The Huron Expositor, 1947-08-08, Page 4t{i IN •t. • ssified ,#s fled Ads Will Be Inserted At New Liow Cash Rates: Sade, Wanted. Lost and Found, Etc. -Per word: 1st week 1 Cent 2nd week , % Cent 3rd week ria Cent .$ Minimum charge, $tet insertion25. Cents Bach figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word_ Oagd of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events- 1 cent per word- Minimum, 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box Number, c/o The Huron Expoeitor, for 10 cents extra. '.Pareennr additional will be eha.rged if ads in above claMs are not paid within 10 days of ' date of final insertion- 3litths, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Anetilon Sales, Notices to' Creditors, Etc. -Rates on 'app1lcation Lost and Found Coming Events LOST -- A NAVY BAG CONTAINING (JOS RANCH BOYS WILL BE AT THE clothing. Kindly notify HARRISON V Crystal palace Rall Room, Mit hell, Fri- SHOCH, Zurich. 4156x1 day, August 8•th, in an 01d Tyme Barn • Dunce. Come and enjoy the Yuri. POUND -1947 AUTO LICENSE. OWNER 4156x1 may have same by proving property and ....., pitying charges. Box 575, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. .11a6-1 Wanted '(XTANTED-AN ICE 130X IN GOOD RE - 1' • " pair. Apply to Box 577, HURON EX- ' POS 1't'O R. 4156-1 WANTED Ti;) RENT-FURN1SHED OR unfurnished house or apartment in ilensall, or between Hensall and Centralia R.C,A. Officer. Apply Box 579, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4156-2 WANTED -A QUANTITY OF SECOND w cut alfalfa hay. Apply to DALE NIX - ON, Seaforth, or phone 661 r 4. • 4156x1 For Sale • FOR SALE -ONE USED AND ONE NEW radio- Apply to CLAYTON J. DENNLS. Phone 355. 4156x1 pelt DURANT SEDAN; GOOD condition. J. L. R. LOISELLE, Sea - forth. '4156-1 FIREWOOD FOR SALE -12/r ' il2EDAR; excellent for kindling: 54.00 per cord de- livered. RALPH- TRAVIS. Phone 832 r 8„ Seaforth. 4166x1 port SALE -TWO, GE'RHA'RD HEINTZ- nuln pianos, in good condition. Apply to Box 576, HURON E1tPOSITOR. 4156x1 WANTED Caretaker for Scott Memorial Hospital DUTIES, TO COMMENCE AT ONCE Apply in writing to P: D. McConnell Secretary 4SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 4155.2 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FUR- nishings, Etc., on John Street, Seaforth, on• Saturday, August 16th; at 1 p.m.: One chesterfield; 1 • oak table (small) ;. 1 mahog- any finished table; 1 velvet covered couch; 1 melange covered couch; 1 small couch; '1 oak hall rack With seat; :1 desk with shelves for books; several rocking chairs ; 2 verandah chairs and bench ; cocoanut matting runner for verandah; cushion; 2 Wilton rugs 3 yds. by 3r_; 1 reversible rug, 7 ft. by 9 ft.; 2 scatter . rugs; 1 radio (Stewart -Warner) ; 1 sectional bookcase with writing desk (ma- hogany); 1 floor. lamp: 1 table lamp; leather couch: large leather rocking chair; 1 bed and springs; 1 mattress ; 2 bedroom, sets: 1 spring filled mattress; 1 bed springs ; -1 large basket for. flowers ; several vases for , flowers ; jard- iniere stands and jardinieres ; 6 Limoges cups and saucers; corner china cabinet; garden tools ; carpenter's tools : brass candle hold- ers; drafting set; several pairs of curtains; 1. pair damask d• -apes ; brass fireplace shovel, tongs and poker, on upright holders; exten- 'siorl Sadder:_ wheelbarrow; 6 dining room chairs ; flower pots; `large size s,tune crocks ; small size stone crocks; pictures: kitchen stool; toilet pitcher;2 .wash stands ; curtain poles ; picture framies ; quilt box ; tool box. Terms• -Cash. JOHN FINLAYSdN.'Proprie- tor: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P..Ches- ney, Clerk. 4156-2 AUCTION SALE OF 2 COWS AND HOUSE - hold Effect:. Wednesday. August 13th, at at Roxboro. 7.1i, miles west and 1' miles north of 'Seaforth: Two choice Dur - 'ham cows, freshened in March and due March 8th and 26th. HOUSEHOLD EF h'1sCTS- Masterpiece cook stove (good ;, porcelain top table: 6 kitchen chairs; sideboard: chester- field; library table; hall rack : leather rock- er: Feed rocker ; walnut parlor set; number of other rockery; odd chairs'; small table; gramophone and records: writing desk; rug 9x10 mats; 2 furnished bedrooms: 1 steel walnut' finish bed; coal oil stove; child's crib; Singer sewing .machine: antique bed; quart- tity of sealer; ; small churn ; boiler; wash tub; wringer: lawn chairs; lawn mower: milk pails ; garden topic : quantity of dishes: kitchen utensils ; pictures. and a host of other articles. Terms -Cash. 'JAMES J. BRYANT, Proprietor;, Harold Jackton, Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4155-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS THE HURON COUNIY HOME COMMIT - tee request tender: 'for the, supplying of 100 tons of stoker coal for the County Home- - Prices to bequoted for coil delivered on the .etraek-, at Clinton. Ont. Analysis of the coal to be submitted with the tender. Tenders to be in the hands of the County Clerk. Goderich. Ontario, not later than Taesday. Au,rust 12th. • N. W. MTLLER,' Clerk. County of Huron. 4156-1 TENDERS ,WANTED ?ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE undersigned for thecaretaking of Schools Nos- 7 and 9, Tuckersmith, for the school year. The usual duties of a school caretaker to be performed in a satisfactory manner. .. For. further particulars and details apply be ' S. H. WHITMORE. Sec.-Treas, School Ares No. 1, , R.R. 3; Seaforth, 4151-tf Notice To Creditors NOTICE ,TOC CREDITORS In the Estate of CHARLES ALEXANDER McDONELL ALL PERSONS HAV1NG CLAIMS OF ANY kind against the Estate of Oharle; Alex- ander Mcbonell. late of the Village of Hen - sal), in the County of Heron. Retired Merch- ant, deceased, who died on or about the six- teenth day of October, 1940, wild marl. post- paid, to the undersigned,Solicitor, particulars thereof, verified by affidavit, on or before the twenty-third day of August A.D., 1947, 'affeer• whicii the estate will be distributed with regard only to those claims of which notice shall' have been received. DATED at Exeter thk, first day crf August. A.D., 19.47. ELMER D. BELL, ., Exeter, .Ontario, Sol.ioitorfar the Executors. 4166-3 Popular Stallions Grade A Premium Horse The Pure Bred Percheron -Stallion ST. BLAIN MARQUIS .[17084] Enrolment No. 4516. Form 1, First Class Monday, Tuesday Vieinity of Xiamen and w Wednesday, Thursday -Vicinity..' a°t' Fargo: bar. end South. ea dfy, Saturdrd-vVict'aity of Debits and rth. 'Is -'42.O0 clown; 112 Awl 1, 1948. Abate: 882 r 24, Mensal]: 14 r 14, Dublin. WILLIAM COLE, , prbprietbr and Menager.'- .11.1110 .. . r.c:. 4147.41 FCR SALE -PARTS FOR MASSEY-HAR- r is binder; almost new tongue and It -not - ter complete; also other verbs. JAMES McQUAID. Phone 46 r 14, Dublin - 4156x2 3 OR SALE, $10,500- 5 -SUITE APART- "ment building: excellent location, in Stratford. Each apartment equipped with electric stove and refrigerator; stoker fur- nace; coal in. One apartment vacant Sept. 1st Owner moving 'to Toronto. Apply W. F. INGRAM, 79 Hibernia St, Stratford. Telephone 1825. ' • • 41564 CERTIFIED RASPBERRY PLANTS Write Box 754 Campbellford, Ont. for illustrated folder and growing "know how." Don't delay. Supply Limited. 4154x4 FQR SALE AAIRCRAFT $NGINES COMPLETE WITH boxes, 525.00 box -ideal for, Chop Boxes. "^rry_-orlon P•homite Fire Extinguishers. Link Trainer Desks -ideal for light assem- }ay benches or home worshop benches. coon - "le -e wit', 2 drawers with •lcrks, 310.00. '.Hy- draulic Cylinders, various sizes and capaci- ties -ideal for buck rake,. hoists, arbour presses, etc., 52.50 to 610.00 each. Hydraulic Hand Pumps with reservoirs, $15.00- Hy- draulic' Pumps, engine driver type, while they last, 615.00. Five Stage Spencer Turbines - ideal for building furnace cleaning .equip- ment or central vacuum systems, complete with % H.P. 25 Or 80 cycle motors, 575.00, a fraction of the original cost- Two Link Trainers, Service Type E, eomptete with desk and recorder, 5150.00, each. These trainers are at present listed at 5400.00. Battery Chargers, 12 battery ,capacity, while they last 525.00. Hundreds of feet of 11/2 and 2 Ve inch Fire Hose, 'write for prig. New Res- pirators, ideal for induntria.l plants, ' 52.90. One 20 -inch Pedestal Fan, $70.00.. HURON ENGINEERING & RESEARCH CO. LTB., Pox 309, Phone 51,Goderich, Ontario. 4156-1 Personals Announcement Mr. and Mrs, William Fawcett, of Staffa, wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Leona Ruth, to Mr. Archie Lyle Fleming, sop of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fleming, Watford, Ont. The wedding w111 take place the latter part of this mouth. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER GOODS)" mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list.,, 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -.RUBBER CO„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Notices NOTICE --THE SEAFORTH PUBLIC LIB- rary will be closed from August 5th to August 19th, inclusive. GRETA THOMPSON. Librarian.4151-2 I NOTICE Dillon Drain • WILL BE AT MY OFFICE TO RECEIVE cash on Dillon Drain assessment from parties concerned, on August lath and 19th. J., M. ECKERT, Treasurer -McKillop Township 4156-1 WEED CUTTING Township of Tuckersmith THNU E TOWN. OF TCKERSMITH WILL pay for weed cutting on township roads at the rate of 2 cents per rod. -provided such wy,,rk, is , done on or before. SEPTEMBER 15. and accounts rendered to and passed by Road Superintendent Robert Dalrymple, Egmond- ville, by OCTOBER 1, 1947. , No accounts rendered after this date will be , paid. E. P. GARSNEY, Clerk. 4156-7 Cards of Thanks " ALBERT W. SHIRR,AY, HENSALL, WISH - es to take this opportunity to thank his friends and neighbors for their • many acts of .kindness shown to him during his recent ill- ness. Births TRAQUAIR-Mr, and Mrs. Murray Tragnair of Hensall. (nee Evelyn Wareing), are hap- py to announce the arrival of their son, James Alvin, at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. on Friday. August 1, 1947. RITCHiE-In Toronto, on July SOth, to Mr. and Mrs.; .0. M. 'Ritchie, a daughter. Mc1)ONALD-}n victoria. Hospital.' Leaden. on August 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. McDonald, 'London, (nee Labelle 'Hav l:ins), a son --Robert Stewart WRIGHT-In Mt. Hamilton Hospital, Ham- inon, on August 6, ko Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wright, (nee Margaret Hanley), a son. McCOWAN -In Scott Memorial I1.o,giti51, on August 7. to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Cowan. Brucefield, a eon- McLALIGHLIN-4n Scott Memorial Hospital, an Angust 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mc- Laughlin,.,.Dublin, a daughter. Deaths HUGHES-At Wilkie, Saskatchewan, Olt Wednesday, July 30. Daniel Hughes, in his 81st year. "Mabe', dear," began her friend, "I was so sorry to hear that Mac broke off the engagement. Did you Dave a .quarrel?" "No,' .replied Mabel. "He met a girl from -Aberdeen whose' birthday Was on cihristmaa Dai'." Incizeased Prize (Continued from Page 1) fred Coleman. • - Domestic Science -Miss Jean Scott, Mrs. A. L. Porteous, Floral Exhibits-M"rs. John Hills breeht. Ticket Committee -J. M,' Goveu- lock,' G. D. Ferguson, Baby Show -Mrs. Gordon McKen- zie, Mist Jeall Scott, Field Crop Competition -E, B. Gou- die, Robert McMillan, Robert MoKer- cher, Ladies' Work -Mrs. _Margaret Hay, Miss Eleanor Storey. Dairy Products -Mrs. Frank Storey. Children's 'De -pertinent -Mrs, Paul Doig, Mrs. Cordon McKenzie. Institute Display - Mrs. Wilfred, Coleman, Miss Thelma Elgie, 4• London Editor. (Continued from Page 1) ed ,preposterous that a Linos Club could flourish in the village. The place was soon divided into Lions and non -Lions. The Lions roared lustily and the non -Lions cynically growled. But the Lions are smiling today at the pessimists. The club has 28 member's and recently it was respon- sible for a .most successful "frolic". in Clan Gregor Park, It was a week of rain, but the .weatherman smiled on the Lions and the evening was fortunately perfect. The villagers, the summer cot'tagers, along with the farmers of the neighborhood later in the evening, flocked to the affair and played bingo .Gvith enthusiasm and gambled -on all the games of chance and danced until two in the morning. The Goderich band led by four pret-• ty majorettes supplied' music, 'There were ponies for the children to ride and what a time they had! No less than 1,500 hot dogs were consumed and gallons of ice cream. The Lions did themselves proud and made over $1,000, The Lions have plans to 'turn the old Agricultural Grounds into a re- creational centre and to elect a skat; ing rink for the children. At pres- ent they can only skate`bn the river and the skating is uncertain and dan- gerous. If the Lions 'Club. does not grow too ambitious and tries •to make a Grand' Bend°ouf of Bayfield they can perform a useful service for the con' munity. It is seldom that there is. not some issue . which creates a lively controversy, in Bayfield. The most exciting in modern times was the fight over hydro. Oil lamps were good enough for their fathers and it was goad enough for them was the battle 'cry of the •opponents to bringing elec- tricity td Bayfield, ' It was a battle hetweer, fundamentalists and. modern- sts. The. modernists finally won out, but not withdut leaving a lot of scars which only death is healing up. It was not so many years ago that a battle royal was waged over, the question of permitting the caws of the viiiag'e:rs to roam the streets, Be- ( -ore the days of hydro, even with --the aid of a flashlight, it was a risky at night. Not -only was there the pos sibility of stumbling over a, steeping laossy, but the constant fear of walk- ing shoe deep into a fragrant and glutinous reminder of some cow's carelessness. Many a wandering love couple met with disaster on the streets of Bayfield, which brought 'ro- mance to au unhappy end. It was felt that the city summer visitors in their opposition to the roaming cows were interfering with the sacred right. "a nd Privileges uleges of the villagers. Modernism in the end,' however, trl- mphed. • ie doubt if th"ere was a place ir, Canada where Church' Union was more bitterly contested: With a -pop- ulation of only about 300 and three cb01(1;es. Methodist, Presbyterian and 1n,glican. it seemed' the 'sensible thing in agree to ciu•rch union. A majol'ity finally voted in favor of un- ion add the Methodist Church w -as 'abandoned. St. Andrew''- Presbyter- Clnlrc, h was tti,i'ne'd into the Unit- ed Church. There were a few dour Old Seotchmen who 'l'efuSCd to accept_ the decision. They were 'not going to be dragooned into uniting with the Methodists,. With' dogged determina- tion and -!tt -great sacrificethey built a new -.Pt;esbyterian Church 'where they could s.ittg their ,psalms in their 'own peculiar way, Then the old Methodist Church was sold to the Roman Catholics and today instead of three churches Bayfield has four. • The most recent controversy has been over playing ball on Sunday in Clan Gregor Park. For years Sunday was a real day of rest in Bayfield. No one would scarcely think of read- ing a paper , on, „ SundRy let alone throw around a ball. A few wicked Sunday visitors might surreptitiously play cards, but that was the extent of Bayfieldi's S.unda;y dissipation. However., over, the years times have changed and little by little -the young people, led astray by youths from De- troit. started playing ball ih the.park on Sunday afternoon and evening. There are two churches facing the Park and the noise occasionally inter- fered with the church services. It came to a head on One Sunday after- noon when a funeral service. -was be- ing 'held and the Boise of the game was such that the preacher's eloquent eulogy of the decease,;] could scarcely be heard, The Village .Council took it up and decided to forbid, Sunday ball, The controversy raged hot and heavy. Appeals were made to the law and it was finally d'ecid+ed that ball playing must be stopped every day in the park and the youths could transfer their" activities to the Agri-' cultural Grounds whieh the, Lions Club is now proposing to improve, 'where • is a new postmaster, a new policeman with a brand, neo(' city Uni- form and revolver and the ancient blacksmith shop has 'been torn down, but life goes ora .in Ba&field ffl :the •same leisurely way and no one is worrying about Russia, Palestone and Greede or, the atomic bomb. '' ET.VILLE 1 M 4141l, Mrs. Sam Henna, of Sea - forth, visited on Saturday with Mrs. Thomas Bell, Miss •Betty Boalo,-of'British Colum- bia, visited for a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Douglas Wat- son. • Miss ,Gladys Anderson; of Toronto, spent Iast week with her friend„ Mrs. Lloyd Bell, and family. Mr. Murray Stephen spent the past w eek with some school _plums on a .motor trip to Ottawa, Montreal' and Utica, New York.' • • BRUSSELS Personals: Mrs, John Speir, of Toronto, David Thomson of Toronto, Miss Helen''Speir of Toronto, Misss Margaret Gibson of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pyke of Windsor, W. C. McKinnon of Sarnia, ,Mr. and; Mrs. Donald McRae of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs- T. McFadzean of Toronto visiting in Brussels; Mrs. Violet Day-, id, London; with Mrs. Ethel Cloakey; Mrs. Jean Martin, Georgetown, and Leslie Mills, Milton, with Robert and Ernest Michie; Mr. and Mrs. Chris- tiansen., London, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby; Mrs. Margaret Mich- ie, Hespeler, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. '_Michie; Mrs. Leslie Beattie and Paul in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Wilson are holidaying at Tobernlory. During Mr. Wilson's absence the congregations of the United and Anglican Churches are holding joint services, with Rev, J. H. Kerr„of the Anglican Church, in. charge. VARNA Rev. James and Mrs. Foote, of Carleton Place, returned home last Friday after spending the -Past month at the bottle of Mr. and Mrs. ,Andrew Foote: Miss Ann M. Foote has returned to Detroit after 'spending her holidays with her brother, Mr. Andrew Foote. A union picnic of the three congre- gations, Trinity, Bayfield; St. James', Middleton, and St. John's, Varna, will be held in Jowett's Grove next Tues- day. The ladies of St. John's Anglican' Church held a successful bazaar in Hayi`ield on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Moffatt, of Clin- ton, and; Mrs, McDonald and daugh- ter, o1 Hensall, were recent visitors with Mrs. John Rathwell. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elliott and family were Sunday guests with the former's parentsi Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott., Mrs. Ferguson and son, of Sudbury, r'eturne'd home Monday after a holi- day with relatives in Bayfield and, Varna. ' Mr. Orval Stephenson and family, of Marlette, Michigan, are visiting relatives in and around the village. Mr. and Mrs. George renter, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Bazaunt, of Windsor, spent the weekend and holiday with Mrs. John Rathwell and other relatives. Mrs, J. Mossop spent last week with, her daughter, Mrs. William Ball, Clinton. BAY1IELD. (Continued from Page 1) so be made in inemory' of individual pioneers or of pioneer families. Dona- tions will be published, unless 'it is the wish of any donor to remain an- onymous. Donations maybe sent by mail or paid in person to any of the' present officers of 'the association, who are: Miss Lucy Woods., president; Mr. John Stewart, vice-president; Miss Jessie Metcalf, secretary=treasurer, or to F. Fingiand, K.C., Clinton, their legal adviser:'-"' ' If you have ever enjoyed the sight of a summer s'unse't or an approach ing storm from this height, "or have spent a quiet hour here beside the lake, will you not help to maintain this open place with its'fine view of lake and 'harbor for present and„fu- ture generations? Mr. a'nd Mrs. Henry Miller, of ,Mt. Clemens, spent Tuesday and Wednes- day with the iatte'r's mother, Mrs. M. Elliott. On their return they were accompanied ,by Miss Lola .Elliott, who has spent the past ten days with her mother. • Bobby Parker. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Parker, underwent an emergency' appendicitis operation in Clinton 'Public Hospital on Mon- day evening, and at time of writing is doing splendidly. Mrs. Claude Robbins and daughter, 'Claudia, of Detroit, and Mrs: Arthur Sulliln, of Romeo, Mich., are spend- ing' two weeks in th"e village. MissJacqueline- Parker and Mr. Keith Pruss, of London,' spent the week -end with the former -'s .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker. Charlie Guest, who has been sail- ing on an Imperial oil boat, is spend- ing a few days with his mother, Mrs. C. Guest. • Mr, J. H. Dixon and Miss Carrie Dixon, of Brantford, spent the week - And with Rev. an Mrs. Harold Pauli. :Misses Ruble Fisher and Barbara Pollock, 05 Kitchener, were guests of Mrs.F. A. Ed'w` ards over the week- end. eekend. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Baker and family, of London, . spent the week- end with the former's parents,, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Baker. . ' Mr, and Mrs, Morley Hart, and fam- ily, of Toronto, were guests of the latter's parents, Mr, and,Mrs. George King, last week. On their return they were accompanied by their son, Charles Hart, who spent his vacation with his grandparents. Mr, Arthur Brisson, who spent the past ten days at his home here, re- turned to Grosse Pointe on Tuesday. Mrs. D. Davidson, of Woodstock, spent .the creek -end with her sister, Mrs. Irene Bassett. Guests at the Albion Hotel were: Mrs. 0, D. Ed'holm and ,.three daugh- ters, Breta, ,Corrinria and Felicity, and Miss M. V: Hagart, of London•;. Mr. and Mkt Gordon Skelly, of Dei troit; Mr. S. T. Cochrane, Mrs., M. Cochrane, Mrs: 0. M. Mook and tion, Frederick, of Miami, Fla.; Mr. and 'Mrs, H. Deverson_and Donald Diehl; of Royal Oak, Mich., and Mr. land Mrs. I. C. Maitland, of London. Death of Mrs. (John Hudle . Death calve as a shocli to the many friends of Margaret CaraPb1 , widow of the late John Hudie who passed away. on Thursday, August 7. Mrs. Hudie was taken ill on the way home after visiting her mother, Mrs, James Campbell, in McKillop Town- ship, on Sunday last, Later she was taken to 'Clinton Public Hospital, where she died. She is survived by her aged mother, Mrs. James Oamp- bell, McKillop; three -'brothers, John Campbellr McKillop; Hugh Campbell, London, and Archie Campbell, Toron- to, oronto, , and two sisters, Mrs. Lorne Churchill and .Mrs. Burl Brewer, of Cleveland. Interment will be in Bay- field cemetery. HENSALL • Announcement The engagement is announced of Dulcie Claire Wasson, daughter of. the late Mr. and. Mrs. Herbert Was - (Son, of Chipman, N.B., to llonald John Walker, only son of Mr, and Mrs. George Walker, of Hensall, the marriage to take place on August 30 at 7.30.. p.m., in Indian Road Baptist Church, Toronto. Jess, a pet horse owned by George Gram, Hensall, suffered 'ser'ious in- juries Friday afternoon when in colli sign with a truck at the intersection of Highway 84 in Hensall. While it was first thought the animal would .have to be destroyed, it was later found the horse would recover. Mr. Gram, who is a great friend of children and who for years has driv- en them in..his light wagon, was driv- ing to the residence of Wm. Love, and. as usual had a number of Chil- dren in the wagon. Crossing the highway the vehicle was in collison with 'a truck travelling north from London. The driver, to avoid hit- ting the wagon and children, swerv- ed to the ditch and part of the gravel road, but could not avoid hitting the horse. In the wagon were Judy and Billy Shaddick, Gwen Voth, of Hen- sall, and Catherine Lavelle, of Palm- erston. The accident was investigat- ed by Traffic Officer Frank Taylor, ' Council Meets Tuesday The regular- meeting of the village council was held Tuesday evening in the council chamber with all members present. T. Kyle reported re the cut- ting of weeds on private property, and on motion of. Councillors Twit- chell' and, Brown, the Clerk was in- structed to add the costs .of cutting the weeds on the different private properties to the . collector's ' roll, namely, G. McEwen Estate, $2.00, and C. Cantelon Estate, $4,50. W. Pfaff appeared, re the drain at the corner of No. 4 Highway.and King St., same to be looked into. Correspondence 'was read as follows; Department of `Veterans' Affairs, Department of Planning .and Development, Depart- ment of Travel and Publicity, Depart- ment of Highways, • Bell Telephone, Department of Public Welfare, ;Em- pire Brass Mfg.; County Clerk, Lions Club, Zurich, Bayfield, Village of Exe- ter,' same considered ,and. filed. Bills and' accounts were approved for payment as follows: E. Little, painting signs, streets, $4; Bell Tele- phone, service, Hall, •$2.7'5; Drysdale Hardware, supplies, . Hall, $25.30; Jinks & Parke, supplies, mower, streets, $41.8.0; T. Kyle, salary, $73.80; Huron Lumber, supplies, Hall, '$2.$0; J. Pfaff, teaming, streets, $6; E. Fink, plumbing, Hall, $151,95;o Com- mission,, Hydro, Hall. $8 'Total, $316.46. By-laws 15, , 16 'and 17 were given the necessary readings' and passed. Mr. Glenn Love, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his sister and bro- ther-in-law, ,Mr.. and. Mrs. J. E. Mc - Ewan. n Mrs. C. Ballantyne has returned home from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where 'she was receiving treatment in the interests .of her he-xlth.. Mrs. Beatrice Lorenger, Detroit, sr:eiit the past two weeks the., guest of Mrs. M. Yaeger. Mr.,, and Mrs. K. Ba.nkson, of Port Huron, Mich„'`:Mr. and Mrs. George Boot and daughter, Doris, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. W Simpson and: family, of Detroit, were recent visi- tors with Mrs. L. Simpson, Hensall-Zurich Combines eked out visiting Staffa Nine in. Hensall by the score of 6-3 in a scheduled Huron - Perth tilt. Kiefer and Tudor 'allowed Staffa only six hits, Batteries-Hen- sall: Kipfer, Tudor aucr Horton; Staf- fa, Sadler, Kerslake and Dearing, R H E Hensall 6 8 4 Staffa 3 6 ` 8 Umpires - Thorndike and Liver- more. Death of John B. Forrest' Mr, John B'. Forrest, well-known Hensall resident, passed away at his home in Hensall early Tuesday morn- ing, August 5, following a two weeks' illness, having suffered a paralytic stroke. In his 76th' year he, was barn. in Hay Township where he farmed, suceesafully for many Sears before removing to Hensall a number of years ago. In 1902 he was married tc A nnie Lipphardt, who .predeceas- ed him in 1922, and td this union were born three sons,' Ward, Forrest, Stanley Cooper, of Hay Township, and Louis, Niagara Falls, and two daughters, Mrs. W. Blacker, Clinton,. and Mrs. T. Lavender, Hengal]. In November, 1943, he was married to Matilda Allan, who survives him, to- gether with his three sons and two daughters. Ile is also •survfvved •hy, two sisters, Miss Edith Forrest, of Hensall, and Mrs.. Harry Manuel, London, and two brothers, George, of Manitoba, .aud_--Oliver, London, Ile was a 'member of Carmel Presbyter- ian Church. Funeral services were held • from Care Presbyterian Church Th$lrsday afternoon, conduet- cid by Rev. P. A. Ferguson. Burial was 'in Hensall Union Cemetery. Lloyd Buchanan, Jerry Rannie, Bill Carlile and Charieg Fee left on Tuesday to attend the United Church Camp, near Goderich. They will be away 10 days. -..., Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ryckman, of Hensall, recently observed their 50th Wedding anniversary with a faintly* dinner at the home of tlie"ir daughter and eon -in-law, Mr. and .Mrs. B. S. base, ,Exeter. Their marriage cone solemnized in 1897 .by the late kev, J. S. Henderson. Mt. ffyekman llae alWaji'S 'lived in' the 'Cbmimtluityr ''011 the same farm vn. Wbiel iz low re- sides. They have a ;family of lour: .Mrs, T. X, Stherritt, T3ensa1l; MLR. Case, Exeter; Roy mid Melvyn, F'lin't, Michigan„ Misses Pine Walsh and Audrey are spending month of August vacationing in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, W. Halliday and -cin, 'Kenneth, of Port ,Credit, and Mrs. W. Glenn, son, wife and baby, of Toron- to, were week -end visitors with their aunt, Mrs. Nelson Blatchford. Mrs. Morleyl Ohellew and family, of Los Angeles, California, are vacation- ing for the summer with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook, at Grand Bend. • Mrs. Churchill and Miss Elvira Churchill, of Toronto, are guests at the Shaddick residence. Mr. and Mrs. S. Barbour, Toronto, are vacationing with Mr. and Mrs• James Hoggarth. ' .. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Geiger and family; of • Toronto, were week -end guests at the Geiger residence. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson have( returned from a very pleas'ant motor trip to the Pacific Coast. They visited the following cities: Winni peg, Regina, Calgary, Banff, Port- land, Oregon, and also a number of smaller .places. They saw many old friends, from Hensall district, and al- so also attended the Calgary stampede. Hensall-Zurich 'Combines eked ort a close 5-4 decision from the visiting 'Clinton R.O.A,F. •'Nine Wednesday night. Hensall were held to two hits by,gslitll, glut made tie, bbst ooh the r Opportunities„ 'Herten, 'Miter es8 I etcher relebrated 4101h,a Wednesday. Bert. is the, "ladle' et the Hensall team. . Teeter tied it all RP iH Uig 'S.oi t1t Huron Ladies'' Sa1lball playdowus or Wednesday evening when they d401; led the score on the visiting . flenean ladies. Exeter won 20=10 T1te game went six innings. Bach team has one game .to. its credit with •a third' tilt being tied. 'Friday nigbit the 'saw -oft will 'be played at Hehsall. Ellen'Bell was the only girl to bit a rqund trip - Fier. Hensall .............. 003 412-10 17 Exeter 235 37X-20 • 8 . (Additional 'Hensall 'News Mage Fertilizer! Order your fertilizer now. Give us a chance. Pay Octo- ber 1st. We are again buying Grain for Thompson at 'Hensall. WM. M. SPROAT Phone 655 r 2 - Seaforth venumminnommummow NOTICE The Board of Scott Memorial Hospital wishes to advise, the public that, effective immediately,, all patients admitted to the Hospital from the Townships ot• McKillop, Tuckersmith; Hullett, Hibbert and Grey, which municipalities have not yet agreed to contribute, as requested, tc the deficit of the hospital in proportion to the extent to which the Hospital is used by their resi- dents, will be charged $1.00 per day more than the -rates existing from, time to time. The Town of Seaforth and the Town- ships of Logan and Stanley have already Y agreed to contribute to the deficit, and no extra charge will therefore be made to the residents of • those municipalities: The patients from any other municipality which might still • choose to dolikewisewill be re- funded any extra rates collected prior to the Board being notified of the decision to that effect. t« Green Front Offers Bargain Specials for Thriftp Shoppers ers FRIDAY and SATURDAY Men's Cotton - TOPS In all sizes. Each - 50c MEN'S WASHABLE SLACK In all sizes; a well made pant in two• shades. q,, Reg. 4.50 pr. 3.59 MEN'S JERSEYS . In Brown, Blue, Yellow and: Gray. An ideal jersey for Summer 'play and for_ ,working, I All Wool Ladies' Each, CARDIGAN SWEATERS Very lovely sweaters in shades of Brown and Royal. SPECIAL $.98 W carry a full line of - Men's Clothing. Men's Overalls, Pants, Overall Petits, Gloves and.- Shirts, etc. Men's Athletic SHORTS With full elastic all way round. Special.... U699c 89c, JUST A.IIRIVED A shipment of Men's.,. Heavy Fiannelette Pyjamas, Well tailored, in lovely colored stripes. 3.19 PAIR MEN'S. LONG SLEEVE' SPORT SHIRiTS „A Iovely,Shirt ina woven shep-. herd chek with two pockets. Brown; Blue, Green.cQ Reg. $4.25, To Clear, 2iiJes• Ladies' and ,Growing Girls' °OXFORDS in Black and Brown. •SPECIAL AND UP 1rYO Men's OXFORDS In Black and Brown. SPECIAL 1'98 AND UP GREEN FRONT DEPARTMENT STORE Opposite ' POSt Office Seaforth