The Huron Expositor, 1948-10-01, Page 4FOUR • ti Ms Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: a,A.LE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND. ETC,,...p t woad; 1st week C 2nd . week 3i Cent and week Ifs Cent Minimum charge. first ineertien. , es Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. tairs, In Memoriam Notices, Coaling' Eveute-1 cent per word_ Minimum, qt9 per week. may be. directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 Ceuta extra. eon 'additional will be charged if ads in abode elaaia are not paid within 10 days dite ,o0 final insertion. tMarriagee and Deaths inserted free of chaise. )n Ssles, Notices to Creditors. Eta.—Rates on application. Auction Sales '17CT1ON SALE• -111t!. UNDERSIGNED ' ' l ,o been instructed to sell by Public a'wlttrfo)1 in the Village of Mensal!, on King St,..'en Wednesday, October 13t'u, at L30 a�the following household effects:— boatd; china cabinet: dieing roorn ,labile and 5 chairs; cook stove; wardrobe: ntndio conch; Phile,o electric radio; 2 bed- room suites; several rockers; kitchen taallle several small tables; electric lamps; upholstered chair; odd chairs; foot stools; couch; pillows; paintings; clock ; (=up - board; Perfection coati oil stove; enSques; serving trays; sewing baskets; all sorts of dishes; drapes; set of chesterfield covers: clothes rack ; hall rack ; dish rack ; silver- ware; copper boiler; electric vacuum cleaner ; several suitcases, and other art- icles. MRS. CHARLES JINKS, Proprie- tress; ropriotress; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer, 42/6"2 A UCTION SALE OF THE FURNISH- •ki- inxs and Effects of the lc.e Mrs. Mel- vin McPhee, at her home on Louisa St., Seaforth, on Saturday. October 161h Chesterfield and chair; email tables; hal! tree; oak dining .table: oak buffet and mirror; 6 walnut dining chairs ; radio; lounge; oak library table; floor lamp ; small lamps; kitchen table and ch,•ira ; rocks Quebec range; electric washing machine; cupboard; ash shifter; dishes.: cutlery; pots and pans ; bedding; pillows: antique walnut dresser and bed; oak bed- room suite; iron three-quarter bed; springs ; 4 felt mattresses; 1 spring -filled root—tress: bookcase; 'pictures ; wardrobe; antique dresser; dressing table; oak dress- er and washstand; set of dishes; odd dish- es and glassware; fruit jars; wheelbar- row : garden teas; some carpenter's tools and chest; garden hose; clock; congoleurn rug: vacuum cleaner ; cooking utensils: small rugs ; step ladder : lawn mower ; single cot: cushions; chest; books; rock- er; Nuii'.,ng frame;: toaster; iron; etc.. ex 'terms—C.,sh. HAROLD JACKSON. Auctioneer; E. P. Cue:ne;. Clerk. t'i6•L • Notices WHITEWASHING WITH ROCK LIME and DDT. Call FRED HARBUBN. Phone 44. r 0, Dublin. 4203-tf RADIO REPAIRING— WILL REPAIR all makes of radios. Will Pick uP Mondays and Thursdays at E. H. Closes Barber Shop. GLEN KECHNIE. Blyth. NOTICE TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP COUNCIL will meet on Saturday, October 2nd, 1948, at 7.30 p.m., instead of 2 p.m. E. P. OHESNEY, Olerk. 4216-1 Wanted WANTED—:BOARD IN GOOD R. C. home fur 7 -year-old boy- Apply Box 705, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4.216x1 WANTED TO BUY—ALL OLD HORSES and dead animals. If suitable for mink feed hill pay more than fertilizer prices. If not„ will pay fertilizer prices. If deadphone at once. GILBERT BROS., Goderich. Phone collect: 936 r 21. or 936 r 32, Goderich. 4189-tf CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF REG istered Shorthorn Cat:le, Implements and Grain, to be held at A. T. Milton's farm, on No. 6 Highway, adjoining the Town of Seaforth, on Thursday, October '14th. at 1 p.m., sharp: CATTLE—Levida Prue, 8 years old; Riverdale Jean. 6years old; Roan Lady, 4 years old; Lilac Golden Drop, 2 years old; Rosebud Jean, 3 years old; Eldorado Rosewood, 2 years old - Lilac Wimrde, 2 years old; 1 heifer calf 10 months old: 1 heifer calf 6 months old: 1 heifer calf 4 months old; 1 buil calf months cod; 1 bull. Stra..hlena a,ar. 13 months old; 1 German bull. 10 months ' old; 'Scotland's Remembrance," 3 years old; Grand Champion Regional Shorthorn Show in Stratford in 1947. This bull has sired excellent stock, fully accredited; at present on the farm of Dr. Stapleton, -Sea - forth.. All the above females are bred to this bull; 1 grade heifer 3 years old, due February 1st; 1 2 -year-old steer, 1,000 Pounds. Alt cattle going to T.B. tested areas will be sold subject to test: PIGS -- 1 York sow, bred: 2 York sows with lit- ters 3 weeks old; 6 pigs 8 weeks old: 2 pigs, 100 pounds. HORSES -1 6 -year-old saddle home; 1 4 -year-old wagon horse. IMPLEMENTS—,Massey-Harris tractor No. 81 I ;ike new) ; Massey -Harris 2 -furrow plow %like new) ; spring tooth cultivator; Massey -Harris tractor rmaaure spreader (like new); hay rake; binder; 4 -section harrows: rubber tired wagon; wheelbar- row ; hay rack: quantity cedar shingles some rows of mangers and turnips. No reserve. A. T. MILTON. Proprietor: E. P. Chesney, Clerk; Harold Jackson, Auc- ti 4"16-2 For Sale 1.1-4/.11 SALE—NEW 1ortable sewing 130-h, Seator�h. HOME ELEC'reec machine. PHONE 4216.1 WOR SALE -2 PURE BRED SUFFOLK ram lambs. Apply to GORDON EL- LIOTT, Brumfield_ Pnone 659 r 22. Sea- rorch. 4216-1 TOR SALE -1931 FORD MODEL 'A' Cc:.ch ; A-1 mechanically. M. E- 1 LAttlil':, Stu.fort-4. 4216-1 'TOR SALE—ONE PURE BRED TAM - worth boar, 5 months old- FRANCIS COLEMAN, Jr. Phone 838 r 22. 4216-1 High h hool. (Cottltlued Erode Page I), Three-legged 'Rees. (open). Marg. Stevens :and Jean Ryan, Viwginia McOlincheyand Gladys Ghanaian, Murlel Campbell' and Norma L,eeln- I ing. Bicycle Race (open), Jacqueline+ ,Habkirk, Pat Ileac om, Lorna Ellis. , Intermediate cdris Basketball tbrow, Marie Donnoi:ly n Wiifred Riley and Dorothy, Dodds, speed 39 r.p.m.; 2nd, Betty Langford, Joyce Glanville . and Jacqueline liabkirkl; 3rd; Hannah PeePPfrr, Muriel Campbell, Yvonne Bolton; softball throw, Lola Huisser, 139' 7" Phyllis Boyes, Frances Lane; softball 'throw, accuracy; Joyce Glanville, 5 out of 5, Phyllis Boyles, Lola Huisser; atanding broad jump, Ruth Keyes, 9" Dorothy! Dodds, Jacqueline Habkirk; Tula fling broad juni'p, Ruth Keyes, Phyllis Boyes, Bernice Dining; 50 Bet- tyyard dash, Ruth Keyes, 7 sec. Langford, Eleanor McCartney. Senior Girls — Basketball for speed, Norma Leeming. Ann De La Franier, Mae Clarke, 33 r.p.m., 2nd, Mabel Campbell, Eleanor El- gie and Bessie Stevens; 3rd, Mary Boswell, Lois Richardson, Barbara Russell; softball, for distance, Mabel Campbell, 111' 6", Mae Clarke, Norma Leeming; softball, for accuracy, Lois Richardson, Mae Clarke, Norma Leeming; standing broad jump, Ann De La Franier, Norma Leeming, Barbara Russell; running broad jump, Nor- ma Leeming, 11' 5", Ann De La Franier, Sue Nixon; high jump. Sue Nixon, Mabel Campbell, Ann De La Franier; 75 yard dash, Ann De La Franier, 10% sec., Bessie Stevens, Barbara Russell. r OR SALE—MAXWELL GAS WASH- er. enamelled tub, two 'years old. Ap- tly WILLIAM ROGERSON, R.R. 3, Sea- :or.h. Phone 613 r 31, Clinton. 4216x1 Ij'OR SALE—SEVEN SPRING CALVES, Durham: 250 pullets. Ramp X Rock, 5 months old. Phone 841 r 5, Seaforth. C. V. DALE, Clinton 4216x1 VOR SALE --CHILD'S SNOW' SUIT, ' will fit 1 or 2 -year-old; perfect con- dition. PHONE 115, Seaforth. �... 4215-1 POR SALE—ONE LOT ON QUEEN ST. + in.'Hensadl„ Ont. For further infer- ! matron apply to MRS. FLOSSIE BROCK, 1 Hensall. Box 32. 4216x2 �j OR $Aldi -2 WffiTE SHEEPSKIN rugs. PHONE 48, Seaforth. 4216-1 FOR SALE— SIMMONS SINGLE BED with spring and mattress • 1 "Deep Sleep" mattress, 27" x 56”, -both in good ccndrtion. Apply to MISS HAZEL ..RELD. Phone 121, Seaforth. 4216-1. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements, at Lot '14, Con. 2, McKillop, 2r_ miles east and mile north of Seaforth, on Wednesday, October Lath, at 12 p.m. sharp: HORSES —1 gelding dark bay, 4 years old, 1500 lbs.; 1 hay mare, 12 years : 1 511y sacking colt. CATTLE -Grey cow 7 years old. doe Jan. 5th; 1 Registered Durham cow with calf at foot, fresh 3 weeks; 2 Dur- ham cows due Dec. 20th; 2 cows 5 years old, fresh 3 weeks; 1 Durham cow 4 years due Jan: 20th ; Hereford cow 5 years old. fresh 6 weeks: 4 Hereford and Durham cows, due from 10th to 20th of February; 2 Hereford cows due first part of March; Registered Durham bull 3 years old. from Dr. Stapleton's herd; 3 Durham steers 2 years ctd ; 5 Durban steers 11/,, ye;.ra old; 3 vaccinated heifers 11/4 years old; 1 pure bred vaccinatedDurham heifer 10 months old; 7 spring calves ; 6 winter 'calves; 3 summer calves; 1 calf 3 weeks old. An cattle going into T.B. tested areas wiT.l be sold subject to test PIGS -2 York sows; 14 pigs weaned 2 weeks • 8 pigs, 175 116. IMPLEMENTS-Wiilys Univemah Jeep, 1946 -model ; 1 new Fleury Bissel 2 -fur- row tractor plow (never used); tractor cultivator disc harrow; Fleury Bisset trac- toP disc (new): .McCormick bay loader: home rake; McCormick -Deering No. 4 manure sp,aader ; 2 robber tired wagons; paint sprayer (new) ; 6 -foot mower; har- row cart : 5 -section harrows: 4 -section harrows; 2 -section harrows ; 2 -farrow horse plow ; hay rack: farm scales; fan- ning mill; root pulper; Fleury Kissel culti- packer; McCormick -Deering cream separ- ator with power drive; r/„ MP. Iron Horse gas engine: 2 -wheel trailer (16x600) with rack; bag truck; stodeboat- electric fenc- er; 8 range shelters; number sacks; pig crate+ ; forks, shovels, rubber tire wheel- barrow, chains, numerous other articles. HARNESS --Set brass -mounted breeching, harness ; G horse collars. HAY—.20 tons red clover hay; 14 torts timothy hay. GRAIN -100 bushels Ajax oats; 175 bush- els Beacon oats, grown tram certified seed; 1.800 .bushels of mixed grain- Terms -Cash. JOSEPH A. ].ANE, Proprietor Harold Jacikon, Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. 4216-2 Personals YOUR CAR WILL. LOOK SHiNY NEW, if you use "Memoir. Just rub it on —and wipe it off. 16 oz. tin 60c; 36 oz. tin $1.00. At DUNLOP'S GARAGE. FOR SALE—SET OF BOOK OF KNOW- ledge- used very little. Cost 198.00: w&1 sell for 63.5.00. H. Ti DAM•M, Kip - pen, 4216a1 pole SALE -100 PULLETS, HYBRIDS. New Hampshire and Rock Apply to JAMES BARRY. Phone 668 c 15, Ses- forth: 4216x1 FOR SALE -12 PIGS, 9 WEEKS OLD: 9 niter. 6 weeks old. Apply JOHN AITCHESON. R.R. 4. Walton. Phone 834 r 5, Seaforth. 4216-1 'j OR SALE — 8 -ROOMED CEMENT block house and tile business. on East William St.. Seaforth. For further psr- •ticular apply to W. T. CORNISH. 47 Milton St, Stratford- 42153 MARY. J. SMITH'S NURSING HOME. Mitchell, for convalescents, invalids and elderly people. PHONE 69, Mitchell. 4215-4 "TARNOFF" GIVES YOUR CAR THE brand now look, No washing, no Polishing—just dry clean by robbing "TARNOFF" on, and .wiping off. 16 -oz - tin 60c; 3s -oz. tin $1.00. At DUNLOP'S GARAGE. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R 17'31 B E Goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price 'list 6 samples 252; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T43, NOVA RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. WEAK. TIRED, PEPLESS MEN, WO - non. try Oetrex Tonic Tablets for new vim vigor and pep that lasts from early morning to Pate at night. Con!tains- iron, vitamin BI, cal'cinm. New "tot Imit a%iuteeif' size ONLY 60e. All bog - gists. Lost and round ESTUAY--aelleitYlett ONTO ` LOT 16, Ctixl. 3, 1Lil'.,5:, Iecke21mlfb a'iolln'x Celire, hndstbg black, tt%•hite •nod iia'wn. ty4aiter ma* Terve 8a1»d be rowing' p4Upet'- ty:; dimly 11A.IdItle 1161.14 60,.. iG1t. 2",,.•S¢li- let- i Rhone4t4O t"'"St. 4t�a'tl-1. 'OR SALE—DRY HARD AND SOFT wood slabs: also 12 -inch dry hard- wood. Delivered. JAMES STEVENSON. Box 116, Brussels. Phene 51 r 17 or 16 X2. 4214-4 pox SALE—PURE BRED COCKER Spaniels : choice red and white or black Re'ristra'-ion supplied if desired. PHONE 191-W, Clinton, after 5 p.m. 4214-3 Notice To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS Blanche Zapfe, all, of' I,�olydotl, anent , the week erid at f1eeir ']~owes here. Mr, and . Mro, Fred Beyuee and Children leave peen' 'v1;sitipg with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Boyce and family. at Sault Ste. Marie. Miss Eva Staclrbou$e has return- ed from Glencoe where she, visited Mr. and Mrs.: S. lieil and family. Missra. Eyre, °unto; i. s a weigo viaitar with her ;parents, Mr. - s LrakI e. r, Eyndo 'vvasae n P k r La , air, , , week -end guest with Mr: and Mrs. A. Paterson, The many friends of Mr W. El- liott and Mr. William Berry will be sorry to learn they are in very poor health. . Messrs. Cam Henry and George Mustard left thie week to resume their studies at University of Western Ontario, . Loudon. Rally day services' wero . observ- ed in the United .CheIreh S}liliday with Rev. Stanway in charge- Mem-bers of the Sunday School, with their teachers, occupied the centre seats in the church. Marion. Hill told the story of "The Llama and the Silver Bird" in a very inter- esting manner. Scripture readings were ably taken by Robert Mus- tard and John Moffatt. Mr. Stan- way spoke on the theme, "Go and Teach A11 Nations" There was a large attendance at the service. CONSTANCE Anniversary services of Con- stance United Church on Sunday last were conducted by Rev. Hew- itt, of Constance. The subject in the morning was "Worship." The Blyth male quartette provided spe- cial music and also assisted the choir in song. The evening sub- ject was "The Kingdom of God," and the Blyth quartette again ren- dered two numbers while the choir also sang two numbers. The ser- vices were not as fully attended as in other years. but were profit- able to those who did attend. The dry weather, which has con- tinued so long, has brought serious conditions to farmers, both in pas- ture and water supply for stock. Mr. Borden Brown is at present building a new warehouse on the Hugill site, which will• be a great help to his business. Mr. Chas. Dexter, who was in- jured in a fall while picking ap- ples, is at present in Scott Mem- orial Hospital suffering from a broken hip. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson left Monday on a trip to Saskat- chewan. In the Estate of LETITIA McPHEE A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Letitia McPhee, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. Widow. deceased, who died on the 2nd day of September. 1948, are hereby notified to send in full Par- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 8th day of October, 1948 alter which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 14th day of September, 1948. M,CONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 4214-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN ABELL A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of John Abell, late of the '/;own of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. who died on the 19th day of August. 1948, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims' to the undersigned on or be- fore the 8th day of October, 1948, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then receiv- ed- DA 181) at Seaforth, this 14th day of September, 1948. MdCONNELL & HAYS. Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. 4214-3 Births MATHESON—In salt Memorial Hospital, oot�o Sept 26, to Mr, and Mrs. Austin IISatheson, Seaforth, a daughter. PmILLIPS—In Scott Memorial Hospital, On Sept27, to Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Phillips, Seaforth, a son. FINK -4152 and Mrs. Ed. Fink, Hensall, are pleased to announce the arrival of their son, Bryan James, at the Stephan Naming Home. Henault, Sunday, Scat 26, 1948. A brother for Bily. Deaths onEsSWELL—In Pasadena., California, on Sept 22, Ralph E. Cftstwell. • There are about 140,000 retail 'etorea in iClaaetda, about one hard J dt twfl4' (b'' HENSALL Splendid anniversary services were observed in Chiselhurst Unit- ed Church Sunday with large con- gregations at both services. Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, of Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, was guest speaker, and Miss Greta Lammie. A.T.C.M., violinist, of Hensall, ren- dered selections at both services. The choir was also assisted by members from Hensall United Church choir. The church was beautifully decorated with autumn flowers. Mr. G. T. Wren was choir director, and Benson Stoneman. pianist. Anthems rendered by the choir were "Guide Me, Dear Sate sous," "Stand Up For Jesus" "Teach Me. I Pray Thee," and "City of Gold." Successful rally day services were observed in Carmel Presby- terian Church Sunday' morning when members of the Sabbath School convened with the congre- gation at 11 a.m. The minister, Rev. P. A. Ferguson, was assisted by the superintendent. Mr. George Tinney, and members of the Sab- bath School. The infant daughters of Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Schwalm. and Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, and infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, received the rites of bap- tism. Mrs. Charles Forrest was at the organ console. The autumn thankoffering ser- vice. of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church was held Sunday morning. the guest speaker being Rev. W. J. Woolfrey. of Ontario Street United Churce. Clinton. Soloists in the anthem rendered by the choir were Miss Gladys Luker and Miss Phyllis VARNA Dr. Mrs. Reid and daughter, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. M. Reid, who is in Clinton Hospital. Mrs. H. McClinchey, Bayfield, is visiting her cousin. Mrs. William Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lathem' and family, London, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. L. Beatty. Several of the members of St. John's Anglican Church attended Harvest Thanksgiving services at St. James', Middleton, Sunday. We are pleased to report that George H. Beatty has sufficiently recovered from his recent illness to be able to be out again. On Thursday afternoon of last week the ladies of the community gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid in honor of their only daughter, Mary, bride -elect and presented her with a miscel- laneous shower. During the after- noon the trousseau and gifts were displayed. after which refresh- ments were served. On Tuesday evening thirteen of her girl friends presented her with an electric lamp at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Chuter. Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held in St. James' Anglican Church on Sunday, Oct. 3, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. L. Morgan will be in charge of the morning service and Flt: Lieut. T. D. Jones, R.C.A.F., R. & C., Clinton, in the evening. BRUCE}MELD Mr. and Mrs. Aldie Mustard are on a trip to Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morrison vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Boyes are vis- iting friends in Hamilton. Misses Marion Paterson, Amy Aikenhead, Betty Woolley and Case, Rev. R. ,•, Bret* Was gh;.est. speaker at anniversary services'illi Ontario Street United G#luraix, (11:n. ten, on Sunday, Sept, 24, Mrs, Al, Pearson, 'reroute, was a, Week -end guest. ^itb her %ether, Mrs Annie SaunderCeelt;• Complimenting Mrs. Victor Stan,, 'London, (Tree Lama Sangster)` a recent bride, a plreeenliatieti was held for her at ,the home of her mother, Mrs, r Sangster, loosen, Friday evening, and Convened by the Misses Dorothy+ McNalegMon, Eleanor Venteer and Flame Oarlile. Some fifty relatives, Meade and neighbors presented her with a mis- cellaneous shower, the gifts being arranged in. a lovely decorated -bas- ket,ot pink and white, and present- ed to the guest of honor by Miss Audrey . Walsh and Miss Orion Stephan. Miss M. Ellis favored with a. reading, and contests were in charge of Miss Dorothy Mc- Naughton. Refreshments were served. Following is the address: Dear Laura: We, your many friends and neighbors, have gath- ered here tonight to honor you on your recent marriage. We• are hap- py to know that the friendships you have formed here may stili be continued. London is a short dis- tance, and no doubt, yott will share in some of our activities as you have,done in the past. We want to show our esteem and good fellow- ship for you by asking you to ac- cept these gifts with our very best wishes for a long and happy wed- ded life.—Signed on behalf of your Friends and Neighbors. The monthly meeting of the Arn- old Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held Monday evening, Sept. 27, at the home of Miss Yean McQueen. The president, Mrs. Glenn Bell, presided. Following the opening hymn. the Scripture les- son, Matthew, 20th chapter, was read by Mrs. A. W. Kerslake. Mrs. A. Hildebrandt led in prayer. The next meeting will be in the form of a supper meeting and will be the annual fall thankoffering, to be held in the church, and a guest speaker will be present. At the conclusion of the business period Mrs. P. A. Ferguson presented the highlights of their trip through the Maritimes on their vacation in August. This feature was very TEESWATER . FAIR OCTOBER 5th and 6th Outstanding Light and Heavy Horse Shows Regional Hereford, Holstein and Yorkshire Shows FEEDER CATTLE EXHIBIT Junior ChM Division BLYTH BOYS' & GIRLS' BAND WALKERTON GIRLS' BUGLE BAND Harness Races, Running Races, Road Races, Musical Chairs on Horseback, Decorated Bicycles, Chicken Fly Contest JOAN ROSS, Babe and Lee Fair- child in an exciting half-hour of Trick and Fancy Riding! Admission: Adults .35. Children .15 GORDON MELVIN, -MELVIN ROM/:, Pres Sec. Dancing Stratford Casino Ballroom Every Wednesday, Saturday and Holidays. Change of Bands each Night Every Wed. Night: LIONEL THORNTON AND THE CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA Ontario's Beauty Spot Admission 50c Closing Dance of the Season Saturday, Oct. 16th Seed Growers! HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR Red Clover Timothy im Alfalfa For information 'regarding prices, bags and picking up, call H. CONNELL, at 44M, SEAFORTH or our plant at Crediton, telephone 3W. Zwicker Seed Co. Limited ttii4'vlrhiehs—t1s'G largest gingie grolipt Tom; oN are feed stares, a111.0111111.0.11111110.1.1111111.110.01.001010.0.110111/ Inaelt enloyed :bar 41' and a real treat, PlatAtim anti eouvenire that Mr, and Mril'ergueoa gathered oaf their ,trip were also e>a eyed. Re- freshnsents were served, Died in Alberta There passed away at High Riv- er,'. Alta., en Monday?, Sept, 27, Isttac Jackson, son: of .tike late Mr. and Mrs. J. Jackeon, :fornerly of dlensall, in his 73rd Year. Mr. Jack: .r solo; had been in failing health fel some time and death was attribut- e d to a heart attack, Born Weauu- ty Wicklow, Ireland, he chine to Canada with his parents in a sail- boat when he was quite young, He is survived by his wife, Mabel; three sans, Watson, Phillip and Glenn (one son, George, ipassed away when he was serving with the Black Watch) ; two daughters, Violet, Mrs. harry Baines, and Mabel, Mrs. Alfred Baines; also two brothers, J. Jackson and Rabt, Jackson, Hensall, and three sis- ters, Mrs. Wm. Smith, Detroit; Mrs. Wesley Coleman, Hay, and Mrs. F. Brierly, Hensall. Funeral arrangements have not as yet been made. Mrs. James Stewart, of London, formerly of Egmondville, visited with Mrs. John Bolton last week. ?eeer r ilic teut dcd "Insurance takes the "if" out of life." Confederation Life Association Hensall . - Phone 55 For Immediate Delivery The smartest car in the low price class. The English Ford `Anglia' The English Ford Half Ton Van Daly Motors Ford Monarch Dealer TELEPHONE 102 SEAFORTH Um, j hn; Outran attended the wedding . i'e(aeptlan at I o ti' tle lw?ul. Lon on, Saturday hart PI it4EI Litldenfteidr�rilrno `+t nu'pUals The Iiensall ( hllks, tinder copies+ vision Of their leader, Mr. Sander- son, will make a ilouse^to-house canvass, Chia Saturday, Oct a..ai►d will Collect papers, magazines, etc, Please have your bundles tied and planed in front of your homes. Mr, and Mrs. Robert ert MCLsren, >a Mise Violet Hyde and, Miss Cassle Dougall were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McLaren's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dorland Evans, and grand- son, Robert Jr., a+t Kitchener',\' - The Hensall Branch of the Cana- dian Legion are holding a bingo and dance in the Town Hall FridaSr evening, Oct. 8. Further—particu- lars will be given later. Moe Bal: T;!Pr ,'. 1,1 ►Ihe;i',t 04140,0* 0nent the • Weep -e0: vrl . 1rez pang .. , P, as p ier oe' onto, Mn`. a;,r*Ara, '9� �' 'clot ^e, A;. ”ounce, ,Tettpl a, i 0nel l;.,. a� ,eX afleenl, ae recur ed•Ito1 ''. 04er epeoding a. vneetlan wit11 tier another, 1VIr ' Peerge. IX*10.o4„' Masi •vagus , Watch hes xvo;tet*, apartt leatS IA: the retty Riegle a14dr.,e eXPeete to anove:Ili, . S Week 'where, elle will etentillne to operator herbe Y ut , sh . a op reit Ab' Mz•m, F. McAonnell, X?et , is house guest With Mrs. UMW* Simpson• Idle stitti Mr. and Mrs. E. d. (`ia Mr. A: D. Carlile have rettierliti tea Detroit following: a 'lett 'Wit thm. forx ier'e 'sister, Mrs, Jalkeole Wale- ker. Additional- Hensall News on .Page. 6 i Jims Machine Slop Repairing a Specialty ACETYLENE & ELECTRIC WELDING Hensall, Ont. I wish to advise my customers I have discontinued the agency of farm machinery parts, but have on hand an unlimited supply of same. If you are in doubt as to whether you can still get repairs for that old machine, come in and see us. We have parts From when the cradle was discarded to our present day. I in- tend to carry a full line of plow shares, and from the present stook we have picked out upwards of 500 shales fer the older snakes' of plows. If you wish to renew the plow Grandpa used, come in and pick out your point for 25 cents, before they go to their dna] resting place. My reason for making this change in the business simply and sincerely is this: With the little bit of knowledge I have been able to grasp in the past 24 years in this stand, the present demand is to fix this. Nearly everyone has something to 'sell if you are willing to buy, and your headaches never begin until it needs repairing. If you write in for repairs, chances are it is put on back order and you may receive it six months from now, which isn't too'helpful when the demand calls at once. So with this thought in mind, I feel I can be of more service to you by simply running a repair shop and doing the various jobs we have done in the past. To my lawn mower customers, we could give you a little better service if it were convenient to bring them in during the winter. This applies naturally to those who always bring them first thing in the spring. We sell a mower the customer tells us is the best yet,. This mower is ground and properly adjusted before it leaves our shop, and guaranteed to work.' If you are not satisfied, we're not. The puiper season is nearing and if you are troubled Where you can get knives, we make knives for 'nearly every kindof puiper, and have a large assortment of patterns. I€ you're not knife; we a make off sure of the make, bringin an old can a 'set a if. If your washing machine has chronic troubles, we've 'hada wonderful service from a Company who carries, parts for prac- tically all makes, and when not available we've been known to make parts. for them. We carry a good supply of various steels at all times and have the hsaurance from one- of the'Iargertt distributing 'planta-ia Toronto and Montreal for as prompt service as possible if we are in need of same. Bronze bar stock for bushings, babbit, set screws, cap screws, various S.A.E. threads, cultivator bolts. plow bolts ofall kinds, Allen hex hollow screws and wrenches, Ale>fhite grease fittings, and etc. We have it. 1°m not a eure-all, but if you are able to take my treatment, my desire is to help you with the formula I've used for the past 20 years, and in turning back the pages I sincerely wish to thank you one and all for your good-wilL JAMES BENGOUGH, Proprietor Hensall, Ont. . • Seaforth Merchants Are Helping to Save YDRQ By Closing Earlier Closing hours effective Monday, October '6, until further notice. Monday through Friday (except Wednesday) 5' p.m. Wednesday -- 12.30 noon — Saturday -- 9 p.m. • PLEASE CO-OPERATE AND DO NOT ASK SEAFORTH MERCHANTS TO SERVE YOU, LATER THAN THE HOURS INDICATED ! WE'RE HELPING — WON'T YOU HELP TOO AND PLAN TO SHOP EARLY IN THE. DAY? `Save Hydro - at Home - in the Store In the Factory MERCHANTS' COMMITTEE: SEAFORTH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE It a A 4 • 4 •1 , 1 • 7 v % P