The Huron Expositor, 1949-04-22, Page 4Te00 % 1 .,.` nal to a, Boz Na,,e/o'lite itUron Expositor. for to taints extra. n wilt be ebann3 if ads is above pbsas aro not paid within 10 days of •liatit anal insertion. B y, Marriages and Deaths +inserteol free of charge, �11t} Balks. Nom 4o Creditor*. Etc--Rateo en application. e ds I "t rted At New Low Cash Rates; leek kT D LOST ANO POUND. : RM. -Mee word Seel week i % Cent 3r4 week % n charge. $rot* insertion.., 2i Cwt tisimre. Initial and abbrevlsdion connits ea one word. ,'TX Memoriam No$ioee. Coining Fw�l-1'oent per word. Dllinimnnu, Help Wanted I For Rent ANT a - INTELLIGENT YOUNG FOR RENT -TWO FURNISHp:D OR UN - man. 18 to 25. with driver's license. furnished rooms. in exchange for for ,work- do retail store iu Seaforth. Ap- keeping home in shape. Apply to BOX lPO.Sin TO writing to Boa 768, HURON-- 769, HURON EXPOSITOR4245-2 Personals Wanted WANT TED -URGENTLY, APARTMENT' HYGIENIC , SUPPLIES (R U B B E R or house. Apply to Box. 770, HURON Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed EXPOSITOR. 4245s1 envelope with price list 6 samples 2.6c: 24 samples $1.00.' Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. ANTED - MODEL 'A' FORD. IN good condition. Apply Box 771. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4245x2 SIEINNY MEN, WOMEN t GAIN 6 TO WANTED TO. BUY -ALL KINDS OF 15 lbs. New pep. too- Try famous ' ca -.t iron. steel. rags and felt mat- Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; tresses, also copper, CLARENCE REEVES. new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get 4245-1 acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All drug- eciats. Property For Sale OUSE FOR SALE -8 -ROOM FRAME house on East William St.; 3 bed- rooms and bathroom upstairs, doable Par- lor, diming room. bedroom or den and kit - then downstairs. Hardwood Boors, new furnace, new roof, good garage. Early Posession. Apply MRS. ANN NOLAN. Phone 217-R. Seaforth. 4242x3 Notices pASTURE-A LIMITED NUMID R OF young tested cattle for season; ran - ming water. shade, etc A young York hog for sale. Apply to JOE C ARI,rN, R. R. 4, Seaforth, or .phone 661 r 24. Sea - forth. 4245-1 ('!ARBAGE COLLEGTIDN-1 WILL COL- '; lett garbage twice weekly during sum- mer month at reasonable rates, commeao- dug May 1. Will also work gardens. If interacted, contact J. R. BURNS, Phone 69-W, Seaforth. 4245x1 FULFILL THE MANY REQUESTS for the return errgagement of Norm Eager and the Rhythm Rangers. one of the outstanding Old Tyne Dance Bands of the season, at the Crystal Palace Ball- room. Mitchell, Friday night. April 22nd. Dancing 9.30 to 12-30. Admission 50c. 4245x1 pdANo TUNING AND REPAIRS -FREE estimates. Write or phone collect. WILLIAM N. GOULD, 314-W, Clinton_ 4237x13 RADIO REPAIRING - WILL REPAIR ail makes of radios. Will pick up Mondays and Thnrsdaye at E_ H. Close's Barber Shop. GLEN KECHNIE. Blyth. 4218-tf NOTICE 61.00 SPENT FOR NAMELESS COLD Remedy wall protect your family many weeks, if anergic to Summer Colds, HAY FEVER, SINUS or Catarrhal DEAF- NESS- A trial will convince. Address PURITY PRODUCTS, Exeter, Ont, 4245-3 NOTICE WILFRID A. GLAZIER, CLINTON, R R 4, wishes to announce that he has been appointed your agent .for Co.operative Life Insurance and Co-operative Automobile . Insurance. in the Townships of Hallett and McKRIop, and requests that anyone interested. to contact him by Iet- •ter or RHONE 617 .r 31, Clinton_ 4244x2 HOG FARMERS 1. Are your hogs anaemic, pale or scurfy? Use Finn's Hog Fi. one pound desats one pig - 2. You should deworm your hogs with F'inn's Hog Conditioner and Intestinal Cleanser. Simply fed in the feed. 3. Save manes on your hog feed, at least fifty cents per bag. Mix Finn's Hog Minerals, contains no salt No concen- trates are needed on our plan, 4. To have healthy, strong litters of pigs. feed your sows Finn's Hog Minerals at /east twenty-five pounds from breeding to weaning. Costs $2.50 to insure a strong healthy litter. 5. Do your suckling pegs scour? Use Finn's S.E.S. Tablets. one dose does the Soh Cce'ts 10c per Dig. Contact ART HENDERSON, our da- trict salesman. Phone Sealerth 839 r 23. He can help yon. Or OLIVER PRYCE, R.R. 1 Seaforth, Ont R. A. FINN & CO. LTD.. LONDON, ONT. 4243-7 CATTLE MEN C'LATFLE MEN, DO YOU HAVE SOME non -breeders? Do your calves have scours? Do you hare some cows which are not doing right Do you have mantites or gar•get in your lead? Do your rows or calves eat the mangers? All these problem can be taken care of by ART HENDERSON. Phone Seaforth 839 ✓ 23. er OLIVER PRICE, R.R. 1, Sea - forth_ Ont R. A. FINN & CO. LTD., LONDON, ONT. 4243-4 Poultry STARTED CHICK BARGAINS WHILE THEY LAST Nan -sexed, pullets. cockerels, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks old. Also turkey points 2. 3 and 4 week old. Also day old chicks and turkey mutts_ Sendfor special sale price list Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Free Limited FER.GUS. ONTARIO POULTRY FARMERS L Revive your aneamic weak, scoury chicks and turkey ponies with Finn's Red Mood Quickly Tablets. Costs quarter cent chick. half cent tgrkey posit Simply put in thinking waterll, 2. Avoid Gocoidioesis by using Finn's H'ew' Tablets and Finn's poetry Condi- tioner shed Intestinal Cleanser every =Mirth for three months. Simply fed in the atiater and the feed. 3< Mix your own growing mash for your birds. Save from shay to eighty tents, .ret bag by using Finn's feeding Mart using straight grain and Mona PMatrlt Tonic. Start feeding at eight **eke of age These yiit.1,14t* have been fest and recommended by Harmon Morton. triSrey. breeder, Ailsa Craig, for nine leant and rho:mask a of Ontario ?metre Ant HENDERSON, our dis- ee. Plicate Se tter'tlr, 839 r 23. dWr fives preblone. he can +ba, tliylt PHILM MM. 1. Teachers Wanted TEACHER WANTED (�U ALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER `G for S.S. No. 2, MoKinop Twp. Duties to ommenoe September term- School is w<1 equipped, has Hydro, radio and has basement and furnace. Teaches; interest- ed please apply in writing to undersigned, stating qualifications and salary expect- ed. JOSEPH T. HUGILL Secretary -Treasurer, Phone 836 r 21 RR. 2, Seaforth -3'215-cf Motor Cars For Sale pOR SALE -'37 'G.M.C. ;,-TON PANEL trick. Lawn mower. aharpenecL JOHN :4ac.LEAN, Egmondville Garage, 4244-d FOR SALE -1928 CHEVROLET SEDAN, new battery, good running coadi.uon, $75.00. Apply pEAFORTN MOTORS. 4245-1 FOR SALE -CAR TRAILER, 600x16 tires, with gravel box and rack: also a 1928 Whippet Sedan. Apply 5. G. DORRANCE. 424551 USED CAR BARGAINS Cash or Trade Week -End Special 46 FORD COUPE -Heater and Defrixter $1,395-00 48 CHEVROLET COACH 4CHEVROLET 5 -PASSENGER 8 COUPE 47 CHEVROLET FI.F'>:`TLI7E COACH 47 CHEVROLET COACH 41 CHEVROLET SEDAN 38 PLYMOUTH COUPE 34 CHEVROLET SEDAN 33 STUDEBA. ER.5-Passenger COUPE 32 °HEYR0LET SEDAN NUMBER OF OLDER MODELS 'J -TON TRUCK WITH RACKS 38 BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Gars" BRUSSELS - ONTARIO Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TMODERS WILL BE RECEIVr"7i Ba- the lthe undersigned un:il 24sy 10. for 25 CORDS, MORE OR LESS. GOOD BODY HARDWOOD. MAPLE AND BEACH PREFERRED de:ivered to some of the Schools of the Area in varying even::acs. by Ju,y 1949. Tender will please_ state percentage of di-Lerent woods offered. Lowest or any tender not necessar.ly acaYp-wi S. H. WHITMOPE, Secretary -Treasurer. Tackerc:nith School Area. 4241-3 Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of Duncan McCowan A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate, of Duncan 37c - Gowan, late of the Township of McKil- lop, Retired Farmer. deceased. who died on or about the 7th day of April, 1949. are hereby notified to send in to the an- dersigned on or before the 6th day of May, 3949, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be diet, ibuted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. to the excloalon of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth this 14th day of April, 1949. ALVIN W. SILLERY. Seaforth, .Ont, Solicitor for the Estate. 4244-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS in the &state of Henrietta McLennan A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Henrietta Mc- Lennan, late of the Town of Seaforth. Widow; deceased. who died on or about the 10th day of April. 1949, are hereby notil5ed to send in to the undersigned em or before the 6th day of March, 1949, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mention- ed date. the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not than have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. HATED at Seatele* this 14th day of April. i949. A.t the VII; STLLEE,Y, Seaforth, Ont. Sirlieiior for the Estate. 4244-3 FOR $A.LB-COW AND CALF. .DAVE SenYNEWSKE. Phone 667 r 41, orth.4 948,1 FOR SAUr-d1AK EXTENSION TABLE, eight leaves. PRONE 126-W. 4245-1 {'0R SALE -OAK BEDROOM SUITE: 1 mahosaret odd chair; lawn mower. PHONE 7. Seaforth. 4245x1 1'OR' BALE -- A THOROUGHBRED 1' Cooker Spaniel, 4 months old; 55.00. PHONE 484-W, 4245-1 FOR SALE -6 DINING ROOM CHAIRS, oak, dike new; reasonable price. PHONE 482-W. 4245x1 Fj OR SALE -A HEINTZMAN PIANO, upright, in good •condition. Apply to WILFORD CAMERON, East William St. 4245x1 FOR SALE -STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Limited number of raspberry canes. PHONE 668 r 15, Seaforth, 4244-3 FOR SALE -REGISTERED HOLSTEIN .bull, 9 .pwaths old, Rag Apple X Texol breeding. Apply to E. B. GOUDIE, Sea - forth. 4245x1 FOR SA1.F -FARMERS: WE HAVE brooder coal and cedar posts. WM. M. HART. Phone 593-W. Seaforth. 4244x3 FOR SAT.T-RED BRICK HOUSE, IN Soil condition; modern. W. P. GOD- FREY, Victoria Si, Mitchell, Phone 240. 4244x2 FOR SALE -M. -Iii FERTILIZER DRILL, 11 -hoe, price 575-00: also a quantity of good clean bean straw, free for remov- ing. Apply JAMES LAN'DSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16, 4245-1 pipe SALE - MoCORMICK - DEERING power fertilizer dril, 15 -run double disc, grass seeder, one year old. ELGIN ROWCLIFFE Phone 85 r 24, Hensall. ' 42444 CHICKEN EQUIPMENT FOR SALE -6 drinldng fonts, small, medium and ias•ge sizes; 3 rolls wire fencing: 18 steel stakes ; 4 feeders ; 2 roosts: 1 fattnimio.s orate. Apply H. BROOK, Bewail. 4245-1 POSSIBLE POULTRY PLANT, 11 1/6 acres with barn. 45 by 100, having 24 - foot posts; flax mill 36 by 60; colony house 12 by 16. Terrors cash. EDMUND GEIGER, Hemel/. 4243-3 FOR SALE -1 M. -IL 11 -HOE GRAIN drill: 1 steel rake; I hay tedder; 2- horse scalier; 1 rubber tired wagon; 1 farm wagon: ancient ensilage critter with bucket, Apply to HENRY ENZENS- BERGER, R.R. 5. Seaforth. Phone 839 ✓ 4245x1 R SALE -GOOD GRASS FARM, LOT 25, Con. 2. Tuckersmith. Plenty of water. excellent pasture. Good buy for ouick sale; immediate possession. For further particulars apply to NORMAN CARTER. Clinton- Phone 593. 4244x6 R SALE - GLADIOLI'S BULBS choice young high crowned stock. Large bulls. 53.20 per 100: medium bulbs, 52.00 per 100: See sales tax included. Not prepaid. Order direct. or from BAILEY FLOWER SHOP. Seaforh. Catalogue on request. TYNDALL GLADIOLUS GAR- DENS. Brncefield, Ontario. Phone Clin- ton. 618 ring 12, 4244-2 poe SALE -I2 -ACRE FARM. 2 MILES west of Clinton on No. 5 Highway: sandy loam, , good for market gardening: pr,.rig well and creek craning lower beck corner; 7 -roomed frame house: small bank barn and colony house equipped with Hydro: enrage and pig pen. Apply ROY PICKETT. 910 r 12. Clinton. 4244-c2 FOR SA1.F NEW SINGnn SEWING machine. electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford 4223-tf Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF Household Contewts, being the Estate of the Late Muse; Hesston -The undersign - auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public auction on Main Street, Exeter, on Wednesday, April 27, 1949, at 1.30 o'clock, the following: Uptight piano: chesi@-field and chair (like mewl; antique sofa and chair to match: uphol- stered arm chair: 2 antique end tables (walnut); large dining room cupboard and :leek (both walnut and antique): carved walnut gate-leg dining -room table and 8 chairs: 4 small table:: hand -painted china. crystal and lote of dishes; brass candlesticks and wa3 brackets; 3 bed- e>om• suites twalnot) : 2 painted bedroom suites. sprin'es and mattresses: 2 chests of drawers : odd chair, : rug and hooked mats: congoledrd rag 12x12: drop-leaf :then table and chairs p'u']ows: cash- . , �•, and bedding: lamps. mirrors and card tables : Westinghouse refrigerator: Beach ' ectrc stove: 2 -burner hot plate: electric • eh:ng machine: vacuum cleaner: sew- : machine: electnc iron : 2 radios, all ..,.rl y new and in good condition : lawn -wow.-: kitchen utenetk. and other art - .::es loo numerous to mention. No re- v.rve- --everything must be sold as estate beim_ settled. Tem. e -Cash. H. C. RIVERS. Execrator: Fred Dawson, Clerk; -...'s Taylor, Aact, rear. .245x1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM S:ock, Im,itn:en_• F.«1 and House- hold Effects. at Lot 48, Goderich Towzi- sp.p. Bayfield Road. i:, mile southwest of Clinton. on Friday. Apra: 29th. at 1.30 sharp, the following: CATTLE --6 oowa, m Lt'rrg ani in god condition ; Hal - ,.tem be:fer due in one month: Here - •5 rd buil. 8 montia old. PIGS -York - :ire sow due May lath. POUL- TRY -30 New Hampshire X Rock hens. 1 year old. 161 PLEMENTS-.M.-H. Pony tractor t like new). equipped with over- s; a tires eloadedi, p:illey, P.T.O., lights and starter; equipment included with this .Tactor is a 2 -row cnitiaator and mower; McCormick -Deering manure spreader: 151.- H. mower. 6 -ft_ cut: M. -H. side delivers ake: Massey -Harris No. 5 binder, 7 - foot cut; set of sloop sleighs and fiat rack : steel tired top buggy: cotter I new) : sling ropes. etc. FEED, ETC. - Approximately 4 tons mixed hay: approxi- mately 200 bushels mixed grain; 30 cords 12 -inch summer wood, which includes 4 cords cedar. HOUSEHOLD sa•t'>JCTS- 6-piece dining room suite. including buf- fet table and chairs : kitchen cabinet, tables and chairs; Clare Jewel range; Quebec beater: ice box: wardrobe; child's bed; Daisy churn. Terms -Cash, except on tractor and equipment, which will be made known on day of sale. No 'reserve as farin is sold. NORMAN HOLLAND, Proprietor: D. C. Colgnhoun. Clerk; Ed- ward W. Elliott Auctioneer. 4244-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements. Wednesday. May 4th. at 1 p.m.. McKillop Township. ?.r mile north of Seaforth: HORSES --1 C.yde team of ink ',e -aged work hotsee. CATTLE -40 young Durham cows. fresh and recently fresh: 1 DLrham heifer due in September: 1 Registered Durham hull 3 years old: 2 twin calves : 6 Durham fen calves: 2 1 -year-old, steers : 2 2 -year-old heifer' : 2 baby breve., f ready for market). PIGS -1 York sow with litter: 1 Tam sow due in June. GEESE --3 geese and gander. 1J9 PLEMENTS-M.-H, binder, 7 - ft 6 -ft. mower: sulky rake: 3 -drum steel roller: stiff Moth cultivator: vufi3er; 2 seed drills: riding plow : 'walking Plow; 4 -section harrows: 3 section harrows : 2. farm wagons : I6-fft. hay rack : gravel box; Bain wagon lox and etock rack : set of farm skiers: pig crate: 32 -ft. extension Sadder; 1 top cutter: root pnlper: Viking cream separator : mrik pails: 60 cedar posts ; cr, uoelbarrow : fanning mill and bagger ; 2 80 -rod spools of barb wire: sling roper : 2,000 4b. Renfrew scales: bag truck: bagger: acaop shovel: bags and socks; forks; shovels; whietetrees : chain, and other tetShces. Shingles --60 bunches of shingles: 1 set of breeching harness: set of backhand harness; number dtorse till Tara. MAY and GRAIN -15 tons of in'fir- ed hay: 200 besheiq of barley. Teritos-- Cash. No reserve. farm sold.' Wlrt.8A•M ,IIROVEtS, Plropriotar: Harold Jatlmdlt, Atietioneer 1 E. I!; Ch4stimr. Clerk. 4242-2 MR. AND MILS. 1CIlNN.ETM;• ADAMS wish to thank all these rano were SO lanai ,to surd treats and luelil $grltar Mr. Adams' extay in Scott Mentorial'2lo pjtai; also to thank Dr. J. A, Gorix%21, and 27urs- es of the Hospital, $x1 MRS. R M PECK WISI3XS PIANK the many friends who 60 'ItiA,d•.,246y re- membered her we.h flowers, cards` and tremta, and spatial thanks to, thatia who ldsiRsd her while a patient. dp Minton 44. 5x1 iiNRS. JOHN PFAFF AA R, NA231LY wish to express their thrinks for kindness and sympfit•6y ahowA ttrem in their reoent bereavement; special thanks to Rey. P. A. Ferguson.Dr, J. P,.' God- dard Mts. James A. Paterson. poloist; floral, tributes, bearers. and these who loaned cars. 4246-1 M'RWM. FORREST, BENSALI..,, WISH- . ess to thank all ,his friends and neigh- bors vrh9. eo kindly remembered him while he was a patient in 3t, Joseph's Hospital, Landon. 4245s1 M Is$ E.1.A1NE REEK WISHES TO EX - press her sincere thanks and ap- preoiation to her many friends for the lovely cards, letters, gifts and flowers she received while a patient in St Joseph's Hospital, London. 4245-1 MR, AND MRS. JOHN HA,ZLEWOOD wish to thank the many neighbors and friends for their many gifts and kind- ness and all those alt, helped and offered help daring Mrs. Hazlewood's illness, and for the many letters and cards: the beau- tiful plant; and bouquets of flower!, the Ladies' Aid and Arnold Circle and. Infant Claw 'eaf Cannel Church, for their Easter box; atlso to Dr. Goddard and Rev, and Mrs. Ferguson_ 4245x1 Births KL1NKRAMMFR-In Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on April 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Klinkhammer, Dublin, a daugh- ter. THOMPSON-In Slott Memorial Hospital, on April 16, 4o Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson, R.R. 2, Seaforth, a son. TYNDALL-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tyndall, R.R. 4, Seaforth, a son. ADAMS -In Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Perry Adams, Staffs, trains -son and daughter. WRIGHT-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 19, to Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Wright RR. 2, Seaforth. a daughter. SCOTT -1n Scott Memorial Hospital. on April 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Mac Scott, Wert Lorne, a daughter. BONTHRON-Doris and Harold Bonthron, Mensal/, announce the arrival of their son. Bevan James. in St, Joseph's Hos- pital, London, on Sunday, April 17th, 1949. A brother for Brian. HOGGARTH-In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal. on April 19. to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hoggarth, Seaforth, a daughter -Mary Elizabeth ). HENSALL (Continued from Page 1) A play, "The Improper Mr. Pro- per," will be presented by Bruce - field Choir in the Town Hall, Hen- sall. spoasored by the Hensall Girl Guides. Friday evening, April 22. The proceeds will go to the Com- munity Building Fund. Miss Violet Mcelymont, Varna. was an Easter guest with Mrs. W. Luker and Gladys. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scruton aid family, of Port Dover, spent Easter with relatives. in Hensall. Funeralservices were held on Tuesday of this week for Mrs. 'Mary Powers, of OriUia• Mrs. POw- ers was the former Mary Gates. and at one time resided in Hen- sall. Her sister. Mrs. Catherine Baker, died some three weeks ago In her 97th year. Mrs. Powerb:was in her 92nd year. Mr. and Mrs. McKenna and Miss Kathryn Sells, London, visited with Mrs. Lammie and Greta for Eas- ter. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Simpson and Billy and Bobby, of Detroit, spent Easter with Mrs. L. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook and family, of Exeter, were Easter guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Drysdale. Mrs. Jack Pfaff. who has been visiting with members of her fam- ily in London for the past three weeks, returned home Saturday. .Mfrs, F. Manns returned home last week after spending the win- ter with her son. Kenneth, and daughter-in-law, 'n Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer are getting nicely settled in their home on Mill St.. which they purchased from Mr. Ira Geiser. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden and Bohby. of Dresden, and Donald Heddea, Clinton. were Easter visi- tors with Mrs. C M. Heiden and Herb. Catherine and Jimmy Lavelle. 'Ile, of Palmerston. seen! Easter with their aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sbaddick. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and Suzanne. of Windsor. spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Richardson and family, of Goderich. are get- ting nicely settled in Hensall fn rooms they rented from Mrs. G. Hudson. Mr. Richardson has Or - chased the gas station from Mr• T. Chuter. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Passmore and Miss Betty McLean, of Hamilton, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Easter visitors with Mrs. Lane mie and Greta were: Mr. and Mrs. STEEL and "Where To Find it" aLP Beams Plate Bars . Sheets Flats Strip Angle Pipe Boiler Tubes Tanks Boilers Window Sash Steel Joists Reinforcing Mesh and many other items. M. BROWN & SONS 1254 Union St. North Kitchener - Ontario Telephones 55645.6.7' 1 Ray Laznrnte, Bobby and 'hall.'oi4' Centralia, and Miss .any Laren e, London, Mr. and 'Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, of Lueall, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer for, rite.'. The Ptiide of Huron Retaekab Lodge and the I,O.O.F. of Exeter, held a social evening en Monday night with euchre. featured' as one of the highlights. Prize .winners iA the Dutch auction for three lovely, blankets were Mrs. Clark F`isller, Mr. 'McFalls and Norman Stanlake. Mr. William Forrest, wile bats been a patient for the past ntim,{ ber of weeks in St, Joseph'•a Hos- pital, London, has returned home. Miss Edina Walsh 'and Audrey and Jerry McOlinchey spent Tues- day in London. Mrs. Mary Buchanan and Lloyd spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs: Erwin Bestard, GrandBend. ' Mrs. Eugene Westendorp and little son, of London, are visiting with the former's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill. Mrs. Walker Carlile has accept- ed ccepted a position with Mr. W. F. Riley as clerk in his grocery store. A successful meeting was held in the Legion rooms Wednesday eve- ning for the purpose of forming a rifle club. The meeting elected as their president, Fred Beer, and secretarytreasurer, Williard Buch- anan. The I.O.O.F. and Amber Rebekah Lodge will attend divine service in Hensall United Church on Sunday, May 1, and will be addressed by Rev. R. A. Brook_ TheHuron Presbyterial of the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held in Hensall United Church oil Tuesday, April 26. The comedy -drama, "Too Many Relatives," was presented to a full house in' Zurich Town Hall Wed- nesday evening. It was sponsored by the Zurich Lions Club and re- alized $30, which will be in aid of Your Blue COAL D -E -A -L -E -R Wants You to Know : Mrs. Householder: Watch this space; it concerns you. W. R. Davidson HENSALL Office House Phone 10. Phone 52 Roe's Vitaminized Feeds nils Otaznmulxlit5� Btljldxug Fttii>d,. Mr. ;bald 'Mrs, R. Kyle, or St Oatharines, spent Easter with lir, and Mrs. phos, Kyle and members of their family. Mr and Mr's. Rey Cask; of Tor- onto; ..spent Baster with the for- mer's Tni1dmother, Mrs. C. Devlin, Mrs, Kerrie, of Detroit, visited with My, and Mrs. S. O. Rennie. (Continued on Page 6) Front -the Everhart Pit SEAFORTH . All trucks can be loaded by a shovel with Cement Gravel, Lane Gravel, Sand or Top Soil Also BASEMENTS DUG Apply - 11. LAWRENCE HENSALL Phone 69-R - Hensall FOR FUNCTIONAL FARM BUILDINGS. RAFTERS farm building is no sturdy, Today, i' a problem �o erect economical,easy Timberib Rafters provide the ed solution. Laminated arch rafters, form sides and roof in one continuous piece, mak- ing it possible for the entire frame of the building to be etected in a few hours ds, Perfect for machine dell- ; poultry houses, lags and utility buildings of all tip AVAILABLE NOW! HAROLD N. PECK R.R. 1, Zurich Phone 96'r 23 - Hensall LADIES. .. DON'T DISCARD YOUR OLD CHESTERFIELD or ODD CHAIRS 1 We can Rebuild them like New at a Great Saving It means money in your pocket to call us. Kitchener Upholsfering Co. KITCHENER For appointment, Phone 581-W, Seaforth. Phone Kitchener 20326 New FarmMachineVy Pony Tractors and Equipment All Crop Hay Loaders Power Mower Fertilizer Sower 2 -furrow Tractor Plow 7' and 6' Binders 41 and 6' One -Way Discs 7', 10' and 12' Self -Propelled Combines Gas Engine Grain Grinder Water Pressure Outfit Hay Cars Track Hay Fork Rope Electric Fences -Special price to clear Thor Washers and Ironers 81/,' Spring Tooth Cultivator, tractor hitch, and power lift. - USED FARM MACHINES 102 Sr. M. -H., W.K. 40 International Tractor 3-filrrow Tractor Plow ' 3 -foot Disc Plow 6 -foot Clipper Combine with Motor 7' Self -Propelled & 6' Clipper with P.T.O. 5' Case P.T.O., like new 2 -furrow Tractor Plow No. 20 M. -H. Tractor, like new • Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Massey -Harris Sales and Service Good Year Tires PHONE 141 • SEAFORTH BALDWIN HARDWARE 1i111111111111111111I1111111111111I1 SEE THE Essotane Gas Stove Demonstration GET THE FACTS ABOUT ESSOTANE COOKING FROM US SATURDAY, APRIL 23 Commencing at 9 a.m. and continuing all day COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF HOW THIS MARVELOUS NEW GAS OPERATES Essotane Gas Service Advantages at a Glance.. Any home, anywhere in your County, whe- ther on a farm or in town, can have all the advantages of the most modern gas cook- ing ! These advantages and benefits include a gleaming white enamel range, instant heat at the touch of a switch, automatic lighting, smokeless, 'odorless flame, oversize oven with accurate temperature control, easy - clean burners - all at a cost so moderate that youwill be amazed! • Essotane banishes the problems of dry kindling, an expen- sive supply of coal or wood, laying the fire, tending it, etc, and all the wasted heat when you have a fire and don't need it - to say nothing of the work caused by smoke and soot from a coal •r wood stove, Essotane cuts your kitchen work in half! AGENTS FOR NOWA Mc(Iary - Beach Clare Jewel See These Stoves on Our Floor BALDWIN HARDWARE ]!"TONE 61(SueeeiSor to G. 1). Ferguson) SEAFORTH A i