The Huron Expositor, 1940-07-05, Page 1,•-tieeteert
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Eighty-first Yoar
Whole Number 3786
WOUND FAIVIRY DorriinionDay Celebration
'- SIMS NUM Attracts Record -Crowd
IN CAR -TRAIN CRASH DuringAfternoon,Evening
Accident Occurs At Baden
During Sunday's
Hail Storm.'
Condition of Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
Modeland and, Mr. and Mrs. John
Model -and, solve were injured at Bad-
en on Sunday, is satisfeetory, accord-
ing to word received hiere Sunday.
M. John Modielancl was able to re-
turn hocaneon Wednesday.
The accident occurred iliaen the
car was being deiven in a, blinding
rain and 'hail steam on Sunday after-
noon. As the ear approached: the
13aden• crosehig Mrs. John ,Mod•eland
beard a train whistle and her hus-
band applied thebrakes, but the car
Skidded on the greasy pavement and
stalled on the tracks. A traim com-
ing from. Kitchener struck the ear
- at the radiator, shaven:gait, for forty
• feet The car did not upset:
The injured, all taken, to St. haary's
alosipital, Kitchener, were:
. Mrs, R. H. Modeland, 77; both thighs
fractured an severe head and body
'R. H. Madrelancl, 82, severe lacera-
tions end contusions on the bead and
right 'arm.
JobnsModeland, son •of the elderly
couple, severe shock, concussion and
lacerations of the face and scalp.
Alm. San Modeland, lacerationsof
the face, scalp and probable inter -nal
Mists Mary Dolmage; employed at
. 'the Modetand home, esreapadl injbay.
The kancily was ou ita way to
Guelph, where , they had intended
nteetieg Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hender-
son; 'and sons, of Toronto. Mr.
and Mrst Wayland, Sr., had then
Intend returning to Toronto with
' their' daughter, Mrs.. Hendereon.
.Tennis Court
Workmen on TbniedaY, col:arum:Iced
putting the final surface on the ten-
niscourts at tbe ,Seaforth Golf and
Country Club., The courts will be
ready foe use by the endi of the. week.
'Fruit Growers'
Will Picnic
The second• manual field day and
pierric. of the Huron County . Fruit
Growers' Association will be held at
Sloan -Crest Feria owned by Mr. and
Mrs. D. A. Smith, Hayfield, cie Wed-
nesday, July 24th. Tbe order. of, the
reogram is as tolloWs: 2 p.m., Ob-
servation, trip througe the orebart;
Prof. J. E. Howitt, head of the Bot-
any Department, 0..A. -C., Guelph,' and
Gordon Blair, Niagara Brand Spray
Company, Burlington, in charge; 3 .to
.4.30: 'Moving pieturae regarding
praying operations to be shown, in
the apple shed; 4.30 to 5.30: Sports
emdler the chairman•ship of Wesley
ejoynt, Lucknowe 5.30 to...6.30: Picnic
lunch; 6.30; Program of =sic and
brief addressee with. .the following
saeakers: George Feagan, Warden of
• • • . r •
• Hail.
Thealmost continuous rain
which featured the • month of
June was climaxed on Sunday by
a cloudburst, accompanied by
heavy hail, Which caused consid-
erable damage to crops and gar-
dens. The storm came up sud-
denly and within a few minutes
• roads and fields ,, were' covered
with water, while higher places
were white with hail, which, in a
• number of cases, , covered the,
ground to a depth of nearly two
• e • • • • • ••
Seventh Annual S. C. L
Alumni Memorial Schol-
arship is Awarded.
. ••, ,
Announcement 'was made •this week
by the S.C.I. Alurani Memorial. Schol-
arship Committee that the seventh
annual scholarship had) been awarded
.to Mi-sis Alma Lawrence, daughter of
Mr. and. Mrst. Herald Lawrence, or
McKillop. .'llhe scaolarsbi-p is, valued
at $25.00. ,.•
Miss Lawrence, wha completed her
final year at Collegiate in June, has
had an ble scholastic record
'during her ye re at the S.C.I." She
has also, taken a, prominent part in
all sehooactivities:.
_Theesietrenevi . Memorial _Scholars -alp_
is awarded: annually by the Associa:
than in memory of the. Alumni Who
left their livesin the Great War.
eTheregulations governing the
awarding of the scholarship, as drawn,
by the Existutive of the Association,
in conjunction with the Principal of
the echoed, are, briefliy, as follows:
• To be eligible for the award a ate
'dent rmust. be in the senior year; must
have:obtained an average of at least
66 per cent. papers, exclud-
ing departmental examin.ations; and
must thave taken an active pant in at
least one .sehool activity.
The staff of the Collegiate submits
to the Secretany of the Association ii
-Mary of each Year, a list of eligible
students. These namea are then plac-
ed before the senior pupils, ,C.olleg-
late staff- Arad, Alumni Executive who
'vote -separately. The results of -the
three polls are then submitted to a
committee; Composed of two repres-
ertativee of the association and one
of the staff, and this committee determines the w•inuer, 'having been.
guided by the results of polls.
Huron; Bern, Rathw11, Reeve of Gode-
rich Township; L. E. Cardiff, M.P.,
North Huron; .T. J. Jolieston, Domin-
ion Fruit Inspector, London.
During the evening Bingo and other
games will be held with the, net pro-
ceedis, to be tised for patriotic pur-
poses. . The day will finish with a
dance. Mrs,. D. A. Smith is, presi-
dent, 'Allele J. C. Shearer is secre-
tary .of the association.
Injuries Prove Fatal to
• Aircrafttnan McCuaig
Injuries received last Friday night Cuaig was a -trainee, as is Narbor-
When he was etruck by a car at Port cough. .
Stanley proved fatal to Aircraftsman • "Th -e present charges against Sitip-
Russell X. MeCuaig, only son of Mr. -son, are tillage of leavingathe scene ef-
land. Mrs. Ks, T. McCue*, of Biggar, an accident and dangerous driving.
Sask., and agratudson -of John A. Wil- He - ia to appear in court tomorrow
son, of Seaforth • morn,ing."' Crown Attorney E: W.
. Haines could not be contacted- tbis
evening to learn if any changes would
be Made in the charges resulting
from the death of McCuaig.. Simp-
son is, at present on bail to senior °f-
acersof. the. R.A.F. atta.chect to the
Technical Training Centre.
"efeCuaig and .Narboraugn had vis -
Red Port Stanley on Friday evening
and were evidently attempting to
hitchhike back to the school when
"The car was later claimed to be
tidlentifiedl by a broken headlight and
was seed to belong to T. Simelson.
Plaice elty that a second car follow-
ing Simpson also ran over at least
ents et the young men,. Narborough's
injuries were not serious but Simp-
sloe) had a sever v injury to the side
of his, head and internal injuries.
"Aircraftsman McCualg comet froth
Bigger, gest. His, mother was living
et . Sleatoith, and •caane immediately
to St. Ti to be with her son af-
ter tire aceident. The body was tak-
en tilde afterialoon to Logan's funeral
leerier§ inr, London.
"The death of Alreraftsman Mc-
Cue:* was the second motor cam mar.
bap. fatality amon.g students at the
air school within tWo titter. , Yester-
day Morning- Aiecrattamtin Jahn E,
Gau•clet, ,frain alleholaserallI., was
instantly killed when a ear itt. Which
he was a paiseeivaer left tbe high -
Way' IOW the training centre and
aritehed info a %tree,
A graduate of the University of
Saskatchewan, be was an accountant
by proteesion, atud had been in the
air force since last. fall. His mother
had been, visiting her father in. Sea -
forth for a few days and was in Sea-
ford], when the accident occurned• ,
A military service wale:held at.Lon-
dOnt on WeaniesdaY and an 'e'scroet. of
sixty aifera.ftsmen, accompanied the
body( to the C.N.R. statien. The fun-
eral will be held in Biggar, Sask., an
Saturday. AcooMpanyieg• the remains
to the West were his parents and
• Helen Wilson, of Toronto.
• Da tlyt papese, reported the accident
se follows: "Aircraftsmani ' Russell
Moeuitig„allegedly victim of a hit-
and-run motor car driver analiighway
No. 4 Lo' the Village of Port Stanley,
died in, Memorial •Hospitatahere at
3.45 o'clock.
• "Hie condition had been critical
IgIthaer the accident on Friday at mid-
inight, but there appeared, to -be in -
&cattalo; that he VMS 'holdng his
Olen lest night and earlier today,
'There Will be no inquest since
;criminal ebergeer have already been
ptieferred against Flight-Sergt, Alfred
W. G. EaMersterns R.A,F.,-London, Bag.,
aftioale alleged to have been the driv-
er of the 'ear that struck MoCutaig
land his Companion, A• O. Narborengh.
"Sinned& is an laSki—tireatair at the
Technical Training dental of the R.
(MAIO., teat St. Theniaa, *here Me-
Program of Motorcycle and
Auto Races Proves Popu-
lar Entertainment During
Si:alai-till's Dominion, Day celebra-
tion was one of the best in point of
entertaimment and attendance and bf
the beat yet sponsored .by the Ath-
letic Association. Frotai- the begin-
ning of the afternoon Program until
long past miduight when, the dance
ended, the town was crowded with
people anxious to take advantage of
the frost summer holiday of the year.
The afternoon; program at Agricul-
tural. Park featured, tacitorcycle• races
and was climaxed when a daring
motorcyclist racing at 70 miles an
hour :Crashed thorough a blazing wall.
Every race was keenly contested
with moneethan, twenty machines. tak-
ing part.
One of the higlhlights of the after-
noon was the five -mile race for Model
T cars, which was won ha Jack Dun -
lois and Carl Knight; with Ken Ad-
ams coming second. Edivard Mat-
thews, captured the backard race' for
1929 or ',older' ears,aand Knight and
Dunlop came seepted.
Jake Broome took 'honors in the
bareback herae. race, Enimerseaeltit-
chie coming ,Second. Girls? bicycle
race went to Marguerite Westcott and
Betty Dunlop second: Harry &don
nor took -first in the boy& bicycle
race unclereallith, Kenneth Doig
second, aefd in the 16 and under class
Kea Reid won first, and Donald Woods
second. ,
Seaforth highlanders Band ,played
throughout trip, afternoon and after
the program •paraded to , the Lions
Park for the -football-game.
In the evening the ,carnival was
under way at dusk and continued- un-
til after midnight.
St. Columban 2, Seaforth 0
One of the lamas features of the af-
ternoon in the Dominion Day celebra-
tion here Monday was the football
game -at the Lions Park, when the
St. Clumban Saints .defeated Sea -
forth 2-0. St. C,olumban on the
whole bad an edge ia thegame and
scolad both, their goals in; the second
half. The largest crowd of the aea-
son witnessed., the match, which was
one of the best of the Year:—
Line-ere: .
' SEAFORTI-De-Goal, Nigh; defence,
Stewart, Rintoid; halves, H. Nichol-
son, J. Nicaelsee, Layton; forwarde,
Flannery, Sills, McIver, McLean, . A,
Nicholson; sub., •Cdutts.
• Sla COLUMBAN—Goal, Ferg Stap-
leton; defence, -Carlin,. G. O'Cen.nor;
halves: Joe O'Cannor, 'McIver, John
O'Conter;• forwards, Frank Staple-
ton, Williams; Flan-nery, Melady,
Cleary; subs., .Joe aleIver, McCarthy.
Taken from the minutiae of Nation-
al Executive Meeting May 23rd:—
"The" chairman, Mr. Norman. Sum-
merville, read a long cable, from Col.
ietasenata regandang the situation ov-
erseas, and reporting, the urgent need
for food among prisoner e of war and
rat:axles. After %discussion it was
agreed tha.t $100,000 should be al-
. located for :per -phase of foodstuffs in
.Canada for ship:neat overseas which
should lye available for distribution
to priSoners of war or for other pur-
poses upon the advice of the' Over-
seas Advisory CoMmittee as the Ex-
ecutive Committee may from time to
time determine.
aft was reeolved that the need of
the British Red Cross for ambulances
be made known to the people of Can-
ada extanediately and that, if desired,
the name of the donor .shorild, be in -
Scribed upon the, arribulan.ce. It was
agreed that branches should- not be.
allowed to allocate money from their
funds for this purpose. (This appeal
was made by press and radio on Jun.4
3rd, and to June 17th, 127 atabulanc-
es have been donated)."
* *
It has been decided to hold the
work period on Thursday nights at 8
instead of 7.30.
Lieut. J. L. McKnight Op-
ens Office At Seaforth
Recruiting for V Co; Middlesex and
Huron Regiment -of the . non -perman-
ent militia, ,ocarimenced at the Arm-
ories there on Tuesday, Lieut. J. L.
McKnight, of • Exeter, is in, charge.
With' him is C.Q.M.S. Lionel J. For-
tune, Seaforth; Sgt. C. L. Mitehela
London, and Pte. K. Va. Vande'burgh,
Clinton. The office laa:open each day
front 9 a.rm to 9 P.M.
The regal:tent, which is command-
ed by Col. McDonald, London, has op-
ened four recruiting officee this week.
They are at Seaforth, Goderich,
Strathroy and London.
While complete orders had not yet
come through, Lieut. McKnight said
on Thursday that he'expected for the
immediate future recruits would be
required to reaket three nights a
week. As. soon are sufficient recruits
bad ,signed up the company would be
placed on rail time..
Recruits will be medically examin-
ed; but as yet no arrangements have
been made in this regard. It' is, not
known whether a medical board Will
be set up here, or whether ceerults will
be taken to London for exaMination.,
District Setipols, •
Seaforth collegiate n stit ute
The following pupils of Grade .X
have been, promoted to Grade XI and
will be granted•Iptereeediate Oertifie
cafes by the Department of Educa-
tion. A subject after a name- means
a failure in that subject. Such can-
didates have sufficient other subjects
to be given, art Intermedi-ate Certifi-
Mildred Aitcheson (Latin), Fergus'
Bell, Keith Dale, Helen Devereaux,
Teresa Eckert,' Wilma Hay (Hon.),
Miles McMillan, Jack McSpadden,
Janie Moffat, Ahyvonne- Me o re
(Math:), Shirley Oldfield (Math),
Beat -rix Sandford, Elizabeth Smalldera
Kenneth Thompson (French), Clar-
ence Westcott.
The following pupils of Grade X
will be permitted to register in Grade
XL They have failed imi the subjects
after their names and will have great
difficulty with these- subjects unless
extra time and effort is put on teem
Intermediate • certificates will -he
'Planted wb.en subjects in brackets
leave been: passed:
Norma Dexter (Latina -tan. Hist.),
Mary Doyle (Geog., Math.), Madeline
Fortune (Math., French), Clair Haney
(Lite Can. Hist.), • Keith- Harrison
(Latin, French), Scott Kerr (Geog,),
Dorothy Mackenzie (Gettg.), Ruth
-Pretty (Math., French), Jean Rapson
(French), Frank Ryan (l r e n c b,
Math.), Harry Scott (Math., Latin),
Kenneth Southgate , (Math, Latin),.
Lillian Southgate (Lit., Can. Hist.),
Stuart Wigg (Lit., Math.), Kenneth
Keating (Latin, French).
Pupils whose names' do not appear
have failed and will be required to
repeat their year. The highest pupil
in Gracie( X is Wilma Hay.)
The following pupils of Grade IX
have been promoted to Grade X. A
subject or , subjects. after a name
means thattire pupil has failed in that
• •
Presentation To Bride and
Groom Features Con-
Mr. and Mrs,. Elgin Nott, newly-
weds of last week, were honored at a
largely attended reception held in
the Foresters' Hall,, Constan-ce, on
Wednesday. Ins the ,presence of 300
friends, the young ,,couple 'w,as pres-
ented with a studio touch, walnut
spinet, desk' and mirror.
The iaddrese was read by Bert Ir-
win, who also Madre . the presentation
on behalf of the gathering. Mr. Nott
replied briefly, expressing his apprec-
iation and that of Mrs. Nott. Th -e
evening was spent in dancing: .
The address: "To Mr. and Mrs.
Elgin 'Nett: We," your neighbors:
friends and acquaintances are assemb-
led bereethis evening to congratulate
you and bring. you our good wishes
for a happy voyage over the- great
sea of .matrimony that'So many travel
in. harmony, and may this be yOurlot
to live in perfect. her -moue as intend-
ed. by tire Divine Law. Edith, we eS-
teed to you our-rnose hearty welcome
and are very pleased to have you
come to our community, wishing you
all th,e joy and happiness- pas-sible
your new home. F.Igin, it affords us
much pleasure to have you here this
evening to give us an Opportunity to
express to you in, a tangible way
the respect, good will and esteem, :n
which you are heel by friends and
acquaintances. Von have,. always
been active and have taken a keen
interest in community affairs, and
liepe you may continue • to do. so,
trusting that the ruttn.e holds lots of
happiness and pleasant surprises for
you both,-
"Now, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Nott, we ask
you to accept these\ pieces of furni-
ture as a slight rentambratice of the
thonar and esteem which we extend
to, you, and hope you will think of
this yen' n g occasionally and the aep-
ple here whose gond 'wishes are be-
stowed upon you.
- 'ln contelusibn, we hope that the
future_bolds n•othine for you but suc-
cess, prosperity and good health, and
that Goa may spara you both to en-
joy each others companionship for
many years to cornc.—Signed- ea be-
halrof your many friends, acquaint-
ances and neighbors."
.Tune Report:, Refugee -11 quilts:,
6 pairsorthocks, 2 pairs towels, 22
drestees, 2 pairs" panties, 9 sweaters,
2 estate pyjamlae, 2 pales pillow rases,
3 boys' suitor -1' coat, 2 night gowns,.
.• Surgical Dressings' -6,124 deeserialgs,
104 flannelette bandagera, 30' surgical
Knitting --191 wells., 25 sweaters,
19 helmets, 1 pair . gioves, 1' pair
Sewing -11 ilresisieg gowns, 17 face
cloths, 150 gatie,e ha,nclIcerchiets, 229
khaki handkerchiefs, 41 pyjamas, 1
personal' preperty bag, 42 (hospital
gowns, 50 pillow cases, 2.5 pneumonia
jackets, 112 surgical towels, 8 dec.
tees' gowns, a doctors? caps.
Bleak-eta—Up to ,date 72 blankete
thane beam; reeelved.
Music Pupils
Are Successful
The music pupils of St. :Joseph's
Con,vent were all successful in pass-
ing the recent examinatioas held by
the' Western University Conserv-atm"-
of -Music. They are to -be Congratu-
lated en the good standing they ob-
tained, all receivin-g honors and first
class honors. .The followifig is the
Plane, Grade t ---(First class hon-
ors), Mary Nfargaret Cleary; (first
class honors) Jean McMaster:
Piano, Grade 111—(First cease, bon-
cne) Alice McIver; (Honors) Geralda
Flannery, Marjorie O'Neill: '
Piano, Grade IV—(First class hon-
ors), -Cethienine Laudenbach.
Piano, Grade V—(Honore) Theresa
O'Neal, Beatrice Lane.
Singing, Oracle I—(H
cionore) Betty
Moore; Grade III (Fixer clasts,hozvers)
IVIary, Therese, Duncan,
althea week me night and day,
And I 'no like—
I'm all wound up this way—
. It's time to strikela .
Enlisted:. Men
-ReCeive Gifts
' A number of Seaforth men' who
have enlisted in various branches of
the Canadian forces were hollered in
presentation -s. James Stratig,.an em-
ployee of The Bell Engine & Thresh-
er Ca. was .presented. with a signet
ring ay fellosa, employees. Ian Mac-
Tavishe sop of Mr. and Mrs. John
MacTavish, who is in the R.C.A.F.,
was presented with a utility case by
friends at a, dinner- held in his honor
at. the Seaforth Golf and 'Country
Club on Thursday. The Badminton
Club also presented Mr. MacTavish
and Thomas Sills, also. in. the R.C.A.F.
with billfolds prior to their departure.
:err Family
Holds Reunion
subject or subjects. , The highest
pupil in, Grade IX is Marguerite West -
Margaret- Dale (Math„, Bus. Pratt.),
Mary Devereaux (Math.,, Clore
don Dupee (Spell.), Violet Dupee, (Fr.,
Math.), 'Dorothy Forrester (Math.,
Fr.), Janet Handley, John Henderson'
(Math., French), George Hildebrand,
(Lit., Fr,), Alvin Hoff (Bus. Pr„ Lit.),
Neil Hopper (Hon.), Kathleen Holmes,
Jeanine literford, Marjory Golding
(Spell.), Maxine Lawrence, Donald
McLean (Eng.), Rose McIver, Mary
McKay, Step -hen McKay (Bus. Pr.),
Arthur Murphy, Ross, Niabolecrn
(Math., Fr.), Marjorie ONeill (Matto
Art), James Quinlan (Lit., .Fr.), Ken-
neth Reia "(Math.; Lit.), Jobe,- Rice
(Hist.), Dorothy Smith- (Math., -Spell),
William Smith, Mildred Swan (Math.,
Bus. Pr.), Doris Venuss (Home E., Br.
Hist.),Marguerite Westcott •
Robert -Wallace (Spell., Corp.).
The roliowing pupils of Grade XII
'have obtained standing as indicated
in, the Middle School subjects after
their names!: 75-100, 1; 66-74, 2; 60-
05, 3; 50-59, C; F., failed. Certificates
will be issued by the Department of
Education and will give marks of
Baynes, Helene-A.1a 3; Phys. c; L.
c; L.C. 3; F.A. 3; F.C. c.
Best, Barbara—A.H. 3; .Alg. 2;
°hem, e; L.A., c; L.c., f; F.A., f;
F.C., f.
Breadfoot, Jamee—C.H. 2; A.I.art0;
Chem.22;' L.A. 2; L.C. 1; F.A.
Dunlop, Zetta—Alg. c; Chem. c; L.
A., f; L.C., c; F.A., c; F.C., c.
Earle, Gladys—A.H., c; Alg., c;
Pay., f; Chem:, fe L.A., f; L.C., f;,
P.A. 3; P.C., 'c.
Eckert, Edna—A.H,. 2; Alg. c;,
Chem 3; L.A. 2; L,C. "2'; P.A. 1; F.
C. 2.
Elgie, Frances--C.H. 3; A.H. 3;
Mg. 2; Phys. 2; Chem. 2; L.A. 3; L.
C. 2; P.A. 2; F.C. 3.
Finnigan, Gordon—Alg. 3; Ctem. c;
F.A. c; F.c., f.
Gamble, Menreen—Phys" 1; Oh -em
Golding, Francis—Alg. c; Chem. 2;
L.A. 3:,,L.C, 3; F.A. 3; F.C., c.
Grieve, David—A.H., f; Chem., f;
F.A., f; F.C., f. -
Holmes, Carolyn—A.H. c;
Phys., c; Chem. c; L.A., c; L.C.
F.A. 2; F.C. 3.
Joynt, Ruth—Alg. 2; Phys. 2.
Keys, Gordon—Alg. 2; Chem., L.
A„ c; L.C., f; F.A. 2; F.C., c.
McGavin, Lois—C.H. 3; Alg., c;
Phys., f;e Chem., -c; L.A., c; L.C., f;
P.A., 2; F.C., c.
McIver, Teresa—C.H. 2; A.H. 2;
Alg. 1; Chem. 1; L.A. 1; L.C. 1; F.
A. 1; PC. 1.- a
Moffat, Helen—A:H. 2; A1 -g.
Chem. 2; L.A. 3;• L.C. 3; FA: 1;
C., 2.
' Murphy, Mildred—C.1f.: 0; A.H. 2;
Alg, 1; Phys., c; Ob. 3; L.A. 2; L.C.
F.A. 1; F.C. a:
OConnor, Gerald'e-Cherrt: 2;- LA., c.;
L.C., F.A. f;
Raseer. Dereense-A.H. 2: Ale. 1:
1; 2; L.C. 2;
Sandford, Elizabeth—AH, c; Mg.
f; Chem.. f; F.A.. 3; F.C., f.
Scott, Donalda-A.H., 2; Ale., a
Chem., f; L.A. c; L.C., f; F.A.. 2;
The annual reunion of the Kerr
family was held at the -home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. J.-Steen:non. McKillep, on
Monday when eighty-five guests were
in atteadauce from Stratford, Teton -
to, Chicago, Pete:Ala, Mitcaell, Mona -
ton and Milvertore Words of Wel-
came were given by 0, J. Kerr, of
Stretford, who presided in the place
of Mrs. W. J. Shannon, the presi-
dent. The afternoon was pleasantly
Spent in games and softball, tug-of-
war and contests. During the after -
Roan lee creani and lemonade were
enjoyed. Following Ube program din-
;ner was served when prizes were dis-
tributed for the following: 'Largest
family, Vernal Scott, Newton; com-
ing 'greatest distance. Mr. Jas. Arm-
strong, Chicago; youngest child, nay -
mond, son of Mr, and, Mrs. Syd. Kerr,
Milverton; oldest gentleman, Acl iw
Kerr; guessing contest, M T'S. W.
Shannon; lucky number oxi quilt, Mrs.
Whtne,y. Thompeot, Milverton; grace-
ful walking,. Mr, , and Mrs. W. J.
Shanaon. Short addeesSee were giv-
en by 0, J. Kerr, Stratford; John
Doegta,s, Stratford; Dr. J. Arthur
Drummond, of Petrolia:, Mrs. Hilton
Westinan, Milverton. Mr. Reginald,
McClory and George Coxon.Dr. Jno.
liru.mmond gave a splendia' talk on
his trip to Germany, England, Scot-
land and all of Europe.
A short business session was -held
an.d tee following officers elected :
President, Angus Kerr, Brunner; sec-
retary, Mrs. S. Rout -store Milverton;
sports "committee, Jean McCloy,
Monlitorn; ;Iran Coxon. Milverton;
Drummond. The next meeting
will he h-eld ib Milverton.. Mr, •Wal-
lace Kerr who is going Overseas very
shortly, was presented with a .gift.
Bride -Elect
Receives Gifts
Neighbors of Miss, Anna Love,
bride -elect, honored' her on Wednes-
day when they gathered at the home
of Mrs. Sidney Gemmell. Several
contests, were conducted by Mise Hel-
en Hairston.. Misses, Janet Handley
end Helen Houston brotight in a• box
well. filled with kitchen utenelle.
Mrs. Peter Simpson Pearl an address
to which Anna replied suitably and
thanked the ladies. A surepttious
leech was served. • A beautifully dee-
orated bride's cake centred the,table.
(Csntinued from Page 4)
Deer Jumps at
Car, is Killed
While driving tie his home' at Con-
stance • o -u Thursday evening, Leo
Stephenson etrecic and instantly kill-
ed a young deer welch sucidenlyjump-
ad from the ditch in front of the car.
Alone. the sea-girt Island
The (lickerettorch of
standsne a
her hands,
Willin,g (0 sacrifice, to do, or die, ,
Strong -stalled, alert., ever sword girt
onher thigh.
Alone ; the champion of a war torn
That force and greed to the abyse.
have hurled -
Ready to face a.nd fight the fiendish
That laid the might of other nations
Well Attended Meeting*
Citizens Plans to Asit
in War Effort.
Dr. A. R. Campbell was eleatea
president -of a Citizens Wartiale Caine
naittee formed here in the lienaall
Town Hall ton Tuesday evening, at a
well -attended patriotic meeting. Mr.
J. D. Thomas, Goderieb; R. E. Pooley,
Winearelsea; Rev. R. A. Brook and
Rev. W. Weir, of Heasala were the
saeeial speaker's, and outlinred war
eenditioes at present and the refugee
Other officers warmed were: Vice-
presidents, Dr. W. D. Bryce, aellich;a
Sem Deegan, president ef the Exeter-
Heneall branch of the Canadian. Leg-
ion; Rev. E. F. °handler, of Kippera
secretary, Walter Spencer, Hensel!, ;
treaeurer, W. 13. Cross., Manager of
the Bank of Montreal. 'The executive
committee named, wtre; Pseire R. E.
Shaddrick, Rev. R. A. Beciek, Leroy' •
O'Brien, Zurich; Mise Beryl Pfaff,
president of the Heneall Senior Ia-
stiturte; Mrs. Thomas Meyrers, presi-
dent of the W.I., Zurich; Mrs. Glenn
McLean, president of the Kippen East
W.I.; A. Kalbtleisch and Dr. P. J. -a
O'Dwyer, of Zurich The meeting
was ander. the chairmanship of Syd
ney- MaeArthur past president of the '
Exeter -Hens :11 branch of the Cana-
dian Legion.
The Hensall Citizens' Band, under
the direction of G. M. Grant, supplied
the music.
Supper is Success
The Plunkett supper held in Carrnel
Church on Thursday evening, ender
the auspices of the "Ladies' Aid, was
a great success, someJ63 sitting for
supper. A demonstration followed
and prizes were given to Mrs. Frank
Farquhar for selling the most tick-
ets andeon,e for being the President
of the La'dies' Aid; Miss Mabel Weak -
man, who observed a birthday; Mies
Irene Hoggarth for being engaged for
the unm-arried lady, Mies Ellis; for
the bachelor's, James Mustard and'
Charles Alexander; for the couple
celebrating their 25th '-wediding. anni-
versary, Mr. and , Mrs. Dryedale; or '
the youngest -grandmother, Mrs.
Frank Coleman; for the largest fam-
ily present, Mrs. Earl Campbell.
Alone, sublime and splendid in her
To raise the fallen and defend the
With her dominions far across the
the sea. •
Battling for life and love and liberty.
Alone, not all the creel hosts of hell
Can the undying soul of Freedom
It slake to ashes but to rise eget,
Refined and 'glorified from out Its
' Pain.
Alone,.. yet not alone, through cloud: -
rent slava,
The Great Satekinah Glory shall arise,
And- truth and tighteoueliees g� hand
in hand,
God will not fail that little Elea -girt
rt. leiAnnt, GRAHAM
Is Instructor
In Air Scheme
Norman Jefferson, B.A., Toronto,
son o•f Mr. and Mrs. W. y. Jefferson,
of. Tuckez•smith, 'has beeti appointed
instructor in Meteorology in the Brit-
ish., Empire, Air Training Scheme:
Enlisted Men'
Of Seaforth
And District
The following are among those en-
listed in the C.A.S.F. from Seaforth
and district. The list, which is furn-
ished by the Sea -forth Bran -ch, of the
Canadian Legion, may not be com-
plete, and for this reason this office
wpuld appreciate being -notified of
the naines of any enlisted "nen from
Seafortli or district' who have been!
omitted. These names wills be ins
'chided tiin subsequent lista: •
' C. Mowbray, Perth
, R. J. Venus, R,C.R....
Cpl. H. H. McLeod, R.C.R.
La -Cpl. George Crich, R.R.C.
Capt. C, Aberhart, C.A.M. ,
Capt, J. C. Gedd.a.rd, C.A.M.Q.
Capt. J. D. Colquhoun,
W. H, Whittaker, R.C.A.S.C.
J. a Holland, R.C.E.
Major G. H. McTavish, R.C.E. •
Cpl. A: W. Sillery, Toronto Scottish.
F. Grieve, 1 -00th Battery, R.C.A.
H. 0. Free. R.C.A.F. •
J. Mero. Perth&
Lt. Cel. C. Messenger, Perna.
J. S. Barry, R.C.E.
iL Boleon. R.C.E.
D. Dale, R,C.E.
Major S. W. Archibald, R.C.E.
Art Cameron-, R.C.R.
C. Wood, R.C.R..
J. Strong, R.C.R.
Jack Cameron, Elgin
Sgt. Fred E. Willis, Elgin.
W. 0:- Sutherland, R.C.A.F.
Keith Sharp, R.C.A.F.
L. C. •Hoggarth, R.C.A.P.
L.C..,Haggarth, R.C.A.F.
Rose Allen, R.C.A.F..
James Riley, nIgin.
Thomas Sias, R.C,A.F.
' "Ralph Davidson' Men.
Robert Smith, R.Q.E.
Stewart Lave, R.C.R.
Arnold Scott, Perth.
`Lt. R. S. Reid, "Perth
Lt. B. J. Duman, men, -
Edward Hatt, ILC.E.
Norman MoCaettiff,R.
Elmer Beattie,.
'Hartman lanistee, Perth.
Glen Somers, R.R.
Ian, MacTaleish, xLq.A.v.
Lt. Prod Otaela
Rani Moacroli, ItA144*#
Paiximmitig4,.144tat. -