The Huron Expositor, 1948-08-27, Page 8MON kg,; 04$UALF T rAN1 E col cyo, AN"O SSS .r NP W'INDSTQRM Ong extt;i2ig Cornpaniee Who uxily #k#, Selletea, WI'S FOR ONTARIO , MAN'S • M i'3 INSURANCE kTerhiation gladly given. TSQN & REID lilE.Ii[1 - Proprietor f'a're & Real Estate :GNE Z14 SEAFORTH 00000'OOOIG? O BOX O runcerat ifotrbite AMBULANCE 0 ,, , reltA$t and careful attention. O 40 ;-,Roapitai Bed 0 WE'RS FOR ALI, O °"'OCCASIONS 0 Office Residence 0 ,0 43 18 O ' O 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0000000C,�O0a 0 G. A. WHITNEY o '0 Successor to O 0 HOLMES & WHITNEY 0 0 Main Street - Seaforth 0 •0 AMBULANCE SERVICE O 4. Adjustable hospital bed for 0 •'0 rent. O .0 Agent for Mitchell Nursery 0 0. Flowers. 0 .0 Telephone 119 O 0 Nights and Holidays 65 O 00 0000000000E .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O J. A. BURK.E O Funeral Director O and Ambulance Service O DUBLIN - ONT. 0 Night or Day Calls: O Phone 43 r 10 0 O 0 0 10 10 0 O +0 00000000000 000000000x0 0 W. J. CLEARY a 0 Seaforth, Ont. O .0 LICENSED EMBALMER O 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls -335 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rE TOWN Annotlneerrrerct, Mr and Mrs Albert Harriette, McKillop, .an Bounce the engagement of their only daughter, 'Lois Ferne, Reg.N„ to William Audrey,. Hodgert, son of Mrs. blodgert arid the late Thos Hodgert, Tuckerswith, the wedding to take place Sept. 11, 1948. Arthouncemeht,—The engagement is announced of Edna Kathleen (aunty) Holmes., daughter of Mrs. Charles Vernon Holmes and the late Charles Holmes, to Mr. Ken- neth Dale Jenner, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Jenner, of Windsor. The marriage will take place Fri- day, -September 4, at 3 p.m., in St. Olave's Anglican Church, Toronto. eye Funeral of the Late John Abell. —The funeral of John Abell was held on Saturday afternoon from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Chapel. Among those attending were Mrs. Thomas Lydiatt, Mrs. Gertrude Moore and Mr. Reg. Abell, of To- ronto; Mrs. Swan, Clinton, and Mr. Henry Abell, of London. Rev. Hugh Jack officiated, and the pall- bearers were J. A. Case, Walker Hart, D. L. Reid, Dan Dupee, Rus- sell Holmes and Charles Hagan. interment was in. Maitlandbank cemetery. TAXI SERVICE ALL PASSENGERS INSURED Phone 162 — Seaforth CECIL J. LEMON NOTICE ! Salvage WANTED Iron and All Kinds of Metal, Rags Highest Cash Prices paid LOUIS HILDEBRAND WE WILL PICK UP D. H.' McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction Commercial Hotel Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. CLEVE CARTER'S ?'AXI • COURTEOUS SERVICE • • PASSENGERS INSURED Phones: DAYS 182 NIGHTS 3x46 -R WHEAT BARLEY FERTILIZER 1 Am BUYING GRAIN FOR GEO. THOMPSON, Hensall Call for, quotation. I have bags on hand and will do my utmost to give you service. It Is now time to order your FALL FERTILIZER Have it delivered any time. Pay October 1. WM. M. SPROAT PHONE 655 r 2 TAXI Passengers Insured Phone 128 - Seaforth • Ar. '1N0 0 11: Northside United Church. -10.00 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Wor- ship Service conducted by Mr. Ernest Clarke, Student for the Min- istry. No evening service. Wel- come to this worship service. Anglican.- Sunday, August 29: St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth: 11 a.m.. Morning Prayer. No evening service. St. Mary's, Dublin. -9.30 a.m., Morning Prayer.—The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A., at all ser- vices. First Presbyterian Church.—Rev. Hugh Jack will be in charge of the services at 11 a.m. and 7 pan. There will be a baptismal service at the morning service. ar 0 il%TX,enioYed and ePPreeiatefl, the duet ging 40 sweetly by Toraleee,S. and ,Marie 401t). anct eeeulapanied on the piano try' their Mother, Ibbs. Smith, on behalf of the Aux- i'lary, thanked Mrs. Jacek for her most interesting and helpful talk. • rte- First Presbyterian W.M.S, Meets, —Mrs. Hugh Jack was the speak- er peaker at the August meeting of the W. M. S. in First Presbyterian Church Tuesday. Mrs. •Rubt. •Eber- hart, the president, opened the meeting by reading a poem, "The Touch of Christ Today." Mrs. J, C. Greig, acting secretary for Miss Ballantyne, read the minutes of the June meeting. Mrs. T. Swan Smith, treasurer, read her report. Mrs. Eberhart announced the Presbyter- ial meeting in Exete.: on Tuesday, Sept. 14, and hoped all members who could go would be able to find transportation. Mire. McLaren, who was iu charge of the program, op- ened the devotional service with silent prayer, followed by. a beau- tifully thought out Bible study by Mrs. 0. Brodie on James 1:22, and a prayer by Mrs. Wm. Drover. Then came Mrs. Jack's address, who • in ber bright and inimitable manner, brought a vivid picture of Sydney, in Cape Breton Island, as she had found it in the four years she had lived there. She said there were two lessons she had learned, first, not to judge by first impres- sions, and second, that consistent living was needed in the world to- day. She told of work in churches in different sections of the city, one of which was in a very poor section, where the people came from different parts of the world, many who had never heard the story of Jesus, but when they knew it they were free to chose the Christian Church in which they wanted to worship. Mrs. Eberhart thanked Mrs. Jack for her stimu- lating address, and the meeting closed with the Lord's' Prayer in unison. Former Resident Dies in Winni- peg.—A despatch from a Winnipeg paper makes the following refer- ence to the death of a former well know -resident of Seaforth. Mr. Cheswright was a son of the late R. C. Cheswright, for a number of years on the staff of the Seaforth Collegiate, and received his. early schooling in this town: "In the death of Fred D. Cheswright. 60, Manitoba loses a pioneer prospec- tor, who came to Rice Lake (San Antonio area) in 1912 from Porcu- pine and Cobalt, Ont., where he began prospecting in 1909. He was the son of the late Richard C. Cheswright and Mrs,. Cheswright,. of Caledonia, Ont. The senior Mr. Cheswright was au early superin- tendent of playgrounds in Winni- peg. and was affectionately known as "Chess" by thousands of Winni- peg children. Asn prospector Fred Cheswright was widely known in most mining camps of Ontario and Manitoba. His work took him to many camps where important dis- coveries were indicated. One of his last discoveries was the Last Hope Lake group of gold claims 20 miles south of the Lynn Lake nickel area of Manitoba. This group is con- trolled by Sherritt Gordon Mines. Mr. Cheswright discovered first gold on the Onandaga claim in the Long Lake section of the Rice Lake area, which now forms part of Manitoba's newest gold produce:, Ogama-Rockland Gold Mines. Ac- companying Mr. Cheswright to Manitoba from the Porcupine area in 1912 were Thomas Hare and Fred S. Galer. Their first work in this province was to sink a shaft more than 100 feet using hand steel on Hare's Island in Rice Lake less than 1,000 feet from the San Antonio mill. Mr. Cheswright is survived b'y a brother-in-law, Gus Olsen, of New York City; Mrs. A. B. Shantz, Toronto, and Mrs. J. E. Stone. Ogden, Utah. Funeral was held at Brookside Cemetery. Pall- bearers were Richard Cox, Duncan McCorquodale, James Wrathall, Oliver Johnston, Duncan McLeod and J. J. Papineau." LOCAL BRIEFS • Mrs. McMillan and son, Sandy, are holidaying at Bright's Grove. • Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. McLean and daughter, Susan, have return- ed from holidaying at Kingston. • Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Harrison, of McKillop, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Harrison in Brant - ford, • ,Mr, and Mrs, 0. 0, McKenzie, Of Fiylrt Mr. and Mre, .L !L.. McKenzie, of Gvehrane,,:• and Mrs, W, Falientere, a> : etfe/,', were vlsi,to><•s a the b,ome af.;i r,.Rehert Soarlett tide. week, • Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Gibson White and • family, Mrs" Margaret Wright and Miss M. White spent a day la.at week with Mre. White"s sis- ter, Miss Ceuie1 shank, at her Get- tage at Point Clark. • Mrs. C. W. Colelougll and Sandra; of Niagara Falls, have re- turned home after visiting 'her.par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. A, Storey. Layton Colclough also returned with them after' spending his va- cation here: HOUSE for SALE New Story alld a Half Residence, situated on North Main Street This residence will be ready for occupancy with the next month. Two bedrooms and set-in bath upstairs; living room, din- ing ining room, kitchen downstairs; Heatalator fireplace. Plenty of closet and cupboard space. Full-size basement; furnace; insulated throughout, Large picture window. Can be financ- ed through Central Mortgage and Housing, FOR.FURTHER PARTICULARS, SEE SEAFORTH SUPPLY & FUEL, LTD. LADIES: READ THIS ! Unwanted 'hair removed instantly .from face, arms, legs with Flash Hair Remover: Harmless — leaves skin soft and smooth. You can't lose. Money promptly refunded if hair grows back after third application with no questions asked. Complete freat- ment 32 postpaid. (C.O.,D.'s — Postage extra). KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 409) Box 22, Station B, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE Frame House, situated on James St., Seaforth; three- piece bathroom. Well located to church and school. Cottage, situated on Ord St.. with garage. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Broker SEAFORTH - ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meets.—The August meeting of the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary was held on Tuesday evening. The members of the Auxiliary, with the Jack family as guests, enjoyed a pot -luck supper and a social time on the Manse grounds at 6.30. The meeting was held in the school room at eight o'clock. The opening part and business was conducted by the president, Mrs. J. E. Daley. The "Elder" group, with Mrs. H. E. Smith as convener, prepared the program. Mrs. F. W. Wigg read the Scripture lesson and, Mrs. L. Hemberger gave the Glad Tidings Prayer. Ari interesting paper on the Mission Field of Formosa, deal- ing especially with the pioneer missionary, Dr. Geo. Leslie Mac- kay, was prepared by Mrs. John Sclater and read by the president. It was a great pleasure for the auxiliary to have Mrs. Jack, now of Sydney, N.S., as their guest speaker. Mrs. Jack, in her special- ly interesting way, told of their home in Sydney, Nova Scotia, the country with its scenic beauty, and the people with their customs and differences from those in our On- tario. She also told about their church and the organizations con- nected with it.. When Mrs. Sack spoke about three Sunday Schools, three praerer meetings, a vacation Bible School for children and num. erous other activities, one could think of Mr. and Mrs. Jack having almost supernatural strength, as well as ability, to cope with the work. It he always a Joy to hear Mrs. Jack, with such a sense of humour give the personal touches' tr her talk, but she Hever forgets to bring to her audience, with all her fervor and ea.rnestiiess, the spiritual side of life Whichever cohtes :deet in her Mind,. 7'Ize Alto - e GAS STATION ATTENDANT EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY --- APPLY Teall's Supertest Station SEAFORTH - PHONE 141 • Lakeview CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING NIGHTLY NEIL McKAY and his RADIO AND RECORDING ORCHESTRA Vocals by Monica Turner Are you RUPTURED? Enjoy an • active life with the SPORTSMAN TRUSS # Unbelievable Comfort 1-0• 5 0 and Guaranteed Not To slip I Or Money Refunded. Single Style Double Style - 11.5S • Steel truss wearers ... Now it Is possible to get maximum retention with real comfort. The Sportsman has no steel bands or metal parts to gouge or pinch. There is nothing to bind. Every part Is flexible. Yes, and it CAN'T SUPI Why? Because the inner pad remains fixed in its position, while the soft, pliable truss moves with the body. The Sportsman provides maximum reten- tion for all reducible Inguinal hernias and won't slip under stren- uous activity, active sports and everyday stretching and bending - Consider these essential features • Scientifically Designed • Real Comfort Without Friction for Self -Fitting • It Is Unconditionally • Maximum Protection Guaranteed No Personal Fitting Take Nome—Put On and Boy Over Counter forget Your Ruptures KEATING'S PHARMACY The E,exall Store PHONE 28 SEAFORTH, ONT. • r13� k`, , g`@ ur!et" tQ town •atird'ay even a ker sPeud ind' t a set writ, resat#vee at eek, Sash„• • to and Mrs, 1)aweon Reid and dlaughtek;, Shaxgn, of Guelph; are guests' at the Reid Ireme, • Mr. and 1WIra, W.1. G, White, Elisabeth and Hugh returned) to Windsor after a week spent with. the termer's,' mother, Mrs. M, White. • Miss Sadie. Queenan, of Sarnia, spent a few •days–Visiting with 142r, and Mrs. Leo Hagan. • Mrs, W. A. Wright and Mr, and) Mrs. Henry Ford are :spending a week at Bayfield. • Mr. and Mrs. Alvin W. Sillery and son, Peter, are spending their vacation 9n Smith's Falls'. • Prof. and Mrs. W. B. Kerr and family, of Buffalo, N.Y., are spend- ing their vacation with his mother, Mrs. James Kerr. • Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McIn- tosh, of Detroit, were here last 111111111111111111Ii1111111tfl11I111111111111111 FRESH CUT FLOWERS AND CORSAGES • CHURCH DECORATIONS' • FUNERAL DESIGNS Floral Designing for every occasion PHONE: SEKFORTH 393 ,or 67-W HELEN K. SCOTT lI IIlI IIIII IIIIIlllillillls1111I I II111I11111111I 1111111111111111111111111 Car Alberta Rosedale HARD LUMP COAL on the way. PHONE 47 - SEAFORTH SUPPLY- & FUEL CO. REINIC®i®I®®111I® C.W.L. DANCE at ST. COLUMBAN FRIDAY, AUG. 27th Fisher Orchestra 9DMISSION - 50 CENTS FOR SALE 100 -Acre Farm, 41u1stably situated on highway; good \buildings; run- ning water. Early possession. One and a half storey Frame Dwelling, with new furnace, in Eg- mondville. Early possession. Duplex, solid brick. All modern conveniences. Immediate posses- sion. Asbestos covered dwelling on South Main Street, Seaforth. Modern Dwelling on Louisa St. Frame Cottage on South Main Street. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 Your Crowning Glory FOR FALL Most look something like this. Short bob , . . a pre -requisite for the new look . soft waves and curls for head flattery. MURIEL'S HAIR DRESSING SALON PHONE 351-W SEAFORTH Next to Crich's Restaurant Announcement! MISS MARION MASON A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theory will enroll pupils for the 1948- 49 Class for the Fall Term, beginning Sept. 7, 1948 PHONE 137, Seaforth The Central Executive of The Mary Hastings Housewives invites all good neighbors to attend the BIG PICNIC AT SPRINGBANK PARK, IN BYRON 5 miles west of London, starting at 1 p.m. SAT., AUGUST 28th If you have correspond&' through Mary Hrtetinga daily column in The i,ondon Free Preps (as about 9,000 others de), er If 'You weeid like to eoirrepond sometime, or If you would just like to be soeieible, Bring your lunch basket, teapot, erealri and sugar. Hot water is available. Ice Cream dessert supplied free. .'Super,vieed sports for chit- dreh, Tea Cup reading. Handoraft displays; .. A wonderful .Ornate ,for neigh - beet set-togebber. once ADMISSION •w0e'l akte1dlin t;h;� ,oral 0f 1late Miss 'Iary 1o. euilerseaa. ,w Mt, r i alai Mfg d h "W`ale's anti .D.einis. apcl. ,*.last! . ea '94Laleit, . oy 1 d �', � i r. t ri R in rA'o R fr .. 'y i f . n e. fe trego. • lea' I.torette l4reivp..e,U Mace. ter Pati;iclt Ii'1 n of Tore/tun uie° ta'uests.of Mr, ends Wire, S. T. Kaiser this week. • Mr. Donald, fi.00tt, of Fort spent the weekend at the home of Itis mother, Mrs. H. R. 4nt.t. • Mrs. Gotten NIGieelar ai.d� d � } sen, David, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Itfrs. W. D. •Sitaith in Egmondlville. .• Mr. and Mrs. Victor Richards; of Guelph, were week -ens guests of -Rev. and M. Hugh, Jack. • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ,Ross sail family were holidaying last week at Iris ,Lodge, Port Elgin. • Mr. and Mrs. George Miller. and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Box have returned from a motor trip to St. Anne de Beaupre, Montreal. and other points. • Mr: and Mrs. Earl Gillespie, of Caledonia, are guests of Mrs. Violet Gillespie. • Misses Lois Hoggarth and Jo- anne McMillan are spending a week at Hayfield. • Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Smith, of Ancaster, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fling. • Mr. .and Mrs. Howard L. Purdy and daughter, Anne, have returned to Toronto,, after spending' some time with Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. • Miss Elizabeth. Anne McGavin, of Walton, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George McGavin. • Mrs. Frank Anderson and Miss Davina Anderson have returned from Toronto. • Mr. and, Mrs. A. E. Gardiner, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. T. Cardwell, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. R. Rider, London; Miss Doris .Rider, Toron- to, and Miss Dorothy Smith, Ham- ilton, were guests over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith. • Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, of Winchelsea; Mrs. Delbert John- ston, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Legg, ,Goderich, and Miss Marion McGavin, of Stratford, were weak - end guests of Mr. and. Mrs. George McGavin. • Mrs. E. Geddes has returned from London. where she visited her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart P. Geddes. • Miss Helen Beattie, 01 Toron- to, is a guest of Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Mr. Harry Scott, of Wingham, visited his mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Mr. and Mrs.. Pat Dugan and Mr. and Mrs. John Dugan, of Columbus, Ohio, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bolton. • Miss Patricia Bell has return- ed to St- Marys after spending the holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bell. • Mr. N. R. Dorrance, former reeve of McKillop, is in a London hospital receiving treatment. •-Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barton and family, of Martintown, and Miss Ross : were week -end guests, of Mrs. Thos. Barton lin E•gmond- vine. • Miss Gladys Barber, of• Winni- peg, who has been visiting Miss Gretta Ross for the past week, left for Toronto on Wednesday, en route home. • Miss Helen McKercher, who recently underwent a major opera- tion in Stratford Hospital, is now recuperating at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Mc- Kercher, McKillop. • Misses Doreen and Germaine and Roy. Patterson, who have been spending the last month with their gralndanother, Mrs. Dave Netzke, have returned to their home in Walkerton. • Mies, Laidlaw and Misses Olive and Florence Laidlaw have return- ed home from the Eastern Coast, where they spent the summer. • Mrs. A. R. Sampson, of To- ronto, is the guest of Mrs. Ken- neth McQuaig. • Mr. and Mrs. Delferd Kenny, of Caracus, Venezula, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith this week. • Mr. Jack Pringle, of Milwau- kee, was a guest at the home of the Misses Brine and the Misses Laidlaw on Thursday. • 'Miss Ruth Cluff is spending her holidays in Nakina with her sister, Mrs. Nelson Antrey. • Miss Laura McMillan has re- turned from a week's_ holiday in Haliburton. . • Miss Nancy Scofield, of De- troit, is holidaying at the home of her grandparents, Mr. andi Mrs. J. A. Case. • Master Jimmie Peters, of Galt, who has been visiting his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Graves, has returned home. • Mrs. Peter McIver underwent a successful operation recently in St. Joseph's .Hospital, London. • Miss Margaret Edler is in Stratford General Hospital after undergoing an operation. • Mrs. John McNay, of Toroeto, is visiting with Miss Clara Pink- ney. • Mrs. E. C. Case is spending a few weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. Morse, Roxbury, N.Y. • • Mr. and Mrs', Isaac Hudson visited Mrs. W. Garlyle, Mrs. J. Logan, Mrs. A. Howey, Mrs. Geo. Hudson and Mrs. Sam Merner at Hensel' on Sunday. 'CONSTANCE Now P.,AAYING. M-.-. "N"H•U,R pAV, FRIDAY, SATURDAY DARING Fir4t Sheer 7 P.M. • In Technicolor "THREE DD.. U E� '' with JEANN,ETTE MacDONA4,-D JOSE .I.TURBI . JANE POWEU. Lovely to look at--Dougbtfui to hear–Set in both Metropo:itaii, and, Trolijcal Splendor: The show with, the nappy, "Hello." --.1 Ad Hit Parade et Songe. . MON,., TUES., WED ---, 1st ShoW 7 P M, .-- in.'Techhicolcr " GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT" with GFREGOIY PECK, -.-,•- , ' JOHN GARFiEL,D DOROTHY McGUIRE end CELESTE HOLM A Winner of the Acatienty Awart Taut Dramatic Entertain2nent of Excellent Quality. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY " WISTFUL WIDOW OF WAGON GAP " with ABBOTT and COSTELLO It's as long in Laughs and Comic Antics as itis in title. Marjorie Main is the widow with the large family and a farm. COMING: IN TECHNICOLOR "DOWN TO EARTH" with RITA"HAVWORTH LARRY PARKS - , . New Fall .designs IN KROEHLER CUSHIONIZED CHESTERFIELD SUITES i Built in three pieces, or for the smaller room in two pieces. For the home that needs an extra bed, EROEHLER SOFA BEDS with comfortable chairs to match G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE Phones: Day 119 - Nights and Sundays 65 SEAFORTH — ONTARIO Miss Mary Moore and Mr. Stan- ley Smith, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. Wm. 'Moore. Mrs, Thompson, of Marmora, is visiting friends and relatives here. Mr, Leo Stephenson, of Trenton, and Mr. Don'Stephenson, of Toron- to, spent the Week -end at their home here. Mr. Gordon Buchanan spent •a few days in Toronto this, past Week. Mrs, J, ,IJ, Hinchtey, of Seaforth; and Mrs. Antra Mbl,eaa, of Buffalo, were gussets. of A+tfs. •Stepheitaryn on Tuesday. HarVerit is Er:early finished . with' The heaviest y'ieltit la years. The gratlaries are .:over lie*Itis.• SPRUCE HEMLOCK 2 x 4 1 Up to 2ft Stock 2 x 6 1 16 -foot Ieneths Suitable -for BarnFloors 2 x 10 1 per'Ne '4Pu .Ou per ,.M,. $8'5.00 ��� �" efi No. 1 5XXXXX tHEIMMIMISMIMGREMEMORMOMMir Cedar SHINGLES Red Band $'�'� ��� Square I Cedar, Ash, Rock SIDING and Elm, Fir, Pine SHEATHING IN STOCK at from 1 "' to 6P, x 6t, p er 'M' s. i YOU CAN INSULATE YOUR HOME by doing it yourself FOR AS LOW AS Asphalt SHINGLES 210 pound VARIOUS BLENDS $8.50 Square $80.00 SUPPLIES NOW AVAILABLE-,nlear kiln Dried Fir Mouldings, Gyproc Wallboard, Ten -Test,' Ashlar Blocks, Cedar Lap Sid- ing, Cedar Grain Siding, Masonite, Plywood, Arborite, Beaver - board, Chrome Mouldings, Doors, Reclaimed Windows. SEE THE %" FIR PLYWOOD at 12c per Square Foot 1n Sheets 4x9, for Sheathing, Granaries and General Repair Seaforth Supply & Fuel Co. "Where the Best Costs No- More" Phone 47 Seaforth NOTICE! EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY ! - The only Hospitalization Plans recog- nized by Scott Memorial Hospital, are: Blue ' Cross - Huron -Medical Service Patients having any other plan will be required to pay hospital charges in full upon- discharge, and seek reimbursement from their insurance company. Scott l4einorial Hospital