The Huron Expositor, 1948-11-26, Page 6. m'IIWQN SIT( B B 2 , 948' rulers to Assist ith Statistical' Survey oY nailre Covering Aspects Of Farm 'xoductlou Going Out This Month. • tiring the last week of Novena- T.60„ ovena Al t,. farmers throughout Canada 110,,til again be receiving the annual acember questionnaire concern- clAt.. live stock, poultry, farm labor r 17d 'aiereages on their own farms. The questionnaire is being sent eitt by the Agricultural Division or the Dominion Bureau of Statistics in; ce-operation with the Provincial Departments of Agriculture. The Tn,swers given by farmers to the questions on the forms will pro- vide the basis for estimating the DO YOUR NERVES PLAY TRICKS ON YOU? If your nerves "jump" at a sudden noise .. . or you feel so edgy and low in spirits that you pick a quarrel without meaning- to . . look out! Per- haps your store of nervous energy may be almost used up ... and your body needs help! That's when you need a good tonic, like Dr. Chase's Nerve Food ... to help build you up so you can get your proper rest at night. That's when you'll really feel the benefit of the. vitamin Bi, iron and other needed minerals this time - tested tonic contains! For Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has been proven in over 50 years of use. And Canadians, by the thou- sands, say they rest better, eat better, feel better—yes, and look better, , too! —after taking Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. So if worry, anxiety or the strenuous pace of modern living is upsetting your nerves—get Dr. Chase's Nerve Food today. The name "Dr. Chace" is your assurance. The large "economy size" is your best buy. 12 number's of live stock and poultry in Canada at December 1, 1948, to- gether with nlarketiugs and farm kill of live stock during the last six months. Estimates of farm labor and acreages seeded and har- vested will also he obtained from the returns received, The success of the survey and the accuracy of the agricultural statistics published by the Bureau and the several provincial Depart- ments of Agriculture depend on the co-operation of farmers in filling out and returning the question- naires. A widespread response from all types of farmers through- out each province is needed in or- der that the statistics can be bas- ed on a sufficiently large number of reports from a representative sample of farms throughout Can- ada. The survey has no connection with taxation. The farmer's indi- vidual form is seen only by work- ers in the Dominion and, Provin- cial agricultural statistical offices and the farmer is protected by law against the wrong use of his re- turn. All individual forms are kept strictly confidential. TOWN WHISPERINGS BY LEE-HEE IN THE REALM OF SPORT Hello, Folks! Remember me? Thank you. Itchy fingers stop grabbin' that pen so hard. That's better . . now dip gently into the ink and start your scrawlin' the latest sport gossip whispered around here and there. Before 'we delve into the com- ing Fall season of sport we would like to -congratulate all softball organizations . . players, etc., on the splendid showing during the past summer. There is little doubt in the minds of all sport fans but that this was Seaforths greatest .summer sport season. Next year it will be better as leagues just formed will have had a season be- hind them and should continue to show more improvement from the experience gained to warrant a better brand• of ball next ,summer. Just one more word, and this is in regard to banquet or banquets re the softball leagues, etc.' We believe it is time the Seaforth Amateur Athletic Association held their regular meeting with their financial report. No doubt the Leg- ion sponsored juvenile league will hold a meeting. A full report of the Intermediates and Girls team should be forthcoming in the near future. We hope to be able to en- lighten the sporting public real soon with a complete report of the summer's activities. . Hockey news is to the fore now and already plans are being laid for the coming winter. The local picture, as far as we have heard, is the fact that at a recent meet- ing of the Seaforth Athletic As- sociation, a committee, composed of Archie Dobson, chairman, W. J. O'Shea, Gus Boussey, Ray Mulford and Ralph McFadden is to hadle the hockey in Seaforth this season. We hope to see the juveniles back again and would also like to see an industrial league organiz- ed. The youngsters are also look- ing forward to the open-air rinks again. Now is the time to start organizing and get prepared. We ,remember of the three rinks last season proposed, one rink was nev- er completed. If all material is ready now and committees put in charge, these rinks should all be ready to go soon after the first snow and real frost. Give all the youngsters a real 'break; prepare the foundations now. M. L. "Tory" Gregg was re-elect- ed President of the W.O.A.A. in Wingham recently. There were 16 WARNIN RE HYDRO ELECTRIC SHORTAGE Necessity has been created for the use of petroleum products for lighting and cooking purposes and you are hereby advised that gasoline (including lighting naphthas) is highly dangerous and should not be exposed to any open flame or spark. Filling operations should not take place inside a building. Every consumer is advised to consult his Fire Insurance Company as to storage limitation. Every dealer is requested to notify every purchaser of the above. RE PORTABLE CONTAINERS Gasoline (including lighting naphthas) may only be sold or delivered to the public in leak -proof metal cans which are identi- fied by at least one of the following methods: (1) (2) (3)4 Must be painted red. A substantial tab affixed containing the term GASO- LINE. A gum label affixed containing the term GASOLINE. Stencil containing the term GASOLINE. Each'pening of the container must -contain a screw or spring top. i GLASS CONTAINERS MUST NOT BE USED Any dealer's license under The Gasoline Handling Act is subject to cancellation if gasoline is dispensed into portable con- tainers which do not conform to the above. D'ORLEAN SILLS, Eire Chief, 'town of Seaforth. • sport centres represented at this• meeting, and not seeing Seaforth's name, it set us wondering why! Seaforth sports should have been there. Why have all the represent- atives from other centres when you are the great sporting town of this district? There was a slip somewhere that shouldn't have been, or is it that you are think- ing of leaving the W.O.A.A. ranks for the hockey season? Reports have it that Exeter may • When .newcomers a.ive in . MoKillop Township they are as- sured of a real practical welcome. That was the experience of Roy Wildfong, who recently purchased a farm on the 13th Con- cession of McKillop, between Walton and Manley. Mr. Wildfong, a veteran of four years, who always had had a desire to farm, was afraid his first year's work would be retarded because he had no plowing done. However, this was soon corrected when the neighbors arrived in force, bringing teams and tractors and turned over 35 acres. Everything was contributed by the neigh- bors, and now Mr. Wildfong is certain to be ready for his spring planting, Above, from the left, are Bill Leeming, Campbell Lane, Ralph McNichol, Glenn McNichol, Tom Storey, Jr., Murray Dennis, Ross Leeming and Elliott- Hackwell. Other neighbors marked out the lands. enter an intermediate team this EARLY.M 0 R N I N G year. It surely would make a great league to have Seaforth, . Clinton, Goderich, Mitchell and Exeter, perhaps the two Airforce .Schools too. A six or seven -team league is about the right size, and FOR LAYING PENS LIGHTS ARE BEST with the rivalry keen it would make for some real good hockey. Badminton is 'now in full swing every Wednesday night. Neil Beattie is the new President, and along with a sound executive, the club should have, one of its best seasons. A number of other towns Pcultrymen who use electric have already organized and there- lights in their. laying pens, are ad - fore inter -town tournaments should vised to use "morning lights only," Better Practise and At Same Time Save Hy- dro, Expert Says. prove popular. •We can't close this column with- out saying a few words about our local S.H.S. rugby football team. We believe the S.H.S. should be rather than evening lights or morning and evening combined. Morning lights conform with good .l•oultry practice, states J. R Cav- ers, Professor of Poultry Husban- congratulated on their fine sports Ct` at the Ontario Agricultural manship and hope they might be practice t the same time, such l t tctice will help Hydro to relieve 'he peak evening load. A recent survey of 55 College Pou:try Departments in the U.S.A. shows the majority in favor of morning lights for layers. For one thing, it takes only a relatively cheap time -switch to turn on the lights in the morning, and the birds go to roost without trouble at dusk, Evening lights, on the other hand, call for some sort of dimmer arrangement which is like- ry to be either costly or a nuis- ance. Some poultrymen prefer a 12 - hour hen day For a start, while 13 hours is the amount most genrr- ally used throughout the late fall and winter; this is counting both artificial and natural light. It would probably mean turning lights on at 5 a.m. now, and at 4 a.m. later in the fall. Experimental evidence points to 14 hours as the maximum light to which flocks will respond in egg production. With the birds out of bed ahead of their owners, care must b's tak- en to have feed and water avail- able in the pen when the lights go on. In the case of cold pens, where water freezes, it is good practice to fill the water pans with snow the night before. Regularity is the secret to suc- cessful lighting of the laying flock. Hit-and-miss lighting may do more harm than good. With power shut- offs in the offing, the poultryman can play safe by sticking to "morn- ing lights only," this fall and winter. able to .organize a good S.H.S. hoekey,, team this season. But whether they do or not, Whisper- ings feels That the local students' activities are al%ays good clean fun and that is as it should be, for "CLEAN SPORT IS GOOD SPORT" Must Watch Early Hatched Pullets The next two months is the moat critical period for maintaining egg production, Many early -hatched pullets drop in production. at his time as a result of loss of body -weight from heavy production in hot weather and from colds, says J. P. Walker, Poultry Department. O.A. College. It is necessary to keep a very close check to see that the birds are consuming a maximum amount of feed and also check on the ventilation, particularly pens using cross -ventilation. A regular daily feeding routine is a "must" as the first indication of a slump is a drop of feed con- sumption follo ved by a drop in production and a neck moult. The daily feed consumption may be increased by the use of artificial light (12-15 hours light daily), or SURGE MILKERS DAIRY MAID Hot Water Heaters J. B. HIGGINS PHONE 138 SEAFORTH Authorized Surge Service Dealer Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Seaforth Exeter Clinton Seaforth Showrooms Open Tuesday See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or Phone 41-J, Exeter. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS: Frank McGregor, Clinton - Pres. Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen, Vice, President. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth, Manager and Secretary -Treasurer. DIRECTORS: Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E, Trewartha, Clinton; Harvey "Fuller, R.R, 2, Goderich; J. H. Mc - Ewing, R.R. 1, Blyth; Frank Mc- Gregor, R.R. 5, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, B.R. 1, Walton; Wm. R Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth; John L. Malone, R.R. 5, Seaforth; . H. ,'Wihitmore, R.R. 3, Seaforth. ^ AGENTS: Finlay McTtercher, R.R. 1, Dub- lin.; E. Pepper, Brucefield; S'.• Til. >Lirtieter, Brodhagen,; George A. Wan, myth. 1 Federation News (By W, V. Roy, Secretary Huron Federation) The Goderich Elevator Commit- tee of the County Federation held their annual meeting in Clinton last Saturday, and the secretary - treasurer reported a balance of $2,047.85 held in trust account. A detailed statement will be given at the annual meeting in Clinton on November 23. The Committee again decided to expend part of this amount in the county, by paying part of the ex- penses of up to 'three Juniors in each township wishing to attend Short Courses at either London or Guelph this coming winter. The motion reads up to 50 per cent of expenses to Guelph Short Courses and 75 per cent of expenses for courses in rural leadership. Ap- plicants may apply through their township secretary at an early date. The annual county meeting will be held in Clinton next Tuesday afternoon in the Town Hall. Spe- cial speaker for the afternoon will be Leonard Harman, of United Co- operatives of Ontario, who will speak on Co-operative Automobile Insurance. The annual banquet will be held the same evening in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, when the special speak- er for the evening will be Ethel Chapman., home editor of the Farmers' Magazine, Toronto. Lad- les. adles; are. invited to attend, and tick- ets are available from township or county secretary. The evening will be rounded out with a concert a,nd feeding a wet mash (this will have to be, continued if•once started), or give the amount of mash they have not been eating in pellet form mixed with the evening scratch grain. A flock of 100 Bar- red Rock pullets laying 60 per cent require approximately fifteen pounds of mash and 14 pounds of grain daily. Be sure that all feed is cleaned up daily as stale feed is not palatable. Do not forget to cull any bird that is out of. Condition. Provided the pullets are free from disease and comfortably housed and fed a balanced ration, there,need be n0 fall eltsmp hs egg int (Notion. • culty and took Part is the Bretton 'Woods . Conference more than three years ago which resulted in. International Agreements known by that name. These agreements have been of great help but are not ex- tensive enough to meet the whole. problem. TheMarshall Plan to as- stist European countries re-estab- lish their production will go far to make more trade .possible., dance for guests only. The Farm Forum County Rally, held in Clinton, was a big sliccess. Seventy-five •forum people, repres- enting farm forums from all over the county, were present and spent an enjoyable andprofitable evening listening to special speak- ers, followed by discussion, musi- cal numbers, films and lunch. The evening was chaired by Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve of Morris Town- ship, with R. McMillan, of .Sea - forth, acting as secretary. The new' agricultural representative, led, a sing -song. by Ottawa observer Nothing is watched so closely by political observers in the nation's. capital as the trends and the pat- tern of Canada's trade, This be - because it is recognized+ that the prosperity of each individ.aul Can- adianis closely related to our trade structure. Our farmers are more directly affected' by the im- post falls no less if 'more slowly, on our urban population. Our pos- ition as the third trading nation is reflected in prosperity and high employment. Important Changes For some time before World War II a triangular pattern Of trade was considered 'normal." This involved much larger exports' than imports with the United Kingdom and correspondingly larg- er imports than exports with the United States. The difference was paid by converting U.K. pounds into dollars to pay our bills in the United States. Now a major shift, away from this traditional pattern, is develop- ing and is being watched closely for its effect on our welfare. Last week's announcement that in Sep- tember aur sales to the U.S. ex- Ceeded our purchases for the first time is a milestone in our develop- ing trade scene, This successful development did' not just happen. It is the direct result of the encouragement given by the Government to industry to increase exports and the restric- tions on imports imposed. a year ago, some of which are still in effect. Trade and Peace A conference to consider the re- lationship between world trade and world peace will be held in New York early next year. It will stir the interest of many observers here who believe that the rela- tionship is a commanding one, The Socialist belief that trade causes war is not supported by history. Based upon the exchange of goods and the international divi- sions of labour, free world trade is the real foundation of peace. This is the major argument in favour of support, in spite of all obstacles, of the Geneva Trade Agreements worked out early this year, One Major.. Difficulty One of the major obstacles to world trade is currency exchange. Our government foresaw this diffi- Income Tax Returns Private Business Farm Reports Bookkeeping records installed: and checked monthly, or as. requested. Roy N. Bentley 36 Regent. St. - GCDERICH Chesterfi e 1 d s and OccasionalCha rs REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Also Auto Seats and Backs, Ver- andah Swinge and Steamer Chairs Repaired. Stratford Upholstering Co., Stratford 'PE"IyidP IG1 1i 579 Il'or further intermatioli. aptly Box's Puri it re Store gAi00 H • A 'Year of Political Events The resignation of Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King as Prime Min- ister of Canada and the swearing in of Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent comes as a spectacular climax to a year of imposing .political ev- ents. New leaders in Canada's major political ,parties., the movement of two provincial premiers to the fed- eral field and arrangements for the entry of a tenth province would be exciting incidents in .any one year. The return of five provin- cial governments—three of thein with added majorities—were addi- tional features. Only the Ontario and Saskatchewan governmental 1 lost strength in the ,provincial elections. 1n our external relations .Can- ada assumed her place in the se- curity council of the . 'United Na- tions with General McNaughton ast our national spokesman. ▪ . MOORE'S . FAST FEATHERING BARRED ROCKS White Leghorn X Barred Rock and New Ramp. X Barred Rock FROM A CANADIAN ACCREDITED HATCHERY 2500 Government Banded" d_Ma d Tested Fast Feathering Barred Rock Breeders We are now booking orders for the 1949 season. Chicks available from January 1st on order at least three weeks in advance of delivery date. WE CAN ALSO SUPPLY YOU WITH FEED, LITTER AND POULTRY SUPPLIES MOORE'S POULTRY FARM Phone •666 r 3 Seaforth, Ontario 1 GUAR AN NTEE TRUST CERTIFICATES ary INTEREST An Attractive Short -Term Legal Investment Principal and Interest Fully Guaranteed ROWN TRUST COMPANY F. R. Hughes, Manager, 284 Dundas St.,. London " HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO Ontario Branches at London, Brantford and Windsor Applications Received Through Your Local Agent or Solicitor By Purchasing Your Needed Machines Now, you can Save Money on steadily increasing markets. We offer the following for immediate delivery: • No. 11 4 -Bar Side Rake • No. 6 Power Take -Off Mower • No. 8 Hay Loader • No. 509 4 -foot One -Way Disc • No. 25 13 -Tooth Stiff Tooth Cultivator 41' No. 11 101/2 -inch Tractor Grinder • No. 12 6 -inch Electric Grinder, 2 H.P. (Special Price) • No. 26 2 -Furrow Plow, 23A Bottoms • 2 Beatty Manure Carrier Outfits with track ' • 1 Used Beatty Electric Washer - • 10' and 12' Used Self-propelled Combines • Also 6 -foot Clipper with Motor • ,..SeaforthMotors MASSE-11ARfIS SALES & SER rVICE Phone 141 • : Seaford" •