be plainly marked, sealed and forwarded or delivered to the Clerk. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. E. P. CIDDSNEY, Cleark-Treasurer, Township of Tuckersmith. 4230-2 Notice To Creditors . For Rad Help Rent -Ante* Feseenien August. sue Poste teceepoe. leyeee Apply to We. RealAg Vere *ee". Port. Alberto NOTICE to CREDITORS 42604 :NWT* , „ aerruagN ,PAIt'PYL-MITCHELL. FAIR es Ground, Weeneidaset'.'Auesimt 1740. Bingo. lunch coutitene ground attractions. dancing in the Greene Palace, Cameron McLean and his Club Quintettee. In case of rain it will be held indigos. Ni, ad- mission fee to grounds. Auspices St. Vin- cent de Paul Church, Mitchell. 4260-1 IN THE ESTATE OF HELEN INGLIS DOW, late of the Village of Sensate in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING (IL A I M S against the Estate of the above de- VOR SALE --A LARGE QUANTITY OF ceased are required to file the some with es wood (soft ehn, rock elm Sind some the undersigned Soecitor for the said maple). at 52.50 a cord at the farm. AP - Estate, on or before the 22nd day of Ph' E. ANDERSON, Hensel). Phone 100 Auorust, A.D. 1941, after which dote the e 4, nernen. 4259-2 assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard on- riOR SAnet--NEW SINGER SEWING , ly to the claims of which notice shall .t.' 1 machines, electric and treadle. Re - have been given. ' pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford F. FINGLA.NO, KC.. 4223-tof August, A.D. 1949. • Clinotcm, Ontario, l'g'OR SALE --LARGE SIZE S7BRL CRIB Solicitor for the said Esnate. I ' cot, with sliding sides. 'complete with 4e604 tpringe an3 mattress ; in good candition. PHONE 187-J, Seafarer. VOL1 WILL ENJOY DANCING EVERY te Friday night at "the Crystal Palace, Mitchell, with Don Robertsen and his Ranch Boyee ()Marion outstanding Old Twee Dance Band. 4260x1 p RING A CAR LOAD OF' YOUR friends end enjoy dancing evepse Fri- day night at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell. with Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys. 4260x1 For Sale POR SALE -3 -BURNER NESCO OIL " stove, with oven; used two summers P11014E 658 r 33. 4260-1 • most SALE-C.C.M. MOTOR - bike; girls' used bicycle. DALY MOTORS, Seaforth. 4260-1 TEN CHOICE LITTLE PIGS, WEAN- ' ed for quick sale. PHONE 616-34, Clinton. MRS. J. E. HUGILL. • 4260x2 TULIP AND DAFFODIL BULBS AND Iris roots for Fall planting; Gladiolus blooms for sale. PURCELL FLOWER GARDENS, cee forth. FOR SALE -1 GOOD YORK SOW, DUE in September; also 15 Yerk chunks. Apply ALEX McDONALD, ER. 2, Sea - forth. Phone 836 r 31. 4260-1 pOR SALE ---2 SHORTHORN BULLS. Registered; 1 red, 11 months'old, and cne roan, 9 months. Apply WILLIAM BUTSON, Staffa, Oat 4260x2 VCRs SALE EVINIEDIATELY -GRAHAM- ette 2 -burner heavy wire electric stove with oven; almost new. Priced right. PHONE 5.87-W. 4260x1 SALE-PUPPeES, PART COLLIE. " part Shepherd: mother an excellent w-atoh clog. Male; 55.00, females 53.00. Apply FRED SINCLAIR, R.R. 2, Walton. 4260-1 liTANTED--Ax ormiswoR FOR MOD- " el sal ditcher;tele, Onettlelpete,nt man for laying the, Apply ta 0. CAMP - Bali. Seatrtb. ebege *or eveuings. TheIR SALE -QUANTITY OF CORNELL, No. 595 seed wheat. Apply PEAR - SON CHARTERS, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 656 r 4, Seaforth. 4260-1 WANTE1D roxt, GENERAL housework, mensal:met peeltion, in London. Willing :to COUIO kpiske for re- mainder oe mu:airier. Helen/ stating a4 - or phone number, he MRS. AUST. Bayileld, Ont, • 4260-1 WANTED peROJECTIONIST T•AlicE CHARGE of National Film Retied circuit 10 Huron County. Previoue training not nec- essary. Ditties to dommencel September 12th. Send tenders ani eetereines to W. V. Roy, Secretary Herein County' Federation • of Agriculture, • Box 310, Clintoe, OPERATOR WANTED AN OPERATOR FOR MelfILLOP, Logan & Hibbert Telephone Company. Duties to commence September 1, 1949. Must have some knowledge ef bookkeep- ing. Apply to the secretary. JAMES T. MA_LOOLM, R.R. 2, Dublin. • 4260-1 CARETAKERS Wanted A PPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED 4" by the undersignee until August 20th, fore caretakers for Schools Nos. 2, 4 and 9, in Tuckersreith Scliool Area, duties to begin in time for fall term. Applicants to state salary required. Work to be done in a satisfactory manner. For further particulars apply to S. H. VVELITMORE, See.-Treas., R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ont.' 4259-2 In Memoriam McNAIRN-In LOVING MEMORY OF ..."` our daughter, Ruth, who passed away six years ago, August 30943. "Beyond the Sunset" -Mother, Dad, Jimmie and Kenneth. TN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR 'GRAND - mother, Mrs. Joseph Nigh, wbo enter- ed into the Great Kingdom on August 12, 1947. God took her home, it was His will, But in our hearts she liveth still. -Ever remembered by Jean and Billy. 42;nel FOR SALE -4 SPRING OVERCOAT, grey. size 33-40. Apply ta Box No. 793, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4260-1 A By-law to authorize the issuiag of debentures for $40,000.00 for the Construc- tion and equipping of a Seaforth and District Community Memorial Reereaticm Centre on the Seaforth Agricultural Grounds. WHEREAS the Council of the Corpora, tion of the Town of Seaforth has agreed to submit to the electors a By-law propos- ing the issuing of Forty Thousand Dollars (540.000.00) of debentures upon the cred- it of the Corpora,tion for the Purpose of constructing and equipping of a Seaforth and Dintriot Community Memorial Recrea- tion Centre on the Seaforth Agricultural Grounds. ITIERE,FORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth enacts as follows: (1) Debentures shall be issued to the amount a Forty Thousand Dollars (540,600.00) on the credit of the Corpora- tion for the purpose of constructing and equipping a Seaforth and District Com- munity Memorial Recreation Centre on the Agricretural Grotmds, partly in the Town of Seaforth and partly in the Town- ship of McKillop; the said debentunn shall bear interest at a rate not museed- iing 3/. per centnro per annum and shall be repayable in twenty equal annual in- stalments. (2) The By-law shall bessubmetted for the assent of the duly qualified electors on Monday, the 1580 day of August, 1949. (3) The vote shall be taken at those places appolnted by BY-iew No. 502 of 1949, and the Deputy Returners Officers. as appointed by By4aw No. 502 of 1949, ehall preside at the various polling places and shall take the vote under this By-law. (4) A copy of this .proPosed By-law shall be published once a week for three successive weeks in The Huron Expositor and The Seaforth News .newspapers pub- lished in the Town of Seaforth, together with a notice signed by the Clerk stating that the copy is a true copy of the pro - Posed By-law. • — (a) The notice shall aim state that, if assent of 'the electors is obtained on the byelaw submitted, that it will be taken into consideration by the Council, after the expiration crt one month from the date of the first publication. (0) The notice shall also elate the date of the first publication of the by - mw. (c) Tbe notice shall also state the da,' and places appointed for taking the votes. (d) The notice eltall also state the tizne end place for th,e appointment of persons to attend at the polIihg places and at the final summing of. votes by the Clerk. (e) 'The notice Anil aim state that any tenant desiring to vote shall, not later than the tenth day before thenlaY appointed for taking the vote, file with the Cletk a declaration as provided for by sub -section 3 of section 283 of the Municipal Act, p.s.o. 1937, Chapter 266. DATED at CI inton, this 2nd day of NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ALEXANDER RUTHER- FORD LOWERY. Late of the TOW:II of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Printer; who died on or about the eighteenth day of June, A.D. 1949. TAKE NOTICE THAT ALL PARTIES " having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must :nail particulars and proof of seem to the un- dersigned administratrix or her solicitors on or before the twenty-seventh day of August A.D. 1949, upon which slate the mid administratrix will Proceed to dis- tribate the assets with regard only to those claims which shall then have been received. DAInte at Brussels this 8th day of A.ugast, A.D. 1949. SUSAN LOWERY, Seaforth, Ontario, Administratrix By her Solicitors, CRAWFORD & HEInth.RINGTON, Brussels, Ontario. 4260-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ISABELLE AGNES BALLANTYNE A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS • ag-ainet the Estate of Isabelle Ames Ballantyne, late of the Town of Seaforth, Spire:ter, deceased, who died on or about the 25th day of July, 1949, are hereby notified to send in ba the undersigned on or before the 268.0 day of August, 1949, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto; having regard only to claims of whicb the undersigned shall then have notice, to tbe exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any'person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth, this 2nd day of August, 1949. ' ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Solicitor for the Estate. 4260-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of SAMUEL JEFFERY ALL PERSONS ILA.VING CLAIMS " against the Estate of Samuel Jeffery. late of the Town of Seaforth, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 21st day of June, 1949, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of August, 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then receiv- ed. DA tkee at Seaforth, this 1980 day of July, 1949. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4258-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ELIZABETH VIPOND ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS ""against the Estate of Elizabeth Vipond, late of the Tow-nship of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, Widow, deceased, who died on the 2nd day 48 June, 1949, .are hereby notified th send in PHI -Particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 12th of August. 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard oniy to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this 19t0 day of July, 1949. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4258-3 01 AnY CorPeration desiring to se: - point a nominee fo vote on ita behalf NOTICE to CREDITORS shall file with the Clerk Met later than appointee ,In the Estate of CHARLES THEOBALD the tenth day before tbe day for taking the vote, an appointment in ' ALL PERSONS HAVING C L A I M S writing bf a porton to vote as its min- inee and on ifs behalf. (a) The core et, the Ey-law and the Clerk's Notice, as set forth in The pee*d- ing Shall lie that Published oa Thursday, the 210t day of Tttly, 1949. EVAD a :first and second time this igth deer of /city, 1940. I. E. KEATING, Mayer • D. H. WILSOINI, • es against the Estee& of Charles Theo - bald, late of the Village of Emnondville, in fete county of Huron, Meet:ramie, de- ceased, who died on the 7th day of May, 1949, are hereby notified to Bend in full particulars of their elaims to the under- signed on or before the 128h day on August, 1949, after which date the amef! will be distributed, having regard may to deem the received. DATED at Seaforth, tbig linh dal of July, 1949. IlifeCONVELI. * RAYS, Seatorth, Ontario, Solielkgra for the Executory. 4269-9 essoneenne.SeSes 4260-1 F -plea SALE --1/2 HORSEPOWER ELEC- ' tric motor, new with sealed bearings new thasberg 8 shot elip magazine .22 target rifle, equipped with 4 power tele- scope sight Apply to JOHN ANDER- SON, 18.18. '2, Hensall. 4260-1 F°18 SALE - lin STOREY FRAPnE hon e, 20x27, to be moved from prem- ises; situated on Goshen Line, Stanley Township. Good repair; ano Ream Pole. ED. GLEN, 620 r 24, Clinton. 42S0x2 "peOR SALE ---1 STANDARD COCK- ' &butt 70 tractor, in good condition; also 12 York pigs 7 weeks old. Apply JACK SINCLAIR- Phone 657 r 41. Sea - forth. 426051 pea SALE -PURE BRED HOLSTELNS. " accredited vaccinated; a number of nice cows and heifers calving in fall land early winter. Will sell reasonable Farm on Mint/tell Road_ Phone 2-2, Kirkton. H. J. WRAY, Soience Hill. 4260x2 VOR SALE-PAPEC CUTTING BOX, 72 -inch; also 35 feet of outside pipe. Apply to W. R. SOMERVILLE. R.R. 4, Walton_ Phone 842 r 21. Seaforth. 426(exl pole SALE -2 STORM DOORS, 3 screen doors, 4 pairs upstair windows, 25x41. 1 large coal heater, 1 wood and coal kitchen range with water front, warming closet and reservoir, cream en- amel trim. in A-1 condition. PHONE 387 before noon or after 6 p.m. 4260x1 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -1938 PLYMOUTH COACH. with radio, heater; 5 new tires. In A-1 condition. Apply JOHN M. POIRIER, Market St. 4260x1 VOR SALE - 1929 ESSEX SEDAN: good motor, tires and upholstering. WM. AUSTIN, John St. 4260x1 pole SALE -1931 CHEV. SEDAN, IN good condition; new paint job; 8200. Apply CHARLES CLARKE, Seaforth M.otors. No phone, calls. 4260x3 pee SALE -'38 CHEVROLET SEDAN. recently overhauled; 2 new firm, new hatte,y. Arens, GORDON McDONALD. Phone 485-51, Sea.forth, 4260x1 VCR SALE -1933 PLYMOUTH WITH radM, heater and a recently qverhaul- ed engine. This car is offered at a reas- onable price. Phone 240-J, Seaforth, after 6 p.m., or oall at ROWCLIFFE MOTORS. 4259x2 1 931 CHEVROLET COACH DE Luxe, in excellent c.endition; motor like new, completely overhauled. Reasonable for quick cosh sale. Apply JAMES ELLIOTT, Dublin, after 5 pm. 4260-2 von SALE -1946 FORT/ TRUCK, 3 ton comnination, gravel box and hoist, Internationnl eravel leader, 24 -inch ele- vator belt with dragline. KEITH Mc - LEAN, Heenan. Phone 84 r 31, Hensel]. 4260-1 Cards of Thanks E RIC SHALE WOULD LIKE TO EX- "' prem his thanks to the people who so kindly remembered him with cards and times, and who called to see him while he was a patient at Clinton Pubes Hos- pital. 4260-1 ' ;lex, ,14# fee, Try Demme entree 'reek %eget* .for dquele ensultise new beeltee thee'; new viva., Nee" ;eget acquainted" ohm ONYX 40e. 4telt- wets. RS. JOHN BOLGER AND nAMILY wieh to thenk their many friends and neighbors for the beautiful flowers and many kindnesses during their bereave- ment; also special thanks to Dr. Stevens and Rev. Kerr, of Brussels, and for the loan of cars. 42604 AMMO Men= (n eted VI Gaeta) nagged Peewee In nbtinr Peeled envelope with rtrica list, 6 oaraplegt 250i 24 amnplee $1.0(1. Mail-Qrdee Dope T-773, NOVA -RUBBER cp., pox 91,, liantilten Ont. Lost and Found T .858T -ON 'FRIDAY LAST, KEY RING t's• centleining seven keys. Tender please leave at Boor '791, HURON EKDOSITGle. -pouND — Leen= BEET 'WITH buckles, at Lions Park, Seaforth. Owner may have same by proving props erty and Paying charges. 4260-1 win. P. J. KELLY WISHES TO THANK -”-" the many friends who remembered tarn vrith cards and treate while a patient in St. Joseph's Hespital, London; sPecia1 thanks to Dr. Ithwoon and the nurses. 4260x1 AXE AND MRS. JAMES SLOAN DE - sire to express their sincere apprecia- tion for the many Mess' Cards, floral bou- quets, those who toaned cars and thoss who bellied in any way at the time ef their recent bereavement; also to thank Mr. Carlin and Constable SnelL Automotive Supplies VOU CAN GET A GLISTENING POE- ' ish job on your car the economical way, by using "TARNOFF"-no washing, no polishing. Just rub on, and wipe off. 16-0z. tin 60c; 36 -oz. lin 51:05. R. MARKS, Garage, Walton., MR. AND MRS. JOHN PASSMORE and family wish to express to their many friends, relatives and buninesti as- sociates their heartfelt thanks and appre- ciation, for acts of kindness and message; of sympathy extended te them in their recent sad bereavement of their son and brother. 42604 Auction Sales commuNiTv AUCTION •SALE or Household Effects, on Saturday, Aug. 20.th, at 8 p.m.. in the Skating Rink, Sea - forth: Full line af Household Effect, in- cluding modern 9 -piece dining mons suite; mahogany antique buffet in good condi- tion; drop leaf table; 4 chrome kitchen chairs; 2 chrome arm chairs; 2 utility tablesbaby scales ; occasional chairs; kit- chen utensils. Anyone wiehing to put furni- ture in this sale. Phone 84 or 41, or HAROLD JACKSON, by Augent 168.0. Full list next week. 40604 WISH TO THANK ALL 0125 neighbors and friends for their sympathy and kindness during the illness and death of our mother; also to the Pallbearerre those who sent flowere and loaned cars. THE PETRICK FAMILY 4260x1 MRS. W., C. PASSMORE AND FAMILY wirsh to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereave- ment Special thanks to Rev. R. A Brook, Rev. P. A.• Ferguson. Rev. R. B. Cummings, Lucian, Mr. Sam Rennie, solo- ist, also many thanks to Dr. J. 'C. God- dard and Mr. Harold Bonthron, and to all those whose kindness end sYmPathY was deeply appreciaied by sending cards and letters. 4260-1 MISS LORNA .BALLANTYNE WISHES td extend hen since -re thanks to friends aorul neighbors of the late Miss Isabella Ballantyne inn their kindness and sympathy in her recent bzreavement; to Rev. D. A. MacMillen for his kindly min- istrations; to the pallbearers to these sending such Sovely flower,. to those who so kindly loaned their cars, and also to Mr. G. A. Whitney for hi; kindly ser- veces. 4260-1 Births FORREST-At the Stephan Nursing Home, Hensall, Wechiesday, August 3, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs, Cooper Forrest, of flay Township, twins -son and daugh- ter. GRAINGER-In St. Joseph's Hospital. London, on August 1, to Mr. and IYIrs. Stanley F. Grainger (nee Helen Ament), of London, a son -John Robert. CORRIVEALT-In St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, on July 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Corriveau (nee Laureen Brough - torte a. son. PO VVEL L --I n Scott Memo r ia I Hospital, on July 30, to Mr. and Mee Arthur Powell, Seaforth. (nee Norma Pommer), a son -Robert Howard. RAU-In Scott Memorial Hospital, en August 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Rau, Seaforth, a daughter. RAU-In Scott 'Memorial flospital, on August 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rau, Seaforth, a son. GLANVILLE-In Scott Memorial Hoe -Pi' tat on Augest 7, to Mr. and Mrs. John Glanville, RR. 2, Walton, a son. BEITIEIR.711,ANN-In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on ,Auguet 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Beuermann, R.R. 1, Dublin, a daughter. FINLAYSON-elo Scotts Memorial HosPi- tal. on August 10, to Mr. and Mee. Arthur J. Finlanson, Tuckersmith, a son. USED CAR BARGAINS Deaths ri '48 CHEV. COACFfES L 1 Green, 1 Black. 48 47 43 41 39 37 FORD SEDAN CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN CIIEV. SEDAN PEYJI1OUT/7 COUPE PONTIAc COACH OreiSMOnret SEDAN MANY OTHER VALUES BRUSSELS MOTORS "elm Rome of Potter Used etre" °pm rvERY EvErrtmo • ABERILART-In London, on Monday, August 8, Helen Penman Jones, belov- ed wide of Cha.rles Aberhart, Seaforth, in her 71st year. SHANNON -In Seaforth, on Sunday, August 7, Margaret Shannon, in her Stith year. SLOAN-In Stratford, on August 3, Cath, mine Rita 81onn, daughter of Mr, and etre.. James Sloan, McKillop, in her 26th year. MaeLEAN--On ' Saturday, July 30, 1949, at 864 Manning ,Ave., Toronto, after St brief illness, John S. MacLean. At the Funeral Chapel of A. W. Miles, 30 St, Clair Ave. W. Service on Tuesdae erts ternuon, August 2, at 2 o'clock. Inter - Ment Beechebood Cemetery, Ottawa, Ont, CASE -In the Oshawa. General -Hospital, em Wednesday, August 3, 1949, Mors+ Isabel Case, beloved daughter of Men Crate Case /tail the tate Thomas it, ro Cage and sister of Frank r. case, Mont - yea, in her 610t year. runerat freed end Armstrong Funeralyome, Othaven 015 rriclay. Aug. K. 8 rvice 2 '11.M. interemot st. oeme.1 tory, Port Whitby. Brother -in -Law Of C. P. Van Mill Arrives With Family From Holland 9 4k14 0,949.: AO 040, 't 9-134 Pg.C.10 le, - ceeee learryIwrenveMelee tle- '*etweteele at the Heilk of Nelltreal here foethe past ten yearee hes' reQeiVIG appeietnient a maegger at Drerabe. leering hie stay ln Heneall •eir: Lawrence has. Made many friencee who will regret th learn of hie leaving ,eere. Dariete his sIay here be wee active in the SOCial and welfare of the vtliane. He has held the position as treae- urer of the Chamber of Commeree, treasurer of St. Paul's Anglican Church, treasurer of the Red Cross for three years, and:was. a feriner member of Zurich Lions Clieb. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence in- tend to leave shortly for Drumbo. • Trying Out a tractor as a means of getting the cows home ,brought near -tragedy to nine-year-old Ivan Coleman, of the Parr Line, seven miles northwest of Hensall,, Mon- day evening. The tractor went ov- er his body, but he suffered only bruises. The child, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Coleman, had watched his older brothers with envy whenever they climbed upon the tractor and went scoot- ing over the fields. He decided to (imitate them and ride it while get- ting the cows. The machine went dead and Ivan went, to crank it. The tractor was still in gear and started moving. It Knockedthe boy down and t, passed over 'his body. A neighbor, Elmer Turner, working in a nearby field, saw the boy who was stunned, but did not lose consciousness. X-rays at Clinton Hospital revealed no brok- en bones, only bruises and shock. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. DeJong and family, recent arrivalseto this dis- trict from Holland," have taken possession of their farm which they purchased in Tuckersmith. Mr, De Jong is a brother of Mrs. C. P. Van Mill, Seaforth, and with his family of four sons will oper- ate the farm, which is locatedon lot 4, concession 26. ELIMVILLE Mrs. Bert Tate, Karen and Mar- ilyn have returned to their home here after spending the past few months in Vancouver, owing to the illness and death of the for mer's father. :Mr. and Mrs. Howard Otis Lonnie and Lynn are visiting this week with Mr. Otis' parents at Burgessville. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Roy Britton, Wind- sor, visited with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper and Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sherk, of Wingham, visited Mr. and Mrs. El- more Kleinfeldt on Sunday. Mr. John Perrin, Brantford, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rob- inson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bumstead, of Meaford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm for the week -end end, attended tne Malcolm reun- ion in Stratford on Monday. Mr, Earl Foster has been visit- ing for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. EIPPEN The Kippen East W. I. will hole their monthly meeting at the home of Miss Margaret Sinclair, Kippen, on Wednesday, Aug. 17, at 8.15 p.m. The rcll call will be answer- ed 'by your baby picture. The mot- to will be taken by Mrs. Harry Caldwell. The guest speaker will be Mrs. R. S. McKercher, and the demonstration will be by :Mrs. R. Dalrymple. Lunch committee will be Mrs. W. •Broadfoot, Mrs. A. Varley, giss M. McKay, Mrs. A. Finlayson and Mrs. F. Slavin, • HENSALL One hundred and fifty members of themid Amber .Rebekah. 'Lodge beld their first picnic at Jowett's Grove, Hayfield, on Wed- nesday. Sports were directed by Peter L. McNaughton, Bert Hor- ton, Harold Parker, Sam G. Ran- nie, Hensall, and Thos. Meyers and Charles Hay, Zurich. , Barbara Schwalm, one -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Gord,on Schwalm, of Hensall, captured the prize tor youngest member present. The largest families honored were Mr. and Mrs. G. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. L. Chapman. Jas. Broadfoot won the prize for guessing the combin- ed weight of the sports committee. Race winners were: Girls under 5, Marion Bell; girls under 8, fleen McLean, Gwen Chapman; boys un- der 12, Homer Campbell, Harold Bell, Ken Parker; girie under .12, Lois McLellan, Ileen McLean, Gwen Chapman; boys 15 ,and un- der, Glenn Ben, Ken McLellan, Bob Caldwell.; girls 15 and under, Mar- lene Richard,son, Lois McLellan, Geraldine Parker; young men's, race, Ed. Corbett; young women's race, Mrs. Percy Campbell; mar- ried men's race, Garnet Mousseau; matried women's race, Mrs. Percy Cetnebell; fat men's race, George Glenn; fat women's race, Mrs. L. Chapman; throwing- the Slipper, Mrs. Percy Campbell; toethpielt and lifesaver, Bert Horton's grote; wheelbarroW race, Ed. Cotbett and Garnet IVIousseau; boys' wheelbar- row ,race, Ken McLellan and' Bob Caldwell; tug-ef-war, Harold Par- keee group. There was a peanut ecra.mble for the chtlIdeen, after which adelicions picnic supper was served. ' Geo....Parker, lyeareold sea of Mr, Harold l'arkee, iti ih Scott MettiOrial Reepital, SeefOrth, With ati infectienlit his knee, 'Smellier Mtge Illeitranlie Sate 'ham% in itenenir are nleating their entire, stook of Seeieier Drees and '81akk gnite at'ghc7e *fii,41,10 Reet, eateeelle reo' .'Weee. fee/tete/Ile,gu.ast With' gee 'Vire. ,Tee, A, .Patereen,' fele so ejeeyedee, Weelee YtteatiellwW Alr, Rad 1r Pn.tprenn t ,40ap 'Head. Mr. Tbeinas ie a Plage of 'lees. Petersen, Hopkineon - Cook • The living room of tee home of Mr. and gm. N. J, Cook, Haniaall. was tbe Settiug for the wedliing Wednesday, Aug. 10, at 3 when their older daughter, ,Norma Elizabeth Joyce, was united In marriage to Mervyn Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. K C. Hopein- eon, of Ancaster. Rev. R. A. Broolt of 'Hensel' officiated. The bride, given ineraarriage by her father, wore an ice blue floor -length lace dress. with a tiered siert, She carried a bouquet of pink roses and wore a matching headdress+. The bridesmaid, her slater, Elean- or Cook, wore a turquoise net dress over taffeta. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses and wore a matching headdress of roses and Ant W00,4009104' 4 14 1°P0eA' POORWIAw.04 OP1 eeeeMene. Wee' Ine14; fix fts*t..9f,:itil, .. 0001449 1700411, WO,P44X401 Vi* ey14te ,01,014/3.:: 0';114*,t11;e: aigo-4 inn!' .0: thf,':4"egiAdOio' *,;,' -141micek < OeStrieeee, •of Leedele, 'Sang DelieelleVeeeeeeMIRged by Mee •Greta Laratnie. T44 Pe-eePtlen Wee bele at the hoMiao a which the ineMbers •Of the Vetted chureb Wee,S. ably, eadotock The bide"e mother were a beavenly :blue tie - sue faille dress With navy ageeti- soriele The grooneso =tiler Were es navy blue sheer eel:See:VW wale white aceeeeorieS. e'er travelleig the erideeWore a beige ems with tan aeeessoriegl. Oil their return. the c,ouple will reside in Kingston. The bride is a graduate in medi- cine teem the Unevereity of West- ern Ontario, and the groom will be interning at Kington General Hos- pital. Additional Hensall News on Page 3 Dr. and airs, J. C. Goddard, Beth and Peggy, are vacationing for two weeks at Wasaga Beach. Bab Bennett, son of Mr. and, Ms. George ,Bennett, was operat- ed on at Clinton Hospital Friday eget for appendicitis, and is do- ing nicely. Mrs, Gordon Scewalm was the lucky winner of a camera and e roll of film in a contest sponsored by the Goodwill Photo Studio, Cry- stal Beach, Ont. Mr. W. B. Cross has purchased the home of Dr. jr. A. McLean, who recently received an appointment in the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto. Mrs, John Little, of Eieter, who with her husband and two little sons, Jackie and Dennis, had an apartment with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwan, left Saturday morning by bus and train for the West, where she will spend a month vis- iting her parents. Ruth Alexander is visiting with her sister, Isabel Alexander, in To- ronto. Gordon Troyer, who has been quite ill for some time, is still con- fined to the hospital. , The regular meeting of the Vil- lage Council wa,s held Tuesday ev- ening at 8 p.m. in the council chamber with the following mem- bers present: Reeve Kerslake and Councillors Parke and Jones, Coun- cillor J. Tudor still being sick. Min- utes of the previous meeting and of the nomation meeting were read and adopted. F. Harburn re- ported re ,the weed cutting, also work on the streets. Jones and Parke: That we charge the Park Beard $2 per month for water for the new rink until Jan. 1, 1950. Carried. Correspondence was received from ,Dept. of Planning and Devel- -opment Conservation Branch, Dept. of -Highways, Scott Brothers, Dept. of Public Welfare, Dept. of Muni- cipal Affairs, Mrs. Bertha Moir, County Clerk, Township of Stanley, Workmen's Compensation Board, Bell Telephone—same considered and filed. Jones and Parke: That we in- sert an advertisement in the Zur- ich Herald and the Huron Exposi- tor advising the ratepayers of the Township of Stanley that we can- not answer any fire calls from their municipality in view of the decision of the Stanley Municipal Council in refusing to pay the costs of the fire briga.de. Parke and Jones: That we charge Mrs. Mc- Allister $5, Mrs. Walker $5 and Mrs. Stephen $2.50 for cutting weeds on their property. The following accounts were passed for payment: Bell Tele- phone, service, $6.25; F. Harburn, salary, 8123.72; C. Johnston, re- pairs, etc., $19.55, Fire Department $7.50; B. Moir, labor, streets, $4.25, miscellaneous, $1.23; Provincial Treasurer, insulin, $1.23; Whillier & Co., spuplies, $6.63;-T, Welsh & Son, lumber, etc., $1,50; Public School Board, current expenses, $2,000; Hydro Commission, hydro, Hall, $8.28, W.W., $31,35; J. Pass- more, salary, W.W., $41.66; Mrs. Pearl Passmore, W. C. Passmore salary, Fire Dept., $14.66. Total, 12,269.38. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sararas, a recent bridal couple, were tender- ed a reception in the Town Hall recently at which a large crowd attended to honor them and pre- sent them with a chesterfield suite. Roger Venner read the address to the couple, while the presentation was made by -lack Brintnell and Russell Ferguson. Nelson Howe orchestra furnished the music for the dance. The event was much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. William McLean, of Exeter, attended the reunion of the first special service force in Chicago of which Mr. McLean was a member when overseas. They left on Thursday, returning home on Sunday., 'Dr. Margaret McLean left on Monday for Toronto, where eite will join her husband, Dr. J. A. McLean. Only a doeen citizens ehowee up at the Town Hall Monday night when e nomination meeting was held to fill the vacancy Created by the death of Councillor Melvin Moir, killed in an auto accident at Brantford, George Hess was the Only one nominated, and he declin- ed the honor, it was decided to lited another meeting Anglist22. Bryan MeLean, of Exeter, sot �f NIL and Mo.- %%Ikon lefeLean, anent tIA week -end with hie grand- %Vette, kte and gre. Robert Mc- , Lean. :Mr. and Mtn. n„ Themes inld erste, NOTICE TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY - Please be advised that the Hensall Fire Brigade • will be forced to discontinue their services to the residents of the Municipality of the Township of Stanley, on account of the recent action of their Municipal Council refusing to pay the operating costs of the Brigade when answering a call for help. The Hensall Municipal Council do not think that • it should be a charge on the ratepayers of Hensall - only: VILLAGE OF HENSALL J. A. Paterson, Municipal Clerk -Treasurer REAL BUYS. . NEW 1/2 -TON PANEL FARGO TRUCK with heater and spare tire A real truck for contractors, dairy or delivery purposes. 1 NEW AUSTIN SEDAN • Blue Leather Upholstering The best car value on the road today! 1 NEW VANGUARD FULL-SIZED CAR The Leader in Style and Quality If you want a full-sized car, drive this one. THE FAMOUS JAMES MOTORCYCLE Will give you up to 216 miles to a gallon The finest machine on the road! Double brakes, batteries, lights—everything. And the price, Only $335.00 Complete $135.00 .cash, and balance on easy terms. RIDE IT TO -DAY! • Jonathan Hugill Service On All Makes of Cars SUPERTEST STATION - CLINTON Phone 784-W 1 BETTER MEALS WITH HALF THE WORK HERE'S HOW - Yes, Madam: the Essotane gas range you see illustrated here is the way to easier; quicker; beti ter cooking: And it's economical tool If people who slave over old-fashioned coal and wood stoves knew how little it costs to have a time- saving, work -saving Essotane gas range they wouldn't wait long before making the, chapge! 4 • 4 e .4 lire "hew efeee Come in and get the facts One of these, ranges will bring new happiness into your home—not only for you but for all the family. Range prices are very moderate and. the Essotane gas they burn is very , economical: GI A. bills Sons 111 Quality Goods ,with Quality 8erviee 4 1.