The Huron Expositor, 1948-01-30, Page 3AN A `` 3C1,' 1948 0 R �r �1 C..„.• . .G eeveGeorgeArZnst. ong' Host T9. Cou4c111ors • At •:Iixll.err : • The • ,.C(tlunoil of the Township of 'gay Held/' its. initial -meeting for the year 1948 in the Hay ToTirpshitp Coup. Cil chambers, Zurich: T- a Reeve e,r- Taaane4 the seating positions for the year atxsl then called n940,:'the, c lerlt illi ..adnid1ster, the deelara4lont"aP oti Sse oath. .At the invitation of Tteeire; lather gave a -short address and prayer, Ilia' \rords counsel u of c o n, stressed rite'. need e d fol tare. tui eo#i'ideraliou of matters' p,ertain- ing to,_locai government, The, Xteevo. thenw ldde elan d the e calln Cil 1pagmjbera axis asked them to give irery, „Careful 6li11e1.400e . on all matter that Might eons before .them during .1948. Each 'netnber ;;then fittingly ,replied,. The_meeting-was- adjourned for din* ,,ner, which was given by, the Reeve to thew !;{Council and rather Lucier, e naeeti r^esumnied. its sitttngo at 1:.80- P.m. and the reeve 'Called; for the reading 4f the •minuteli. of ,the' last regular 0oune11 meeting. These were; aiiohted as lead[ The following motionte were passed: ThOtn the signing ofciaials• for Township for 1948• be the Reeve, Geo. Armstrong, and, the Clerk -Treasurer, H. W. Brokenshire, For the Zurich Police Village, the Chairman; Wilfred Sehilbe, and Secretary, H. W::`Brok- enshire. That a donation of $5.00 be given to the Sick Children's hospital To- ronto. That nin copies of the Municipal World be or Bred for officials of the T•,,wnship of y for 1948. That the money borrowing Bylaw No. 1 be passed, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to bolero' i up to $45;000 frdlm the' Bank of Montreal as needed for current expenditures. That Bylaw No. 2, 1948, be passed asking for governmentsubsidy on an Drew Government Performance HYDR€ In 1943—the last year before the Drew Government took office—rural lines added: Miles Consumers 2.34 23 , Rural lines .added since the Drew Government took Hydro out of politics: Miles Consumers In 1944 ' 15.71 ` 275 1945 • 112.08 517 1946. 78.95 . 661 1947 59.20 697 Planned for 1948 167.89 1145 Vote for T M PRYDE PROGRESSIVE -CONSERVATIVE And Keep HURON in the GOVERNMENT Ranks J cf4-2..medt.te REMOVAL OF DEAD OR DISABLED HORSES, CATTLE, CALVES, HOGS,. SHEEP COURTEOUS • DRIVERS 0 CLEAN, MODERN EQUIPMENT Exeter 235 Seaforth 15 London Fair. 2207 CHATHAM 2447 • DARLING it CO, coATHAMA ONTAR/0 NEAR 1�'AR "Queen's Park Deport No. 2" THE HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION Friday, January 30 CKNX 920 p.m. 0 Drew Government Performance ROADS In 1943—the last year before the Drew Government took office—road Subsidies to municipalities in HURON County totalled . $1'33;878.42 Since t Dre Government took office: • In 19 6 $245,319.42 1947 $392,706.43 In addition—expenditures on King's Highways Construction and Maintenance were: In 1943 $350,000.00 1947 $525,000.00 1,000,000.00 Planned for 1948 `'Ole for `V RYDE (PRtf.SSIVE & CON'SERVATjVE)` And keep HURON In the GOVERNMENT Ranks e4titaate road e4penditure of $35ei 000, Same- . nne 'to include a $16,000 expert• ditare fol the''uew power maintainer that a n i : A order. t That donation h t & d a on of. $25, he given. to the Zurich Lions Cattbto be used to the new 4uri c h Iilr, r Y that isto be organized. ,r That the, .Zurich Lions club be: granted permission to conduct, from 4 1tt tol0bi>agoea dtkring 1948! pro-. vidtng 'that- the, laws of the Crtmina'I,;. , pods axe "sou plied with. :t'hat the ` cleric :be, authorized to. engage, seine One to repair, the Town- tfhip II(ail gallery raping.• That a grant 1 gf aghw$b.O ay.Asebe •donaociatited) :tou9 'the l3aue Water . • ,That:ITay Township give a, donation of $5O0 00 to the Hensel' I,.egto, • ,That, the a�pnual Meeting ttg t'h }lay Municipal Telephone System be held in the Hay Township Hall Zur- ich, on Saturday,. Feb,, f4. at 2, P:m. That the " following men be appoint- et1 to act as road patrolmen for Hay '? 1wnsbip for 1948, and that as bylaw be drawnup confirming the appoint - :Manta: Road No. 1, Percy Campbell, Orville Taylor, Jos. Lostell; No. 2, igt'm. Gould, Wesley Coleman, Garnet Whitacker; NQ. 3, Wm. Gould, Geo. `;Tinge!;' No. 4, Alfredo Reichert; No. Y Horace Pfaff, Stewart Blackwell N.O 6, Wm. Watson, Arnold Merner No. 7, Peter Reichert, Jr.; •No. 8, nil; ,No. 9, Alvin Walper, Alfred Meidin- ';ger, Ed. Erb; No. 10, Elmore Datars, :Rey Merner, Frank Denomme; No. 11, Rudy Becker; No. 12, Ed. Turnbull; No. 13, Rudy Becker; No. 14, Percy Campbell, Adelbert Smith, Alvin Wal - per, Ed. Kalbfleisch; No. 15, Paul Ducharme; No. 16, Road Supt.; No. 17, Frank Denomme; Zurich P. V., Road Supt:; Dashwood, Reuben Goetz. That the following officials be ap- pointed to fill the various„ ,township positions for 1948: Member of the Board of Health, Josiah Geiger; sani- tary anttary inspectors, East, Lorne Chapman„ Zurich and vicinity, Wm. Hay; Dash!= woad and vicinity, C. F. Pfile; attend- ance officer, East, Geo. Tinney; West, Sam Hendrick; poundkeepers, 3. F. Ingram, Oscar Greb, Garnet Jacobe, Fergus Turnbull, Ed. J. Walper, Roy MVierner, Simon Hoffman, Roy 'Ginger- ick, Harold Finlay, Hy. Clausius, Al- lan Crerar; stock valuator, Bert Klopp; assessor, Wm. H. Edighoffer; fence viewers, Edgar Munn, Alfred Pfaff, Lloyd Hendrick; weed inspec- tor, Wesley Coleman. That the following rates of pay be set for the various positions: One man, 50c; one man and team, 85c; patrolmen, 55c; snowplow helpers, 65c; truck and maintainer operators, 70c; tractor on grader or pulling brush, $1.50; tractor hauling brush or snow fence or other light work, $1; team and mower, $1; assessor, $200, plus additional salary if the county assessor setup comes into use; selec- tion of 'jurors, Reeve $3, assessor $3, Clerk $6, Board of Health meetings, $2; M.O.H-, as per by-law;;' weed in- spector, 50c per hour, plus 10c per mile one way; fence viewers,. $2 plus mileage, 10c per mile one way; sani- tary inspectors, for placing and re- moving cards, in rural section 50c, in Zurich and Dashwood, 45c; disin- fecting a dwelling, 30c; inspecting, Zurich $2, Dashwood $1.50; Blake, $1; dairy barns and tourist spots, $1.50; mileage 10c one way where called for; school attendance officers; 50c per hour, plus mileage l0c one way; stock valuator, $2.50 per call, plus mileage 10c per mile one way; Clerk, Treasurer, $750.00, per year; road books, $200; Hay Municipal Telephone same to include $50 to be charged System, Sec.-Treas., $750 per year, same to include $50.00 to be charg- ed against the South Extension per year; Road Superintendent, 75c per hour; by-laws to be drawn up con- firming the above rates of pay. That accounts • for Hay Township rpads, relief, Hay Municipal Tele- phone System be paid as per voucher. Hay Township Roads—Harry Bus - ow, $2; Orville Taylor, $5.60; .3. A. McMurtrie, $2.30; Ed. !Kalbfleisch, 0'15; Alphonse Masse, $53.12; Moore Bros., $7.75; V. L. Bocker, $4.70; John Rader. $10; Allan Johnston, 2.20; Jos. Lostell, $14.05; Louis Masse. 943.54; Jas. Masse, labor, gas, i1, $41,51; Dominion Road Machin- ry Co., $411.37: Earl Zimmer. $7.10. Relief—Mrs. Johti Suplat, $30; Mrs. Edith Mason, $16; Emma Bassow, 8.90; A. Heideman (rent), $3. Hay Municipal Telephone System —E. D. Bell, $12; Northern Electric, 185.36; H. W. Brokenshire, $62.12; Ellis Howard, $18.65; Bell Telephone Co., $405.60. Hay Township General Accounts— C. Schilbe, $75.15; Sam Hendrick, 10; H. W. Brokenshire, $67.82; Hay Municipal Telephone System, $100; Municipal World, $22.24; Lloyd Wal- er; $185; Treasurer Sick Children's ospital, $5.00. The meeting adjourned to meet gain on Monday, Feb. 2, at 1.30 p.m. WALTON Mrs. William Montgomery is sup- plying at S.S. 12, McKillop, during Mrs. MacDonald's illness. The annual meeting of Duff's Unit- ed Church was postponed owing to the condition of the roads. Charles Corlett., McKillop, who has been ill for some time, has been tak- en aken to Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Russell Marks is under .the doctor's care. Walton hockey team was defeated by Trowbridge in Listowel arena on Friday night by a scare of 6 to 14. i WHEN IN TORONTO Make Year Hem• Ertel 11auterg LOCATED on wide SPADINA AVL. At College Sheet ... RATES . . Single 91.5043.50 Double $2.80-$7.00 - Write for Pokier We Advise Early Relervation A WHOLE( DAY'S sioirm[SIHG WITHIN WALKING DiST•ANCI 4 '.: A. M POMO, eltal4isei AV J 1119[,4 lkl':'rlvena Sturgeon,' of Caiman, spent ,three 'days at her home here last week. Te1eO h re t is full awing and the hbal•CLIUti? regain that it is the beat ice they':.Jtave had for years, l2 to 13 inchesthiek, and "very clear arid. Clea%[.. If this weather ,holds out they expect to have all the ice houses ed before the end of: the week, Theskatingg rank made by the Lions flub in Agricultural `grounds, is be- ing [yell Patronised .b�. the younger fry of the village' since it opened two weeks ago. It IS a great relief to the. Parents . to know they : are not skating on the river and lake, Liry Board E,leoto Officera The .annual Meeting of .the Bayfield Public Librai r Board was held in the Library on '.Monday ,afternoon. O1T.,ij cera elected 'tor the year are as fol- ldws.: 'chairman, Mrs, M. Bailey; sec.- treas., blrs, 1'Sietcalf; Librarian, Miss F. E. Fowlie; members of board: Mrs. R. Scotchmer, Mrs. L. Seoteh- met; Miss J. Stirling, Miss J. Man- son, anson, Mrs. A. Bassett, • Mrs. E. Kneeity. There was a good balance to start. :the year 1948. The circuiation, for .#h, t. year was: Classed 448, action 1,868 juvenile 412. There were 66 full-time ,memberships and 77 part-time mem- berships. • Anglican Church Annual Meeting The annual meeting of Trinity An- glican Church took place on Monday evening. Rev. LaVerne Morgan was chairman. Following reports given by the officers of the church and the so- cieties, the election of officers for the coming year was held: Rector's war- den, Lloyd Scotchmer; people's war- den, Thos. Scotehmer; sec: tress., Les- lie Elliott; vestry clerk, Chas. Gem einhard; select vestry, Mrs. E. Heard, For more profits from poultry assurance of a high living rate . start your chicks the Blatchford way : that's the right way. It costs you less and pays fou more profit—because chicks need less of Blatchford's than ordinary feeds. latc i11tarter IlQ A scientifically formulated, farm tested feed with a higher digestibility. For Sale By Seaforth Produce, Ltd PHONE 170-W • SEAFORTH Mra, atix. LEA'son, I iQyd •Seotelin4er, T<e t• a l e a✓ais t � a e t, rl � ko � �+catlttxter, char, Gem ard ; s iaesiueu, E llio t t ,Crnes,14ovey ,Chas,Gent intara, Relieny Larson, Lloyd Scotchmer; Thos. Seetcbver,' At the close of the. meeting t ting a sat:ial :,hourwas sent P , Uln,Ch was :served by the ladies of the church, Mee l3everley Yok retained to don • Not a � o m i pool S o;d e n ll!lo'n , tor spending the past three weer ler` home, l-lowarclBurt, who s ent the t a Jt p It It a two weeks with Itis grandparents, 'Mr. and Mrs, I red Baker, retitrued to Lou- don n on Sunday. Miss 4tIoriaWestlake spent the. weekend with hex ,parents, Mr,, at i Mrs W, Westlake, i Get Your at Your Local Post t /e Ice. You'll like this NEW Farm Account Book. It's so simple and direct. You don't have•to be a bookkeeper to use it. A few minutes each week are enough to set down your farm transactions—the money you receive or the money you spend. At the end of the year, it will give you a clear picture of how you made or lost money. Saves Money for You Answers questions you want to Know about Income Tax, toad. Everyone with a taxable income trust file an Income Tax Return on or before the 30th day of April in each year, showing his total income for the preceding year. The Farm Account Book enables you to take advtantage of all the deductions, and exemptions. Provides a record from which you can average your income over a three-year period. If you are liable to taxation under the• Income Tax Act and have a year of loss, you will be ante to charge the loss against the profits of the previous year or the next three years as shown by the records you keep in your Farm Account Book. You won't need to pay an expert to prepare your Income Tax Return if you t. have thus book. Each account is numbered to correspond with the.items on the Income Tax Return. You will also find the Account Book useful in keeping your records, even though you are not liable under the Income Tax Act. Get Your Free Book Now Don't delay. Your local Post Office has an Account Book for you. Get it now. It's important that you have it to start the new year. Get the benefit of all allow- ances that the law permits. Profit from the knowledge gained from keeping proper records. It's free—and you will find it most useful. Call at your Post Office at the first opportunity for your Account Book. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE (Taxation Division) Ix V, An a heavy-duty job, give me new Advance -Design CHEVROLET TRUCKS. and here's a "load" of reasons why. `rte z a3r":< s ?Ps ••c^sYi _ - Tri 2 5 *, 4%., Only Advance -Design CHEVROLET TRUCKS Have All ,These New and Finer Features: *Cab that "breathes" * Hexi-Mounted cab * Uniweld, all -steel construction * Larger, more durable, fully adjust- able seat * 22% greater visibility * New, rear -corner windows *Stronger, new frames * Full -floating hypoid and spiral bevel rear axles *Specially designed hydraulic truck brakes * Valve -in -Head 216, 235 and 248 engines * New, thorough sealing insulation * Standard cab = to - axle - length dimensions permitting interchange of bodies * ... and MANY more! CT -1486 } 4m. 4\� Brother, how these stronger, new frames stand-up! Wheelbases are longer, too, for better load distri- bution. And the brakes are exclusively designed for greater brake -lining contactl A PRODUCT OF ;'G HIE t GENERAL MOTORS Here's a special, heavy. duty job and an extra - special truck! There's one made for your special kind of job. There's nothing like the cab that "breathes" for comfortr li's cushioned on rubber—Flexi-Mounted —with 12 inches more foot room and eight inches more se -ting space. There's 22% greater visibility, too, they tell me. The seat is fully -adjustable. Maw, this is it! *Fresh o;r heating and ventilating system optional et extra cost. - Look--rear-corner windows! Now it's a cinch to backup without jack-knifing. Yes, sir, these trucks are brand new ---realty different with Advance -Design. And they're packed v4ih power in the world's most econ- omical engine for its she Chevrolet's Valve -in -Head engine. AI ORTH MOT i ri,