The Huron Expositor, 1949-04-15, Page 4Int 1itS 1fted Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR n L, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -,.Pet word: t $rd week day trent Minimum charge. first insertion-26 Cents Each genre, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. t4 of whams;, iri Memorlam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Mk cents per week - Minimum, tae may bs directed to a Bear No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 oents extra. 'Ont¢. *Mitt will be charged it ads in above claw are not paid within 10 days vP) data of flaaa mircbat, Marriages and A beat eM inserted free o1 charge. ieteMen Sites, Wordeite to Creditors, Eta -Rates on application. Lost and Found Personals Lo�(jND-1N SEAFORTH, FOUR BAGS HYGD ITC SUPPLIES (RUBBER ,s•' of chop. Owner may have same by Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed proving property and paying charges. envelope with price list 6 samples 25c; SEAIFORTII, SUPPLY & FUEL LTD. 24 samples $L00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. 4244x1 NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. Coming Events SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE AT THE Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitoitetl, April 16, with Bob Mason and his Western Swlingluiliesa, in a good old -tome barn dance; 9 to 12. Mustiest= 60c. 4244x1 Help Wanted W'ANTI,'D - INTELLIGENT YOUNG man, 18 to 25, with driver's license. for work in retail store in Seaforth. Ap- ply in writing, to Box 768, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4244-1 JUNIOR CLERK Opening in Banking Office for Boy or Girl If boy, must have junior matriculation. Girl applicants should have some high school education, but experience not nec- essary; knowledge of typing would be helpful. Apply Bank of Montreal HENSALL - PHONE 12 4242-3 Notices NOTICE --ROOM AND BOARD AVAIL - able for gentleman_ PHONE 94-W, Seaforth. 4244-1 I COULD WORE A FEW GARDENS. either with tractor or horses, next week. ROY LAWSON, 667 r 16. 4244x1 PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS -FREE estimates. Write or phone collect WILLIAM N. GOULD, 314-W, Clinton_ 4237x13 RADIO REPAIRING - WILL REPAIR all makes of radios. Will pick rip Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Close's Barber Shop. GLEN KECHNIE. Blyth. 4218-tr NOTICE -WE ARE ALWAYS LOOK- ing for a new ens -tomer to please him. Why not call 50 in Dublin and have your Eggs arta Poultry picked up at your door We haul poultry to the U.S.A. and can offer yon a good price. STAPLETON'S ' PRODUCE, Dublin. Phone 60. HORSE SHOEING -I HAVE A QUALI- fied man available on Monday. '8nes- day and Wednesday of each week for lie seshoeing_ RALPH DAVIDSON, Win- throp. Phone 832 r 22. 4242x3 NOTICE WILFRID A. GLAZIER, 'CLINTON,_ R- R, 4, wishes to am.nounce that he has been appointed your agent for Co- operative Life Insurance and Co-operative Automobile Insurance, in the Townships of Hallett and McKillop, and requests that anyone interested, to contact hint by let- ter or PHONE 617 r 31, Clinton. 4244x2 HOG FARMERS 1. Are your hogs anaemic, pale or scurfy? Use Finn's Hog Fix, one pound treats one Dig_ 8. Yon should deworm your bogs with Firm's Hog Conditioner and InteeOinal Cleanser. Simply fed in the feed. 3. Save money on your hog feed, at least fifty cents per bag. Mix Finn's Hog , Minerals, contains no salt No concen- trates are needed on our plan. 4. To have healthy, strong litters of pigs, deed your sows Finn's Hog Minerals at least twenty-five pounds from breading to weaning. Costs $2.50 to insure a strong healthy litter. 6. Do your suckling pigs scour? Use Finn's S.E.S. Tablets, one dose does the job. Costs 10c per pig. Contact ART HENDERSON, our dis- trict salesman. Phone Seaforth 839 r 23. He can help YOU. Or OLIVER PRYCE, R.R. 1, Seaforth, Ont. R. A. FINN & CO. LTD., LONDON. ONT. 4243-4 CATTLE MEN CATTLE MEN, DO YOU HAVE SOME non -breeders? Do your calves have scours? Do you have some cows which are not doing right? Do you have maatites or garget in your herd? Do your cows or calves eat the mangers? All these problems can be taken care of by ART HENDERSON. Phone Seaforth 839 r 23, m- OLIVER PRYCE. R.R. 1, Sea - forth, Ont ,,If.. A. FINN & CO. LTD., LONDON. ONT. 4243-9 Poultry STARTED CHICK BARGAINS W73IT.F I He.,f LAST Non -sexed, pallets, cockerels, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks old. Also turkey poilte 2, 3 and 4 week old. Also day old chicks and turkey pouf: Send for special sale price ]Tat Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited FERGUS, ONTARIO POULTRY FARMERS 1. Revive your aneamic weak, scour" chicks and turkey poulte with Finn', Red Blood Quickly Tablets. Costa quarter `scent ghfek, half cent turkey posit Simply put in drinking water. 2. Avoid Odee]diossis by using Finn's Hew Tablets and Finn's Poultry Condi- tioner aszd Intestinal Cleanser every month for three months. Simply fed in the water and the feed. 8. Mix your own growing mash for Vol'? birds. Save from sixty to eighty tenth per bag ,by using Firms feeding pian using straight grain and Finn's Pto'ultry 'Tonic, Start feeding at eight Weeks of agte 'These products have been fed and t etsaimerided by Harmon Morton, tti'rkey bleeder, Ansa Craig, for nine Yea*, and DRUM/Melo of Ontario Poultry Soak's: Omits* ART H OON; our dis- tridE tii'eiMian. Drone �O sbb, 8$9 r 28, t all yarn' Dikat alk Ipx, jitcia, ire cr1 rl)i 1+hr ,'Ot, OLIVER ,'P/ Chic liaforthy Gee go irt52rIhN, ldlbt�i's 41248.4 Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE -NEW 7 -ROOMED brick house, modern, on James St. Apply to ALEX KARPEN. Phone 51, Seaforth. 4244x1 HOUSE FOR SALE -8 -ROOM FRAME house on East Will]am St.; 3 bed- rooms and bathroom upstairs, double par- lor, dining room, bedroom or den and Icit- ehen downstairs. Bard -wood floors, new furnace, new roof, good garage. Early possession. Apply MRS. ANN NOLAN. Phone 217-R, Seaforth. 4242x3 Wanted WANTED -UNFURNISHED FLAT OR apartment wanted, Apply to Box 763, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4243-2 WANTED -MAN TO OPERATE RE- ' freamzent pavilion and supervise Park from mid-June to mid-September. Apply in writing only, giving references, experience and salary, to Box 764, BUR, ON EXPOSITOR- 4243-2 WANTED TO RENT t"UR•NISHID RESIDENCE FOR AP proximately three months, commenc- ing mid-May. Suitable for University Professor, married, with two children. PHONE 35, SFAFORTH Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -192.8 WHIPPET SEDAN and trailer, with gravel box and rack. Apply S. G. DORRANCE, Seaforth. 4244x1 FOR SALE -'37 G.M.,C- %-TON PANEL truck. Lawn mowers sharpened. JOHN 'MacLEAN, Egmondv}lle Garage 4244-tf FOR SALE - 1927 OLDSMOBILE Coupe. See this car before you buy a lot of trouble somewhere else: ready to drive for a year without trouble, New license, heater, new top, good paint and tires_ Apply to GEORGE McNALL, Blyth. 4244-1 OR SALE -1937 FORD COUPE, HEAT- 'er and defroster, in good shape. Ap- ply to ELMER STEPHENSON, Egmond- ville. Phone 666 r 31. Seaforth, 4243-2 USED CAR BARGAINS Cash or Trade 48 CHEVROLET COACH CHEV COUPROLET 5 -PASSENGER 4$' E 42 DODGE SEDAN New motor 41 CHEVROLET SEDAN 3QQ FORD 7k -TON TRUCK 8 with .raclos 36 CHEVROLET COACH 35 FORD COUPE 34 CHEVROLET SrasAN Number of Model" 'A' Fords. M.ANY OTHER VALUES Terms arranged. BRUSSELS MOTORS "The Home of Better Used Cars" BRUSSELS '1 - ONTARIO Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate of Duncan McCowan A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Rotate of Duncan Mc- Cowan, late of the Township of McKil- lop, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of April, 1949, are hereby notified to send in to the an- dersigred on er before the 6th day of May. 1949, full particulars of their elaims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others. and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersign- ed shall not then have notice for tke assets so. distributed or any part thereof. DA','l.,'D at Seaforth this 14th day of April, 1949. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate. 4244-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of Renrietta McLennan A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Henrietta Mc - Lerman, late, of the Town of Seaforth, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 10th day of April. 1949, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of March, 1949, full .particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mention- ed date, the assets of the said estate will be diatribeted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, ' to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any Demon of whale claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Seaforth this 14th "day of April, 1949. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Estate, 4244-3 Cards of Thanks TriE FAMILY OP lat. LATE DUNCAN Medowan, Roxboro, wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of empathy in their recent sad bereavement; special theatre to Rev. D. Glenn Campbell and Mr. G. A. Whit- ney. 4244x1 1 WISE( TO THANE THE KIND � friends and neitehbots for the many acts of kindness shown us dining aur re- cent bereavement; special thanks to Dr. J. C. Goddard, Rae. P. A. Ferguson pall- bearers, tluartette and for floral tributes. .l•A8,I3n1rootfGH and CASSIttfOIYA4I1E-,t1, 42 pelt Sal.F.--STRAWHERD,Y PLANTS, " limited number of .raspberry cones. PHONE 668 T 15. Seaforth, 4244-6 FOR SALE -SEED TURNIPS, ABOUT 40 bushels. PAUL 1)01G, Seaforth. Phone 662 r 6. 4244-1 FOR SALE --]1989 DODGE COACH, IN excellent condition, with heater And defroster. PHONE 802-W. 4244-1 FOR SALE -COLLIE DOG, 1 YEAR old, good cattle or watch dog. AN- DREW CROZIER. Phone 667 r 22, Sea - forth. 4244-1 FOR SALE -2 -WHEELED TRAILER, 600x16 tires, practically new ; also a few springer cows. DALE NIXON. Phone 661 r 4. • 4244x1 FOR SALE= -BARN AND DRIVE SHED. PHONE 65 or 14-R, Hensall. 4244-1 FOR SALE -ALMOST NEW WHEEL - barrow, with steel legs ; good cook stove and Daisy cbarn. PHONE 484.J. 4244x1 FOR SALE -4 BLACK REGISTERED) Sootch Terrier puppies; 2 months old; 3 male, "1 female. ROY VODDEN, R.R. 2, Seaforth. 4244x1 FOR SALT _FOLDING BABY CAR- riege, in good condition. Apply to MRS. FRED DINWOODIE, Phone 160-3. 4244-1 pOR SALE -FARMERS; WE HAVE brooder coal and cedar poets, WM. M. HART. Phone 593-W, Seaforth. 4244x3 FOR• SALE-C.C.M. BICYCLE, NEW tires and attachment; ; in good condi- tion. PHONE 387, Seaforth.. 4244x1 Auction Sees I riLEARING AUCTION SALT 1:`Agivi at.:k, Implements, licca 440 orate bold Fsffecte. at Lot 48, figdeplej;, ship. 438,5114d Road., rfd mile estat'5pyest of Clinton. en Friday April' Z$ilf Tet 1.80 sharp, the following; tl 7'T ,.a6 cows, milking and tin goal condition, :.i'oUL- '1;RX-^60. New Hampshiire X. twit hens. 1 year did. IMP7.xAl'1FhiTS-4.t 8: Pen' tractor 15ike mew). eeuipped 'cR,itb over- saw tires .(loaded), puUeF P T Q.t lights and starter; equipment included with this tractor is a 2 -row cultivator alai; mower; McComniek.Deering manure spreader • M. - H, mower, 6.•ft, cut: set alpop elects and flat rack; steel tired top buggy,; gutter (new) ; sling -edea, On ..DEED,. ETC.- r1pproximately 4 tens mined hael,:approxi- mately 200 bushels mixed grain; 80 cords 52 -inch summer wood, •which includes 4 cords .cedar, HOUSEHOLD ERFECf1'S- 6-piece dining room suite, tinelud]ng buf- fet table and chairs ; kitchen;cabipet, tables and chairs; Clare Jeiarel: =we; Quebec Muter; icebox; wardrobe; child's bed; Daisy churn. Terms -Cash, except on tractor and equipment, wash will be made known on day of sale, No reserve as farm is sold. NORMAN HOLLAND, Proprietor; D. C. Coiquhoun, Clerk; Ed- ward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4244-2 For Rent poll RENT -TWO FURNISHED OR UN,„, .furnished rooms, in exchange for keeping house in shape. Apply to BOX 769, HURON EXPOSITOR. OR RENT - FURNISHED APART- 'ment to let. Apply Box 767, HURON EXPOSITOR. In Memoriam INGRAM-IN LOVING MEMORY OF mother, Mm. Alex Ingram, who en - FOR SALE -OAK BEDROOM SUITE: 1 tered into rest, Friday, April 15, 1982. Mahogany odd chair; 1 White sewing -.Lovingly remembered by the Family. machine n lawn mower. PHONE 7, Sea 4244x1 forth. 4244x1 FOR SAFE - 3 -BURNER COLEMAN gasoline stove and oven, in good re- pair; also kitchen cabinet, like new. Phone 40 r 25, Dublin- MATT MURRAY, Dublin. 4244x1 FOR SALE -RED BRICK HOUSE, IN good condition; modern. W. P. GOD- FREY, Victoria St., Mitchell. Phone 290. 4244x2 FOR SALE - MaCORMICK - DEERING power fertilizer drill, 15 -run double disc,grass seeder, one year old. ELGIN ROWCLTFFE. Phone 85 r 24, Hensall. 4244-2 FOR SALE -ONE HUNDRED ACRES choice land, Logan Township, now pasture; large bank barn, eight -room house. electricity, drilled well. Sacrifide 36,500. WM. ALLEN, 320 Springton Road, Upper Darby, Pa. 4244x1 POSSIBLE POULTRY PLANT, 11 1/5 acres with barn. 45 by 100, having 24 - foot posts : flax mill 36 by 60: colony house 12 by 16. Terms cash. EDMUND GEIGER, Hensall. 4243-3 PRIVATE SALE SIX ROOMS OF GOOD furniture, including electric range, new Easy washer, dishes. crooking utensils, etc. W. P. GODFREY, Victoria St.. Mit- chell, 4244-1 FOR SALE -GOOD GRASS FARM, LOT 25, Con. 2. Tuokersmith. Plenty of water, excellent pasture. Good buy for quick sale; immediate possession. For further particulars apply to NORMAN CARTER, Clinton, Phone 593. f 4244x5 FOR SALE - GLADIOLUS BULBS; choice young high crowned stock. Large bulbs, $3.50 per 130; mediumbulbs, $2.00 per 100; 8%n sales tax included. Nat prepaid. Order direct, or from BAILEY FLOWER SHOP. Seaforth. Catalogue on request. TYNDALL GLADIOLUS GAR- DENS, Brucefield, Ontario. Phone Otin- ten; 618 ring 12. 4244-2 FOR SALE -BROWNIE REFLEX SYN.- Aro Model Camera. Takes twelve pictures 1% x 1% inches. Flash syn- chronizer included with the' above. Will sell for $10.00 cash. Also a good Brownie box camera, size 214 x 314 picture. For quick sale, $4.00 cash. Apply to LEO HAGAN, Seaforth, Phone 383. FOR SALE -12 -ACRE FARM, 2 MILES wept of Clinton on No. 8 Highway; sandy loam, good for market gardening; spring well and creek crossing lower back corner; 7 -roomed frame house: small bank barn and colony house • equipped with Hydro: garage and pig pen. Apply ROY PICKETT, . 910 r 12, Clinton. 4244x2 FOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs- to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford 4223 t %)- for BULBS -TO MAKE ROOM for a larger and better stock of Mixed Coloured Bulbs, we are selling these Early Yellow Bulbs at 75c per hundred • small, 35c per 100: Bulblets, 25c per 500. Post- age extra, These bu}blets will bloom this year. PURCELL FLOWER GARDENS, Seaforth. SPRING CLEAN-UP HERE ARE A FEW ITEMS AT GIVE - away prices. -we need the room: One used 500 -gallon Tank, no leaks..$15.0€' One thr'e-furrow Cr-k=hutt tractor "• plow, in rood shape $25.00 One only Oil turning Span. Heater brand new 478.00 complete DALY MOTORS Ford -Monarch Dealer TEL. 102 SEAFORTH Auction Sales AUCTION SALE IN THE VILLAGE OF Hensall, on Thursday, April 21st, at 730 pm: A 2 -storey 7 -room frarne house with brown asphalt siding, town water, and basement; property consists of a double lot. Sold subject to reserve bid. Terms "ash. MRS, PAUL STEPHAN, Proprietress ; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer, 9244-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stook and Impleunents, Thursday. April 21st, at 1 p.m., Lot 7, Concession 1, Colborne Township, 11/2 miles east of Ben - miller: Team of horses. CATTLE --Six Holstein cows, Mostly fresh; 2 Holstein heifer,, bred. PIGS -5 York sows with litters at foot; 2 York sows, due time of laic; 5 York sows, bred: 1 York hog. IMPLEMENTS -Full stock of farm Ma- chinery, •indhiding 1949 Jeep, fully equip- ped; 3 -furrow tractor plow (new); spring tooth drag harrows: 13 -run Cockshutt 'fertilizer drill; New Idea manure spread- er on rubber (new). Terms -Cash, No reserve; farm sold. EZRA FISHER. Pro- prietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4243-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements, Thursday, April 21st. at 1p.m„ Lot 7. Concession 1, Colborne Townshib11/, miles east of Ben - miller: HORSES -1 Belgian mare,eight years : 1 black Percheron gelding, 12 yearn : 1 dapple grey gelding, 8 years, about 1100 tbs. CATTLE -1 Holstein cow due time of, sale; 5 Holstein cows, milking and bre: 2 Holstein heifers due Septeanber and October. PIGS --5 York sows, litters at foot: 2 'York sows due time of sale; 2 York sows due May 1st; 3 York sows, bred: 1 York hog. IMPLE- MENTS -Full line farm machinery, in- cluding 1048 ,Teep, fully equipped, rower take -ell, ,pulley, bumper weights, chains, heater, governors and rear plow light; M,.H. 8 -furrow adjustable tractor 945f0f, new; fertilizer dr111, 18 -run; New Idea manure spreader on rubber, new; S.see- tion spring tooth drag harrows: Dots:te . timothy seed, wood, coal, milking, }na7 chine and '1,000 other articles, Terme-- Cpel, Noreeerlp; farm. sold. EZRA FIST 11t, .reserve: Herald Jackson, AYotiiotreete E, P. Chantey, Oler'k. • 42444 Births FEENEY-In Scott Memorial^ Hospital, on April 7, to Mr. and Mas. Carl Feeney, Seaforth, a daughter. CRONIN-In Scott Memorial Hesp]tal, on April 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Alphonsis Cronin, St. Columban, a son. STEVVINS-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 13, to Mr. and tars. Lloyd Stevvins, Ailsa Craig. a daughter. EGMONDVILLE Racho - Brown A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized in S. Thomas' Angli- can Church, Seaforth, on. Saturday at 2.30 p.m., when the Rev. T. Dale Jones united in marriage Jacque- line Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Brown, Egmond- ville, to Douglas William Herman Racho, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Racho. The bride was given in marriage by her father, and look ed charming in a navy blue .street length dress with brown accessor- ies and wore a corsage of Ameri- can Beauty roses and ;maiden hair fern. She was attended by Marjorie .Roe, of Walton, who wore a grey figured dress and. matching acces- sories. Her scorsage was of pink roses and maiden hair fern. The. groomsman was Lyle Racho, bro- ther of the groom. Following the ceremony a wedding reception was held at the, bride's home to the immediate relatives. Guests were present from Dublin, Seaforth, Walton and Hamilton. Those Ber- ing were Shirley Oldfield, Nancy Nott and Eva Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. Racho will reside in Dublin. McKILLOP Mrs. Henry Kleber, who return- ed eturned home after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Carl Mikel in Fullerton, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. L. Regele. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eggert were recent visitors with her cousins near Brunner, ROXBORO Duncan McCowan The sudden passing of Duncan McCowan, of Roxboro, on Thurs- day, April 7, was a severe shock to his family and a wide circle of friends. He passed away peace- fully in his sleep during the night. Born in Stanley Township, near Brucefield, on August 17, 1872, he was the son of the late John Mc- Cowan and Mary McDonald Mc- Cowan, and was the last surviving, member of a family of ten chil- dren. He came to Roxboro 43 years ago, where he had farmed, ever since. His wife, the former Emma )Yaynlan, of Kippen, whom he mar- ried a - ried almost fifty years ago, prede- ceased him in 1929. Surviving are two•sons. John of Tuckersmith, and Peter of McKillop; three daugh- ters, Mrs. Alex Sni`ith (Mary), of McKillop: Mrs, Victor Niiimmo (Elizabeth), of Toronto, and Mrs. John C. Brough (Beatrice), of To- ronto; also surviving are 15 grand- children. Of a quiet disposition, he was a great lover of home and was a constant companion of his grand- children, all of whom feel his loss keenly. The ftfnera.l took /ease from the residence of his son, Peter McGowan, 'McKillop, on Sat- urday, April 9, with Rev, G. Glenn Campbell of `first Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. of which Mr. McCowan' is a member, officiat- ing. Interment was in' 'Maitland - bank cemetery, The pallbearers were Sam Scott, Jas. Aitcheson, Harold Agar, John Little, Jr., Fran- cis 'Coleman and Wm, McDowell. The flower'bearers were five of From the Eberhart Pit SEAFORTH All trucks can be loaded by a shovel with Cement Gravel, Lane Gravel, Sand or Top Soil. Also BASEMENTS DUG Apply - H. LAWRENCE HENSALL Phone 69-R - Hensall s ,graj4ethlo, 1a�xk Tticauso, 1"au cCOwotll, Bobby, Aaok asst Peter McCowan, Jr, Among those, at- tending freni a 'distance, ware Mr, J. H. Daynlan, Port Erie; Mr, Rohr, Bryant) Loddon; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bryant and G art and Mr, and Mrs. John Bryant, all of Lan- don, and 'Miss Isabel McKay, of Hamilton. HE ALL Tudor's inIiensapl a have new Martha Washington dresses: at the low price of $2.95. All new prints and from, size 12 to 48. -(Aly.). The monthly meeting of the hien sail Institute wilL be heldi in the United Church schoolroom, .Tues- day night, April 19. The hostesses are Mrs. Parke and Mrs, Brown. Roll call will be "Short-cuts to housekeeping." Fees will be re- ceived at this meeting.' Mrs. J. Mc- Allister, will gine the motto, and Mrs. S. Rennie the demonstratiox. An interesting speaker is being se- cured, and Members are requested to have ready their Blue Dross fees. Armstrong - Batten A quiet but lovely wedding was, solemnized at Thames toad Unit- ed 'Church Manse, when Gladys Marguerite, only daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. W. F. Batten, became the bride of William Henry Armstrong, only son of Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong, Hensall. Rev. Wm. Mair performed the double cere- mony. The bride was attractively gowned in white brocade satin in princess style. Her only ornament was a solid gold broach, worn by her grandmother on her wedding day. Her finger -Up veil was caught to a headdress of white lilies, and she carried a white Bible tapered with Easter lilies. The bride's only attendant, Miss Jean Armstrong, sister of the groom,' was dressed in blue taffeta with • a headdress of lilies, and carried a nosegay of sweet peas. Donald Mousseau, of Hensall, was best man. Following the reception at the home of the bride's parents, she donned a wine gabardine suit with accessories and shortie coat of grey with a corsage of sweet peas for travelling. After a short honeymoon in London, Sarnia, Port Huron and the States, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong will re- side near Winchelsea. Thirty members from Huronie Rebekah Lodge 306, Clinton, motor- ed to Hensall Friday evening and ere 4leii of Alsher '. ;ebek `tu �.oage 349 1Vtrs.. M'a • 1`tediger, Ptyst , pint, Tet Dep}lty, oX , 'Glin'tOB, sPell'e, e7r:oreasfng pleaasureat the .heelatallty afforded them, ally the Hensall Lodge. Winners in the DMura}cNaughaW1t1toA, t on winere; charge Qf Pccake. L. ,Angel ,• Mrs, T. Ohuter. HeneaU:; kxrun, Mr . J. E. McEw�n, HousaR; aan dy, Mrs,_ 'Alex ICBeath, I�lppen, Refreshments were served. The • I;.ensa11 Institute will meet 011, Tuesday night in the, United Church school room, when. Mrs - Brown. and 'Mrs. 'Parke will be hostesses. This is.the annual meet- ing. Reports will ,be given and the roll call is "shortcuts to house- keeping." Mrs. J. McAllister will present the motto and 'Mrs. Rennie the demonstration. , Mrs. Churchill, of Toronto, is visfthng My. and Mrs. E. Shaddick and family. Miss Ada Gramm, of Adrian, Mich., was a week -end visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Gram. She was accompanied by Mrs. 'Gittus, who visited her aunt, Mrs. Meidinger. Mr, W. R. Dougall, Huron Coun- ty weed inspector, was in Toronto this week attending a weed control conference. Mrs. P. Harris, Hensall, is at present a patient in Scott •Memor- ial Hospital. Mrs. Jack Peebles hats accepted a position on the staff of the Bank of Montreal here. Mrs. Mary A. Brown observed her 92nd birthday on Sunday. in en .'Poking 'tile Bate, expressed Ibis -a, reoiaUPn of the patronage gives flim during the years he hada been inr busii esa. Mr. g,d Mfs, Jacll Ifaher and Joyce and Mrs. W. Hyde spent S'une day with Mr. and Mrs. W. Jarrott at Brigden. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Passmore and family, of Aylmer, visited on Sundays with the foriner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. The many friends' of N. E. Cook, who is ,a patient at St, Joseph's Tuesday, April 12, 'Mr, Sametz, of the Royal Canadian Mounted, Police Force of the Sarnia detach- ment, visited Hensall school. Dur- ing the course of his visit he spoke to the pupils' about R.C,M.P. work and outlined briefly how people can co-operate to make the work of the police more efficient and pleas- ant. He also showed a very inter-, esting fills on the training and work of the R.C.M.P. Many of the shots for this film were taken at the training schools at Regina, Sask., and, Rockcliffe, Ont. Some of the activities shown, in addition to the training of men, were the training of horses and dogs. The children then asked many varied and interesting questions, which were answered by Mr. Sametz. Mr, Chas, L. Jinks, who has been in the implement business here for the past 30 years, has sold out to Mr. Wm. Parke, Who has been in par*riership with him. Mr. Jinks, Farmers Attention! We Are Open To Contracting Malting Barley AND WILL SUPPLY THE SEED FOR SAME We Have A Good Market For This Barley Growers interested, please call or write: W. G. THOMPS-ON GRAIN ELEVATORS - HENSALL, ONT. DAY PHONE NO, 32 NIGHT PHONE NO. 2 Austin Cars ARE MOVING FAST NOW ! If you are interested in a 2 -Door Sedan, act now, as stock is low in this line. WE HAVE FOR SALE: 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, in A-1 condition 1929 FORD SEDAN, in good working order , 1948 OLDSMOBILE FLEETLINE "6" with Heater, Radio, Sun Visor, and all accessor- ies; only 7,000 miles. This is really a good car and fully guaranteed. See— Jonathan Hugill Austin Sales & Service PHONE 784-W _ CLINTON SUPERTEST GARAGE Repairs to All Makes of Cars GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES 3% INTEREST An 'Attractive Short -Term Legal Investment Principal and Interest Fully Guaranteed CROWN TRUST COMPANY F. R. Hughes, Manager, 284 Dundas St.,, London HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Ontario Branches at London, Branttord and Windsor Applications Received lehrolgh Your Local Agent of Solielto . Hospital, Lo , den', ,'wf11) • be l iii tto 1541 1 he .,is, recovering 14 sty: hI e% )rrlaine'•Deeir,leturhed o4 Tuesday' 'of, tblp weal?;, frau' t..' J'oeoPiVe.; Uosipl'ia1, Lopdall, why she underwent au amilieudix wow. tion. flu Sondoy wooing .April ?.7t the choir of Ow 1,uitecl cmtlr0 1d11 present a sacred cantata, • '"Llfe Everlasting," by H. N. i'et1'le.. Additional Hensall : News OA. Pages 3 and'6 - FOR SALE .. . 1 good used • OLIVER '70' ROW -CROP TRACTOR 1 good used - • OLIVER '70' STANDARD 'TRACTOR 1 used - • McCORMICK-DEERING 6' CUT MOWER 1 used • THREE -FURROW PLOW 1 new • HORSE-DRAWN MANURE SPREADER • 1 new Oliver 2 -Wheel • TRACTOR MANURE SPREADER We carry a full line of GRASS SEEDS A. W. Kerslake Your Oliver Dealer PHONE 40 HENSALL B�Qde STURDIER Mae GREATER Veteran poultrymen have proven that it pays to feed pullets Roe Vita Grow Growing Mash after the seventh week. Such a diet is high in digestible nutrients with the correct balance of proteins, minerals and vitamins. This Roe Vita -Grow promotes resistance to disease, builds strong sturdy bodies and profitable egg production in the Fall. Men Who Know Insist on Roe ... ask your Roe Feeds Dealer for Roe Vita -Grow Growing Mash. Spring Grasses, rich in proteins and vitamins are harvested at their nutrition peak, dehydrated In minutes, then added to all Roe Vita - mixed Feeds ... a "green gold" diet bonus for poultry, Rvestock. 1 ROE FARMS MILLiNG CO., ATWOOD, ONLY; YOU CAN GET ROE FEEDS FROM: W. R. Kerslake, Seaforth A. J, Mustard, Brucefield W. E, Davidson', Hensall a. A. Sadler, Staff, Querengesser & ]�iegel Brodhagen