The Huron Expositor, 1940-08-09, Page 4ii
Ads will be inserted low cash rates
111C!Wted. Lost and Found, Coming Events, Eta—Per word:
lst week 1 Cent
2nd week ' % Cent
3rd week 3e Cent
Minimum charge, first insertion .. , 26 Centre
Each figure, i i1t s8 and abbreviation counts as one word.
Ge?d,-ot.Thanks, In Memoriam Notices -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week.
Audr1ee may be directed to e. Box .-Number, care of The Huron Expositor, for 10 cent
, suer-
rl'el);• senna adeiitimial per week will be charged if ads in above class are net
BretirmilnY night in the week in which the ad was rum.
Bii1i, Marriages' and Deaths inserted free of charge.
Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application.
Lost and Found
ward: Phone 338 r 6, Seaforth.
For Sale
hang, 61 61' Si 9', with 3 -foot extended
roof;, suitable far booth or henhouse. Is in
exccdllet>Id candcondition, ed, wired for lights,
well painted, good roof. Built on skids.
Oheapfor cash. Amity H. WESTON, Shell ,
paid by the
KEEP WORKING! Put the interval to PRO-
FITABLE USE! We have seileral good op-
enings waiting for amrbdtluus men. GET
STARTED TODAY in a business of your
our money -back guarantee, you lose nothing,
even if you have to give up do a few days!
Build up a steady - chain of -customers AND
Clement,Montreal, 3791-1
Service Station, Groderj h • Street West, Sea -
forth. 3791-2
bolding or insulating purposes: Will sell
by bag or truck load. Apply JOHN
BOSHART & SONS, Seaforth, 37902
in ail sized containers; also comb. honey,
Sri small, medium and barge sections. WAL-
LACE ROSS. 1<Ponth Main Street, Seaforth.
Phone 135-J. 3899-2
' .•`;' 1tarvs Street, Seaforth. Reasonable
Prices. • - •-' 3791x8
' rary will closed from August 12thto
August 26th. GRETA THOMPSON,Lib-
rarian. •3791-2
`^ Tbompsnm, Hensall. For.. latest quota-
tions and, information phone 655 r 2. We
"carry a sleek of bags and wilt also do your
trucking. W.'M. SPROAT, Tile Yard.-
'Tenders Wanted
' Births
McCARTNEY—In Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, on August 5th, to Mr. and Mrs.
"'i_oai McCartney, Tuckersmit)r, a daugh-
Miss' Et1 e1 Dexter, of Kitchener,
spent the holiday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter.
Mr. and Mrs, William McMillan and
daughter, Marion, Mrs. Jean Webster
and Miss . Doris Lawson, 'of London.
visited at the 'borne of Mrs. Earl.
a on Sunday.
Mrs. William Britton visited rela-
r lve s - at Warwick and attended the
fur-;ral of her niece. Mrs, Clarence
Wilkinson on Wednesday.
Mrs: I. D.ts Hinchley. of Seaforth,
•spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs..
Rin: Britton.
Miss Donelda Adams, who has been
'TENDERS WANTED spending the past Week in London,
• returned home on Saturday.
Township of . Tuckersmith
Jackson Thain from the outlet of the
(bile 'portion for 'approximately 100 rods.
Tenders to be by—
lst -A dump sum. -
Snd—By the rod.
3rd—By the day.
Work to be done to -the satisfaction and
arm:neva:] of. the Oounofl, and to be com-
menced and completed as 'soon as possible.
further information required may be
secured from•
Clerk. ,Pro Terri.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Dexter -and Mr. and
tlirs. William .Jewitt and family spent
Sunday in Ilderton with, Margaret
Hughes and family.
The W.M.S. held •their re meet-
tag in the church recently with Mrs.
Peter Lindsay presiding. Mrs: R:
Rogerson and Mrs. J. Hugill led' in
prayer. The call to prayer was giv-
en by Mrs. Peter Lindsay. Mo. R.
Grimoldby sang a solo and an inter-
-Testing talc TWatt given by Miss Helve
Britton an Christian Missions, Mrs.
P, Lindsay closed the meeting.
Auction Sales BRUCEFIELD
"--'" Effect; in Dublin, on the premises Pte. Abe Zapfe, • of London,' spent
ofon Wednesday, August .
la the undersigned, the week -end at 'bis ho'me"-here,
14thr, at' P•m- 'JOE McGRATH, Proprietor. .
6791x1 . Sapper Ross Grainger of Petawawa
spent the week -end at his home here,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Halstead and sou,
MORTGAGE SALE' I of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
' 1. Lewis and Lola, of Holmesville,. visit-
o]j REAL ESTATE 1 sd Mr. and . Mrs. T. H. Wheeler on
. Vv ens of Sale• contained in a certain mort-
gage which will be produced at the time':•g2
sale, there wit' be Offered Ayr sale by public
auction, on the premises . '
MONDAY, AUGUST 12th, 1940 r'
at 2.30 o'cI k shamp, -the following. lands:
Lots 13 and 20 in the Village of. Staffs,
containing two-t41t'hs of an ars*, being part
of Lot N•urriber 16 en the 9th Oonceseaon of
tire Township of. Hibbert,- in the County of
Perth, Aytevworth's •Survey.
On the •prhperty is said to be situate a
two-storey • frame house, with hard and soft
water, furnace, nearly new ; kitchen, . summer
kitchen; a framre stable about 20 x• 30. feet,
i seluding driveebed. -
" TERMS OP- SALE—The property w51 bo
put up 'subject to a rekerved bid. ' Tem per
cent • of the purchase money shaill 'be. paid -
on the day ..of sale and the balance thirty
, days thereafter.
For • further particulars apply to
. Solicitor fort Mortgagee • -
Exeter,. Ontario.
Mak Taylrir, Auctioneer, Exeter,
Popular Stallions
The Clydesdale Stailion
• Mr, K. McCartney, 'R.C.A., of Tux-
, ford, Sask., spent the week -end with
Mrs. A. T. Scott.
Mrs. H. F. Berry entertained at a
trousseau tea. on Thursday, August
;1st for her niece. Miss Elsie Smith,
,whose marriage to Mr. Gordon Elliott
took place on Saturday.
Mr, L. S-milli•e, of Erin, spent - the
holiday with. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Ber-
' Mr. and Mrs. - H. Zapf' and Mr. and
firs.„. 13. Fairer,• o'f 'Detroit, and Mr.
and Mrs. J. Kaiser, of Hensall, spent
a couple of days at Niagara. Falls,
Mrs. H. Collins and 'family '. and
Mrs.. Mary McKenzie spent 'Saturday
at Niagara Falls.
lair. Lee ' Kipfer, of St.. Tahama'i,
spent the week -end at his home here.
• Misses Ina and ' Ellen Scott, Lon-
don, spent the • weekend, --at their
home 'here. -
ti i
a' Mr. and Metz....J. Moo.die attended
the -Chandler - Alexander wedding ,
Kippetb on -Saturday:
Misses Anna C,o']nish and Grace
Dalrymple spent Sunday at their
homes here.
Mr. L. Palmer and friend called on
First Van Egmond Was
Builder of Famous
Huron Road.
In Egg:mand ille, south and adjoin-
ing the larger town of Seaforth, is
situated' a lovely house among the
trees, over 90 years old, says Nerissa
Archer. McInnes, in the Free Presse
recently. In this house lives • Earl
Van Egmond and his mother. Though
andicapped by a lameness through
injury, Mr. Van Egmond engages in
the art of remodelling and refinishing
antique furniture, x
Mr. Van Egmond is' the fourth gen-
eration descended froom the famous
Col. Anthony Van Egmond, builder of
the Huron Road and the first settler
intheHuron on T ra
Ool. Anthony Van Egmond was line -
:ally descended from the Count Eg-
mond, who figui+ed do•1-spicuously in
the "History of the Fall of the Dutch
Republic." Van Egm'oncl was born in
Holland at the close of the 1Sth cen-
At the battle of Waterloo Van Eg-
mond was severely wounded and af-
ter his recovery he migrated- to Am-
erica and resided in Pennsylvania fol• •
eight years. He then came to Can-
ada and found his way to the Huron
Tract where he engaged in bulding
th-e famlous Huron Road.
At first the, road was a mere sleigh
track, twelve feet wide, through solid
bush and the work was done by mule
teams and a gang of men who mov-
ed their camps• along as the road pro-
gressed. At the same time the road
was "being built three inns were er-
ected and Dutch i mi
m grants, H'elmar,-
Fryfogle and Seebach, were made
hosts and the Canada Company gave
them a bonus .of 40. 50 and g0. pounds,
respectively; •to keep these inns open
for travellers. '
Cal. Van Eg n•on'd made his own
-home farther west on the Huron Road
near wihat is new Alma Corners, half
way between Seaforth and Clinton,
This home was always. open .to trate
.' llers. Van Egmond' was -•a friend of
the settler. .
After -the Toad was built Van Eg-
mond operated a horse drawn trans-
port • system between . Toronto and
.Goder'ich. So thrifty wa.$ he that
foreseeing :a rush of immigrants he
laid in a stock of 500 'barrels of flour.
Van Egmond - was a tall, soldierly
loiokin.g man. He always wore a
close fitting cap and the°, legend is
that his ears were cut off.
At the same lime- that Col. Van
Egmond built' the inn on the Huron
Road he also built a few, miles south
and east where the Van Egmond
home is today, in order to get the
;•ower from the Bayfield river to
drive his mills.. His first frame house
stood + 'in fron of
t wh 'where e the present
brick home -stands. -
• Col. Van Egmond joined with Mac-
kenzie and latter was taken prisoner,
While ,awaiting trial ,he died, He was
buried across the,, road from the
farm now occupied by Herbert Fowler.
on the "Huron Road, hall -way between
Clinton and Seaforth, but his body
was' afterwards removed to the Eg-
mondville cemetery, Madame Van
Emend lived long enough to* -occupy
:t'be present 90-yeartold house. •
Col. Van Egmuond had five &ons and
three daughters. ' The sons were
Constant. Edward, Leopold, August
and William; the daughters, Mrs.
Helmer, in Waterloo county; Mrs.
Thwaites. of, Clinton, and Mrs. Thos.
Goeenlock, of McKillop, Their fam-
ilies have • nearly all passed on. so•
• that ft is none the fourth .generation
that .is living: Thsnly surviving
ones of the third,generation are Miss
Susie-. Govenlock, 'of Seaforth, and'
GeorgVan Egmond," of Cleveland,
Ohio. ,
-' 24337 friends in the village on Sund
Enrolment' No. 1961
Will stand at his mon stable at Brucefield' Miss D. Swan spent a fe days 1n
for the season. Fifteen dollars to .insure, Chatham.
payable February 1. •1941. Mr. and Mrs. George G-odbolt, of
ROBERT D. MURDOCH, Proprietor.
importe'l Clydesdale Stallion
imp. (281731 (23029)
Enrolment No. 3744 Form 1
Will stand for the imprlovemerrt of stock
this season, as follows:
Monday Morning—win 'leave haw own stable
at Brumfield and go to the /2nd Concession.
then south and east to Aleal. Sinclair's, for
noon; then net. to the Town Line and north
to the 9th Cornelis -ion to Wm Patrick's. for
napht, Tuesday—East 11/2 miles and north to
the 7bh Concession to Odyrne Bros., for wan:
then to Hobert Dale's, 7th Concession, for
night. Wednesday—To Gemmell'a Corner and
north to A. & J. Broadffoot s, for noon; then
to his oven stable. Thursday—At his own
stable. Friday — Wast to the second
Concession of Stanley and north to John H.
MicEwaln's, for noon; then to his own stable
fort night. Saturday—at his own stable.
Terms—to insure a foal, $15.00, payable
Februariy 1, 1941.
Proprietor and Manager.
3 :04f
The Pure. Bred imported Clydesdale Sta on
Trap. (268821 (2'2271)
Enrolment No. 3019 ., First Class, Form 1
Geode A. Premium No. 27
.Monday. ---W1110 leave his own stable: Lott 4,
Coneennion ' 3, Hfhbert, said emceed to. M.
Neaten, aim noon; then to D. J. O'Reilly's,
lieeshwdod. far' might. Tnand y—To S. Me-
Combby's. Lot sa', Com -moron 2D Lagan, for
noon: thence ala hir” own suable far night.
Wednoentse 7.06 Coen !R',li 'e, Lot 10, Can -
•cession $; unpint far enter: thence'by way
of Genii's 'Sateen Rouge to his own . salable
far nighti,. , ThnrtederseeTo..Dunc, Colquhbun's,
Lot S, • Cicession $yy Italbett, 'for noon ;then*
bt eoi'yt>i3'•'a7`m41 ers, Let T7, Meet saten` 11,
Crontartir, where he•wild remain from d to
`;;pert ?' :0,
H3bbetlrt, * Jaen tett FriLot o:
91&olrrle, fat 26, •Ce neesston 6. Rib-
a i0011 'I e0 , to. hie stable;
[alf ..T1-tlrr l oath t' n
"l teal' sit.00, a bo gsld
itlob t LS; 1G shlIrr
I ;E OSI:J °
necktie. race, Harold Ooleln'aa
Mrs. R. Wortde'n; lucky spot, Mrs. R.
Warden; patching., Doris -Swale, Ross
Smale; b1Fndtolid, Grace McLaughlln,
Reggie. Stagg; - relay race, Arthur
Swale; oldest pes'snn, J. M. Warden.;.
youngest, Shirley Wallace.
Norval Norrie, of Montreal,' , and
Clarence Norris, off, Toronto, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Norris,
Alexander - Chandler
St. Andrew's; Church was beautifully
decorated on 'Saturday,afternoon,
August 3rd, with ferns, ydrangeas,
phlox and other flowers. The congre-
gation filled .the ehuroh. The •occa-
sion was the marriage "• of Helen
Mabel. eldest' daughter of Rev. and
Mrs. E. F. Chandler, to Robert Nor-
man Alexander, elder son of Mr. and
Mrs. William F. Alexander, of Hen-
sel). This was also the thirtieth wed-
ding anniversary of the bride's par-
ents. • The bride entered the church
accompanied by Mr. John H. Coch-
1'ane, a member of the session, to the
strains of Lohengrin's wedding march
played by Miss Jean Ivison. The bride
wore a floor -length gown of minuet
sheer with headband of the same ma-
terial with white'accessories, and car-
ried a bouquet of Rapture roses, The
marriage ceremony was performed
by the bEide s fa
he. Tha couple
were unattended. During the signing
rf the register the organist played
quietly. The ushers were John Alex:
ander, of Georgetown, and John Alex-
ander, of Hensel. cousin and'brother'
of the groom. Following the cere-
mony a reception was held at the
Manse, the bride's mother reeei.•ving
in flowered green crepe and the
grcom°s mother in navy sheer. A
buffet luneboon was served to about
fifty guests from the table centred
with the bride's cake'. Mrs. Robert
Nay, -of Fordwich, an:d• Mrs. N. E.
Cook, of Hensall, poured coffee ;
Misses Norma.. Cook, Doris Alexan-
der. Isabelle Alexander of George-
town, Marian Nay of Fordwich, - Bea-
trice Cooper and Mrs. E.- McBride
served. The 'toast to the bride was
proposed by 'rincipal John Gilchrist,
of Blenheim High School, where the
bride taught for the past seven years.
The groom replied briefly to the toast,
Guests- were present from Blenheim,
Biuce•flelci, Charing Cross; Chatham,
Fordwich, Georgetown, Hensall, Kip -
pen Listowel, Seaforth, •and Walton.
The bride and groom left on a motor
trip to Manitoulin Island and' North-
ern Ontario the bride travelling -in
blue crepe dress and hat to match
1; itlr beige coat and white aeces yr-
irs. On their return they will live In
Hoy Township near Hensall. •
Mies' Vera Ropp visited on Sunday
with frien'd's near New Ham -burg.
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
rind Mrs-. W. Hprney were Mr. and
Mr's. A. Collingw ood an -d ' family, of
Hamilton; Mr. John-Gackst.ette'r, Mr.
Elmore Gackstetter and Miss Esther
Price, of Dashwood, and Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Fe•rgusen, of Ohiselhurst.
Rev. and 'Mrs. Connor and Elaine,
of. Embro, called „an friends .in • the
vicinity on Mdnday.
Mr. and Mrst. W. Horny and Mr.
and M:s. 'Jelin Cochrane attended the
Homey reunion ' at Grand Bend on
The many friends of Mr. Arnold
Gack=.tetter will be pleased to learn
that he returned home from St- Jos-
eph's- Hospital in London on' W.ednes-
d'ay last.
Address and Presentation
On Monday evening.. the ratepayers
of S. S. No. ' 10,, Tuckersmith, met at
the home• of Pte. Melvin Taylor to
honor him on the eve- -of his' depar-
ture for overseas. Dr. A. R. Camp-
bell, president of the War Auxiliary
in Hensall, • spoke congratulating' the
Taylor family ' on the - se"rvices they
havel'offered to their King and Coun-
try and the pride that the eommlun-
.ity felt on having citizens of this
kind, • An address, prepared by. Mrs.
R. Simpson, was read by .Mrs. Hatry
Caldwell, his ex -teacher, and a pres-
entation of a pen' and pencil set was
made by ' Wilbert Tremeer and a
hend s'onre signet ring by Wilbert Par-
ker. A gift of sox from • the Kippen
East. Women's 1•nstitute was present-
William Doig.Melvin
made •a ,frtting reply, and a lunch' of
cake and .ice cream, was served. -
Constant Van Egmond was the
founder of Egmlondville and also the
first magistrate, Tile 'jail was' in the.
of the present nt h011Be
P the
bars still remaining. Ac -
_cording to records there was only one
prisoner ever put in the jail.
Leopold Van Egmond operated a
sewmi•ll and Constant a gristmill-an'1
distillery along the Bayfield river.
They built' the dam and the race
Which supplies: power for ,the
stant Van Egmond had, four daugh-
ters before he had any 'sous and when
his first son was born he (Constant)
relied a barrel of r'ei'slky onto the
rtreet for the public to drink. tie
also buried one and rercated the -ac-
tion for the second soe. These have
rever been located but the present
owner is still hopseful of finding the
two barrels which by now will be
82 and 86 years in oak. -
In I payment for bui't,ding the Huron
Road. Col. Van Egmond accented 800
acres of land on which Stratford now
stands and 1.500 acres nn which 'the
town of Mitchell is loceted. In addi-
tion to this he purchased numerou,
.rues in the Seaforth hi':'•tract amount
rig in all to apnrietirestely 13,000 ac-
res. After the Rebt'l'ien all his lard
was confiscated 'and never restored to
his descendants.
Van Egppond came to Canada with
wealth and. used his )wn money to
pay the men building the Huron Road -
and took the land from the Can-
ada Company as: his own 'Pay, He
paid $1.50 an acre for the land arc'
could have sold IL 'had , it, not
been confiscated, at $9.00 an tore.•
Centralia, visited Mr. and' Mrs.
-T, H,
Wheeler on Sunday.
Me Wesley Ham is -spending his
holiday-•u-ith his. uncle at Bala Park.
Miss M: E. Swan spent Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott' Weston, of.
,I ted at the, 'awe
visited h
of Mr. James Swan.
aliss Elizabeth Scott spent a few
datte in London.
The W.M.S. of the United 'Church,
l3ruc•efi•eld, entertained • the Baby
Band, mothers• and grandmothers on
Wednesday afternoon. After the op-
ening hymn was sung the Lord's
Prayer was repeated in unison.
Blanche Zapfe gave words of wel-
come: Ten little girls sang the hymn,
".Tesus Loves Me." •,with' 'Mrs, Ross'
Scott as pianist. ' Blanche Zapfe read
the S,pri'pture lesson. and after singe
Leg Hymn 605 Miss. Madeline Wilson
gave a reading; duet by Verna and
Nora Eyre; recitation by Marion Hill,
"If I Were You." The offeringwas
then taken and Miss Margaret Mc-
Queen favored•• with a piano solo.
Singing the Books of the •Bible from
Genesi's to Revelations wasp sung '.oy
five -girls, which was taught them by
,their teacher, Miss MacMaster, in S.
S. -No. 3, namely Ruth Scott, Marion
Hd1l, Madeline Wilson, Ntarion Wilson
axld Margaret Wright Mrs, It. Allan
led in prayer, after which the guest -
'speaker for the afternoon, Mrs. Mc-
Kinley, of Clinton, gave a splendid
talk on the life 'of Jesus, w'h'ich was
very interesting to all. Mrs. T. B.
Baird moved a vote of thanks to Mrs.
Mc'It:in'1ey and to all the children 'who
took part in the Meeting. Lunch wait
served and a social hour was anent.
Betty and Bobby AiIan were Ibol3.-
daying 'last week with their cousins
at the Pinery:.
The Woman's Institute picnic was -
beta at Grand l3en•d. Results of the
races were: Girls, 6 years, ,Shirley
Wallace; girls 8, Donna Kemp; bays
12. Bob. Laing; girls 12, Jeanette Mr': -
Kellar; boys 16, Blob Sadler; girls 16.
Hazel Laing; young mien, Clarence
Norris; young ladies, Margaret Scott;
married men.' John Wallace, Harold
Coleman; married ladies, Mrs, Marion
Wallace, Mrs. Marion Allen; Wheel-
barrow race, ' Grace McLaughlin and
Dolimle Stott; needle end thread lace,
Mrit R. Warden and Clarence Nor-
ris; kicking' giipper, Margaret Seett;
t rx• Y ,s ....;g
Game for a mental,
Miss .Emma Johnston has returned
from spending a delightful' vacation
at Port Ryerson. .
The Misses Jean Foster and Mar-
garet Tudor a114Mes&ra4 —orris
Tudor and Max Hudieola have Mtn -ril-
ed from a deligbtftrl utotor trip to
1liontreai and North -Bay.
Miss Margaret Habkirk; who has
been a very efficient bookkeeper and
stenographer for Gook Bros„ has re-
signed her position here, Which pos'i..
tion -has been filled by Miss M. Stint
son, of London.
, The Red Cross work rooms will be
closed during August. Yarn for knit-
ting may be eecureli at the Hensall
Public Library on open days.
Rev. John Richardson and- Mrs.
Richardson 'left this. week f o r
Thamesville, where Mr. Richardson
has recently' been appointee minister
or the United Church there. During
their sojourn here Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
ardson have made many friends •and
lave been active workers iny all
churoh work, and will be much miss-
ed from the village.
Rev. William Weir, minister of
Cannel Presbyterian Church is spend-
ing• part of his vacation at the boys'
camp at Kin ail. Mrs.'Weir with
her parents, Mr. and ;Vire., D. Bailey,
of Huntsville. -
Claudette Blowes, little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes, of this
village, who is camping ,with •her par-
ents at Grand Bend, recently fell
from the pier into the water aald was
quickly rescued by some bathers who
were on the pier at the time.
• The W. -M. S. of Henson: United
Church met on Thursday afternoon,
Aug. lst, for their August, meeting.
A splendid attendance was noted.
Presiding for the 'meeting was Mrs.
John Elder, while Mrs. Oharles Me-
Donell acted as secretary in the, ab-
sence of Mrs. N: E. Cook. "O God
Our -Help in Ages Past" was the op-
ening hymn. Scripture..reading was
given by iVlrs. V. Fee, followed with
prayer by Mrs. Agnes Lam'mie M'rs.
George Hess presented a splendid
topic, "Facing- the Future Task- of
Life in India." The, closing hymn,
"The Morning Light is Breaking" and
benediction closed the meeting. Mrs',
T. J. Sherritt presided' at the piano
for the byname.
Anyone having left legal . papers in
the care of the late G. J. Sutherland,
may have same by getting in touch
personally with Miss H. Sutherland at
Hensall,, or by calling Phone No: 5.
Mr. and Mrs: Cecil Hudson and
Kenneth, of Chicago, and Casey Hud-
son. of Listowel, are spending their
holidays with Mr, and Mrs. George
Pte. Melvin Taylor, R.C.O.C., Camp
Borden, spent the week -end with his
parents,ir. and Mrs. Richard Tay-
lor, Sr,
Miss Joyce Scruton, of Toronto,
spent the. holiday with her mother,
Mrs. A. Scruton,
Mr. and Mrs. Jan's• A. Paterson
are Allis week enjoying a Motor trip
to Southampton, points north and to
Mr. Sydney Geiger, Inspector • of
High Schools at Gore Bay; Mr. Ed-
mund Geiger, of London; Mr. Eric
Kennedy, of Toronto, and Dr. William
Geiger and son, Of Waterloo, were
week -end guests at the Geiger resi-
dncer - -
Mr. and Mrs., Phillips, son Warren,
and little daughter, Carolyn Ann, of
Toronto, are spending two weeks' va-
cationing in Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ,Coopeand fam-
ily, of Lucan, anent the week -end
with Mrs. Eva Stapleton .and Mr. W.
C. Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. George Laughton, of
Toronto, visited at the 'home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles McDonell ?on Satur-
Mrs. Jack Taylor and young sons,
Freddie and Donald, were w'e'ek -end
guests with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Green
in Egniondville,
Mr. and Mao; M. 6. Drysdai'e,• Kay
and Jack, and I"cls MacLaren t;pent
the week -end at Port Elgin.
Ptes. Russel Heiden, Harvey Hutt-
udson, Carl Pridmore; EdWaril Little
and Alton Fairbairn left oil'•-..Fhdday
morning for Thames Valley Camp,
'London, where' they will remain, in
Hensall Wartime Citizens' Commit-
tee intend packing parcels for the
men from this, district wiho are now
serving overseas. They are asking
thepublic contribute rtiol for
to a es
these parcels, donations to be in by
-Saturday, Aug, .10th, to be left at
Kyle's store, Kippen; Goodwin's, Hen-
sall, and Oesch's, Zurich. The list of
articles -required appeared in last
week's edition of The Huron Exposi-
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Riohard
Taylor, Sr„ Was the scene of a de-
lightful gathering Monday evening of
this week when some 80 neighbors
and ,friends met to honor -their son,
Pte. Melvin Taylor, R.C.R., Camp
t Borden, who expects shortly to leave
for overseas. • Melvin was presented
With a lovely signet ring, :fountain
pen and pehcil, Dr. A. R. -Campbell,
of Hensall, president of the Wartime
Citizens' Comfmitt'ee, doing the hon -
.s also $iving a speech.aech, Refresh-
of ' cake and ice cream were
se rved.
The deepest -sympathy• of this com-
munity and surrounding district is
ee tended to Mr: and Mrs. Bert
O'Brien, of Hay Toevnship, in the loss
of their only son. Charles, •who died
in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on
Monday from i•ockjaw. Charles while
working around the farm, scratched
his foot. Following local aid the in-
jury seemed to +heal satisfactorily
and showed no serious symrptoms un-
til Saturday when lie took very ;11
and on Sunday was removed. to St.
Joseph's Hospital. The funeral was
held frb'in his late home on Wednes-
day at 2 p,ni,; with burial in Exeter
cemetery. Besides' his parents ,he. is
survived b t one ' sister, Gladys., at
,home. .
Mr. Charle-s Jinh•'s, mail courier on
R.R. 1, Hensall, 'while driving on bis
mail route on 'Monday, was taken
seriously i11 with a hemorrhage of
the stomach. Although. his condition
was very grave, at date 'of Writing he
is showing improvement -and bus host
of friends will be pleased when he -is
able to be up and around again, as
;cod men are scarce in this age.
Mrs. Robert Bonthron, who, has-
been confined to her 'room for the
past .week or so with illness,. is show-
ing signs of improvement which her
many friends will be pleased to learn.
Murray Family Holds Reunion
• A faani•ly reunion of the descend-
ants of the late James Murray, form-
erly of. Rogervillekon the outskirts of
Hensall, was held at the home of. Mr.
Hugh M. ;Murray, •of Murray Dene
Farm, Brampton, on Monday, August
5th. The party gathered upon the
spaci•ou•S lawn where old acquaint-
ances were renewed and new ones
formed. Tables,, beautifully decorat-
ed, were set and refreshments were
served. • Mr. Hugh' Murray presided
and gave the address of welcome to
which Miss Jean Murray of Hensall
replied. After supper ,the guests ad-
journed to the living' room of the
hq•me where Mr. A. G. Smillie, of To-
ronto, Was appoin'tedd chairman. A
committee-, consisting of Mr. - Hugh
Murray, Mr, Murray Smillie and Mr.
W. J. Murray, Toronto, was formed
to plan for the 1941 reunion, Mrs.
James Murray, of Pittsburgh, Pa., was
thee: escorted, to the piano. Solos
were sung by Dr, I, G. Smilli-e, of
Hensall; duets by Mr. and M•ra. Jas.
Murray, of Pittsburg; quartette, Mr,
and Mrs. James Murray, 'Mrs. Jack K.
Murray and Dr. 1? G. -,-Smillie, and
choruses were Sung by the whole
company'. Members of the family at-
tending included Miss Jean Murray,
Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mur -
day, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. aniline, Mr.
and Mrs. ,Murray Smillie and family,
of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Stuart
Smillie and family, St. Catharines ;
Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr Murray and
daughter, Chicago, Ill..; Mr. and Mrs.
James 'Murray and family, of Pitts-
burg; Miss Murray and Dr. I. Cl:
Smillie, of Hensall.
• Mrs. Jangles McC1in'tshey and son,
Beverley, are spending" a week vielt-
Ing with relatives and friends at
Bayfield and the Goshen..
The annual Sunday school picnic of
St. Paul's Anglican Church will be
held at •Turnbull's Greve --ala W'edaaes-
dray, afternoon, August 14th:
Mr. and Mlle. Wililafia I•leddeal, Bet-
13•acl[l,ekg4.04ne tM1Rr
using 10.1144440.4P6—
they give quick and
Yiiim awe tenet.
"THEIR It -WAY ,apilpP tcame nnsw-Tar
McK'INDSEY'S Seaforth
MIDDLETON'S m ` Hensall
ty and Marie, and Mr. Lee Hedden,
all of Hautilton, were week -end visi-
tors In Hensall.
Mr's. S. M. Barbour, of St. Hya-
cinthe, Quebec, is visiting her' par-
ents, ants and Mrs, Janne Hoggarth.
Mr. 'and d Mrs. Eldon Kading and
little daughter, of London, 'were week
end •visitors with Mr. and Mrs, C. S.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A, Demorest, of
Calgary, Alberta; Dr. and Gor-
don Guest and son, Murray, of Mon-
treal, Who have been guests with Mr,
William .Reynolds, and sisters, Miss
Amey Reynolds', and Mrs. F. Robinson
at their 'h
qma here, returned' to theirr
homes on Friday following a very de-
lightful visit. Mrs. Demorest is the
former Miss Florence Reynolds, and
has' been visiting here for the past
few weeks and was later joined by
her h,usbanKl.
Mrs. Ray Foster•apd•'little daugh-
ter, of Winder, have returned home
following a' pleasant visit with the
former's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
William Consitt. °
Mr- and Mrs. J. G. Scott and daugh-
ter, of Rnss'eld'ale, and Mr. and. Mrs.
John Coltm'aw,_gf London, were guests
with Mr. - end Mrs. E. McQueen on
Sunday last.
Mrs. Esther Simpson, of Wingham,
and son Tom, were - in •Hen'sall over
th•e week -end renewing acquaintanc-
' Miss E. Johnson returned from a
Pleasant holiday at Port Ryerson on
Lake Erie.
-'Mr. Robert Passmore, divinity stu-
dent, was the guest speaker at the
United Church on Sunday morning
.last, delivering a splendid discourse,
Mr. Carey Joynt rendered a beautiful
solo, "Face To Face." •••.
Taylor - Wurm
The wedding
was solemnized e zel
c att hs
Wesley United Church. Manse, Lon-
don, of Clara Grace Wurm of London,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Wurm
Of Hensall, to Pte. Sydney Taylor,
London •
n o Mr. and -Mrs.
f Ms.
Richard Taylor, Sr., of Hensall. Rev.
Mr. Ingham officiated. The bride was
smart in a street -length go«n of blue
crepe, bolero jacket and blue acces-
sories, wearing a corsage' of sweet-
heart rosles.- She was attended by
Mrs. Frank Young, of Hensall, wear=
ing a street -length gown of. Suez
crepe with corsage of tea roses. Pte.
Frank Young,, R.C.O.C., London, was
groomsman. Later a wedding dinner
was 'served at the . Surrey Cof)'ee
Shoppe, London.
Mr. and Mrs, Stewart' ,McQueen,
Jean and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. -Don
Rigby' and little daughter, of Blen-
heim, also Mrs. P, Manson and Sally
spent 'last week (holidaying at Ches-
ley Lake.
Mise Jean McQueen is spending a
cquple of' week's :with her sister, Mrs.
Dan Rigby, at Blenheim,
Miss Peggy McDonald has return-
ed 'to Toronto following a three weeks
visit here, the guest o8 Mr. and Mrs.
T. J. Sherritt.
Mrs: Zurbrigg, of Toronto, and Mrs.
Mcisaac, of Crediton, were guests on
Tuesday with Mr. and Mr's. J. R. Me-
nem -aid of the London road. •
Mr. 'and Mrs. T. J.--Sherritt are be-
ing visited thie week by Mrs. Harry
Sperling of .Medicine, Lake, Montana,
Mr. Sherritt's sister. -
Mr.' and Mrs. J. R. McDonald, of
the London Road, were visited over
the boii4ay by members of their fam-
ily: Mr. and Mrs,. Gordon Davis and
family,'of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Love and li'ttl'e son, Douglas, of
Owen Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Thompson and
family, of Toronto, are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs, John Fisher,
A special meeting of the voluntary
committee f '
ee o assist in n the
registration in 'tile Hurdtl-Perth rid-
ing was held in Hensall Town Hall
on Tuesday evening, The meeting
Was presided over by W. L. Whyte,
chairman of the committee of volun-
teers. Representatives from various
organizations were present. J. G.
Mullen represented tihe . Seafdrth
Lions Club; Thonhe.s Pryde, for Exe-
ter, and -''district wartime committee;
S. Hill represented the Brucefleld
Patriotic Society; Dr. A. R. Campbell
of Hensall for Hensall. and Zurich
Citizens' Wartime Committee; Miss
,Beryl Pfaff, presid'ent of the Hensall
Senior Institute. Also representations
from. various institutes of the district
were present, and Boy Scouts and
Red Cross 'Society. The deputy reg-
istrars will meet in the Hensall Town
tail this Friday evening for' the pur-
pose of receiving the names of volun-
tary workers and to receive instruc-
tions as to what must be done for
the three, days of national r'egistra=
tion, starting August. 19th. All • those
'who wish to volunteer their services
shoUld communicate with the deputy.
registrars in his or her polling sub-
division.. Representing Hibbert Pat-
riotic Society were Oscar Reed, presi-
dent, and Lyle Warden, secretary.
Hibbert and Fullerton are . the sec-
tions -of Perth in the Huron -Perth rid -
leg, end Fullarton may assist in co-
operating i . the registraltion.
(Formerly W. E. Chapman)
Now operated by
We invite inspection of our
stock of Cemetery- Memorials
SEAFORTH — -Tuesdays and
Saturdays, or any time by ap-
pointment, '
Sege --
DiI F. HARBURN*Phone 105
Phone 41 EXETER Box 150