The Huron Expositor, 1946-02-22, Page 4IF -------- soil had-- -*A,q AJ t0141 i WVre Ir 4�10W%l -W 0 kAy L IIQ t, am ey. 0 CAW �PFI j� 46114 AdrV _Wlqrlc�, W,m am e. st�.f 06untry ttkom t I 0hirley, 11�0* W C oli h eir e;.=_ I;Itpbqp oh Pgr r gcd, -or to. Pow.. S B9_X 24�, J,$qW 1-41 , k' 36 Prop Georve.. _rletgr 0 were NMdOile, L ------ South MUM, u to r.rent evou WOO h0ld -tholi, A10ill4al Ahlow d 2P c,qpt. PLEAXING AUCTION a APT Orr OF FAR Arr paltion* ',!'..Stock and I"le —day. Invo tiom will io-the. ikn ;A XqU oro. MAlAlmWo6 5 on X jot' oes--1 cent per w 0 ecaft— per P.m., at t 14, q0ticessitIn 9, Sooretary,-Tteosq r the Soofurtih ... A plont- wate -1hou qalled .farW and re- Oh. at 12.30 Ai N4 to A Ik be Iluo -Lu+ oputs excra, Rullett Tow-whiv. 3 miles east oiyNo, 4 'ftr , at ociety. by, letter, up to March 46. m )n Expawftqr, for fo 1, l?o_4**rgvd It a& In &�wve class are mat vald. by the Hlgbway�. 3 inlips norl4wesit of� Kinburn,: QX -2. OeAed With bitllk booko..;%n fliqUable, *A whig4 ad was, rmu —1 sorrel'teldinu, Belgian. 10 years Seaforth t in the wee HORSES 4079 aOmsees. "' for Mir *eTow' a gitet A OX4, Deaths Inserted- free of chame, old. I general purpgoe-axey gelding, 10 years T, 100-10 A -ORE FARM U.Twitaxe. Inc—Awtes on ap2lication. old. GATTLE-4 cho,Ice," b ith Aid 1464;w O Munti, 'Mrs, nng Dqr am. W ,K� building., to take pos- w lak dolpg-the Itonors. Both'' Frank A *1. roam and red; 6 Durham F due'to freshen fron� he Sth of April to 25rh Bessie in fj.prin FRIDAY prin e -apply to Box 410, Pri, steers ris IURON EXpo Auction SaW Auction 890 - . I., Us.; 4 0 ... ........ 41W 2 Years old. $00 urhow-heifers rising 2 years cold;, 6 U14rham ateer calvio 'SALE—IN TIM WX�LAGE OF - F FAAM' LANDS -60 Invilidolo mending, was t4�p demon - A UCnON SALE 0 rising I yeaii'cld; 2 Durbam, heifer c4lyes, �tp MARCH -9th 11946 I acres, West half 1,ot 13. Concession 10., t . -0119try 9 on Monday. Mar& 4tl�, at I� On the prenaleea th rising I year old; I Durham bull. rising three stration. dho�eu,by Mrs. R. H. Midd v,qoq I .-Ill, offe3F for sale a modem hen- Staul& TovambiD. ftoph= years old. IM'?1=1=S- irDeefing binder, 20' 6 -Wo' story, four pens, feed are a frame house coveied with -foot cut, I D o;e . 6400t cut. I ion. Jil wbich she outlined this art, * , . �7 'POU14TRY-0 elevator. Prespile �fo,— bo ad drive rh4d;-, �W311­ be � sulky rike: I new McCormlck.Deeri�g bay &�.- NOT FEED �BOARDERS. bY step having garments on .1. George Beatty's V*fta.' Have your #,ew eteP r water buidding. a I Peering manure carefully culled. Righ- t oarket prices at all -times, PRIZ� LOST -dbloken shelt, m RE. . . . . . Y,L sharp. -hand- for exb Ala 10 new --in. Terms -10 per on baturda February 23r.%at I Pan drill ; 2 sets of B -sec- as cent doWn, balance in So days. sprin 119. Reserve bid. Terms�10 imw cent down, balance in 30 days. I tion harrows g tooth cliltivator; I WALKB R0081111- Phone e ting Will "be held at 401642 T4e 14arch m.e The following -Prizas will be Awardgd,� QU SIMMONS & FINK. Proprietors; Harold Reserve U ATATE OF THE LATE JOHN i Bissel. ise harrow - I scuffier - I il-'r6lTer; '4 in amord F Ian ---tlie.,home of Mrs.:W. 0. 43-oodwin, the beat.samples of Seed'eAlbite, Auctioneer. 4079-2 McOlinche Prop.; ]F� Id, Jackson. AA'ction- I 1 14ding plow; wiLlking' Wows; sloop Jacksoni nc7e with the rWes governing-0eed Pairs: eer. 4079-21 sleighs; tar hay rack.; 6 - Ves- with Mrs. Elgle cwhostess."­A hear(y, I k . in wagon I I ... , - ., . I . I I lot 2*4 SrOL 40 CLEARINQ� AUCTION SALE OF FARM., sot grinder; turnip drill: I hand% For Sab id, OFL FARM STOCK AND I set of double home%.. I cream P. L. MONAUG"TOW vote of thanks vv*s,eltend d by'M took and Implements. -Mr. Harold Jack- sepArator. 4 4 Implements. -Mr. Harold'Jacksou hhs re- whiffletrees: , neckyokes; ,i,, forks; beer - I bus. A%ll Whout 4t25 son has been, ii*.tructed to sell by vublic auc- AUCION shovels; Kerslake to Miss Welsh,, Mrs. *an on Lot 1,2. BftyEgm -Road South, 11/2 iniles QALAD- 'O 3.25 2.75 2.2S 10 celved- instructions to sell by Public auction elbains. nd a limt of other artiole.26 FOR SALE PIGS, READY TO of Hensall, qualified as. a Mqjrnb6r -I bus, 'Early Oats �%=661 -to ' 3 2 2.16 2. L59 west of Varna, on -paved road,�on Friday, in Stanley Township, one-half ihile south of titY' of houso�hald* effects. Terme­Cash. JAMES LANDSBOROUQ�L­ ed- and ­all those who hao coutributed - 1, bus. Late Oats .5 25 LLI4M FAIRSERVICE, Proprigtor; Har- ward thlg�..delightftjl affair. The-4eme I bus. Hulleas Oats ... - X qh lith at 12 or ig way No. 4. on Wedu�sda 945 2.25 2.60 00petion club 'of Conf ;rp, the follow- Kipper, an H h W-1 r 16, Siafarth. of the pr . 2.25 y: e sociation In I I *. Barley, 6 -rowed 3.25 nr __A *r 'i 'if 1.75 I Mach Gib, t 12.30 p.m., the following old A#c�son. Auctioneer. 4080-1 SAUV�ECTRIC CARRiET%. 9 -TUBE r4flon nt . . I 11*1 Foto'eo'rudio, $15.00, and-4our tight I bus. Field 8.25 2.75 NO IA91 blick* 'max5e 'rising Id old-; black HORSES --2 wrk harses. CATTLE -1 yme S to pal., for the ning was I' bus. Field Penn ..... 2.25 .50 years good -.--T,SATUR- bronze, "God 'S4v.p the Xing!' WAS sung nd to filly, "iising ' years. old; black gelding rising 7 -year-old cow with -calf at foot; I 8 -year-old CLEARINIG' AUCTION SALE 01 i 8 pa L %S� seldi'lig" rising 6 years "Eldof atioA." eve _O -pa y eices dan March at 1 pm., at Con6easion fixture. Apphr'lo.'Box 472, -HURON ]�XPO$I- .�us.. Soya Beaus 2.26 1.75 8-34ears old. hot �EP-2o L - w d" in April; I 8-year�old cow due in..I,, ,),hold6r, "and beneficiaries total itig; A 10.,year - 2 Survey, TOR. &4080xl a social, -hour. followe&; the'follewing rpothy leed.. 2.25 L16 h1qW.: 1 7,year-old cow. milki , South Half 0, London Road Y2. hue. Tij L60 tr ewes bred �iz himb, n March and April; I 4 in. 1945 and busl buj'. I�isd Cla-ier-Seed L50 5 in 1,950,297 -at committee -beigg in charg(�: 'bus. Sweet Clover seed 2.00 1.00 pure hred L . a .Aicester ram. . 0ATTLE­8 Youn cow'd�e.in, March. i,`aged co�*. due in A�ril;' ilo so4th of Sesforth an& 1,.XW -west -,Ave with'calv 1 '14 -arch; I Jersey cow 6f SALE­­1i1UE,`MOHA1R CHESTER- ness in foilce was $6? I Jersey cow due in April; 2 4 -yes, ­ CATTIy_ 'If m; -a Durham."Lows, roama and. es 7 -'Ye= o cow due in M Red Tavern: HORSVS­1 aged are. kt,foat, others ime of sale;� 8:k66d'Durhsm milking r I roan cow due time' sale I field; lso 4by carrihg�. �_-PHQW2611, Beer,_Mrs. . l3roderick, Mrs. Hortan, % bus. Mfelf 2.95 i-79 140 the end of the year. "Founded in yj bus� Alsike Seed 2.25 .1.76 LSD beifeirs due,firvt part of May,, 8 Durham cOves Wd- cows due -in - April 2 -year-old heifer-, red cow due Karqh; I red cow due in June. Senforth. -4080-1 4 '1871, Confede Mrs. Bunchanan, and Mrs. Byraft Xyle. I bushel Potatoes. one year aid; steers and heifers: 7 Vurham due in A ril, 4' yearling. heifn, 3. yearli , ng PIGS --6 pigs, 11t lbs. each. - POULTRY -4 ration Life Assocl heifers and steers,rising-2 years'�Ad. PIGS---� steen, I-Durha bun, pril : ducks, 20' hens,' 2- chicke' FOR SALE-G4iORE BARLEY, GOVJMZii�, - itioti. -has'grimnl with Canada ana Presbyterian W. M. , S.. Meets early variety . ....... 2.24 1.76 118 2 years old 'in Ai n orate64 GRAIN- 'York sow du6 time of sale. ELARN9SS- 2 yearli h If and. 3 'dolves. PIGS -m -One 4 by seed; 150 bushels mixed ment Grade No. . 1. $1.45 Pe bushel, I bfis Potatoes, general U34t grain '�;Iazm rit, B Lr., P r ar celebrates 75 years of The regular meeting of the Wo- ............ 2.26. of bieeching harness.; iset of backhand a�v b4 J=%. gist: 17� thii.k.. PO y mixed. bay. IMPLEMENTS Sacks f ree. A. . BE Ki pen. this ye' a, mber of . ..... hAse collars. TRY -350 Sussex-Lejhorn hers I year old. -1 M40ormiclt;Reerft�,g mower, 6 -ft. cut-, I 4080-4 men's Missionary. Society of Carmel Special 'PrIze, busWI LOO LOD VP I servige. Coin on Cob ........ 3.00,' ng binder; sot of 4 -sec- IMPLEkENTS--:-I Row Crop Oliver 60 true- 'I vagon and ribic r;6t'bmeb sleighs; Presbyterian Church was held,ThUrs- Most �reditiiblc. showing tion harrows, Masrey-Harris Arill with ferti- tarton rubber, I year old. equipped -with 2- walking plow; spriiig tooth culti4ati; 2-6r, LOWERS--MEAUTIFUL C9NERARIA, IN lator, 18 run -, I &��ey-Harris fertilizer drill; sedfiler. p and pulley road,gear. row riding plow., I set,4-sectlod harrowst -A. Ferg- of Grain, and -Seeds,. Sweepstake BoAfte ro ower Ii P a variety of'�Aoursi; other potb6d plants day, Feb. 14th, with Mr� i� I McCoriniqk-Deering beau scuffier and'pulled, d lights and bean puller: I Oliver stock rack;. f Deering ump, rake; 'buggy.; and some cut floers. , BAKER'S GREEN- d9 -,W-a& a12Q,_rfta_d* _usoa�presjdlng. Thq meeting opened.. ne�v, 1 disc harrow; -urrow Oliver Plow, s . eaf rtli� - n, A letter of thanks alking plow; -Power ocuffler. 2-f mew; cutt6r; I set breeching harness; HOUSE, AsI1wqy,,St, '4080XI Amttini' box, pen harvester; set of sloop eCormick-Deering stiff tooth cultivator; harness; 1 "t ohin*; 1 hai�cir; 125 feet from gomer Tinuey' . Corrqspondence with call to worship by Mra. M Dou- RUCES AND REGULATIONS -sleighs: ii;;r� vagon-, bkFrack; gmvel bblassey-Harris 6-foat bftider: Ficat & Wood pe; set scaleo; turnip slicer,- cuttinp;.loox;' 'FOR SALF-RITCHEN, RANGE WITH -Y�.as read from the Navy League, also gall and -the singing 2,209 lbar scales.; MqC6rm1ck-,Deeriug erearn mcwqr,_q-foot; dump rake; steel -roller, three- 2 o90 lb. scales-, .1 De Laval cre4&M,,AeparaW reservoir and shelf, used,'oue year; also $s'Anna 1AWis. "Tke My Life and Let It Be.', Mrs� separntor,, - new ; all, enamel Locomotive Wanh- drurn; "action harrows;. alking (900 Ibs.); wheelbarrow; Cyclone grass seed- two wicker 'chairs'; kitchen clock' and iron. from Mi I. -All seeds entered for. competition most hae machine with gas motor. like -nevi.' A 1 wagon; I Let sleighsi I,lilassey-Harris fer- er; band corn Planter: 3 canvases for Miss- ,vill be sold che ' The:higlilight of the L, 8 Ferguson then read a, meditation _4p. Apply to Box 474, EX- ev fling wa on have been grown y the exhibitor within 4jone q antity Gish -,4krris., . . - Abitiori, except wbent. A of mixed ay. Terms - tilizer Ilrrun drill; gravel box: I wagon box sey hinder; shovels, ,chains, ete., POSITOR'OFFICt: 4080xl' year previous to the ExIn LOUIS.TAYLOIL Proprietor; E.' P. Chesney. I hay rack; 1 flat sleigh racit; I buggy; 1 quantity --of lumber., HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS the presentation of recitatJous, junior "Hands." Mrs. B. waro.s.read the oats 'and barle�y olasseq, which may -have been Gler-k ; Harold Jackson, W, i Auctioneer.. cutter; fanuirg mill ; 2,000-pund scales; root -1 Globe cook stov.e; I heater;:1 coal oil OR ALF -1. ZMATJ RANGE STOE And. senior speeches by public school Scripture lesson from Mattb�e*, 26t grown in 1945- ilper-, I Frost & Wood manure spreader; I heater; 8 chairs*, 2 kitchen tables. I eikht-day Fwitb long deep fireplace (coal or wood), h 2--Competitoris must become members pZipils; 'These were divided Into three �g 'to -the Treasurer there- CLEAMNG AUCTION SALE, OF FARM set dlible, hirness -, good Imlony house, I0xI2; clock-, 2 couches; I flour bin; 1-oaj� exten reservoir and warming closet, in good condi- chapter, followed by prayer by. Mrs. the §6cfety�by vayi Stock and Implemeots.-Mr. Harold Jack- 'brooder stove; 8 range shelters: electric. wa- sidn table'; 5 dining room chairs';,�2 rocking �ion, Cheap for Quick transaction-, '6 low- groups'. appearing in order as follows: Ferguson. A piano so -lo, ."The�­ Bells. f, either previous to or at the time of mak- son has -been instructed to sell by public auc- ter. er: -sling ropes; 'elrain; steel pig chairs; sideboard; Doherty org -, I cabinet nv. entrles�rtheaiuii of backed dining room chairs for sale: good 111 i ion on Lot 18, Coneimsion �S. Hay Township, trough.7mkimintity of himber wire stretthers : radio; linoleum; 2 beds, springs aad Recitations 'lst,l Wayne, We.lat, of St. Mary's".' was given 'by Mrs. M. -ded on e -x - condition. .Appli to Box 473 HURON EX- 31. emiums shall be awai .. .. ....... �=e mile west of. Hensall anti one-half -mile forks;' shovels; wh ffletr=,neckyokes; elec- tresses;. I diesser and mirror; Alladin; lamp; POSITO-9. "T�vo Little Fishe"; 2nd, JIMMY DoUgail. Mrs. Ferguson tooko the hibits that contaiii weed seed, which in the south, on Thursday, March 7th, at 19-30 p.mt tric fencer; 8 =er ; Cyclone gross 2 wasibtands; copper boilei�t hall table wash- 408OXI opinion of the judge are of a noxious nature. rp. -the following: AORSES-Black mare, seeder-, tron buitchei; kettles; 2 -wheeled tra.il- ing machine; quantity dishes, sealen, etc, "Two Little -Pishes"; Ord, Ted- topic,� 1. slia OR SALF-I HAVE A -LIMITED QUAN_ Hyde, The' Introduction To Africa," 4. -No eXhlbitor sball receive more than Did black mare, 9 years old; bay er,- and many other articles., Quantity of hay I and other, articles too numerous to mention. F . Erban cats, grown from -register- dy Norininton, "How She Did IV' followed by.'pray'er f6r-Afr1ca by Mrs o,ie prize in arty class. 6 years -Hereford caw. .-and a, quantity- of mixed grain, wheat slid i Propmeto#' has sold his farm. Terms -Cash tity of . . 5 t.be mare, S. years old, CATTLE ed seed, with -a nice sprinkling -of spring .-All,samplqs mus caw 6 oath; 20 ushels be��us__Temxma-Cas-h. VVIVI PERCY SALES; Proprietor; -Harold Jackson, . Junior' gpe'66hs _' 18t AitdreY 4 years old, due time of sale:. red wheat.' This makqe an ideal combination. C. Hudson. The meeting closed with with the #nine of the variety. Ohesn4y, Clerk. -In case of dispute. ii'statubDrY years Did , due in April; 2'Hereford heifers, D. GLE", - Proprietor; E:, Auctidnee�;. 4080-1 Phone me. your order., if. interested, as, we WhIsh, "The Bermuda 'Islands"; 2nd, 'the hymn, "More Love'To Thee" and 6. h; Hereford eow 7 years old,.,due in May; HItrold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4090-2 intend to start tion that he above rules. -have been fres cleanin Phone 46 r 19 camplifid I an I:ow 6 yeai id� due in May; bluek- -1 -Aiitb; may be required from each' to Dublin. VINCENT' Shirley Plypn, "The Marquis.,,De,,La the. or L=' any EuC­ 5 a Lord's: Pra�pr in unison, I in 37ane: OF r M 'Roche." I cow years us Holstein cow CLEARING AUCTION SALE AW 4079x2 bibitor of seed. 9 years old.. due in. -July; Hereford ow 9 �� Farm Stock and Sales Re ister Society To Have Birthday Parity 7 -All exhibits for competitio" for prizes s1d*; �3 fat steets; 3 fat " -heifers; 2 teers Jacksoik -has been inst�moted to sell by vublic� FOR SALE -66 STEERS AND Senior Speeches�lst, Marie BOYd,. The iionthly meeting of the W.M.S. must be delivered at the Town Hall, Hensiril. OCK, CATTLE not later than I o'clock, noon, and shall not (rising 2 years old:. 6 yeari-ing-theifers; 3 Year- auction on first.,fa= � West of Varna, UCTION S LE heifers. 500 to 700 lbs., Durham, and "Born T h ;'fnd, of the United Church was� held at (unty Road, Stariley 'Township, on on A plements. Litifiber. Feed and Household Herefords, Will sell to make 3,ou,,.,4pn ng teei-�-; 3 calves; 1. pair of geese. IM- Friday,. - Thirty.YearO'. 00 Soo be removed until the close of the F;iii at starter ey Betty Moir, "Story of VaMntfne'14 Ord FIMENTS-1, Case -tractor, Model S. March I�t, at _Y.30 .m. sharp,' the follow- 'Effects, on Wedresday, March 13th, on Lot Apply to ERNEST-TOWNSHEND, R. It. No: L home of, Mrs. E. Geiger. the meeting 4 Pn and ULTRY trhan o. -sified as late lights (nearly new): Case 2 -furrow Plow; Ing: HORSES d6fie-aged team. Po i 7, McKillop. ROSS MURP12. 2, Bayfield, or plic�ne Clinton 90? r 21. its must be clan, Massey -Harris stiff �tooth cultivator; Massey- -100 White LeWhorns, I year. CATTL'I'l-3 -4, Concess on 404 - 8.tf LoN Henderson, "Origin. of the iaster opened with t4e �resident, Mrs. W. Harris spring tooh 'cuItivatr;'Mas6ey,Hvrjs -cws, 4 yearling heifers.' IPLEMENTs-i, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Al4etioneer. 4080-1 Ppnny", 4th, Elaine'Beer, "The F14g," B. ACYUSS, in' the chair. Hymn. 226, lde rake de I binder, T-foor; Hassey -Harris si Mob- par �on-Fergwon tractor with -plow. pulley AnDUSSION FUEE Th.is was an excellent, performance "What, a Fellowshlp_What A Peace is sey�Hsrris, dump rake; GQcksh74tt, hay iouder; and hght3 Ilike n -w); Mni$ey-HarrLi binder CTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IM- FOR SALE BY TENDER iaer;'Deering mower, 6- 7 -foot cut, new, Massey -Harris was 'W'IoWed by 411 repeating, G. W. ARMSTRONG President No. 3 Coakshutt spre. hay lvader,, AU )XF HUNDRED -ACRE FARM, SUITABLE throughout. , The judges, MFs, Mid- Mihe,71 plementi, and Grain arid, Feed_ on Mon- foat .�neiarly new); Cockshutt been scuffier new: Mft-sey-34arris drill, 11 run, with fer- 'and dleion, Miss- Ellis,and -Mrs. R. SimP- (continued on Page'5) W, R. DOUGALI, -horse seuffier; t, Jay, March lith, on Lot 1.3; Concess,ton 7, gewm..­_Thqre av6'some poplar ecretary RXo..;ey-Harris hay rake. 10-fo with disc' and puller; � 1 9 -f-t tilb,ior - . this laiiii- also plenty of water. Lot rolle�; barrows; Massey-Har-ris drill. disc., nearly'new- Tvlassey4farris orse cultiva a Stanley,. Township. Parr Line. HAROLD elm' tor'; CONNELL, Proprietar_-.11arold Jackson,Auc­ '2i, Concessioii W, Hay Towniip. Ten per Cockshutt riding �Iow;-, 16 -foot; �hay' , rake; Massey-Harrig harrows, 3 -section; Tvlas�ey- tia 4080-1 cent, of tender knust be included with tender. stock rack; -wagon; sleighs; cutter: uggy, Norris manure spreader,. nearly neyr;'Massey- neer- All cheque5 of unaccepted tefiddh will be.- truck; 28 -foot ex- y- new: be re- danning mill, ruales arils bean scuffier, nearl Massey, turDed.,, texision set team harness; -set light Harris bean Puller. with gftacihn�dnt fixed for I ... I Aly barness: 6 h6 collam; Ferguson ift 2 sets of kni The highest or any tender not necessa st_iiel' w, 'ter trough ; trnefor on 'Wst and Found T. -kettle; wooden be ves a wrel, , gross wagon,. new; I hav rack. new;'-1Aassev-Har- accepted. All tenders,r,nust be in by'tb� 16th seeder- Viking cream ieparator; electric at- 'ris rupwejm; 2 chi - shelters, - I. large. -used one ol'March. 'A. ROBINSONj I0x12; brooder stove season; 1, electric brooder �tove ST-BLAdK -COLLIE DOG,, PART PO tacsm�nl� colony hpuse`� in -perfect hite on breast and Mitchell, Ont. and' pipes 6, chicken shelters. 2 churns; fat- shape, 300 -capacity; I Viking separator, new lice, four brown feet w 4080-3 rteniz poultry crate; Shur-8-hocl, el-tric (ele�tric)'; wheelbarrow: set 2,000 lb.,scales- 'tail; male.- -Anyone knowing *of his where- -and abouth, to- WILLIAM YETTY, R. R. -table: sideboard: lamps. set log sleighb; .1 set apply . ......... lencer: 4xtension I extersion ladder; E YOUR HOME WITH arness:. I tBissell disc, A-1 shape-, . sling No. 2, Hensall. Phone 82 r 41. Reward. 1.� other -articles too numerous to mention. -HAY h FLEb wn kw4obd insula ian. Work done h t -15 'tons of mixed hay. NO reserve 2L t e ropes; log�.chain, iron ki$�le,,;. I fanning mill; 4080-1. proprietor has sold- his. fav= Terms -Cash: I grain gz4nder. 10-inc6 'I - ik' knife, new -i anywhere. For' free estimates. Phone HUR- Ches- EXPOSITOR or write ROWLAND C . .. .. . . lflLLIAM PARKE. Proprietor; E. P. , 1 set dZ etrees; barb wire; cros*cut saw; ON n . ey.'Olerk: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. feed barrels: eAAar rail posts; saw horse; DAY, 5 Thornton Ave., London. a sacks; belt; Massey-11arris walk he plow F rm§ Foi Sale A�fflx.G ION 0 run; hog truck: -hay fork. CLE pressure grease g Land. Stock: Irfiplemen1s.--Feed and new. FEED -AND GRAIN -A quantity of Z 'MI-ILES SOUTH Acres auctione4r�`Wlll sell -hay and straw: 200 -bushels mixed grain; 200, F ARM FOR SATW_FIV Furnituie-W. E. Wim, of Sehfbrth, and 6fi4i mile east, Lot 7, -by Public auction on Lot 6. Concession '2, s_jnjs� Tuekeramith. One mile from one mm.�. e � of_ . 11 HOUSEHOLD EF7ECTS Kitclien stove; Que- ADSO AND -ih� 1946, commencirli Tu h school. Large bank barn, bick house, hen ]FOR QUICK' 7�E'MbIENT R bee heater,; ba�x stove; cupbdards. sealers- . RPIlance call WALKER �ELPQ- house and Pik pen. Drained. Plenty of sharp, h - -2 c -the comin summer we_ may % JV2.30 o'clock the fol, M. c airs. beds; Daisy churn; coal oil stove, water' Twelve acres fall wheat; 35 a res TRIG, Seaforth 95.. 4080-1 In 9 extension _BiL mare. T ye-:ira old. weight .1 a -burner. bench: ti�61e; I couch � spring crop: . balance -in .grass. Possession bay geldihir; 10 years. ld. CATTLE -Short- cider barrels, and " h r rticles too numer. immediately. Apply to J. W. FREE, SPECIAL ­OIL CHANGED AND INSPEI�T� expect hundreds of visitors from og given ed in Beatty wa-hers. M.55. Apply GEQ 77 n.w-ntion. FA ;'-100-acre farm-, good Seagorth. Shortho 4080-tf A. SJLJ,S_ 4 SONS HARDWARE. th& Stat6s. For'niany 6C.thein a duein May; rn cow a�e in luue;,fir- brick, -roaf-barn; Hydra;. row cqw�"-, 4 fat steers 1,100 �bs. each; 5 good water siiooly. Forty rods from Village 4080x2 good tilnimean$ lots'Ofloisum 'for, steeraw 2'years. old; 3 h;ifers, 2 years old: 2 of Varna; P&41 road. "I%e 'Proprietor is to hffi-sto—ftc sites, fait calves, 500 lbs.: 2'c:alves, 7 months old. giving. up, farming. Terms: Cattels-Cash. Peiioni& hikes ..,HOGS�Sow. :bred: 8 Pigs two months old. Farmt-Given on day of sale-, reserve bid. FOWL -60 White L,eghorn -pixilets; Go Hybrid JOHN ITARTMAW,. Proprietor: E. P. Ches-1 QPIRELLA FOUNDATION GA23MNTS FOR In Memoriam ackilic beauty spots; 1�et#s give Pallets. HAY AND -GRAIN-L­25 tons of mix- ney, Clark,- Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. I health and style.- Individually designed. thellfdr�ally friendly welcome ed bay..600 bushels mixed grain; 200 bushi MRS. TM N K. SCOTr., High Street Sea- IN LdVING MEMORY OF FLYING OFFI. Alaska oatsi..fli for seed. IMPLEMENTS-- ON SATZ OF FAJ& STOCK AND I AUC71 and and help -to make their stay as Massey -Harris binder. 7 -foot cut, tractor, Implements. on F�iday. Februari 22nd. at 4060zlig' eer Aenry G. 'Anderson, of Xxet�r hiKirkland Lake. mWrtiii ao� Dover Straits Carl h; McCormick -Deering mower. 5 -foot cut: 12,30 sharp, in the ' Td*nship.,6f Tuckersmith. STIEMA SUFM. Y _dD 0 D after the flizbt of, We Schamhor�t from Br;est, cults Pack6r; Tiny' ted- betweken Vriic6field, and Seafortf, Mill Road - RS ENJO memorable as it be! -C -har­rsk, toath ruftivaftr- - -- -CA A ing-choking. February 11; 1042, later presumed dead.- 110ocksilitrtt sofeader: s eel HoRsw_-Niini 6T, iedm VMrk T nixhcs---&Leep.-without....co-uzh W14AT CAN7 I DO? Mr. Win. Pearson, Seaforth, saysin. NEV Cockshutt fertilizer rill, �13-dise, new-; Mas TLE --2 dairs freshened a month: I cow due -ris - diam- April th* I cow. due April 19th: I cow due a . aPpy121:ys,._ The answer is ple?*! Here am some thankful to You for your asthma remedy that Op�y a memory f ks sey:-Har - seed drill. 13 -disc; 4-sectioTr r, I would like all people who, suffer , from And a- for face ..ond harrows; scuffier;'-out-throw disc, lOff May 17th � 2 cows�, due May 22nd; 1 cow dile grain gTindeel Mossey-Harris ocorn cuMvator. May 23rd. I 6ow due lune -22nd: A cow not, asthma O' know what it did for me. I s6f- But a constant feeling that God ad ' one, Of the 'things anyone chri -do. r1lie 2 -row-.' set 'of scales; new walking plow; bred: leaws in calf to Hereford. bull:, 5 heiren- "enf'W years from ehokini, difficult breath7 KnoWs what should have bee.. in d 'distress of asthma and no remedy -Ever remembered, bAsister and brother -in- Sligg"tions, conle froln. a well-known te4 coming. two years; bay rack: gravel box: set of sleighs.. comirig years: 4 s rs buggy. . cutter ; oot, 9 calves coming tario hotehnafi: wagon. tired '42 young calve- helped me to any extent. but your 'remedy law, Mr. �ind �Trs. Glenn',.,MacLean, of Kip- on ftt rack. rubb;er Iyear; e and gave iirt# not Pen- ulper-, 2- crads; steel drams; Oak bar- PIGS -2 Yorkshire sows with pigs; I York touched �the'spot at onb only quick relief, but I am now free -from 4. Know the plaCe�s of interest and rels-, ha� rope and p�ulle3m; ling sew due March 15th; 8 chunks.. POULTRY m: A few month's treatment did r�ves. ire stretcher; work bench -. vise: fan- -2, geese and- 1 gander. . IMPLEMENTS -3- �11 sympto n ffi v h 11 irite F. L. bea "u er � it - or free, information, beaUtyinSpots in your distriet and III: quantity o( lumber; 12 cards of dAim. steel roller; I Oliver n "HOWEY., 144 Catherine Street.Sottth, Aamil- BifthS I= hard maple W*od-. store b6at; bag puller: I Deering .'5 -foot mwer -, 1 * M ton. 4080x4 t.eU people about'ihelln, solles. sav Pan and beat.- binder. 6-foat. I Massey drill ;'Massey culti- 2. When you write your. friends in the art siligWr kettle' De 74ayal creain -separator; vator".- eight -foot dump rake: 2 three-eection RYAN -In Scott 'Memortirl H6si5ital. Sea-, any, bouAe: I0x8; a shelters: reed pan and harrows: 1, corn sheller: 1 Maxw6d' root pul- forth. on, February 11th, to Mr. -and Mrs., launt4ins, 450 3 -inch tile: set of team ar�' per: I cuting box: I waxon with 16 -foot flat Ryan. lhiblin, a daughter. States teR-them a�out the,places h Joseph L. ha Baby Cicks RYAN�ln Scott Memorial Hos�ital, liess; s4et, rness: collars'. blankets. racIT; 1 set bench sleigh. with rack: I cut- S;R- they would enjo Y VISITIng. its; 40 ',ter. I riding plow: I' set 2.QOO pound scales: forth, -on February 19th, to Mr.. -and M rs. robe: 300 festoA oriow fence; 'iron'poe; H-1 LS "APPROVED"CHICKS, BREED- Lawr ce Ry n, Walto a son. feet 6f %-io&h galvanized pipe; emery stone: 1 Massey-Harrig resun... aps rotor; I wheel L IDS On k -h 3.'Try to make"4ny visitor giad he bilmy pole,.*2 front wheels for -W-30 tractor barrow; 1 walking plow -."I Mas-ey-Harris - ers pullorum- tVsted. �hould e ordered Le to Cansida., forks: +roes: shoVels-, etc. FURNITURE,- dlic- I &;u�le riding plow; f' pig crate; I now., 'especially for Febru&TY-Mareh delivery. 'or , and gas engine; scraper; I short ladder; 1 steel? -barrel; I 'Wide choice breeds� crosses. Shve time by Nv hing'mact" 4.Take tilne to give requested infor- studio coudW,.ed71st; 2 exte�sion tables -. chairs: w6bden barleelCelectric fencer: hay fork with asking im for prices, letting us book your Dea china cabine., bedrocim suite; living room trip rope;' sling ha'ad wire order. Agent CHAS. W LEONHARDT, Box table; radio com�lete 'with l6attaties. sealers &tretch6r; wire xrips.:, b,16c 4n tackle with 1. Mitch It: mation fuUy and graciously 4080-1 SaturdAy, 17�4- crocks-, dii�bes: lamps, and several, small nrt� rope.; I single qcuffler. HARNESS -2 sets 16th,etnuie Violet Hill, widow. of the lite, backband harnes,: 3 new horse collars; pair Row �rgx MONKTON. POUL. 5. In business dealingsi remember our icles. 71�119 FARM"Consisting of Joe acres. CAiCKS , : t Lawrence, in her 0th year. less, en'1,,Yt 3, Concession 1 horse blankets. PaULTRY EQUIPMENT- try Fa has. of the follow Ing brbecib Leg- TORRANCE�ln Corriader, Sask.,"oh Jan. reputationforeodrtesyandf .More ol goed'6ush, balance in Colony 'home, 10*12: coony, ban", 10x20 i 2 norns, Leg. X Hump., ........ Tuekersmith -. 10 a.cres Deg. X Ro ka, Sussm Ilth, Elizabeth Govenlock, relict of the lute rs Hamps, Barred Rocks, Rock X ;;..;Po, n- -good shade: bank shelters: I coal brooder' chick' feede dependSn you. ba Siixqo�7cemert*block home. Terms- and hoppers; -drinkina founts. GRAIN- sex4� X Hafivs, at a very -low price from a grass; abiradeace-ol--water; Samuel Torrance.An her, 68th year. rn Made known day of sale. Oi% C6ttels-Gash. -Quantity of mixed feed* quantity.of-Ur�an Government Approved Hatchery. Deliveries, 6. To sum. it all, up . . . follow the "Golden Rule." Positively'no reserve� Everything offered ill oats; some mixe&.1rx-diss seed. FEED­�veral Monday and Thursday.� Deduction on orders' D;.. BELL, tons of zood Ifa7'; fced b6iins, LUMBER- before March ist. For further ififorination. -be abilif-W-11e, hiilii�t bidder. ' R. Tenders W of Plank, oak., white ash and hick- Proprietor; W. E. Vaini, Avactio�ieir, Quantity write or phohe h 14ETH ETUE, R.. 2; ary. SMALL ARTICLES-Logglug chains.; Zurich�­ Phone.98 r I.S. Zurich. 'SALE or -FARM STOCK. IK- log tongis; small chains;- forks; shavels: num-. 4069-tf ENDERS WANTED AUCTtolq' pleiiienis' And Household Effects. - Mr. ber df good sacks;- some cotton bags; 60- f6et Township of Tuckersffith Harold Jackson has been iiistructed* to sell br of 4x4 waple itack for burn, whiffietrees; Public auction on Lot 17i Bt7fi;ld Road Smth. vecj� �ak6; some. tools ; saddler's' bench, SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED ione-quarter ralle west f %Fd 110 OLD EFFECTS ---1 Beach range for Notice t"Credi r3 Tuesdik, 0 Ors by the undersigned up to 3 aru....,match Allarch lith. of I o'clock P.rL sharpi the for- wood or coal. fiew; 1 wood b4inter obriiq -946, -for' the following. operations- ..... . .... "I . . . . . . ------ omfux,hiture; '.1 writing desk: 2 kitchef _:�i, lowing! ROASES-Tearn of Chestnut Belgian NOTICE TO CREDITORS (1) To 'bupply power -4,p AP. or more-, Mares, 6 and years old. "weighinx about tables odd kitchen chairs; 1 walnut bedroo.;p IN THE ESTATE OF JESSIE BROWN belt, operator and one additional man, to 1600 Ms. each.. CATTLF­�-Raan burhsr#jc6w spite: 2 brureaus; Utge quilt box: ooden operate. Tbwfiship -Crusher to crush apilroxi. -new; LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIM9 AGAINST. 8 years ol�]. freshens April Ist: red Durham beds Aladdiri lamp, I 3zburner coat A matel reen. half of f 25th : oil stove with civen, new: othet small articleq. the Estate of Jessie grown. late of the Yr be crushed 'in the Murray, Pit oiv & 7ea*s old. freshens Febrimm h a rreshensi Everyh'ing will he sold as Proprietor has sold Town of Seaforth, deceaicttl', who died�on or suc QuL-�ey­Hlroford cow 1. years old. J %h,, his farm. erms-Gash. DAVID PAPPLE, about the 21st'day of November, 1945 are and half in the Allen Pit. Contractor to March 30th:. Brindle cow t 0ars. old fri E. P. Chesney, Clerk; Harold hereby notifi4d Wsend in to the d igned and set up crusher dWd -state in tender February 20th; "Brindle cDW 4 yean Price for same. Contractors to satisfy Coun� ens P"riet6; un ersl Auctioneer. 4079-2 -av or before the let day of Msirc jersiV cow 7 -years old. h. 1946, full freshens RaAV 23rd. cil as to compensation in ftarticulAn of their claims. surance carried and frestpas April 27th; pure bred Jaisey cow 7 Immedinfel , Y, ntter the said last mentioned work to b4 ompIcted )y Odtober 1, 1946. old. freshens FebruTy 23rd; pure bred OF FA&M STIOUX. IM- .. �Contractor 'to *furnish band in form of mark- AUCTION sA`LE d te, th:,a"dl:o of the said estate will 'be led cheque. for 1&1�16 to accompany tender to Jeisey cow 4 years old. freshens 'March 15th:' plemenN and Household Goodg.-The un-,' R igmed 'tied there, diitribut amonirst the parties entl -an, Durbsmi_beifer. freshens March 15th;'l has received histructfom to sell by guara tee faithful performance )f, contract. I o es I Baindsi",will be'returned to- unsuccessful en- T9 o. hav'riz rerard oTily to claims of,whidh the Purpose Shorthorn bull, 18 publi4 auction fit East Half Lot,' 1. C ne - VNIRYBODYS BUSINess und otice, to the mionths old. red i, color (J! M. Scott breed, sion 2, Hay.-Wwriship, 11/4 miles south of ..em1kned shall then have n fiddrsigned der4rs. Each party to be responsible for re- old; Z" Hensall and f� n Friay.-Narch PairA to'their own equipment and a)] work 1,� mile wds )r lugin f all others, and th Seaf*rth), 2 -1)6rham stem. 2 years, . III riot 6, Ii e u Durbarn heifers. 2 years old-, 4 urbam lsl� 1946. . at one o'clock, the following; i �ablo tp any erson of whose to be &ne to, the satisfactioA and 'under the heifers. I year, ITORSES-Matched Percheron toam 3 000..tb�_ Wrn the Linders4ixn4d sball not then have steer -q. I year old; Durham a Atiection of the Road, Suoerinteudent. Lov�- tworks b6th w%ysT Q : . . �Zey , era, yea -atom. 1gh ew ing from 100 to 156 115�.: 1 puye black hors 11 old, 1,700, Mo.: F `TLE_3 forth this 14,111h dai of Febru- 'Teindei,to a Per or Y."'t-reat us DATED ak.Aa Vic : and bred I Yorksire sow. due 4 tbne of sale. home. 7 ars o�ld, 1,700 Tbs. CA'. ory, 1946. (2) To pply 't . ........ ck gravel " 6 royally calves YfOULTRY-225 Leghorn hetm- one year ol. fresh S horn dows, 6'yeara old, 'wi f rt�& cmshe township. roaOs iT; ainounts when' we visit thein r6ber tire as s part Jersey cow wi t -AN. tated' a price K. 1. McLE By their Solicitqr ru IMPLIDWENTS-1 wagon, 600x16 at foot* I fresh calf a a Tender to state Vf�s, uew* 4-%ectioh 4rair harrows'. I spring foot: 2 Shorthe n we can't do less"t1gln re�,­ iii cows; � 'years ,aid due'j Yard, flat ra!te up to five miles, and s rate tooth cultivator. with i3arrow and wide t"Ot: April; 3�year-dld Shorthorn cow, milking; 5 Seaforth, Oiftrip. per yard mile for six mil6 and'over haul. Worth hii I McCormick inawer, C -4,00t cuL. in good o�nr heirfe. I year old. chunks, about 4079-8 Gravel bo be Olaced on roads at the dlreo� wight hir goldl Th is ditirdm shows how t Compliment. The Province of Ontario Ontario's Jourift Jmc ome dirin; i set ApoP ole,W4 wih butilci. goqll'. 100 lbs. 4 ree&nSp ewes, supposed to -be in tipn of, and to the satisfaction of the Road 6t FORS. cz pyofits to almost the benefits Renlebaber NOTICE 0 CREDr that, Wcosts I of bech sleiibs; I Oliver walking plo*. lamb: 2 geese, I ,gander. IMPLMENTS- uoerintendent. e*ryone. Every Puller, almost same extent froril toutist dollavik'shared this way... monpy ta to]W a. holiday I sot jif bfth knives for Oliver Magffey-114wrio binder, $­fodt, In 06od -9.�fttrg� IN TFM ESTATE OF JOHN McCLINCHEY Lowest or any tendef ubt tiec!essaril ac. 546of : I- A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIM9 AGAINST oepted. buldwess as, it �oeg'frj 1. Hotelp; 2. Stores; now, 1, ttgjIe-,, witly ra�ks, I Clinbori faarnjilg condition; Massey-11'arris mowr d 211i 6 _ : . & Restaurants- 4 g 'M n al_ I -Jrr"el 'box. Bea!tty ater titugh': 'I ternationial m:hrore spreader; M-ty-Harris the E6tate. of John MeClinchey,'la4 of so let'see, they. got hay -loader. Moasey;-Har�is side rake; Massey- the Town E, P. CHESNEY, the d f Renfrew ergtim7 separator with power attach- on g Tbxes, EL' good keturfi­for, OV incitt, I *6t, pblper, equipped fot motor: 0 dump rinke-.' MiCormick seed drill; or about the 11th day f August, 1946, are Clerk, Township of Tackeramiih. ments; deceased, who,. died It is I 4if Seaforth, see thup to each .6 US etc.4, 5. Am�se' titg, a OeS on gr, Mg. 6. GAragea. IEV. elect _d: motor electTic- teed coOlteT. 'dookshutt 6tiff-tobill c!uXivstor: COCksbutt hereby,- notified to send in to the undersigned 140784 y I rly penn bfteehitig. bean'seaffier with puller, attliehrittylt, nea on '15i Wore V* lot ay of Marai, 1946, full oodt 6 febc#t T1tw; rubber tired wagou,, hearly new; 16 -ft particulars f'their claims. t I colony house� rack. nearly new, light wagon;.2 Cockslliutt Immediately after the sata last mentioned, # 'piq -section ow *. ate, the - assets of %he s�id es bpa 'tki4clit, Z, rofige shelters' riding ploWs � Cockslatft Z4urro disc pf tate *111 be thice' , "Ito a th -untains, 1king � SALL 11WAISOM bar u7 I- I -amov4Mt the 0afties entitled there� k"n N tk ctod. WA W; 4 harrows : Lister =N which the opra, V 60 cedar er�mm separator, Power aittlichmetit; out- to, having record only to ;daims, of- I* outfit - throw f#, jW . Me Itin : of bob s.14irI%;, spring tooth dulti-,, undersigned shall � then bave u6tic6_ to the you� riim chickew, t totd -of good mixed disc; a6l det ready for lAndlift vvt,66�� vWtar-, tam via*; bw Oliv;Or scudler;� eteluslon of all thers, and the,undersigfie-d Clean"afid disillfeCtW IOUl' colony ftnuinst mill ivith 06-81blete set of will, riot be IiAble to A, 19 a& ITOUSMOVD, Vr�, Clinttvh sly person of who's house. th6rol�ghly. 0". 6agit or ofer; Power 01110 ittachmorat- set of 2,0W claim tl�e undeisign,d t�. then hAlve, good Sao triddr- 4 ILP- A-- iftalle. for, this asodft.00, disf9buted at tiny Flinfigation alid BIA& Dfiffifbetant thereof. WA -8h at�W- ddletoilit Druggtora, Rett- steetriAting need ��afofth this l4th day of r4ru., san.. A mean rot PUBU06D n"mom ;Nm (Continued ff6ib Pat# gy JOW EANATt U*ft Cn P141 s, HZNSL t ea oruk OA&M6. Warded to Wettl� AstIt Hospital, Left-