The Huron Expositor, 1945-06-08, Page 44^ Il ta; Sale ELr ROUND RESIDEDIOB ' P bedroama; toilet and . $ bedrooms. and . bath ;furnace, garage. Good ayatem. Large lot. X '&r HUNT 41.4PrED pdep, Ontario., 4043-1 Teasers Wanted VENDERS WANTED, ziNDERs WILL BE RECEIVED, $Y THE f tli• updersigned until June 29, 1945, for the "'reviling and installing of fixtures for Hydro in Sohpgl Section No. 7, McKi.11dp. Work to 'Tad completed in July. and complsked accord - ii i71g to' E'dro Electric Commission. Plana (, c may le teen at Lot 22, Concession 12, Mo- Eillop. • ALEX DENNIS, Secretary, R. 12. `No. 2, • Walton. 4043-2 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR SHINGLING, A PORTION of Seaforth Public School will be reoeiv- ed by the Board up to June 16th, 'Specifica- • tions can' be seen at Secretlry's Office, All material to be supplied by 'the contractor, • Loweot tender net necessarily accepted. Work to be completed as early in July as .possible. - M. McKEI.LAR, Secretary, 4043` 2 TENDERS- WANTED No. 1 --•-FOR THE WASHING OF 1ti1• i plastered part of walls in 'the school roern and the boarded partition above the entrance, also plastered walls in entrance., • No. 2- All lumber partitions and walla ani ceiling in basement, including cloak rooms, to be washed. Work to be done be 'July 20th. Tenders to be in by June 20th. • R. J. PETRICK, R. R. No. 1. Seaforth, Sec. -Tress., S. S. No. 10, McKillop, . 4042-2 Teachers Waned A,OtrOW IN - ITOTEWANT.. teacher tar S, S. hies, H, Stapley:, (village school),S 9QO1 has mraksra appiaant s. such as Plano,, tools for maraud traiu'rng. Hydro - Stake nuwliftca}iQna and solar, expected. Ap- ply to SHLrI8LOC.it; Ii' XS. Varna, Ont. 4043-3 'TWO' 1?ROTEST,FiNT TEACHERS ;Fc1R s. 5. No. 4 and 6, Tuckersmi'tb, Huron County, who are good disciplinarians. Applicents to *tate experience, qualiaoations,, salary ex- pected and references. Duties to commence Sept. 1, 1945. Personal applications would be appreciated, Tuckersncith School Area No. 1. S, )1. 'WHITMORE, Sec.-Tpeaa, R. R. 3, Sea - forth, Ont. 40434 E 4 CHER WANTED FOR S. S. NO. 6, 'McKillop, State salary and experience. FRANK JOHNSON, Secretary, R. R, No. 1, Dublin. Phone 840 r 13. 4042-8 Poultry C HICK BARGAINS Fort THIS WEEK and next White Leghorns, Barred Rock X White Leghorn, Austra Whites: Non -sex- ed 9.95, pullets 19.95. Barred Rocks, New Iien:pahires, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks 10.95,• pullets 16.95, cockerels 19.95. Assort- ed Heavies gron-sexed 9.95, pullets 14.95, Cock- e; -els • 9.95. Assorted' Light and Medium Breeds:• Non -sexed 8.95, pullets 17.95. 'Cock- erels : White Leghorns 1.80. Two week old add 6c, 3 week old add llc, 4 week-old add •-1ec. Shipped C.O.D. This advertisement reuat accompany your order. TOP NOTCH CHICKERIES, Guelph, Ontario. ' 4042-2 TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings -Province of Ontario • SEALED. TENDERS ADDRESSED TO TILE undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Coal," will be received' • until 3 p.m, (E.D.t4.T,), Wednesday, June 27„ 1945, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion ,,Buildings throughout the Province of Ontario. ,Forms of tender with specifications and con/Mimes attaohed can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Departeaent of Public Works, Ottawa, and the Supervising Archi- < tett, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms sup- plied by the bepartment and in accordance w,th departmental specifications, and condi- tions attached thereto, , coal dealers' license numbers must be given when tendering, The Department reserves the right to demand from any suceessful tenderer, before awarding `the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified oheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, - equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer, Bonds of the Dominicna of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constit- -uent companies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make up an odd amount... Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper :ulfrllment of the contract, By cyder, J. M. SOMERVILLE, Secretary. Department of Public Works, ' Ottawa, May 25, 1945. 4043-2 Notices TNVFSTORS IN THE LOOTED SEAF.ORTH Salt Company, who have not received the return of their money. should write immedi- ately to W. R. BELDEN, Palmerston. 4043x2 NOTICE -WILLIAM BRADSHAW, YOUR Watkin's dealer. and also agent for E. D. Smith & Son's fruit and ornamental nursery 'stock, Market Street, Seaforth, .Ont Phone 60. 3973-tf MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL THE NEXT MEETING OF THE HURON County Council will `be held in the Coun- cil Chambers Court Rouse, Godericb, com- mencing Tuesday, June 12th, at 2.00 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands o£ the County -Clerk not later than Saturday, June 9th. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. 4042-2 1Wanted POSITION WANTED -RECENT BUSINESS College graduate desires local position, . embracing general clerical work, typing and bookkeeping, etc. Apply to Box 426, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4043x1 Auction Sales Sak CM�!Sro2X SAT IGT1 $ Ok A4wIeIC- ere . I and Bgpringefie- Apply to RALE NlliONl Segferth, 40484 F{ QR SAL + +BABX'S rIVVI7 ] G)7NDRQN pram, in good condition, Apply to MRS. RAR,DY, John Street, Seaforth" dots fi111 e,'Pgrkvvtod Hop)aal tp1F0l4fi{r6,. ti�rltlt in* t;don, Ontario Xrfctical olt'' graduate; ft ;,dad* week a-hvur dalr. Aessir personally i"rirY letter to t:17Pp "+: 'ENT of I+ Y7ilESES. 4042x4. 40.48x1 r AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF- fects of the late Mrs. Coleman, in Hen- son, on Tuesday, June 19th, at 1.30 p.m. :- One 3 -piece chesterfield suite; 1 good organ: 2 Axminster rugs 9x12: extension dining room table; 6 chairs: 1 buffet; 1 studio couch I liek- new) ; 1 couch : 1 ieather rock- ing chair; 4 other rocking chairs; 1 Ray- mond -sewing machine: 3 small tables: 1 fernery; 1 hall mirror and seat; 1 bedroom suite ; 1 set of springs ; 1 wooden bedstead: i iron bedstead with springs ; 1 chest of drawers : 1 washstand; 1 toilet set t• 1 Rayon bedspread (new) ; 1 lace spread; 1 extension kitchen table and 4 chairs; 6 odd chairs; 1 day bed; 1 .pantry cabinet; 1 Finlay cook stove with relervoir and warming closet; 1 electric Spartan radio; 1 electric rangette; 1 electric table lamp; 1 electric iron; 1 .,8 -day clock: 2 stools; 1 set of dishes : 1 coal oil heater; 1 stove guard; 1 step ladder; 1 lawn mower: rake : hoe; * shovel, and other articles too numerous to mention. Six cords of wood. Terms -Cash, COLEMAN BROS., Executor§ : E. P. Chesney, Clerk ; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, 4043-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK, Implements and Household Effects, on Lot 23, Concession 7, Hay Township, 3% miles west of Hensall ; 21., miles east and Va. niile; north of Zurich, on Tuesday, June 12th, 1945, commencing at 1.00 o'clock sharp: FARM PROPERTY-Corisisting of 99 acres more or less ; 37 acres of oats, 8 acres of barley, balance in grass. Farm is well drained and well fenced, 'lyes plenty of both hard and soft water; brick house with 'kit- chen attached, cellar and woodshed; double garage; large driving shed; hen, house ..and pig-stable;large bank barn,"water system in barn ; , land is all black loam and ' in good state of cultivation. . A very desirable farm home. Terms on Farm --10 per cent. on day of sale, and balance in 30 days. Sold sub- ject to a reserved bid. HORSES -1 black team ; 1 bay mare, Percheron, 4 years old Grey . Percheron gelding 5 years old; •dark bay mare rising 3 years old. CATTLE - White cow fresh, renewed; roan cow fresh, renewed; white cow, milking; red cow, fresh with calf at foot; red Hereford cow, milking and fresh' Hereford cow due in June; big grey cow, Milking, with calf at foot; roan cow, milking; spotty cow due in June; far- row cow :, 2 baby beefs ; 5 small calves; 14 heifers and steers, all Herefords, ruing two Years old. PIGS AND HENS -1 young'York- shire sow, bred; 1 young Yorkshire sow; 1 dozen heals. IMPLEMENTS -Massey -Harris binder; .McCormick -Deering mower, new; spring tooth cultivator, new; McCormick- Deering 11 -disc .fertilizer .drill, new ; 1 -horse soldier ; 13 -disc grain drill; 3 -drum steel roller ; 10 -foot Massey rake; large twin plow ; small twin plow: Massey -Harris bean scufer with puller combined; slingropes; clover blancher; 2 iron kettles, large; 2,000 -Ib. ca- tacity scale, ; Clinton fanping mill ; walking plow : 2 3 -section harrows ; scraper ; . harrow cart; rout pulper : wheelbarrow : bob sleighs ; rubber, tired -wagon: 16 -foot flat sliding, rack; 32 -foot extension ladder; cutter; quantity of onion crates; turnip seeder; grass seeder; color,; ,car, e ; Stewart power clipper ; wagon box : steel tired wagon ; gravel box ; McCor- mick -Deering manure spreader, new: •' disc, new; hay rack :.a rolls of 40 rod wire, new; set single harness; 2 sets of heavy harniss ; 5 hoc e collars ; set collar tops : sleigh ' plat- form; cedar posts : electric fencer,. new : pig crate: 75 bushels of barley; some wheat: 2 galranized troughs ; large barrel ; forks ; shovels spades ; grain shervel ; grain bags; twine sacks; bag truck: lodging chains; whiffietrees; ngckyokes; onion sieve; onion stuffier: 2 bushels of timothy seed; seed beans; etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --Sink; quantity of sealers; washing machine; cook stove; antique spool bed ; Daisy churn ; 3 - burner coal oil stove: strainer pails; Ren- frew cream separator; 2 beds; set of springs and new mattress; roasting pan; buck saw; crosssnt saw ; hand saw: vacuum sweeper; ringer ; tubs ; hanging lamp; set • of sad irons ; sausage grinder ; sausage staffer ; ice cream freezer ; some. crocks ; lanterns ; lamps ; teas lamp; leather couch ;' carpet sweeper and numerous other articles. Terms -Cash. MRS. MARY STEPHAN, Proprietress; E. R Weido, Clerk; Arthur Weber, 'Auctioneer. - 9043x1 Deaths ... OR SALE--MAF1CRY-#fAIiRis BaNDita 7 - foot cut; Massey -Harris mower; coring tooth cultivator; set of - barrows; Fleury I McCAA Ig ' Egmondvt'lle, ah Wednesday,- walleing plow, and steel tired top buggy. All r June 6th, John MCCfra, in .143 87th year. in good condition. Apply to PAT QUINN.I R. R. 3, Walton, ' 4042g2 Personals IF YOU WANT TO GET'alARRIED, WRITE Box 858, Juliaetta, Idaho. Send stamp. 4021-tf FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS -ALL FUL- ler Brush products in stock. Send orders to Clinton to MISS WINNIFED O'NEILL. Phone 754, Clinton. 4041x4 Farms For Sale FOR SALE--100-AORE GRASS FARM, composed of the East Half of the North Half of Lot Number 12 and the East Half of the North Half of Lot Number, la is the 14 Concession of the Township of Mc- Killop. Windmill and plenty of water. Ap- ply to Box 425, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4043-tf FARM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE -100 acres, near Walton. .Frame house, barn on stone foundation, cement floors, water in stable, ,drilled • well, windmill, implement house,' garage. Maintains large stock con- tinuously. Larger farm preferred, or house in city or town. LESTER REGAN, R.R. 2. Blyth, Ont. 4041x81 'WARM FOR SALE -FIVE MILES SOUTH of Seaforth, and one mile east, Lot 7, Concession 8, 'I'Sckelsmith, One mile from school, Large bank barn, brick house, hen house and pig pen. Drained. Plenty of water,. Twelve acres fall 'wheat; 35 acres spring crop: balance in grass. Possession given immediately. Apply to J. W. FREE. Seaforth. 40354f rl ARM FOR SALE -100 -ACRE FARM; 70 acres cleared, All tile drained; five .acres bush. Has been grassed for past few years. Two never -failing wells. Apply at THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE. 4030-2-tf Cards of Thanks MRS. JOHNGRIEVE AND FAMILY WISH to express their sincere appreciation of the many acts of kindness and sympathy ex- tended to them in their recent bereavement. 4043x1 Births PENTNRY At Quinte Hospital, Picton, Ont., on June. 4th, to Flt. Sgt and Mrs. D. N. Pentney (nee Lois Rathwel]), a daughter. STAPLETON-In Scott .Memorial Hospital. on May 31st, to Mr. and Mrs, Fergus Stap- leton, Dublin, a daughter, BARRY -In Scott .Memorial Hospital, on June 1st. to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barry, Seaforth, a son (still born), SANDERSON-In Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 7th, to Mr. • and Mrs, John San- derson, Londesboro, a daughter, SHAPMAN-In Hay Township, on Friday, May 25th, to Mr. and' MIs, Lorne Chapman, a son. WILLARD-Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willard, of Russeldale (nee Edith Parkins, of Hensall.), are happy to announce the arrival of their • son, William James, at Dr. Fletetier's Hos- pital, Exeter, on Tuesday, May 29th. WAL..TON The Yining People's' Union of Duff's United .Chuz-ch met on Sunday eve- ning. The meeting was , conducted. by the president, Mr. W. J. Leeming, and. the , program • was in charge of the Culture '.Convener, Miss Mary Mc- Donald. • - The 20th anniversary of Church Union *ill be celebrated in Duff's United Church on Sunday, June 10th, This anniversary also marks 'the be- ginning of the Crusade 'for Christ and His Kingdom. The Sunday School anniversary will be held on Sunday, June 17,th. HENSALL Another."old-time barn d ce will be held in the new barn of M send Mrs. Thomas Slavin, 3 miles east of Hen- sall, on Friday, June 8th, with CKNX Ranch Boys and Cora furnishing the music. There will be a lunch booth. (Continued from Page 1) - Mr, Grant Love, of Caro, Michigan, spent the week -end with Mr. R. Coop- er, of Kippen, and also visited with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. E, McEwan. " The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. J. B. McLean, of Exeter, formerly of Kippen, in. the loss of her on, Robert Crawford Me - Lean, principal of the high`achool at Waubaushene, who was instantly killed on, Thursday last when struck by .a caat Victoria Harbor,where he had gone to attend a lodge meet- ing, He was 45 years of age. Members of the Mission Circle will hold their annual picnic on• the lawn of Miss Ellis on Wednesday, June 13. Miss Margaret Glenn and' 'Miss Bar- bara Michie will direct sports. On the thirteenth of June all members of Mission Circle will meet on. Miss Ellis's beautiful lawn, there one an- other they shall greet; each member will a visitor -bring, who will enjoy a sandwich, . cookie and cup of tea; so be sure to be there. at 5 o'clock, for a good picnic it sure to be. Rev. Fisher Vccupied the pulpit at Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday last and Rev. Ferguson, of Wiarton, will preach for a call on Sunday, June 10th. Some of the largest logs to be seen in this village, passed through Hen - HURON FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE THIRD ANNUAL - Field Day and Picnic AT LIONS PARK, SIARTH' WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13th i FEATURING SPORTS For a big day's outing, join the crowd, pack a basket of lunch and meet your.'old friends. Make this 3rd Annual Picnic the best yet! PROGRAM 10.30 a.m.-Bruce ..County vs. Huron County, Softball Game. First • game of tournament between four Counties -=-Bruce, Perth, Wellington and Huron, 12.00 noon -Picnic Lunch. Prize money $'50.00. 1.15 p.m. -Jim Hunter of CFRB, Huron Old Boy, officially opens Field Day; followed by other 'prominent speakers, p.m, -Square Dance Contest; lst prize .$20.00, 2nd $10.00• Old Time Fiddlers' Contest, Prize $5,00. Calling Off Contest, $5.00. Open to Counties of Bruce, Perth, Wellington, Huron. Entries in hands of Secretary by June 10th. 2.00 p.m. -Children's Races, including all children up to 16 years. Prizes each event. 2.00 p,nf'=-Softball Game, Wellington vs. Pertb. 3.30 p.m. -Lacrosse: Brampton vs. Norval. 4.45 p.m. -Final Softball Play Off, between' winner of. first and . second -games, . a 5.00 p.m. -Horse Shale Pitching Contest, Open Event; $10.06 Win- ning team,. Contestants furnish 'own shoes. Jitney Dancing Throughout the Afternoon. EDUCATIONAL DISPLAY FEATURING • Huron Holstein Breeders' Exhibit. • National Film Board - Continuous Showing. • Dominion - Department of Agriculture Exhibit. , • Veterinary Clinic- • O.A.C. Pasture Exhibit. • War Relics. • • New Farm Machinery, EVERYBODY WgLCOME BAND IN ATTENDANCE DANCE IN THE EVENING • Mus(ic supplied by Elite Orchestra, London. HARRY L. STURDY, RUSSELL BOLTON, W. V. ROY, President. Vice -President. Sec.-Treas.. Cars 25c. Children Free. All in Uniform -Free; Adults 25c. P. salt Tuesday evening on .the way 'to Goderich from Alvinston. There, were two truck loads and- some of the Logs :;were 22-0 feef: ' Each load\ wonId be 'approximately -2500 feet. • Mrs. Maude .Hedden, Miss H. Suth- erland and Mr. and. Mrs., J.., E. Mc - Ewan spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Krueger and Mr. H. Fahner, of Crediton. Miss Lenore Normintpn, who' re- cently enlisted with the W.A.A.C: s and stationed at Wolsley Barracks, ,London, spent the week -end at her home 'here. ''Members of the Masonic Lodge at- tended divine service in the United' Church on Sunday evening, June 3rd. Rev. R. A. Brook addressed the bre- thren and for his theme spoke on "The Foundation of Masonry." For their number the choir sang "Crown Him," and a quartette composed of Rev. R. A. Brook, W. O. Goodwin, G. Cowan and H. .W. Horton, rendered a pleasing number, "Only Jesus Kgows." The 6Sth anniversary of St. Paul's Anglican Church will be held Sunday, June. 1'Oth. At 11 a,m. the guest speaker' will be Rev. R. C, Holmes, of Bayfield, and at 7 p.m. the speak- er will be Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, of Seaforth. Special music will be giv- en and -the choir will be assisted by outside talent_ Followingare the results" of the voting for ' Hensall ,in the Ontario Provincial election. pr.- Hobbs Tay- lor, popular Dashwood physician, Pro- gressive Conservative, polled 203 votes; James Ballantyne, Hensall, farmer; Liberal, 152, and J. E. Huck - ins, trucker, Goderich, C.C.F., 2 votes. Majority for •Dr. Taylor .was 51. The #� y ��pyy�. oa p b I�1a �hwolad bLo11R'„t' et,he eet6 0 0deIaStbitAo T@ay "Rete comPo chafe," a4el.1g1I•tfu)- CQilledy draul,a in t'bree aptd; wia9 Prosentett to a ion ' 7ioU8d in chic WWII Hali, on Wednesday, May 30,t11, by the., Tuesday Night Club of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, and sponsored by the ArnoldCircle Of Carmel Church. The play was excep- tionally well given to au appreciative audience and many favorable eqm- nnents were heard. Miss Joan Mc- Master sang a number of selections, in pleasing etyie. Mrs. G. A. Whit- ney Wits accompanist. _ Lunch was, served to the cast by the members of the Arnold. Circle . .. Word reached here Monday that LAC. Robert Sangster,, LAC. Norris McEwan, W.O,G., and Sgt. Ronald Parker had arrived safely overseas. Mr. William Simpson, of Detroit, spent the week -end with his wife and Wally and with his mother Mrs. L. Simpson. Miss Margaret Sangster ,returned to her duties at Exeter after enjoy- ing a pleasant ;bokiday in. Toronto and Niagara Falls, Mr. John Richardson was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, on Wed- nesday to undergo an operation. Master' Teddy Normington 4s con- fined to his room with an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Morley Saunders, principal of the continuation school, has been en- gaged for another term, while Mrs. A. E. Munn, the assistant, has resign- ed, The public school teachers have all been re-engaged, namely, Mr. Geo. Cowan, principal; 'Miss Jane Bran- don, intermediate, and Miss' Barbara Michie, junior. The many friends of. Mrs: James Bonthron will regret to learn was taken to Clinton Public Hospital on Monday of this week, and will . have to remain there for a few weeks in the interests of her health. A national drive, for old clothing 'for Europe will be held from Oct. lst to 20th, Miss Edith Hopkins,of the Women's Institute §Branch, Depart- ment of Agriculture, told members of South Huron Women's Ins-titute at the convention held in Hensall Unit- ed Ghurch on Wednesday; May 30th. Miss Hopkins deplored raffles as a means of raising funds, and empha7 sized the need for more education in communities, Hurondale, Grand Bend, Scaforth, Kippen East, Zurich and Hensall were represented at the sleeting, over which. 'Mrs: t Harry Hess, of Zurich, district president, presided. Suggestions for "What rur- al women can do to establish return- ed servicemen in home, industry and community," were given 1n answer to the roll call. It .was decided to have a full day session next year and an invitation from Seaforth branch to hold the 1946 district annual meeting there was accepted. Miss Flora Durn- in, county coach for; junior girls' work, presented an outline of her work, stating that there were 37 jun- ior institutes In the province. Forty girls in the county are 'members of the Garden Brigade. An exhibit of articles made by the girls was on display and much admired. Mrs. Jno. Fleming Chatham, chairman of the .London, Area.,,Conv.ention,,extended greetings. Contributing to the musi- cal portion of the program was a vo- cal solo by Miss Betty Moore, of Seaforth, with Mrs. John . McGregor as accompanist, and a piano duet by Mrs. B. L Mickle and Miss Florence Dose Steges "Por . dosing your atoe1l. 4 -ounce size • t,, , $1,75 Hypodermic Syringe For Serums, Bacterins, Etc. 10 C.C. f -x.75 Shipping Fever Sem 250 C.C. $3.50 White Scours Serum 100 C.0 $3.00 Chicken Bacterin' 250 C.C. $2.75 KEEP YOUR BARNS CLEAN with our • Black Disinfectant 16 ounces 35c Middleton's DRUG STORE HENSALL PHONE 20 Mail orders accepted. Welsh. 'Mrs. W. C. Caldwell, of Wat- ford, presided for the election of of- ficers, and the following will forma the 1945-46 slate: Hon. president, Mrs; GIenn MacLean., Kippen; presi-, dent, Mrs. G. Papple, Seaforth; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. R. Elgie, Kippen; 2nd vice -Pres., Mrs. Jas.. Kirkland, Exe- ter; sec.-treas., Mrs. Alvin Moir, Exe- ter; federated representative, Mrs. Thos. Meyers, Zurich; alternative, •Mr's. G. MacLean, Kippen; war work convener, Mrs. Jas. A. Paterson, Hen- sall; convener for legislation, Mrs.. A, Rundle, Exeter; standing commit- tees, Agricultural, Mrs. Downs, ,Elie - ter; citizenship, Mrs. E. Butts, Kip - pen,; home economics,, Miss Thelma Elgie, ,Seaforth; social welfare, 'Mrs - Fred ' Beer, Hensall; publicity, Mrs - Newall Geiger, Zurich; war work, Mrs. J. A. Paterson, Hensall; histori- cal istorical -research, M'i's. P. Doig, Seaforth; auditors, Mrs. H. Strang and Mrs_„ Kernick, Exeter; district delegate to' London area' con,6ention, Mrs. Doig, Seaforth. Money 'raised for 'war our- . poses: - Hensall' $186.52; jam and honey, 1,628 lbs.; overseas boxes 185, blood donors 44; Hurondale $146.85. jab0 and honey 720 lbs., overseas box- es 31, blood donors 24; Kippen East $1,446.40, ,jam and honey 1,536 lbs., overseas boxes 110, blood donors 22; Seaforth $111.07, . jam 'and; honey 6,- 624 lbs., overseas boxes 37, . blood donors .12; Zurich $253.17, jam and honey 370 lbs., overseas boxes 54, blood donors 12. In addition to the , above, hundreds of knitted', articles. quilts, refugee seting, and soldiers' sewing were made .by the branches). Seaforth also sent overseas cigar- ettes valued at $150.92. Kippen East heads the list ;for the most money raised; (Continued on Page 5) STRATFORD COUNTRY CLUB INVMS -APPLICATIONS FOR .MEMBERSHIP FROM OUT-OF-TOWN RESIDENTS Sporty 9 -Hole Golf Course OUT-OF-TOWN RATES Golf: Social: Men . - $15.00 Couples ..... .$12.50 Ladies 10.00 Individuals .... 7.50 Green Fees $1.00 a Day. Professional in Attendance .-- Phone 629 - LUNCHES AND REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE Dinners by Appointment with Cateress-Phone 1613 WRITE FOR APPLICATION.FORM Hold High the Torch o VOTELIBERAL. Elect s. Freedom Keep Canada Strong ON ne 11 ..._ho Stands for : The best Rehabilitation Plan for Arm ... " • , �- Farces._ Individual �'reedom. Armed Family Allowances. National Housing Acts Farin Loan Act, plus Long. -Tei mi, Markets , with, , ua,ranteed floor ,rites• r i Kin Social Security. for Farm Products `pace Table: 17 • { f