The Huron Expositor, 1940-11-29, Page 2stied�iiQ
k it ly1 kLean,, Editor.
t -Beaforth Ontario ev
ay afternoon by McLean
scription rates, $1.50 a year -in
Tee; foreign, $2.00 a year: Single
oPies 4 cents each.
'Advertising rates on application.
,StEAFORTH, Friday, November 29.
Lest We ' Forget
Just by way of a reminder, we
might point out to our readers that
by the time thisreaches the major-
ity of them, there will just be twen-
ty-one shopping days before Christ-
It is true that• the seasons were
somewhat mixed this year. ° Winter
ran over spring; spring took the
place of summer; fall came early,
and now the weather is somewhat
winterlike again. But weather or no
weather, there will be no shift in the
date of Christmas. It will be on the
twenty-fifth of December, and that
date is only twenty one shopping
days. away.
It is time to be up,and doing. Make
it a good Christmas this year, be-
cause it 'may be quite some time be-
fore you have another opportunity.
War does, not recognize any season,
not even •a sacred one, and we are at
And war costs real' money. In fact
the Minister of Finance in the House
of Commons recently stated that he
..,was running ,bort of funds and
upon tis to re -
would present, s _ _
plenish his bank account. And he
will continue to mak ese calls.dur-
ing next year and the years to fol-
The average man on the street is
not overly blessed with funds, and,
perhaps the majority. of the Cana-
dian people are in a like state, but
we have not been picked to the bone
yet, and. while we still have the dis-
posal of our little still 'in our o wn
hands, we had better make the most
of our opportunities. ..
Of course it is really the spirit of
the occasion that counts, but a little
money goes a long way in helping
out that spirit, and we can use our
little bit of money to smooth the way
and bring 'some real Christmas cheer
into the lives of some who are not
just as fortunate as we might be. •
And particularly into the lives of
boys and girls.
Start your Christmas shopping
now, and start it at home where you
and every one 'connected with it will
derive soinebenefit from your spend-
ing, and enable them, in turn, to
spend themselves.
'Tie Right Of Wap
After every automobile accident,
-and there is no • scarcity of them, we
hear a great deal from .one side or
another about who had the "right-
No doubt 'i the right-of-way is a
nice thing to have on your side, but
eyen the right-of-way has its disad-
vantages at times.
A short time ago Lord Trenchard,
the former Commissioner of the Lon-
don, England, police was walking
down what seemed tohim, an unus-
ually deserted street_ in that. city.
When he had reached the end a po-
liceman, who had been watching hiin
for some time, saluted him and said:
"You walked over a time bomb, sir."
When the • . startled Commissioner
- ' aske'why he had, not been stopped,
the answer of the policeman was:
"Oh, we recognized you, sir."
In other words, the policeman con-
sidered that Lord Trenchard had
the "right-of-way" on any street, ev-
en one pitted with time bombs.
But ---if Lord Trenchard had step-
ped into that bomb, or the bomb had
exploded when he was stepping over
it, the only benefit derived from that
rz lit -of -way would have been- reap-
eby those mentioned in his will,
not by Lord 'Trenchard himself.
l f�rigxlit-of-way's is pretty much
in automobile eases too. It
eft you are able toget away
t there are far too many
a complete dependence
shortest road to the
Bet' i tery. .
We Wonder
- • The books of "many British writ-
ers and poets have, of course, been
translated into the German lan-
guage, but we wonder if Herr Hitler
et al, or the people of the ° German
nation have ever heard or read the
followingT quotation from John Mil-
"And as for you, citizens, it is of
no small concern, what -manner of
.men ye are, whether toacquire or to
keep possession of your liberty. Un-
less your liberty be of that kind,
which can neither be gotten nor tak-
en away by arms (and that alone is
such which, springing from piety,
justice, temperance, in fine from real
virtue, shall take deep and intimate
root in your minds) you may be as-
sured that there will not be wanting
one, who, even without arms, will
speedily deprive you of what it is
your boast to have gained by force
of arms . . . For know (that you
may not feel resentment, or beable
to blame anybody but_ yourselves)
that to be free is preciselythe same
thing as to be pious, wise, just and
temperate, careful of one's own, ab-
stinent from what is another's, and
thence in fine, magnanimous and
brave—so to be the opposite of these
is the same thing as to be a slave;
and by t'he.wonted judgment and as
it were, by the .just retribution of
God, it comes to pass, that the nation
which has been incapable of govern-
ing and ordering itself, and has de-
livered itself up to the slavery of its
own lusts, is itself delivered over
against its will to other masters—
and whether it will' or not 'tis com-
pelled to serve.'»
And we wonder, too, if a little
deeper study of those words would
not prove of lasting benefit to the
people of all nations.
Not Nice To Think About
Thirty-four million people in the
Netherlands, Norway and Central
"Poland, ten .millions of whom are
children, are now suffering from an
acute foodshortage, and by winter
starvation conditions are expected
to develop in these and other Nazi
occupied nations.
It is not • a nice situation to think
about, and for Ganadians, one al-
most impossible of realization, but'
these are facts which the rest of the -
world realizes, and yet can do. little
to better, because . many foods are
also,war materials, and if other na-
tions came to the rescue, a situation
would arise just as Prime Minister
Churchill pointed "out some time ago.
when he said:,
"If the Germans use these com-
modities to help them bomb our wo-
men and children, rather ' than to
feed the populations . who produce
them, we may be sure that
ported food would go the same way,
directly or indirectly,or be employ-
ed to relieve the enemy of the re-
sponsibilities he has assumed."
Oldest Drop of -Water
Jewelers at the trade bow of the National
Retail Jewelers' Association in New York we're
treated to a rare sight: A lump of amber con-
ontainting 'what is' declared to be the' of lest drop of
water in lexi'stetnce. Harvard ;geWplagislts• hlavee
estimated than. approximately 60 millio'a years
ago .the water was s imprisoned within the lump
of amber, whose value is etre priceless.
Airplanes For All
(Gtielphh Mercury)
Th progress' which has already been made
with t e lour -power airplane conetitutee a warn-
ing to the incredulous.. They have been caught
before the turn of events. Let them be on
their guard lest they be proved.w'rtong •ounce mnort'e.
"Airplanes for all" may seem to contain an ele-
ment of absurdity, but the age of miracles is not
During the past fifty years there have been
more scientific discoveries and applications' than
in the whole previoushistory of .the human race.
And the reciard is certainly not closed so far as
aerial flight is concerned'.
Underwater Beards
(Manchester Guaeddan)
From What a submarine cove hander has told
a correspondent, life under water, except when
shdden developmbmts occur, is quiet and is oc-
cupied; during the w'anti'ng hours' in conversation
amid. the 'cultivation of the beard.
"We all grow. beards," he said, "because . it
is an experiment with a lot of us. Once when
I got into harbor I was very proud of my beard
--secretly, of course-eand I was, unexpectedly
ask•ee'd tis go on the quarter-deck. It was 'Eben'
that I found that the engine, room artaifieers had
deecidaed' to award tae the prize for the beet ' benne-
groWn beard in the flotiiila. The Ward took the
form eta razor about te yard 'long, a huge 11eoe
of snap, make a brash with vvlrrich yeti could have
Lathered Neptene. It coat me about £5 in d'rinks;,
and then -they .inlslsrte-d •onr shaving Me. 1 tlnla'fe'
the 'prize at hone tow—ft is a gait treaa tire."
ears...- gone
letereetin61 Iteniaae Picked From
'the- le:teen_Eieposlto1 9f Fifes, and
Twentl!-five Years -Ago•
From The Huron Expositor
December 3, 1915 . -
The trustees of the Barrie School,
ate Line, Morris, thave re-engaged the
senvicels of Mess Belle McNab, of
Brussels, ,for another year.
Mrs. Hugh Srhennlon, of the 13th
com'cessi'rrn of 'Hallett, has received
ward from thee younger breither,
Gelorge, alinoiweing that be has_ join-
ed the 79th Battalion at Forandion,
Manitoba. Mrs. Shaman's three bro-
thers are now doing their bit.
The vote on church union in Crone
resulted in a majority of 78
against the measure. Elders: for 2,
against 4; communicants: for 42,
against 86; adherents: for 12, against
44. '
The large Union Jack belonginig to
the school section which was taken
frim the iinterior of , Mrs. Gillestpie's
residence; Cromarty., ar•'ty, 2 months( ago dur-
ing a patriotic tea, was returned on
Tuesday night,' • The flag tad been re-
placed' by a view one some time ago.
Two hundred and fifty soldiers
from Stratford visited St. Marys oz
Saturday. Last.
A serious accident took 'place at
the Western. Foundry in Win'gham1 o .
Monday while Fred Guest,. a molder,
was pouring off iron. The joining ir-
on exploded:, striking Guest and .bad-
ly burning him in several 'places on.
the body, a portion flying into his
-The tenth annual meeting of the
Walton Beef Ring was held at the
home of John. Bennett on Tueaslday,
Nov. 12ib,; when all pres'e'nt settled
their accounts. During th'e season
14,570 pounds of choice beef were di-•
vi'ded to patrons, an average of 455
A fire ;broke but in .the 'hardware'
store of McLean & • Hawes .in Mit-.
chell early Monday morning.'. The fire
was caused ,by an explosion from 'gas
escaping from Sarna vessel in the
stbre room_ An employee entered
the store roar and lighting a match
caused the -explosion: Two men were
in the patina at the time and were
badly burned.
The dance of Bachelors and ere -
dints for ,the benefit of the Red rfoss
diets for. the benefit of the Red Crass
Society, given in the .Town Hall on
Friday evening, proved else of the
most suceesasful affairs ever held theme.
There were 230pres'en't and dancing
was kept up till 'after 3 a.m.
The sale of work held by the Kelly
Missionary C,incle Last Friday even-
ing was a decitd,51 success. The three
boethts were allprettily decprated acid
the articles for sale were .soon pick-
ed up by the eager buyers. Mrs. W.
B. McLean, 'of Seafartlh, was present
and gave three choice readings which,
were mudh appreciated by the, audi-
From The Huron Expositor
December 5, 1890
Mr's.. Geo. Yoinnggblut, of the Mai,t-`
land Block, Hallett, on Tuesday of
last week took a diose elf carbolic acid
by mistake. A doctor wras called in
and she was ..tion out tot dian'ger.
The sawmill Which, has been far a
e number of years in . Dungannon and
did so much service fon its owner,
Mr. Walter Stewart, has been remove
ed t+o Luckn'ow, where 'he intende ttl
rebuild it.
The . cheese from the Walton and
Winthrop faetb•ries was shipped from
Seaforth station on Monday last. It
was purdhased by Mr. Thos. )3allan-
Lyne„•af Stratford. There were dm all
650 boxes for which was ;paid; $4,500.
Mr. C. Clarkson, headmaster of the
Seaforth. Collegiate Institute, was in
Stretlhroy .this week where be presiid-
ed as an examiner' in connection with
the Training Ina'stitute examinations,
to which position he was •appointed
by the Minister of Education.
The -Oromarty Literary Society -
met on Tuesday evening last. The
principal event of the evening was
the debate, "Resolved• that married
life is pref'erabie to single life.” The
affirmative was upheld by John, Barr;
leader,. •assas'ted, by Mists Gillespie,
NLiss Currie and Mr. Thompson'. The
negatirve was upheld by Neil Gilles-
pie, as'sis'ted by Miss Scott. The de-
cision was made- in favor of- -thee af-
firmative. '
Mr. Thos. Fadnsetlrvioe, of }Willett,
has sold his 10 -acre famn, to Mr. Wm.
Brormiey, • of the 9th concession.
Last Friday evening as John Mc-
Vtttie, son of the late Simeon McVit-
hie, was returning foam. Clinton, two
,men emerged Prem the swamp just
south of 'time railroad trackon the
gravel road between Landesboro and
Clinton; ane caught the horses by
the bite and the other demanded the
money. Jolhn not oaring 'to give up
his money yo eeseil.Y, jumped down,
picleed up a :shine and; knocked one
'man senseless. The other fellow fir -
.ed at McV'ittie but exit before he had
received a stone which knocked him
into •the ditch.
Sleitghdn'g is- nlow the otd'er of the
day and everyone, seems to be taking
adrvan'tage of i,te the streets of Hen -
sail being Mined With sleighs, and cut-
H. Arnold, of the firm of McArthur
& Co., bankers,' iiensali, accompanied
by Mrs. Arnold, left this, week for To-
ronto, where they wibL.visit relatives
and friends.
On Tuesday evening of last week
James Ryan, of. =Vi alrtioaiy With his us-
ual geniality, gaive the y oling people
of that section ra dance. All had a
very, fine evendn sof fun.
At the regular Meeting of Britan-
mia• 'Masonic Ledge held ori MoadaY
eee•'aing the following offiters were
elected for the current year": Win.
Ballaartyne, W.1%,- George X'attereorre
B.W.; Alex Rods', J.W.; A. Strong,
tre}asinrer; Rev. Mr. I3aodgms, chap -
plain; W. G. Daft nectidtra.'ry^; Sosieph
Nealin., S,D.; Jolhn Rett+d,, J:i1'. (leo.
Whitely, 1.G: A1eat Sl'itn lnd t&, D. ,of
C. Dr, Campbell 'ands G. B. Seott,
ste rds; John W'illiam8; .rtyle'r,
Mr. Sohn Currey' t1 • solid his houaae,
ani3, three lots inn faarpurhey% to • Mr.
F ol:insted fold 4260 1i0 and hats rite
chested the property tti%: the tae ll
M tetttoab.
i Oa er of. •
Lazy:Meadows ( y Hary !owool.
The question has now been relied:
"Should small boys be given long
pants?" The problem may seem fool-
ish to some, but to any man who led
a normal boyhood' ,on. a Harm it- is of
far-re'achiang implortanoe. Think back
over those drays when the biggest
problems of your life ixncluded how to
es.oapae school and how to sneak icing'
from a •cake without being detected
by Mother.
• I can well remember my fims�t yearn
ing for long pants. Miother brae sal-
vaged a •plair of legs' them father's disc
carded blue serge..suit and Chad tailor-
ed nue into a pair of s'hhrt pants.
They looked well, in spite of the fact
that they were ` cut• square on ilbe
kneies and the 'black thread snitching
was fairly 'obvious. But I was proud
of bbem as I strolled casually down
the sid'ewalk to. see the candy dis-
play in the window at Murphy's Eine
"Hello. there, Phil," came in a tone
that could not be mdstalee'n. It was
my "dear, dear" cousin from the lith
Concession . . . a m'other's boy with
a sneer on his face for everybody he
thought didn't have as much' money
as his father. I talked tie ;him, just
as • civil as possible . . . but he was
wearing long trousers! . . . and they
were store -made ones at that!
'iMotther says I'm quite a little mail
now," hie ,said, munching on -bandy. I
didn't mind his not offering me any
candy, but those leng "pants made me
feet silly. What' had seemed perfect-
ly right before now seemed to he out
of place. I was ashamed of the shout
pants .and the space of bare leg be-
tween the top of the black ribbed
cOotton stocking$ and the Barters. that
a fellow .couldn't quite conceral. He
had long pants and I had short, ones
and he was just the same age as I
I staged a campaign for bang pants.
First of all I asked for them and was
refused. Next,, l refused to go to
church or town wearing my short
arvee: Tthei `toe of fiiithes'e NMI pia'aced
quiite carefully on the seat of my
paints and aeoompanded by a box on
the earue changed! my opinions in that
regard, however,
The campaign seemed to lack tact,
The next step wee' to carefully Ball
attention to the boys• wearing .the
long version of trousers. At the din-
ner tabJs l Would snd'dieely rememvber
a certain 'bowhio had just acquired
a suit with long pants. "Is ?,hat so?"
Mother would say, and, joist to add
insult to injury, "Hers' two years aid
three •mbntlhs oldie• than you. Gobdd-
nress, in a few more years we'll Brave
to be buying • you suits with loin'g
pants." Then, turning to father' .the
would say, . "Lt makes me feel old to
think of ho•w quickly the children
grow up." • .
Time, .somehow, eased the haunt of
wearing short pantos. I grew taller
and the space between the pants and
the stocking tops gnaw bigger. In
winter time the 'goose•pimpies. would
appear if you didn't wear underwear
and if you did the com'bleations•
would ease up with the pulling of the
stocking !garter 'and wrinkle down in-
to a puffy bulge.
Then ;came that day when, . Father
took me to town. On the. way in he
lectured me about staying on at
school . . -. and he told me about
the time when be gave up school,
and of 'hoW he nnissted the 'educatutirn.
We ' went into Tim Murphy's stare
and back in. the clothing corner.
There among the clothes racks and
the pile of overalls I was fitted with
a coat and vest. My" heart was stop-.
•pim,g and starting and tripping- . . .
and finally Tim stroked his .handle-
bars •on ilii'.' mous'tacbe and said,
"Lang or` short 'paints', son?" I didn't
dare say a word. This was my
chance and I couldn't talk . . . and
farther looked up at me and as 'soon
as • I saw - that twinkle in his eye I
knew what the was going to say.
"Long pants, Tim," he said quiet -like,
"the - boy's. growing up, you. know!"
"Riches," staid the teacher, "take
winga and. fly away, Now, what kind
of riches does, the writer Mean?
He stared -around the class, but
met no response. •
"Surely 'SoItneone can, answer the
question? You, John, what kind of
riches did the writer mean?"
John ,hesitated for a moment; then,
"Ostriches, sir," be re•plied.
A 20-yeaIb-old . Negro walked into
the Long Beach, •N. Y., post \office and
announced that he wanted to regis-
ter as an alien.
"In•what country were you born?"
asked Postmaster Faunae Schwartz.,
"Alabama;"-- said the Negro.
About, a,fa
Mahe stomige
of StatMi ca
With the 17th century, the Nether-
lands began to advance in pave �er .and
Wealth, ttei'r ships visiting all •parta
of the world. The United Proviueea
were presided over by the Princes 'of
Oram_ge till the troubles at the, end of
the 18th century' begat the long Eur-
opean war, which tine Battle of Wa-
terloo brought to a close. The Na-
tional Convention of France, having,
declared: war against Great.. Britain!
and' the Stadhol'dier o'f Holland,.
French armies over -ran Belgium and;
being welcomed by the so-called pat-
riots of the United Provinces — the
V and his family were a Wiliam
Fifth Column o•f that peirbbd
y bLigesd, td•
escape to England in a fishing junk
and the French rule began.,
The United Provinces: in that year;,
1795, became the Batavia= Republic;
paying about $42,000,000 fbr a French,
army of 25,000 men:, 'besides 'givin'g
up important parts of the country a-
long the Belgian frontier.
,After several changes, Louis Bona-
parte, in 11806 was' appointed King of
Holland; but, four years, later, was
obliged tp resign because he refused
to be amere tool •in the thands of the
• French Emperor. Holland was then
'added to the Empire.
'The fall of. Napoleon Bonaparte, and.
dismemberment of the Freritoh Empire
led to the recall of the Orange fame
ily ai'd the formation of a new Kiagi
dim formed of tee Northern -and
Southern Provine:s; which in 1830
was broken up by 'the secession of
Belgium. The nation became proisr
per•.ous• ands tlhe East India colonies;, .
which were a burden tai the eanlier-
years of the Kingdom, becemve a
source of great profit. There were'
possessions also in the West Indies-..
William III, King of England, : was
the posthumous son of William II of
Orange, and' Mary, eldest daughter or
Charles I, who was executed in 1649::-
649:T'h'e alliance of !hie family with tthe-
Stvarts exe tied ,the. jealousy of Oliver'
C'i'omwell and by his influence the'..
young Prince and his desnendantte
were declared to be excluded frons
the Stadhoidiership of the Unaged
Provinces. The restoration of the
Stuarts, ,however, improved les prtost
pests+ ando, after the murder of - De-
Witt, he was chosen, Stadholan. The
view of , the;, Netherlanda seemed' in-
evitable, but by the wisdbm and de-
termination of William, the e'onttesti •
with France was ended. WiIIfans
great fame. He m'arried, this; -
con'sin, the Princess Mary, daughter-
of James II.
Anti now Qireen,. Wiliiebarriiva of tlie'
Netherlands;- Queen sines' she: was a
little girl of 'ten in 1890, rias had to•
escape to England from• the murder•
ous Hitler. The ' their -apparent to'
the throne, Pumices.: Juliana, isr 10:
Canada witbe her two liltatle. daughters..
Her lausban'd is with the Netherlands
troops in En:glanad.
The Netherlands is. about half the
size of New Brunswick but it has a
population of over eight and e. half."
million people. The seat .of gov'ei•ne•
meat • is The Hague and the Chief' city -
is • Amsterdam, ..with a . popullatior
Somewhat greater than that of To-
ronto. The ' relaitionship bettvaea•
Caradi and the Neaherlan ie has al-
w•ayis' been very .oandial. '
A traveller was walking along .a
country road when, he came across an
old man. Addressing .him, he .asked
how long it would take him to get to
the n8'.itt village. But the man went
on with hie. work, neither speaking
nor • lctokiag up. The traveller went
,n his Way. .
He had not gone far When he heard
a call: "Hey, roster! Come back!"
' The traveller returned, when the
old urian said: "It'll take you twen-
ty minutes."
."Why did you not tell me that
when I asked you?" said the travel-
"How did I know how fast you was
going to walk?" ,retorted' the old man.
::ng1ish Flyers • in .Huron
Areveterans of Air War
(From The Toronto 'Daily Star)
Ten Canadians, one from Toronto, ' specialists' comae for men - showing
r .back •Canada today -- part of unique; adaptability for ,navigation.
Th•e 1 3settin inr'the
,the Empire air training scheme aft, •e s cies getting swing
ae •2
serving with; the R.A.F. in. England.;
They are attached' to the navigation
snood established a few weeks ago
at Port Albert as another addition to
the ever:expanding air -training plan.
`he Toronto man is; Flying Officer
J. C. R. Brown. He worked his way
to England 'three years ago by peeling
potatoes an a cattle boast.
--Some-were attached to -Mght beinb-
•iog isquadrbns and' raided 'Germany 34
times. Othelns were with the coastal
command, 'searching :for submarines
lurking in the North Sea. The ret
manned Hurricanes and „Spitfires' to
fight off German bombers trying to
attack their air. base.
The most pampered, ridleldz'ed "ace"
of the ,siehaol 1s "Mickey,". a, Scotch
terrier, the mascot, owned by Plight
Lieut. Roderick Bell Irving, of Van-
couver. Start talking to the men
about their exploits. In the air end
they reply by 'tell'in'g you about bow
they tried. to smuggle Mickey to Can-
ada in a euitoase;
Even the cora af,ding officer,
Group Captain P. D. Robertson, a 30 -
year veteran with the R.A.F., was in
on the conspiracy, .and he doeeen°t
mind admitting it. The ruse" failed,
however, when they. had to .release
Mickey on the dock.
Fare Cost Them' $40
' The officer tried to hide him by
forming a ring around him, but a
"nosey" 'custom's mean spotted the
dog and .he had to lie left behind. Ile
was . sthi.pped' .ou't on the next boat as
a regular passenger, his fare costing
The other Canadians are: Flt, -Lt.
Jack Sproule, Brandon, Sask.;
D, McPherson, Slaskaabobn; Flt: Lt.
Alex' McDowell, Biairmb +e, Alta.; nit: -
Lt. 0. R. Donaldson, Revelstoke, B.
C,; Flying
Officers P. 0., "Cam" Wil“
134, Saskatoon; P iam& Hatted, Lon-
sioi a; Ont.; W. G. Thompson, Liircky,
Lake, Sask., and k'an Iloeinhntekec
Stratford. .
the seehbol is diivideed into three
eSe¢tiOnis-scan elennfei fary courbe y'er
air obsee'i'vesb, a rrausse .in aat11Di'Il'D•nnlie
eat namigattlteu fot' pifoIa d i anti a
of things on what was rich Criteria
farm land -two months ago.
' In the bunkhouses of the -ground
crew you will hear a dozen different
Englisch ,dial'ectst. A Welobanan will
be trying to catch what a Yorkshire-
man is saying. In weather Corner a
youth from the Cotswold farmland's
will be asking a Cockney to repeat
ear aething slowly so he cal miler -
Sent Wife Hear Earlier
In the officers' mess there is. more
uniformity in speedh, but everywhere
it is youth. The chief Instructor,
described 'by one `officer as 'having
"more brains than a.11 the rest of us
put together," • is That more than 30.
His •comti'ng here was a happy ooinaoi-
denoe, although be would prefer to
be under fire an 'England. •
He scent his wife, and diaug'hter to
Canada a few Mon'th's ago, never
thinking he ,would. be fol'ltowdmig. He
knew only one person in. Canada, he
said, an officer at Trenton', who of-
fered to look after his family. Now
they are living in Goderich
In the °last two weeks the empire
air training scheme Ilse been enrich-
ed by the transfer from England of
five holders of the Distinguished Fly-
ing Grose and two "with the Distin-
guis'hed Flying Medal, all won since
this War began. They are ,part of the
personnel of the new navigation
school getting into its, stride north oR
One is'Flt: Lt O. R. Donaldson, of
Reve%atoke, B.C. •.He. !helped- flatten
Hamburg, bane up air ambiunitio'tu
dump in the ince • `of heavy arida ai'r
craft fire in tahe.,34 night raids. lie hoe
made do Gernr'raany and Gebanlaneheld
He admitted none of these exploits,
hfernt'ng to the blowing up of the
ammoundtion dunvp for *thick 110 me-
cei.ved the D.F.C. aa "setting 'off a
1iig blrast." O'ffi'cial-rerordel a ^e'v`eail.ilre;
Sieve ,over the thin* live 'tlrheee, Set.
Wig a . fenlest bait $re ' aster d1 ttrr3y+ltplg'<
a road befdre hitting the ealllosi+ve%.
lie 's+la4J''.lteKi "galiYtdtfnttry cittotpiay=
(Continued On Page 6)
Seen in the
County Papers
,, 97th• Birthday ,
Thursday ' Exeter's• grand old man
'and Canada's oldest practising' physi-
cian, Dr. J. W. Brownung, \cel'ebrated:.
his 97th birthday. As every other
week day hie was found in his once.
but there were • more callers because
many dropped in. to extend their can-
gratullations. With a twinkle in hiee
eye and a keen sense, of thumo'r be•
greets his many old friends and re-
miniscence 'of days' that are ,past. HIS
hearing is not what it casted to be, but
his: health is wonderful and during'
the past year, winter and summer, he
has been found in his office sorbing
every day. We, join with the many
in' extending congra'twlatiions 2,-Exeiaer
Times' -Advocate..
Scalds Hand
Principal J. A. Grey Is nursing a'
sore tumid this week. While securing.
a paid of bodidng water from the b�oil>er
in the basemaewt of the echiool on Mon-
dray afterauoom, Ise had .title misfortune
to slip, amid in falling, the bailing'
-water came int conitaact slily his hand;
resulting ins a n,aasty. burn` The sdlsolol
ohlkirear were dlisnndsa'ed a little 'ear-
ly 'as a result, bit wo dare 'slay that
woutdkt't hurt their feedings'.---BLytth
y -
Bride and. GrooM Honored
A large circle of friends gathered'
at the M'emxorial Rally Blyth, last Fri- '
day night to honor Mar.. and Mrs.
Borden Cidak, 'popnn,Lar young Myth
couple Who Were recently • married.
Inking the fretting draancing Was en-
joyed with music furnished by -
Me'sars, Leo 'and, William' Kelly and:
(0,641tlmled• ei Page .3•)