The Huron Expositor, 1949-07-08, Page 4a' �. i-' i �. i i, I a, r.11I" IfI I 1 �1: I I i h d [�, . 1 1 z I I 11. .O' f 1 a a 13�e�p Weed �, 0 1 11..-i, ,'A �:11 I )^ I I i 1 i 1 1'I i .I, '.� • � I � , , 1, I � � MIR— ... .._, _..... , _.. _- I .. 1 .,... 1I�T - Vf i eWat.'Me Q t, UUZ414 in 1 tD^Gl$ i1kF11gTED EQB RI$^ m • <.�p rr; '`<�y,�r�� RfC�y�� ApplyOOZ(#/T���Y .�■ IrI ,10 I�. ,r' � �:�M�4 +4J�1,..YelL 3 I_W}A<P, +�r,r'Y�}426W P :V'.Y�, T,.•:6 , a 'laid .idsbwerted At Now Low Lash Rales: Fox Al0s WAh-M& rAW .....r_._:. -:::: . AN tOMM,» lar . a: Tf_ ,1. �-A . We,* _-, , ,,�vv W wek-.....n i Kraut ' t, . rAeb fl=3% U"VA � � , rit i� one vrord a, , at In lieweeriase 19istlte'., 1p"7aiwdteaxeaCe-s urns need DLfnimIIm. , Air � U 7° to a Box 2Taa„ le%e M* ammo itnr, far 1e caul, aatrs. pp t4 w�Rl b* deAIWA it ads In abR!n clew are mt scald �withiu 10 do" i &tr Of Meal aarertFee. t Jilt W, DAarxiareee pad Depth Taart Rd lase d aiagias I aW. 114-„ b > 105 M �pi4oatlo u 1": Coming Evem#s . Panted ' 11 . r CaYSTA7: PALAGi BLlfiLlis00Al, MIT- �ANTl?Si-7fChDEI. •A• FORD, . IN v chill, krill be dwed for a ooa• " wood aundition- Apply Boa Td2, I. Vlaie3r for graMd reopening date �� HURON EXPCISITOR- 42u6x1 i OOM FOR RENT -ROOM AND BOARD . DiTndMA SALE -TOWN HALL, BAS R for elderly pexsoa Apply to Boa +. field, Friday, Jal7 ibttie. at 7 P -m 786, HURON EXPOSITOR. 11 ''" Bem�rt Pioneer Park AwoeiaSSon. Ball t •ra^,1.1 'be opened for donations LO a.m. 4256-1 WPUBLIC SCHOOL PRINCIPAL wants to rent or buy a hoose- Pos- - session middle of August, Apply M- M,e- Lost and Found ICFf.r.AR Phone 257 or 19L 4252 tf • -FOST-PAM .OF PINK ST PlAer- RM_ 31 �, . , Please lesv�e at Personals B.785, EXPOSITOR OFP CV, ar Phone 2'Z4 -W. 4256x1 HYGIENIC SUPPLLES (R II B B E R T OST - FOLDING CHANGE PURSE, Goods) maIIed postpaid ya Slain. s�1cd r L envelope With price OSL 6 eaai,9les 25c. ;A wh-rh contained a sum oZ matey. Ap- Z4 samples $L00. Mull-Ondei Dept T -7'D, 5' ply to Boa 782 HURON Am-ibr �l,a'- 4256-tf NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 92, H—ton Oat sA" 1. Notices 1%Property For Sale 1. �' • OTZCE-THE OFFICE OR D. Mc I _ : d� lanes, ChEmpraetor and Dmglaw i' yhu,�Aan Ma tree- Hems,aBRICK All 1.l� Therapist, )n Commercial Hotel, is closed 1 canveni,encea- Occupancy August 13, 1949, . , for vaeatioa and .-Al reap® July 1 . PHONE 50-W, H.emalL 42-56x2 ASKS CLEANED AND WHITE'7HASH- FOR SALE -SEVEN -ROOMED BRICK 1 house, modern; garden, 165 -foot lot. 'C : B ed following T.B. test- Brand — 'Apply ALEX. 31A PEN, Tasty Grill, sprayer capable of 1,000 ponds pressure. 4754x.3 Work done to inspector's satisfaction_ • Phone 44 r 9, Dublin. FRES? HARBURN, "a.., staffa. 42511-tf HOUSE FOR SALE NOTIcUrB$USH AND SPRAY PAINT- THE REs"DENS:E OF THE LATE ing, paperhangia�g. varnishing and ; '1 Jessie Scott, in the Village of Brno- , ' graining. ALBERT NORMAN, Hitches. field is offered for sale by bender. The lq Phone 296-W. 4252x7 4ruperty consists of a nine -room stucco house ---verandah, balcony. Well 'located, y' - MOWER KNIVES - WELDED AND e_uipned with Hydra, two-piece bath. t sharpened. Lawn mowers also sharp-' water pressure xystem, all in good repair. - oned. JOHN M.LEAN, Ed-momdvil)e (7 he pmprrty may l,e suspected by ap- -p ntment with uh r e Garage. 4'l,-a-,-tf i • J n Mc! .Lash, phone Clinton 6?,2-:/1. Tenders must be in t.7e .r RAD30 REPAIRING = WILL REPAIR Jpands of the undertiZned on or before lrith July, 1949. The h• hest e all makes of radios. Will pick UP y, e ur or any ;. all and Thursdays at E. H. Closes te'rater not nre•e>=ar.ly accepted. Barber Shop. GLEN KECHNIE. Blyth F. F'INC1 AND, K.C.. '" 4218-tf Clinton, Ontario. 4 r_16-2 __-_-._.- --- - . Auction Sales For Sale AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE, ON Lot 1, Conc-Aon 1, McKillop, adioiv- I FOR SALE-- FR"E B.i RN, art x 60. ing the Village of Dublin, on Sa4:arday, i' PHONE 661 r 13, Sevforrth, July 9th, at '2 o'clock: Two wooden beds, I 42;6-1 ,I . springs and nsattrewes : 1 iron bed, spring i' and mattress; I threc-tuarter iron bed FUR SALE- NUMBER OF CFIO1(:E sprung and mabt7azs : Z dreasers : 1 wash- i' York weaneis, Apply W,11. WELSH, stand; quilt bog; quamtity of. blankets: R.R. 2, , Walton, 4'L.iS-1 ' .: quilts: : sheets : syspts : 3 feather' hicks - ,pillowcases; 6 dining -room chairs; dining FOR SAYE--0iL BURNER WATER ",5,. tal,le; kitchen table; whatnot; 3 kitchen FOR cheap for yi)_ quick sale. Api,l) ,#� chairs: srink and stand- Quebec cook stove CLIFFORD BRUADFOOT. W1, and piped; some wood for kindling; a Seaforth 4256x1 11. quantuty of stove coal; croweat saw; axe; , shovel: hoe; -curia- sereemi: 2 guJlon FOR SALE -10 CHOICE PIGS, SJN I,',' coal oil can: act of sad irons. electric weekscid ready to wean. Apply tc toaster: 2 mirrors' afaaMt4tY of dishes, JOSEPH T. HU'GILL. Phone 536 r 21. ';':, • half dozen silver knaves, forks and spoons. 4256.] "�t .: some other knives, forks and spoons; tea. kettle7: potato pot, and numerous other �:' articles. Terms -Cash- JOSEPH GIVLIN, FOR SALE - MASSEY-HARRIS HAY i i`:1. ul•'- - Proprietor; Joseph I.- Ryan, AneLimraeex: loader, in working condition. R'M. I John V. Flynn, Clerk. Me'LACHLAN, Lot 9, Con. 3, Stanley Phone 86 r 14, Hensall. 42516x7 1li FDto'Swean. Apply p ly to LORNE SHAY '•1(.'. Poultry R.R, •L„ Kippen. Phone 653 r 41. t° 4256-1 �:' STARTED CHICKS r.. R SALE -9 EIGHT WEEKS OLE MMEDIATE DELIVERY; 2 WEEK 1 suckers. Apply to HENRY ENZENS• - old: Barred Rock. Light Sussex X BERGER, R.R. 5, Seaforth. t. New Harnpshirea, Light Suaseg X Barred 4266-] :(''' Rock, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, Barred Rock X New Hampshire Non -sex- HAY FOR SALE -2.5 ACRES, EITHER %;1' ed 21.96, Pullets 30.96, Cockerels 20-95• baled or by the acre, three -parts al{al- New Hampuhuri: Non -Se=ed 21.15, Pallets baled WILLIAM MONTGOMERY, Walton. ,, 30.95, Cockerels 20.95, Light Sussex Non- Phone 834 r 4. Seaforth. 4256-1 Sexed 22.95, Pallets 32.95; cockerels 22.50. White Rocks nonsexed 21-96, Pallets 22.95, FOR SALE-DEERING 7 -FT. BINDER, ,. Cockerels 22.95. Black Austraiorp Pallets 32.95. Asserted Heavies Non-9exed 20.48, short and loCOLE ng 'OLE. and trucks. Pullets 29.955 Cockerels 20.76. Three .week Apply to AN50N COLEMAN. R.R,, 1, old add 5c per Chide. Also 'other FIs• Zurich. Telephone 11 on 9S. Aensall. Day old 12 Pure Breeds Ond 13 Crass 4256x1 Breeds Non-Seg`d' Pullets' OxkereU. Old- OR SALE -NUMBER YOUNG PIGS er Pullets 10 weeks to laying. Free Cats- F i' l;�,ue, three IitGrts, seven weeks' old. For - parLiculare apply J. W. CRICH, Clinton. V T WEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES Phone 617 r 23. 4255x2 k, t.. Limited R SALE -1 HIGH BACK WHITE ;¢.; FERGIIS, ONTARIO FOR kitchs-n sink: 1 combination 4256-1 coal and electric McClary stove with twc -ens; 3 bnuse dii._. 6r 91r x V 1011. �1' MRS, W. STAPLETON, Dublin. Phont . Tenders Wanted 31 r 2, 4256-I ;,FOR SALE -25 PURE BRED HOL � TENDERS WANTED sarin cows and heifer+, mostly Rau t AnTrle etYarn; aome rhoioe individualx; For Purchase of Truck ,"Mme fm in mawtly due in fail or earl y TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY `inter. Acer J.it<xl, vaccinated. Priced i- manonabl,s. Farm located on county roar) the undersigned until and inchiding between St. Marys aro) Mitchell. H. J July 16, 1949, for the purchase of one McKAY, 4256.2 1'used Whyte line construc:Uon track, com- �plete with winch and Jean. FOR SALE -NEW SiNGER SFWING rrfi Highest or any tender not 'necessarily machines, electric and treadle. e- r`.- R.accepted. pairs to a)) makes. SINCE$ SEWING SEAFORTH'PUBLIC UTILITY CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford k, CO M MISSION 4223-tr SEAFORTH 4256-•3 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE -A RFN'r- c7i house with vacant lots, in Und- - _.____ any flake district) : clear title. taxes $60: ___._.___._._._.___._/�s�-��4..�_,_,. Isar, expire, on Nov. 1, 1949, Write T, . Notice To Creditors H. STJNSON, Esq., K.C., Lindsay, or R. .'' L. ELLIOTT,, Custodian, 272 Jarvis St.. NOTICE to CREDITORS Oshawa. 4255-2 __ _ In .the Estate of DENIS JOSEPH itr##. `: O'REILLY WMOior Cars For Sale li: ; A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Denis Joseph7�fIR SA,E-4928 CHEVROLET SEDAN O'Reilly, late of the Township of McKil- {n. goal running condition;' sealed ,f'„' - lop, deceased, who died on or about the beam herulliyhta, new paint job. Apply 18th day of June, 1949, are hereby nota• JERRY MUIR. Phone 306, Seaforth. fled to send In to the undersigned on or ,„ before the 16th day of July, 1949, full 4258x1 (particulars of their claims. FOR SALE -1947 F'ARGO 1/2 -TON PICK- lmmediately alter the said last men- i' 1pgg CHEVROLET 1/2 -ton nick- t)oned date• the assets of the said estate ; 1946 TH MOTORS. Phone 141, will be distributed amongstaD• SEArOup; the parties Seaforth. M12541. entitled thereto, having regard only- to ' '' o1a)ms of which the u designed shall then tt .have notice, to the exclusion of all others, USED CAR BARGAINS and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the underaign- ,y} ed shall not then have notice for the CHEV. COACH C:}Y ,assets so distributed or any part thereof. 48 radio and sun visor. DATED at Sersforth, this 22nd day of 111 I J%ne, 1949. ' (rALVIN W. SLLL ERY, 47 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH E Seaforth, Ont, , 1 Solicitor for the Esvtate. 'v 4264--a 47 cimm COUPE 1 I; NOTICE, to CREDITORS a's PONTIAC COACH r In the Estate of MARGARET ALPENA CARDNO 37 CHU. 'COACH , LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS aa'sinat the Estate of ]ti4 Irsu 10 Alpena Cardno, late of the Town of Sen- 37 CHEV. COUPE forth, Widow, deceased, who died on or hibout the 24th day of June, 1949, are . hereby notified to send in to the Minder- �� TERRAYLAND SEDAN ttlktted on or (before the 22nd day of Jolly, tfi ' 1949; full ,particulars of their eyrie. Intmedlotely after the said last man- file TERRAPLANE BEDAN ' ,y Afonad date, the aeeetiy of .the dodd evtsto 6x111 Itb d'lstrlbuted Atnengst 'the parties .-lb0WIdd thorbto, having Mard atdy to 2 '84'CF%EV. SEDAN'S l ^4141ths of Whiiih, the 4todLl*hYbo s'h'all OK have 11&10, to 00 exerrio" of all Oat ,r, and die UYI& MO,ed *ill fist be •2 MODEL •'A' FORDS ilia a 'Eb -Stili+ rieraott 'df Whose d1a4m %a , tttldcit'11iA`•iteii' shall not bhiro. tdo4fcit liGr:%6 aitettt do dltitaiblt or city' t 1 C7t V. 31r -TON TRUCIL ' 120 671 at Seaboptli, liber I" ad&y, at+ JrlZiie; 1949. BRUSSELS MOTORS i �,Aiia%rr , A1:rl� Milo ttii c..,, r, tfoll'Gttdlr foe' Ilio, *Aa. I iaCl;)b I1Curaii of 19etter 'used Oars 49t" dl? t. 11MIt ZV11='#' �f ,,�I 1. Y p, , I i n , i tl m :,.j. i. 4 // I. 1 i4 I. u,- Young Man (ConUnued from PDQ 3,) table with two well-eook,4 hams. WANTED Other members attending were appreciation to the friends and urs neigh- bwho so kindly offered and gave help fl om London, Clinton, Wingham, To Learn Seaforth, Hensall and vwelifugton.'' PRINTING BUSINESS -- Appilicamts who are mlerested in te=n- W. 1. HOL) PICNIC I'� ing all aspects of a +trade are raked to persons. Following the meal a list apply an writing to The Seaforth Women's lustitute l The Huron Expositor held 'their annual picuie on 'rues SEAFORTH, ONT. day evenqg, July 5, at the Seaforth 4256-z Lions Papk. Supper was served at on July 2, do Mr. and Mrs. D. Li Hoo,-- 7.3U to about 75 members and er, Jr.. (nee :Merle Keating), a daugh- friends- Sports events followed un- In der the direction of Mrs, Elmer ,Memoriam Cameron. �Alsl�-ori LOVING MEMORY OF Braces -Children under 6 years, my dear bon, Pte. Arthur F4s4ses, Highland Light Infantry, killed in action Eleanor Keyes, Donnie Grozier; July P. 1.944, Caen. France girls 6 to 9 years, Maly Brown, 11 'L Ruth Anne Crozier; girls, 9 to 14 We think of ?hi- in silence, His Mahe we oft recall. years, Flora Brown, Betty Simp- There is nothing left to answer, son; boys, 9 to 14 years ; Dong. But his pgcture on the wall Keyes, Jack Crozier; over and un- -Ever �e=xbered by Mother, Sisters der relay, Ebner Cameron's team; and Brothers. 4256x1 kicking the slipper through hoop, ra'm. Interment in \laitland.bank Cem- ladies, Mrs. Sandy Pepper; men, of A BROWN-Ither Jim Keyes; married ladies' race, znNG ndmothY dear mother sad grandmother, Anna M --Brown, who passed away July 4, 1948. Mrs. J. Keyes; married men's race, M.- Morley Chellew and daugh- Elmer Cameron, Jack Mclean; God knew that she was snS plate race, Sandy Pepper, Gordon climb ; ' That the hilar were Bard to climb; So He closed her weary eye3ida, `Dapple; three-legged race, Ruth And whispered, "Peace be thine.- Khyes and Flora Brown; Betty --sadly missed and lovingly remember- Simpson and Ruth Anne Crozier.' ed by daughter. Evelyn, and greadcM7- A peanut scramble concluded the dren, Anna, Clayton and Geraldine- fun for another year. 4256,1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney and • Cards of Thanks Carl attended the Williams Reun. Guests of Mrs. William Howard EASTERN STAR PICNIC MR: ARTHUR FINLAYSON WISHES The Exeter and Seaforth branch - to express hb sincere thanks and es of the Order of the Eastern appreciation to the friends and urs neigh- bwho so kindly offered and gave help Star held their annual picnic at daring his stay in St Joseph's Hospital, the Lions Club Park on Wedne.s- London, and special thanks w Dr. J. C. day, July 6. At 6.30 a delicious Goddard, Heneal•1; to the Kippen E, W. I. for the lovely box they sent, and to all supper was served to about lis those who remembered him with cards, persons. Following the meal a list treats and flowers. 456-1 ,of sports was run off, much to the amusement of those present. __ ___ _ Births The following were the winners: ing ,Daylight Savin7 Tune, �ilao -to Children, 6 and under, Marion Bell. Grace McKenzie; 6 to 10 years, HA'OVER-In Grace Hospital- Windsor, on July 2, do Mr. and Mrs. D. Li Hoo,-- Elizabeth McGavin, Gordon Me- er, Jr.. (nee :Merle Keating), a daugh- yrter; corn contest, Gerald Bell ter- Moan Eileen. , DARLING -In SurK Memorial Hospital, and Ruth Ann McArter, Jean Snell on July 1, to Mr, and Mrs. John and Elizabeth McGavin; plate race, Darling. Dublin, a son. RIEHL- In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Mrs. Love, Exeter; balloon race, July 4, to M-. and labs. Bordon Riehl, Mrs. Vera Fraser, 'Exeter; slipper WQOton, a ,..,n. contest, firs, Tera Fraser, Exeter: TYNDALI,•- In Scott Memorial Hospital. paper bag contest, Constable Jack on July t to 9i r. and Mrv. Bruce Tan- don. Clinton, a son_ Ferguson. Exeter; paper cu relay, P P P Mrs. Anna C. Walker was elect, Mel. Clarke; dummy throw, -715, McArter'; bean and bottle con - "` ---.--------E. Deaths each were presented to 23 drivers test, airs. Ila McKenzie, Exeter; balloon relay, the Officers of Exe- ter Chapter. BERTRAM--In New Rochelle, N.Y.. Janet Ewirrg, widow ce the late Jam" Bert- housing Co. Lt. Fifty drivers in the ra'm. Interment in \laitland.bank Cem- area from Fort Erie to Oakville etery on Thursday, July 7th. attended the first annual driver �7 �7 ZION ZION award night at the Queensway Ho- M.- Morley Chellew and daugh- BAYFIELD ter, Carolyn, of Los Angeles, Cali- list was Russell Hedden, St. Cath- Mr. and .Mrs, Albert Yeo and son, Bobby, and Mr. Kenneth Yeo, Miss Juen Brandon left this W(lek for Ottawa, where she is tak- of Toronto, visited over the week- ing a summer school course. end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Malcolm Dr. and -Mrs. E. Bristol, of New and attended the Pepper pienic in Jersey, are the guests of the for- Seaforth on Saturday. mer's brotber, Mr. Raymond Bris- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney and tol and 'Mrs. Bristol. Carl attended the Williams Reun. Guests of Mrs. William Howard ion at Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Williams over the week -end were: Mr, and on Saturday. Mrs. Gordon Mason, Mrs. C, Wal- Mr. and Mrs. Errol Rogers,' De - lace and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. How- trait; Mr. and Mrs. Larne Rogers, and and,two children, of Detroit. Windsor; Mr, and Mrs. Forrest Tommy Howard, of Detroit, is Rogers, Wingham, had. a family spending the summer with his 'reunhon at the home of Dir. and grandmother. Mrs. Elmore Kleinfeldt on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Norval Geminhardt Mrs. Kleinfeldt serving a chicken and three children, of Saginaw, dinner to her guests, which was Mich., are visiting the former's enjoyed' -by all. mother, Mrs. Mary Gem4nhart. Mr. and '_Mrs. J, T. Pepper, of Miss Helen Brownlee and Mr. Weyburn, Sask., are -visiting his and Mrs. Harold Holman, of To- brother and- sister, Mr. and Mrs. ronto, were week -end guests of George Pepper and Mr, and Mrs. their aunts, 'Mrs, Johnston and J. Malcolm, and other friends. They Mrs. Stewart. attended the Pepper ,reunion on Mr. Gilbert Knight, of Toronto, Saturday. . spent the week -end with Mrs. M. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm Geminhart. On his return he was and family attended the Fuller re - accompanied by Mrs. Knight and union in Mitchell on Friday, Miss Mary Knight, who °have spent Miss Ruth Williams, R.N., Lon - the past three weeks here. don; Mr. and Mrs. David Williams, Mrs. Robert Watson and son, Fayne and, Barry, of Waterford, Edwards, of Broadview, 'Sask., ar- visited during the week -end with rived on Saturday to spend the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney j nd summer with :Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Miss Ruth Williams accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney and two children, of Londoln, were the Carl to Clinton to visit Mr. and -upsts or Mr, and Mrs. Fred Baker, Mrs, R. L. Cudmare an Sunday Mr, and '.Mrs. Claude Robbins afternoon. and daughter, Claudia, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Geordie Robinson a"P spending the next two weeks and Gladys attended the Robinson in the village. reunion in Stratford on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. • Walter Grierson '-Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker bad as and tw'o children, of Kitchener, their guests on Sunday Mr. and were week -end guest.,s of Mrs. F. Mrs. Arebie Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. A. Edwards. Norman Busbfield and Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Playter and five Mrs. L. Barker and Roy. children, of Detroit, are spendfing sister. '.Mrs. William 'Consitt. 7.30 p.m. the summer with the former's ELIMVILLE mother, Mrs. J. :MacLeod, Sr. Mr. Chris Howard, of Windsor, Mr. and MI's. Henry I'ric:e, of spent the week -end with his sis- ter, Mrs. C. Berry and .Mr. Berry. Detroit, spent the holiday week -end Mr. and, Mrs. Harold Weston, of at, the home of Mrs, Thos. Bell. Detroit, arrived on Friday to spend Mr, and ;Mrs. Vernon de Mont - the summer in the village, morency and sons Spent the week - Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss, of end with relatives at, Smithville. London, spent the holiday week- 'hiss Mildred Miller and friend end, with the lat.ter's parents, Mr. Spent the week -end at her home and Mrs. J. Parker, here before leaving for Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sullivan, of, where she has been transferred Romeo. Mich., spent the holiday from London to the Montreal week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Grant branch of the Bank of Montre'aI. Turner. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. ,Johns attend, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Toms, of ed the funeral+of the latter's aunt, Detroit, are %pending their vasa- Mrr. Jessie Fletcher, of Strathroy, tion with Mr. John Toms. on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crane and two Mr. Harvey S'parling is taking a children are the guests of Miss summer courxe at Guelph College. Elizabeth Weston this week, Miss Wanda Stephens is working Guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Toms at Coronation Lodge, Grand Bend,, over the week-enfl were: Mr, and, for the summer months. :Mrs. Clayton Guest, Miss M'orah Mr. and Mrs. M, Skinner, Mr. Guest, of Guelph; :Messrs. Bill and Mrs. E. Skinner and family, .Johnston and Bart Dean, of Wind. M" ar.d Mrs. Franklin filcinner and Son family, Mr, and Mrs, Delmar Skin - Mrs. Clarence Larson and Miss ner and family, and Mr, and Mrs, Betty Lott Larson, of London, and Lorne Elford attended the Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Harold King, of Sar_ reunion at Strrttfordl on Saturday. nia, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, C. Ste -then and R. Larson and Mrs. Parker over family, Mr. and Mrs. P. ;Murch, Mr. the week -end. Harold Bell, Mrs, A. Cooper and Guests at the Albion Hotel this familq, Mr. Harry Murcll, Donna week,andl over the week -end' were: and Launle, and Mrs, Ross. Skinner Miss Dorothea, Treleaven, Mrs. and babe attended the Bell re:ln- Vera Ballingal and Mary ,loan, of fon at Kirkton Saturday. London; Cpl, and Mrs. J. A, Page The 26th annual Bell reunion and baby, of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs,' was 'held at the home of Mr, and, Ralph Pearson, Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Mrs, Nelson Watson on Saturday, Turitt, Jr.; Mr. and, Mrs. WilliamJuly 2, Owing 1.0 the very hot day Atkins and son, Rickey;; Mr, J. V, the attendance was not as, lat4ge Ahkina and, son, J•lmmy; Mis9 Pbyl- as usual. Prize for youngest mem. ]IS Hureomb, Mrs. H. Deverson and -ber went to Larry Skinner, month - Donald Diehl, all of Royal Oak, 'old son of Mr. and. Mrs. Ross S4tifn- M�ich.; Mr. and. Mrs. O. E. Senn and ner; .the oldest member was .V61. Miss Elaine Wade, of Detroit, son Watson, and those coming the Mr. Donald S'eott, of 'Seaforth, is' eatest distance were Mr. allot vis'f'Mill-g• Mt-, axed Mra, James. Scots Mrs. Alton Coward, Detroit. Roe fol~ 'a few W06kli. .results were: Girls,, I to 5, Betty ,:,, 4 a e I ,-` "rV ]:I I Ftp :, 4 }4 C i y x (z zt f �`r{�� .. s M?.� y --------- > rT> QWM�..E^<� cry.IYC U<dini s X1'1 I 1-11 b y ; : `�y T .:. A total of 414,05 refugees or displaced persons have famed new homes or have been returned to their conntkies thnongh the efforts of the International Refugee organization of the IIniited Nations (IRQ) during its first 18 months of operations. Here a group of displaced persons boards a train at one of IRO's centers fm Europe, Anne Stephen, Debra Coward; preventing it. Of course, much de boys, Bobbie linin, $hiela Wat- pends on the quality of the alfalfa soli, Floyd Cooper, Donnie t8eiih- as well as the steeping process. en, Lenore Cooper; married 1--4lits. Second cutting, or better sbH, -ire A- Cooper; men, Clayton third cutting hay because of its Watson; grandmothers, Mrs Nel- finer stalk, is less wasteful than son Watson; kick slipper through first cutting - hoop, Sheila Watson, Floyd Coop- One question still to be answer- er; lucky spot race, Mrs. Clayton ed is -whether or not all alfalfa, re- Wa:son; guessing weight of own- gardless of the Soil on which it is er of dipper, Donnie Stephen: egg grown, will control feather pick- c•arr;'ing race, Harry Murch's scam, Ing. When thev h:.ve the answer ivg-of-war, Laurie Stephen', team. to that one,--poul•trymcn will know After a sumptuous supper h&.mess to what extent the Iroblem has was as follows: Reunion for 1950 been solved to be held' at Arthur EJfiott's home, Thedford; Mrs. G'ertie Pat- "What's the hardest thing about erson, secretary; sports commit -4 learning to skate?" tee. Mr. and Mrs. Earl and Mr. and "The ice --when you come right Mrs. Clayton Watson and Mr. and down to it." 'sirs, George and Wm. Smith, Thed- fcrd: table committee, Mrs. D. \IacLean, Mrs. Glen Bell and Mrs. B•LYTH N. Jacques. - A dog poisoner is again at work . in tWs. village, and three pets have HULLETT fallen victims since Sunday. Miss J. Woodcock's dog ,picked up a piece of bread a week ago, Leonard y1eNa11 met with a baited g , painful accident while working in but quick action on the part of Dr. the barn on his farm on the 13th Jackson, V -S-, saved its lite, Sun - concession of Hullett Township, day it picked up another piece and Mr. McNail and his son, Donald, died. Buck, a hound owned by Dav- were putting new sills under the id SIGrach, and '_Mickey, owned ,by threshing floor and also reflooring Mr. and Mrs. S. Sibtborp, both died it, As they were carrying some of poisoning Wednesday morning. , materia] for use in their work, Mr. Dr. Jackson is firm in the belief McNall dropped through the floor, after analysis that strychnine iy and, after clinging for a few min- the 'poison being used. K few weeks uteS to the sill, was forced to drop ago, Duke, a Great Dane owned, by to the stable below, where he Vernor Speiran', was cruelly shot. struck his head on some sharp ob- These dogs were all 'harmless pets, ject. rendering him unconscious. and- it is a heartbreak to their Donald and Mrs, McNall rushed owi4ers to see them meet with such him to the office of Dr. Addison, an unnecessary and agonizing Clinton, where it required several death, stitches to close a wound in his Tuesday evening's council meet. ear. One eye and one side of -his ing here set the tax rate for ae face is badly bruised and swollen, coming year at 58 mills, an in, also one arm, but no bones were crease of 14 mills over last year's broken. rate. This rise is due to the in- stallation of a new water system 'do and the additional cost of the school system. A suggestion was advanced that plumbers' licenses FARM NEWS be; required by workmen doing that type of work, This would be for Advanced Registry For Swine the (benefit of the waterworks board, to give it a check on the A meeting was held in Ottawa extent of equipment used in differ - recently of the Advanced Registry ent homes. It would also be help - Board for Swine. The Board was ful to the board in arranging a fair established in 1928 as a guiding scale of water -rates, since a con - and advisory body to the Domin- sumer using only one piece of ion Department of Agriculture in equipment could not be exgected matters relating to swine testing, to pay at the Same rate as one who Advanced Registry is designed to had three or four. Considerable 1 assist breeders in selecti0n-e3- discussion regarding water rates sentially the basic method of live took place; but no definite decision stock improvement. It is now gen- was reached. These matters• will erally agre d that records of per- both have to be decided at the formance are a necessity for ac- next council meeting. curate selection. . For this reason the Board, in addition to its advisory funct'.on, gENSALL operates seven test stations across Canada to which breeders of pure The pupils of Miss GLam- m over rets on bred swine Greta send litter groups for mole will perform Lam - feeding and testing. Each group Saturday, from m o r C aim, consists of four pigs from the ]it- Mr. Gordon Troyer, of Hay TwP., ter b a sow. The test and records suffered a sunstroke and is ser - these pigs at the trough and on I lously ill. the appraisal of quality carcasses Ci'are'nce Smillie, prominent Hen - they yield. Carcass quality ra- sall district farmer, who lives quirements are high and only wows north of Hensall on Highway 4, and boars which meet these stan- while leading a bull wearing blind - dards are recognized as "Qualified ers' from the barn to the pasture, in Advanced' Registry"' In 1948, was attacked by the animal, knock - 650 herd owners were regularly Ing trim to the ground and tramp - taking advantage of this sarvice. ling him. Mr. Smillie owes his life The aim of the Board is to main- to his Ihired man, who was with tain a sound testing) and recording him at the time, who fought the program which will yield the viciousbrute with a pitch fork. Mr. breeder the most accurate apprais- Smillie was removed, to Scot Mem- al of his animals, which after all orial Hospital, Seaforth, where are the seer] stock of the livestock bruises to his head, shoulder and field. Improved seed stock - as, hip were treated. He was able to with plants -is the foundation for return to his home the next dray. improvement In commercial and =firs, George Hess. Is in St. Jos - market pigs. eph's Hospital, London, lin the in- terest of her healtb. Mr, and Mrs. N. E. Cook are on Feather Picking May Be Answered vacation to Port Elgin and Orillia. Over 50 members of the .Junior Feather picking in laying birds an,d Senior Choirs of the United may be a 'problem of the past'for Church, Hensall, gathered at the Canadian poultrymen, if long-term Lions, Club Park, Seaforth, on experience bears out Initial results Wednesday, Judy 6, for 'their an - achieved In tests at the Dominion nual picnic. Sports were enjoyed Experimental Station, Harrow, Ont. and speeches were given. by Rev. Green feeds -chopped alfalfa hay R. A. Brook, choir director, Sam G. Is the most effective tried, so far- Rennie and- Fred Appleby, The seem to hold the cure for this vic- children enjoyed the bathing and lous habit. Cut in half-inch lengths, it was an enjay'a.ble outing. The steeped in cold water overnight, winners of the sports were: Boys,, drained in the morning and fedi in 7 and under, Bobby Mickle, Jerry shallow tubs, 'the alfalfa makes, a McClindhey, Howard Rannie; . 8 hit with, gourmets of the chicken and, under, 'Charles Mickle, Jerry coop, leaving them w;th neither McCiinehey,. Gwen Chapman; 10 the taste nor the Inci4.ation to pick and under, Murray Harburn, Chas. at one another. Mickle, Gwen Chapman'; girl's, 12• The steeping{ overnliglht Is im. and utider, Ruth Soldan, Grace Me - portant, If the alfalfa is fed dry, Lead, Eudora Hyde; 14 and under, the birds are uninterested. It must Eudora Hyd Grace McLeod, Au& be steeped to stimulate their appe- rey Walsh;�10 and under, Eudora ti'tes and to get the desired re- Hyde, R. Solden, Orran• Stephan; sults. three-legged race, Andrew Walsh Ovemcrowding, inactivity a n ill and Eudora: Hyde, Ruth' Soldan and lack of bulk in the feed' have fre- Grace McLeod; wbeelparrovr racer, quently been identified as colbtri" Ruth •Soldan and, Grace McLeod, bating to outbreaks of feather pull- Jerry McClin-they and Murray Bar- ing, but even where these 'condi- burn; kick the •slipper, Aud4'ey tions do not exist the trouble still ` Alslh, O'rran Stephan, Betty Raw - occurs. Onee under way, feathery- Cliffe; shoe scramble, Ruth So1elen, picking leads to cannf-b'alisM, if,al- (Irate •McLeod,, 1iftdn'ey Wk1�h1 lowed to ran unch,66keil. 0 softball lbrow, J,elrry Aan11ie, Ruth Green febds cure the'prdblem by Soldan, A, Walsh ke° W6t8 ,*,6 F , .4µ i, r•' I f W. I iii. 1 r , I r I 1" V 1 I 1'i y "I 1 I , I P 1 I A 1 ,, !11 .I I.... .�.11.11 +.1!I. v. ,,,ril!1l,�!i !t !-k- Mr Cite softball ;game, $4.. s, o ouring' the tt1 , 4a� PAyt t , Mr. and- Mrs. William. Forrest, $v1u.B, alk that the boollla'' �bo 04 Hensall, ono, Jayne 3o, . celebrated! roturnetfi oz► ar bt ,, �ttily 04, their fortllleth wedding anniver'sary'. Rev. brook and. Mrs 4Io*tl 1bait TU event was marked on Sunday pormission. be given, •thee Ix brAr-*4 evening, July,' $, when members of to +clave her holld'ayis the �,rii*, twilit their. family imet at Bayfield. After weeks of August Shill to Gall nR a picnic supper the members of books in by July 30, also to chav e the family presented them with a the evening hours to 7.3U.9.,,3�.dtd. floor lamp and a deck chair and ing ,Daylight Savin7 Tune, �ilao -to also wished them many more years close on Thursday$ during' the of Health and happiness together: months of June, July, owdl Auger The ,members of the family pre- Carrjed. -it was auggea,04 the sent were: Mr, and Mrs. J. M. seclfetary 'thank Miss Margaret Scott, Billy, John and Mary, of Sea- Buchanan for the book she so kind- forth; Miss Mildred• Forrest, Reg. ly donated to the IAbrary', lire_ N., Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Edi- Normiinton and Mrs. 0004v W ? son Forrest and Bobby, of Hen- That we now adyaurn rtq meet on sall, and Mr. and Mrs, Ross For- October 6 at 8 p.m. Carried. rest and Deanna, of Kippen, Certificates -from the Ontario Mrs. Anna C. Walker was elect, Safety League and cheques for $25 ed ' a delegate from Amber Rebekah each were presented to 23 drivers Lodge, Hensall, to attend 'Stratford of District 4 of the Brewers Ware - Rebekah Assembly held in Strat- housing Co. Lt. Fifty drivers in the ford Wednesday, July 6. Miss M. area from Fort Erie to Oakville Ellis and Mass A_ COnsitt accom- attended the first annual driver panied Mrs. Walker. award night at the Queensway Ho- M.- Morley Chellew and daugh- tel, St. Catharines. Included in the ter, Carolyn, of Los Angeles, Cali- list was Russell Hedden, St. Cath- fornia, arrived; at Grand Bend last arines, -son of Mrs. C. M. Redden. Thursday night to spend the sum- Hensall. Awards were for an acci- mer months with the former's par- dent -free record for •the (past '• 12 • ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook, at months and were presented -by Lt - their summer cottage, Col, Ck A. Muir. ' Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, The -following -Pupils of Miss Charles, Bobby and- Ann spent the Greta Lamanie, Hensall, were suc- 1st of July at Ridgetown and Ron- cessful in -passing the midsummer deau Fark, Lake Erie, with rela- examination of the Royal Conserv- tives and, friends: ' atory of Music held at Goderich: Mrs. Rape Paterson, Toronto, Charles Mickle, Grade 1, first•class spent the week -end' with her bus- honours; Dwayne 'nnney, 'Grade band, Raye,'and with Mr. and Mrs. 4; Marilyn Mousseau, Grade 5. I+. J. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, spent 'the week -end with relatives Lois, Jean, Sylvia and Jack spent in Marlette and Detroit. Sunday with Mr. ar,d Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McDon- .lMorris and family at Goderich. aid and two sons, of Crumlin; Mr. Mrs. W, F. Riley, merchant, mov- and hers. L. Fraser, of Exeter, and ed this week from the 'Petty Block Mr. Sam Hedden, of Crumlin, vis= into the store on Main Street re- .ited with Mrs. C. M. Hedden and cently vacated by Jack Tudor, and Herb. this week. owned by T. C. Joynt_ Additional Hensall News Mr. Paul Sedley, of London, Page spent the week -end with his wife on 3 and little son, Clayton, who are at present with Mrs. Sedley's par- ' ants, and Mrs. E. McQueen, K IR KT ON Mrs. Sedley taking care of -her Sed mother, who has been in poor health but is improving nicely. -Mrs. Mary Buchanan was taken GA RDEN PARTY to .,t. Joseph'sHospital, London, on Sunday for an emergency ap- pPndix operation, and at ,date of WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 wilting is progressing nicely, Sponsored by Roland. Smith is a patient in St. KIRKTON COMMUNITY ASSOC_ Joseph's Hospital, London, having undergone an appendix operation. BALL GAME — 6 p.m. Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Wilson, of St. Marys vs. Exeter Torogto, are visiting the former's . sister. '.Mrs. William 'Consitt. 7.30 p.m. Library Board Meets Super Juvenile Contest A meeting of the Public Library , 9,00 P.M. Board, was 'held Tuesday evening All professional Program In the Clerk's office with the fol - ]owing members being present: FURTHER PARTICULARS Reeve W. Kerslake, Mrs, Good- win. Mrs. Joynt, Mrs. Norminton r WATCH NEXT WEEK FOR and Rev. R. A. Brook, Librarian's fill III IIIll 111III111111111111111111111111111111 reports was read as follows: May June From the 49 48 49 48 Adult fiction.. 252 259 200 239 Juvenile fiction 129 223Eberhart Pit Adult non�c- tion ....... 19 7 11 13 SEAFORTH Juvenile on - fiction ..... 16 —0 4 All trucks can be loaded ., . Totals ..... 401 495 271 383 by -a shovel with Cement The secretary reported as having Gravel, Lane 'Gravel, received one-half of the village Sand or To Soil. p grant, being $x38.99. Bills and, ac- counts were read as follows: Wen- I Al$O dell -Holmes Ltd., books, $116.07; Rev. R. A. Brook, car expense to Landon, BASEMENTS DUG $3.50, Total, $119.57. 'Mrs. Joynt and Mrs. N•drminton: Apply- ­�l . That the accounts as read be paid. H. LAWRENCE Carried. Mrs, A. Cameron, the Lib- rarian, asked .permission to have HENSALL her holidays the first two weeks in phone 69-R - Hensall August, also suggested the even .. ing hours be changed to '7.30 and 'uUW111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111 ' •?Q b t , ,•4