The Huron Expositor, 1943-05-28, Page 5r. q A, Mf ,1(r 4r, 4 t rho Week M +the Ses%rein i ((By Dorothy Saintly 'Way 'afternoon the Arts Chub held would be no room for &e personwho (heir least meeting of ''lige year In the would not think In the peacetime Iwditorium, at 3 p.m. Z'he meeting op- world. The meeting closed with "God iseiedewith "'O Canada," fdilowed by a Save the Ding." Before the closing. Poem called "England." Moving pie- song, however, Mr. Ballantyne an- ainaes on Egypt were shown and pie- noupced 'that the studen,ts would be Marne previously taken of tOalnada given a 'holiday Monday. ' Were also ellown. In between the two' • Nms, a piano solo was played by Er- nest Clerl[e The guest speaker for A meeting of the Tennis Club will ilhe afternoon was Prof.. James Scott, be held in the 'Town ,Hall Monday to! tthe University of Saskartoh•evvan. night. Any of the students who are Prof. Scott spoke on the value of edu- interested in tennis may attend, and satkn, both now and in the future. it is hoped that the club will be larg- Ile oeti essed the point than there er this year than 'previous years. IIENSA'LL (Continued from Page 4) - &'he choir number was "Song_ Of Praise." Following are the total proceeds -room the dances which the Young Girls' Dance Club of Hensall sponsor- . ed throughout the winter months:— Red. Crass, $185.77; , Aid to Russia fund, $34.27; Chinese Relief Fund, $25.00; Chinese Relief Fund (tag day) $26.80; War Services, $78.68; cigar- ettes for boys overseas; $27.47. To- nal $377.99. Following are the members of "the Girls' Dance Club: Miss Edna Saun- dercock, Miss Sally Maneon, Miss Jean McQueen, Miss Irene Hoggarth, Mrs. L. Baynham, Miss Beryl Pfaff, Miss June, Saundercock, Miss Helen Moir, Miss Mary Goodwin, Mrs's Mar- garet McGregor, Miss Margaret Shep- herd; Mr -s. Ray Broderick, Mrs. Mel- vin Moir. Miss Edna Saundercock is the capable president of this club. Ted Pudney, and his; band from Lon- don played to a capacity crowd for a dance held in,,the Town Hall, Hensall, on Tuesday evening last, •sponsored by the Girls' Dance Club of Hensall, ,with all proceeds for the Red 'Cross.. -The music and the hall were donated for the event, and the grand sum of $113.43 was realized and will be don- ated to the Hensall branch of the Red Cross. TOWN OF SEAFORTI3. All persons in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1943 License for same on. or -before June 14, 1943. Licenses will be issued f kom the Treasurer's Office in the Town Hall. After that date, summonses through the Court will be issued to the -owners or harbour- ers of dogs not having licenses. ALL DOGS MUST WEAR LICENSE TAGS Many complaints have been received about dogs damaging gardens and flower beds. Own- ers or harbourers are personally responsible and,eif necessary, dogs will not be allowed to run at large. ,/yp1' !A'^/,�T'(,�n-p`TrN��11''[,�.,}.:tiM,{Mg4k�prj'4 to mils, OpPiit the weekeein;-t wattle Iter. aaliother, Ml's 'A.+ Bliehalaan. tit.LJ 1, wesietanoweise Mr. and Mrs J: V. Flynn entertain- ed at three-'trables of Five Hundred in honor of" Mr. and Mme. A. Suther- land, who will leave shorbly for Hann Ilton to reside. The prize winners were Mr.. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter and Mr. and M•rs. Jas. Krauskopf, who presented 'their prizes to the guests of honor, A dainty lunch was served by the -hostess. Mrs. Mary Nigh, who has resided with her daughter, Mrs. John Walsh during '±the past 18 months, fell re- cently, dislocating her hip. She was taken by ambulance to Scott Memor- ial Hospital, Seaforth, where she is in a critical condition. The Dublin Coleens held a very, successful dance in Looby's Hall re- cently. The proceeds are to be used to purchase softball costumes and equipment for their softball club. • First' Communion was administered to a class of small boys and girls at St. Patrick's Church o,1 Sunday. Rev. Dr. Ffoulkeschose as his text:. "Suf- fer little children to come unto Me." A groi p of 'girl friends surprised Miss Jean . Sutherland• at the home of Miss Marie Evans on Monday even- ing, prior to her departure to Hamil- ton. Bingo was played, the prize win- ner for -most games 'being Miss Bes- sie Cronin, who presented her gift to the guest of honor. Presentation was made of. a gold bracelet with name engraved by Miss .Mary Stapleton. Dainty refreshments were served. by the bootees. Personals: Joseph Evans, St. Pet- er's Seminary, London, with his mother, Mrs. Katherine Evans; Miss Stella O'Neill, Stratford, with the TTr- suline Sisters; Mr. and Mrs. John Krauskopf have returned home after spending the winter in Detroit; Leo Holland, Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Flynn; Miss Genevieve McCar- thy, Toronto, and . Daniel McCarthy, Windsor, with their parents, Mr., and Mrs. M. McCarthy; Miss Anna Meag- her, London, with Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher; Private Louis J. Looby, of Siogcoe, with his mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby; Miss Doris Mathers', Water- loo, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mathers; Leonard Nagle, .Provost Corps, Kit- chener, with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Nagle; Private Dalton Burns, Camp Borden, and Mrs. Burns, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns; Driv- er John J. Walsh, Camp Borden, with Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feeney and daughter, Betty, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Feeney; Miss' Mary Dorsey, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dor- sey; Mr. and Mrs. Walker and twins, Listowel, with Mr... and Mrs. Thomas Brown; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kraus- kopf and Miss Rose Krauspf, De- troit, with Mr. and Mrs. Jilin Kraus- kopf; Ryan Jordan, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Jordan; Mr. and Mrs. James Hanley and son, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Hagley; , eet r, ° 0r9Ti;`PR, •rha1.1eeaa, Mrs, Wiil4a n +Dltap uta, of Egmond- 'vi let is the Mete Of : Mr. nod Mrs. Bobort McGregor . and family. Mr. Andrew Doig, of k'Wrosoter, vis- ited with •, 're1atives ; to this *Whiny during .the °Week Mr, 'Norman Long returned recent- ly from hie visit to Owen Sound. HIBBERT Due to the scarcity of agricultural labor, the Hibbert townehip council has recided• to hold its regular month- ly meeting in the Town Hall, Staffa, on the first Monday evening of the month, at 8 p.m., for the months of June, July, August and September. Reeve Wm. J. Kay extends his ap- preciation, to 'all citizens of the town- ship of Hibbert for the splendid way they contributed to the Fourth Vic- tory Loan. McHILLOP Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert, Mc- Killop, announce the 'engagement of their only daughter, Christina Della, to 'Mr, Irvin Paul Rock, son, of Mrs, Mary Rock and the late John Rock, of Logan, the wedding to take place early, in June. CROMARTY "Personals: Laurie Colquhoun, of Centralia, with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allen -,and Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Mc- Kellar and family; Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley Russell, •Russeldale, with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and Mrs. R. Scott and family; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ad- ams, Wallenstehi, with Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace and family; Gunner Malcolm McKellar, Halifax, with his parents. The annual 24th of May Lammond and McKellar elan gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Miller with a large attendance of rel- atives. WALTON A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Manse on Saturday afternoon when Jeanie Margaret Harrison be- came the bride of Jack Albert Gill. Duff's United Church Sunday school is holding its anniversary on Sunday, June 13th. The Sunday sebool schol- ars are busy practising under the di- rection of Mrs. H. Kirkby and Mrs. Harvey Johnston. S. -Sgt. W. C. Bennett, of Toronto, spent the week -end at his home here. tiam all oi ate women, 18- to 45 yea27 ryes rree &Vitae/ell 74,.141 ems. Aekade °Ardc" -the .tom Ca#th,c&a#i q#0.4 Mau Wo0ie#i NGW to. Bach the 4 %elle kJ a conatev,a4-1 ilte w.4.e. and Me p -a# cad &pie ate ikai ad o4 juli 4 11014 j a e eel . Station,-434 each o , week.' Xvisp g Mn0,18 d Mrd ' UV h den, cgxrattord With Welt/ Mr . , •M Muer. h[iset.'k'�a 010)4', with- her paft ents, rtr. af' Mrs, 1?V,, Duunep; Mr. and' owl ,; ArGltur, Loaldon, with Mr, 'end; hire, D. Mute; -Mr, and Mrs W. , ville in •Seaforth with Mr. and NTS. G. Delgynlpie; Mr,, and Mrs. D. I. i<Ii11, Listowel, with Mr. Diad, Mrs, James Hill, HII'PEN 'Miss Edna Dayman, of London, iso the holiday guest of her parents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daman - Mr. and Mrs, Joe Upshall and daughter, Rhea; of Hamilton, are the holiday guests - of Mrs. Upshall's mother, Mrs. Robert . El'gie. Mrs. William Chapman returned home to Egmond vine after a' pleas- ant visit, ;the guest of •,her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor. The Late Robert John Fisher The death occurred at his residence in Clinton. on Monday afternoon of Robert John Fisher, a well known resident, in ,his' 75th year, after an illness of two weeks, For two years be had been in failing health. Of Scottish.parentage, Mr. Fisher was a son of the late Malcolm Fisher and Eleanor Gibson Fisher, and was born in Stanley township, near ' Kippen, on 'November- 21, 1868. He attended pub- lic school No. 14, Stanley, and later learned the trade of blacksmithin.g with the late Thomas Mellis, of Kip - pen. At the age of 18 he went west to Dakota, and at Fargo took up' a homestead while also carrying on •his trade. In March, • 1900, he married Agnes 'Thomson, of Kippen,, and after some years' residence in Dakota they moved to Neelin, Manitoba, where in 1920 Mrs. Fisher died. After his wife's death he returned to Ontario and went into busiales,s doing -carriage and general blacksmithing in which be continued until his .h'ealth failed, In 1923 be married Edith Jennison; daughter of the late Richard Jenni- son, who survives Dim. There also survive three daughters 'by his form- er marriage: Miss Eleanor Fisher and Hazel (Mrs. Frank- Chance), Winni- peg, and Miss Jean Fisher, Toronto, and a sister, Mrs. Joseph Hood, Kip - pen. Mr. Fisher had ,travelled ex- tensively in the United States and the Canadian West, including the Peace River district. He was Liberal in polities and Presbyterian in religion. The funeral was held' from his resin, dence, Mill Street, Wednesday after- noon at 3.30 o'clock, the service be- ing• conducted by Rev. D. J. Lane, of Goderich, Minister of Clinton Presby- terian Church. Interment took place in Clinton cemetery_ The. pallbearers were Walter Moffatt, James Walker, A. Garen, W. Cook, H. Charlesworth and G. D, Robertson. The Mission Band 4 held its May meeting last Sunday morning in the school room while the congregation was engaged in worship in the church. The meeting was in charge of the Mission Band sL perintenrlent, Mrs. Grant. After business was complet- ed, Mrs. Alex` McMurtrie Mil an in- teresting story of Trinidad entitled, "Michey Adopts a New Mistress." There was a splendid attendance, The service next Sunday will be conducted by the Rev. Mr. Grant, who announced the day was being recog- nized as Rural Life ;Sunday. He also announced he will discuss "The Sow- er and Nis Father." Allthe members of any such organization as the Wo- men's Institute are cordially invited to attend. lo? Crisp new warhabl Printer PaPInfOt C h a m b r.a y,st. ant,i( Printed Ctelidnesa Dresses with O a1 fresh Spring Woke New dots, floral- designs a n4 ever, popular striped, hi a- wide variety. of col ors and sizes.... 1s FEATURo SHOWING 5T. WHITE HATS We've just opened up this unusually smart showing of White -Straw Hats for Summer wear. Large sailors and the ever popular pompo- dore shape feature this lot. Crisp new straws, with black or navy trims. - 2.95 to 5.00 tewart Bros. friends in Brucefield are in the" best BRI7CEFIELD of health. We are all fine here and have had a raise in pay. We are win- ning slowly but surely. Spr. R. Mc- Cabe." Week -end visitors with Mr: and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler were: stir. and Mrs: Austin Wheeler and son;. Mr. and Mrs.-Normsn Wheeler and daugh- ter„ of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and son, of ntratford. Mr. ancl' Mrs. Austin nettle, of Lon- don, visited friends in the village. Miss Evelyn Grainger, of Goderich, spent a couple of days at her home here. Mrs. W. Smith, of Exeter, spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. C. Hoh`ner. - Misses.lna Scott and Margaret Aik, enhead, of London, spent the week- end at their homes ,bere. Miss May Mitchell, of Toronto, end Miss Grace Dalrymple, of Heneall, spent the "keels -end with Mr. and Mee. 1-1. Dalrymple: Miss Doris Dutot, of London, .pent Sunday .at her home here. The following are a few 'letters' which the Patriotic "Society has re- ceived from some bf the boys over- seas, thanking them for boxes and cigarettes. which they have received: "Dear Friends: .lu§t a few linea to let you -know I received the parcel you Ao kindly sent. It was in tip-top shape. 'I was sure surprised to get it. When they told' -me there Was a par- cel I couldn't figure it out, as I had got one from home the day before, but it was lovely any way. li#very- th)'ng was just as you sent it. Well I'll say good-bye and thanks eemillion and I really appreciate it. Tour friend, Don Dayman." "Dear Friends: Just a line to let you all itnow that I received your most welcome parcel of cigarettes last night quite intact. I am very proud to be remembered by the peo- ple of the entries.. and wish the re- ceiver of this humble note to convey my thanks to each and every- one of the Patriotic Society i am fine; hop- ing these tee- lines fin,- you all well and in -goad spirits to carr- on the good worst. \'our humble servant, Pte. W. T. Calwill." - BAYFIELD ACI. Wm. Robinson, of Moncton, N. B., is spending two weeks' leave here and at London. John McLeod, of the Royal Cana- dian Navy, having spent three weeks at his home here, left on Monday to join his boat. - Erpie F'eathersto'n, of Hamilton, spent the week -end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart and the foriner's father, Mr. ,Stewart, of Ham- ilton, spent the holiday in their cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scotchmer and 'laughter, of 'Toronto, 'were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scotchmer firer the holiday. • BLYTH Personals: Miss Bertha Brogden, London, 'with her sister, Mrs, David Floody; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender, 'Toronto. with Mrs. Edith Bell; Miss Gladys Fawcett, Toronto, with her :mother. Mrs. Fawcett; Miss Clete Vt a.tsen, R.N., Toronto, with Mr. and Sirs. William Watson; Mr. and Mrs. Jphn Leith, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. William Leith, Stratford, at the home of 44r. and Mrs. Herbert McEI•roy; Mrs. Mark Castles, Meaford, with her aunt. Mrs. L. Williams: Mr. and Mrs. William Montgomery, ilrantford, with Mr. and Mrs. James Richmond; Mr, and Mr,. Albert. Brill, London, with Mr's. R. M. McKay; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- mund -Taylor, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. :Absalom Tailor; Mr. and Mrs. • Earl Willows and baby daughter, Marion, with- Mists Mary Milne; Mr. and Mrs. George Hetherington, Blue - vale, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jenkins and family, St. Catharines, and Mr. "Dear Friends: Received the box and cigarettes which you sent to met You won't know what it means to get i letters and parcels from home. I saw Willie Burdge since the lash of Janu- ary. Please thank the ladies for -the things they sent me. I am fine and hope this finds •you all the sable, and ,hope we will all •soon be home again. Love to all and thanks. Spr. P. Har- rison." "Dear Folks: Thanks very much for the cigarettes. Hope all my William Jenkins; Galt, with Mrs. Wine Jenkins; Private Harold Wightmast Ban•iefi.eld, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wig+htman; Private Gor- dan Augustine, Woodstock, witlf' wife and family; Robert .Somme, -of London, at the Somers' home; 'Leslie Rutledge, Toronto, with hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. FreRutledge; Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Johnston and son, Grant, of Goderich, with their daughter, Mrs. Gordon Elliott and Mr. Elliott;; 'Mr, and Mrs. Brenton Godkin and son, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston;• Miss Ethel Taylor, of Kit- chener, with her parents, Mr., and Mrs. A. Taylor; Miss Shirley Radford with Mr, and Mrs. Bert , Shrobrook, Londesboro; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barr, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson. and son, James, with Mr. and Mrs. Kitchener Finnigan., West Wawoanosh; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and son, John, in Goderich; Mrs, Lorne Scrim- geour crimgeour in Tillsonburg and Port Dover; Ai•rcraftman Benson Cowan, Brandon, Manitoba, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cowan. „ DOING DOUBLE DUTY A pair of large roundearrings willl. double for a set of cuff links to dress, up a plain white .blouse with long 'sleeves. PAINT BRUSH CONSERVATION - Brush, ends often beconite ended. 'Ails can be rectified it the brush In suspended in the centainee•s, the bot- tom of the bristles just clearing the bottom of the container. Brush ends which become curled can be straightened out. The !bristles are immersed in boiling water for a. few moments. Time` -should be al- lowed for drying. -a Paint -hardened brushes can be fix:- ed fix-ed if they are placed in a bath of paint reprover and left for several hour$; Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT: SEAi+OR`I"H 15 EXETER DARLING AND CO. OP CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry) xt,