The Huron Expositor, 1946-02-15, Page 4, I—— -11 1.1111111- -:��11,�� -:�:­7117=71111171.� I �,-",-"WN�P"�71�,,, ��:17 1 - "'' - , I - --,t-,���-.,.;,.;���,;�,,�"'�,��-� ­­­­�'­'­­ ­ 1111,1.1117qM !, . "I - , ­­ -, ,, ­­ ��,,­ ;�­'�',�, I .11 ", , ,r� I : 1 ""7­�,��3 1, � ­­­�. � I * 1. . � I . I � I . I , , "'Irl','� ­ ,�, ", � 1. -, T1,1, -,j',- , 7 I " �­ , � I t . : I- 11- - 111�11"i ,i� ,%, 1,,,;.1 . �­. . - , � I � � ,, �:�,,,', -1,11, I � , I � I I , I 1, I " I ,­ , ­ I � ­; "', . ,� . �, 11, - I ,x I 11 I I � � ­ I 11 : I . , I ,� ­� , ­ ­ ,, 0 1 I'll .,;�il.:''; 11 ; i , , � " I , � . ,, ., I il 1�,�11'.'�", " . , �:,,, I � � ,, I I �, ` , . , 4,�, , ,, I � I I 11 � I . I I . : � .,� I � ,�� .�, ,;I 1, - ­il 1, 1 ; . 1� ,� I : i� I " , ''. I I . . . . ­�; �� 1. 4 11 I �, � ,, �;�, , ��� I �, 1. I ''I , 11 '' � " I � I I. I I � : " 0$ I , I I ".1. - ­ , � � . :, �,';` 1. , .. I I " � I 1; -1� I 1!­,;;­­­,W�� .1 - " . � , �a- - -- - ,, " . -1. , � ': , , I "I I'll, 11 1, " .1 � ". O.. : - . �, --�t,:- , � � ', I . � ,. � � ,,, ',� � , : I V I � . , , I ", W...,'; , 1: : � � �,:. �,i �­­ � al- � , , I ,� I ,�Ilu � ; I I � I � I ­ � , � I I � - ,��', ,� �'. I . �- I I-" , ­. I -'d.-, - , ­�, � -�� , �, ,j�, LLi - � , i , ­­- ��� I - I - -- k- � I , ,, � , I,- � - , - ­: - ­ 'A , 1.11: 1.11 -, � ----11 �. . 1. J:!�, :,j,�,.l �' ,, , 1, I . ''I I 11 ­ 11 11 �� - M,wm��� ..qv^6",W*,"4W,00WMiQ­ �''. ­. I , L , - 1:11 ,... 1�1 � "I '' �: � '� � -�--[­ , - 111-11'' ­­­ I ­ ­.. ­ I - --11-11- - �".. --11. I I 11 11 ­ 1. . .11 � ­­ -- � , " 7�, , ":.� %� - . ,� ­ � '' � I I I I - �,;, :,-F 11 11.1 - - I � r-- -­ I 11; I i I I'll - :­ I ;� , : � Ir"77 - -� I - ­ ;;I, �-�- ''. ., " 1­1,­� 1;o-1 I I I 71� - �-7 I I , - '�,­ I "."!'' , �, I ! 11 � 1, ", �,!,� ", ��, rrrwc - , ­�'. � ,� lil�:�­, . .1 11 '" . s�, � - I 1 , , .. I . " . �;,,.. '. " ::�,i,".­' � : 1. - � �, � , I , �, � , � , -�� ,�­`, �,­- I—- -- �' 1, . :,�, I I llt--!�­"' , - � , ­ , - �'', - -­---�­­ 1, --L �, , , , A " V%,� ­ I �, Y �� , , L -il-' -­ ,� ; ,� � I � � I , �, ,�­ ,'�. , "Rio' :, " I ;,� 1, �, � Xe ­'� I , ,, 11 I I 1- . � '' , , , jn, I I � �: : %­� i� l� ,;� , 1, " � � � 414�' . � I I I , ­ � I A" I " I I - I ".. I , ,;, . I I I I , � � , � I I I 7 '­'%- " -- i,: , 11 :, , � � ", " ., 7-- 1 i� � '. .� 4 �, - 0 U h - 91v C edy, o4i�c�mpatf, 4st A I I I , "' , I . � �'�,­ " . . F t I � �, , S * .1 � I I � " ,, " � ,� , ,� � �.­ �4 . 11 I �, ", I 1 wpon''m to�, -I 11 I i. I 1 4 .Pf: I I I I 11 I 1. 1, f - � I I 1, " ''. 9 I � i . I . � rw,l - I . I . I � I I I I ,�&,, , - , - 1.1 q pqc4�,`P � " ��t: . � , ,,, , " � I , . , ,� :!�, 4?Pf ,' ,,sO )rro,st­ The ,,, a, , 7., � I I I I � - I '- . . 11.11 "I".. I a ". . a 0 �, s r11 " . t-1 �. 1,1 1, " , � 11 n� wer � 11 ,�, All%w :it, ,, I ;, , 11. 11­14�1"Y*%, 4. ow � a . , I � i I I ... .... ­­­., � ... 19 ,,, V4kA- ila,.i,-�tn I ,�, F I , I I I � . �, *� �)91.f, AIG,)f I , ,. gAtiAe. I � ;: " � , , i� I i, I , j,�e.�,', 1, . , - ; . .� 4, 11 L. ,. � �' � ,,,,, " "., ,I_W ,*041 �� 4511% . . . . . . 1::'.b., " � �,,,,, �y 00 ,& lqc�.. , . T '10 . .. - I " ., , " I 1. I * ,-�-.'��'­�'. ,, ,, -, � , ve - �� Z- I . " ,­ I I "; %Aal I I L-72 j L Agm. " � . i I L��'. � 0 .i moftm 00 x . oo .. , � I :. , , ,� � , Z� .v � I I . ,�'­� -,,-�,,.�. � ,, .", . I I ,� A., I '.�I­ , . � I � : 0" ,,,, I -f -T§ - �?' ,i,;",T-;1t� �,� , , ,, 11 ,.�� —T -,—q. � 'RANW, II!0 WO T'"' MUIPJAAen 9w. 1 -Or 'thq , , 41", TA@,��PY�41,40*.s,'.PQI-. A 00'. - I vp TR 1"Al , : ?q�!,.­. '- .L , ' �� I � i, !��, ,� " , , IN I �, llll� � 1*1 .. - , 1� . ", " � � ".1, I . �',�, .. � I I I Act-, -0-1 I '­ -to i A= I �C.i %;' .. � , -",��'t I -,� ,,,,�', 6,,,.�.'��'�l . : , - ,, , I,; �- . I I "I ­',.'O.�,�"!`,i,�,�, =. . . . ), .1 "407eN Red. ftp P . r4eetilaww Is Io , , f , , I "Tile p . wilp"W-m-F I . 011 "I'-, i;,", ,',`,`.,4 , - ­­ i ­ 1� .. . I ­- � ..gV , � - eeyj I . � :L I'll, � ,A- , n , " ., �, ;; I "��, ": ,:;'I "' � , ! 'j " I" "'' ': ... � .. . .... � ..... .. . I'_ L ­...­�,,I­ ­ L., I . ­ .g.,., , he are , Is in, ; .. kfi� top'll; .... 9 : . , . , ­ , , ,1111 I . .11 , .,A '­,�..,. , , -� ,.,,��,,, , , , I . . '. 9. ,­ ":�j I ­: I .. ".., ­.. , � ,, e �, ia 't is I I I I. . . ,, 1. — � . , r#�Xes.selige - . ,,, , ' Nf I .�. , �� , .. - i I , . arc.11.8th, the. oate'set, �ts To"AW ,1`rea4. .bY , ­ . , -, :­ - ­�� � . - , ,. ...� I , . I - . 11 fQj� the ,,vo H . 's - , , , , , A" ­ q 9 ­ . I � . -Z; ' We - U44 ., . . . ., .. .. � .erwpAt .1%Ip 1, � I .1, , , .,=­ 14 nin , �,jt4jrd � 60 WOO , "I I , , � . , . �. - ed, I k ., I `,��, At' . R404 . � b ' . - . . , f-19 . " . i� ',',I.1�17.-� be ukifiAl"op RLBY - '' " "-T ,1.1� , 'ip to he up-��;,pn­ -0 - , ,,,,��&,,�, �,` � 1 .111A, I ,� t , '� �-T"A',""AT 0�t�!, , I;XiI 6 — 148, aw, I.A. �t',�, �. 'NOW X@W CO* IW* i. . 1. :, , ��, . " W ys -n. It Ftlpejn. h�r gg#a­ le'-pipAper I 1.11 I o& OR Remolia �. .. , , ­ ­ - . . . .. , - * , " " , I I , � 1'4,�4j "".;­, , , , ­ I fid, Da� of Pr4yer, . ". I j*t ,,�Ve L ­­... - . . . I* , . - 04�" � -'r ."- ­ �.­, ".. I ., . I—, Rte—r,!,w wg , , � I ". I . . . . C , , "114 d'- . 1, �� . C '. 3. 15�1 01 iWl ,*. ", ,�,�" , il, wim k *040. ,� Qvilaq aw*pw . , 254 W�(4 .... .. - 0 .ptin. c S. 4 41 A Wes � - 90 I Out "k � , '' 'i , '11-w ., . � : . . , .ek : � V � , , 'j" , 11- " . , , . ,Ri,��.� , . t'iX .i. ,$ I "'�',.����!,S""�,:,����,�;.,��.)'.�� : � , ....... .:J . ,,S.,a.nd e me le 1. gileetlilg: -clow.- by sixlgiox> IMbre operation on 8 XW at . � , 'r ,,--bo , - , s' §111l, , .g , ­,�� , , ,, �, � . -e .,k,V..n,, . I I . - . ,�.�, �_ ­. . 'i �� a - tail. XON V, fT ..Pet i I � � . , 1,11�,.,,,, . 4% I . " , .� ,� " y�, . - .- - , , T�ove To 'TIP"i-0 Qli�lst -bOA0 ,, . — dillm ­ . � .� '. � X40VINO *=wX .. � ou ". :"�,� 4 . , 4 gut a gmftw , X: i­§�']C' -�11 .g .P�1PA,X.t d with":Vx4yer, -by 'F,thel DeAnis. ,,!� ,101,14,wq�- byl gospital,. Lond.01,1, UP ,. � . J ­ - Z � . � Q 'L - . , L' I I . .. I , `- V �, �l,��,,,,�,411,,.,,',,-,�!i,�!'i,i�'���'.,�,� ,� � � . *".144,-.Is4t.?­,.,44�� V � , , e ­ I , I �.'Z7P77 ' - . . ., —, , L - 6.. - ­� I "- iaaeu , .. ;:.....;­ � � E- g` - ", , "" P�,',),��l,ii",;�fl,".V.���l,;"�":P,i�,!�� , t " *44, ,4 4 A. e. iw ,.,.. . '.., � gj­ � ,�." , -to- . - 4h U e jNofto belied tioA ,by,the president, Refresh, 1froft the leg 'to the �w5a,. The . al- 0 , fjo-kAi"'. -Alt4a ..'.. -on � I V. �,g . . ..... n.g. � "" ,at , ", .4 ­­ V � L-W, 0 r., 1, I � 1, . . . I ,,a,;� ...... , - l' 0, 0 at. w - - -: -,­ . - , - . J'A I I - U ,I i10 ' -1.11 �, , * ".*f�.i',,,',�",�?"��,"��,�'i'�i����,�,��,, � I imer .. -, . , '' " I . . I I'll F - i .. . '� ' ' I .. I I Ov ", V't ­�. - '' ,.,., $1041mgm olvarge, .. " '4 I 1 01 ,,, . --A ,,, "Nuether and go4, --te, -e ,then ,served .and An, on- goons wer%., �bls­wlplale And - P.r, I I I -, � ­ *44' 40*r"'AM94 calmu W.0" m, , - I . , 11 , I I ' . , L .X -A g , ' . .. , le . s' ��,I�.,, L�.'?O, �" L�� �; , .� ,,L, !.!. w9rA. - .... , � Mrs. L , J" .V minxts , wel . jj�`,,�O"K,� 31AP,�,'j ,4i�.�',i ' .$cbram"'Of ea - t,.;Mick , ' kmf�j�,�"A�j',, ��;� .. '-'W , 10810 *R -XP, W#4 , , * .' . Her 'thought W, IL , _ L a","� . . ' .. I . . -.. - ( ;, .�� , -� were sli Ito full of, 1* a,' Smule 're . 4 ,,'� '�,'Z'17,7'-5kf'��"-,k ..... . pf"Th.44s - e4norlo*L xpfficewL? 4'..cout pw­w4w.d. Minl*!? - wftlk� . ,., , 1,9adon . ... .. Pb . �� . ,m AQ ,FM ­ , , I" 4P .. - ,q 4 . $be ue 11 iam,­ 1. LU Morrtston, 4r6 joyAble time'spent., . ,... 11 - ­ %40,�V�,tj;X� - , '' �' . _ � _ � . , . I... . . , L. " , " " ", , 0 "Ato extra., And, lie we think that: where sh�, is, . guests Oit'*.", and Mrs. Charles Eg- . , celved -the wound,injury in a�ctloa',ili' H 0".` , r ON, - 11 �'v','�'�!��"',i� �,'i - Aiixipo Xpiabo (3 .1 - ,. " ','I ;� L � . ver could forget, I I .01(her, ,of I 11 I "­!­.­ , ""I L qe ,,, I a," I . '­ .. L IT 1. , lroote4.4f@ ... * � '-*a suinber., 06 INA:Xlirov AxV* to foo R19'11�11111�tl'--!, I Rat, to ,* "I" "S.111RU L " R .A Alowil ver.wqe-�­ - 1. M ,�!;�, iWill W olia ' 1XV1110­., 1", - ­ � romd if a ,,4. "".. ve cis" Uot � "I"i -IFY.. *0 She must be Watehi X19 .Yet. le . � L . " , "'�'., Urday_sight jjkL - . .. . . ' Has Succearwful Auctiori Sa ' . . I I ,��p.,�,�i.""�',,'�.r,-�:*�,.".,., , the,�Week aii vrh14 the, ad was ruw . . . I—. 9,,-r t - Pte, Rupther to in-lodon. ge�t- . . .1 Germa4y. - � Rhone 104, - -� I .. k .14P L - , I I.L�'.., �, ' '!I ". ­ . . ..... .. I . I. I . I . L , . ,�, ­� ... �'­" 1 11 . . . As ai*kls Ikeep their v;atch up there I .. I ROY11 �ftal ed ,,at his- home In . -. � - A. "I, � L . , his, L a 4rriv . � P "L" I ." V, I �J,�'�,�t,j�,.F. ""... ': 119tte", to. Oreditq;s. W—Rat- on '1,6"t�w, - I . I I WW.h�rf a.. ... . ­ . The .�uetlon -sale of Andy Bell, Apir :two years. IR ­­ I ..� 14 ., ", �,� J� � &- �i4p%. aud boaths. inaOted frpe�ot thavie. , `,�' . � tk, �:mAF 4 . ting . . ... I � �,,,, L. �, 'A Uo .,�� - � . . I Flei�e G60, Just let 'her know I M ­ L , . on 0 W � - - I I - -,. I$ .... I . � ��, lrl�.. � IF., I .. . . . I I . . . . That we down here do . -his. week ..a . -!",. O� . - I .'11"",Y,L�'.. I � ; . , ­� . -13., "'k � " I .. . . n e" :L .' � ' "mrs. harvey. Koehler-., of No.'4 Highway - ._ �!!TAII t - L— " , I , , ;� . g, V , -0 "n Sales. . , - " - � ",t,w. - iby-Chw ,s -. .P W"W We love and 'is., her r. ana,' �'L north of HenSall' Con g 0 was Lstta6bed . .1. I . L .1 �,, "... . ­ i . I., .',,L'- &"T-�; --�P, , . IEW I Galt,'— +jjjtA i. fri6kils in -this vicinity 0 as, Pte.- SM14 . 1. - f., . r . iistin of the farm of Oh.e' hu4 �Be ­ 1� - I I N. ." ­ ." .:��', �­ , . . . .. � . , ­ . .. . 'T'��,,, " �, 'i . '7- 9 . _,dred, ,P Ilk - . I 1-1 -.1 . . ... .... I ,.T - ',K,� I 1�., I ­ M- . .. -1 . I . I - k ii��,, to the Perth Regiment. , ,',, 11 1. "L -t� ' ' , I -Sadly inissed ky Husband, Family arift over the .&k -,.d- . I � w4r, =afte"Carlli 0 . -r. �­ " L t VRTCKi=ORDM NOW, Es- - DRESS FOR SCOft Grit-adphil4ren. I and fif ty atres of lend, jg�qd , Mrs. Annie Logan, of H I --jil � was Buchanan; treas ;;;; I ... �1 "L ­'.­ , H ILLSID , ' . . . Pte. - Eltpqr Koehler, of Crumlin " ' - - . . � ens , I , " - - . ,%,i. .,.,, .,- ,., iZeily for February-Maich delivery. e1norial Hosvital. Apply to th; . . . ments, feed and furilltur,6, .*as a I ' otional, I)orothy McNaughton;; I LLLL tgjj. ': 4. - ­­ � I I 'Victoria Hos- dev . I I M. . W.L, . Hatchery says bookings *are heavy, and dop',� 8 PFJL1*T9NDENT, S004-*emoAal Rospi- _ . I = . 1. -- I .. , Hospital. Alient a few days at ' -'prices: taken 'by ambul4n,ce'to . , L - .!�,.�vi I .. . his �great sugoesi, with high' re- for L � , ,�i I Wisb, tL o diseppoint later buyers. "Approved `141- - . 4079-1 . - 11 earbir Vennor anO BettYl , � t"'. I `-,F4. . . ­ '"Births -, ' ' ' '�' I .�� , . alized,.with buyers from variou's Plac- - . , I ". , . ,:, Shtdics, - brooders- Pallorum 'tested. You can � . . home, pital, London,' ,on,. Friday treat- PrOgTam, 1@1 neei. , �, �, I 4 . I . . mickie. it was decided that the I I �� s.yr�, L , ' I save. time by contacting 6'. CHAS. W.. MAN WANTE11).—W.ANTED IMME IATE­ . I - Quite 4-4 ment. Her...##en,ding physician is Dr. . . . I - "I'll" .... I '. �: , bell. ly, expericu?!� maa f6r ­ . . ., ,pinbe.i. are sufferin� from es includifirz i Tijlsonburg, 'and' as far L . iggs would '� � - , �L .. "­ LXONHARDT, Box 1, Mitt I I I . I li��,held at each membele 11 11 ". --k . . . . I . 4070-1 work. Apply -to ROBERT AR(flaor-BMI)f"T RYAN -In Scott Memorial. Hospital. Sea- flu on the 8th. line� - I . . north as Walkerton. The.farm was J. C. Goddard , Hensall. I ' ­ 1.11" I , . I , phone 55'r 16. ocafoxth. . 9 01 forth - on February l0th, to' Mr.Land' Mrs' .. house and It was agreed to start At � � , " . '- LL '�tj � 4 ; - .- 6 . 1 407 1 Manlayychool has been closed OR purchased by Mr. William J. F. Bell, -'M - I . . I �� V, , .. . . Joseph F. Ryan, Dublin, a daughter. ,�_ , THE MONKTQN POUI- . 11. and. mrs.W. S. Shepliard, Max , '' - ---CHICKS FROM I I ccount ' � oa , . I O.":. �. . . . - . . � - 1. , .. � MARINFILLTI-In Scott' Memorial Hospital. a . scarlet fever. ' of Kippen, at the. price 0. garet and Barbara ano Miss Ed 7'30 on the second Monday pf e.&Cb - .. , I" �:!, . . try Farms of the following breeds: Leg- ­ . ,ebrudry 9th, to M of $13,700.0 . ' (i , , 1,p- horm Leg, X Hamp., Leg. X Rocks, SUBS W=tL Sead;or6, �n r r. and Mrs. . . I �: I I lidercock,attended- the lee Follies month- This Was 111,00 , by Betty k ex, .d L, , Joseph. Marinelli, Seaforth (nee Isabel . . . I The ladieR of St. 'AndK6Ws United Sa4 I . 14a, .-. . ";,I'. ­ '' " I Ham�s, Barred Rocks, Rock X Ramps. Sus- I . a �� &�� ... ­... I Case), a daughter. � . L . " Mickle nd 'seconded by I ,rie Boyd i �, . I - I � ek-end. I . , ,�, ! � � Gov4frum6nt Approved Hatchery� D � I OVERHOLT-In $Lott Memorial Hosp . . . � i """� , Church, Kippen, bad a junch booth at Toronto ov" the we ' Business was ;,." - sex X Ramps, at a very low price from a itill. i ", � , . , I discussed. and the � � �1��, ,. . eliveris' APPLICATIONS WANTED - APPLICA- ­- ,MSeaf ft, on Fohruary 9th, to Mr. and . , ' ec, Mf,s Minnie Sangster:�of . Hensall, ' , . , . . deduction on order� ..N WIN RoP, . � . vit! realized $70.1.)O. Mr. Bell . app . r I-. .- - . . in etin , . Lord!& Prayer I , Monday and Thursday tions will be accepted -for the position Of tor Overholt. Zurich, a! sort. .4 . TIE[ .1, le X closed by the 4:,. I , . .. tdoj� 'Me . I this week received. a letter Written to . . 1 - I , 1, I , rch isi. For bi.rther information,' Secretary-Treasiarer for the Seaforth Agricul- BATIT-T-.n Scott Mem-grial Hr4pital. Sea- � . . I 1. ate(p having puch a large crow�.'iit- I . . I . . � - , to or phone KERk$TH ETUX� R.R. 2. t, ' for u I - Red C ­ . I ter, and In ivnison. I I ... '10 , gri I Sobiety, by letter. up to March 1, 1946, , . February 12th. to Mr. end Mrs. The , ross mqeting and quilt- her .son, YO. Douglas Sangs I - . . ­. urich. Ph6he 98 r is, Zurich. J.L - . tend, the sale. .. - -11- - � I . I . 'N. GOVENLOCK, Seaforth. 4079-2 Rt,m,mrt Baird, Brac -'� 11, " "Do . .�� i- I - -1 . 40697.tf ­ ." , . " - efteld. a ,op. ftig -will be *held in die school room . I A rry"' at that Au�(Iliary, To. .Hold. Bazaar - . .. . L A0 HOLLAND -In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea- , ' . , �-- sent in ugust, 1944. ' �., ". I , . I -- , - WANTE,D-A SECOND HAND EVAPOAA- . forth, op 'February 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. of the church on, Tuesday; Peb;. IDth, , Sister Dies in Edmonton , time was 4 prisoner -of -war ,in Ger- . � . . ', . L , . . . ­� I I . . . 1. I . ' 4 daughter. I I ''. t""'. . . ­ .. I... . . -beers many post ' The -February meetbW 6f 'Ve . r . � I I I . . . . tor. Apply to CHARLES EGGERT, Moody -ftollaa4...W�,gl�Dn, Mrs. Scott,, of Brussels; Mr., Chat- . . . the E - �r , ­ I I . Dublin. or phone 28 r 14, Dublin., . . . .1 . , mank. " The .letter \. , , % , . fl.epanals I . . . I I 11 ", ­ I,- . 4079-1 . . lie Simpson,, of Jamestown; Mr., Glen Mrs,- J. W. McLean,.�of.-Hensall, re- ,inarks of ddfferent places, in its trav- uIng Au*ili (United Church) W" � ". , I . � . I � , . ary ,i-' . . . . . -..,-- ­ .. I . � -ceiyedL wOrd that hei sister, Mrs. Wil- ' av6lyl, ,. , . Q ATION GARIWNTS FOR W�Aj!,�MD - BAY LOADER, IN GOOD' o 'Smith, of Hamilton, and, Mr. Neil l . elsri havthg t'ravell-pd, to Geneva and held,Mondqy evening at the ,11 I .. , .. . . I .'PIRZL,L& FOUND CROMARTY--. - . 1. ' I -and I k " heiAth apd. style,' Individuall'y designed. ,. Wipe, State price �i"'jixi I t London, , were 'here ham McAllister, -had 0,',ed at her home .,,,,ai prisoner -of -war camps , home 4f Mrs. Fj.-,Qiiger and daugh- '-� .. ­ .4ke� Apply -S' Mon gomery, of . I . . ' .1 . I mg. -HELEN K. SCOTT.. Iligh Street. Sea- THOMSON,..-Brupt6eld. Phoue`2 on 86, Hel.9-' . I in Edmonton on Sat ay, Feb. 9th. . )ray, with a splendid at- ,,, . . . . . Personals: ' Miss Hazel 14aing, of ,attending,the funeral of Mrs. J.' A. . . several addresses lil Canada. � , ter,' Mrs. SI I 11. , �, . . I ... I ... �..... - � 4#60x52 : , -1 . . ' � � . �, . forth. . .. I . - i .11. , . � I . ­ 40.79 ark, of Montgomery. , . . I Born in Hay Township,' she was thef pit.-Sgtt. G. I E. Berringer, of South tenda' members 'and guests. I .1, I . 1. . -- Waterloo-, and�' MISS Marie Cj .L . ­­­ - I nee of . . f, � ." ., j WANTED -TO RENT,,100-150 AC" FARM . . former Jessie Bell, daughter of the qpfly r�-j' Miss Margaret Shepherd assisted the . . ,� I � - I 'th fairly good building% to take pos- Owbn Sound, with, Mr. alid- Mrs, Tom Mr. Andrew Montgomery, 'of Brant- Brookfield, Nova Scotia, re0 . I � ' , � . . P16ultry I . . .vri . � . . . late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bell., Sur- , - . � . . aession in'Spring. Please apply to. Box 470, 1aifi7g; Mr. and' Mrs. 'Morley Wads- ford, sq,� the past week a:t his home fdrned from overseas, spent the �piZst hostess, and Mrs. B; Xyle Prer-ldied- . : L . I.. . . . I two Solis. AA F � ' PQ�JLTRY-DO NOT FEED - BOARDERS. HURON . F4POSITOIL wor6 and son', Cameron, Wardsville here, �. . viving are ,A three daughl, week 'With Mr. and Mrs. GordoA Py- Theme song Wag Bling. followed by ., I Have your hens carefully culled. High- . . � . � Mi. he , I . . . . ters�­two brothers, R. D. Bell and- nd family. . . the hymi I . � �� e§t market prices at all times. GEORGE - . o.. . - wi h. he -Mrs. Mae- Mr. -and, Mrs�. J.. M. Gil.lies spent a � - . bus a n.,­1!What & F.isiloviship:1 The . � . . �. parents, Rev. and . 1. . one . I - W. G. Bell, of HensAll and' three sis- Miss Margaret Kercher, of Lotidon, devotional sprvice, AlsO'S0#ptXlre,, Ist I .. � � . . I � - 0. I. . . . , . WALKER, Pensall. Ph 119. ' � ­-�Tbr S;de' fe in I ,- , ters Mrs. ,'J. McAllister, �.Hensall; I t the Week -end with her parents. Corinthians, ,chap. 13, vs, t 1 �7 . I . . . . 407,5x12 " William;'Url. and Mrs. Percy Adams w dSy9 I -Toronto. ­' ' :-,--- ' R, - I—, ­ k . - . . . -. And two I... little soas;- Walle' I listedn, with Spr. R, 'K. W,jvifton, ... R.C.E., of, Ip- , � I I - . ' ' spen . 1-13, and - . ,� .. . I , . . en, and Mrs,. I . " � Auefien �ales . ' FOR� SALF-16 PIGS 6-8 WEEKS OLD; I Mr, and Mrs. John Wallace and fam- Perwagh,,spent the week -end witi: hid- Mrs. W. W. Cooper, Kipp Miss,'Mildred .. . ... PYbus, of London, prayer were candkiCted by, Mrs. Kyle. I I . � I I I good work;.. 4orse;­aI66"'i Ayrshire and ; I I 3'. W.,'McLean, HensalL ...... '�;­ � s . . . 1 I. - .. - ..-- Durham beifer, springing; a deneral,Electri�' .1y; Gordon Houghto�, Clinton, with family. . I L . . . ,pent the week' -end' at her home. The mitiutps were read� followed by A . 11 , -­=, .. . . I I . - I .1 . A:UCTION. SALE OF. FARM LANDS -50 likttery radio (mantel type). A -I condition. his- mother, Mrs, William Houghton; . Mr. James, H�IiAer4on has return- 'The. euchre and dance beld-,dn the W4rden and­M'rs.,� Shaddick and roll call . ..... Ways of serving," and Col- . 1. L , ,. . 11 � .� .L36 acres,L'West half -Lot 13,' Concession 10, Apply BOB MeMILLAN. Phone 844 r 21, -. -, I I I :. I Stanley Township On the premises there Seaforth * . . . ., 4079xI Frank Scott, ,who, h4s recently ire- .ed from ' Sundridge where he has Towd Hall,.Friday,,6venang, sponsored, Billy Are Bpending this, week in 'To- lection. ,Business was � discussed 'and L � ' , I " 4�.,­ , . 'a de- . Elils that. �: . . pre a frame ". cove�ed with asphalt is dischar"g"'e'Ir"oln the army, spent the last few weeks with his son, by the I�adies' 500': Club, was ronto. . . . it w assuggest6d, by Miss k , 1. . . . FOR SALF-1 HAVE A LIMITED QUAN Ceived h . e M . I � .. , . . . shingles, frame barn and. dri%:e shed, Will be tity of'Erba4 oatia. grown fr6�A zogi.ter' and 'his Pui,chased a farm near Car- Ruy,.-, Roy' ,accompanied , him home, cided success. Seventeen tables were W&�enls Instittif* .' eets ' I Giadys Lukck , r be appointed as secre- - I .a � . offered for.sale at George Beatty'i,' Varna, ed seed, With a nice sprinkling of spri. ith his parents, Mr. and- spending,a feW days with his brother, iii play:for the euchre. Poll Ing are � I I I -y of the Friendship Committee. It � � � , on Saturday, February -23rd. at I p.m. sharp. ing. lingford -, w , low . . I tai .. ., . , Ternl�-',10:prr cent down. balance in 3a dayp. ;,h -t- ,This makes an ideal combin tion. � . . .� ' 'F one a Mrs. joiln Scott. * . tthur Henderson. the prize winiiers: Ladies, Ist, Mrs. .. Some very, amVshig ansWer L p were y seconded, , , r, I . me your order, if. interested, as we My.. A .. ,: I W was mo,��d'b Mrs.' Kyle,* � ,?�f - - Reserve bid. .STATE OF THE LATE JORN . . n the''J'�)If call, "The ork I 11�.i ,�. '' . Kcdlinche�, Prop.: Harold Jackson, Auctio intend to stsrt cleaning Phone 46 r 12, .1 . I.. . . . George Glenn*,­2ijd, Mrs. George Sang- given 0 by Margaret Glenn, that Violet Me-. , I - . soon. � ." I . . I . � ,. :, � . . eer. . ill . 4ri9n2 Dublin. VINCENT LANE , .L 40794 -=-N� I I ster; consolation, Mrs. J. E. McEweg; .like best," by. ao members and 'visi- Climont be appoint�d as�'secretaryof � 4 �- . . I --­­­..­­-­-­ F -- I I L. FIELD I -111 I ' . � ". * genfs, .Ist, George Boa; 2nd, J. E. tors at Hurondale Wain-en's'Institute the Stewards -hip poinifift I tee.. Carried.. i . I UCTWN SALE -IN THE VILtAGE. 0 ATTLE FOR SALE -65' STEERS* AND 'Bit U -CE . . 11EN9ALL L� .L. 1. A I I I., ­.- . . . ' P Hensall, on ron, C McEwen; consolation, Archie Row- held at -the home 'of Afra. C.. Down. report was given, re cards sent an � ., �. - ­ p.m., i will .qfte ,�ay, March 4th, at I I heifers. 500 to 700 lbs., Durham, and ' , I.- I , A I . ,,,,. ,,sale a modern ,lift- , 7ajor 'sin, Mts. lock'Nssher of - your new cliftens ,qliffe. 'The us' e business was dealt -with by t le ". . hbusa.-201 �, 40, tory, four pens, feed Hereforda. Will sell to make you money. -.Ga ready foi . in ic.for the dquep,was Som 11 boxes made up for . sick. members. � , . � 1 , I . room, egi� grain elevator. Press:ure Apply 'to ERNEST TOWNSHEND, R. R. NO- Toronto, are visiting Mr.. and Mr;, &. Clean .and, ,dis.infectaut your colony 'furnished by , Murdoch's archestra, president in-, the .Chair,. ,after which . I 1 ;a . . 11oved by Mrs.. ,XYle, secojiOied by., . � I , I . ., ;,joom, . . water throughout 'building. Rydro. 2, Bayfield, or phone Clinton 900 r 21. . house 'thoroughly. Pet Perm riganate with Tom Meyers� as fibor7manager. Mrs. Eltord took charge..,of the -social I ,.. 4. � 4048-tf Haugh. � IL . Ed-na Saundercock, that we donate I ,,J I.- I Also 10 new chic�en ,belters. Terms -10 per .: . . . I I I . . drid Mrs. Fur L M-ation 7 and Black Dts . infectalit atriotic purpos' part,..*hich opened with com-m - �niiY $5. , I I � � '.1. .. Reserve bid. Mr. H. F. Berry and Mr. , Proceods, were foi- P . go to,the Jul' , I- ,o,,nt down: ,balance in 30 do." . . l I , Jor Mission Cireld-,in L . $IM31ONS, & FINK, Proprietors,.' Harold . Wash at Middleton's Drug �$tore, ^9eilio � i .: I . I 4079-2 , Noticm ' ' Bert McKay r6ent a 'f6w days III, To- Sall. A' cleas colony house gave� . yo,L e8- .- . I 1. 1, . � I singing. A, reading bij-- 6itize'liship . , order to aid their work. I Carried. It . '' ... 11 . .jackson, Auetionber. _ __ - . - - ' . .1 . , '­.., - I ,. .... ' . M -s. I - . ' ' . I r . ­ ,� ­­­­ ­--­-­..­­­---- .­ - -­ r6zto. ... ecelved word wag given by i W. Johns, after I I 1. . . CIL I E'ARING A-U-CTION SAL-E--OF-7-kilk - -- H PUBLIC 1,18- I inany (I . ollars Ili . poul I tfy losses. , Mrs. Pedf-I Stephan r -Was ,decided 'to make arrangements' , 11� I 1. . I I ., We ,are so'rry to reporE that -Mrs.' I . I that her .1 son 'Ordinary, Seamail Ron- which Rev.'W. Malr'gave a talk has- tp:"hold a bazaar as'formerly, in ani . , . A. . - � U, I . . Stock. impdoments and Chevrolet Car...one . r4i:y, will be closled tal; repaii� froKn .-Nlon- � ''' . I � L I . "' I I . anfle, south ,V Blyth. on No. 4 Highway, on day February lAth, to Friday, February, 22nd, !Ikoss .Sdott and Mai -ion, P,Aerson J, , , (Continued from Pagd 1) . , - .. I ' �sse.d all his.tests ed on, "Honorall men, love bl�Q'the . i . - effort ta raise inoneY. . 'Various wo.rk- , . � , . , , I , are . aid Steplian ha:d P . I . I :. I ��h�rsdiy. Februhry � st, commencing at 1190 Us : - . . . I I hood, fea I , . topie'L . ' '. ', bot� -days incl ive�. J. A. STEWART: Seh-e- . fl I-. with,, the hu,. butt hope, -they will Climon Pplilic Hospital revealed torl�- and exams in his ,Wireless, course,' and r Gc�d lionor the King." A .. . P.m.: HORSES--�-Sorrel gelding �isimr.5 years tary . .. I- 4079-11 . . I . ' . . . , "' . " ing, grou�s were, formed. The I . .. � ­ . 6l4-.­bft%N-n't,ldinW rising -1 years o"Id. COWS -.-R-*- -.-- I 1. , ,r. ' , .,- --� I I .. "ligg a att r fleet' air solo, .VBBIls.bf -St. Marys," Wa6­1-&U1n.g . I I . lol, � pii I ely , - ­- -men+b: ;of. flie ii-M:e. The el,41 has b6dif tratisfe red .to the. . - 7 . -1 .. . ... 1. from the study book., a colifflivation, I "I -6 I 4tein s nger' cows, 3 yea old; F�,EECE-LINE YOUR HOME WJ T H � . . " ­ - , � . was . ab.- I . L I cows, 3 -to, 6 yea ra ol : 10 ' . -a. ",I -- ai-d: *18 I '�, by - 'Mrs. A Bell. Xti auctioi` "sale of of Currie's- Missionary Work, . 11 , � I Ayl-bi-re springer Mr. - :11� , I 'in Sim..,and babe ing physician Nvas ,Dr. J. C. God& i arm , all mechaEJ second class. . 'VlOi . � I "" 'blown ro&wood ins'ufation. Work.done - . 11 I L '�, . -s. A, . -, i ' al est,ma - ' h8rie HUR­ ­�.' at Crediton. I I I The "(:�Oqd Ship Carmel' group met He will to A'ylmer, . orit­ for donatioi . i$ conducted by Mi is, 'Angola be- . fn�sh milch,cows'.-3 t6 6 ye4m o ,, 7 0, 4nywheie. .For free 6, '' p spent Sunda _ proceed- � - desicribed by. Miss Elli , st�-in and'A:%"hire ciows, due in a1r n ON tXPOSITOR or , writet ROWLAND C. MIS . MeLennan spent' the OuL -�Ibnday evening'at the Manse. A three '- 6nt&, then ''ill ' - . lized 45,00. L neheon'was s6r � I I ! . , I ,. . . . April: ,S Ayrshi-e#--yearling heife ; . ur- - - in w go to .Spot yea U. .v- ing Ahe territory und,er diiieussimir . � . barn yearlinas-�.,L-2-yvar-old Durh . ll�'; 6 DAY, 5 -Tho . rnton. -Ave.. Londd�. , - . . . . ��� 1. � . .. . . . . . � I I .. .4074.9, week -end. at. hei home in Belgrave*. devotional period followed b" games .1and J.0 complete his training. �ed. . . . . . � I .young, calves. PIG --- - . � Y I 11 . - I . Una Saundercoek,�fherl-�effered sin- . :. I S-4 sows --due 'in March ' . , L . I I . ' � . ' . . � .� . ­ and April. .MOTOR CAR -1999 'Chevrolet -- I . . : . Mrs. Clara Dutot is visiting her wad,11e I.d. Any ,boy or girl, from ages Mrs. William Parke Wasi taken to . . Mission Circle Elects Officeri- . cere thanks:to, Mrs. Geiger a -ad Mrs.. N , . , . . I . . I . CoEtch, in extellent condition. IMFLEMENTS . Car& of Thitnks . datighter, Doris, in Lond=,­­ ­, 3,145, .'are iavlt�d to join. the g,roup. ' . Clinton Public Hospital. -and' an- OP- ' * . . � - '' Spr I ay, for-Aheir I k L ind hospitality. -The .". ' ---' - -s: ieed I I . . I . I . I .. . . , . Mower. cultivator; 4 --section harro% . . . ­ I . , : I. . I I �... � . . drill; harrow eirt; - tader, Massey- -- .- -- Con'gratulatiohs to, Mr. and , Mrs. Last Sunday mornirg , at 'Carmel eration .Performed Ili: the interests."Qf L The fly � meeting pr--t1i,6"-W1ssion: March iiieeting� will take.. place at the � ; . I . s ,t , :: Harris; c4tter; buggy.;.- light sleigh; - whiffle- MRS. qPGRGE M.c0LLNCHL1Y WISHES TO a 'ne ... L ' I I I ­­ I . . 1 . . . � . Stuart Balrd'on the arrival of W- Presbeterian Church, the Sacrament her health.' She was attejXd Circle, was hel'd- on January'30th, at home of Mrs. M. Sander - � y . ed by Dr. s., Miss Vrma., I ::4 trees; neckyokes, and- aumer��s­ othgr articles. thank hgr. mea, --friends who remembered . I I I � I . p - . I # � .� Any per*on vri-�hing -to urchase �6!ry, cows her wiffi" iG�ri',. iruit and card.-, al,o the 5 0 11 I , 11 o.f. tie-.Lord.*s ,:Wpper 'Was ,held '-with jr. C.' Goddard:. of Hensall: ' .. the home of.-Mrs:,Nd�mIn't-oft. It be- Kipfer. will be cofiostess.' - Following - I ' 1�.. I . . I should. attend this sale. � These cov,�% are hi Nurs-� and Dr. McM;tster, while confined.to I Receives Lettgr From Holland . L �.., � I Irood condition. and giving a good flo,* .of Scott Memorial H, . .4pital., -1-.---- :� I . . . --- the minister, Rev. Percy FergLi�on, in Pte. Jim -Oampbell,- *of "Guelph, spent , gan by Mfg'. Norminton reading . fhe the closing hymn, "Songs of. Joy," the I I . � ", . . I milk. Terms�Ca,%h: Positively -no 'reserve. . I ---- - -- - --v- -One day.last week Mr. Carlylq, .charge,., New ,uembers were admit- the k -end with Mrs. Jam4s Sang- I rules that are to be followed. The Mizpah,beneddetfon was� repeated., 'A ' . C,�, a I . . GEORGE C. POWEII�, Proprietor,- Harold 4' . . -,.. - - - Cornis,b received a' lette ' r fro . in . peo- t . ed to th L e q1 , I �vee . .1 . I I I I . . 1111�� Jacks , Auctioneer. . 1. 4079-1 . Annual Meeting purch roll. , ster and family. officers were 0ected a.s­, followg:, aftial. hour followed, those in, charge '. , � � % , OP I � . I .. I " I ' ' I. . . . . I , .�11 � ­ I . . ­ ­­ . . . I I ­ ple in Holland. Nyho took care of him A, meeling �vas held on -.11onday ev- Mr,.P'L,re.y­-Wright, of Cromartk, left, President,,- Eleanor L Cook; vice-pre-gi- being Mrs.. .Spray�, Margiret , Shep- - 1, � I. I I FARM STOCK AND - I ... a few hours af er lie bailed out 'ak �11 . . , I JCT`0N S4LE' PF . for t . hart Farms,' deift. Bernice ,Jinks 1, 'secretary, Doris -herd', Miss- -F.Ilis :and Mrs,, V, 1,1 . . AT Implernents, ori Friday, February 22nd. at . To . . 1-.. ,�Wftj - , . . . . I I :".., - . . 1U0, sliarp, in the Tow-w-3hip-of Tugkermni. . ANNUAL MEETING- of his- 'bomber'before th'e Germang enin, last ' Le wa, Hall, ,liensall, ,this week for Glen ,IJ . rqu I I . ., . , . . -­ -;.�,-` � - : e,;. - . `::1 -1. �r­ .,"i�. , ..�IN5"- I - ­ . � . - ... 1. .. I - - , 1. . . .�� betv�eeii'Biucefiek.tind Se4forth. Mill Roet" NOTICE % !lEREAY GIVEN THAT 4411- . . for L tb2Qae—jv&ere5te,d1 in starting a I — . - 7, . I -­ . — -----"---,-- I I , 1. . Annual General- 31eeting . cai�ght up *ith.him.­ . . � - . . � . I . ��-- - -- . , of The Robert They �rere very tennis club, 'Plans were made to hold � . . . .. � "-I . . . 1. I ... .. .... . � . I.. ; , . 1 .. I - . . . . � , � . . .. . . � . , � . - :..��.::::::�.::�;!;::::::;::.":::::".,::�.:""."...,�'.'.-..........'.'.,'..."."..., I ­ 1.11- .., -­­. � I I . HORSES--LTe9m *f good work hoi�se­ CAT- Bell Engine & Thresher Company Ltd. will �,,XjOUS­to 'know all about him. The a dance in the near future to start .� .�j:��.'Zx;::,:;: §1 , ,�'i.��,,:.:.:�:.?"..........�'ll.-II..'�I ­­ , ' - - -TLk-2 cows fresl�4ned, a mon th - I, ,cow due L 1 . , I I I . be held at the Company's Office at Seaforth . . ..... .;.;.:."I.:.;�,:.:.:.:,!.:.:.:.:.:�.:.:.:.:.:.;.:,:.:�.: - i 1-1 -- April 6th;'I cow- due April 19th 1. ,..;:'::,�,� .'-,.'..*** 1. :::.,;i:,.%�.��:�:i:"�i�.ii:��i:..'-.�i�..,!:?.i:i:�:j:�:j:j:jii;i.,t. .../ �,..��,- I ..", IX : ::X:,.",. X " - ..." . . , 'M I 17th; 2 cows due Me, 22nd *' 1' c=W Que Ont -on Wednesday, the 20th day 6t Febru: letter ik6 W�ritten in Dui6.and'be ,the organization. The date of -the :. ,.".'..'...,.*."...' ::;:;$:";:::.,.�;::;:::::�;::,;::;:":::::::::::::::::::::;:i:::;:;::!:::.;.;,:.:.:,:,;.�'�,::!,;,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,:.:.:.:�.:- UMV ary, i946, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. . . - . i.w� �11111-.X­..-:`. �", . . .. ......... - I . May. had j Ate'At to' Ex, .ilii��::::, %X. .; I-— . Mily to ta , *: li�iii�iii�i�ii��.z, : . - �� � I .0 i ',� ig'.. I . i 0i �,:��, Nxi�.,?.5n: .,'� 3rd; ll cow due June 22nd: .1 tow not L 'eter to have it - d - -;; , , ,., ., . � , ...... � . nco, will be given at a latet ate. ' I .. . �;� . , ::i" A, '. Bk order, of the Board. 11 . _41i - ­ I - - . .. li, R I ­ .1 __._. ­- . .- L ­ ' .. .. ,; ` -- .111'.1.1 cows in calf -to-g-ereford- buil; 5 heifers _ __ _ -- M-..,W..-..iii�:ii 'ii� -4 �, bred -, - tran]slate�d. � , I I . , N i�-li*11,:i* . i*` I . . :1 I . .. � - - comiTig 2 years; .4 steei� coming two years " JOHN FINLAYSON, . Mrs. A. Lo6gan undierwent an opera- ..... .,.,..:...­ ............. . .. ........ ... ..... ..........ft �i�� ... "'": !Ml 8-2 '.............""", . ......'.......""', -- . I ­ , -i' .'.......'..'.. . N I "Ill: . - : ".�l".".,..."."�......:iiiiiiii�f.,,�ii%.."., ......, , , ..I.....` . L Secretary. . 407, .� .... :::, - ..�i '.,.....,...:. � P ..'­, , ..:i.�..'7*.$.::;:;:;:;:;:;:,.;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;::�::::::;:::�:::; . . ..., ­.. Z"',"", " ­­ . .... 1.111",................I. ,::::,. r 9 calveg com ng 1 year; 2 1. I ".. "", : .............., �...:..'....."? ­ * ­.. ... i . Young CR!VeS- -- - - - I � L3011, on Monday morni . ,8. .N.". :::::�::: ...... �:, xf', I - ng in St. Jos-, . . ;,* .,;*..".;.,.".:...,..,".,.,.,!�,.,,..-., ....,..........I... .. I , I I Red Cross Report I �`,. ,........",...,,...,...,,L..".-.-'.-.'-.'-,,.,.;....,......... ,;�:.�:;:;::,.';�:i:.R;.;.:.;,..,:i:i:�, r; PIG$ -2 -Yorkshire sows with, pigp -. I York- � - . . f, , , ;:%;:;:iliiilii�i�!!� - , '.'::::�:j:j�.:j:i:�;:;:;f-:;: . . "", :, I ,.,. ". , . I I sow due March 15th; 8 chunks. PGtTLTRY . I I � . eph*s Hosplt4l'. London, aiid. �is get- I 1�i " , Y... " I .... i :-,,i�i�i ... - -..-..1.1.M . ), - � -92' geese and I gander. ' IMPLEMENTS -3 , During the 1'ear 1945 the following � .11 I .) /,,: , - . � . ,- . - NotiCe TO ClreditOrg ng' ai� ,-i�" as can be expect- ,... . - ..... -111 ----1 ..-.,�-Il.-,...-."....:.�.,..;;f:.;�r: .1. . I ; -;"%":i�:., :-.11.1 NO: * . � drum steel rotler : I Oliver bean scuffier with - ting ale' . I I �1 . �. i*�:; i;;:��:�:;-;­;,.;.: ;,-x-�'.... ."I"; ;.�;.,,... W,6,=,­�,-2.U�-:: n . , .-%-ii: ,',",%;,%`��:i '�'.,,-i-i-�`,'�,.:.'.*--** I . . -1 . I . K" " - .. ",-.:,; -I-... I - :. -X. ...... .­ , - , , . :j;�; , I -11.11 I., � . rin y NOTICE TO CREDITORS , " I � .. ,,7 - , . .,.,, I ....... ".... ;;;; : .­ , ,- ,; ­- ii�iiiiiii§i'*i�,�",.?-.'y n/, . 1.11 . .... '4 ,ii�!i5�%','� . . . . . . . I . . � 'Red, -Cioss I - .. . ;. ,.;P.;1;.:,:.:.".­.-�j� -� L ' . 7-1, Mpase -ters in Toronto":' ' ed .' , � : .;�-, - - . . . -- --f%�-.:�:i-.�.M . pWier; .1 D,e� ' j 5 -foot mower: articles wii�� ... packed and shipped to , '. - .-II.: ;�g:ig:..?ir.?, , . binder. 6-foot;'.1 Massey arill: -Massey oulti- . . . . ,headquai - :� , " - . ,1:��i:i* .. I 11 . . � Allan To -send has been il� at his . �- -� �: :*::-,�:� ,.'i�- "L, I N THE ESTATE OF JESSIE, BROWN' ..yn . "� . �:����:ii?,*�iii�i!i:iijiii�iji*,,�:�.'�i.�.�i.;.� I . I I , ` ., �?.!�.:�;�.�--�i��. I . . . vator; eight -foot dump rake; 9 three -section GAINST Seameil's Comforts - 26 turtle -neck -�- . .. 11 X%% : I.% . LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS A . I / . 1.13) 11 i:i�i:i-:�!i��i il, .. . I i ,harrows; I corn sheller: I Max -well root put- A . home but*i�-improving nicely. - I ..Z.i 11 i�il�ii i�!i.','--� ."' I , : : ."'. ....." ' � I .., X. .." - � . . . I per; I cutting box; I wagon -with i6 -foot 'flat . .the EAtate* of Jessie Brown, 'late of thir sweaters, 33 scarves, 30 0rs. Aucks, Mr William Brown, of Brown's I . /",//-� " I r, ; :�; �jiii:.. ;::$�:�:�:j:j�!Z.,;.:j:j; ......", I . , with rack: 1 cut- Town of;&�aforth­deceilsed. who d'i4d on or q � / :­`:i�.�,�iii,'ii�i� .:j;j:j�,,%:�:!t::�: . �� A/ , - 1 . rack: 1. set"benoll sleighs M5, ­ . 3 prs. gloves, I hel Met' 3�rmy ',and H , . - dakg ­ - :::: ", �::; : --..1;-A . � i L ter; I ridi*g plow; I set 2.000 pound wenles;, ahout the 21st day of Novembe,, . . ,,Olwe e..Hensa .I.."I"I", : . . ­..� I I :::::::::::;i- - . .- g I MassVy-HfrrIs -cream separator; I wheel- hereby notified to send inLto the undersigned qe-3 'turtle -neck sweaterg, 47 ibi . , ly ­i:� �i . !� 1, . � borrow -,. - I walking j>l.w; I Milssey-Harris on or before the ist day of M.arch. 1946, full �­ s ive4k in .Toronto on business. , . . . 1�11- � - = ; :j;;::::::::: I . 11. L , . ­ I disc; I double riding ptow s. . prs . -le6veless s.� eater;'.Qne ­ . . � �V 'L :.:.,: �i iii�i-$*�'Ii, t � . . ,rate. I particulars of their clalim .. � L - I . 111. ,.SP pt a fe�% I 4". \1 , 'Z ,.;:i;;:; ::::::�% . I I . socks, 1 s . "Ve�u,�—,����,,-M, .". ....... Alrfor ' ...... I . 11;1� - ; '... ::'..',.�, ih�i�aper -, 1 short ladder; 'I; s1teeplill , ­ � Hold Enjo�,able Euchre . �07, .,. . Z­� ,. . )arrel - I immediately after the,sai,d las�t m-ntiovLd child'i; sweater. .British Civ1liaj�2'-t5 - ..'�� t. - - - - - -.-.:$.: . : ,­- . fork ith date, the assets of the said a4tate will be , � . I : ri � ,� wooden barrel: electrii�'fencdr; hay w I \ .. iiiiil: I f " cbain:.pulleys: hand wire distr;buted. amongst the parties entitled there- . -women's night- 1. . . . 1,11'......; :-,. '.... . pt-. bloomers, 50 . - - 1i trip r6pe; sling , % :1 *!*�*",�i.;,�,,,f�i .� ire grf5a -bloc i1nd. tackle with to, bav;nsr re%rard anly.-to..41aims of widch.the -n, �102 ,en's . A "Pleasant evenlq was. ,qpett at . L --- :!- ...'. �:. . . . L ,s-tretcher;L � .: - -IT ej eoA s childi combinatians I .;1,.;,.?11 1�ftl ,�-; :..,� - �. - sets undersig-ired shill then have- notice. to the - i��]i�i�i�i�i�:�i: 1,� rq 'RNESS . , "....': � .pw the, home of' Mr, and Mrs. Arthur 1.1m.... . I single scufffei7l'l -A - - .�­. ; .1. exclu-;ion of' all others, and th6 undt,sianed Is' tunic dress' . 1 . � �fl �-,-� . , , ... "I I ;;9 girls' blouses. 30 91i . ". , . , j � : , I backhand 'harness -, 3 .new --hoTse - collars - Pair ' , L, ,�:.�:.;�;:;:::;;;;;;::::;:::*:� Z.41 I ".,,� t,7 , . home 'blankets. POULTRY EQUIPMENT— %ill uot be liable to any perawn �& whose es, For "Refugees -9 I a�ge. .'.Quilts, 3 Varley, Tuckolsmitb, on . Tuesday ev- - / �-: ...., ;:::::;.:.,:;,:,::,;.�'j:,�i:.,f�;�:; ... ; . !..;! . .11'.. li��::��:!�!���i�i:�:�i�:�:��.'ff'.'�, , . ,Colony 'house, I0xl2 �, colony house loxoa - 9 claim the ... undersigned, *IJ111111 110L then have ' -2th, when friends " and� - /\ .X: �;:;;;;;7:;;:;:;ff:%R:::, . �.,,; . . . I �J, ick � feeders , notice for the ass4.-ts so, distributed or any 611b. quilts. J� pr. bed ,.Tolqks. 2 girls? ening, .Feb. I / :`:1 ..'� . . ; n.,.. I :!::i.�;,::i�i:�,,�i-,ji.-,�i?�;�iii,, o" :%, ..:: shelters: I coal brooder stove; ch ,'*.`i�i� , . "'' , and drink . ng f�urus, - GRAIN- . I -es. -oman', -s e,atherede for a. social time, : ­!�i�:i*j;�:j:�:j:j: ��i�' .1 11 "..; - - - .1". . "ff .� �,,� : : ­.,. . : , ......,", � , �-�.��i .."......, ...... ' part thk;e6T. neig4boz -::, ��3 ....... ... 1�o ­h,opp.gm: di ses, I iN .3 house dress.',, ' ' ,...; � . ;,:;::'-'. I - � 14t - - . 11 95 ;: .: " . lil- Quantity i6f mixed feed. civariri�;­�f Urban DATED at Seaf�rth this h dav of Febru, '1­1�. , :1 ,,, : I.. . "�L . together. 1� Fuchre was- played and _-,,: � .,'ii�.j1iiiii!j�i:-.,., ::::: .......... , .... � L ,rass seed, FE -Several ary, 1946. I I'll ­a4446PS for comfort bags; 203 articles , � . I . �'�i::�i ;; .... I . '. ': :., , , , .. .-::.;; -, -11.11? .1 1; , �"'.L L I .. . I I oats;'same, mixefl t. ,ED ' . '. 21-1, ..."i"i'l.", . , , I . . L, : prizes 1yon bv Mrs . , . I - . , . tortis of good hay; feed'beans., ,LUMRFjR­-�. By their Solicitor . - 'brris.'� of .. . � I . for epidemic unit supplies'; 16 - . . John -N �. , , .; I . . � Icnit ,.;; I . . Quantity of -plank- oak.: white'ash and hi��- X. 1. McLEAN, ' ' ::. ::-i�:. . ­ . .::;;i . . Cromdrty. �jiitl� .,Mr. Grant Smith, Kj P- . �]', - :�,""':..".X";:�:i�ii, ", ,!;.."�'�i�i�� fi ted articles. 267 British I .. , " 'LES chains; Civilian, 26 I :, ;.; ..,;.;.-;.X .,.4.. , ,. ,, I ory. SMALL ARTIG -Logging Seafortb, Ontario. .., .X., �, . I � I ., X .,­ I . . . - small chains; forks,: shovels: num- -40- Pell.. .". I 1?g tongs, . 1. i�q-3 The winner of the ...... J,q�ky chAir .*..,:; I .; ... ,. � . . . ber of good s9cks; some cotton,bags; 60 feet . . . - -1 I - --------- a- ref 1. ugees. �5 . articles, for co-mfort bags, I �'. '' �.. I - I , , . ----- �OTOaE�T6� CREDITORS 293 articles I : . a.... . . . I r I , d of 4x4 maple track for.!barn; %vhiffietrees� for ,epidemic unit' sup- �v , as Mrs. Tom MyOrs.'r 2'urich.'. . .. : � I., * . . no . ck:yokes; OnIc'' tv* . Is; saddler's I#nch. IN THE ESTATE OF 'JOHN MCGLI14CH-FY Plies: , I . I I 11 I . . I ". - .1 o ' ,:::::;..,, '. - -M jL '� HOUSEHOLD,- rMCTS-1 Beach range � for LL PERSONS -HAVING GLAIMS AGAINST a total of 756 articles shipped. , Farm Forum Holds -Meeting I .1 . "" � I 1 e, ". - ­ wood. or coal, new; I v�ood heater: &nirig. A - On -Dec. 19, 1939 ive Packed .'otrr first . . IM", ,, . ,the Estate of John .i&Clinchey,, late o� . - I . � I � rqorn furniture; I writitig desk: 2 k.iichen the Town of Seaforth. deceased, who efied'on shipment of 51 pairs -af.-'socks and up The Farin .Forum 'of TUckersmitb '. ' '11"11". -1 . I .f- - . . tables ; odd kitchen chaii-A ; I wain t, bedroom or about the 13th day �if Auvrustl,., 1945. are - � . ,ii.", .. . � , , . ...... .�; suite: 2.-bumaus: .U.rzo quilt�-, fo date hAve.pa:cked and shipped 2,642 East, 'Circuit 651, met at the home, of , . .. . .. 11 . . % . he *to "nd i." to the undersigned . ­ I . 1; . I . . . ,bkLs-. Alaildin I-amij. new; I P­Uarner coal' . , ,,, 44?n or before the Ist, day'of March, 1046� full articl6s% 2,287 hoAoital supplies. 2,980 Wilmer Broadfoot . . I I I .. . . . vil'stove with oven� pew.: .other small articles. Parti,�ulars -of.their claims.* J.� . ' . I on Mouday .even- - . .L' Everything. will Ve solo as proprietor -ha.-k .sold Immediately after the- said last mentioned refugees and British dyfflan, 95 art- Ing, Fev.- l3th, with a IdML-attend-.. . �1 .... I � � ..., I . I �.. .. . "I''. , -his farm. Terms -Cash. DAVID PAPPLE,, date, the assets of theL said estate will be jeles .for- comfort bags. 96 articles for ance, - A livfA3� -discussion was a tea- . .. �. % I ... I f . � Proprietor: 'E. P. Chesney, Clerk; Harold distributed amongst the parties entitled there. ' � I . . 4079-2 'gift. I lk ­ ,­ . Jac6on, Auctioneer. to, b'aving regard -only to claims of ;Which tile . g' for Newfoundland, 203' artIcies lure of the ovening. At the" conclu- � . I : . � ? 4n� � . I undersigned' sh-all, th4n have notice. to the for dpidemic'urlit supplies; altogether sion of the discussion period, 'euchre �, ,, 1. --SALE OF FARM STOCK, IM- , . L11 I exclusion of All others, and tie undersigned . . . . A ITCTION . I �­ I i '- vlements -and Houkiphold Goods. -The! un- will not 'be liable to any person of� wh 8.306 articles ligve been shipped up was featu red, 'with . prizes.- -going -to- . I., i.. . deLrSigned hfis� received instructigns t6 selr by glaim. the underafgned shall not then 110se to �he end 'of the year 1945. � Mrs. John Woods and Mr,,Ro .. . .1 .! 1, ,* I �� , I., � . public auction at East Half Lot Nv, Cances-' notice fc+ the assets so distributed or aarviye . . SL erve�. , ber�. Up- ' I I il, 4 �, , slon 1, Hay Township, 11,-j miles south ol part thereof. . .. I . .. I ,shall. Lunch was ' l . I. -I.. Hensall and j,s mile,*est."bii Friday - 1��O�Tch DATED.at Seafqffib this i4th (ITY of FeVru- . . ; I . ".. � 11N lst� 1946, at one b�clpck, the .f.liowing.: ary, 1946. , . I V , . - ­. I .. Serviceman Wek6t � k ;; 1�. I . .. , HORSES -Matched' Percheron team 1,000 lbs-, By 'their Solicitor . McKILLOP I . . ped Home .: , -'T . - - I I . I .. ... I 1p 5 end' 6 - years old; aged Percheran rhare; i�. I. MrLEAN, - . . . . . . I r � .U" "!,r L black horse. 11 5rcirg old,� 1.700 tbs.; Belgian . 'StafOrth, Ontario. . A d-elightfLIL affair Was held a -t -the �� � . . L 11 " ' ' I I I "', -: . ,. , I , Societies Meet ," I . 11 ., , home, 7 pid-ts ojd. 1.700 �bs. CATTLE -3 .. 400-2 . 1. "R ­* Hugh. Dal— 11 ­ . .� , " I L frt%b Shorthorri cows, A �aars old, with ca,lves � . . . . I . The February meeting of the Beth -'el home of MI and , rs" ' I �­­ . .. at foot; I Xeis�k par� Jersey cow with ealf at � - Crottlarty, when the aunts, , I -1. ,�L, I foot; 2 Shorthorn CMN'S, I years old, due in .Ymple' " ' L. I -W.A.. a�d W,M.9. was held at the, 1 - . .11 , 4 April: 3 -year-old Shorthorn cow, milking� 55 ­ Tenderg Wanted - *8thel -and - Dennis. uncles and (,(yusins,.,of Sgt. Bill Dal-' -� # . I . . ,� . . . I . home, of Tennie . I . , 1K . I W heifers, I year old.. PfGS­-8 chunka, about I �1- -- -ecelitly - fy' . . I .. I --- � .. . , I X.. 100 Mo.; 4 breeding- ewes. supposed tQ be in The meeting opened with -the call to j*yInple;_ i fet�rned om over- . . . . . ,, �,�',;.,,- . .... . . . " � I .� I . . MENTS­ .. TENDERS WANTED- I !gatberecb to ,give him a royal 1 y�:'. , I las.nb.; 2 geese, I gander. IMPLE . worPip, . "Blessed are the pure in seas 11 I I .1 . . I . I ,,�� 4�1. � Harris binder, 6-foot,'in good working -v�ry happy tim6 ­ ,- 1. �,, : . . ,� . . �!. I" '=., Massey-Harrig Thower, 54o6t; In L - � Township,& Tuekersm'lth - beart for they .shall see God" ol, welcome home. A . . . ""I . . �1 ;�;:., I . I f I 1. . - 7dipeetly to I ! I , ternatiand mafiure spreader; Massey -Harris SEALED TENDER$ ,WILL BE RECEIVED 16N� was spent by all. During the course - . I 41 I HE ?MNING INDUSTRY COntTjbUjteS . � �, r:!. L' oa - to 'ed by singing Hymn 325, "Blessed . . I �, ;', ,hAy I der: Massey-Ra"L4 side rake, MaAq y. by the und#raigned u7i 3 P.M., March . pf the evening, Bill was presented - . � "I ' ' ' . 1* �� drf -Heart.:- The Scrio­ . " ' the national wea'Ith of Canada bY the ol�itput I - 11. , 2nd. 1946, for the fallowIng 'operations: Ar� tbe'Pure in L '' .Mirris 4mv 'rake, ', NPeCormick seed , T � � I 1�­ . C6ck,4hutt..p"4oath* cultivator: Cockshntt . 41) To supply power --- 40 H.P. or more - ture iesson from St. Luke was read with' a beaut i fill - cigarette case. Bill . Thd 6�nadian.Bank of '. . 1. . . I I �r. ,bean scuffiet, with puller aftachnirnt, nearly belt. operator and one additional n�an, 0 expressed hi% thanks to all for their . Commerce has pioneered Of its mine&, It als()'Muences- the economy of the , ,� I . a�4*w; -rubber tired wagon, nearly nvNv': Jg�ft. oporate Tovrnwbip Crusher to crush f -approxi- by' Mrs, William Dennit; and Pqa;lm '. � ; 4 ligh rnatvly 5,000 ,yardt, 1 -inch screen. half pf -7 L kindness to him dUring thel time fie � %­ . � � rack, ,nearly new Im 2 C,ocksbu# by -bpeni:ng branch& - "' entire Domifiion; fOr it creates widespkbad employ� " "� L w on: 'a 0 * ���""....�, "" L 14� was read resp6hsivelY. The I I � ,�­ Vi4ing plows; Cooksbutt �-furrov� disc -plow: u h gravel- to -be, c�ushed in th4-. Murray Pit ' medi- . I ., � I . . . . . . 11". . ,� mumilcing plow;, 4,sizetiorr hairws .. . Lis -ter And half in' the' A;lion PIL Contractor to Latiob part Of the prng�am;was read was overs I eas. Refreshments -Were . . with the firsi rushto n'etp . . ' - .. ��;, I , , '. . cream s000trator, power attachni . ant; out-thrim move and set UP cruwher . and state in tender ' . I A -- erved during.. 14A .9vening, . . . . ment, purchases great q ' " I . � # :: 11 , by Ethed. Dennis. ,Mrs, nley."Ri-l- ­ .... . L" � L liantifies of food, el 'L i�!L .spring tooth culti- . prieo f,* same. Contractors to satisfy Coun- sta . . . . . miniAg fidds. - Caiiboo- , - .. Othfilg, . - '. 11 . 9 , I ; 'L, .11, disc; set of bob alei6s; - * . � .. . �11 vator;'ositio Aen .�ng a %olo, "Lord, I Want: To � L .the Yukon . Cohaft, M and '. . 0. i "I I ,. P.low. buggy; Oliver scruffler., cil an to componsAtion insurance carried end q ".. ,. ,, I -:iq plet,d , Be ..I . Arnold Gircle Meets . , I. . � . achinery eqUipMent all 6ver.Canada,. , :,� I Clinton . , fonirdnir raill with ',coniploto set work to be coni by Oetober 1, .1946. a7 Christian," Hymn 148 -war, sung. � . ., I I - -,- . . ; . . . and , - - - I I I I � I I sit `�, ��� ,, ves: o6wer.pul-ley attach-ment-, se.t of 2.000 Contractor to furnish bond in form of mark- ' . � Northern ,Ontario add builds 'and'�nal Witains - whole ' ' * . .;�. �' . . ��­ I pound soales,4. kood ,bait truck,; Y4 H.P. elec- ed fhe(jIfte -tar %lr,O to AcdoMPAnT tender to The Africa program for February, T�e rAgplar me -sting Of the Arnold ' I . ;;''.")., . I ftic motor � 'b'5rclone grass ,seeder -, hand corn guavantee; faithful performance ,)r contract. � I Quebec, Flin Flod-and. . . 429�=Urli#ea Wbich ' ' . 0 ­ , 11, , :: "'' . Bonds win be returned to unsuccessful ten- "The ministry of healing and social Circle (1�vening AuxilitA� of Carmel . in turjtlL add'to *CanbLda's pro " - '. , - .. I . ; '�, . olanter;$ I barrel; mixer for treating seed ­ &­ . Yellowknife 67;k onty . spelity ­ . � '.., . � , , � , gl- ii- w6idd '116k­iWaking 184hch cement 46rerbF Each party to be respowilile, for re- welfare," was v,ery alil , -sbYteflan Cbijr-qh , was held Tues- . . . I I ,., . . L .0 . 11 I ;�� r, lhild,-, - tbei wn, eq 1 od w 's asso * , , : `� I " �uwdt;ty of gralin sucks; forks -, shoOels; Paift to'- r 6 utpfi ent a all ork y presented by' Pre ' I � I �: : I , some of the nariz,e - ,:: , ­, I whketre6� ntekyokes: logging chain; 22- t6 be done to the satisfaction iind under the Mrs. Earl Mills, showing how diffi- day,..Avenlng at Ah� Manse with. -Mrs, . ". I . 11. I M its day-to-day I " I � I '.r I I dimh Jftk �crt*; quantity of 2-intli plank, d"rection of the Road Superintendent Low- cult is tfie.AaWk of the Inj 8 Sionary P. Ferguson a& hostess, and asstst- I . ciated.W04ts service f6 � I . operations mining requires �jmy . .. ,,, I ;, I ­ wo,A elioill Go'sg�*d vr,%on Vntues!'quantity *.at bw apy teuidei�­n&­neeessarilv . at � terted. ' ­ .1 . I I I ;� I . ot i-lia*1q�Lx-boy"- 9 si of double harAegg; Teh&r % state TA6 V . . ­ Combating ed by Mrs� Ro' MacLaren. I erei­ ' ing nd ' bauldn - I i . I bn steel er yard. ,doctor and lits help y ib tho -,�fin, - i usbv. - 9 sbrviees. This is Banking in Actiob. . I 11 ' ' '(2) T& supioly truck' and � truck' ' 9 il, I . I - � I I bnffa,64L';*0b4.. . - ..­ . ? . , . ,�­ � ,LL , 12,1 �,&k*041 bft; 40 -gun against the Miperstition of the peop rere tWenty-tbre6 present,and a very ­­ ­ , . . .. . . . ; . � 1, I I I barrel 1 2' &14wh . ;-I rx.�sbe '-WE' x, .12 . from CMAL'T to twi7nship Toads. in *Mon - .Iti � 11 . .. I .. � . I . I ; ,1� I I 1!. Lg 1ij9ting­tj.jb hjajy ,disej ' ' 1 interesting meeting toolk -place,, With . " . . 1. � ... 11 � -4 1 . . � I ! .. ;-10 , , �, I it I firbo'd, ,co;)ooy� R"IF e" , 6ffii , , �14",`. - ha,$, AboVo... Teudei� W wtii� price --p , . seg pfeVa- �, . ... . I I I - Z I IrfAr -a . . . I �,­: " .'. L �� , 1 I doork i 6uW14,46.,0 Isky"', tl"TIW4, lDf �Iild`V-1 rate lip to fiv* milek, airld a rate lent in Africa. They have t4.. teadh tl�e president, kFa. k. Moir, " PTesid, .1 . . .� � .� - . . , . . I -- * , I I P , ,,, , - . Wk Of a � I 7116A ,1- - I Ifilessm-, 4k19;,..,ii,'0)4 � 4, il,­E�xjWd;�.,isady to per 'jatd inife, for Aix Mitt AVO Wet' hAUL 4 . I . I I I - . . ).,'-!",",!�, - , . 1%T I . . L.. .., I '. , , 1"' ' e4g& t � . to 0009- e . . , � '. 1)" 1"; ,'I ... I- 1% �' " I I . L . e . � 11 - , f�tI.­!L,;! ­ M 1 4­�j ""-I* '060,1. tdso� Softo"ht'-dent- . I . I ... � I " L , . C , L" . "' I : ",'14�'�, ,, wiw 1G*I dlenifted and baz- druvbl .to be'pliked on maits' at the direca -ais well as iiiinfs-tef to their sf&k ing and g4ving'-the call to worship,, flIA � I= "t �Or� ,qne ton#er -net necess,atily. . ., � 11 1. 11 � , I �, .1 I ,,,.' jr.,;j,, , - ,1 "boijaiti6w; coal tien ,of, and fe the. satista4t[oft of th RoO, UeledA. Silent Draiers wer given �or after which all; �ang, "Tak&-Up�Llie I ]a I I I - " 1 , I -!�e iie. our, j4edimll W18916nirlesl llitrses And and -Let It Be �1'6­oiisec,rat-6d Lord. t6 ­ . T M BA VIK OF co, X � % ',!.,.,(Z;�4* .,11 A �. . . I I . � . 1, � 1 ., �,,., ,,­ 'R .. . � . I Lj�, �J.h�IrP.LW � /' I"! ., Ivi h ft, 60=11 � . . . . . � I I � . !;,�:j - ..'-dolt - cup .1 , f. - �. I I @1 who " freed, hi5aling, f011oWed 6y-. The&.', mrg. rergllsoii th��­,g&Ve a I " . 1t!'A9WC0­C;-'t1- Rrigh6h, M.1 ' . I ,,,%�;,�;,-,,,.� I., � ­­ P. 00%29mg;i. . . . I r�' n ger., 'L ""' """" I JLLL,p ­ al—' - V. - . . '... � ... .i ,.. ,, L . . . " I a 14, ,� ' �L , ' ,, . r ­ 1, .1 �, � 11 'r" prayer, by .1jr$. 666jee %bundag'. 1�he] Moditatibn ell-dutal, 1rft&ftd§,11 '016w� . ., ,.. -, I . ­­ L '" . ­ - � . . I 6 , " - I ,,,�',;rl,;,��jt,, . - A,�o - I , liift i' wi , "I ir '. , � r " - . , , ir��Z.,,; �4,; � , � "". I. . . . 1, -.'��, �,;, �'� , . ­, i r ­� 1 unkle, %WMhto of Tuawtsmiti6. I . .. . I I-— I iq�i I I ­%­, , , .�v ., I ,,, -'..'e'', I- �.�,,"�, -,J'� 1',T��yjdt' . j " '. , I , .; . �4078�4, V14WO-8 Of the .last 'Meeting *6rd.� ed- 6Y.-Ahi §criotuft t6A1Vn-b1r76y Mis , . . ,-,---. ­ 'I ' . . . . r . . . . -­��­ I . -- , " ­'­ I 1� , .. " . �'L!. IF ,.;",,-­­' ,,11'71­:­�-, �..;; I � '. 1. -��­'�' '.��"I,­ L L. � . * " L . I., . . � . -'....'o. I I , . '. ,,, %A,e,�14�,,,i,�,� ':;.' " _ ,f ,, . . . . . I . � . 1, ' , . . I ,�.�Nr; , "�qt,'�� ­ "."'j'' j,L';'­ � , 0 - . , " I , ­ , , . L, ,,,,,r,�,�,,,,;,­",,,A �'L�.X r 1'0" "' j �'. " " . . . . . 11 I . . i � . , . . . �,�,.n�t"iL' - �, , ,:;,� I '' , , . I "4'L . .. . ... j* �f'.� "�ft' � I .� I - . , L . 1. - � 1. ­... . . . � , .. I .. . -:,­. .. I ... - . *4 , . . I . . . . . . . - .4 .- ' 4- I . I I . I � , ;i '.�,.l�', � ... .. .. ..... . �.,�, I 4 r� , , # , - 1�pt;:"!",�,i,q"I.'� - .',r:.e ��m 4-. .. L. ,� ! .,: .1� ", , ,. , �4. C. ,!4 %. , ", � � , , 1,:�.',0?,?Q'.":­,,;. ILI" ­-1,14.1�,"Wj'.': �'A'�.'L,,)A"MNW,.� "M"4111K., 11, r I , . I . . . , .. . - "' " , , , I - � I I , IV V I - di d4ay , 1.1 I ve W I ::9 IL,:r, 11 Tqii I P.. !!� .4 � - . ! - � i 'i W � .I, ­ , . I , �!�,, �­�, , " L I 1. I I I I . . ,,��;�L�,':%�,, 11,,,,,,;,jj,j %­r­,",q,1,X-'1, �­ ,�­111 �a,o I - I 1, I � � ", , '­., L �,:,!,'­" . , . ... . 1. . . . '.. 11 l ", ��, ffi.��" '­�­*'­, j,'�'f� ­ , , . . . I . . � "I ' - � , � --.11'' ; . , L.. I ", ­� L'. � I I .- .� , 'I., . '',.,:, . , ­, Lr .4. I OX. - ,,I -1%::1;;,, '' " "�%�-,� ��. ,, ,_41,�', " - . ., , '' /' , � . 11 -�- * I . , , . ; It.:., - , 1. " '. . I � I , Lif �(,:,; "'%�P, , I ­­ I , � I . . . . -­­ I _ , , 7i­�,��,�,,,��,� ­,;."r:`�. L , . -. . � , . I I.r." I `�;�­. 1'0'�,,'� .;­�1"I"j...4; 1 ­­ ,� - . ­ t��, I I 11 I I � . I ­ I . et- rA'.`.�. . .. L . I .. , . . .t. ,­.�­�� ,W41, ,�,�;­�­�.,.,,,�,� I.- �,­111;11­1­, , "; ', " . r - I I I . ? � . r . . r . . , . 4- . . .. I 4 , - '' �L�j .1 "); 4 -. i �` , , :�- I .1 . . I �. � !L, �­ I I . . . . I . L . I . . fl-,"":­'1�11­ ,�., W ,? :,,,, , "-j � I '. L .. �'C. " � ',`,'-`;!�"%, .11 -IR , , , �­ . : I . . I I I . . � . � I I I . I . . "L , ;,U��..:.,�.;J,��'.,�'�'­,!,; 'I � I � .. . , .. �, I I . . I r . , L..". ,,�� . ­ I I I I 1.# ­­ ," " , It. . 1\ . , " . . , � 4 1�:011�:­�,rr:.­j,r�.j�, -­­ ­' . ­ L �; ''I . I � . . I . . I V � I , ""' � I',"- �Z... �� ', � . . .1. . I I ,.',�:', ,�­­ . I I .... . ,�L , "�, �-,�­'�'.�­;", L' "­ . . I ­ 1� "I 1�1 1, 11, .. - I ,. + I "I., , . ", � I � � I , " "', , � I I I 'L . . .. L . . I . -1- I I I � . . 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