The Huron Expositor, 1946-02-15, Page 8, • • '.j. • � � 1: ,I d „ in ..,<, . (^^,",•.. ,, !, . , �routpyh, 't t� G p Ate'' ry p o a o11TM 11 Mj M F�X� �i y w a., Il ,.;.,- �1: �, � f � NEWS, ,... ::: . ,. .. � � ... � ,: • ,,.��� �- r . :,. e o s return, M W..v. are�f r�: � �� lytarii..:�Y. t o .. a troxn•'Nits . ria. � ani, .+D>rA ..❑. , a 'v t i s,,,,.the rid. a �a xn;�: ante and 'the ,Ode o meeting tie b. sang): e d 1 , ., .' • , . r A - .1 s; Q of Pia en t" an Te .,bserv�e Day Y were made' ata meeting 'held a .. , ,� r . 4: ' :. •, - :.:•. I ::a rxe -and .n# . hAlt..o e alien ' where ..e uriderrweAC' P 1 h e 4v ,. a ag , .. r ' R•r : repeating t ,:, . ds .._Gayer•, A]t• u� � :??� lr � repQxts wen; read b3" tho .eiC►. , r Alit SPEGiA el4E 04; 414° LINES OF .; I ,SUR,1'�.i!�1�:i�.'., - ., ,: • e, Saturda last rNortheide paeeonag, on .- y ... Prayer; for the International Day,• of P Y , to held Church on MirTINALS• o Mr. Ja `es Sout . ate, ' of London, 'committees ? :.. hg sent f at th home o, We. 1? & eVR�,;dtays � hone,or parents. Mr:: and Mrs..'�9 E. South- ',tees a the rail tali i e 5!I and th ii as . o e. , e . htelling .: o: e I�p .lnd dl, by srR. •l� w /hey ape it Christmas, UM- Hearn san8. ' .:, „ t 0'1N' � �•'^-r*�`h 1r�i� FUO• �'�s•�.� SI1`Q i l l tiS r .Fri f a , 1 .goy,,,,,(4,44..._' O 0" dwelling• and" barn „fie in ,Northside Fria y, March 8th, at 3 p,m. i Palace Rill'. Seaforth ' I gate. . : '• • Mr.' ani, Mrs. Neil Swale, of De- two welt -,rendered solos. Mrs. Mc- lanes very talk ' ? ° : _', • • CHARLES, LAUGHTON FIANDOLaPH' S4,OTT •' ' . ! +i :IIWQ o res Rl;.''arid, • a ltisble 4,ar u} .' h:+" - etrt't'7'e--,,Oren,..witlh smallcot g RTtrl harp;the 3%,.' m#les from •••••••'"--.resident + For. er Resident Dies in Winnipeg. -word, has been received here of passing of a well known former of town on Friday, -February rdd, -' . Saturday, :' :;._,...0m, ., a p:40. �uaryl, troit, spe it, a few .days With Mr. and . Mr's:- Fr ' ��onale. • Mr...,, ,Mrs. Thames; McAdam, of Stratford,*Ranee were visitors . in. town. gave a pleasing . Pioneer Days. in Theta pa nilies," ' v which was very impress;_ e; Mr's. ]�Iae. McKinnon •gave several poems which were moth enJoyed by' all. • A }q.. • AIN: MOO 4 ..' ... A swaeli-latrcklhag tale. of high Wire. ;.. .. . r forth,.on High ay.let, Frame cottage ,on Goderich'Street ?Root,.••• ttretk 1 Geed investment apArtMent Wise on Victoria 'd 'Other desirable .pr!opertlee also listed., in the person of •Samuel Little; in Winnipeg, Man,, Who was taken ill on January 18th, his wife, who was theesfor former,-Miss him wo ri oip pre e c five they returned to their DUNCAN - TT ii V _ J.FU �iN S dden• Death dame ' this week..',' , ., : r ,social 0 11!lfas a<ma Walters, of Cordon, spent the '.eeleend at the home of .herlteas'ein�MMr illad Mrs. Elliott F. •' Mr: azYd Mrs. ' 'Morrison half -hop'" 'was enjoyed )y"••all • and lunch was• served b iKesdavkQ Perdue, Cox, iCudmore, Miss Brigham and M. Nelson. M _ Tr+cr , lt+IO`N„ Tt? r►c.x W'FaD.-'"Feb. 18, :. , 20, 'FRED MaoMURRAY HELEN WALKER - ft " SAYS" years ago No Advance in,. Price ,Lloyd MURDER HE -, farm at McGregor, Man., where they_. were in Barrie ,over the week-end.,,e A YARNA _ • MAIN HALL WATSON & REID continued' to reside until they moved r AS. Jack Cleary, of Halifax, has " MARJORIE PORTER to Winnipeg- Surviving are two University of, Toronto, spent the week returried home after an, extended trip and. ' ,,eA:, REID - Proprietor. �f ..-., ' � '. 214 ' •• Seaforth ' SPECIALISTS IN ALL LINES OF da.,ughters, rs. Harold Shaw, of Mc- , .. Arnoldi Burnie, andg on egrxn • .Mrs: , of Winnipeg; also two brothers; An end at the home of • his; parents, .Mr. and -Mrs. Leo Stephenson,. at Con _stance. • Miss Leona Anderson, of Geode- through the Panama Canal• to Vic- thrift, P.O.,,... Miss Shirley Snider, -of 'Kitchen- er„ spent a few days'with'her grand Mrs, • Dick on, of Exeter, we week end visitors 'the let- •N,EX'T" tar's sister, „Mrs. Treitz., and Mr. Treitz • and little ;son. Mr, and Mrs "Choly' •spent Tues , TH • URS ' FRI. SAT. -Feb., ..2 1, 22 23 ? JAMES CAGNEY •• 'SYLVIA SIDNEY ._ ' •' INSURANCE' drew Little, of eaforth, and Walter rich; -w s'' a weekend guest at the mother, Mrs- •• M. Hildebrand, andTIE day with their daughters, Mrs Wal- "BLOOD' ON TIIE SUN r P Little; of Winnipeg. The funeral was •, Monday, Feb.•4th, from home of Miss Shirley Love. Gordon McGonigle, of Kit- uncle awl aunt,'. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hildebrand,. " per and Mrs. McBride, in Exeter: AN EXCITING WITH PLENTY OP ACTION!` • held on . Mordue' Funeral Chapel with Rev. Mr, • Mr. cheuer, was a weekend guest of his • essrs. Clayton Deninia,and* Cleve ' • Several of the sports attended' matches n Clinton and :Sea.=. hockeyi e DRAMA . , ` The Second Division . Court : :--,. • County of Huron Gray of St James' .United Church, conducting the service- Interment Was made in Winnipeg cemetery- ,father Mr. Robert McGonigle. • it Angel. Phillips returned hon ' last week after spending the 'half Coombs spent the week -end with the feriper'a- sister and 'brother -an -law, Mr. and. Mas, Larry gown, in Olden a fort •"' f Miss Florence Smith, ohome her e spent the'week=end at her home -here,• _ COMING--' . , "YobCAME ,,�G" Y ALONG" � oaioe in the Dominion Bank Build � past two and, a years Overseas. Sound. Mr. and, Mrs. -Wright; of Nilestmvn; . lug, Seaterth. . cake hour.: Tues- He spent one and a .half' Years in • Capt. D:. R; Cameron ' and Mrs. were Sunday 'guests at the home bf " dna Thursday and Saturday, l.ao,a.m. to 6 Saturday evening. 7•fo Pan- Italy, France, Belgium and Germany. Cameron -and son, Bruce, leave on Mr. and Mrs. Ings. ,;, p.m.: to 8 pan. -"'--- - E.C. CHAMEBERLAIN - Clerk II ILI c c Pte. Phillips returned on the . Aqui- Penia•&nd reports that it was a very - V Friday' for their home in Edmonton,' Alta. " • Mrs. Wolfe, of New Hamburg, is' Mrs. •Horner Zurich; in company with. Mrs ger and son, Ralph, mother, Mr • I'• •of led: 'Geo. C. Brown and J, Ira Rap- r T °son• That now a o C - do adjourn. ,Car- - Flrown .Estate, '$37; • Wm. Cjollinson,. 20, D $8 Le 40 Dune, MCCaI m 2 n '• of. Mr. Mrs. Gilbert Beeh- calleds Northside United Cher•ch,-Rev. H. a guest and tel. •. Ingsthe -and Mr. Ings: ' Accounts - Frank • Donnelly, legal Bromley, "'$45; '' Woods, $47; 0 O.0.0 O O 0 0 O O O OMrs. "'m O 4 ..Cyr.. A. WHITNEY ' V. Workman, Minister: 11 a.m., "The ' Church Takes Its Stand"; 2,30'. pm., T Sunday -School; 7 p.m-, New Disedv- • Mr. E. Turgeon• is in Montreal attending the funeral of his mother. , Frank Grieve, of . 'Seaforth, spent Monday at die , parental home. •e Teddys S�elil.o u j-• q y fees,.$15; Geo. W. Cowan, stamps,.$5;' relief, Mrs, Gard, grant, $75.00; Ghon, error ,Edwin Thee, Little, $47; John Garrett, $52; Robert Wells, $53; • Ernest Adrams, $58; Jas. Fairservice, $58; Thos. Mil Q"i Successor to °,,, eries in Christianity." Thursday, 7.45 on dog tax,; $4;Fred agner, error •lar• $62;John h Armstirong; $75; Harry +Cy , . HOLMES• & WHITNEY 0 Main Street. - . • Seaforth 0 • p.m., Prayer Service. Monday, S p.m.,• Northside Young Adults. •' in Cardno's Hall BLA• KE :....:.. Grown folks are so queer, "9t seems to me, " ` on dog tax, $2; Pete McDonald, error on, dog tax, $2; Wm. Carter, road sup- Riley, $75;, Mabel Riley, $5,00.' Q -' AMBULANCE. SERVICE, O Q Adjustable hospital bea..for O Q Genf. O Q Agent for Mitchell Nursery O Q F1owera. 141/14' Q ' ' Telephone 119 0 O Anglican---Feb..17th, Septuagesmia:2g St. Thomas', Seaforth-10. a,m., Sun- .day School; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer, t add the Creator"; . 7 p.m., Evening' Prayer, ' The Testing o.f the Church." WED, FEB. 20th Befit Worth and -•His CKNX Ambassadors Adnaiss'ion - 50 cents.. , ... ' . , , • ....... Miss Irene.. Baker, of Clinton, .call- ed on her parents during the ,week- enMr: James Dinsmore visited 'tela- fives in' Wind or.for 'a few days They almost make me vexed; They think I ought to be one dray What I can't be the next. ' . One day my sister Kate, and I.. rent ou-of•doors to play, erinteniient, $11. 5; Ken Brigham, brushing, $7.50; Good Roads Aespcia- tion, membership fees-, $5;" • Wm. J: Dale, overcharge en snow plowing, $5.60. Severance and damage, Pollard ":$25; • FOR , SALE , Six -room•-•• Frame House. Hydro. Town water, and cellar.' Situated on Coleman Street. ,• barn. Situated on Q Nights and Holidays 65 O St. Mary's, •Dublin 2.3Q p.m„ Sun- • •••Mi' and,.Mrs, E.' Faber and family, Beside atiittle..mudd• y pool, .: Drain-Geo,'C. Brown, George oe Main Street 0 O O O O O O O O O O O . day School; '3 p.m., .Church Service, ' "Goethe Creator." -The Rector ;Rev: y i of Kippen, visited at the home of Mr., and, Mrs.„Rtidy'0esch: . . . • S he got tight in.my my way Pollard; $74; Len Shabbrook, $37;' W. ,South. 50 -Acre Farm, Township Tucker.- smith. Good brick house; bank barn; C. F. D. Gilbert, B.A., at all services. , 5X and S •INGLES Mrs': Axthlir Finlayson held the W. I didn't think, but threw a stone, ed. Im- Poultry shed. 0, O O .o O o O 'O 0 O O O . r► u M. S. ,meeting eeting in het:,Dome on.- Tjrurs 'frock; And,._s tittered' Kate's new''faro •. mediate hp creast n driving 0 O W. jr; CLEARY O O Seaforth, Ont. O • O •,LICENSED EMBALMER O Q AND FUNERAL: -DIRECTOR O Dag s- 35 0 " 0 Night or Da Call 0 O .- .C.' O:.O O 'O ,OO O 0 ¢+ •Ceresam Northsjde Mission 'Band Meets.-- The Mission Band of Northside Unit ed Church held their February"moire epee, in on Tuesdayafter "school . with 25 ''' g members . present. The president, Blanche •Weatcatt, vvas in the•:chair, , and 'the >tieeting, opened. by singing the hymn, `"I Am So Glad That. Jesus Loves Me." Spence read the EleEtric Fencers• - Fence -Cedar and. Steel _ Fence Posts - GateS Grass Seed - Seed Corn a Gardeli! Seeds - FertiIizerE.° • 'day afternoon, Feb. 14th,' .with 'Miss Emma Drnuniiore's'group in charge of the meeting._• Mr. �s,ri;d ,Mrs. 'Archie Mustard 'and' son•, of Bruce€ield; visited with , Mr. and Mrs, Hey. Mrs. A. Shreenan. is improving in Sit. Joseph's Hospital; ••London, , Mr. Shreenan has returned "after She jumped, and home • • aftercrying went, To' tell about the shock. • Then mother said: •Whys; Teddy Jones, A big smart bay like you! `• And Grandma said, You've grown so big, I thought you better knew,, % �j�j('-/''(�� STR TI 1OV111I liVl�t71Si C'110 YOUNG -CONSTRUCTION C. "L.:YOUNG, Pro p• All Kinds Of AI1C>rete' Work Phone' 90'' r 2 - - :Hensel! CRO'MARTY . OIVT. ' r 78 -Acre . Farm, Township Tucker: smith. "Frame house, bank barn; 'dray" ing shed, hog pen, Good bush 'KO spring therein. Also CHAMBERLAIN farms in McKillop. •MBFRLAIN INSURANCE REAL !N8 RANCE & A ESTATE 86aforth,' Ont. ` • Phones: 834.' Office Ree', 820' �'ocr.00'000000. b .Elaine Scripture lesson, after which Mrs. � � .,• CO-OP FEEDS ,.home spending a few days with her: , p' Q Bradshaw led in prayer„ followed b1" - My MY Father said, Boys will be boys', "'i'e But Aunt Mary hushed him quick; J. A. BURIc .' Q Funeral Directorrr • O . ,,Qen- Christie Valentine story Gwen Chickstarter P tg',Grer Growrtiash Fibg 'Grower Sow Ration ZION ' Ted Jones, she said,,is .much too big To ',that shabby trick! -.PLAY ..� 0 DUBLIN ONT. O *"jdightoraay ea1ls . Phone 43,.r 10 O. G'S O O.O o:•O O 4, O O O ......'° '. titled, "Why_ Mary 'Changed Her Mand:" Teddy Savauge .took up the collectiaul.. 'The secretary, Marion Chamberlain, called the•roll and read minutes of the last meeting.' Jean tf�`tnash• •Hatchmash, Dairy Ration WESTERN GRAIN AND CHOP.,sited Finns Minerals and Tonics ' : Reduced' Iron, Rex Wheat Germ Oil ..Universal play Vlr. and. Mrs. George Ahrens and family vi ,her parents, Mr, and, .Aunt Mary•pitied 'poor dear Kate; Mrs. Albert Roney, len Sunday, . . At me 'sharp locks sl{e threw; • Mr, and. Mrs. George Robinson and '•You ought to alit 'the man.; she said', " :•• 9 : • '! ' un �� � � �osh �/ ,the Marion w_en_ Christie andiRno Milkers and Parts in o Sun- A ,boy as bjg as' you! visited 'tdilverton n Presented, by E ndville s' , - dGaydys the-Y.P;S. of _ d Ch mberlain sang a trio entitled., A SEAMORTI1" ARNERS o Next day_.I askedto do_some things Mr. and Mrs- • Dalton Malcolm vis . , Q a eSterJwuS a fl - - • . : • ' ■ ' . Bird+s •Valentine.' The 23rd Psalm i unison ,from memory. was repeated• "H'ear the Pennies Dropping" ,wassmall,-AY, CO-OPERATIVE PHONE 9 That big,folks will 'ted Mr. •and Mrs. 'Roy Thompso t n, in Oh, no! they said • you're , mu'cir-'too- Ayonton, 'on ^unday, _-_. .. Iley of Guelph, spent 1x n C t�Q S Ha „, Se f ortll FRIDAY, FEDRUA 2nd $• Y R ° 2 5'.pan. ., ecasiona}Chairs . suing. Mrs. Barber .introduced.. the You're just a littleh boy. ' the r. with , his. twiry Sponsoredby R Cr,Cro REPAIRED „ .AND RECOVERED Also Auto Seats and: Sacks, Veranda}' tie stud book, Npangas Two vii- _ Y.. ,t ..... _...__ ._ lages," and told the ,story of the open':' hag chapter. The. Mission' Band mag- azine, "world' Friends,", Was distrib- uted and .the' meeting closed by sing-: 1)ANC and Mrs. Lawrence Hannon. Of course I know grown folks are' Mr. and -Wes., ss.' 3: 13r�tiori spez�i •- right, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kinglet' But truly,, I'm perplexed` • Salton, Mitchell.. At' feeling I'm big 'ons day, ' ea ►� rte' aSociety s S y , • • • REt1�0LAR SEATS 40c ". O .. RESERVED,SEA1'S 50c ,' Plan opens at McKindsey s Drag Store on Friday, Feb. 1sI` at 12 noon Swings 'Chairs Repaired: "God Save King" ST, COLUMBAN Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon visited And very small the next. and Steamer "- ing the and•.repeat-' Mrs.Malcolm on s James Malco -:-Varna Scrap Book. . ' ing, the benediction. Jean Snell was Suindayd Stratford Upholstering Co. pianist for the meeting., A`Yalentine' • : - on 'c•o• note Mr More "Cann i uple 'Morley game wan Rlayez} and enjoyed! by'Ail. `` ' FRIDAY, MARCH • 1st •HULL Dancing 9 to 1 a.ne. n spent a , , p of days, ETT and L i Tel 579,' ., MaI o mI J ck were Council Meets� %']''] �7 nr tor ,Tu lhe>c • information apply at • Furmt11re Store ' LOCAL BRIEFS L•a BAYFlE VALLEY FIVEher Admission ,. •50 cents daughter. Mrs- in Hensel'. with g• Harvey Hyde. and Mr. Hyde.. The, regular .meeting.of"•t'he. Hullett Feb. 11 L ' •.: - trees • ass Phyllis , (Iibb - of Stratford, is• tocynsliii council met, Monday, -Hall, .SEAFORTH HIGH 'SCHOOL 8EAFORTFI •spending • Mass Minnie IYabkirk, of Gode- a few days with her sister, 4th, in the' Community Londes- 'p.m r 4 rich, spent a few days with her sirMrslton thisbaro, • at 2 The reeve and all •� �'1 •„ THE McHILLOP MUTUAL �i. CQ'Y. 'INSURANCE i, " i ter, Mrs.' Harold Dale. and.. Mr. Dale. • Mrs. Archie Lamont of Loring, Ont., is . vi 'ting 'her mother Mrs- M. Henderson, .who had the misfortune to break hey'"'hid "' . TIME TABLE LunnurS EFFECTIVE Mr. ' and Mrs George Robinson en-' members ofhe council were present. The minutes of the'last regu tertained .a" aiinther:'of friends to a lar 'Wiest • • ing of Jan: 14th, were read. Wm. J. fowl dinner Wednight night pt Dale an l 'W. R. Jewitt: That the aiin- e.. anIrs. Norman Stanlake and 'Friday; February. �►tli. ; 9.00 -' . 12.30 . .. . N'S TONY'CRYA NEW ORCHESTRA ,IEA!"OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT,� some weeks ago•o •. Mrs. George. McGavin, 'of town, ? Sunda Feb. 24th 1946. y, utas of the last regular •meeting, Jan. Mrs, H. rkrnan, of Hensel', visited ego on Saturday. with Mr, and .Mrs: herb. 24th, as read be adopted. 'Carried. Dress •O Optional sLoo OFFICERS' �iJ $. Archibald, Seaforth. Pjes. and Mrs. Thomas Legg, of •Goderieh,• • in Stratford on Saturday attend- • wereBritton 'ceremony and. other specific dates. . • Full. information from Agents. and Pamily.. Letter isrom J. L. Graham, re mem Mrs. Elmer Kleinfeldt is visiting`in bership fees, was filed'; Institute, of• per person F McGregor, Clinton' - Vice-Pre:S. ing the capping at •Strat ford General 'Hospital, 'which class Canadian National Railways Woodstock for a Pavy days this week. Local Government, re mem,b,ership fees, Monteith, Merton A. Reid Seaforth 1Vlanager. of The Women's Association met . at :Medi- Monteith & re' • • ;and• Secretary -Treasurer. Miss Marion t1deG.avin is a member. assessment, answered. W., R. Jewitt• the , , • •:Miss Ruth Joy -At, of Preston, was ••- , - home of . Mrs: William Smith on Wednesday large„ and Wm: J. Dale: That the ...-Clerk, DIRECTORS: a weekend guest at the. home of her number of remise is Dui.. 'comply with the request of Monteith " Chris. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; E: J. T%3. ,Se, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, R.R.. 3, rSeafOrtji;, Alexander McEwing, R.R. •1, Blyth; Frank McGregor, R.R. €� Glintori; Hugh Alexander, R.R, 1, Walton; William, R,, Archibald, RAI 4; Seaforth;, George, Leitch, R.R. t, Ciintton, John L. Malone, R. 5, Seas Parents, Mr: and Mrs. Robert Joynt• • Mrs. W A. Wright, Miss Jean Wright, and Miss) Jessie 'Grainger, of Clinton, were in Toronto over t s 'week -end. i- • Mr. and'Mrs. ]y wins, of"Goderich, • BO • Q Q Hy FGndVr J Re ars „andivisitois present. ing• the afternoon the ladies quilted &'Monteith. Carried. Geo, a. Brawn U and Wm: J: Difib: That we pay the 'quilt, and the hostess. 'served a cue= lfcious lunch, assisted by ,Mrs. Gar account of Frank Donnelly whicZi, is Smith, Mrs. R. Aikens and Mrs. A: up to the end of 1945. Carried. Wui. Rock. J, Dale and Geo. C. ]gown: •',That we make a grant of $75 to the Common ' :The self-preservat on,,of the race' Square -dealing; one price to FLUFFO SHORTENING , �,�C CAR'RQTS-Washed pound I ; .demands honesty, all. ---Elbert Hubbard. ' 'pC v . visited Mr- and .Mrs. Gordon Mill ,its Hall Board. Carried. W. ii: Jew pound ftort:h.•.. ' AGENTS: ' 'over the weekend. -'t . Mr. Hadfield has leased the and Wm. J..le: That Bylaws 5• CLINTONIlVTON ' and 6, of 1946, having been read a S C STARCH CELERY' 'Gra• ARC - en 1 1 c r(r+ pound 2 Bunches , ; Finlay' MGKercher, R.R. • 1, Dubii:�; ' B. Pepper, Brucefield; J.;, B. Prueter, �ro1l$t}gen; George A. Witt Blyth., ,. apartment over Crick's store, which has been vacated by Utr, and Mrs. _• R y Kerr. •, Mian Vera Mole Isab , AT'. y Seaforth otorS' he Red Cross held its regular- third' --time be ,finally, passed',. Signed meet'�C lig in the council thambers� on by the, clerk and Reeve and the town- Monday, February: •4th_ ' There was a ship seal attached. 'Carried. ,••, In -At CORN SYRUP HEAD LETTUCE. • 5 pounds- 59C• • •' for , • FELS-NAPTHA • r>t�C : SPINACH 1Qc 3 for "' L , pound '• and Miss Auderiio><i.-were in 'oronte last week PHONE 141 splendid attehrdance. the absence• this time the tenders were call- of the President,. Mrs- (DO Oakes, ed for on, the tractor and power mow - We have reason is believe we have•the finest die- of Prix Ve� stables this, London. attend' attending Ice Follies. ny • Major Eleanor Webster, of Win- • Mrs._ Mcl�a took the chair. Very er asLts,,,.and edvertised for in -the Stratford favorable reports were given by all paper, there_ being' only one tend•er.ttIIGAN pias g side• of nipeg, has arrived to succeed Adjutant the committees, a'l'so r port's. were . After careful deliberation and debate N • &QN Woods the Salvation Army. Adjt. ro given from the different branches of it was put to a motion, the motion • . , ,at ' ' Woods is on sick leat!e.. • Mr. Thomas Muff, of Hagersville, a' �i r1 �1 Goderich Townahipr Porter's Hill and being taken by yeas' and nays.' Wm. Summerhill. - 3.- Dale and Geo. C. Brown: •That . - spent the weelrtiwend with his father, ' " TAXI' SERVICE we The Girls' Club Wesley Chuath do accept the tender G. R. Coudt Mr, A.F. Cluft, of of held their regular Monthly meeting hard, for a John Deere ' •\dt1� • Mr. Keith Lamont, of Detroit,'v Mrs, Frank Lamont edh eweek Phone 162"'- Seaforth .St. .Paul,, on Tuesday,•Feb.• 12th, in the church Model, L. I. tractor "and No, 7 'D..5= 'was etee well at- toot' hydraulic ',lift mower at $998,25 AUDITS' INVESTIGATIONS TAR CONSULTANT_ o Bte Blur kkeeping Sy ms and 8eW oe et-.o'►5 over end . '-• Mr. Gerald Stewart, of Montreal, spent the^week-eid •with• his parents, • C. LEMON hied. The n ,miry Mrs. Shea%". ••t o.b. Welland, with • freight charges ling; diad charge Mrs. Adams' group of $22 to the Township o!• Hullett. 'bad charge of the program, which.' The voting on this mooch was: rn i•i� A. Be albraith % ACCOUNTANT -e- AUDITOR • e the 1,� , Counter �4Ir. end 14i•rs.-Hairr9t Stewart. , ' � .r. anitstate'd of, readi'ngs,, address end vo- Yeas -Wm. J. Dale, Geo:" C..Brawri i . - :." Esta %k il3va%s-made in • •.Sgt,..Lloyd floggar;tj,, R.C.A.T+`„ - eat -sol'be, Lunch was served, •• W. IL Jewitt, nays -John •, J.. Arm- bli 1 shell '142 Albert St 52 I �i Ct> tlCi, .. `uinary'. Rocktliffe, spent the w�selc end with his, wife and sbw In town. 'r..:• Mi', Mrs. Clend'oa Christie,Cat • The W,M,S. at the Ontario Street Strang, S.. Ira " Rapson. Motion tai'- f✓hurch held• a 'very successful Yalen tied.: liV. t'. Jewitt and Wm. J. Dale,: tea Tuesday, Feb, 12th," " " • That the Clerk write the cheques - rt ., Phones --2427-W '' Stratford, Ont. , - Ree . --2427-J ' r .$ giveOf .and xCibshetiefr, ~spent' the'• vaeek-end tine on out Ontario' St, W.A. held their due for'seVeranCe ands damage the ' '00,1'S tt C IJIi .., : ., ;•. W$ ",, „: n, ,4„ - r '� •, , . ' " {r m e >Cr" r ¢ '� � off , ; �, i ,°� is;�, t , ; . .,.; : aT rat, r , v �.,. } r r .,, ,' ;,. , trx .„ ... , ���� here: -' . • Miss Phemia C•ofdon, of ' Gotta -,Gotta -,AND " , s rich, �tiit . S,atttrday. ,with Mrs. Max are, White. " .., : _...... - , •+w' Cap,,• Ernest•Ifail, -an eleCtriciaty � � tit the 'O.at! i� ii•A and;Wiled. ,, .pd a �'i"r . �Tio set- ed Yrott .', . ; , te' tTie s , • ,�:,5 ,$i , ,�'d of the war.. gi? dt 1,�, 31!Iirs. Fanta 1Vt •/� i ,.a esE p.add jr Mott er Rd' itf6 . --to is •a sdn de�Y �'`�' � . •1WIr:. and M1'�' . , �.v dr �.` � of $ • J , .-. , s � � al t par I £la s1t v y .. k lir-. o T�i�r h dig , J! a ,: � d. .,JM J d i, . Simonize . ;•-. , t�. �H�� r .. r. .. ...4, . u • , AT , M ��R e�'GV' :�� nil ch On 'regtular meeting' en WhdnssdaYr''an4, Pollard drain and that they•be passed , it Was eery' welt -attended The presi- 'With,the accounts. Carffed... in. J. dent presid�edi "aiEitl;;a�Nlfss .COurtiitii_ i;��' bale and ,?. •Ira i'tapsoti: That t>is ,at• sou a .veey„,...impreeei a.•'taTlt, Mtge Wiltse tits, (IS presented, be paid. Carried. salify; • twb very : leasing egos and Win... Tk TSale: and' John vv. Artnstreng; :. P , That• he can .' bars. , PearS�an ellbsgd with pray'e>;.,, t . u Cil, Clerk and Enid Sup- in end n b ti t}ricli. was- sewed, which was' ett��'ge• � t e t e a d�r18�p ori tG• �.ot'o>i� 5d' by all. toeGtit aua 2`tffi' tb' 'tit e 'vie* The om t uta hem their. the,.Mittieter of Mttrrioi tAffairs,, ire eaa � ���i t e itria li' y��'�)6tjrtUf°�p�- - an dri�Yt . t �,, 1:. li ' :,�: �,y�, ..regirlar� ineettrig �fik'i.'iitlil"s lit t � WF3 kt d lea cit i1a,ilitain • iclTttri° B e • (Solilia'TyCo `it:est-' aemiis ttk"".tbe ti}wti 1 a so 'tb et• 1i�T�i X �'it eh l`►r � slit 'woo...LOW *aided; ritc feind t ie bd >t '' � + :tltt. tar- ,oit, iEi�� �` � 4' ' r �: ' : 0 D AS�E� + „/ IS' •fir, +. -:, Quickl' removed in Olean Sanitary roc•' �` A ry t kt,. Primo; collect. w �y �• �i�t0 ����iI�,�Ti�.t �:,.:... ..... v°d� , Lim -Ilea ' „'• - r;", ,. . 4