The Huron Expositor, 1941-12-19, Page 6?I .10 - Xy! ANNI ALLAN 00,414 HOMO reoteoMlst CHRISTMAS DINNER Season's Greetings, Homemakers ! The feast on Christmas day is not like any other festive meal we pre- pare. The occasion is Christmas— 'fluff said! Some -folks enter foto the spirit of the occasion in the good old-fashion- ed way—others are practical about it. We all respect the homemaker wno Perpetuates old customs—but at the same thee there are many things to be said in favour of choosing the best in the old, and adding it to the best in the' new! At any rate—war or no war—may your Christmas be a splendid one— and your festive board a thing of tri- umph and delight, RECIPES Cranberry Pineapple Cocktail 1 cup pineapple juice 2 cups cranberries 2 cups water 1/2 cup orange juice % cup lemon juice 1 cup water 1 cup sugar. THE +,F+RI. Ro$ EXPOSITOR 1 tablespoon lemon juice ' l4 teaspoon salt Dash of cayenne. Beat egg yolks in mixed until phick. Melt butter on "Low" heat, add egg yolks, stirring quickly until ebb ab- soi bs butter. Blend in lemon juice, salt and cayenne. Keep stirring until like whipped cream. Serve immedi- ately. Glazed Sweet Potatoes Prepare sweet potatoes for cooking. Put in greased baking -dish and add % cup baking fat and salt. Place in Cook terries with 2 cups of water oven with roasting fowl. Bake 1% and strain through cloth. Add sugar, hours. When partially baked pour 1/a cook 5 minutes, strain again and cool. teaspoon of corn syrup over each. Add fruit juices and water. Serve on Tomato Cream Cheese Salad crushed ice in glatsses, 4 medium size tomatoes Roasting the Holiday Bird Lemon juice Stuff and prepare for roasting. Rub 2 packages cream cheese with melted butter, put in shallow 1,6 cucumber, grated fl open pan in cold oven. Do not add 2 teaspoons onion juice nater or baste. Set temperature con- 3 teaspoons minced parsley trol at 275 to 300 deg. Turn switeb Salt, pepper awl paprika. to "Bake" position, Peel tomatoes, cut in three thick Minutes per pound—Chicken, 30-35 slices. Sprinkle with lemon juice, minutes per ib,; goose, 30 minute;; salt and pepper and let stand in -e- turkey'h 10-12 lbs., 25 minutes per lb.; frigerator until well chilled. Mix 12-15 lbs„ 20 minutes; over 15 lbs., cream cheese, grated cucumber, on - 14 minutes minutes. Add 30 minutes ion juice, minced parsley, salt, pepper to total roasting time for cold oven and paprika, with three tablespoons start. mayonnaise, beating into thick Cauliflower creamy past- Spread -thickly on a Prepare eaulitiower for cooking, slice of toato, then place another Put in. utensil, add 1,a -inch water, slice on to . Three or four slices cover. Cook an "High" for 5 minutes can be use;, Serve on bed of water (until steaming), then "Low" for 15 cress or tuce. minutes. Serve with Hollandaise Refrigerator Roils sauce. 1/2 c ,. sugar Hollandaise Sauce 1 tat espoon salt 4 egg yolks 4 tablespoons shortening 1;s cup butter 1 cup water (potato) 1 cup milk 2 cakes yeast dissolved in 1/4 cup luke warm water 2 eggs beaten 6 cups flour, i Mit sugar, salt and shorteuing and over this pour boiling potato water, stir until dissolved, then add cold milk. When lukewarm, add dissolved yeast, and beaten eggs. Stir in the flour. Turn out op floured board and knead lightly. Return to greased bowl to rise. Then form into rolls, let rise, bake in oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Remainder can be put in well greased bowl, covered with oiled paper and kept in refrig• orator, 'Makes 4 dozen rolls, Frozen Fruit Cake 2 cups. milk '< cup granulated sugar at .1„a cup flour 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup raisins. • 1 cup broken pecans 2 cups crumbled macaroons • 1/2 cup chopped candied cherries aa, cup Bream, whipped. • Scald milk, add to blended sugar, flour and salt. Cook on ';Low," •stir- ring until sinooth. Pour over eggs beaten one minute. Cook on "Low" until thick, stirring constantly. Cool. Add other ingredients, folding in whipped cream last.. Freeze without stirring in tray of refrigerator, Serves 6 to 8. Take a Tip If you're looking for something new in the salad bowl—try "Red Velvet", Drain liquid from a tin of red pimen- tos. Mix this .wvi.th boiled dressing or mayonndise• Shred white cabbage finely and toss in salad dressing, -Chill in refrigerator and'arrange in a salad bowl with cottage cheese. Put piec- es of diced sweet pickle and celery on top. Decorate with petal -shaped pieces of pimento and slip a frill of, lettuce leaves round the edge of the bowl. (Sprinkle pimentos lightly •vi*itli salt). QUESTION 'BOX Mrs. G. D. asks: "The quantities of stuffing (using apples) for roast goose." Answer: Apple Stuffing: 1 onion, chopped; 4 apples, cored and chop- ped; 5 tablespoons cooking fat; gib- lets, cbopped; 6 cups crumbs;, dash SANTA BRINGS TELEPHONE CALLS, .0! rr,gA f`r ra=�atril".:. $�a .€por.to I oelt,foci'! ,TM ed from 'Great Britain for handker- chiefs for mean, women! and • children. The Heiman branch is holding a hand- k•err},ief ,shower on Friday and Sa,iur- 1 day, Dec. 12th and 13th. Let us make this 'shower a success. (Continued from Page a) , A meeting pf the executive and the council or advisory board, to complete men and women. The total may rias organization, is called for Tuesday, to 2,000 as the battle develops. December 16th, at 8 p.m. The execu- Lieutenants in the new army are tive thanks again all the folk who the thpusands of retailers, hundreds helped in the program of the annual of wholesalers and 'innumerable naan- meeting,—(Contributed). ,. ufacturers • across the country, They The home of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. must expect smaller profits, they will Drysdale, lovely with beautiful.Cbriat_ have to reduce overhead, cut down mas emblems, was the setting on Wed on varieties of production and econ- nesday .evening for the December omize all along the line.' A new era meeting of the Hensen Senior W. I. •0?. co operation will be ushered into Miss Beryl Pfaff; the president, was commercial transactions in Canada, the price ceiling, The in charge. There was a splendid at- with each party being expected to tend#tnee of members and guests Pres- bear this fair share of the "squeeze" ent and the meeting a most enjoyable resulting frogs event. The roll call was answered retailer may be hardest hit for the with a gift for the Sick Children's moment, but all must share the bur- Hosnital. The motto, "A Merrry den equally in the long. run. Christmas," was given by Miss Seth/Consumer Will Decide Outcome Manson, Mrs. Drysdale gave a dem- But in the final analysis it will be onstrati'on on how to make Santa the private in the ranks, the average Clauses. Mrs. W. B. Cross gave a Canadian man and woman, the con - splendid paper on, "In the Beginning sumer, who will decide the, outcome the Origin of the First Christmas of this herculean struggle. In the van Customs,' embracing the first Christ- leading the Pronto] and flank attack, mas tree, candles and holly. Mrs. will be the millions of housewives Clarence Smillie. who was to have who do • most of the buying for Gana been the guest snenker, but who was dian homes. They can make or break price control. Their sincere co -opera - unable to be present, prepared the naper which was Given by Mrs. Cross, tion and unremitting vigilance are i t- Misa Florence Welsh sang a pleasing dispensable to the campaign's snc- soio, "The Gift," and Miss Gladys cess. Every household must needs Luker accompanied. Mrs. W. A. Mac- get along with smaller quantities and fetter varieties of goods of all kinds, Laren directed a period of carol sing- ine. A bank book was presented 10 •consumable and otherwise, Indeed :e - Mrs, W. Weir fm her infant son, tioning may be an inevitable concom- Frederick David, Mrs. Ken Hicks and itant of the master plan of attack. Miss 'Beryl Pfaff —doing the honors. Not pally ours will be the verdict. During the b War On The Rome Front This comparison gives some idea of the big increase in long distance telephone calls which takes place on Christmas Day. The • piles are made up of the tickets on which the details of out-of-town • calls are recorded by the operators. The smaller pile represents the average day's business on the long distance 'l•ines. The pile to which the operators are pointing representskthe Christmas traffic rush. All these calls, many for far-off places, pour in within a few hours at Yuletide. Since there just aren't enough circuits to go around, calls may be delayed for considerable periods on Christmas Day, ' •r New Telephone Directory Issued Featured by a green cover of some- what differene design, Seaforth's new telephone directory is being distribut- ed this week. .As a contribution to the war effort, The Bell Telephone Company has donated space in all its •1941 direc- tories to the War Savings Campaign, and the Seaforth books bear's a mas- sage on the back cover urging the of red pepper; 1 teaspoon sage; 1;3 'cup sour cream: 1 tablespoon lemon juice; salt and pepper. Mrs. C. C. asks: "Suggestions for a simple hostess tray using cheese.' ,,(The group will spread their own bread). Answer: \V' suggest that you make your awn cottage .cheese and vary it. ,own interest, divide the purchase of more stamps and cerci- g e usiness neriod arrange Replete with obstacles, fle.ates, .which are on sale, at all Bellbattleground pitfalls, is the ,.. ments were made to have a rumage d over• which Canada's Telephone offices. sale on January 17th. Mrs. W. 13• new army commenced to move on De Since the book contains more than Cross was co -hostess. Luncheon was comber 1st. "No easy hopes or lies 3,000 listings new and changed from served by Mrs. Sherritt, Mrs,' Kers- stern bring us to our goal," but ,only tlrosq of •the last issue, it is import- lake, Mrs. N. Cook and, Mrs. H. Day - and determination, unwavering faith ant to discard the old book and care- man. and relentless prosecution of the of - fully consult the•nes one before plac- Pensive. Barbed wire entsnslements ing,calls, if the "wrong number" nu`.s never presented an army with such a }ince is to be avoided. The green coy- BAYFIELD formidable barrier as do the eompli• er will help users to distinguish ,the cations barring the way to victory ov- new book from the old. (Intended for -last week) er' runaway Prices.' The Generals do It is interesting to note that the • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart, of Ham - fronting minimize the astounding array of Dominion Past Office receives well ilton, spent the week -encs in their cot- new and unexpected problems con- new $10,000 a year fo handling the tage on Louisa Street, fronting them. They are burning the directories of the Bell Telephone 'Mrs. E. A. Featherston, of Hamil- midnight oil at Ottawa, pondering and Company of Canada. In the largest ton, spent the week -end with her pronpuricing upon a thousand cone cities books are delivered by messes'- mother, Mrs. Parker, et'er` personal sacrifice, many of, ger, but all the smaller volumes are Miss 'Campbell, ,superifute,nd,ent 'f theft without monetary compensation distributed by His Majesty's mail. the Guelph Hospital, was the guest . of ens hind, to the cause of victory Vlrs Margaret Rh and they ask only that y private the week a .the ranks m.. pare y pas over o a ever ri end. an "s gird VARNA (Intended for last week) We are sorry to report Miss Carno- than, our teacher, through illness, Hospi- spread into three parts: To. one add was taken to Scott Memorial scraPed onion and bits of red radish- tel• Seaforth, last Wednesday, where es: to another add horseradish and bits of pineapple; to the other add' cocktail herbs and hits of peaches. Serve with glasses of— Cranberry Shrub: 2 cups cranber- ry juice: 1 cup spiced peach syrnn: 1a cup lemon juice; 1 cup orange juice. Chill in refrigerator. Mrs. R. M. W. asks: "How lone should fast -frozen v getable~ be thaw- ed out before he ing?" best • Answers Put frozen vegetables and Mr, John Hatt on to h.e. a Dowson attended the funeral of ,the Considerable vita- late David Cameron, on Sunday. min content is lost* if they are thawe I The WA. of St. John's Anglican himself or herself Mrs, Margaret Larson v 1 s 1 t e d erneor the congilest of a redoubtable err d friends in London last week. Constructive Su The public. school'scholars are hold- Yes, it is war! The sc command ie ing their Christmas concert in the that the reran price ceiling must be Town Hall on Friday evening, when maintained at all costs. As in any a program " of songs, dialogues and army there'will be grousing and gtum- drills will be given by the scholars. bling. '!'he general staff gladly wel- she is undergoing treatment. Her Mrs. George Little spent last week comes suggestions and advice of a many friends have every $opo she visiting friends in Windsor, consfructive nature, that may edndace will soon be about again. Mrs. G. H. The local Red Gross will hold its to victory, At the same time it ex - Beatty has been engaged to teach un- meeting on Friday afternoon in the Oats all loyal Canadians to "play the til the end of the term. Orange Hall. game." This is the chlonged, whfcih Mrs. Mossop spent Sunday with her M. 'and Mrs, Jeilulay left on Sun- most civilians have longed, to do daughter, lits. Ball, of Clinton. day for London, where he secured a something to ail the Empire in op - he Mr, and Mrs:..•A. Seeley, or Clinton, position. battle for forevery This is the op- This Sunday .on the former'~ sister, portunity everyone to make a sac - Mrs. Austin, who we are sorry tore rifice, to do without some desired port is not feeling the KIPPEN commodity in order that more rave Mr. William Hart materials may go into war production (Intended for last week) for the armed. forces, to accept. fewer The W.M.S. of the ['sited ChurCli lines of merchandise, to economize, held their regular December meetingto buy Wier Savings Certificates'. Each g at the home of Mrs. J. Henderson on by doing his or her part is aiding 'to Wednesday afternoon last with .a tures prevent the government's fromeri i - very good attendance, The meeting tures on the sinews of war ris- Crass. opened with quiet music, "Angels rug to prohibitive figuresi Each is Mrs. Fulton, of Sarnia; is the guest From the Realms of Glory." played helping to circumvent anlife enemy who of her sister, Mrs. L. Beatty. by Mrs. J. B. McLean. The Christ - salaries appreciate the life satq bugs, in - While driving to work early one mas program, taken ?rom the Novem- surance policies, the invest eopie, the morning last week, Clayton Elliott, ber Missionary Monthly, was used. and wages of our people of "erne, had a very miraculous ad_ The first candle for—The Jews of Can - won is a battle which can be won, venture. Supposed to have' been daz- oThe da," econdwas lightedebfory Mrs. French won which! each ust abe eptswon aadfvehich ront nein e ed by the •car lights, a deer leaped .Canadians," by Margaret Sinclair; the tion in the fight. "The directly in the way of the car, break- must be maintained" is thecorderrII)- ing the windshield. He was cut about third candle for `The'Ancient Church" the face by the glass and required by Mrs. Allan Johnson; the fourth fora the day from headquarters. The t it several stitches. -bhe caz;. was consid- "The Canadian Indians" by Mrs. Mon- pie's army alone can assure that it sever damaged. The deer was de - the the fifth for "The Early Pro - the be. stroyed and the meat turned over e- testant Settlers" by Mrs. W. Horney; (Subsequent articles win describe the County Home. There were two the sixth candle for "The Negroes of the plan of battle, how the price cell- several deer in the group, according to to Africa arrd Asia" by Mrs. T. N. ,For. ing operates, the obstaeIea to be ov- report. The animals are getting syth, After each Candle was lit a e er'cha its application to small-town g quite Carol was suno- merchants, farmers and 'consumers, as numerous in our county, we are told �• Aft's. J. Hyde read nb.yumerous People who are on the roads often. she Scripture, St. Matthew, Chapter well as a pen picture of some mem- p f, Verses 1-11. Irs. J. Cochrane read hers of the Headquarters Staff), the prayers. The minutes of the Iast HIBBlER7C meeting Were read and adopted. 'The • second chapter of the study boor; was;WINTHROP s given by. Mrs. J. Hyde in a very plet[s- officers of Che Hibbert township council met pleas- ingr. The -meeting lGt year closed The annual meeting ed for of theeW.A, and by Singing "Lord Of the Lands" and j W.M.S. was held in the church on the benediction by Mrs. A. Johnson. f Wednesday with the president in the A dainty luncth was served. The fol-. chair. The meeting was opened by lowing are the officers: Honorary 1 the use of the hyme. "Lord of the president, Mrs, Allan Johnson; let Lands, Beneath Thy Bendin vice -pros„ Mrs, James Finlayson; 2nd after which Mrs. R. McClure led Skies," vice-pies., Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie; 3rcl prayer, The roll call showed twen- vice-pres., Mrs. John Hyde; 4th vice- ty-eight members present. Very sat - Pres:, Mrs., E. Chipchase; secretary, isfaetory renorts of the year's work Miss Irma Ferguson; treasurer, :Virg, were given by the various officers. An W Melifs: M. M. secretary, Mrs. F. "In _Memoriam" service was conduct- Spr•oat; Strangers' secretary, Mrs. ed in memory of a valued and much William Alexander; Associate Help- beloved member, Mrs. Austin Dolmage ers' secretary, Mrs, Forsyth: Baby who passed away a short• time ago. Band secretary, Mrs, W. Horney; Mr. Patton conducted' the installation Mission Banc! Supt., Mrs, Grant; sue- of officers and the following is the Ply committee, Mrs, J. C. Bell; Mrs. new slate of officers for 1942: Hon - R. Dayman, Mrs, N. Jones, Mrs. W. Draw president, Mrs. Patton; Workman, Mrs, H. Chesney; pian:st,pr nt, t!.-� �'-� Mrs. J.T. SVaaclair; assistant dent, Mrs. E. To�; 1st vice-president, 1 H,ENSA LLanist, ijFs, t�=m Some i•Ile; 2n•rl vice+presi- lits. ,T. Henderson; lunch committees. dant; '-Virs, A. Ross; secretary, Mrs. J. Circle No. 1: Mrs. H. MciViurtrie, Mrs. Hogs. W A treasurer, Mrs. -,C. Doi- , Qntended, for last week} W. Horney; Circle No. 2, Mrs. J. C. Bell, Miss Beatrice Cooper: Circle No. mage' W.M.S.'treasurer, We. W. Red Cross Notes 3. Miss S. Sinclair, Mrs. R. Ragman. dhurcNogg; temperance press ' secretary, Mrs. .T. We have a further report on the The Young People's Union held its Hogg' temperance secretary, Mrs. G. BlanketFund - The following eon:ri- weekly meeting on Tuesday night of Smith: Christian fi'owardsbin secre- '"'•butions have- been received and are this week with a good atteri•dan•Ce, 1f- 'ta•ry, Mrs. R. 1VIcelerr: sunMniv secre- gratefully acknowledged: Frank Ryck- ter the period of worshin, conducted tarp, Mrs' .1'. Pethirk; Missionary' man" $1.50, Rev. W, Weir $1.00, Mrs. by the president, Mrs. C,hipehase, the Monthly secretary. Mrs, H. Bla•nch- Wm. M. Bell $2.00, Harold C. Bell $2, topic was given by Ernie Chip hase. ard: flower committee, Mrs, J. Den - Mr. and Mrs, David Dignan $2.00, Mr. During the business ?risme nMrs. E. Miller: community and Mm. A. 13. Roweliffe $2.00. The periodlete a nomin- friendship sec., Mrs. J, Dennison; dee- total receipts,ecing Jean committee was elected, compos- orating!. committee, Heleri•F,iliott. Mra. to" date are $124.2.5. A ed of. Jean Schilbe, Sybil Grant a.nd correction is now made of last week's Ernie Chipchase. These will bring' Johnson. Mrs. W. noctds,, W. A. report on blankets received. The in their slate of officers for the New rommittee, Mrs, E. Toll. Mrs, C. Dol - name of lefts.. W. Taylor appeared by Year at the first meeting in January. Mnge,CMrs. R. Dodds. Mrs. T. Pryce, mistake. It should have read Mrs. It was also decided to hold a youngisafrs• H odd 11/fission Band faders, Thames Richardson. We apologize W, Dodds: assistant. Mrs, G. for this errd'r. Reports have again people's 'service, on Sunday evening Smith: Red Cross, Mrs. T,- Betties, been circulated about . have s next., when a talk will be given on life Ethel McClure: Captains; Circle No. chasing Red edCras, soil s and other and work In Chungking, China, and 11- a. Mrs. G. Garnbam, Mrs. W. Choreic; comforts. The offcials ills be only lustrated by'beautifully.celored slides, r,irele No. 1, Mrs. Wm. McSnndden, too glad to receive de ite informa- tion, the closing hymn and benedic- 'Mira, J. Kellar: 'Circle N. 2, Mrs, R- tfon about sdch stories. Usually, the tion, a ,half hour of games was very Bolton Mrs. Chambers: Circle No. 3. real sources are Haver taaceable, They much'ejoyed by all Mrs, H. Alexsnder, Mrs. R. McFar- are deliberate attempts to discourage The 1Vlission Baird held Its Decetn- lane. After singing the hymn,' "Rise the workers In their voluntary and bei' a meeting nt on /Sunday last, The Tre. O Men of God," the meeting was patriotic effort. The Red Cross So- et with the congregatioti, token over bF Mrs. R. Patton, The " efety 4s not a money -raising instil -ea After the devotional part of the serv- hymn, "While Shepherds Watched tion and has never sold any of Its ice they proceeded to the school room Their Flocks B Night,' w a supplies to men of the armed forces,, where they continued their meeting, Mrs. F. Johnson read the Scripture either diretetly or indirectly. If Red The leader !ed in prayer, followed by frnm St. Matthew, chapter 2, verses • Cross articles have " been bought, it the, Lord's Prayer in unison. The 1-155, after which Mrs. Patton led in was not with the approval of the so- Scripture, St. Matthew 2, verses 1-11, prayer. The topic was' ably token by ciety. .Please discount ell ~tach ruin- was. read by Jean Alexander. The Mrs, Tre 1artha. The thymn, .,"Sing to ours and earey+ori with the teak.... We, chapter from the study book, "Mei the Great ,Tehovah's Praise," wee have beard rumour, about the highly- Line Finds the Meaning of Christ- sung and the meeting was closed with pwtd o'ff'icials of the Red Orose also. mas wits then discussed, Items of the National Anthem and prayer by All such Naei insplxed •siander anal business followed and the' meeting Mr. Patton• r'nearepresentatioh is designed to Closed With singing "Away in a Man" The Reel Gross Society met in the cheek elate the total war, effort. „4 ger'' anti the Mizpa,h ilenedietfon ^e• hall Wednesday afternoon and An Urgent 'rb guest has been. re tv.- Pleated in en,igon,. , • ed several Millis. tluilt several hours. Church met at the home of Mrs. Mrs. J. C. B. writes: "I have 'a Beatty on Friday... A quilt was quilt - large quantity, of tea that has taken ed which was handed to the • Red on the odour in our cellar. HOU" can I remove this odour?" Answer: Store the tea in another place. Keep in a tight container. To remove': the odour place about one- third cup of baking soda in a cup and place in the partly filled tins of„tea. Change baking soda every other day and stir up the tea. Anne Allan invites you to write to her ,c/o The Huron Expositor.' Just "send in your questions on •homemak- ing problems and watch this little corner of the column for replies. The exchange of friendly greetings across the miles at Christmas creates a tremendous traffic jam on the Lon&, t istance telephone lines.} This coming Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be the busiest in history. Calls from the boys in bar- racks, camps and training centres to their loved ones at home will be added this•Yuletide to the customary avalanche of spoken greetings. Even with every avaiI- able circuit in use and every extra operator on duty, we know we won't be able to give you our usual service to some points. But we'll do our best—and we're counting on your good-natured co-operation- If you have to wait a long time on your call to Aunt Emma, we're sure you'll be patient. When it finally gets through, we know you'll be willing to be brief so that other people, may have the same line — p�� 040.---e `� and the same pleasure. (Intended for last week) for their. regular monthly council meeting in 'the Township Hall, Staff r, on Saturd y, Dec. 6th, at 1 o'clock p•1n„ all embers being present, the reeve pre~ ding, The Clerk read the minutest f the previous meeting, • which were adopted as read. A resp- , I lution was passed to insure the town- ship road grader for liability and pr perty damage. The following account j were passed: Hydro Electric Power ; Commission, $3.81; Provincial Treas- urer, insulin,, $3,00; D. Ges'tetner, sup- , plies, $13.68; J. A; .Sadler, supplies to . the township hall, $1.40; McKillop, Logan & Hibbert Telephone Co., tolls , 54c; direct relief, $7.00. The council adjourned to meet December 15th,— Thomas D. Wren; Clerk, n„i-...� « . V I YOU NEED I'O TO BORROW ' consider the lending services of THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE They are most comprehensive, and include: Personal Loans on a Budget -Saving Plan Farmers' Loans Commercial Loans Loans Against Stocks, Bonds, and Life Insurance Policies Applications for loans may be made at any of the 560 branches of the Bank. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Established 1867 S. H. LOGAN A. E. ARSCOTT President General Manager 2 cakes yeast dissolved in 1/4 cup luke warm water 2 eggs beaten 6 cups flour, i Mit sugar, salt and shorteuing and over this pour boiling potato water, stir until dissolved, then add cold milk. When lukewarm, add dissolved yeast, and beaten eggs. Stir in the flour. Turn out op floured board and knead lightly. Return to greased bowl to rise. Then form into rolls, let rise, bake in oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Remainder can be put in well greased bowl, covered with oiled paper and kept in refrig• orator, 'Makes 4 dozen rolls, Frozen Fruit Cake 2 cups. milk '< cup granulated sugar at .1„a cup flour 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup raisins. • 1 cup broken pecans 2 cups crumbled macaroons • 1/2 cup chopped candied cherries aa, cup Bream, whipped. • Scald milk, add to blended sugar, flour and salt. Cook on ';Low," •stir- ring until sinooth. Pour over eggs beaten one minute. Cook on "Low" until thick, stirring constantly. Cool. Add other ingredients, folding in whipped cream last.. Freeze without stirring in tray of refrigerator, Serves 6 to 8. Take a Tip If you're looking for something new in the salad bowl—try "Red Velvet", Drain liquid from a tin of red pimen- tos. Mix this .wvi.th boiled dressing or mayonndise• Shred white cabbage finely and toss in salad dressing, -Chill in refrigerator and'arrange in a salad bowl with cottage cheese. Put piec- es of diced sweet pickle and celery on top. Decorate with petal -shaped pieces of pimento and slip a frill of, lettuce leaves round the edge of the bowl. (Sprinkle pimentos lightly •vi*itli salt). QUESTION 'BOX Mrs. G. D. asks: "The quantities of stuffing (using apples) for roast goose." Answer: Apple Stuffing: 1 onion, chopped; 4 apples, cored and chop- ped; 5 tablespoons cooking fat; gib- lets, cbopped; 6 cups crumbs;, dash SANTA BRINGS TELEPHONE CALLS, .0! rr,gA f`r ra=�atril".:. $�a .€por.to I oelt,foci'! ,TM ed from 'Great Britain for handker- chiefs for mean, women! and • children. The Heiman branch is holding a hand- k•err},ief ,shower on Friday and Sa,iur- 1 day, Dec. 12th and 13th. Let us make this 'shower a success. (Continued from Page a) , A meeting pf the executive and the council or advisory board, to complete men and women. The total may rias organization, is called for Tuesday, to 2,000 as the battle develops. December 16th, at 8 p.m. The execu- Lieutenants in the new army are tive thanks again all the folk who the thpusands of retailers, hundreds helped in the program of the annual of wholesalers and 'innumerable naan- meeting,—(Contributed). ,. ufacturers • across the country, They The home of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. must expect smaller profits, they will Drysdale, lovely with beautiful.Cbriat_ have to reduce overhead, cut down mas emblems, was the setting on Wed on varieties of production and econ- nesday .evening for the December omize all along the line.' A new era meeting of the Hensen Senior W. I. •0?. co operation will be ushered into Miss Beryl Pfaff; the president, was commercial transactions in Canada, the price ceiling, The in charge. There was a splendid at- with each party being expected to tend#tnee of members and guests Pres- bear this fair share of the "squeeze" ent and the meeting a most enjoyable resulting frogs event. The roll call was answered retailer may be hardest hit for the with a gift for the Sick Children's moment, but all must share the bur- Hosnital. The motto, "A Merrry den equally in the long. run. Christmas," was given by Miss Seth/Consumer Will Decide Outcome Manson, Mrs. Drysdale gave a dem- But in the final analysis it will be onstrati'on on how to make Santa the private in the ranks, the average Clauses. Mrs. W. B. Cross gave a Canadian man and woman, the con - splendid paper on, "In the Beginning sumer, who will decide the, outcome the Origin of the First Christmas of this herculean struggle. In the van Customs,' embracing the first Christ- leading the Pronto] and flank attack, mas tree, candles and holly. Mrs. will be the millions of housewives Clarence Smillie. who was to have who do • most of the buying for Gana been the guest snenker, but who was dian homes. They can make or break price control. Their sincere co -opera - unable to be present, prepared the naper which was Given by Mrs. Cross, tion and unremitting vigilance are i t- Misa Florence Welsh sang a pleasing dispensable to the campaign's snc- soio, "The Gift," and Miss Gladys cess. Every household must needs Luker accompanied. Mrs. W. A. Mac- get along with smaller quantities and fetter varieties of goods of all kinds, Laren directed a period of carol sing- ine. A bank book was presented 10 •consumable and otherwise, Indeed :e - Mrs, W. Weir fm her infant son, tioning may be an inevitable concom- Frederick David, Mrs. Ken Hicks and itant of the master plan of attack. Miss 'Beryl Pfaff —doing the honors. Not pally ours will be the verdict. During the b War On The Rome Front This comparison gives some idea of the big increase in long distance telephone calls which takes place on Christmas Day. The • piles are made up of the tickets on which the details of out-of-town • calls are recorded by the operators. The smaller pile represents the average day's business on the long distance 'l•ines. The pile to which the operators are pointing representskthe Christmas traffic rush. All these calls, many for far-off places, pour in within a few hours at Yuletide. Since there just aren't enough circuits to go around, calls may be delayed for considerable periods on Christmas Day, ' •r New Telephone Directory Issued Featured by a green cover of some- what differene design, Seaforth's new telephone directory is being distribut- ed this week. .As a contribution to the war effort, The Bell Telephone Company has donated space in all its •1941 direc- tories to the War Savings Campaign, and the Seaforth books bear's a mas- sage on the back cover urging the of red pepper; 1 teaspoon sage; 1;3 'cup sour cream: 1 tablespoon lemon juice; salt and pepper. Mrs. C. C. asks: "Suggestions for a simple hostess tray using cheese.' ,,(The group will spread their own bread). Answer: \V' suggest that you make your awn cottage .cheese and vary it. ,own interest, divide the purchase of more stamps and cerci- g e usiness neriod arrange Replete with obstacles, fle.ates, .which are on sale, at all Bellbattleground pitfalls, is the ,.. ments were made to have a rumage d over• which Canada's Telephone offices. sale on January 17th. Mrs. W. 13• new army commenced to move on De Since the book contains more than Cross was co -hostess. Luncheon was comber 1st. "No easy hopes or lies 3,000 listings new and changed from served by Mrs. Sherritt, Mrs,' Kers- stern bring us to our goal," but ,only tlrosq of •the last issue, it is import- lake, Mrs. N. Cook and, Mrs. H. Day - and determination, unwavering faith ant to discard the old book and care- man. and relentless prosecution of the of - fully consult the•nes one before plac- Pensive. Barbed wire entsnslements ing,calls, if the "wrong number" nu`.s never presented an army with such a }ince is to be avoided. The green coy- BAYFIELD formidable barrier as do the eompli• er will help users to distinguish ,the cations barring the way to victory ov- new book from the old. (Intended for -last week) er' runaway Prices.' The Generals do It is interesting to note that the • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart, of Ham - fronting minimize the astounding array of Dominion Past Office receives well ilton, spent the week -encs in their cot- new and unexpected problems con- new $10,000 a year fo handling the tage on Louisa Street, fronting them. They are burning the directories of the Bell Telephone 'Mrs. E. A. Featherston, of Hamil- midnight oil at Ottawa, pondering and Company of Canada. In the largest ton, spent the week -end with her pronpuricing upon a thousand cone cities books are delivered by messes'- mother, Mrs. Parker, et'er` personal sacrifice, many of, ger, but all the smaller volumes are Miss 'Campbell, ,superifute,nd,ent 'f theft without monetary compensation distributed by His Majesty's mail. the Guelph Hospital, was the guest . of ens hind, to the cause of victory Vlrs Margaret Rh and they ask only that y private the week a .the ranks m.. pare y pas over o a ever ri end. an "s gird VARNA (Intended for last week) We are sorry to report Miss Carno- than, our teacher, through illness, Hospi- spread into three parts: To. one add was taken to Scott Memorial scraPed onion and bits of red radish- tel• Seaforth, last Wednesday, where es: to another add horseradish and bits of pineapple; to the other add' cocktail herbs and hits of peaches. Serve with glasses of— Cranberry Shrub: 2 cups cranber- ry juice: 1 cup spiced peach syrnn: 1a cup lemon juice; 1 cup orange juice. Chill in refrigerator. Mrs. R. M. W. asks: "How lone should fast -frozen v getable~ be thaw- ed out before he ing?" best • Answers Put frozen vegetables and Mr, John Hatt on to h.e. a Dowson attended the funeral of ,the Considerable vita- late David Cameron, on Sunday. min content is lost* if they are thawe I The WA. of St. John's Anglican himself or herself Mrs, Margaret Larson v 1 s 1 t e d erneor the congilest of a redoubtable err d friends in London last week. Constructive Su The public. school'scholars are hold- Yes, it is war! The sc command ie ing their Christmas concert in the that the reran price ceiling must be Town Hall on Friday evening, when maintained at all costs. As in any a program " of songs, dialogues and army there'will be grousing and gtum- drills will be given by the scholars. bling. '!'he general staff gladly wel- she is undergoing treatment. Her Mrs. George Little spent last week comes suggestions and advice of a many friends have every $opo she visiting friends in Windsor, consfructive nature, that may edndace will soon be about again. Mrs. G. H. The local Red Gross will hold its to victory, At the same time it ex - Beatty has been engaged to teach un- meeting on Friday afternoon in the Oats all loyal Canadians to "play the til the end of the term. Orange Hall. game." This is the chlonged, whfcih Mrs. Mossop spent Sunday with her M. 'and Mrs, Jeilulay left on Sun- most civilians have longed, to do daughter, lits. Ball, of Clinton. day for London, where he secured a something to ail the Empire in op - he Mr, and Mrs:..•A. Seeley, or Clinton, position. battle for forevery This is the op- This Sunday .on the former'~ sister, portunity everyone to make a sac - Mrs. Austin, who we are sorry tore rifice, to do without some desired port is not feeling the KIPPEN commodity in order that more rave Mr. William Hart materials may go into war production (Intended for last week) for the armed. forces, to accept. fewer The W.M.S. of the ['sited ChurCli lines of merchandise, to economize, held their regular December meetingto buy Wier Savings Certificates'. Each g at the home of Mrs. J. Henderson on by doing his or her part is aiding 'to Wednesday afternoon last with .a tures prevent the government's fromeri i - very good attendance, The meeting tures on the sinews of war ris- Crass. opened with quiet music, "Angels rug to prohibitive figuresi Each is Mrs. Fulton, of Sarnia; is the guest From the Realms of Glory." played helping to circumvent anlife enemy who of her sister, Mrs. L. Beatty. by Mrs. J. B. McLean. The Christ - salaries appreciate the life satq bugs, in - While driving to work early one mas program, taken ?rom the Novem- surance policies, the invest eopie, the morning last week, Clayton Elliott, ber Missionary Monthly, was used. and wages of our people of "erne, had a very miraculous ad_ The first candle for—The Jews of Can - won is a battle which can be won, venture. Supposed to have' been daz- oThe da," econdwas lightedebfory Mrs. French won which! each ust abe eptswon aadfvehich ront nein e ed by the •car lights, a deer leaped .Canadians," by Margaret Sinclair; the tion in the fight. "The directly in the way of the car, break- must be maintained" is thecorderrII)- ing the windshield. He was cut about third candle for `The'Ancient Church" the face by the glass and required by Mrs. Allan Johnson; the fourth fora the day from headquarters. The t it several stitches. -bhe caz;. was consid- "The Canadian Indians" by Mrs. Mon- pie's army alone can assure that it sever damaged. The deer was de - the the fifth for "The Early Pro - the be. stroyed and the meat turned over e- testant Settlers" by Mrs. W. Horney; (Subsequent articles win describe the County Home. There were two the sixth candle for "The Negroes of the plan of battle, how the price cell- several deer in the group, according to to Africa arrd Asia" by Mrs. T. N. ,For. ing operates, the obstaeIea to be ov- report. The animals are getting syth, After each Candle was lit a e er'cha its application to small-town g quite Carol was suno- merchants, farmers and 'consumers, as numerous in our county, we are told �• Aft's. J. Hyde read nb.yumerous People who are on the roads often. she Scripture, St. Matthew, Chapter well as a pen picture of some mem- p f, Verses 1-11. Irs. J. Cochrane read hers of the Headquarters Staff), the prayers. The minutes of the Iast HIBBlER7C meeting Were read and adopted. 'The • second chapter of the study boor; was;WINTHROP s given by. Mrs. J. Hyde in a very plet[s- officers of Che Hibbert township council met pleas- ingr. The -meeting lGt year closed The annual meeting ed for of theeW.A, and by Singing "Lord Of the Lands" and j W.M.S. was held in the church on the benediction by Mrs. A. Johnson. f Wednesday with the president in the A dainty luncth was served. The fol-. chair. The meeting was opened by lowing are the officers: Honorary 1 the use of the hyme. "Lord of the president, Mrs, Allan Johnson; let Lands, Beneath Thy Bendin vice -pros„ Mrs, James Finlayson; 2nd after which Mrs. R. McClure led Skies," vice-pies., Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie; 3rcl prayer, The roll call showed twen- vice-pres., Mrs. John Hyde; 4th vice- ty-eight members present. Very sat - Pres:, Mrs., E. Chipchase; secretary, isfaetory renorts of the year's work Miss Irma Ferguson; treasurer, :Virg, were given by the various officers. An W Melifs: M. M. secretary, Mrs. F. "In _Memoriam" service was conduct- Spr•oat; Strangers' secretary, Mrs. ed in memory of a valued and much William Alexander; Associate Help- beloved member, Mrs. Austin Dolmage ers' secretary, Mrs, Forsyth: Baby who passed away a short• time ago. Band secretary, Mrs, W. Horney; Mr. Patton conducted' the installation Mission Banc! Supt., Mrs, Grant; sue- of officers and the following is the Ply committee, Mrs, J. C. Bell; Mrs. new slate of officers for 1942: Hon - R. Dayman, Mrs, N. Jones, Mrs. W. Draw president, Mrs. Patton; Workman, Mrs, H. Chesney; pian:st,pr nt, t!.-� �'-� Mrs. J.T. SVaaclair; assistant dent, Mrs. E. To�; 1st vice-president, 1 H,ENSA LLanist, ijFs, t�=m Some i•Ile; 2n•rl vice+presi- lits. ,T. Henderson; lunch committees. dant; '-Virs, A. Ross; secretary, Mrs. J. Circle No. 1: Mrs. H. MciViurtrie, Mrs. Hogs. W A treasurer, Mrs. -,C. Doi- , Qntended, for last week} W. Horney; Circle No. 2, Mrs. J. C. Bell, Miss Beatrice Cooper: Circle No. mage' W.M.S.'treasurer, We. W. Red Cross Notes 3. Miss S. Sinclair, Mrs. R. Ragman. dhurcNogg; temperance press ' secretary, Mrs. .T. We have a further report on the The Young People's Union held its Hogg' temperance secretary, Mrs. G. BlanketFund - The following eon:ri- weekly meeting on Tuesday night of Smith: Christian fi'owardsbin secre- '"'•butions have- been received and are this week with a good atteri•dan•Ce, 1f- 'ta•ry, Mrs. R. 1VIcelerr: sunMniv secre- gratefully acknowledged: Frank Ryck- ter the period of worshin, conducted tarp, Mrs' .1'. Pethirk; Missionary' man" $1.50, Rev. W, Weir $1.00, Mrs. by the president, Mrs. C,hipehase, the Monthly secretary. Mrs, H. Bla•nch- Wm. M. Bell $2.00, Harold C. Bell $2, topic was given by Ernie Chip hase. ard: flower committee, Mrs, J. Den - Mr. and Mrs, David Dignan $2.00, Mr. During the business ?risme nMrs. E. Miller: community and Mm. A. 13. Roweliffe $2.00. The periodlete a nomin- friendship sec., Mrs. J, Dennison; dee- total receipts,ecing Jean committee was elected, compos- orating!. committee, Heleri•F,iliott. Mra. to" date are $124.2.5. A ed of. Jean Schilbe, Sybil Grant a.nd correction is now made of last week's Ernie Chipchase. These will bring' Johnson. Mrs. W. noctds,, W. A. report on blankets received. The in their slate of officers for the New rommittee, Mrs, E. Toll. Mrs, C. Dol - name of lefts.. W. Taylor appeared by Year at the first meeting in January. Mnge,CMrs. R. Dodds. Mrs. T. Pryce, mistake. It should have read Mrs. It was also decided to hold a youngisafrs• H odd 11/fission Band faders, Thames Richardson. We apologize W, Dodds: assistant. Mrs, G. for this errd'r. Reports have again people's 'service, on Sunday evening Smith: Red Cross, Mrs. T,- Betties, been circulated about . have s next., when a talk will be given on life Ethel McClure: Captains; Circle No. chasing Red edCras, soil s and other and work In Chungking, China, and 11- a. Mrs. G. Garnbam, Mrs. W. Choreic; comforts. The offcials ills be only lustrated by'beautifully.celored slides, r,irele No. 1, Mrs. Wm. McSnndden, too glad to receive de ite informa- tion, the closing hymn and benedic- 'Mira, J. Kellar: 'Circle N. 2, Mrs, R- tfon about sdch stories. Usually, the tion, a ,half hour of games was very Bolton Mrs. Chambers: Circle No. 3. real sources are Haver taaceable, They much'ejoyed by all Mrs, H. Alexsnder, Mrs. R. McFar- are deliberate attempts to discourage The 1Vlission Baird held Its Decetn- lane. After singing the hymn,' "Rise the workers In their voluntary and bei' a meeting nt on /Sunday last, The Tre. O Men of God," the meeting was patriotic effort. The Red Cross So- et with the congregatioti, token over bF Mrs. R. Patton, The " efety 4s not a money -raising instil -ea After the devotional part of the serv- hymn, "While Shepherds Watched tion and has never sold any of Its ice they proceeded to the school room Their Flocks B Night,' w a supplies to men of the armed forces,, where they continued their meeting, Mrs. F. Johnson read the Scripture either diretetly or indirectly. If Red The leader !ed in prayer, followed by frnm St. Matthew, chapter 2, verses • Cross articles have " been bought, it the, Lord's Prayer in unison. The 1-155, after which Mrs. Patton led in was not with the approval of the so- Scripture, St. Matthew 2, verses 1-11, prayer. The topic was' ably token by ciety. .Please discount ell ~tach ruin- was. read by Jean Alexander. The Mrs, Tre 1artha. The thymn, .,"Sing to ours and earey+ori with the teak.... We, chapter from the study book, "Mei the Great ,Tehovah's Praise," wee have beard rumour, about the highly- Line Finds the Meaning of Christ- sung and the meeting was closed with pwtd o'ff'icials of the Red Orose also. mas wits then discussed, Items of the National Anthem and prayer by All such Naei insplxed •siander anal business followed and the' meeting Mr. Patton• r'nearepresentatioh is designed to Closed With singing "Away in a Man" The Reel Gross Society met in the cheek elate the total war, effort. „4 ger'' anti the Mizpa,h ilenedietfon ^e• hall Wednesday afternoon and An Urgent 'rb guest has been. re tv.- Pleated in en,igon,. , • ed several Millis. tluilt several hours. Church met at the home of Mrs. Mrs. J. C. B. writes: "I have 'a Beatty on Friday... A quilt was quilt - large quantity, of tea that has taken ed which was handed to the • Red on the odour in our cellar. HOU" can I remove this odour?" Answer: Store the tea in another place. Keep in a tight container. To remove': the odour place about one- third cup of baking soda in a cup and place in the partly filled tins of„tea. Change baking soda every other day and stir up the tea. Anne Allan invites you to write to her ,c/o The Huron Expositor.' Just "send in your questions on •homemak- ing problems and watch this little corner of the column for replies. The exchange of friendly greetings across the miles at Christmas creates a tremendous traffic jam on the Lon&, t istance telephone lines.} This coming Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be the busiest in history. Calls from the boys in bar- racks, camps and training centres to their loved ones at home will be added this•Yuletide to the customary avalanche of spoken greetings. Even with every avaiI- able circuit in use and every extra operator on duty, we know we won't be able to give you our usual service to some points. But we'll do our best—and we're counting on your good-natured co-operation- If you have to wait a long time on your call to Aunt Emma, we're sure you'll be patient. When it finally gets through, we know you'll be willing to be brief so that other people, may have the same line — p�� 040.---e `� and the same pleasure. (Intended for last week) for their. regular monthly council meeting in 'the Township Hall, Staff r, on Saturd y, Dec. 6th, at 1 o'clock p•1n„ all embers being present, the reeve pre~ ding, The Clerk read the minutest f the previous meeting, • which were adopted as read. A resp- , I lution was passed to insure the town- ship road grader for liability and pr perty damage. The following account j were passed: Hydro Electric Power ; Commission, $3.81; Provincial Treas- urer, insulin,, $3,00; D. Ges'tetner, sup- , plies, $13.68; J. A; .Sadler, supplies to . the township hall, $1.40; McKillop, Logan & Hibbert Telephone Co., tolls , 54c; direct relief, $7.00. The council adjourned to meet December 15th,— Thomas D. Wren; Clerk, n„i-...�