The Huron Expositor, 1949-04-15, Page 1a,r. Whenia Numbe 4n41 . . . . . . CONSEVATIVES NAME CANDIDATE , .-1 '::•: . j. . . OCAL 'RED :.'.''.;,'i , 1. • .. Huron Assessor ' ' - . PRESI' ''..,...' . ' ' ' ' . '''''''', '...? .4:1'''''' antatene,:se.:•tattn ''"' . a :seek- stalaterat • • ••. 'ea .,' a. . . ..., • ., •vo s' i ' ie ' -...4.4: • . ••,., * Cl P I' • . II .R., • , , „ . , • . ,. ee'st Seafoith 'Council t, ": ' • ea a . ea .,' .:,:. , . ..,,.. , . , ! ae •!;eas e ,,, ,!.,,,,,,i. nee "'• ,,,,, .., •,,,:.• 44 • 4, .k . , • 044.4, ..4444.5,0,%ii .: ,,, y.,, e - - •460. , .. . .. • TOTAL OF i. 613 85,.-. i • ' '' Pril"4:01.-- 7... .— , • ' .4' • - '„ -' , ' , ' • • • , Will Investigate Card Sys- g• ' / .... .. . ,... - ., ., . ,....' Assessing' Fur- , • .:, .,.....,. ,. ,:,,,-; ., se ,.. ... .4,, ,,. --- sae ,,,,, ..„..,.. .:•,... • . Quota Exceeded As Pub- lic and Canvassers Co-operate. , :. 40 APPLICATIONS , ,. Seaforth Public School Board redeived a total of 40 applica- tem of • ther Before Making De- eiSion. ' . . . ,...:, :••• 4,-..:.• ..;1...0**4,0•:-!;- ‘,,,. <• e ,4 ,. - ..i.' A'''''%•'', _,.,::; . ?:::'''' - ." ' :4:',' ' 4,, :4:,,,.:0 •te* • -.;:::Se en. ' • ea* a ' . eafortir . , W*1-1§91k ' -18'' ' es.s: ' a „re :. es...Lee .- VIVOntITP$3,010 i. • . tions in reply to its advertise. for Principal, it County Assessor Alex Alexander •• . ., . '-.terb,.,a.:-Ipare I .ii „,,..., P‘ es , • 4..1 se • ' , . • • . : . The Red Cross Appeal Peseed its objective this week ,i, hen nubscrip- ton n Teethed ,a grand total of 1,013.85, according to W. E. eolith- gate, campaign ' chairman. The quota wee $1,5(10. The time limit far the campaign' had to he ex- tended. a couple of weeks !because of circumstances which preveeted the canvassers front completing ment a , was , alleelosed Wedneetiay evening ae the board met to consider . ate 'appointment. No decision Was reached pending further study.of three applications . that:were selected. The ap- ' eeletment became 'necessary follOwing the recent resigna- tem of le B. Moffat, who re- tfree because -of ill health. will be invited to discuss with Sea- forth !Council the extent to whioh adoption: of thecounty or card sys- tem of assessing would affect tax- es on Seaforth properties. council decided' at its meeting • Monday night. Mayor J. E. Keating presid- ed and all members of council were present . 'Mayor Keatieg explained that .-...1';,•'s'enine e. 'n enteaseenen a - • aes'oe'',. • ea•ses a pee ' • ,>: ., ,. 0,, 4.'., ..,i.5cf,',i11'''.-1., tee s • . . • : • - . --ne:s. le •• .. .!: •)•,' ne• an! ai* ...0.:1••''- -''' ' ...., • • n '''e ' esn'‘.• es i n es • e„ . , ,.." s ea' ' • .. e -•A. - .- in' e ai s ••' a' te ieet -S. '' Deeleicin: to Ity, . i'dtmigipai Alaii9elatien,* ' ' ar rived at by 4 Meeting:ef' eoupij reevee., .clerks, treasniesteleeti '01* ; ,aere., and tea,* Goll • ' '' ..994entelt en There neTes• ' lei* reeves milli beaen-offintft intennn* -of the asetteiatinin .i •-• • • ''' een's'at'•' •• ce b. .* f i: na 0.!°'nen weretF•rpf2444; H. Erslene, countY tleatairere vicerpresidentss Fete neatfleieree`' their canvassing. . the asseasinent system worked We and treasurer of i Stanley 'TOW* It was only through the efforts: Ale c , a • • ,.. • a sliding' scale, that is, if the as- Kenneth C. Stanbury, Presi- ship; D. H. nnilaiin Clerie4ti ' ' "•- . . - of the volunteer workers that this ''' "treasurer sessment was high, the mill rate ! dent of the Huron County 'Old of.: Seaforthe secret .:, Huron -Perth Conservatives selected' Elgin McKinleya 49 -year- old Stapley Township. farmer, as their candidate in the next Federal election, at a nominating convention held in Mitchell Saturday •evening. Here Mr. McKinley (centre) is shown with Ruesell Bolton, McKillop (left), and Hugh Berry, Usberne, run - ners-up in the three -cornered contest. • ' . DISI'RICTGOVERIN SPEAKA TO LIONS amount of money was realized, and athepcztaieditgc.ifeosr toth . '. .ethseumccetexceofnethe ' ' co-operation was had from the chairmen of the 'various. areaa,ham and the organization in these tits- . • . . . . , e este_ •••IVIKS HILLE - Cli .,- ,.,- • • BRE T e• . RE.' ELECTED HEAD was usually low, and vice versa. R wa.s generally felt that the town would eventually have. to adopt this new method of -assessment. Exe- ter, Wing and Heneall haveal-years, ready made the changeover, and Boys' Association of Toronto for 1949, is a former resident of Exeter, and a son of Judge .1. G. Stanbury (retired), who for many years practiced law in that town. N. w. Miller, county clerk' aiii). tore one yoa clerk -treasurer rnteete''' el"" ealr'tw1"1,3;440eze.M-- phut', .Dolfeit. aere een'eriek°-* /bike"' Heitz' Strait --cletetta Ulie Y gaS tricts, particularly the rural pats, Tuckersmith is in the process, . let:m.0,41e, . to enr. Reve P. Sills said that cards had .. lact4ohnetg 11.4afiwit, antidip Stanley Township' Farmer a .. Given P. C.. Nomination • Service To Community Prime Purpose of Lion.ISM. was very good, according Southgate. Proceeds of the canvass will be used in alleviating the miseries of Proceeds in some of the outlying parts which the Red Cross support Annual Meeting Names T ' , • in$Litute Officers For • Coming Year. been prepared for the use of the assessor to help guide him in mak- ing the assessment. 'Phis card was so designed that after making all the necessary entries and checking en H PLAN 0 B TORONTO R. I I ACTIVITIES ...7:u. . terms of 'office. • Speakers were N. W. 'Miller, • J. H. Kinkead ami Glen Gardiner, public scestol in specters plans were made for the annual • • throughout the country the details of a property, the as- meeting in October, ai wbieh.. time • • • • • • Elgin McKinley is Choice , ete ems' m is the urge to do • The. Seaforth Women's Institute met en sessor could. quickly determine the officials; of the peparintent 'Of SPRING WORK Seaforth Firemen contribut- of Huron -Perth Pro- gressive Conservative Convention. things," said Clayton D. Rawling, district governor, in Ids address to the Seaforth Lions Club 'on Mon- day evening. .Mr. Rawling came 'se% jAmEs, C.T.L. • 1. REVIEWS ACTIVITY MrsotincMrs. John inashi-eent, president, was in the cliaie. The meeting opened with theebaLo ' Prayer. and rds Letters method would eliminate any guess- work and the whole system would be put on a firm basis. It d . • was -s- cided to invite the &runty asses- tion Euchre Clia -- MPiOD. At Party. totocodinsedultst aPsr°mbuinelinscipaarisil achilgote.l. and' An effort win be made to have every municipality within the,coun- ed to a spring cleanup in Sea, not pray in his official capacity as OE thanks were read from Mrs. R. sor to a special meeting of the ty join the association. APprexia district governor, but in. a sterit M. and Robbie, Mrs. Dale The Huron Count Old Boys' Y mately 50 were Attend. forth In conjunction with its regular pumper practise' Tues. , day evening. During the prac- • tise, Main Street pavement was flushed from Goderich St. to the the C.N.R. station. Other Seaforth streets were prepar- ed for oiling when a power grader went ever them on Elgin McKinley, 49 -year-old Stan- ley Townsesp-asaamee was named Progressive Conservative eaeeie date for Huron -Perth •in athe next Federal election at a nominating convention held in Mitchell Town Hall Saturday evening. ene: me. Kinley won the nomination in a of friendliness and. as a Lion. He told the members that it was their duty to maintain the sta.ndards of Lioniem and o e way this could. be n ;none was for each and everyone to attend all meetings. Of 400,000 Lions, the attendance is appeoxi- mately 80 per cent -a record few boast. A saccessful year was indicated min reports egiven at the annual meeting of St. James'. subsdivesion ot the Catholic Women s Le - e Seaforth. The meeting was hold in the form. of a pot -luck supper, at ,which Rev. T. P. Hussey, pastor of tee church. .and spiritual 'advisor Of the sub -division, was preeent, and .Scott, Nixcie, Brussels Bowling Olub and Mr. Whitmore. • - Tarn Gordon Papple was elected to rePresent the Institute in the 'Community Hall Proj'ect. The In- etitute decided to sendettie score- • ' nn't mei vice-presidamt to the Guelph conferenoe May 6 and 6 ' council, to have the method ex- plained and at the same time, by deoh moo4sicongmapahraelfttztanxzseosh a: rriarno: perty under the old ass ment witb. those under the new. - The queetion of a systematic garbage disposal was. again, rate ed. Councillor McMaster reported • . Assomation of Toronto during re- cent meetings planned events for the near •future. President of the association is K. 0. Stanbury, for - merly. of Exeter. The aseociation at its annual meeting elected a committee of 42 members and executive officer& were subsequently elected from presetit. ing from , here were: Seaforth. Reeve F. eilts, Clerk -Treasurer D. H. Wilson, Assessor Wen Amente Tuckersmith, Reeve Arthur Nich- olson• Mclnillop, Reeve Dan mann, Clerk -Treasurer J. M. Enka ert; Aaseeeor James McQuaid. • Monday and Tuesday. three -cornered contest, with Bus. organizations can sell Boltoe, McKillop farmer and, "Service work is the prime iYur- he congratulated the members, on their work Mrs.. T. D. Sills,' rest_ ,a,saa pee nee ..e,e,ese, n''''-' - --' n"nte ..esees..• on the W•mnen's Program of the Fedora- tem Agriculture. that on a previous survey aanong the taxpayers, 537 questionnaires! • tele committee as follows: Prese dent, K. C. Stanbury; Let- vice- ___. Brucefield Plans .• • • • • • past president of the Huren Fed- Pose of the Lions Club," 1/1r. Raw- oration of Agriculture, and Hugh ling continued "Projects Mph as colanettinity dent was nresented with a criPrett ' - • ' - a- Y potted plant during the supner, al= of This Is a five. point 'program, as follovrs: 1. Cur- ' rent Federation Policy; 2, Puble were sent out and 251 returned. Of the 251 returned, 138 were in favor 113 pres., Crordon Fowler; 2nd vice- please Robt. Leiper; Sec., Mrs. Dor- Cantata Friday TUCKERSMITH —. ' AREABOARDNEETS . • Berry, ex -warden of Huron Coun- swimming Pools and - - - a- a - ty, after three eotherae who had centres are 'the iustificatien been nominated, Withdrew. Fol- club'e existence:" 'He told of lowing the balloting the defeated results of a life4saving-co—urse. - elide candidates joined in making Mr. swimming instrucUon giisen to thei 'McKinley's nomination unanimous,. boys and girls bn the Stratford' The conveetions was. tne firat to Lions Club and"how this work re- be held in' Mitehell sin.ce theemun. suited in the saving of e21 Bees. ter which Mrs. Frank Devereaux read a humorous paper "Pity the Poor President". ' During the year a sound movie projector s was purchased for. tle sch.oca; a school picnic was held in, June, and, in November the annual school "At et was held, as :Relations; 3, Reaearch and Legie- latent 4, Co-operation and Practl- cal Agricultural Economics.; 5, World Affairs. It was also thought th,ataPreventive medicine should be stressed, so that it would lessen -the need. of hespital accommoda- and againat. CouncilloreScoins, Christie and Stewart' were appoint- ed a committee to in.vestigate the costs of such a collection. Councillor Close, . chairman of the street committee, reported that the grader had been at work on some of the streets! putting them is! Parton; treas., M.. Rs •Compleh, a„, -ea sev". dlainnan: Meth, end district, Dr. J. G. Ferguson; 13rus- sels • and. district, We.s. McCutch- eitml; Clinton and district:, Fred El- 1 ott; Exeter and district, S. H. Hicke; Goderich and district, Jack CM Friday evening. Prertaratorn services will be held and. thsehoir will- present their Easter cantata, "Eternal Light," and -on feendee". morning will be Easter Commun.- ion, -with Rev, Mr. Staewey 111 • Lee. ' • ' ' moii„prsses Appreciation e :For Co-operation Ex-. tended by Teachers. icipalities of Mitchell: a d Logan While this la -only Another incident . . lt . . were added to the,eiding. . • in most, of our liveeeenr. Ra_ wling_ eix names were placed in nom- eel:Stained what' a. Weneetteereally i The first ballet reduced Meant to the family of the young• the field to Elgin McKinley and, ater involved-- When the child Hugh Berry, the ballot grows up he will regard the Lions .13 , Which 'the • eating class were presented witb clans pine, Pri 'were ,given, to the pupils for a pos- • ter contest, and at Christmas the annual Ohriatznas .part was held tion and nurses. The W.I. moved to - affiliete, with the Federation. of Agriatiture. Mnation. es. 'Gordon Papple took the chair for, the election of officers., as follows: Hon. pros., Mrs. Paul in !shape for the summer. The see- tematic tree -cutting was atill in Progeess and.aiready quite a num- ber of dead trees had been reietote ed. Ile also reported on the coedi- tion of the drain on the east side Athn; Seaforth and district, Ger- ald Stewart; Winghtust and dis- trice W. A- CamPbell- . - ' The annual picnic has been, 4 -et or Friday June 17, Area 3 at High f • • ' - Park and oh April 26 the annual charge. In the evening the W.MAt. will hold: their Easter thantieffee lag -se.rvice with -Rene -Mr. Vilitesel China, as guest speaker. Mr. We is• a very talented speaker. The choir of Brucefield United The regular 'meeting of the true- tee board of Tuckeramith School Area was held an Egmondville Scheel with all the members pre. seat and James eicIntoah in the chair. In tee absence or the seem. tary, Clarence Trott was appoint- ed secretary pro tem. • Correspondence WAS!. presented and dealt with as follows: Apple catiette for the position of .teadher in S.S. No. 7 were as follows: Mies Bunke Snow, Toronto; -Miss Mar -At• on Archibald; Avening; MTS. Nor- ma Sills, . Seaforth; 'mists Betty Steele, Rodner; 'lees. Lao sbaroh. enema, Constance; Me Edwin Litt, Walton, and Mr. .Male Datton, To- ronto. After constdeeation the secretary was ordered/ to contact m.. Lite miss snow and woe Steele and arrange for a Personal , Interview during 'easter holidays; and second chose Mr. .McKinley. Detailed re- sults of balloting were not an- nounced. , Nominations were: Hugh Berry, by Jas. Miller and Geo. Davis; El- gin McKinley, by Fred Watson and Norm -an Coveney; Russell Bolton, by Dr. E. A. McMaster and James. McQuaid; Harold Finnigan, by H. E. Smith and Alex Boyce; Herold Jackson, by Norris. Sillery and A. W. Dunlop; C,harles, eicNaughton, by E. J. Green and -Albert Keyes. R a Bell, •President of the rid,Chronicle," ing association, was Chairman or the convention which featured ad- dreeses by W. Garfield Case, M.P. for Grey North; Thos. Prsele, M. L.A. for Huron; An T. Bradshaw, M.P. for Perth, and Elston Caediff, in acme 'M.P. for Huron North. ...., tion, each of the candidates ad- ' dressed the meeting. ,inembers. Club &a a great benefactor and a valuable asset to any community.. In the past 20 years, Mr. Raw- ling .said, that Lions Clubs had grown from 32,000 ProJeets to enwis munity centres. 'Naturally enough wfiten a club was formed, It started a minor work which Involved a yearly expenditure of about $2,000. Now those same eluba are sponsor- ing swimming Pools and _comm. un.,- ity tentree. This is significant 01 the •growing interest in Liontsm. theof th ti W R. end e mee ng _ Shaw, president of Seaforth Club,conveners,- . , , carried, out an old tradition of the association when he presented the d' t let v'' th en. and is r go ernor tri, a, p penell ell desk set. Lions E. A.McMaster and) J. A. . Gorwill were in charge of the meet- in, Jas. A. Ste wart led the meet - g• . ing in a few rousing songs and Fred E. Willis retutered a solo. for the children of theY sh, at 4 WhI'C'h Mr/St tr ts di ea were tributed- A puppet eh was stag. ed for the school children; assist- anee vas _ -given tor First Role Communion class; a cash donation was given to th b e 001 id, rary, and a new stage curtain was bought for the school hall. A drive ie in progr for bettee motion 'pictures for children. A donation was made to the National Scholar- ship Fund. An annual parish -paper, "The was, edited and publish- ed by the members; books were . added periodically to the sub -dive . . mon library, and at each meetingmailed of the year instructive papers were read by members. A display of re- ligious articles proved to be biter.quiries eating to members. The League sponsored a group insurance for its New Canadians were met Doig; ,pres., Mrs. Sohn Hillebrecht; lat yice-pres., Mrs. Jack McLean; 2nd vice-pres., Mra. E. B. Goudie; sec., Mrs. Alex Pepper; ,treas., Mrs. j k . ac McLean, district director, Mrs. Andrew Crozier; deputy di- rector, Mrs. Paul Doig; branch di- rectors, Mrs. Earl Papple, Mrs.. Ken Chambers and Mrs. Russell Miller; program convener, Mrs. WilfredC*man ' C eman• fruit andcard. convener, Mrs. Cecil Oke; pianist, Mrs. John 'McGregor; assistant i . ' ' p anist Mrs. E. Cameron; lunch Mrs Eldon Kerr and • ' rs. Jas. eys; property commit- tee, Mrs. Elmer Cameron and Mrs D yi • M L • a d. c ean; auditor, Miss Mab- ' el Cameron, local junior club ' leaders,• Mrs. Ray. Nott and Mrs. Wallace Haugh, Standing commit- tees:Agriculture and Canadian In- du•stries, Mra. Gordon McDonald; Citizenship, Mrs. Gordon MeKen- of town. The clearing of this was slelayed .until permission could be obtained from t -he }leaky Flax to re-route the drain across a. corner of the Hesky 'property., Reeve Sills said that there had been no relief during the past month. Fire Chief Sills reported two alarms during the monde Pur- chase of another gas mask was ap- proved. at an approximate cost of $64.00. Mayor J. E. Keating was ap- pointed- the re Po presentative of the council on the tentative oommittee formed a month agoto • investigate the possibilities and costs of a coramunity centre for Seaforth and district. Applications for building per- mite were 1 approved an 'f°14'78: Orville Oke, Rosa Savauge, I E. Larone, Seaforth Farmers Co-oper- heldbridge and euchre party will be at West End Y.M.C.A., under the management of Fred Elliott (chairman), Mrs. Gordon Fowler, Mrs. Doris Parton and Bob Leip- er, the evening will' feature the annual competition for the Mc- Laren Trophy, symbolic of the euchre champioeship of the assoc- . iation. Present holders are Mr. and eirs. Ray eerier: The•association helps to corn- plate this year the task of revis- ing membership and mailing lists, and points out that paymentof tee modest annual fee will eneure member& receiving certain advance notices, as well as provid- ing a workingLund forthe promo- tion of 'urger social events. In- should. be directed -to the secretary, Mrs. Dories Parton, at RA-. 3356' • Church will present the E.aster cantata, "Life Eternal," on. Good Friday evening at, 8.30. The can- tate. will immediately follow the reception of nevr menibers uniting with the churcheweich service will be held at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs.. Clifford Murray and Donald and -Norma and Mles Mary Murray, of Lucknow, visited Mr. and ears. Henry Dayman on Sun day. Mrs. Jock Umber, of Barrie, Is visiting her parents., Mr. and Mrs. C. Ha -ugh. Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Wightna.an, of Belgrave spent Sunday with Mn jee M ' • cCully. Miss Bessie Dutot, of Clinton, spent the week -end with her mother, Sirs. C. Dutot. ° Rev. and Mrs. F. Wu, of Toron: to, will spend the week -end at the Manse. Mr. G. G. Gardiner, re visit to EFr . • on arrival in the district and were zi Hi Historical Researeh, Mrs. Paul ative Structural Stone of London,The ehoir presented their play Ti filed; ° • given a welcome in. the parish and ' "The Improper Irenry Proper," Iasi auotutvIlle school: Depart- anent of Nationial Revenue, re in- Come tax denuctions: filed. Ten- ders for Egmendellie Zurich Plans Change In Fair Ground Site , To Undertake Alfalfa transportation was provided them to a Stratford •O.W.L. entertains mete. A delegate was sent to the Doe; g; Health, Ws, Wm. Leeming; Communit y Activities, and Social Welfare, Mrs. Gordon ' Papple; E. L. Box, Scott 'Habkirk and W. H. Elliott. Councillor Wallace Ross, chair- Cromarty Junior Quartette Assists Tuesday evening to a large and appreciative audience. The play, ti oomedy, was well acted! and kepi painting • Dehydration Here annual dioces-an convention at Sit. Home Economics, Mrs. Jas. Brown; man of the property committee, re - The Robt. the audience laughing continually (Whoa' were received from Harold held in Thomas. Masses were offered for Publicity, Mrs. James McNairrt ; ported that the fence around the junior male quartette, The cast included: Sid Hurd, s Finlay and Harold, Armstrong and the tender of Mr. Finlay was ace cepted at a price of $565 and $40 extra for woodshed. Mi. Arms strong's tender eia,s. $610, pies $40. for woodshed. The resignation of Mies Helen • Jervis as teacher in S.S. No. 4 was received and regretfully accepted.. The teachers, with the exception of Miss Jervis an kir. Skinner, A public meeting was the Town Hall, Zurich, Saturday night, for members of the Zurich Agricultural Society, to decide on themoving of the Fair Grounds to a suitable location at the south end of the town, where it 0011 -Id he ad- joined by the new community cen- ire which is under consideration, and which would be close to the scho,o1 grounds. Depart- Announcement was made this week that the Eric Dent Company Limited would commence opera- tions in Seaforth shortly in the dehydration of alfalfa, clover, grasses and oats. . Mr. Dent is well known in Sea- forth and district, where for anany years he has been manager of the Hesky Flax Products Ltd He pro- the living and deceased members anal a Day of Recollection was ob- served in October. Ten cases of canned goods, as well as a cash donation, were sent to the Jesuit Fathers in Toronto for European relief. A gift and a cash donation was given to, Seaforth Scott Mem-Scott. oriel Hospital. The Sister& of Ser- vice were sent three boxes and a cash donation; donations were also Christmas meeting Miss 'Thelma • ' Elgie and Mrs. R. M. Scott; work , meeting, Mrs. Robert MeLaohlane social meeting,•Mis. J. F. Scott and rs. _re m . Dale Nixon. Mrs. Wilfred Coleman moved. a - vote of thanks to the hostess and the National Anthem was sung. Lunch was served and I I a sac a half-hour spent. • dump had been com!pleted - The following accounts were passed for payment• Treasurer of 0 * • • ntario, Provincial Police, $333.06, Jos. Heffernan, wages, $246O; A.h • Fortune, wages, $21; S. Williams, $28 60. F Reeves-, wages, wages, ' ' ' $15. Treasurer Public School, ad- ' vance, $2,000; Treasurer SeaforthVandercoff, High School District, -loan, $4,00e; C. W. Carter, acct., $58.50; s. we_ Laing, Eldon Allen, Gordon Hough- ton and Lloyd Sorsdahl, assisted with the music at the induction and ordination service of three . elders in Cromarty Church on S.un- daymorning.Th e new elders en- pointed were Calder McKaig, Ern_ este Templeman and Thomas L. John Houghton, of Mildmay, call- ed at the home of les mother, Mrs. Young maieled man, J. K. Cornish; Dora, his wife, Mrs. Es Willtams; Bonnie, her sister, Miss Eva Stack • HenryProper,Sid"' friend house; enry s• Jack McDonald; Betty Validereoff , • uetres.s, Maxtor'. Hill; Prince Gre gor•Olivera, Mr. E. Williams; Mrs her mother, Mrs. J. R Murdoch; Mr, Queertz, hotel man ager, Gordon Elliott; California colored maid, Marjorie Mustard were re-engaged at an increase of $200 each, Miss Helen Turner, who received an increase of $300. A representative of the ment at Toronto was in Zurich and reviewed the aituation, and strong- poses to move be Seaforth same time in may. • given to the Pastor at Ohristmae and to two Catholic radio pro- grams. ZION llama, wages, $33; E. Miller, wag- es $11.90; F. Reeves, wages, $20.40; D. H. Wilson, salary, $141.66; J. M. Houghton, also with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Houghton. • The members of the Women's . Bert, page boy, Ross Stanway; MT Gillicuddy, justice of the 'peace R. tanwir Bob ellen. Mrs. E. S The time, place and entertain- anent for the annual school picnic is to be decided by the teachers under the convenership of Mr. Trott. , • ly recommended the change. The meeting was in favor of the remov- al of the fair grounds to a suitable I•ocation, and a committee was. ap- pointed to decide en the new loca- News Of Week About Constance Membership totalled 98 members, two of whom made retreats during the year. Dards were sent to new mothers and !shut-ins, and the mag- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baker, Car- lingfc'rd, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney. A lovely basket of floweae was placed in Zion Church on eunda.y • Cummings. salary, $117; A. Bushie, ealary. $125; S. A. Wilson, pension, $20; relief, $124.08; PU.C., Elec- trice, acct., $23.69; Huron Exposi- tor, acct., $1e1.15; Francis; Hankin Auxiliary attended the Easter Thankoffering meeting of the Wo- men's Auxiliary of Knox Church,AltonJohnston St.Beath Marys. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Wallace and . aa 'rector. Between acts Mrs w .- di and Mrs. W. Mc played a piano duet on Measrs. Bob Allan, Gordon Elliot The Board expressed its apprec- dation to all the teachers for their tion. • Rev. J. C. and Mrs. Britton, of azine convener reported subscrip- tions to the C.W.L. magazine. The treasury 'balance in memory of Mrs. John Rogers, who paseed away two years ago. Co. Ltd.. acct., $23.25: Ed. Boyce, acct., $22.50; C.N.R., acct., $10.32; Mrs- M. Houghton visited with - Mrs Geo. Dalrym le Heneall • P at - • and I. Williamsisang. Next mon day night the choir__ intend pre efficient services truring the past year and expressed the hope that the co-operation between board and teaceers would continue. The secretary was ordered to ne. minstrel Show Has ' Popular Program Thamesyille, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jewitt on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown, of Al- Ian Park, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Borden Brown last week. showed a ofsentine $279.05, after total receipts of $1,743.18 and total expenditures of $1,464.13, with all national and diocesan obligations having been We are sorry to report Mts.9 Gwen ,Britton has been under the ri ctors care for thepast week.$3.75. a° We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Mrs. Ross Murdie, Sea- British Arnerica Ass. Co.,acct., $8.50; Dr. K. W. McLandress, acct. Hay Stationery ite . • - Co.• •• acct., 44c; Bell Telephone Co., acct. $10.60; Baldwin Hardware, acct., Mise Margaret McKnight spent the • • * e week -en at the home of Miss Betty McKellar. oma . Missionary Socie- The W n's ' ty held their regular monthly meet- their play in Varna. net Mr. H. Walker h return. home from Tiverton,as re r where It epent the winter with his sister. Mr. Elden Johnston, of Blue We adivertise for wood for the schools needing it, also to secure some gravel to improve. the driveways, to the schools,, and have the furnace and pipes at No. 4 School cleaned to prevent sm.okbag. • , Cerdno's Hall was well filled Friday evening for the roinstrel stew presented by the Norwich Musical Society Band, under the auspices of the Seaforth Otidfel- ' lows and Rebekahs in aid of the Wee Robert Grimoldby was in Dutton on Monday attending the funeral of her nephew, Mr. Cltas. Coldough. Donald Stephenson, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his par- ente. met. A banquet was. served to the members of the church choir andMr. the altar boys in 'appreciation of their services. A lawn tea and a Christmas tea, at which a Christ-. mss cake and a doll and basinette and forth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. _ • James Malcolna on Sunday. Mrs. Balfour and Dalton spent ' • Sunday with „Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper. $1.9f); Municipal Warld Ltd acct, •• a $18.35; Wilson McCartney, met, $17; MS E. Clarke, acct., $13.75; County of Huron. indigents $a6.20- . C. P. Sills, P.M.. PC. box rent, $5: Seaforth Supply and Fuel, acct., , ing at the Manse. Mrs. G. Young presided. Atter the sin.ging of the opening- hymn, Mrs. T. Laing lea in prayer. The minutes of the pre- ,. 11011S, inee ing were read rs. t.' by m John Wallace, the assistant secre- The 'was ter Highway, visited with Mr. am Mrs. Alton, Johnston Monday. and Mrs. Ivan Wightman, o Whitecburch, spent Sunday wit her father, Mr. Joe McCully, Misses Ina and Mien Scott, in London, spent Sunday with' thel The Board renewed the fire in- suranee policies. with Mr, Sohn Pepper, rep_resenting the 1VIcKillop !Coe C.P.T. Fund. The splendid pre- gram of songs, 'ohoruses and skies was thoroughly enjoyed by the au& Mr, Mrs. Borden Brown and and Joyce spent Sunday with M,r. and, Mee Herb. Brigham at Elmwood. were raffled, and a St. Patrick's . supper helped to raise funds' for the treasury. . cMil- Lay Retreets, Mrs. J. M. M lan; Immigration and Travellers' 343.56; Keralake's. acct., $42.601 E. W, Montgomery acet. $8.55. . . , • tars-. roll call answered by an Easter mesaage, and the treasurer's report was read by Mrs. T. Scott. Mrs. L. brothera, Ross and! 13111 Scott. We are s•orry to report that Mr; Hohner and Mrs. Geo. Swatt ar Kneed Fire insurance on Schools Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, The policies on Nos. 4, 5, 7 and 8 were inereheed $1,000 • aloe ,and Chair- ienee. : 'Mayor J. E. Keating drew the lucky tickets in the prize drawing, which wag a feature of the pro- Mr, Ken t uchanan, of Minden, spent the week -end with his par- elite Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Duch- The nominating committee pre- stinted the following slate of offi- cerst Spiritual advisor, Rev. T. P. Aid, Mee. Jean Fortune; entertain- ment and 'social, Miss M. Kelly, Mrs. Chas. Hagan, Mrs. Joseph Real Estate Changes Soradale read a paper entitled, "He is Not Here, He is Risen." Mrs. Grace Scott gave a floe readieg on the patients in Scott Memorial Hoge tal, Seaforth. We wish them speedy recovery. , Man MoIntoeh was authorized. to stem application. on !behalf of the Board. The folloveng accounts were pre- fleeted „and epproved: Mee Sara S impson, sehool lunch supplies $10.15; Frailk Kling, tepales, and gram. Prizes. were won by Mrs. Pearl Passmore, cedar cleat; Cheryl Muir, daughter of Mr. and Mrs-. B. 0. Muir, smoker; and Gav- in Gemmel', door prize, permanent ; wave. anal.'"Resurrection *Harem Mr. and Mrs. R. jewItt left for their home in Kincaid, Sask., on Tuestlay. Mt. and Mrs. Jewitt have spent the past six months visiting with relatives. in Ontarte. Word was received Monday' night Hussey; president, Mrs. T. D. Sills; 1st vice-pres., Mee John Hotham, Jr.; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs, L O'Leary; 3rd vice-pree., Miss M. Dunn; trees., Mee, Agnes, Gaffney; record- ing sec., Mee P. Dinweodie; cm-- realiontling sec, Mra'. C. Trott At Rowland, Mrs, L. Kelly and !Mrs. Ellen n, • P. •press,Mrs. C P Sine Mrs. ne. t) Sills and Mrs. F. Din- woodie were named delegates. to the entitle], diocesan convention whine will be held, in Stratford, in • ) Me A bert Pepper has perches- ed the brick residence of C. N. Shultz in Egmondville., end gets immediate posees,sion. Mr, Shultz has. purchased the residence of miss •Cleta, Dickson on Market St. of Jesus. The Serip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. M. Houghton. Mei. G. Young gave very im.preseive and inspiring ace dress followed by prayer. After de g ' ginthe closing hymn all join a ' ' ed n, ithe Lord's Prayer. Mrs. .1". Berry bas been able t leave Seafeeth 'respite' and is 5 a ber•bome and Mrs. A. Caldwell 1 convalescing at the Mete of Its on Bill, after heving,beett in Cie ton Hospital for eotata tittle. supplies, $11/7; W. M. Sproat, Coal Co., No. 8, $46.40; (1. A. that Mr. Wm. Dodds, of London, had Mr. Dedda Was a the meeting of the new executive the following conveners; were nam- Man A. cash contribution was vol- ed te Detatia Hall, London, and The former Portune farm, on No, 8 T-Tighway, east of Seaforth•, own- • Teach Teretheae "What in igintirah6 leztoeleg moues,: $11; jack Hood School,Supplites, tinettlictialad sup- pliteo $1,108184 I, V. Pepper, brat toreintinn en Ituairatiee pellet, Wee imitate. ift0.18.! Muatard Ltanhetd & coal, Whitney, ilevrers, $10. Ithe meeting' adjourned to Meet 41! No. 4 tehool. an 'Needy,. May 10, at 9 lehn passed, away. ;Wither Of Mrs. Sas. Dale and Mrs, JAM Carter, Sr. Punetat teettice was,held front Halite taterat home, Clinton, on tWetinesclay. ten Magazine, Mrs. ' Wm. Hart; Health, Mrs, Z. L. Slattery; Sis- tere ttf Aerviee Mrs, P. S. sms; Citizenship, Mre, W, IT DInean; the atintal donation Of eigs at Easter. will be made to the House or Protmeitile- ,d.na the St. jeslenh Ortohangi,2 at London. ed by G. R. .Tohnston, Sea,forth, haa been sold to hoes Bunerman, of Alma Township, who gets immede ate possession. "You .should have a wife like mine, Ceorge. She's an angel.° "Yotere lucky, Mine's atilt aye:" •Tonlittee,'"Igherithee ita 'Whine 31 . ttosid kno* alothin and , • • • Tidily Mils itt tint,#""' • ',••• ,,! • til a r