The Huron Expositor, 1949-01-14, Page 4Additional Hensall News on Page 3 ENGLISH MORRIS SALES Come and see the New ENGLISH MORRIS NEW AND USED Cars For Sale TEXACO SERVICE STATION Hemsall, Ont., LAWRENCE & REID PHONE 33 We are aga:irk.. FOR . CANADA MAItTING CO. t ch with -us; . $ °et�,°:'gel �x�i �' Phone 103 Nights 133 HENSALL, ONTARIO Fete daes "Life insurance weathers every storm" Confederation Life -\,>thl ia1iOn Ncn,t11 Phone 55 STAFFA DISTIICT.GROUPS GO TO SCHOOL fig i.. 1 4 Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: +IQ1R M.N1`E+D,: LOST AND FOUND, ETC. ---Cent Per word: 2nd week ,Y4, Cent CNR00.it M: ent Minim= Mrd Minia>um chsage, first insertion..., 25 Gents Each ago;e, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. !banks, DI Memoriam Nptiees, pawning Events -1 cent per word, Minimum. 0, cHie tiler-- week,. uiirlea• Mal be •directed to a Box No.. to/0 The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents estr$- CSlkl: additional will be charged if ads in above claw are not paid within 10 days #latie ail' final insertion. tptringsa and Deatba inserted free of charge. Tl ttiale0, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. I4ost and Found I Help Wanted O r-M1QTOR RUG, °INNER MAY WANTED--ICAPABLi; GIRL OR MID- hatfe same bly Proving ownership- and , dle-aged woman, for general house-. 1a)ring Ohar,•ge3. J. C. CO.CI$BANE. Sea- work. One child at home_ The need is Orth. ,hone 382-J. 4231x3 urgent.Bop 42, orMRS. PhoLEO HAGAN, Seaforth, Wanted (100D ROME WANTED FOR COLLIE a.A dog. PHONE 388, Seaforth. 4231-1 "WANTED—WOULD, LIKE TO BUY A " _ .colony house, either 10x12 or '10x14, an real goad condition. Also would like to buy two shelters that will accommo- date 100 birds each. PHONE 302-W, Sea- forth- 4231x1 WANTED TO ,TRENT OR PURCHASE— In Seaforth' or adjacent, modern dwelling: Reply in writing only to Box 734, HURON EXPOSITOR. stating size, rent or selling price, and when available. 4230x2 Notices BRING YOUR AXES, HAMMERS AND sledges to my shop and have them fitted with handles to suit. Saws sharp- ened and ladders_ made to order. . JOHN ELDER, ILensan_ . 42.31x1 r1ARMERS — WE HAVE BROODER coal on hand- W IVL M. HART. Of- fice telephone_ 598-W, Seaforth. 4230-3 D ADIO REPAIRING — WILL REPAIR "y elf makes of radios., Will pick up Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Close's Barber Shop. GLEN KECHNIE. Blyth. Personals "pj ,ARMER'S" — "RAINPROOF' Y 0 U R work clothes, overalls, jackets, tar- paulins, blankets, etc., at home, simply and economically. Just sprinkle it on—it is invisible bet sure keeps out the wet rain. An 89 .cents bottle wil4 do about five jackets. 'Get it at KEATING'S PHARMACY, Seaforth, only. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E R Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list- 6 samples 25c: 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. TF YOU ARE INTERESTED, A 24- • page booklet wild be sent to you with no obligation whatsoever, giving the declaration of policy of The Ph..g,essive Conservative Party as adopted at the 1948 National Convention at Ottawa. Write to CLARE WESTCOTT. •Box 69, Seaforth. Ontario. 4230-tf For• Sale pos. SALE—USED EATONIA EL,EC- ▪ trio washing machine: large capacity tub. In good condition. $35.00. PHONE 24. 4231x1 FOR SALE -2 -PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite, odd chair, studio couch. PHONE 299, Seaforth. 4229x2 NOT10 6— lIE PARTY WHO RE - moved -the dark brown overcoat. OR SALE -1938 HUDSON SEDAN, IN -1; ' "Prince Brand," from behind the door offirst-class working order: new brake;, the. Council Chamber in the Town Hall, radiator, battery and good ,tires. Can be Hensall, a few nrr3nutes before the close of seen at .CLARKE'S GARAGE, Seaforth. the New Year's Eve dance, has been 423152 identified and can avoid further trouble by returning .the coat to the Town Hall by Monday, January 17th. NOTICE—WE ARE ALWAYS LOOK- • ing, for a new customer to please him Why not call 50 in Dublin and have your Eggs and Poultry picked up at your door. We haul poultry to the U.S,A• and can offer you a good price. STAPLETON'S PRODUCE, Dublin_ Phone 50. 4218-tf NOTICE To the `Shareholders of The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Company, Ltd. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE A ,Shareholders of this Company will be held at the Head Office of the Company in the Town of Seaforth, Ontario, on Wednesday, the 26th day of January, A.D. 19.49, at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon, to consider the Action of the Directors in neoetitivig an Offer for the Sale of the Assets of the Company, subject to the .approval of the Shareholders. .Further information will be given, to any Share- holder -en written request to the Secre- tary. DATED this 7th day of January, A.D. 1949. JOHN FINLAYSON,. Secretary. 4231-2 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL THE NEXT MEE1t7NG OF THE HURON County. Council, will be held in the Counerfl Chambers, Court House, Godericb, commencing TUESDAY, JANUARY 18th, at 2.00 p.m. All account,' notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 15th, 1949. , N. 'W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. 4230-2 Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate of MARGARET O'CONNOR ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against ,the Estate of Margaret O'Con- nor, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased, who died on the 12th day of June, 1948, are (hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of February, 1949, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed,.having regard only to claims then received,. DATED at Seaforth, this 11th day of January, 1949- Mc'CONNELL & HAYS, Seafforth, Ontario, Solidiitors for the Administrator. 4231-3 NOTICE, to CREDITORS • In the Estate of HERBERT SMALE A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Herbert Swale, I' ate of the Town of Seaforth, in the Coun- ty of Aaron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 19th day of November, 1948, are hereby notified to send in full parttdirdars of their claims to the ,tnder- feignedtlon or before the 21st day of Jann- aty; 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to elaima then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 29th day of Dectteber, 1948. IMoCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, $o(icitora for the Executrix. 42294 NOTICE to CREDITORS 1.xo ilic listato of GEoltCE DICK PARSONS IUiV.IN(I CLAIMS dfesari91' 'the I. "state o£ George Diek, 14t4di tlt8'1'oitfihsihip of Bay, in the Cowtt- 5 ttrdfl, 'a liner, deceased, who died till *fth day of .Into, •194J, are here- aictitied fta senddin 3'hartianlarh of uisiaoos ito :the ands sigdull, ned de rig be. 4,6631st dal+ of d'anua r; 1104 lsfter Titgti:'4 . ,. t#e' �sefs ttflT 1r48tib ttel, ail, O4Ty elsre,s then, Ives b ttir 'flthdtal#dayr lot IC $t1h to ate) 7CdcYt i; .FOR SALE --1930 PONTIAC COUPE. IN good condition. Cheap for cash. Ap- py Box 735, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 423151 FOR SALE—TOULOUSE GANDER. Ap- ply to JOHN R. POWELL, Jr., R.R- 2. Seaforth. 4231x - FOR . SALE --'29 MODEL A FORD Coach. :12 model B Ford Coach. '29 mod- el A Ford Coach body. '28 Ghev. Sedan. Now wrecking '31 Chev. Sedan. Complete '28 Ches. rear end: 1 good used bicycle. CHUTER SERVICE STATION. Hensall. 4231x3 VOR_ SALE—LARGE QUANTITY OF 12 -inch cordwood; also slabs. FRED C. KALBFLEI'SCH & SON, Zurich. Phone 69, Zurich. 4230-6 FAR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes- SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St, Stratford. 4223-tf CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $4-99 EACH At Wholesale Price ,First quality beautiful Chenilles, well tufted in all colours for double or single beds, $4.99 ea. Full 90x100 basket of flowers design. completely covered with Chenille for $8.98. Also habitant hand hooked rugs, 18" x 36t/, very colorful, 3 for $4.00. These articles retail for dou- ble the price. Send C.O.D. plus postage, money im- mediately refunded if not satisfied.' HANDICRAFT DISTRIBUTORS 254 Shebrooke West Montreal, Que. 4229-4 "MOR -POWER" - SUPER-BILT AUTO BATTERIES • 13 -plate Heavy Duty, 105 am (18 months' guarantee) *1$.20 15plate Super -Servide (2 -year gdar- antee - •, 314.85• 17 -plate Ford V-8 and Chevrolet 193759 (2 -year guarantee) $15.40 17 -plate Ford 1940 (2 year guaran- tee) 317.30 17 -plate Armor -Glass, 1014 x 7tt, 138 amperes (3 -year guarantee)$17.75 17 plate Armor -Glass, 135 amperes, (9tr x 7tt case), 3 -year guaran- tee $18.80 $3.00 Trade-in Allowance FOR YOUR OLD BATTERY RAI •ilrlltIES INSTALLED . No Charge Canadian Tire Corp. Associate Store SMITH BROS., Prop. ;DUBLIN . • PHONE 73 Ask for a Catalogue 4221x2 Motor Cars For Sale 1947 1937 1932 1931 1933 1938 USED CARS FORD SUPER DE LUXE FORDOR FORD TUDOR FORD TUDOR FORD MODEL A CHEVROLET r62 -TON PICK-UP FORD 11/2 -TON TRUCE, STAKE BODY DALY MOTORS Ford Monarch Dealer Seaforth - Telephone 102 Business Cards I]IANO 'TUNING AND REPAIRS. FREE estimates. Write or phone collect, WILLIAM N. GOULD, 314-W, Clinton. 4226x7 Farms For Sale The Community School being sponsored this week by. Farm attracting many from the area, who are taking advantages of the fered. Here Mrs T. E. Bacon, leather -working teacher, advises craft class, white at 'the right Mrs: Charles Falconer looks on. ranging the school includes Mrs. -Kemp, Mrs. John Hocking, Mrs. and Rev. A. H, Daynard. Forums in the Staffa district, is courses and lectures being of - Mrs. Arthur Kemp, a pupil in a The committee in charge of ar- Carter Kerslake, Lloyd Sorsdahl 5'. Tenders Wanted FOR SALE BY TENDER THE FOLLOWING PARCELS OF LAND are ofiereI for sale by tender to close the Estate of the late Margaret O'Con- nor: FAR,A1 FOR SALE ;gimlet IA I C.ONSSt � 1 OP200 oettb. i'deo1, boeatiott, 20 'acres bash. first' elaea lhtthtdith35, 40 aer'at p(onglaithr diatte„ Velir drained, well formed, • .10' sdo; Londeoboro, Ott, FIRSTLY: The South half of the East half of Lot Number 26. in the 3rd Con- cession of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth. on which land there is said to be erected a ems)/ frame house. SECONDLY: The South one-quarter of 26Concession 'of rin the 413 Goncess Luk Numbsr the said Trwnhip of Hibbert. Written tenders for all of the said land;, t;gethcr or each parcel separately, accompanied by marked oneque for 10A of tench: will be received by the under- signed on or before the 1st day of Feb- ruary. 1:19. Balance payable in cash on closing. • The hirhe;t or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. HAROLD .JACKSON. R.R. No. 4. Seaforth. Ont*Frio Administrator of Margaret O'Connor • Estate • or McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solici.`_or; for the Administrator. - 4231-3 Cards of Thanks THE FAMILY OF THE LATE ROBERT C. Doig wishes to express its sincere thanks for the many kindnesses and ex- pressions of sympathy extended to them 'hiring its recent bereavement, specially to Rev. A. W. Gardiner and the neighbors, who assisted in every way. TO THE ELECTORS OF TUCKER- " smith:. I wish to' thank all`w'hb sup- ported me 'in my re-election to the 1949 Council. 4234,1 WM. ROGERSON Marriages SOUTHGATE - MURRAY In Woodstock, Ont, William Edward Southgate to Elsie G. Murray. PRYDE-BELL—Tr- Toronto, on January 8. 1949, by Rev. J. B. Rhoda, Mary Margaret Bell. of Seaforth, to Thomas Pryde. of Exeter. - Births N,FSBITT In •Guelph. on Jugglery 7, to Mr. • and Mrs_ Ian Nesbitt o son. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Donald are visiting the tatter'.s parents, Mr. and Mra, R. L. Jamieson. Mr. Alfred Buchanan is spend- ing a few days with relatives in London and Nilestone. The concert. which was to have been held before Christmas, will take place in the, schoolroom of the church on Friday evening. Constance Sunday School will hold a social evening in the base- ment on Friday, Jan. 14_ Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Adams, of Saltford. spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams. HAYFIELD Mrs. M. Talbot. of Brumfield, is the guest of lir. and. Mrs, Lloyd, Makins this week. Miss Betty Heard, of London, spent the week -end with her par - rents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Heard. Mrs. J. Sturgeon. Jr., and Mrs. Robert Blair were in St. Thomas for a few days last week. Mr. Lawrence Fowlie. of Lon- don, spent the week -end with his sisters, Misses E. and F. Fowlie. Mrs. Jim !Scott is spending this week in London. The joint meeting of the W.M.S. and the W.A. of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church was field at the home of Mrs. L. Makins last Week. The following officers were elected for the'coming year: For the W.M.S.: President, Mrs. C. Campbell; 1st vice -ores.. Mrs. Gladwin Westlake; 2nd vice-pres.. Mrs, H. Rohner; 3rd vice-pres., Mrs. Russell Grainger; secretary, Mrs. Robt. Scotchmer; treasurer. Mrs. David. Dewar; Christian Stewardship, Miss M. Stirling; temperance secretary, secretary. Miss C. McLeod.; friend- ship riendship committee, Mrs. M. McKenzie, Mrs, McClure, Mrs. F. Watson; as- VARNA The Women's Missionary meet- ing was held at the home of Mrs. Lorne Coleman on Thursday af- ternoon with fifteen members pre- sent and one Visitor, The .presi- d,ent, Mrs, Lea McConnell, opened the,lmg fetintg�'•. Mrs, Wm, Stephen- son te hen -.soft 'rook the de'Gtttionai elcercise. HysiPrn 5Z was sting. and. Scripture readings were given by liars. Geo, Reid and Mrs. Clarence Stephen- son: all 2a8 was sting and the study book was taken by Mrs. W. Stephenson, Mrs. George Reid and Mrs. Anson Coleman. Mrs: Lee McConnell took the business and the roll call was answeredt with. a. New Year's thought. There • was a vote taken for a life membership and Mrs, M. E. Johnston was cho.;- en. Hymn 380 was sung and Miss R. Hearn closed the meeting. Lunch w'as serf ed by the commit- tee. .Liss. E. Logan is spending some the home of time i ,` . c :Mss Mossop. Mr. anti Mrs. Erl. Faster, in com- pany with Mr. awl Mrs. William Clarke, are visiting relatives in Hitch ener. Mrs. William Ball and Master Nc:.':son spent the week -end with her mother, Ml's. ;,.los: op and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott. Mrs. E. Smith and Mrs. Dods - worth, London. were renewing ac- nqua.intances in the villa'.;e o day. 'Tan Mr. and Mr:. 'T'a'per dren, Exeter, visited with. lady's parents. Mr. and Mrsthe Chutor, 'Sunday. Master Alex Ostrom, whil ing at school, had the misfortune to receive a nasty cut above his eye. He was taken to the doctor when it was necessary to have four stitchesto close the wound. Miss Gertrude Reid was a guest at the home of Mr, and, Mrs. L. Keys and family Sunday. Mrs. Broa1dfoot is ' yisiting :,her daughter, Mrs. O. Dowson, and family. Mrs. A. McConnell has returned to her home after spending some time with relatives in Toronto. ZION il7fre; A aby 1144.4ei4eiru., 11f1 ,';'I $ o1>I;x ,Fo I'res?d'Ant. Mrs cL: Mak> ne t tet �7ryy�G r lid pipe +,z9 �yYd+TrT,,Pi�F.(1•�i�'�.'t ro!0„;.1',r :wfl�rat , $eQ"'. 1 �,kaxS",s: ,a, paa,eaenir- e , 'i4 iss Ster1jlpgc, rt'plileEts`.s4�ere tax•-• �4irsabgrt 'c+ntbhnller, isdry -11FNSALL.;. i (continua from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs, Mark Dr b cash and Mr. and' 'Vire. Robert Drysdale and Jerry were in - Stratford Monday evening attending a, meeting of the Retail Hardware Associatipn. On Friday night, Jan. 7,, the staff of Di-ysdale's Hardware, along with their wives, were entertained to . dinner and a social eventing at the home oY M. and Mrs', G. M. Drysdale. Mrs. Carl "Passmore acted as 'hostess for the Evening Auxiliary. meeting on Monday night. Mrs, Lil- lian Hydeassisted the,.hostess ,and Mrs. J. Corbett occupied the chair. Follow}ng :the theme gong„ "More Love To Thee," was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated. Mrs. Den- nison presented the story of "The Other Wiseman," by Henry Van Dyke. "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross" was sung and the financial report given by Miss Gladys Luk- er, A reading, "A Recipe For the. New Year," was given by Mrs. Corbett and the secretary ,read thank -you letters from Miss - 'Allis and from the Landon Protestant Orphans' Home. The yearly pro- grams were discussed and ar- rangements completed. Mrs. E. Shadulick dealt with the closing chapters of the study book. "0 Master, Let Me Walk With Thee" was sung and the Mizpah benedic- tion brought thhe meeting to a close. Refreshments were served by the social committee, assisted by the hostesses. The annual meeting of 'St. Paut's Anglican Church will be held in the basement ,f the church Mon- day evening. Miss Helyn Woodiwiss, of the operating room staff of Victoria Hospital, London, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale. viewed the Board. in regard to the Music Festival. She suggested holding a smaller festival of the schools in Stanley; and Tucker smith in her charge at some cep, tral point. After consideration it was moved by Win. Caldwell and :seconded by W. McLachlan, that Lout: i be allowed to carry out her plan. The meeting all journecl to meet in the Varna Hall ou Monday, Feb. 7. Mel<,thley i•; at Guelph this month taking a short coarse at the O.A.C. Miss '-ora Parker, of the staff of the i3:,itlt of Commerce. Flin Flora, Man.. is spending her holi- 11+,- homy n',' for parents. ll and ..Mrs. Chris. Parker, Parr Ling,. Mis' Alice Parker, London, arra Fall Parker and Lloyd John- ston, London, formerly of Naisenc, ask., were also week -end guests •,r the Parlter home. Mr. and .Mrs. A. Smale. Staffa, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. i tanh5uson on Monday. Charles Reid is attending the Folk School at Robert McMillan's in McKillop this week. This is a new venture in rural Ontario, the first one being held at Cherry Hill Farm at Markham in October. We wish it every success. Mr., and, Mrs. George Pepper and Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Pepper were in Stratford on Saturday. Mrs. Stacey and Mowet visited with her daughter, Mrs. Lionel S,trathdee and Mr. Strathdee on Sunday. r Mr. ail¢ Mrsosis foron and; Donna and Mr.'"*11. Gonion' visit e: with Mr. and Mrs. James Meicolm on Sunday. Mr, andkM'rs:-"LkwweHee" Bark9' entertained ' the "young' folks of Zion Church on Friday evening. A real good time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, Keith and Bruce visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gibb, Stratford, on Sunday. We are sorry to report Miss Doris Annis is confined to her home through illness. We all hone her a speedy recovery. Dr. and Mrs. James Annis re- turned to Windsor last week after spending their Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- bert Annis. The Women's Association met at the home of Mrs. James Malcolm and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm Wednes- day afternoon with a real good crowd in attendance. Mrs. Glenn Pepper presided; Mrs. Morley Lan nin read the Scripture; Mrs. Glenn Pepper led in prayer and reading's were given by Mrs. L. Hammon, Mrs. Wilfred Annis and Mrs. Stew- art. It was decided to send a par- cel of used clothing to a family in England. Mrs. A. Wretham and Mrs. W. Smith were to look after relief. A quilt was quilted during the afternoon. Rev. Mr. Daynard pronounced the benediction, and the hostesses served lunch, assist- ed by helpers. STANLEY The anaugural meeting of the Stanley Township School Area Board was held in the Township Hall. Varna, on Monday, Jan. 10. Mr. Frank McCowan was appoint- ed chairman; Wm. Caldwell, vice- chairman, and George L. 'Reid, sec- retary -treasurer for 1949. The members of the board are: F; Mc- Oowan, Wm. Caldwell, John Os- trom, Archie Parsons and Wil- liam M'cLachian, Mr, Me a.chlan being the new member. The fol- lowing motions were adopted: Min- utes of last meeting read and adopted. Caldwell and McLachlan; all accounts be paid to date. Os- trom ,and Caldwell; all the schools in the area to be supplied by books from the Varna Library at the saatne fee, Ostl'oth and Caldwell; the 4ubscriptien to the Ontario Seh'oo1 Trustee and Ratepayers' Association: be renewed., 'Caldwell and Ostrom, Miss Dougal, .music ins'trllctor, was often'( and inter WINTHROP , Mr. Arthur Musgrove will ad- Sr4ess a meeting in Winthrop chool on Saturday in the inter- ests of Huron Medical Services. Mr; Musgrove is a former resident of McKillop. Mr. Gordon Bottles, of London, spent the week -end at. his home. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Taylor and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure. Mr. and, Mrs. Elgin. Dale and. Douglas visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Bernard. - MT. and Mrs, R. McClure attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. McClure's. uncle, Mr. George Hamilton, in Auburn, on Tuesday. Mr. R. °C. Davidson, of West - minister I' aspital, .London, spent the 'week -end at his home. R. McFarlane is building a house next to the residence of W. E. Hawley. It, will be a one -storey structure, andexpects to have it ready by spring. The W.M.S. and, W.A. of Cavan, Winthrop. met on Wednesday in the schoolroom of the church. Mrs. Russell Bolton was in the chair. The .meeting opened with Tyson 446.' The W.M.S. Prayer Card , was read in unison, Mrs. Bolton read a New Year's poem. and the report of the W.M.S. fin- ance nance committee meeting was giv- en by Mrs. E. Toll. Mrs. W. Mont- gomery, of 'Circle 3, was in charge of the -worship period.. The theme was, "Thy Kingdom Come through the teaching of the Church." Quiet music was played by the pianist, Mrs. F. Johnston. The worship service from the Mi$eionary Monthly was followed. Mrs. Mont- gomery led in prayer. The Scrip- ture lessons on "Christ's Teacb- ings." were read by Mrs. H. Alex- ander. The W.M.S. report was given by Mrs. E. Toll. The study on the life of Dr. Cheng was tak- en aten by Mrs. W. Church. The wor- ship period closed with the bene- diction. Mrs. Bolton presided for the business. The roll call was answered by twenty-one. ladies. Hymn 215 was read in unison as a closing prayer. Lunch was serv- ed» by. Circle 3. sociate members, Mrs, William Sparks; supply secretary, Mrs. M. Toms; Missionary Monthly, Miss S. Stirling; Mission Band leader, EUCHRE and DANCE Sponsored by Kippen East Women's Institute FRIDAY NIGHT January 14l k EENSALL.. Town Hall Euchre starts at S;20 sharp 11.00 Dancing at Music by FRED WALTER'S ORCHESTRA 1C1 D MI CSN ; 56t Ladled plea8e prbvi'de' Lunch. ODYE Sure - Grip TIRES Do Not Take a Chance on the SNOWY ROADS AHEAD! We can supply any size of Casings and will take your old tires in trade on , New Sure - Grip Tires • Seaforth Motors Phone 141 Seaforth NOTICE Township of Hay It is requested that all Mail Bores be install- ed on a movable arm, 'So that the boxes can be» tilted atpwards and- rut. oft i -w d -: Township Snowplow equipment. These may- be securely fastened to . original position after 'the snowplowing period. All car owners ` in the Township of Hay are requested not to park their . cars on the roads of the Township during the Winter. Cars that are left on the roads are left there at the owners risk. •. Cars that are left -on the roads are contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a detri- ment to the operation of snowplows.. 5 JAMES MASSE, Road Superintendent. DRIVE ANl AUSTIN - A Like thousands of others are doing and watch the speedometer step up td 50--60-70 miles per hour, over hills, through traffic, around corners and into parking places, where bigger cars can't look! That Four -Cylinder Valve -in -Head Motor does the trick at a road cost of SLIGHTLY OVER 1 CENT PER MILE, reported by users over a 10;000 mile period! Coil Springs itt front, with double-acting Shock Absorbers, and nice, deep 'lalr(•ride cushion's. Plenty of room biody to accommodate four mammoth adult passengers. THE NEW" AUSTIN FACTORY, SOON TO BE OPERATiNG IN HAMILTON, PUTS AUSTIN$ IN A CLASS BY THEMSELVES! FURTHER PARTICULARS MAY BE HAD AT OUR SHOWROOMS, OPPOSITE BANK OF MON.T- REAL, CLINTON J. Phone 1g4 -i TO CAR OWNERS: We employ a Reliable Mechanic in our Garage at Clinton. If in need of any repair Work, now IS the time to do it, as we have special rates during January. John Bourne is in charge of the Ser vice Department. . i UGILL anCLINTON House 616 34 4`!