The Huron Expositor, 1949-05-13, Page 4.ssified OAP i sed, Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: '' .41Xkla RALE, t WANTED.weeLO$T AND FOUND. RTC. -Pi ward: 2nd week t4,* .,• 1 Cent Srd week Coat ..... ...., ,+.... Cent u t fuure.um charge. 6din � Mn, . 26 Cents Each figure, initial and a mama i' one word. " el • In Mec rials Notices. Owns Menta 1 cent per word. "'Barnum, a i 60 apses'. week. 1Mk Tie dlreotad to a Hate No,,, e/. rO" Atapoaitor, for 10 cants extra. 7 aft itioaa7 will be Charged if 44 in. sew :? aro not Paid within 10 days bi date of final in,certlon. #t Lb(t, Marriages and Deaths inserted fres of ahsrge. Ali tlom• Saba. Notlees to Oredilozi. Etc. -Bates on snoliaation. Lost and Found Notices OST -TON FRIDAY NIGHT IN CARD- CtEW,ING DONE AND BUTTON - •no's nap. a brown leather key con- A7 boles glade. PHONE 229, Seaforth. ,?Hiner with kora Finder please leave, at 4248-4 Tx1E EXPOSITOR OFFICE. QTR/IAYI�D- HA 1 -YEAR-OLD CATTLE B UILDING GARDEN LOTS IN Stratford in exchange for a small beset, somewhere along the Town Line summer cottage in or very near Bayfield, 8th .eo cessions of Hila sera 2nd, and nMARGARET ARET O ApplyCASs N Mi+r Re hot. Phone 48 r 6, Dublin. WO4RDE St., Stratford, Ont. 4248x7 MILLER. D REPAIRS -FREE TUNING ANREPAIRS-FREEF c t . • 7 'OST - A WEEK AGO, BETWEEN a estimate). Write or phone collect. •1.4 Brock and Main Street, Hensel, blackWILLIAM N. GOULD, 814-W, Clinton. wallet with zipper, containing money and I 4237x13 Y : " photos; 35.00 reward. Apply to KEITH 1, VQLLAND, Hensall. 4248-1 , RADIO REPAIRING - WILL RFaP4i3 ilr all makes .f radial. Will Vick rap Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Close's Help Wanted Barber Shop. GLEN KEOHNIE, Blyth. H HELP WANTEDITE-wr°R OWNERS --IF TEE POWEilt take -off shaft on your tractor mea - GO0D .STRONG MAN WANTED FOR sures 1 1/8 •inch®, we have the adapters work .in the Flour Mall. Apply 4n ohmage this to the standard 1 3/8 inch - EXCELLENCE FLOUR MILLS. LTD. es used on a)1 farm equipment. Price v' Seaforth. 46.00. DALY MOTORS, Seaforth. 4248.1 4248-1 Unskilled or Semi -Skilled HELP REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY OPERATIONS Preferably between 1795. Previous ex- perience not neoessers- R4bt. Bell Industries Ltd. Si3AFORTH, ONTARIO 4248-1 Motor Cars ' For Sale W OE SALE -•1931' CHEVRi 8LET COACH *mitt ERIC MUNROE, Seaforth. 42481 CACAN FOR SALE -" 30 CHRYSLER ,Sedan. 4 new :brei, motor A-1. steel top, hydraulic- brakes. Daly and -upholstery good. new battery. PHONE 390-M. Sea- ford'. 4248x1 FOR SAI -1948 CHEVROLET ONE- • Ton Pick-up truck; undercoated; own- er driven; excellent condition. PHONE 65 r 9, Dublin, after 7 p.m. 4245x3 FOR SALE -'a7 G-M.C. %-TON PANEL truck. Lawn mowers sharpened. JOHN MacLEAN, Egmondville Garage. 4244-f USED CAR BARGAINS Cash or Trade 48' OHECOtTPEVROLET 5 -PASSENGER 3-47 CHEVROLET COACHES 48 dE W1 OLEP SEDAN 41iPONTIAC COACH Radio and Heater. 38 COACH 38 PLYMOUTH COUPE SEVERAL OLDER MODELS BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cars" BRUSSELS - ONTARIO Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED FOR TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS to and from Union S. No 1, 'Ribbert and Logan, for the school teen beginning September 6. 1949. Mileage and speeifica= Vona may be seen at home of the Secre- tary. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must be received by June 1. IVAN McDOUGALL,. Mitchell R.R. 3, Secretary. 4248-1 TENDERS WANTED iDERS WILL BE RE(4ovsio BY the undersigned until May 10, for 25 CORDS, MORE OR LESS, GOOD BODY HARDWOOD, MAPLE AND BEACH PREFERRED 'delivered to some of the Schools of the Area in varying quantities, by • July 1st, 1949. Tender will please state percentage of different woods offered. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. S. H. WHITMORE, Secretary -Treasurer, Tuckersmith School Area. 4245-3 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and Implements, at Lot 31, Concession 14, McKillop Twp.. 1% miles west of Walton. on Wednesday, May 11th. at 1 pmm., D.S-'T.: HORSES -3 Percheron work horses (all grey), CATTLTi-Beghstered red Durham bull 3 years old: 12 choice young Durham cows, fresh and recently fresh; 13 heifers and steers 1 year old; 4 two-year•old steers: 4 two-year-old bell - • 4 fail calves; 6 spring calves. POOL. TRY -480 Rhode Island Red hens. HAR- NESS --Set breeching hammer:, horse col- lars ; set double blocks. IMPLEMENTS - 2 wheelbarrows (nearly nee); Cockaliutt manure spreader (3 years old) ; 'wagon and rack: drophead Cockshutt hay loader (neatly new): McCormick -Deering binder: number milk cane : sleighs ; cultivator. ex- tension ladder: walking plow; set scales; fanning min; cream Separator; 200 bus. wheat;. 1,2.5 lbs. red clover; 5 tons hay; disc; 3 -drum steel roller; mower; hay' rake: ,trailer and rack: scufer ; 3 shel- ters; brooder house (wired) ; electric brooder; cedar poets; Model A Ford, 1980. FURNITURE -,2 old-fashioned bedroom suites; extension table; day bed; chairs; tables, ;and other ,articles. Terms -Cash. 11IR5. 8OBER1' PA'I're,RSON, Proprietor: Hama Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. 4247.2 ▪ XEOUTORS' SALE OF FARM PROP • erty.-Then+ will be offered for sale he Fiiblic Auction. to close the Estate of the late George °Diak, on Monday, the 16th .day of May, 1949. at 2 p.m., on the prem- 9,feeet, the following farm property: Lot Manisa Eighteen (18) in the 'Fourth Idtb) goneession of the. Township od Bay. dogtailimng 100 dues more or less. Off the said prolserty there la located a feline' banked bairn: 40x60, atm* shed 20 x_.40, Mid a ft>rme dwelling, 6 acres good ina'rd bush, balance tillable sand with 40 s4* s,,S ring train and 10 stems of fan Wheat, bstaace Mi bay and pastures w ailast1-10 per tent meati on date of Matt+ 1Airatfiteyht.80 day Snlsieet to a re. nattiernett awe to ItatW :A etinntereWIl yJ�(kyDy,��k.�ll.ye ill' it ties, B etiolate, 't y, h45s 44* 3 lair +the Eatearitt�kif. d'i-. FOR SEAFORTH PROPERTY WE HAVE A WELL BUILT 6 -ROOM bricly home in suburban London, hardwoods' doors, goad furnace.lull ver- andah and garage. The owner would like to exchange for a home dose to Sea - forth, with 6 to 50 are ; must have Please address replies to MARRY SI MON, Realtor, Roam 218, Richmond Budding, London, Ontario. 42,471 Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS 1n the Estate of THOMAS KLEIN A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Thomas Klein. late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. Gentleman. deceased, who died an the 21st day of April. 1949, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 3rd day of June. 1999. after -which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 12th day of May, 1949. Seaforth, Ontario. McCONNELL & HAYS, Solicitors for the Executor. 4248-3 For Sale FOR SALE -ROUEN DUCK EGGS. Ap- ply JACK RIVERS, North Main St., Seaforth. 4248x1 FOR SALE -600 HYBRID PULLETS, 8 weeks old, ready for range. Apply to DAN O'CONNOR. Phone 41 r 14, Dublin 4248-1 FOR SALE-MASSEY-13ARR1S DROP - head hay loader. nearly new ; 1 beef heifer. Apply STANLEY JACKSON. Phone 653 r 5, Seaforth. 4248-2 i OR SALE-TA.MWORTH HOG, READY for service_ Apply to LORNE WIL- SON. Phone 658 r 21. Seaforth. 4248-1 1'OR SALE--+MeCLARY ELECTRIC 4- ' burner range. with side oven, .in good 4.ndiition Preee 350.00_ Phone 195-1. MRS. JOHN GALLOP, Seaforth. 4248x1 FOR SALE -1 SET LADY'S LAWN BOWLS, 3% pounds each, with nets; also small coal heater. Apply tO MISS L FAULKN'ER, George St., Seaforth. 4249x1 FOR SALE --WHITE ENAMEL ICE reTrigerator; in excellent condition. ERIC, MUNRO, e/o Seaforth Motors. 4248-1 FOR SALE --1 GREY TWO-YEAR-OLD pure bred Shorthorn but/; also some Irish Cobblers and Sabasto potato seed. Apply to J. A. MCKENZIE. Seaforth. Phone 660 r 25. 4249x1 FOR SALE -SPANISH ONIONS AND Pansies. ready to set out Apply af- ter 5 p.m. to WM. BRADSHAW, Market St. Phone 50. 4247x2 FOR SALE -AN OUTDOOR TOILET IN good condition: 2 carpet ru gs, size 9x9. 9x14:; 1 kitchen table and screen doors. Apply to Box 773, BURON EX- POSITOR. 4248:0 FOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario SL, Stratford 4223-tf FOR SALE --I1 YOUNG PIGS. SOL - stein core 6 year' cid. due to freshen May 27: two -wheel trailer. 600x16 tires. new hardwood racks : also a quantity of hardwood. JAMES LDISRMAN. Brace - field. 4248-1 FOR SALE -22x38 GOODISON S i E.EL thresher with Eberol straw shredder end Ebersol feeder : new last year. Equip- ped with clover attachment and drive? belt. Apply LAWRENCE REGTER. R R. 2. Zurich_ Phone 83 r S. Eight miles west of Kippen. 4248x2 FOR SALE -GOOD GRASS FARM, LOT 25, Con. 2. Tnekeramith. Plenty of water, excellent pasture. Good bay for quick sale; immediate possession. For further particulars apply to NORMAN CARTER, Clinton. Phone 593. 4244x5 PIANOS a AU NNAL STOCK -TAKING SALE OF used pianos. Such well-known makes as Heintzman. Mason & Risch. Weber, Nordheimer, etc. Special prices and terms during this dale. Write for lit of bar- gains. HETNTZM.AN & CO. LIMITED. 242 Dundas Street London. 4248-3 Births BLAC.KWELL- Mr. and Mrs. ,T. F. Black- well, Hensall, are pleased to annotmce the. .arrival of their son, Laurie John, at Clinton Public hospital, Thureday. May 5, 1949. UPSHALL-In Seott Memorial Hospital, on May 6. to Mr. and Mrs. James Up- shal1, Tuckeremith, a son. MELADY-Tn Scott Memorial Aacpital. on May 7. to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Melndy, St. Colum'iran, a son- COLEMAN-In onCOLEMAN-in Clinton Public Hospital. on May 10. to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coleman, Cromarty, a daughter, Ruth Ann. A sister for Wayne. Deaths THEOBALD-In Sestfor'tb. on Saturday. Mat '), Charles Tlleobald, in h( 58th vo % i1EILLY--4 t South Porcupine, on May 12, Margaret ]Scarlett Widow of the late Georgie "telly; its her 804). year. Wanted WANT)=1--2 OR 8 WIMP, F'O1i 1'4ARe aired ciupie. PRUNE 667 r 41i2484 Coming Events' A LOVELY PLACE TO DANCE EVERY Friday night ds the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, to the music of Don Robertson and His Ranch Boys. 4248x1 Personals H YGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods) malted postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 26c; 24 samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Bos 91, Hamilton, Out. Poultry QTARTED 'COOKERELS, PULLETS. .non -sexed many .breeds and cross breeds to choose front 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 week old at bargain prices while they last. Also day old cockerels, pullets And non -sexed chicks, turkey poults, im- mediate delivery. A sample of the bar- gains: 6 week old Light Sussex X New Hamp&hires, New Hampehirea, Light Sus- sex coohereds 86.95, non -sexed 49.95, •pul- lets SLi85. Send for complete bargain price list and catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED Fergus, Ontario, 4248-2 Cards of Thanks L. GRANT RYCK'MAN AND FAMILY wish to thank all their friends and neighbors for their kindness shown in their recent sad bereavement; also for the beautiful floral tributes. 4248-1 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE MRS, E. A. Grassick wish to thank the many neighbors and frienda who so kindly seat flowers, loaned cans and.helped in various ways; also special thanks to the Renton Nursing Home, Mitchell. for their ,kindly care during .her iline,e. 4248-1 MRS. ELLA FARQUHARSON AND family wish to express to their many friends and neighbors their sincere *9- prectation for the many acts of kindness and messages of sympathy extended to them during their recent sad bereavement, atm for the beautiful floral tributes and those who so kindly loaned their care. 424831 MRS. CHARLES THEOBALD AND Ddlothy desire to express their sin- cere appreciation to the many friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy duosrg their recent sad bereave- ment; also to thank Dr. J. A. Corwin, Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital. the employees of The Robt. Bell Industries, Stewart Bros.' staff. those who loaned ca, and those who sent floral bouquets. 4248x1 In Memoriam TN LOVING MEMORY OF INFANT daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Me - Gregor. Kippen, who passed *way on May 12, 1947. Far and oft our thought do wander To a grave not far away, Where they laid our darling baby, Just two. years ago today. -Sadly missed by Father, Mother and Brothers, James and Grant. 4248-1 KIPPEN Washable Shantung Dresses! Yes, ladies, Tudor's in Hensall have washable `Shantung Dresses at 4.95. Just the thing for warm summer months. See them now at Tudor's New Store in Hensall. Mr. Leonard McBride, of Wind- sor, spent Sunday with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McBride. 'Mrs. Alice Cooke, of London, spent Mother's Day with her mother, Mrs. Jas. McClymont. Mrs. Peter Gridzack and chil- dren were in Centralia on Monday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Watson. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and family took in Blossom Sunday., driving through the Niagara Pen- insula. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sanderson and family spent the week -end with friends in Windsor and Detroit - Mr, Warner McGregor is putting an addition to his house. The foun- dation was started on Monday. Miss Ida Dayman spent Mother's Day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dayman. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of Guelph• spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Jar - rot t. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Butt, who left last December to. spend the winter in California and Florida. returned by motor and arrived here on Friday of last week. On Spnday next the United Church. Kippen, will observe its annual Young People's annivers- ary• when services will be held at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Special music. and speakers have been ar- ranged. Kippen East Women's Institute will bold their May meeting at the home of Mre. Carrie McLean on Friday, May 20. at 8.3n p.m. The roll call will be answered by a rid- dle or a joke. Current events will be given, by Mrs. W. H. McLean; Gladys Chapman will give a read- ing. and contests by Mrs. Thos. Kay. The music will be under the direction of Marilyn Eyre and Mrs. Fred Slavin will give a poem; Mrs, Thos. Kay will give a travelogue, while Mrs, Wm. Kyle will be in charge of lunch. We are sorry to report Mr. Ar- thur Anderson is confined to St. Joseph's Hospital. London. Y.P.U. To Hold Anniversary The Y.P.U. of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church are holding their an- nual anniversary on Sunday next. The morning service will be at 11 a.m. (D.S.T.), with the guest speaker being Mrs. Wu, of China, while the evening service at 7.30 will be privileged in having Rev. Wm. Prode-tant, Chaplain at the R.C.A.F. Station at Centralia. The choir of Brucefieid United Church will present their three -act play. "The Improper Henry Pro- per." on Monday evening in St, Andreva's ,United Church, sponsor- ed by the Friendship Circle. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Rost. Upshall spent Sunday in London with Mr. Ar- tt.ur Anderson. Sympathy of the community is extended to the Upshall family in the toss of their mother, Mrs. Frank Upshall, in Seaforth on Thursday last. Mr. aini Mrs. •S. Beattie and fondly, Of gingham, ands Mr. and HURON EXPOSITOR R Mrs. Elmore 'McBride apai s filially, of . Exeter, were Sunday visitors with, Mr. and Mrs. Rebt. M'pBride. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. Stitt re- turned on Friday from Santa, Bar- bara, Calif., and Glendale, Arizona, where they spent the. past five months. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gaaksetter Dud Gail Ann were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Homey, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar .Smith, of Guelph, spent the, week -end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Miss Joyce Broadfoot was a guest at the Laidlaw - Reichert wedding in the Lutheran Church, Zurich, on Saturday last, Several ladies from this com- munity were in Stratford on Fri- day with the Rebekah Lodge. IIENSALL Washable Shantung Dresees! Yes, ladies, Tudor's in Hensall have washable Shantung Dresses at 4.95. Just the thing for warm summer months. See them now at Tudor's New Store in Heaen1.1. The Housser Collection?' was shown in Hensel] last week. ' Mrs. Housser is at present assistant in- structor at the Ontario College, of Art. The "personal preference" vote taken resulted in "The, Little Falls," by J. E. H. MacDonald, and the email landscape by J. W, Beat- tie tieing for first place. ' "Ross Port," a large canvas by ',Mrs Housser, 'and two sketches, "Win- ter Landscape" and "Czech Farm," by A. Y. Jackson, shared second honors. Also on the preferred list were "Glaciers," by Lauren Harris, "Pine Tree and Rocks," by Arthur Limner; "Wild Geese." by Tom Thomson, and "House in Moon- light," by Isobel McLaughlin. Tea was served by members of the Sketch Club. Smith - Wren A lovely spring wedding ,,,was solemnized at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Gordon Wren, Kippen, Satur- day, May 7. at 3 p.m., . when their only daughter, Alice Elizabeth, of London, became the bride of Thos. H. Smith, London, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith: Chatham, Bas- kets of spring flowers formed an attractive setting for the ceremony w,lich was performed by Rev. A. E. Hinton. minister of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a navy blue street Length dress with a corsage of red roses. She wore the groom's gift. a two - strand of pearls with matching earrings. Mrs. R. McGuire, Lon- don, was matron of honor. wearing grey silk crepe with black acces- sories and corsage of pini roses. Jack Smith. of London, brother of the groom. was hest man. For the reception the bride's mother wore navy blue silk crepe with white accessories. She was assisted byt the groom's mother, wearing grey gabardine with matching accessor- ies: Both wore oorsages of Pink roses and sweet peas. The bridal table centered the wedding caste,, pink and wb•ite tapers in crystal holders adding to the attractive- ness. Serving for the wedding din- ner were Mrs. W. Schut. Miss Shirley Mair, London, and Miss Norma Moir, Exeter. For their wedding trip to Hamilton and Niagara Falls, the bride chose a navy blue costume with wine shor- tie coat and accessories in grey. They will reside in London. The groom's gift to the bride was a two -strand of pearls with match- ing earrings; to the matron of hon- or, gold compact and best man, gold penknife and chain. Anniversary services will be ob- served in Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday, May 15, when the guest speaker for the day will be Rev. D. G. Campbell, minister of First Presbyterian Church. Sea - forth. The choir will render spe- cial music under direction of Mr. J. Nicol. A.C.C.O. Monday evening a fine concert will be presented in the church auditorium by the Davies family of London. This con - cert cawee highly r600#Ji)!lp;ended. Rev, Harold Yells, nlissiarla ar from China, will p1'eaeh at Chisel - burst at 9.46 a.m. and Hensall 11 a,m. Sunday, May 15. The evening service will be withdrawn in 'favor of the anniversary services at Carmel Church. A bale of used clothing for ov- erseas 's'hiprn ut will be packed, by the W.M.S. in the church se11og1- room Friday evning, May 13. Per- i may bele, at the church, if open, or may b eft at the Manse otherwise. Mr. Frank A. Wood has return- ed home after visiting 'With his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A, T. Hardwick, Ganges, B,C., and will spend the summer months with his sisters, the Misses Eliza and Mary Wood. Mr. Robt. Moir, a highly esteem- ed resident of this community, will observe his 95th birthdays Sunday, May 15. Mr. Moir enjoys the beat of healthevery and Sunday walks to church from his home; south of Hensall, on No. 4 Highway, a dis- tance of a mile and a half. -Con- gratulations are extended to Mr. Moir. Some 70 neighbors and friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren, Kippen, Wednesday, to honor their daughter, Alice, a bride of Saturday last, with a mis- cellaneous shower. Alice received many costly and lovely gifts. Pro- gressive euchre was featured dur- ing the evening . and .refreshments were served. In charge of the af- fair were Mrs. Peter Grizack, Mrs. Gordon Harkness and Miss Norma Delta. The Late Mrs. G. Ryckman Mrs. Grant Ryckman, :highly es- teemed resident of U•sborne Twp., died very suddenly at her ' home early Wednesday'morning, May. 4, in her 73rd year. 'Mrs. Ryckman had been in her'usual health upon retiring and her sudden. death came,as a great shock to her hus- band, family and residents of Hen- sall and district. Mrs. Ryckman, the former Edith Workman, was born in Rogerville, June 16, 1876, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Workman_ She was united in marriage in 1897 to Grant Ryck- man. Mrs. Ryckman was a valued member of Chiselhurst United Church. life member of the Wo- man's Missionary Society, and member of the Woman's Associa- tion. and was active in all church organizations. Her sudden passing will be felt keenly by her husband and family, and by a wide circle of neighbors and friends. Surviving are her husband, two daughters, Mrs. T. J. Sherritt ('-Myrtle), Hen - sail and Mrs. B. S. Case (Eliza- beth), Exeter; two sons, Roy and Mervyn. Flint, Mich.; two sisters, Mrs. Milton Love, • Hensall, and Mrs, Howard Bolger, London; and three brothers. William Workman, Puckersmith; Rev. H. V. Work- man. Seaforth, and Percy Work- man:, Stanley. Public funeral ser- vices which were largely attended were held from her late residence Friday at 2.30 p.m. Rev. R. A. Brook officiated, paying high tri- bute to her life. Mr. Sam Ronnie was soloist and sang "In the Gar- den." Mr. Benson Stoneman was accompanist. Following the service the cortege proceeded to McTag- gart's cemetery, where burial took place. the casket and graveside be- ing banked with beautiful floral tributes. Pallbearers were Calvin Horton, Stewart McQueen. John Glenn, Tom Brintneli, Gordon Hamilton and Joe Ferguson. The sympathy of the community is ex- tended to Mr. Ryckman and family in their sudden bereavement. The United Church schoolroom was the setting for the regular Evening Auxiliary meeting Monday night. with Mrs. 3. Corbett, the president. in the chair. The theme song was .-l: ng, Lord's Prayer re- peated, aft-- which the hymn, "A Cbarge to Keep 1 Have," was us- ed. Miss Brandon conducted the devotional period, using as her 'theme, "Thy word have I hid in my heart." from Psalm 119, verses 9 to 16. Miss Mary Goodwin offer- ed prayer. The minutes were read, Iu,OU' 0404 `collection taken. 'MO nar'elty 'items for the fall bazaar Were be displayer. Mrs. Maude redden gave 'the mission- ary item, "How Proud We Are," by Elisa 171izabeth Reid, mission-, Cry Yn Africk,'The next ]hymn. was ",i Would Be 'True." Mrs. Corbett and Mrs. W. Jones ' expressed thanks . for get -well cards. In Con- nection with: the W,M.S. tale' of clothing which is being pained this week, the Auxiliary will pay the freight Charges on same. Mrs. G, Broderick and Mrs. J. Corbett vol- unteered to attend the 'Missionary School being held in James Street Church, Exeter, Friday afternoon and night. In charge of recreation for the picnic on Tuesday, June 28, are Mrs. Dennison and Miss Brandon. Mrs. G. Broderick has kindly invited the motlterd and children to her home on this date. Mrs. Lillian Ilyde and, Mra. E. Shaddick were named to attend to certain luncheon plans. The group will meet at Miss Ellis' home. The topic, "The Life and Work of Dr. Stella Cheng in West China," was vividly presented by Miss Consitt and Miss Ellis. The hymn, "Day is Dying in the West," and the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. An enjoyable social hour followed, under the direction of Mrs. Lillian Hyde, ,hostess, and 'her assistants. Additional Hensall News on Pages 3 and 6 YOUR • Blue COAL D -E -A -L -E -R WANTS YOU TO KNOW: SLUE COAL is the Cleanest fuel on the market today ! Why burn smoky or oily fuels when you can have the cleanest fuel by calling your Bine Coal dealer? W. R. Davidson HENSALL Office House Phone 10 Phone 52 Roe's Vitamized Feeds From the Eberhart Pit SEAFORTH All trucks can be loaded by a shovel with Cement Gravel, Lane Gravel, Sand or Top Soil. -Also BASEMENTS DUG Apply - H. LAWRENCE HENSALL Phone 69-R - Hensall The Davies OF CANADA Singing Stars of Today Frances 'Davies, Mezzo, Soprano Nellis Davies, Dramatic, Basso Noble Davies, Lyric, Baritone Musical Director and Accompanist, ' Vera Henderson Davies WILL PRESENT A CONCERT IN Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall MONDAY, MAY 16th at 8.30 p.m. ADMISSION 75e Children at door 25c Sponsored by Group 5 Ladies' Aid NOTICE to PARENTS THE MONTH OF MAY BRINGS FIRECRACKER DAY HOWEVER Owing to the large number of fires, and children being burnt while playing with firecrackers without supervision, it has be- come necessary to limit the setting off of firecrackers to one day -the 24th of May. A POLICE AND FIRE ORDER Please Observe ! No Firecrackers may be let off on the Streets. Should a fire result at any time, and it is necessary to turn in an alarm, kindly remain at the alarm box till the Firemen arrive with the fire truck in order that they may be directed to the scene of the fire. It has been noted that children gather in front of the Town Hall when an alarm is sounded. I1 order that no accidents nlayr occur, please warn your children too stay clear of fire truck doors. W. HODGSON, Chief of Police. D. SILLS, Fire Chief. 1 Co-operative Automobile lourance .. INSURE IN YOUR OWN COMPANY Local Agents: Hullett and McKillop - WILF. GLAZIER Clinton, Phone 617-31 Stanley and Tuckersmith -- R. M. PECK .Kippen, Phone Hensall 81-23 YOUR CHOICE OF Good Used Cars and Trucks 1948 MONARCH. SEDAN 1947 FORD SEDAN 1946 DODGE COACH 1946 DODGE COUPE 1940 OLDSIK[OBILE `6' SEDAN 1942 G.M,C. 1/2 -TON PICK-UP TRADE-IN CARS AND TRUCKS ACCEPTED AT FAIR ALLOWANCES berhart's arage. Open Every Evening For. Your Convenience Mercury . - . Lincoln Meteor Sales and Service ST. ANDREW'S. STREET - GODERICH PHONE 625-W , "Be.. Miles Ahead With Meteor" Clinton Day Saturday,May 14th • BARGAINS GALORE IN EVERY STORE Values worth miles of travel. The prices will absolutely amaze you. • GIANT BINGO GRAND PRIZE $50 Seating for 400! Fifteen games, three specials, one Share - the - Wealth. :�t• Town Hall, commencing at 9 p.m. • - • Be In Clinton Saturday, May 14th "CLINTON DAY SAVING. DAY !" NewFarm Machinery Pony Tractors and Equipment All Crop Hay Loaders Power Mower •2 -furrow Tractor Plow 7' and 6' Binders 41/2 and 6' One -Way Discs 7' and 12' Self -Propelled Combines Gas Engine 101/2" Grain Grinder Water Pressure Outfit ' Hay Cars Track Hay Fork Rope Electric Fences -Special price to clear Thor Washers and Ironers 81/2' Spring Tooth Cultivator, tractor hitch and power lift. 15 -run Fertilizer Drill, power lift, tractor hitch -- USED FARM MACHINES -- 102 Sr. M. -H. Tractor No. 20 M. -H. Tractor, like new 3 -furrow Tractor Plow 3 -foot Disc Plow 6 -foot Clipper Combine with Motor 6' Clipper with P.T.O. 5' Case Combine, P.T.O., like new Trailer Sprayer with 100 -gallon tank, out 1 year 6' Massey Mower, used two seasons Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Massey -Harris SaIea' and 'Service Good Year Tires PRONE 141 SEORTH