The Huron Expositor, 1949-05-13, Page 33.144 rM 414 • II 4 • MAY 8, 1949 Mother's Day Sety i Marked in Hensall Churches aPIN I, 444444 �,ur FRRF7T�7 jl • .Hensall Rebekah Lodge 'Attends School of In- struction in Stratford. 1444444. NEWS OF WEEK a IN HEN$ALJ4 Mother's Day services were lit tingly observed- in the churches on Sunday, May 8, with large congre- gations attending. At the United Church Rev. R. A. Brook occupied WS own pulpit a14 ;delivered an appropriate message, "In Every Home, Jesup 011rast " He was ass= ei.sted, in tee service, by Mr. Jack Corbett, superintendent of the Sunday School: Mrs. R. Dennison Presented the story of "David, Uv- fugstone." The 'infant children of Mr: said Mrs. Edison Forrest, Mr:: and 'Mrs. Ross Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Cudmore, Mr. and Mrs•. Laird Mickle and Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Simmons, of Hensall, TRUTONE WHITE. The paint that cleans itself. White to start with — and stays white. Ask your C -I -L Paint Dealer for TRUTONE White. CILUX Enamel. "One -Coat Magic" for furniture and woodwork. (, Excellent, too, for automobiles. 24 gay colours that retain their beauty —,outdoors and in. DULUX Super White Enamel. For bathrooms, .kitchens, etc. Brilliantly white ... will not yellow or absorb grease. Cleans like a china plate. See your C -I -L Paint Dealer There's a C -I -L Finish for every painting need. Whether you're painting a house, a -room or a chair, it pays to see your C -I -L Paint Dealer first. LIMITED PAI1S Baldwin Hardware You Have Cooperated Well Ontario Employers — And it now as if most of the under- graduates from Ontario universities needing summer employment will be able to find it by the end of the school year. The situation with regard to permanent jobs for graduates is also promising. However, MOIIE summer opportunities STILL are needed for undergraduates and permanent openings for graduates, especially for "Arte graduates" whose training has not fitted them for any particular industry, but who will react quickly to an employer's advantage after brief training on the job. Through the "clearance system" of the National Employment Service, the Executive and Professional Liaison Officer at your local office can locate a graduate or undergraduate from almost any course you can name, either" from within the province or neighbouring provinces. The . N.E.S. is a Community Service Use Your Local Office Department of Labour HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Labour A. MacNAMARA Deputy Minister Ontario Ad 1 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Pre Payment Receipts for 1.949 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum bupf to, August 31, 1949, on all Prepaid 1949 Taxes*° Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town ,clerk's Office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer. [E L.FLIER Ca3► Flt: Lieut. Ken Passmore and his ;},vife; -formerly of Hen - .sail, are seen examining the D.F.C., which he : recently receiv- ed, four years ,after being awarded it. He flew with an R.C.A.F. Squadron attached to the R.A.F., making 32 trips over Germany without a casualty. and. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sedley, of London, received the rites of Bap- tism, conducted by the minister. Bible readings were given by Ted Norminton, . Judy Shaddick, Gerald Flynn, Beverley Nicholls, Ron CGhuter, Ruth Soldan and Ron Pees - 'more. The ,senior choir for their anthem; sang, "To Mothers," and the junior choir sang, "Father, We Thank Thee." Four lovely .baskets, of flowers on 'the piano, commun- ion ommuniontable and pulpit platform, were in memory of Mrs. Albert Spencer and Mrs. Grant Ryckm•an, placed there by members of the families. MT. S. Ronnie directed the choirs; Miss Greta Lammie was at the organ console, and Miss • Betty Mickle accompanied at the piano for the junior choir. At the eve- ning service Mr. Ronnie rendered a lovely solo, "Open the Gates of the Temple." At Carmel Presbyterian Church Rev. P. A. Ferguson preached a very interesting message in keep- ing with the occasion. He was as- sisted by Mr. Geo. Tinny, super- intendent of the Sunday School. The following children received the rites of Baptism: William Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell; Bryan James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fink; Bonnie Joan, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Peters; Colleen Moire Joy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Baynham; Carolyn Diane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Campbell. Mrs. A. Scholl rendered a lovely solo. Mr. John Nicol, A.C.C.O., was at the console of the organ. 'Mrs. W. B. Cross, president of the Woman's Missionary Society of the' United Church, presided for the May meeting held Thursday afternoon, May 5. Miss M. Ellis presented the devotional, assisted by Mrs. W. Carlile, Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. W. Pepper, Mrs. G. Smale, Mrs. Hedden, Mrs, Cross, Miss K. Scott and Miss Consitt. Roll call was answered with the name of a Canadian Missionary. Mrs, Carli'e reported for the visiting commit- tee, disclosing that 25 visits had been made to shut-ins and new- comers. Mrs. F. Appleby rendered a pleasing solo, "Mother's Story." The study on the life of Dr. Stella Cheng was ably presented by Mies Consitt and Miss Ellis. A bale of clothing, etc., will be packed Fri- day evening, May 13, in the church schoolroom for European needy. The Huronic Male Chorus, Exe- ter, which won the Woodstock Rot - 1 CASH FOR DEAD ANIMALS COWS - $2.50 each HORSES - $2.50 each HOGS - .50 per cwt. According to size and condition. Phone collect: SEAFORTH - 655 r 2 MITCHELL - 219 INGERSOLL 21 William.Stone Sons, Ltd- INGERSO1l ONTARIO ary Club Trophy at the Oxford County Music Festival, held at Woodstock Thursday, May 5, will broadcast from CKNX, Winghant, Friday evening, May 13, at 8.30: In the chorus from Hensall are W. H. Pfile and Jim Rowcliffe. Charles G. Ge Gilchrist, son of the late John and May Gilchrist, died at the home of his sister; Mrs. H. E. Layport, 314 No. 'B;" St. Aber- deen, Washington, on the 16th of April. He was born on the farm' adjoining this village in 1875 and lived here in his youth, going to the United States about 50 years ago. He is survived by his sister, two nieces and other relatives. Rebekah Lodges from Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter, Brussels., Atwood, Monkton, Listowel, Mil- verton and Hensall attended a school of instruction held in the auditorium of the Masonic Tem- ple Stratford, Friday, May 6, after- noon and evening. Mrs. Edna Bum - stead, Meaford, president of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario, and Mrs. Ione Bachler, Goderich, dis- trict deputy president of District No. 5, were present. During the at- ternoon session Mrs. Mary Nedi- ger, Clinton, past district deputy president, sang two lovely solos, "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning" and "Now is the Hour." At the ev- ening session the degree team of Ruth Rebekah Lodge No, 2, Strat- ford, initiated a large class of can- iiidates from Milverton, Monkton, Hensall and Exeter. Mrs. Hazel Johnston, Noble Grand of Ruth Re- bekah Lodge, extended the wel- come to the lodges represented. Gifts .were presented to Mrs. Bum - stead and Mrs. Baechler, the hon- ors going to Mrs. W. Cann, Exe- ter, Past Noble Grand of the Pride of Huron Lodge, Exeter. Tea was served in the banquet hall of the I.O.O.F- Lodge, catered by Ruth Rebekah Lodge, who also served delicious refreshments at the close of the evening session. The Women's Christian Temper- ance Union of Huron County con- vened in Victoria Street, United Church, Goderich, Wednesday af- ternoon, May 4, for their annual convention, with Unions represent- ed from Exeter, Hensall and Gode- rich, Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Goderich, was in the chair, in the absence of the president, Mrs. R. A. Brook, Hensel]. For the devotional period, Mrs. E. McQueen, Hensall, react the Scripture lesson and Mr. W. C. Pearce, Exeter; offered prayer. Rev. L. H. Turner, minister of the church, extended greetings to the convention, to i'which Mrs. J. W. Downs, Exeter, replied. Rev. H. J. Mahoney, Exeter, acted as pianist. Mr. W. G. Medd, Exeter, former M.L.A. for South Huron, and on the Board of Directors of the On- tario Temperance Federation, was guest speaker, and presented a concise report'of the recent con- vention held in Toronto. He dis- cussed hospitalization for alcohol- ics and the matter of further or- ganization of Ontario Temperance Federation. Resolutions to help plebiscites regarding liquor out- lets, particularly cocktail bars, were passed. Encouraging reports were presented by the superin- tendents of departments. The treasurer's report disclosed a sub- stantial bank balance on hand. T to memorial service was conducted by Mrs. G. Johnston; Rev, G. W. Med- ley, Goderich, rendered a beautiful solo, "God is Just the Same To- day," Mrs. Medley accompanying at the piano. Miss A. Consitt, of Hensall, was appointed a delegate to attend the provincial conven- tion to be held this year May 31, June 1 and 2 at Kingston. Elections from the floor conducted by Mr.;. Johnston, resulted as follows: Ad- visory presidents, Miss Jean Mur- ray. Hensall; Mrs. Howell, Gode- rich; Mrs. Miners, Exeter; pres., Mrs. R. A. Brook, Hensel]; vice- pres., Mrs. G. Johnston, Goderlch; Mrs. E. Geiger, Hensall; Mrs. Johns, Exeter; corresponding let., Mrs. J. P. Cantelon, Goderich; re- cording sec., ills A. Consitt, Hen - sal]; treas., Mrs. W. Peters, Gode- rieb; superintendents of depart- ments: Evangelistic and Christian Stewardship, Mrs. E. Geiger, Hen- sall; Anti -Narcotics and Medical Temperance, Mrs. W. C. Pearce, Exeter; Flower Mission, Mrs. J. Cranston, Goderich; Medal Con- test, Mrs. G. Johnston, Goderich; press, Mrs. Maude Hedden, Hen - Soldiers grid Sailors, Mrs. G. W. Medley, Goderich; Temperance in Sunday Schools, Mins. E. Reith - by, Goderich, The 19110 convention will be held in Exeter. 'The follow- ing resolutions were presented at the supper table by .Mrs. ,Powell, Exeter, convener of the rebelution committee: "It 18 retched that •al- cohol advertfsenlehts be prohibit- ed and alcohol edI1Oniibri for Cana- dian Math 'b* eintibit40.44 Pa3ibi1;.--' SLY IS aarge Audience Attends At Clinton Gatieriiig On Saturday. ,A' successful "Youth For. Christ" roily was held Saturday night in the Town Hall, 011aton,- -with an eSti1 ated 20Q attending-trom var- iRlia surrounding centres,as far ae Goderich, Exeter, Stratford, Wing - baa ' and Listowel. Almost all the church denominations were repre- sented, with many ministers at- tending. The sound picture, "China Chal- lenge," provoked much serious thought. It showed the desperate conditions in China, both physical- ly and spiritually, and the need for help there and in many other coun- tries of the world- Y.F.C. is meet- ing this need as best it can. It is operating in 55 countrieal of the world, and in many places is the Main, if not the only active agency for the Gospel of Christ. A large collection was taken for China re- lief. An invitation to remain for an Organizational after -meeting was, given and a large number remain- ed. A temporary executive coin- mittee was named to e.ct for three months, at which time election or a permanent executive will take place. The members are as fol- lows: Director, Rev. G. W. Medley, Goderich; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. G. Haines, Blyth; song leaders: Rev. H. G. Boadway, Listowel; Rev. Mr. Beach, Grand Bend; E. Motisseau, Kippen; R. L: McMillan, Hayfield; 0. E. Talbot, Bayfield. Lunch was 'served and plans were made to meet in 'Clinton once a month. Announcements of .tom ing• dates and feature attractions will be made in local newspapers and over the radio. Mr, alio lull's* Tedd> 'UMW, ofllialvi)le" P=, •Tim, ; day 4Yitb Mr. Pe, Mrd Ali' 70 B11044411; Donald Siej lie on 0001, t . ,gnat .week -end with friends in Uataliton. and ',roroI};to, Congratulations• lttt boss • Mi ises on winning Sew* plaice in the boys.11 years and under solo clasp at .Mnsjie Festtvbl in Gpd.erich. Mr. •and Mrs. A-.n41y Reeltie a,nd family, of Brantford, 00'01 the week -end. with Mr. Wm, Britton. Mr. and . Mrs, Fred ..Riley, of Kitchener, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. .Chas. Riley. Mr. Peter Lindsay is at present a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- pital yin Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. ,Wilfred. Buchanan, and family, of Nilestownll, spent' Sunday with Mr:, and •MTs. Alfred. Buchanan. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Busbee and Shirley, of Chatham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson and Mrs. Robert Rawson. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson' and Donald are spending the week al letters be sent to 4he Censor Board of Ontario, to eliminate films which emphasize sex, drink- ing scenes, crime and 'violence. Managers of Canadian radio sta- tions be urged not to broadcast recipes with beer, wine or brandy as ingredients. Radio programs do not feature drinking songs or dialogue parts. The Lord's Day Act may be better enforced, also alcohol education in the schools; also the sale or giving of tobacco to minors be prohibited. Rev. Harold Veals, missionary from China, will be guest speaker at the morning service at the Unit- ed Church Sunday The evening service will be withdrawn in favor of Carmel Church anniversary. Mr. Lawrence McCloy, Toronto, was a week -end house guest with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess and Ruth. Mrs. Alda Simmons, who has been wintering at Santa. Barbara, Cal., has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hedden, Lloyd and Orville Hedden, of St. Catharines, and Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Carter and Donald Hed- den, Clinton, spent the week -end with Mrs. C. M. Hedden and Herb. Mr. A. Kerslake has purchased the flax mill property and is con- verting it into a chicken ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sedley and in- fant son, London, spent the week- end wc'cth the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs: E. McQueen. Mrs, Donald Grassick, well- known Hensall resident, passed away in the Ruston Nursing Home, Mitchell, Thursday. May 5, in her 93rd year. She was the former Eliza Logan and was born on the Parr Line, near Hensall. and came to Hensall 43 years ago. She was married to Donald Grassick 72 years ago, who predeceased her 22 years ago. Surviving are two sons, James, of Exeter, and Charles, of North Bay; two daughter, Mrs. George Wlalker LEllen)c Hensall, and Mrs. D. Ferguson (Jean), To- ronto; seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Public funeral services were held from the home of her daughter and ron- in -law, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker, Hensall, Saturday, at 2.30 p.m. Rev. P. A. Ferguson, minister of Car- rel Presbyterian Church, officiat- ed. During the service Mrs. Mal- colm Dougall and. Mrs. Jas. A. Pat- erson sang an appropriate duet• unaccompanied, "In the Garden." Purial was in. Baird's cemetery. The bearers were J. A. Paterson, W. R. Davidson, Basil Edwards, J. McMurtrie, Hensall; Frank Wi1d- rong, Dashwood, and Donald Walk- er, Toronto. The floral tributes were many and lovely. Attending the funeral from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walker, Mrs. George Gould, Toronto; Mr. Chas. Gras - sick, North Bay, and many from Seaforth, Brucefleld, Kippen and Hensall. Rev. K. Raudsepp, an Estonian pastor, was guest minister at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, Sunday evening, Rev. Raudsepp is ministering to a large number of his countrymen who escaped from their homeland and who have found refuge in Canada. He pre- sented a very interesting story. He has a remarkable camtharnwl of the English language for such a recent arrival in this country. end in -Ottawa. Pone/6-has accept- ed a position with the Natioiral Re- �' s.ea, eh Council. and'intende to se- r man in Qttanra einem. year. Mrs. Jas. Dale is spending a few, days with her sinter, Mrs- McNeil, at Cromarty. Mise Mary Moore, of Toronto, spent the week -end with her broth- er. Wm. Moore. Mrs, Walter Sett spent a few days in London last week. Y ui: c�a LE IITED . (D,ept.504) • NOP AIME MILKERS DAIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters Dealers Bakers, Farmers, Listen . to CKNX-920 on Your Dial Every Morning at 8.30 Ask Your Grocer for Gold Star Flour . NOW "Gold Star" Top Patent (All Purpose Flour) "Excellence" Second Patent (Bread Flour) Give Them a Trial — (Quality and Prices are right) Excellence • Feeds Calf Meal . Pig Starter Hog Fattener Chick Grower Laying Mash Sow Ration Chick Starter Hog Grower Dairy Ration THEY ARE EXCELLENCE IN NAME AND QUALITY TURGEON GRAIN and PROCESSED FEEDS SEAFORTH, ONT. TELEPHONE 354 Feed Division of Excellence Flour Mills, Limited tr PHONE '1$E A4tii0Yi ly t i utdeass SEAFORTH 0 HOMO DOW FOR SICK PEOPLE Rheumatic, Arthritic, Neuritic Pains, Back- ache, Weak Kidneys, Stomach Disorders, Dizzy Spells, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Headaches, Poor Appetite, Lack of Vitality, Constipation Regardless of how long you have been a sufferer and how any medicines you have tried afore, you can now hope for relief 1f you try Sarnak, the new internal medicine. Feel and enjoy the results within one week after you start tak- ing it. Sarnak conies from the earth—Nature's laboratory. Con- tains only Nature's botanicals and minerals, the oldest, most reliable remedy for rheumatic, arthritic and neuritic pain, backache, weak kidneys, atom - ache disorders, constipation. In- dividual ingredients in Sarnak have been used and recom- mended by the medical profes- sion for years, now for the first time put together in this com- bination. FOR THOUSANDS of years, ever since Hipocratee, the father of medicine, minerals and other natural medicines have been a reliable remedy for most of our common ail- ments. Sarnak will help enrich your blood; help to make you strong, full of pep, life and energy. If you suffer from nu- tritional anaemia, -nervousness, lack of vitality and energy, see what Sarnak will do for you. 'AMAZING RESULTS Medical records show 65% of men and women over 35 suffer from nutritional, mineral iron anaemia. 'When you feel ner- vous, esvous, dull, tired, lazy, have dizzy spells, no ambition to work or play, a poor aggetlte; when Four eyes lack that bright sparkle and your mind bril- liance; when headaches get the best of you and you feel old before your time, and life seems not worth living, with worry wearing you down; then that's when you may look, with hope for relief, towards Sarnak THOUSANDS of people are kept in daily misery with rhea- matte, arthritic and neuritic path, to and tura in bed with raekhig path: knee o . tees. MRS. BERTHA M. PERRY shoulders, arms and hands Of- ten swollen and sore. The anal- gesic properties of Sarnak are compounded in the medicine to bring you fast pain relief. Sarnak acts fast to bring relief from this type of pain because it is in liquid form; no tablets or pills to dissolve 111 -the stom- ach. Sarnak starts its effective relief from the first dose. s0 TORONTO NURSE TAKES SARNAK FOR ARTHRITIS Mrs. Bertha M. Perry, 1444 Lake Promenade, Long Branch, Toronto, is highly respected in her profes- sion of nursing. Mrs. Perry re- lieved a cruel ease of arthritic pain by taking Sarnak: her letter , to us is interesting. Mrs. Perry writes: I have been a sufferer of arthritis for a long, long time. It takes courage to live with arth- ritis. The pain seemed to creep up my neck and down my arms. flay fingers were swollen, knees stiff. I would take as many as 10 to 12 A.S.A. Tablets a day but still suf- fered. 1 started taking Sarnak and in •about a week's time I began to get relief. Arthritic pain made mynights life miserable but now, thanks to Sarnak, I have found blessed relief from pain and sleepless Arthritic, rheumatic and neuritic pain, lumbago, gout, neuralgia, roughly speaking, all belong to the same family of pain. Often a per- son suffers from not one but sev- eral of these painful conditions. Oft times such pain makes it dif- fieuit to move the arms and legs. Often lumbago or backache strikes with such pain that the sufferer has difficulty in straightening up. In extreme cases pain from one of those conditions makes it difficult for a person to find a restful way to lie in bed. Nurse Perry spoke for all suf- ferers of this type of pain when she said it takes courage to live with arthritis, but there is hope. Daily we are receiving letters from people who tell us that they have had their first relief from pain ne. WhilebSarnak y n holds not hope ak tfor you, will you go another day with- out trying it? SarnakR�Ic $1.35 per Bottle EXCLUSIVE AGENT Keating's Pharms • The Rexall Store PHONE 28 - SEAr