The Huron Expositor, 1941-12-05, Page 4sified s.
Classined Ads will be inserted
at new low cash rates :
$aba Wanted, Loot and Faun& Coming Events. Etc.—Per word:
let week
2nd week
Std week
Minimum charge. tints insertion
Each figure, Initial stud abbreviation counts all one vread.
Card of Thanks, In Memoriam Noticee-1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 cents par week.
may be directed to a Box Number, are of The Huron ExPaviter. for 10 cents
Ten cents additional per week will be charged if ads in above dam env not Paid hr th
Saturday night in the week in which be ad -was run.
Birthe, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge.
Auction Sales, Notices to Creditore, Ete.--Itetes en application.
I Cent
% Gent
26 Cents
For Sale
ebeetuic; modern action. Must be sold
this week for balance of al..4.1011Itt owing. Pay -
meta 48torineed- Teems can be arranged.
Box ass, FaXDOKTO,R. 3860x1
Help Wanted
DeMnalky, for station. Experience
referred but not essential. Apply by letter.
stating experience tif any). age. eatery ex-
pected, -etc., to Bbx 296, EXPOSITOR OF -
man, under 56, with car or suitable trav-
elling outfit" for Watkins route for Townships
of Grey and Morris. No eapital or experience
necessary. Steady income. See WILLIAM
BRADSHAW, 54 George Street, Seaforth, af-
•ter 7 p.many evening. 3859x3
Property For Sale
hOuse on the south side of King Street,
in •the Village of Hensel!. Cumeniently lo-
cated to school and Main Stroet. Apply to
K. I. MeLEAN, Barristig, Etc.. Seaforth end
Hensall. 3860 -If
" Town of Seaforth
Revision for hearine zezein,t
A• • eseraent RttlJ fur 1041 of theTown of
S,eforth. 'Will be held in the Council Chatn-
her. Sesforth. on Friday. December 5th. od 6
o'clock p.m.
D. IL WILSON. Cderk,
Auction Sales
i•hirree. itt Wirrhtm. Satimier. no-
,..trnber tith, 1941.. at 1 p,m.: Dining room
tel buffet and 8 chairs: dining room ta'ale. ;
6 chairs with leather seats ; Davenport:
,Weker reeking cie 'air; wicker arm chair: ;
mehlegany rocker and arm chair; leather ;
leak er ; arm chair; I ibrarY table; bedroom I
nitc light oak bed and .springs: 2 couelses:
Sinner sewing machine: hall rack and wall ,
mirrors: Ihceninion piano ; Vietrola ; sealer '
-cupboard; fruit cupbeard: odd •tabl: 7 -tube
radio; baby buggy: dash churn; gas stove ;.
and oven; Intennatkexel cretnn eepareter; !
bicycle: wash boiler;and a number of 1
other articles. Terms --- C9Sh . RUSSEL
HOLMAN, Proprietor; Harold Jackson,
neer. 3860-1
plements and Feed. at Lot 20, Cnn. 2.y
L.R.S., 1'4 miles north and one mile, east
of Kippen, on Tuesdiay, December 9th, at 1
p.m.: HORSES -1 roan gelding 5 years old:
hay gelding, 6 years old: black Percheron
snare 6 years old; 2 Percheron colts rising
2; 1 suckling colt CATTLE --Red cow, 7
Years old, due April 1st; roan cow. 8 years,
just freshened; 2-yeareold Durham heifers
in calf; 4 Duritem steers rising 2: 6 Dur-
ham heifers rising 2; 3 good Durham calves.
PIGS -5 chunks. 90 /Ss.; 17 chunks, 75 lbs.:
2. York sowt due December 28th. HENS- .40
Darned Rock rtolaetfa, laying; about 20 tons
mixed hay; 300 bushels oats: quantity mixed --
grain. IMPLEMENTS Two -good walking
plows: 1 set 4-seetfcm 'harrows: 1 set 3 -sec-
tion learamate; 2 POrtland cutters; ,l7tunP
jack good farm wagon; set sloop :Weighs:
and numerous other 'articles. Terms—Cash.
,nostearr D. 11LC-1131 P ropriettor ; Harold
Jackson, Auctioneer. • 3860-1
Notice to Creditors
"" the Estate of James M. Roberlelon, late
'of "Morn of Soctforth, gentleman deceased,
who died on or about the 26t1 day of No-
vember, 194/, are hereby notiAdd•to send in
to tire undersigued on or before the 27th day'
of December, 1941, full particulate of their
etikelher with affidavits proving same.
InneemfateSy miner the eaid last mentioned
ikTfe, the assets of the said estate will be
distributed amongst the partner entitled there-
to, ihaving regard only to claims of which
the undersigned shall then have notice, to the
modes -km of ail "others, and the undersigned
will not he liable to any person of whose
olaim the ortiervit-ned ehaill not then have no-
tice for the auseta SO distributed or any part
DATED et Seaforth this 4th day of De-
eseriber, 1941.
Barrister, Etc., Seaforth, Ont.,
'Solicitor for Executors.
and girls of the age of 15 to 17, met
at she Mahse for a social evening at
the close of which the group organ' -
'ed themselves into a Senior Sunday
School Class, with William Sproat as
president and Mildred Jones as secre-
tary. A committee was appointed to
wait on Mrs. Allan Johnstone at her
home to request her to be the elites
teacher. She graciously agreed to
do so and conducted the first session
of the class on Sunday.
The Sunday school teachereeand of-
ficers are meeting far business at
the Manse on Friday evening of this
week. .
Mrs. Jackson Woods, who has been
111 with pneumonia, is impaoving. Miss
McCann, R.N., of Crediton, has been
in attendance.
Mr, Ed, Johns,aawho has been -con-
fined to bed for' -eight weeks, is able
to be up a lietle.
Mr. and .Mrs, Middleton, of Saskat•
(Inman, have been visiting the lat-
ter"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wo.$. Hey-
wood and other relatives in this cone
Ieliss Thelma O'Reilly, of Sarnia,
was a wook-end Visitor in VII '
. s ne eh-
M 1(1r
• . 1 . L1111.1 ttos,;
•4' rod ;411intla y e•A‘ MI Mr 'int' NI'
,eto Stephan.
air, \rifted Weido has'eurcielsea
limn in Tlensall from Dr. Stee:. itntl
Hvinc: it torsi down and remov,.t1
h:s farni. where he intends to orecrit
sited. While Mr, Glen We'•'•
vo working on the root of the bit'
00 Saturday, he had the misfortur
falling to the ground and injuri
h!s headHe escaped Serino-, lupe
Quite a number from this distriz
have secured employment on the ,ti
Port at Centralia.
Mr. Jonas Hartleib, of Dashwoo
paned a Way Suddenly at the home
Mr. Mary Stephan on Thursday ia
Funeral service was held in Dasi
wood on-, Monday,
A number of friends from this colt
munity attended the funeral of M
Schwalm. in Heasall.
Mrs, Ajice Rohner has returned t
her home . after spending the summe
months in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wheeler seen
Sunday last in Stratford with the
deughter• and son-in-law.
Mrs. Alex Peterson and Mrs. Sane
Zaple were in London on business
day in the early week.
Sunday visitors to the village: M
and Mts. 'Ben Kaiser and Mr, an
Mrs, Ronald McKenzie and claildre
all of Detroit, with . Mr. and • Mr
Harry Lapfe; Mr. andMrs. John
.Weekstead anal Mrs, A. D. Smith and
daughter, of Bluevale, and Mr. A. D.
Stnith, R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, at the
}acme of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Berry.
Our engineer has been busy far the
peat few Weeks making his annual in-
spection of the, city sewerage system
and found it necessary to put in a
large drain down the length of Mary
Street, in order that the, back -fifty
acres would have a proper outlet, and
surveyors with leeels and shoVels
have been sighted in all secdoffs of
the city at freqUent intervals,
Miss Louise Marshal. of London,
spent the week -end with Miss Mary
Miss Anna Cornish, of London
spent the week -end at her home here
Mr. and Mrs.. C. Halstead and Floyd
epent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. T.
Donald McDonald, R.C.A.F.. St
I -hennas, spent the week -end at his
home Ifere.
• 'rug' jA WOW EXPOSITOR .40
faces were all tanned 'homeward
bound; the limousine took the harbor 0 0 0
hill on high and did her stuff most
beautifully right through the Capital
tad out on Number Eight, where, alas,
the motor died without a sigh.
The hood was quickly raised; the
n.utor scanned from top to bottom,
but no defects could be seen, when a
voice from the rear seat piped out:
"Did you no look at the free -wheel -
in '?"
in turn offered sugges-
Dona took turns at the wheel, but to
no avail. "What about the floating
power?" But -Sandy said, "Yes, it's
all floated away," So there they were
and Manny Reynold's hospitality af-
tared no attraction to this crew. But
Argus saidw&
e Inta o time, the •
0 0
Debt Free
With the payment on Tuesday
of the last of the school deben
tures, Hensall village entered the
select company of those munici
palities which are debt free
While debentures amounting to
3,436.30 were outstanding as o
December 31, 1941, on account
of Hydro, these will be paid from
Hydre,rearnings and will not be
charbec against the municipality
night is fiae; we will push the lob -
Ter ; we will make her go" So they
all got out and pushed her up the
hills and rode her down. ,Hill after
hill was encountered and accomplish-
ed with surprising ease, but the
grades grew longer and steeper and
Donald was heard to say, "This free;
'heeling is great stuff, one is free -o
push as hard as he likes," but 'Sandra;
°Welt retort was: "Push, mon, we are
saving gas!" But the Holmesville
eracle proved too much and NI'
exclaimed; "There's one resort; oor
frien MacLean remains at home; he'll
help us oot. I ken he will." So Mac-
Lean was contacted over long dia
tence after a silver collectionwas
taken to pay the L.D. chat•ges.
But MacLean had to walk a long
distance before he could find a car
parked with enough gas to do the
trip, But MacLean was a on with
a rep, and be searched 011 he found
the ignition key left on the counter
its the glove department.
While they waited, the dull mom-
_nts were beguiled with laughter and
song and before they knew it 'M
lean had them in tow an their way
lionie, when MacPherson remarked:
"a e are having gas; leave it to
the Srotch, they are a canny race and
1.rew how to save the gas!' But none
p, admit he didn't en -
;.'01" Seeing oor Canadian Merchant
Roo; 13(n tom Cash Si
iictisidi. will br, (men evprr ev. • ugthe month of December,'
,,. See the Wool. Woolcot and Flan-
. a alelto Blank, Pyjamas, Night-
t''end Rubbei• Footwear at Good-
Tido, advantage now of the lay -away
eta:: a: the Hensall 00 to al 00 S
.0 cio your Christmas shopping early
and get he best choice. A small de-
, ro.4it will hold ,any article until Dec.
2lIth, Our Christmas goods' are noes
oa display. , 3859-2
; Mrs. Archie Morgan was ihostess for.
'he meeting of the Hurondale W. I.
:Mrs. Kirkland, the president; was in
(1,1 the chair. The roll call was answer-
ed with "Why r am a Red Cross Work -
t... or" The topic, "Red Cross and Its
1- Activities" was ably taken by Mrs, R.
Kestle. The president, a recent dee-
; gate to the WI, eonveation at Lou-
r, don, presented her report, dealing
-with war work and the Red Cross.
o Community singiag was directed by
r Mrs. -William Etherington. It was de-
cided for each group. of the' organize -
don to make one quilt a month.
11, Luncheon, was served by Mrs. J. Oke,
Mrs, W. Etherington and Mrs. John
t Bolton.
a Dr. and Mrs. James A. Bell have
returned from a 'delightful trip to
r. Washington, Baltimore, Harrisburg,
d -Pittsburg, New York and many other
n, places.
s. Mrs. Lloyd Ortwein, of London, vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein
and Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson
over the week -end,
The December meeting of the
Wohelo Class will be held in the base-
ment of the church on Monday even-
ing, Dec. Sth.,,,
Mr. and •Mr -William White, of
London,. were Sunday 'visitors with
Mrs, R. Bonthron,
The Misses Norma Cook, Dorothy
Dougall and Elva McQueen, of Lon-
don, spent the week -end at their re-
spective hordes,
Mr, and 'Mrs. G. V. Laughtaii, of
Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Ted Tam-
an and Toni, .of Listowel, spent the
week -end with Mrs. Charles McDonell
and family.
Mrss _Cochrane, of Clinton, • was a
aveek-end house guest with Mr. and
, Mrs. James Bonthron.
.The annual public meeting and elec-
. • tion of officers of the Heneall branch
of the Red' Cross will belteld in
Town Hall on Monday evening, Dec.
8th. A program will also be present-
The Canadian Legion will sponsor
a, bingo and dance in the Tot Hail,
Hensall. on Friday evening, There
will be lots of valtiable prizes and a
feature will be a lucky lunch ticket.
Music for dancing will be by •Mur-
doch's orehestra.
The Hensel) Senior W. I. will hold
their December•meeting at the home
of Meg. M. G. Drysdale next Wednes-
day evening, with Mrs, W. B. Cross
co -hostess. The roll call is to 'be an-
swered with gifts for the Siclt Chil-
dren's Hospital. The speaker Will be
Mrs. Clarence Smillie. The motto,
"A .Merry Christmas," will be taken
by Miss Sarah Manson,
:VD's. Roy Flear, of 'Dorchester,
spent, a few days last week with her
perents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hog-
Mr. -Ted Munn left for Toronto on
Tuesday of this week where he has
secured a good position.
Mrs. Kimball, of Chicago, is'visiting
it, her sister and brother-in-law,
Me, and Mrs. R. J. Paterson, and her
mother, Mrs. Agnes Horton, who is
in very poor health at date of writ-
Miss Eleanor •Miller, of Toronto,
niece of Mr. and Mrs. W. 13., Cross, of
this village, who attends Bloor Col-
legiate in Toronto, was awarded the
S. IL Menzie's Cup for egirls, the
Meryl McGuire • Memorial' prize in
French, and the Tucker Shield for
general proficiency at the annual com-
mencement exercises.
Mrs. G. W'alk'er and Mrs. W. , R.
Davidson's group of the Ladies' As-
sociation of Carmel Church were
pleasantly entertained at anafter-
noon tea at the home of Mrs. Roy
SerVieea in the United Church Were
ethiduoted by the minister, Rev. R. A
The Morning anthem •b,y the
WOOD --In Seat Memorial Host/ital. cm No-
vember 290). to Mr. and Mrs. John Wood,
KiTveT"a daullificter--alarttaret Elizabeth.
BROADIFOOT --In Scott \Memorial Hospital,
on December 3rd, to Mt:: and Mrs. Wilmer
eroseseot, Tuckersmith, a son.
FEARE—Mrs. Eliza , suddenly en Sunday
morning, g -synth 319th, at 16 Chelsea
Name, Montreal, beloved mother of 110 rt.
T. B. Weatherbee. Private funeral service
from 16 Chelsea Place, on Monday after -
noels, Deberaber 1st Interment in the faro-
* Piot. Vancou ver, B.C.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wright spent
the week -end in Niagara Palls visit-
- ing with. their son and daughter-in-
law, Mr, and Mr's. Gordon Wright.
SL Andrew's Young People enjoyed
a,very pleasant evening on Tuesday
night for their weekly naeeting. Af-
ter. the worship period led by the
president, Mrs. Cbipchase, members
took part ill some games and eon -
tests, followed by instrumental music
by Art. Pinlaygon and Tom 'Munro.
Afterwards a dainty lunch wasiserved
and the evening came to a close with
the singing of the National Anthem.
the Mission and members are
looking fertVard to their monthly
meeting on Sunday first, With Mrs.
OrMit'ift ehatge and,,)/fre: Alexan-
der givIngd(�
ktie TAMA etorY.
, ,
•thel,M1 r-14 eontinning his ger
• fed Af „ti• UV* (31111tell•
rAttlYita:,t 11#5*It ttlAdase "The
• ttitnk :011)it
timio , .
'Of' teenage' bdya- '1,1T
They Went • • Sea the 'See
Frai- sturdy Sc nd t ue, Mac-
pherson, MacD. -a, 1 vish and'
iVlacDulf, „recently heard that rumor
said the 'Roulston Navy was- parked
Goderich harber, to bid farwell to
the land of the Maple before leaving
for the war zone, to crush the Axis
powers, MacDougall asked, "What
will it Copt to have a peek?" "Why,
faith, Lad, the thing is free." Weel,
then all gang.
So arrangements were made that
one and' each was to eentribute some-
thing to lighten the post. At once
IVfacTavish offered his car, a big'
shtpy General Motors product;- Mac-
Pherson packed a lunch four square9s
foil:, 'MacDougall took the spirits of
a song, while ManDuff, a big gener-
ous mon, universally noted for his
kindness, took his son,
The lath" luxury liner was eased in-
to the stream, on the open highway
and headed foataGg ch. The moon
was bright, the airwag balmy which
lent added chartti to the picture. All
Went well. MacTanith was highly
complimented on his ehoine of cars:'
the joys of motoring were discussed
and the pros and consof floatlag
power and free -wheeling were -e-
commended and disposed of in rapid
succession. Beans were also harvest-
ed, threshed and sold; 50 -acre Parma
exchanged for hundreds, etc., when
the lights of thecounty, seat announc-
ed the arrival of the party in Gode-
Down at the docks and harbor they
parked the shiny monster and went
to get the first Vie* of the Canadian
Navy, They logked •long and hard
and partook fre4ly M the beauty of
OUr Canadian fleet and alfillif one ao-
tord pratizelliiced it grafi& But tithe
had shoed quickly by WIWI MIttritIft
aS MAPS tti. tlay, -res- geetilitg tatel
O1t• 't,d, eitt4htla..? A'ao. thOr
don. He was in this 66th year and
was born in Hay Township On the
Blind Line, one nine and a half from
Zurich, where he farmed successfully
taking up residence in Hensall tour
years ago. He was a member of the
Lutheran Church, Zurich. Mr. and
Mrs. Schwalm would have celebrated
their '3,6th wedding anniversary lit
January if Mr. Schwalm had lived.
Surviving are his widow and twelve
children, six sons and six daughters:
Pt ea Austin Schwalm, overseas: Mer-
vyn, Stratford; Lee, Hamilton; Gor-
don, Ray and Carl, at home; Mae and
Margaret, London; Violet, St. Thom-
as; Mrs. Harold Hanson, Stratford;
Itli 8.. Robert McKenzie, Hensall, and
• Plore0e it home. Private funeral
services were held from bis residence
on Tuesday, Dec. 2, at 2 p.m., and
were conducted by his minister, Rev.
E. Tuerkheim, Burial was in the
Lutheran cemetery. The bearers
were his five sons, Mervyn, Lee, Gor-
don, Ray and gait and his son-in-
law, Robert Mclnzie.
Port Albert R.A.F. Presents Concert
The concert held in the Town Hall
Thursday evening presented by the
male choir voice of Port Albert R.A1F.
School, sponsored by the Renal:di,
branch of the Red Cross, was pres-
ented to ,a full house and much enjoy-
ed. Rev. R. A. Brodk introduced the
cast, which was directed by ,Sergt.
Grant. Their musical numbers, sung
in splendid harmony, included "Loch
Lomond," "Annie Laurie," "Green;
Pastures," "The Lost Chord," "Bless
Them All," Abide With Me," and
many "others. , Also featured were
character impersonations, humorous
selections, dialogues and iaccordian,
hanja; guitar and harmogica selec-
tions by members of the cast. Dur-
ing internaiegjon Sergt. Grant conduct-
ed a sing -song, the audience taking
part. Miss Florence Welsh acconi-,
at the piano for several of the num,
bers. The president, Mr. Brook.
spoke briefly, •expressing 'thanks to
Sergeant Grant and cast for present-
ing such a delightful program which
they contributed free gratis. He also
stated that the War Service Commit-
tee, under 'the presidency of Dr. A.
'.'y R. Campbell, charted the' bus to bring
lei the have, dad the Mensal). Senior W.
I. served lunch. The closing number
Ib. on the program was "Abide With
Me," followed ' the National An-
and the evening contribution, "Oh,
Come, Iunianuel," soloists being
Mrs. Georgte Hess and Miss Mary
Mts. Whitney Carter, of Clinton,
was successful In. winning a, prize of
$211 in a radio contest recently. Mrs.
Carter is the former Miss Ruth Red-
den. of Hensall.
Mrs. Elliott, of Brucefield is a
guest at the home of Mrs. R. Bon-
thron and MIs. 'L, Simpson.
The many friends of Mr. James
Hoggarth will regreteato learn is con-
fined to his home through illness, hav-
ing suffered a slight stroke. We trust
he will quickly recover his health.
Death "of Miss Martha Hunter
The death occurred in Hensel]. on
Thursday in Mrs. aundercock's nurs-
ing home, of Miss Martha Hunter, in
her 81st' year. Miss 'Hunter was born
in Usborne Township and spent most
of her life in Exeter and Hensall. She
was a member of Hensall United
Church and took an active part in all
church orgendiations. • She is ;surviv-
ed by one sister, Mrs. Agnes Lara-
mie, Hensall, and one brother, Mr.
ilobeal Hunter, of California. A pri-
vate funeral will be held on Some -
(lay at 2 p.m. from,Mrs. Saundercock's
funeral home with Rev. R. A. Bro
111 charge of the services, Intern
vill be made in Exeter cemetery.
Dr_ Steer is having an up -to -d
taritge built on his premises.
Mr. Benson Dick, of the Na
S,hool, spent the week -end with
rther "11 1. Rnhoir
"Miss Dorothy Williard, of Si. Ca
it..1nes, spem theweek-end with 1 by
1,1'01 Mrs. Ezra Williard,
Miss Pearl 'llarpole, of. Loud
ear the week -end with Mrs, Gra
Mrs, Junes McAllister visited 1
uncle, Mr. Wm. 13roadfoot, 111 Str
lord, who is in poor health.
Mrs. Kimball, of Chicago, is visiti
her Mother. Mrs, Agnes Horton, w
is in Mrs. J. Paterson's nursing horn
Miss Elizabeth Slavin is, visiti
with Mr. ani Mrs. F. Slavin, .
Falls From Barn
Glen Weido, son of IVIr. and M
Wilfred Weido, of Hay ToWnala
While liglpilag his father to tear do
a barn which he had purchased fro
Dr. D. G. Steer, had the misfortu
to lose his footing and fall from t
roof, striking his head on the ceme
floor beloata Although lighting on h
head anrbeing. unconscious for so
time, his candition is not regarded
ce Senior Mission Circle -Elects
Miss Margaret Shepherd was hos'
1,.?1, less • at her home Monday, Dec. lst,
for the December meeting of the
Senior Mission Circle. with a splen-
did attendance of members present.
The chair was taken by the vice-presi-
dent, Miss Margaret Shepherd, and
the opening hymn, "Angels If,rom the
Realms of Glory," was followed with
the Lord's *Prayer tin . unison. The
Scripture lesson. :Matthew, 3nd chap-
ter, was read alternately and the de
votiortal was' given by Miss -Edna
Saundercock. "It Came Upon the
Midnight Clear". was .the next hymn
sung, follot,ved with the minutes and
roll call. Miss Douglas presented the
study, the first part of which she de
voted to' tbe study ,of the first four
chapters -Of 'Matthe-w, and In the lat-
ter part of her talk spoke on China
A letter of appreciation was read
from Miss June Saundercock, of Kit-
chener,, expressing thanks for Testa-
ment forwarded to her from the Cir-
cle, 'of vohich she Was a former value.d
member. Mrs. Byron Kyle and Mise
Edna Saundercock presented the
slatf' of officeas, 'and the fallowing
will pet for 1942: PreSident, Miss
Gladys Passmore; vice - presidents
miss Margaret Shepherd, Miss Mary'
Coleman; treasurer, Mrs. Bob Drys-
dale; secretary:raliss Gladys McKen-
zie; press, Mrs. Maude Redden:. Man
ist. Miss Gladys 'Luker; lunch corn
mittee, Miss Edna Saundercock, Mies
0, Mary Coleznan; work committee, 1VIrs,
t„ Byron Kyle, Mrs, Harvey McLarnon
a Mrs. Howard Hyde, Miss Edna Walsh
ed, With the singing "of the National An -
he them the meeting concluded. A de
a iicious luncheon was serred by Mrs
r. Eric Kennedy, Miss Byron Kyler Miss
d, Edna. Saunde,reock and Miss Mai-
garet Shepherd, • '
n. Dr. Rondeau Jarrett, of Paris, was
d the guest on -.Sunday last with • his
la cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. MeEwan
h A meeting of the Sunday school
Is teachers and members ,In conflated -on
h with the six weeks' course on the,
0. study of Sunday school lessong being
e held throughout the Presbytery of
o Huron, was held in Carmel Presby-
terian 'Church. Speakers included
✓ Miss M. Lane, B.A.. of Goderich, who
e spoke on ".Appreciation of the Les -
()sons" teaching methods), Rev. Wm
Weir, of Hensall, spoke on the fifth
e; lecture of "The Life of Christ."
Throughout the course Miss Mabel
d Woakman, of Hensall, spoke in Exe-
W.,, C. T. U. Meets
The monthly meeting of the W.C.T.
TJ. was held Thursday afternoon, Nov,
27th, at the home of Miss Jean Mur-
ray with members and guests pres-
ent, Mrs. R. A. Brook presiding for
the devotional session. • The opening
hyran, "Nearer My God To Thee," was
followed with • prayer 'by Miss Eva
Penrose, Scripture reading was ..n
charge of Mrs. C. L, Jinkg, and "Go,
Labour On" was the next hymn sung.
Mrs. Hess, the president, took the
chair for the remainder of the pr
,grazn.' ,,At the conclusion of repea
Mg the pledge, -Miss Murray gave
prayer. The roll call was answer
with a Scripture Verse. During t
taking up of the offering Miss Ed.n
Walsh played soft music. Miss Mu
ray directed a brief ;business perio
and after some discussion it was a
ranged to have Miss Duff visit He
salt and Exeter for a, week's Deri3
during the eatly part of the .yea
Miss •Duff will speak in the churc
and address local and districts schoo
in the ,Interest of temperance, whit
will be enhanced with a picture pr
jeet. Members were asked to giv
special prayers for Miss Hunter wh
at present is very ill at Mrs. Saunda
cock's nursing home. 'The topic fo
the afternoon was taken from th
clip sheet and the theme, "How T
Get Rid Of Local Option," was take
by Miss Murray, Mrs. William Lov
Mrs. Hedden, Mrs. Grace Harpole
Mrs. Dow, .Mrs. W. C. Pearce an
Miss Penrose, Miss Edna Walsh fav
ored with a lovely piano solo
"Humoresque." The chasing bynf
was "0 Master,. Let Me Walk Wit
Thee" and prayer by Mrs. Dow con
eluded the meeting, after wbich g de
licious lunch. was served by Ws
Murray and Mrs. M. Lindsay, Tie
December meeting will be held in
_ ter and Miss Beryl. Pfaff in Blyth.
; The course concluded in Clinton on
Tuesday evening of this week.
Red Cross Notes
blankets, and a blanket each from
Mrs. W. Taylor and IVIiss Gladys Luk-
er. Cash donations are as folliews:
Mrs. L. Simpson. $1.00; Mrs. Norman
Cook. $5.00; Miss Sean Murray, $5,00;
The Hensalt Ladies', Euchre Club,
$4.50: Mrs. Jackson Walker, $2.00;
Miss Isabelle Moir, $2.00. This brings
the totals up as follows: Blankets 15,
quilts 13, cash 'conttlbutions up to
Dec. lst, $117.25.
We are barmy to TepOrt the suc-
cess of the Red Cross" concert held
last Thursday under the auspices of
the Hensall Branch, indicated by the
fact that the financial returns Were
$64.70. A large and representative
gathering was noted and the Statron-
age of so many Red CrOfits
Is Mich appreciated. Congratn-
latiOnts-and thanks are again extend-
ed' to Sergeant Grant and lig corn -
Ditty of tvrenty men from the it
, • • , •• • 'al
The annual meeting; of the Hensall
branch of the Red Cross Society Will
be held Monday next, Dec. 13th in
e basement of the church on' Thurs
the Town Hall at R p.m. Reeve Shad-
- dick will take the chair. Rev. W.
Weir will address the gathering. Re-
norts of the various departments 'will
be presented by the conveners. Elec-
t* of officers for the New Year Willa
take place, The public is cordially
invited to this 'meeting. All paiderp
members are entitled to. vote on n11
More .blankets and contribution8
have been reepived for the blanket
nppeal, for which the executive ex:
presses thanks. We report the fol-
lowirig; Mrs. R. Bonthron, 1 pair
day, Dec. 18th. a •
Death of Mrs. Isabella Park Hamilton
Mra. Isabella Park Hamilton, wife
of the late Thomas Itamilton, died in
Toronto on Saturday, the testa of a
stroke which she suffered a few days
previously and from which she never
•regained consciodsness. The deeeas
ed was born in Hibbert Township 76
years ago, and was the daughter. of
the late Mr. and Mrs, Jams Park,
'Sbe taught school for some •years in
Logan township and following her
marriage they conducted a store and
post office at Staffa, Until Mr. Hamil-
ton retired to Toronto 21 years ago.
Surviving are one daughter, Miss
Jean Hamilton, Ottawa; one sob,
James, a druggist, Toronto; one sis-
ter, Miss Agnes ,Park, R.N., Niagara
Falls, N.Y., and three brothers, Nor-.
man of ,Mitchell, Donald of Hensel',
and James of Toronto, Mr. Hamilton
died nine years ago, "Funeral services
were held Tuesday at her home In
Toronto, after -which the remains
were bought to Mitchell for a service
at the hbfhe of her brother, Noattra,n
Park. Interment wag in Staffs ems,
Death of Peter Schwalm
Mr. Peter Schwahrt, highly respect»
ed citizen Of this village, passed away
e erne on Sunday following an
resift attitiblitable trii a :heart oOndl-
Albert Air Training School for their
fine program. We also thank again
Miss Florence Welsh for her melba
did assistance at the piano, the ladies
of the Women's Institute who sup
plied lunch for the men, those who
sold tickets. The finance committee
is to be praised for taking care, so
efficiently, of all details. The help of
the War Services Committee is also
thankfully recognized again for then.
taking care of the cost of transpor
A large shipment of goods left' the
work rooms on Monday for Toronto
lit alL eleven cartons; four contain
,ing 15 _blankets and 18 quilas. The
balance of the cartons contained the
following goods: Refugee Goods -11
ladies' coats, 11' skirts, 22 blouses, 6
children's coats, 1 dress with panties
to match, 6 hats, 10 dresses, 6 pairs
panties, 6 pairs socks, 6' pyjamas, 1
jumper, 1 scarf, 2 helnagts. Hospital
Goods — 13 large mn's dressing
gowns, 8 utility bags, 4 ambulance
pillows, 3 pairs infants' pants, 2 night-
ingales, 5 bonnets, 4 sweaters and 8
pairs bootees. Army and Navy Goods
—5 alternative caps, 10 scarves, 55
pairs.socks, 5 turtle -neck sweaters, 5
pairs gloves, 5 seamen's sweaters,
aero cans, 10 pairs mitts, 5,pairs sea -
boot stockings, 10 pairs two-way
A word of praise is in order for the
excellent work accomplished during
November by our knitters and sewers,
making possible such a splendid ship-
ment of well -finished articles. We
must not forget the workers in the
cutting department who are respons-
ible for having the cutting of coats
and garments completed and flowing
like a stream to. the sewing depaet-
zuent. The co-operation and dovetail-
ing in of departments is very gratifY-
ing indeed -and to all the ladies, the
executive says Thank You!
The oil companies have agreed to
co-operate with Red Cross branches
le the salvaging of 1941 motor. lic-
ense plates. ' Will the. automobile
ativers in Hensall and vicinity . see
that their old 1941. markers are left
at any of the' garages, to be •picked
up by representatiVes of the VIIHOUS.
011 companies, •who will see that the
plates are forwarded to the steel
Declare Boxing •Day a -•Holiday
The regular meeting of the village
council was held Monday evening at
8 p.m. in the council chamber with all
I -umbers being PresallT• A (Nega-
tion from the Chamber of Commerce
appeared, asking tot' a donation ta'-
wards the annual Christmas tree. Hor-
ton anti Kerslake; That we grant
the Chamber of Commerce $15.00 for
the Christmas tree. Carried,/ Parkins
and proclamation declaring Boxing Day,
Dec. 26th, a public. holiday. Carried.
R. J. Paterson, tax collector, report-
ed as receiving $4,919.11 in taxes to
dateaand $1,046.23 since last meeting.
Horton and Cameron: That T. Kyle,
constable; be instructed to collect the
poll twines at once. Carried. Dr. I. G.
Smillie, medical officer of health, pre-
sented his annual report and explain-
ed the same. Parkins and Kerslake:
That the report of Dr. I. G. Smillie
be adopted as read. Carried. Cote
respondence was read- as follows: De-
partment of, Municipal Affairs, Town-
ship of Hay, • Township of Tucker -
smith, County Engineer, Cleric and
Treasurer, end B. G. Dick; same fil-
ed. Bills aid accounts were paid as
follows: . Chamber of Commerce,
grant, $15; 0. Twitchell, supplies,
$3.13; Robert Dicr,- teaming, park,
$2.10; G. M. Case, teaming, streets,
$14.50; Hydro •Commission, hydro for
hall, $13.1i5; G.,Hess, printing, $42.50;
A. Clark, supplies,. $1.60; R..MiddIe-
ton, supplies, $8;, Bonthron & trys-
dale, supplies, $3.31; Huron pxpoi#1,-
tar, printing, a$3.64; F. G. Bonthron,
insurance hall, $24; County of Huron,
hospitalization, $5.25.; R. E. Shaddick,
salary, $42; H. W. Horton, salary,
$28; R. Cameron, salary, $28; J. Par-
kins, salary4$28; A. W. Kerslake, sal -
in the
Friday, December 5th
Under auspices of the Canadian
• Legion — 8.30 sharp
15 gamezi;. 10 Special Prizes;
Turkeys, 3-25 cts; 1 consolation
prize. Murdock's Orchestra.
Ladies please provide Ltitioh.
Lunch Prize
ary, $12; T. Kyle, salary, $70; Dr. L
G. salary, $90; R. J. Patera
son, salary and postage, $63.54; J. A.
Paterson, salary, $112.50. Total,
$6104.22. Horton and Parkins: That
bills and accounts be paid. Carried.
Parkins and Kerslake: That we ad-
journ to December 15, 1941. Carried.
—James A. Paterson, Cloak.
The boundary group of Hurondale
W.I,, composed of Mrs. Stewart Mc-
Queen, Mrs. Gordon' Bolton, Mrs.
Grant Ryckman, Mrs. Oke, Mrs.
Stanley Mitchell, Mrs. John Bolto.n,
and Miss Annie McTaggart, assisted
by some of the neighbors, met at the
home of Mrs. John Bolton Tuesday
afternoon of this week and quilted
two quilts, which will be donated to
the Red Cross. Luncheon was serv-
Mr. and Mrs, John Bolton visited
with friends in Lucknow"on Sunday
Better Built—Better Styled—Lower Priced
J. A. Westcott
Watches - Diamonds
Phone 218 For Evening Api:ointment
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