The Huron Expositor, 1945-08-24, Page 5/,py4,-
It to h
sY ,1 H•. Nf!'.. -� ,n, »,,i I.. air,. ,,, �',:. '..,.:. ., • F ( .ter ✓�Jj .?•' '.f .,. ,,
,y ,� . 1�?•,,lt h)lA.e t1fR#�' -` � �r,.��,...•,•,•,v'`,:: ,
1?o ikI?&i .,. i s Go Te p O} ,ayy 7 aydln {t{ M ei y r...,r,,..;•:: •... w, .i:
�., K. �.�. .. r•��M... •l. .a},�1i,Rli ..Tia �`-S, ^R. ,.M, ,..t �.AIH. M�'. i^�A ARir•M,,,r M't� rttVS'f Nr.��+l I l J,N3.� :•;1•,`,.tiJ<• ✓ i
,� �
add- rs
tiie, vaeixtbp, .+�t'he` ,
Carty, l.,r lid' .yrs, , H� ort , uI i .with her:daughter,rs d i (d t u1Qd R ? "h e, �) ,
. Mrs, r3..w7x two 60,uncil present,• 11'iaxo>� Tuft s.�d ra. f ec i }yn be
and 8AI1$, $ „ and., Y to l o i d,, 4.. a tRva ,�11� h��d W ',.J.,• a ::xrJ v
1 OM )'..P David, Toronto; A� p,et n, Miss Doris Flanagan,. Lo>1,_;,'it :`has bhe posi'trve. i,'zl.,e. tla?4 of the - N,,r•.'
an tlt utnupt�t see,
[['d g4. p., :r ? :" r•r'„ ;'„':
S. Alltens, with her parents, Mr. an,d Uro. 6af n ,, �; �:f,✓�.. . i.
r With Mir.>td e ., u ,
o ,S... Orth esu tA• l>a'e &.,;sa}btstan�' : cred';tt mold "'pe give - i . ;Dose whQ, �,,::, ✓frw, ? ...
ibert Jagdatt, 1ptfioi't, and Miss >ar 4l epi, Flanagan; Norval Par .I r ,<.s ..� . ' e'�i' :. ;•
.,, .,, , a @•r, oi" '' 11 }•a •POIrtributi'on �tSb e�ery.'.retu ed., ' w 1' a 11 .:.410.
Jori n T 'r, a w x , Fru e- a _p4113oye&, flr. t,..,�s v>Olrk. 0.
a ,, e o4t , With heir hrothe ,,ondon, with Mrs. T'hili Ke r"�;
p may, .m At f ort- the iowu tYhR served dui* f A✓ f J'ef'f' r'ic
novp,, five years later;,.is ¢t<world be- ✓
Patrick and Joseph Jordan: Artlunr' Rev. Vincent 'C. Eckert; C.S.B., TO Ing, - the war; but. >hu groped Tucker- to `{ %�::i: `/!>•: l� � J
�?rg .- lcl of ..this •resnar)! 4,01e inveu- J�, '. yl�' %� `''%i '•::. is i .••, .,fy.
T.00by, Rochester, N ., ,4'ith ionto, with his. mother, Mrs., Teresa, Smith and McKillop townships would 'tion. ,r J�✓ �'4:. ,,:..: : Y
this Mather, Mrs, A. M. Looby: 1Vizi. °Eckert; �dr. and Mrs. A, .Forster in, co-Aperate .iso as to ,make the contrt :. T . is f int r e � Ji'`f. ' �r% F•.
o t o e est tt1 , tl�S . ople of '..N� > ::• �: .. . s•
and Mr's J hn hostel[, Toronto, with `Listowel; Miss 'Mar Cenn a i.
zt button uniform, - Seaforth vicinity k th.;`iy/,:f� y;;.:✓J f,G
_ , . and vac n St..,. to •..:tto at a.
Mr. and, A "
7ln a Mrs o tek I ' L
s Mss io ondon •
liar, n Mrs. MacFarlane and chit- After complete di'Guesion, it was Seaforth • irt,.,t a original
'Meagher, London,' with her parents• dren, Detroit with Mrs. Jon J r� � `t! '• •
s h Jor-, decided, that Seaforth group of twenty Ro',ral ' : f''`� r '
Mr. and 111Lrs. John 'Mengltex'. Mies. dan Mrs. D Y y . CaaRadian At r `✓ ,Ow .
, r Daniel Costello and; -four and Tuckersmith wotxd,make an a - ForeEng-
J > Y �;•.Yf�z:s:�...:..
p c. officers who, e e e t t
Monica Byrne in' Blyth and.. Goderich; children and Miss. Jeanw r o Eng-
Coate110 at proximate expenditure of $51) fpr each land to 1e$rnabout radar and assist ✓ ' f: f��'
i Miss Kay 'Stapleton at Grand Bend; Grand Bend; Mr. and 'Mrs. Vander- ,.returned man, and as this wouldrest' he 1
li the Rays Air Force •• in . its use. ,
,fi r>i fi f
Mrs. T. J,..lyIolyneaux at Zurich; Mr. walker, Detroit, .with Mr. and Mrs. a sum in the neighborhood of $10,000, He. Is Flight Lieutenan. Ed. Da >5:;•' ,,. �,>
and Mrs. Jack Kenn d' son g 19� ''" i •%'%1%az
Y an John Joseph Dill; Rev, A. Durand, St. Pet ,the council F >:>:: .>s:Yr.J;':•:r•?.>,
s therilselves were in favor of Seaforth, who reeeiVRdl?is retire ,f:,:.
ny, Pontiac, Mich., with Mrs. Frank er''s Seminary,
a y, L ondon, and Mr. M. of using #t to erect a Legion Hsu for Ment fr m the Royal C.a Adian •' ' `^<> cii's:ta> •`:%>
Kenny; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Lit De Sa1es _ Toronto, with Rev. Dr. returned men wh#ch would prove a. Force a few weeks ago, after almost s^ , {: :>:::ir•:s
tle, Se&forth, Mr. and Mrs Heary Ffou k
lasting monument of the town's ap- five years' service, and is " again
Widemap, Markham, Miss Marie A group of the executive members ,,,.
v Wideman ueen'svil a preciation, if that would be accept- in Seaforth. He says tliai note of ;;;
@ 1 with t•
i h M and
a of Dublin .>,
War Services' A c' '
sso ation :J:z•.
able t
o the individual r � ....�
d 1 re ne men. the rou :: ...
returned e had an i what ' & g p y des ha type oi,. a•::>•" `:>Y sz:::;•::...
Mrs. Charles E. Williams; Mrs, Eth- honored Sgt. Charles KrauskppP at A canvass, however, will beimader work they would be doing, till they
el McLean, Mrs. William Birch, De- his home pI'iOI' to his departure on and if a Pew of . the returned men sat down in a classrooim somewhere '�"; r:• yl}✓ <� ;Yr ,� ;;..;�,;.:.:<,;..
troit, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roney and completion of his furlough. A pres- would rather have a personal gift in in England and were Introduced to
daughter, Edith, Mitchell, with Mrs. entation of a • urse of mono was
P y the form'of a war bond, in all prob- this new invention.
Teresa Redmond; Edward Togier De- made on behalf of the residents of ability the gift would be made in that Only eight weeks were allowed to-!f$�?f `�, f; : • .1�« ri., �f �>
•troit, with Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes; Mat- Dublin. Sgt. Krauskopf expressed % ✓✓ >> >'"•'�'
thew Coyne and Miss Althea 1 form,::.but it is' anticipated that the absorb this new art, and then he was
Y Mac- hips appreciation of the honor. He re- majoritywould favor a recreation rushed to a location in northeast
Lean, Brantford, with relatives here; turned a month ago from three years
' y,ri, ✓ ✓fr�r .
Y home which would be availableMrs. John L. Williams and to Scotland to help combat raiders com
Mr. an
d` over"seas service in Africa, Sicily and them at all times. g
in in from Norway. `He was later
family, Mrs. Joseph J. Williams and Italy./%•:::.
„ The councils• were informed that transferred to installation work and �, r ••.::" •;:x >:
,daughter, Marcia, Detroit, with Mr. Mo her Marion, of Brescia Hall, :% �y 1..... > %
the Legion has purchased a lot on Put up anew station on the south :':zx:�Y>'and Mrs. Patrick Williams; Mr, and London, left on Wednesday of this p
• Y Main Street and have plans under coast of England, and another in the ;::^zs,�,..,�,'-::::: �%•� '••�
Mrs. John McMillan and family, De- week with three Sisters of the Ursu- contemplation -for the erection of Hebrides; west of Scotland. !��:�::r>«�•>,;lr•
troit, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm11M
. c- line Order to tgaeh in a mission' such a, building, which would include ,After a year in the British Isles, he "'.••.ds�:•.:;:;,, .�' • •
Millan; Frank Doyle and Miss .Nell school at Rock ford; Alberta, Before was transferred to the Middie East, '' " -
y a large lounge, billiard and reading 3's? �%:"
Doyle, Reg.N., Toronto, with their leaving she was a guest at the Dub- rooms for the exclusive use of all travelling by way of South Africa and '
mnather, Mrs, James Doyle; Leo Ken- lin Convent and was visited by her veterans, and an auditorium 32x60 'India. On arriving at Cairo, Egypt,
my, .Elm Creek, Man., with John and., father, Mr. Frank McConnell, of Sea- feet which would be available for he was given the job of fo2•ming. 'a
.Joseph Kenny; Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur .forth, and other relatives and friends. Legion and community entertain- mobil e:'radar6unit, the second of its The New Fall Shades
Forster at Markdale; Mrs.'Mary Me- She was accompanied by Mother St. kind, and the first one in charge of
j meats. The hall will also contain
Grath. Mrs. Charles Maloneti. and two Albert. a Canadian. The unit was sent to'
caretaker's living quarters and would
daughters at Waterloo;'-` i's•s Mary �► be under his supervision at all times. the Western Desert. PAPULAR BLACK
Beale u t Stratford; James Donnelly As an initial step, J. E. Keating, For the next two years he 'carried
and daughter, Rose lelMarie,Detroit, Seaforth chairman of, the Finance Committee, on mobile radar work with the fam- a SOLDIER BLUE
with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Burps; Mr, and Clerk' D. H. Wilson for Seaforth, ous British Eighth Army. His unit
and Mrs. Robt. McCormick and two Ratepayers and .Councillor H. Jackson and Clerk was the only one to do the full .cov- LIME GREEN
sons and Sgt, Chas. Krauskopf, De crape work on the retreat to Alamein;
irroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Kraus l E. P. Chesney, for Tuckersmith, were
l (Continued from Page 1) r awed a committee to interview the for which he received a personal com * NAVY BLUE
kopf;, Pte. Peter J. Pennamo, who has muiiity. Pending completion of plalis Ontario Department of Municipal Af- mendation from Air Marshai Sir Ar -
fairs with a view of securing its ap- thur Conningham. On the -offensive RUST
proval to use funds from the surplus at Alamein, his station was chosen
f r. accounts of the municipalities for for forward work and he' -was within 4a EMERALD GREEN
o building purposes, -'Clerk Wilson to two miles of the front for the big
Rommel's re -
which started, .
o ® .O • secure a date from the Board for an offensiveBROWN
treat out of Africa. In the intense
appointment, It was also decided to.
• air offensive prior to ground attack, LAVENDER
G d contact the McKillop council with a his unit was credited with assisting
I ITview of securing their co-operation. in the destruction of 48 German if its Itew, YOU'll see it first at
The following accounts were pass- planes in a period of eight, day's.
A. o ed: D. H. Wilson, $77.08; R. S•hinen,
• � � a o During the following months. he and .
w o e. o $32.50; J. A. Wilson, pension, $20; J. his unit stayed up as close as pos-
i 0 .� o Currie, $95; J. Cummings, $99; Thos. Bible. to the enemy lines, often only �0�4
p ® '. Storey, $36; Receiver General Can- stayi' ads, U.S. stamps $23.95• Cann adian ng on one spot a few hours be- Ste'wart
LIPOe co e o e ause
his lead has played a short, short
bowl. ,
Last Friday evening there was a
Pleasant mixed tournament 'held. The
evening was warm and the greens
were very. good. You will :find an
article about it elsewhere in this
A number from Seaforth axe taking
part in a mixed '' tournament
'At Mitchell tonight. '
,Next Monday evening there will be
an open mixed trebles tournament
e to .00 a.m. opening and . p.m.
closing with Sunday a complete day
of non -sale. At present the- hours,
which will not be affected in the im-
mediate future, are from 7.00: a.m, to
7 p.m. and from 1.00 p.m. to '6:00 p.m.
on Sunday. At least four stations or
garages selling gasoline will remainopen on Sunday until furtlie'r deeI-
Other speakers who addreksed.'the
meeting were Stan Becknef,.`gtrat-
ford; T. Dietrich, president; of the
Waterloo Branch of the Garage Op-
erators" Association; Mr. Armstrong,
vice-president of the Huron Branch,
and Mr. Well's, .past president of the
15, Thelma Elgie 10, Harry McLeod
9, Mrs. Bert Shaw, Isabel Bettles 3.
R. R., SEAFORTH-John Hender-
son 8, Ruth Carno•chan 10, Laura Mc-
Millan 2, Mrs. Dale Nixon 10, John L.
Malone 10, 'Mrs. James T. Scott 11,
Evelyn McMichael 10, Harold Jack-
son 6, Wilfred McQuaid 3, Angus
Kennedy •10, George Blake 10, Robert
Wallace 5, Mrs. Paul Doig 8, Ross
McGregor 11, Mrs. Dave McLeh,n 10,
Edward Brown 8, Edwin P„ Chesaey
13, Andrew Moore 7, Lloyd Haney 6.
WALTON - Berva Blanchard 3,
Gordon McGavin 10, Mrs. Ja`s. Coutts
8, George McArthur 6, 'Ruth McClure
Huron Branch. W. Bechtel, oY New 9, RobPIrt McClure 10, Florence Wil-
liamson 3, ' Wilfired Shortreed 11,
Dundee, presided over the meeting. I Thomas Shortreed 8, Mae Smith 10,
(Continued from Page 1)
section, and later in the platoon, it
Was team work, no one man that did
Sgt. Horan has been- injured in the
shoulder in the Italy campaign, but
is well.
Cpl. (A -Sgt.) Glen Francis Horan,
Canadian Infantry Corps:
During the crossing of the River
Moro,••the company came under,3reavy
machine gun and mortar fire. A -Sgt.
Horan and his section were given the
task of clearing "machine gun and
anti-tan:k posts on the east side of
the road which marked" the main line
Leading his section with cUnspicu-
ous skill ' and courage, Cpl. Horan
personally accounted for two posts,
by boldly charging ahem with his
Thompson sub -machine gun Blazing
and silenced them completely. . To-
gether, he and his section cleared 10'
posts and performed the tasks as-
signed them wit)- conspicuous sue -
Later, when his company. forgoa an
entry Into the town, be digplayed
George Smith .12.
KIPPEN-Roger Venner 8, Edwin
Taylor 10, Mrs, Margaret Allen 6,
Richard Taylor, Jr. 10, Ernest Cbip-
chase 13, Glenn Slavin 8, Jas. Mus-
tard 4, Harvey Jacobi 10.
RENSALL, 'Mrs. R. A. Orr 3, Mrs.
E. B. Normington 12, Mrs. Olive Kyle
3, • Mrs. N. McEwan 7, Mrs. Jean
Boyd 10, Robert McKenzie 7, Clar-
ence Smillie 9, Mrs. A. B. Roweliffe
CROMARTY-James Kerr 10, Nel-
son Howe 15, Hazel Hamilton 3, Wil-
ma Hamilton 8, Thos. Laing 10, Jas.
Hoggarth' 10.
LONDESIBORO-Wm. Hamilton 4,
Wm. Knox 2, Mrs. Wm. Doimage 4,
James Neilans 14, Roy Dolmage 11.
BRUCEFIELD--W. D. Wilson 10.
STAFFA-Gerald Agar 10.
BLYTH-Kathleen Roe 6.
CLINTON-Alfred Buchanan 12.
VARNA-Harold Connell 10.
,CHIOAGO-Winn.ifred Jasmund' 5.
The s:taffa included: Doctors•---rF.
J. Burrowg, E. A. McMaster, =J. A.
Gorwill, M. W. Stapleton. Nurses -
Mrs. J. M. McMillan, Mrs. H. Jack -
eon, Isabel Bettles, Mrs. W. Leem,
Ing, 'Miss K. Elliott, Dorothy. P01te,.
Mrs. F. Bpugger, Mra, 1. W. T616a ft*
pp , 1u.4W
-looking fall d��sses �� ��� :��
"11if7,ed tailored
'Shur !, W,.a}1.I. N�'A, ine- �MWZ�S,;W�; ,4 �Y.
with gay little tucks
with smart braid •dlfeets,
All slze"I tQ 44 , 9 r
9 ,
I =
son, Daisy Hamilton, Mrs. A. Moore,
National ational Railways, $32.28; Imperial
fore moving on. The chase finally
on Tuesday, with interment in Palm -
Oil Ltd., $968.90;' Jack's Repair, W.
terminated on May 13, 1943, when he
were 'Roy Bennett, Clarence Bennetk
Refreshment Committee -Mrs. H.
Russel 'Marks, Moody Holland, 346-
had orders to move his unit through
Clark and Hareld Sellers. Flowar-
, �
J. Thompson, $2.30; County of Hur-
the enemy lines fifteen minutes after
Bennett, Nelson Marks, Robert IUk
Secretary -Mrs- G. Troutbeek. As-
by, Silas Johnston and, John Mar-'
o $18; J. A. Westeott, $3.73; Gen-
Accident Insurance Co., $3:80;
the German surrender in North Afrf-
superb courage and leadership in
County of Huron, grading account,3
ca. From a key position on Cape
Bon, near Tunis, he did the •ov rage
clearing the streets of the town and
. p,rMbm....:.^c lw'G..-•3F ':-.:�Y..`,G•-9%,w.:�"..
Ss'. 1: d + .: •
$28, Bell Telephone ,C., •$3.25, .Joseph
'r .,.
for the 'landings on Pantelh fir
defending it against a powerful conn-
FIeffernan, $11; Geo. A. Sills & Son's,
ily and Italy. The unit mo. 7bn'fio.,.tei:-attack
wl;ich later developed.
Cpl. Horan
$t �tycsrlo� I
$80.51; D. H. Wilson, re -Ration Bd.,
Gorsica to do work in preparatlV
Throughout this action,
OQ ab Tt•
ao� .Sp'o r
$45; Huron Ex ositor, 103-05.
k.... $
for the landings in South France;. but
set an inspiring example by his de-
%o VOG_ S �t►8 \ I
Flight Lieutenant Daly was repatriat-
to -nation, drive and disregard for
1 Op Q�a�pugty et
to Canada because of illness con-
tracted in Africa. -
his. own personal safety and coutri-
bated. materially to the success of
spent in playing bingo, after which
Pairs which will be held in this, dis-
"D" company '#n their assault on San
sets 0 04 pet•
(Continued from Page 1)
For the past' year he has been'do
Goo 0-06 M6"" to
So for all the men we wish to say
ing radar work nn the Pacific Coast
Mrs. Lorne Lawson read the following
Mouse otb��, b9
. . • thank you, ladies, for the splen-
Radio ol at ;Clin-
of Cwas dnot
You are sitting here before us,
tb Aro
did supper. That also goes to all
ton builta.
omeSch°time after
(� n
Final Red VroSS
C00W ps+F
the ladies who so kindly donated
he left for overseas, and so, peculiar-
govt Foa' �t0
Now that you have found a man
ly enough, he has yet. to see this
(Continued from Page 1)
CO3pp � DID
school, even though it is only a few
SEAFORTH-D. L.. Reid 11, Mona
......... . .. .. . .. . .'
miles away. He expects to continue
McGregor 3, Beverley F. Christie 13,
Short bowls are a nuisance to good
his radio work in Seafortb which he
Helmar Snell 10, John Gallop 11, Em-
eustadt ........ . .... ... Sept. 21-22
skips .: . so they ,say. In the Tip
left five years ago.
manuel Albrecht 11, Mrs. Hazel Scott
.EARTH ...... • ..... Sept: 202f"
Top tournament, Frank 'Dinty' Moore
Stratford ............... Sept. 171'$
10, Lillian Southgate 10, Edward Me -
Atwood ................. Sept. 2829
of . Mitchell, played a runner shot,
Drhmbo ........... . . •, . Sept. 2iirg4t
Iver 8, Mrs. E. ,Stevens 3, Allan Reid
- o - - e a
trying to kill the end. The kitty in
6, Mrs. F. Smale 6, Frank •Smale 7,
case took a very peculiar bounce,
Mitchell ................ Sept. 25.26'
Tho_. Carter 6, Alice Reid 10, Nev-
Tara ..... . ...... . ...... Sept. 26-27
and bounded straight back towards
ille McMillan 2, Ross Savauge •13,
Dinty. It came back about half way
(Continued from Page 1)
Pauline Matthews 5, Richard Box 6,
Gorrie ..................... Oct. 54
down the green, and worse luck of
all ison nt ant d n 1--
ing that the "hours of sale be Yegulat-
d 7 7 00
Mrs. George Eaton 10,�D:' H. Wilson
Teeswater .................. Oct. :FS
LIPOe co e o e ause
his lead has played a short, short
bowl. ,
Last Friday evening there was a
Pleasant mixed tournament 'held. The
evening was warm and the greens
were very. good. You will :find an
article about it elsewhere in this
A number from Seaforth axe taking
part in a mixed '' tournament
'At Mitchell tonight. '
,Next Monday evening there will be
an open mixed trebles tournament
e to .00 a.m. opening and . p.m.
closing with Sunday a complete day
of non -sale. At present the- hours,
which will not be affected in the im-
mediate future, are from 7.00: a.m, to
7 p.m. and from 1.00 p.m. to '6:00 p.m.
on Sunday. At least four stations or
garages selling gasoline will remainopen on Sunday until furtlie'r deeI-
Other speakers who addreksed.'the
meeting were Stan Becknef,.`gtrat-
ford; T. Dietrich, president; of the
Waterloo Branch of the Garage Op-
erators" Association; Mr. Armstrong,
vice-president of the Huron Branch,
and Mr. Well's, .past president of the
15, Thelma Elgie 10, Harry McLeod
9, Mrs. Bert Shaw, Isabel Bettles 3.
R. R., SEAFORTH-John Hender-
son 8, Ruth Carno•chan 10, Laura Mc-
Millan 2, Mrs. Dale Nixon 10, John L.
Malone 10, 'Mrs. James T. Scott 11,
Evelyn McMichael 10, Harold Jack-
son 6, Wilfred McQuaid 3, Angus
Kennedy •10, George Blake 10, Robert
Wallace 5, Mrs. Paul Doig 8, Ross
McGregor 11, Mrs. Dave McLeh,n 10,
Edward Brown 8, Edwin P„ Chesaey
13, Andrew Moore 7, Lloyd Haney 6.
WALTON - Berva Blanchard 3,
Gordon McGavin 10, Mrs. Ja`s. Coutts
8, George McArthur 6, 'Ruth McClure
Huron Branch. W. Bechtel, oY New 9, RobPIrt McClure 10, Florence Wil-
liamson 3, ' Wilfired Shortreed 11,
Dundee, presided over the meeting. I Thomas Shortreed 8, Mae Smith 10,
(Continued from Page 1)
section, and later in the platoon, it
Was team work, no one man that did
Sgt. Horan has been- injured in the
shoulder in the Italy campaign, but
is well.
Cpl. (A -Sgt.) Glen Francis Horan,
Canadian Infantry Corps:
During the crossing of the River
Moro,••the company came under,3reavy
machine gun and mortar fire. A -Sgt.
Horan and his section were given the
task of clearing "machine gun and
anti-tan:k posts on the east side of
the road which marked" the main line
Leading his section with cUnspicu-
ous skill ' and courage, Cpl. Horan
personally accounted for two posts,
by boldly charging ahem with his
Thompson sub -machine gun Blazing
and silenced them completely. . To-
gether, he and his section cleared 10'
posts and performed the tasks as-
signed them wit)- conspicuous sue -
Later, when his company. forgoa an
entry Into the town, be digplayed
George Smith .12.
KIPPEN-Roger Venner 8, Edwin
Taylor 10, Mrs, Margaret Allen 6,
Richard Taylor, Jr. 10, Ernest Cbip-
chase 13, Glenn Slavin 8, Jas. Mus-
tard 4, Harvey Jacobi 10.
RENSALL, 'Mrs. R. A. Orr 3, Mrs.
E. B. Normington 12, Mrs. Olive Kyle
3, • Mrs. N. McEwan 7, Mrs. Jean
Boyd 10, Robert McKenzie 7, Clar-
ence Smillie 9, Mrs. A. B. Roweliffe
CROMARTY-James Kerr 10, Nel-
son Howe 15, Hazel Hamilton 3, Wil-
ma Hamilton 8, Thos. Laing 10, Jas.
Hoggarth' 10.
LONDESIBORO-Wm. Hamilton 4,
Wm. Knox 2, Mrs. Wm. Doimage 4,
James Neilans 14, Roy Dolmage 11.
BRUCEFIELD--W. D. Wilson 10.
STAFFA-Gerald Agar 10.
BLYTH-Kathleen Roe 6.
CLINTON-Alfred Buchanan 12.
VARNA-Harold Connell 10.
,CHIOAGO-Winn.ifred Jasmund' 5.
The s:taffa included: Doctors•---rF.
J. Burrowg, E. A. McMaster, =J. A.
Gorwill, M. W. Stapleton. Nurses -
Mrs. J. M. McMillan, Mrs. H. Jack -
eon, Isabel Bettles, Mrs. W. Leem,
Ing, 'Miss K. Elliott, Dorothy. P01te,.
Mrs. F. Bpugger, Mra, 1. W. T616a ft*
pp , 1u.4W
-looking fall d��sses �� ��� :��
"11if7,ed tailored
'Shur !, W,.a}1.I. N�'A, ine- �MWZ�S,;W�; ,4 �Y.
with gay little tucks
with smart braid •dlfeets,
All slze"I tQ 44 , 9 r
9 ,
I =
son, Daisy Hamilton, Mrs. A. Moore,
held from her late -residence at 2 1rm..
Mrs. B. Shaw, Miss Olive Laidlaw.
on Tuesday, with interment in Palm -
Assistants -Mrs. J. Kaiser, Mary
erston ' cemetery, The pallbearer
Hays, Thelma 'Elgie.
were 'Roy Bennett, Clarence Bennetk
Refreshment Committee -Mrs. H.
Russel 'Marks, Moody Holland, 346-
R.Scott, Mrs,. W. Hay, Jean McLean,
Clark and Hareld Sellers. Flowar-
Mrs. J. Barron, Mrs. G. Brightrall,
bearers were Ronald Bennett, R -
Miss C. Holmes, Gladys Thompson.
Bennett, Nelson Marks, Robert IUk
Secretary -Mrs- G. Troutbeek. As-
by, Silas Johnston and, John Mar-'
sistants-Mrs. F. W: Wigg, 'Mrs. E.
shall. She is survived by :one daugt -
A. McMaster, Mrs. E. 'C- Boswell.,
ter and four sons: Mrs. Norman Sc--
Receptionists - Mrs. J. MacTavish,
CulIough, of Harriston; ,. Harvey, o[
Mrs. E. H. Close.
Toronto; Kenneth, of Port Elgin .
Ralph, of Seaforth, and Herbert, at
home; also one sister and one ibra-
ther, Mrs. David Love, of Newmarket,
and Mr: Edgar Scott, of Toronto.
Hold Shower For Bride -Elect
On Monday evening a social event
was held, at the borne of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Scott, Hullett Township, when
Dates for the numerous fall fairs•
about twenty girl friends of Miss
to be held in Ontario this year have
Edith Britton gathered to honor her,
been announced by - the Agricultural
before her approaching marriage,
Societies' Branch, Ontario Depart-
Thefirst part of the evening was
ment of Agriculture. Dates for tke
spent in playing bingo, after which
Pairs which will be held in this, dis-
Mrs. William Jewitt played the wed-
trict are:
ding chorus and Mrs. Walter Scott
Tavistock .......:....... ,Sept. 7-9 `
led the , bride-to-be into a decorated
Blyth............... .. , . Sept. 13-14
room where the gifts were arranged.
Cbesley ..... :...... ..... Sept. 14-1&
Mrs. Lorne Lawson read the following
Kirkton.................. Sept. 1344+
address: Dear Edith:
Lion's Head ............. Sept. 12-13
You are sitting here before us,
Milverton ............... Sept. 1314
As others have done before,
New Hamburg ........... Sept. 14-15
'And we know that you are wishing
Palmerston ....... - , - - Sept. 14-15
-You could beat it out of the door.
Wellesley ................ Sept. 11-12`
Clifford ....... . ......... Sept. 21-22
Now that you have found a man
Embro .................. Sept. 17
• To cherish, all your life,
Exeter Sept. 19-24k
We are sure that you will prove to be
Galt Sept. 20-22:
A true and loving wife.
......... . .. .. . .. . .'
Kincardine .......' ....... Sept. 20-211
Just a little token
Listowel ...... . ....... . . Sept. lids
Of loving thoughts and ,true,
Mildmay. Sept. 18-19
These small gifts
now present to you.
eustadt ........ . .... ... Sept. 21-22
. . ....... . . .. Sept. 21
-Signed on behalf of the girl friends.-
.EARTH ...... • ..... Sept: 202f"
Miss Britton, thanked all for their
Stratford ............... Sept. 171'$
many lovely gifts, after which a de-
Atwood ................. Sept. 2829
lightful lunch was served by the hos-
Drhmbo ........... . . •, . Sept. 2iirg4t
Dungannon . . . ........... Sept. 27-25
Harriston ................ Sept. 27-20
Lucknow .............. . . Sept. 25-26
Mitchell ................ Sept. 25.26'
Tara ..... . ...... . ...... Sept. 26-27
Tite Late Mrs. Albert Travis
Zurich .................. Sept. 24-25r
There passed away at her late resi-
Owen Sound ........,Sept. 29 -Oct. 2
dente in. Walton, on July 20th, Eva
Bayfield .................. Oct. 9.14
Gertrude Scott, beloved wife of the
Gorrie ..................... Oct. 54
late Albert Travis, in her 66th year,
St. Marys ................. Oct. 4.6
after a. lingering illness. She was
Teeswater .................. Oct. :FS
born in Newmarket in 1880, daughter
Walkerton" ..'............ Nov. 2122
of the late Mr. and Mrs. William
Scott and was married oto Albert
She: "What do you think I'd do it
Travis in 1899, moving to Palmerston
you tried to pet me?"
shortly afterwards, coming to Walton
He: "I haven't any idea.",
eleven years ago. The funeral was
She: "Aren't you even curious?"' -
Dead and Disabled Anim-cls
4, (98801itita9 War ltft 1'('Y`J)
I „
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