The Huron Expositor, 1939-12-15, Page 4.:,>r .•:. :.. ., , q !'r^. A .. L,. ..-,a ,.• ".r. Hrw "cq. .. ,- .iv. .. _ .. ✓" �1.+rvt Y`n
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tt.11 4 r � More than that, he wrote across the dlonald. eaal1v a0 we may sot be able to re- near Sarnia, formerly of near Hen{ -
11 a tap of that page, 'An Old Quotation,' Mr. sand Mrs. Roy McCulloch and order certain Unes due to coXiditions sail, visited friends in and around
uta °4 • - k c Inure evidence of his interest. "He daughter and �YIra. William Iioughtdn heytalld aur owl rot. We were Portman creel- leaf week
t I who has a thousand friends, has pot visited wirhtt trienda in,London-abs in having ,o t Christmas stock or- •e sale of Christmas cooking by ,„ rps;t
d Ads. one friend to s•paie." I shave heal -p Mr. Calder #IcKaig made a trip to d�er•ed before the war and are now
�.41',g and read Uhfs line before, but some- Sudbury last week and, bie brother, seIUing it aft gre W prices',
,rrS,rt l�`i how it never seemed to mean so much William M�oKo,ig, returned' with bili 3756-2
trill,4{+�'�L` �?lass'�'��a Add �il� lie ili�er�ei� at nt'!W low C3$�L )p$teg to me -a thousand friends, that seem, to spend the Christmas +holidays. (Con•tinued from Page 1)
e4k"1�11et FpS' a)va, wax►aed, LosE and Rormd, Gmtnr liveao,. tete -Pee woods ed quite a lot. Then 1 noted the title, The annual meeting of the Ladles' The 0h+ritvtma+s concert at S. S. No.
'it b ''. "Make a l+rrentf-'Podgy." The first Aid met at the home of Mrs. Roy 1 Tuckeismit'h, grill be held' ;ou Weci-
1 Cent three words gives you a job and gives McCulloch on Weduesday afternoon. nesda,y evening, Dec, 24th, at 8 p.m_
q nd week y� Gest
&Ik,g+, ; Zud week t Cent me a, job. 'Che last word tells us Mrs. Thomas Laing presided The Mr. J. D. Reid:, of London, a'cfd; Miss
Nr° !, "" ""'•" when we are to do that job, "Make a meed
,} iK• _ hihndmum cLasue. �8rsi inxeatrion ,..... 26 Cemq J ng opested by winging Psalm 41. M. Reid, of fawn, were in, Clinton re-
�} :" ; „' Each figue4 and e¢bbravi4,*,m Caen% as one weed. Fr4m<oday." 'Men 1 saw, the auth- Mrs. EdL Allen read Uhe Scripture Cently attending the funeral of the
'wtf' Card of Thanlo, In mRmoriam Nockes--1 cera 9_ wa••d. or's ,mine, Douglas Mulloch. There •passage, ai'ter which Mrs. James Hill late Chrlstena Matheson, of High
�t4rgµ, � um, b9 gent, per week. �
yyey)a1� ,f' Enauart� may be diµeoaed flo a lion Number, , rS Th. I3[nK.0 BaPooitor, for l0 epma was a sort of a heather flavor there led in yvrayer. Eleven members an- River, Alta.
v'- extm.'.� Ten ceutp ad'dWonal ver week wall- be chwmed d atb lin above slaw we not Paid by th. that I liked, anal, maybe it was that swered the call, call. The secretary's Mr. John D. Graig is at present in
� 11 ILiji. SmYtuxdap misfit im the weak in which the ad wag ren that gat solder my skin. I don't know. report of the last meeting was read Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforbh,
, BirUhe, Martingeg amd Deaths ,fiuserted tree :d obarz, I don't care; it came and my mind and adopted and much business was receiving treatment in the interest of i
Y.P+ Anotr on Sales, Nbttiee to Gmeditora, F Sana an aPviios47o®' has been richer ever since, discussed asalld favorably settled. The lits health I
i,`;, 1 Have never been a reader of meetting -continued with. the minutes Mrs. Emmerson Kyle m•nd Mrs.'
4 h , "''' Personal Coming Events books. From my earliest years I of last yea'r's annual meeting being Kyle, of Giin'tan, spent Monday in I
' +have' had to avoid eye strain and, so read. by the secretary, Mrs. Andrew London', combining business with
, + ,° ;• SLUGCl'Sii KIDNEYS I1rrLPAIR YOUR �HRISTMAS TREE AND CONCERT-$. S. my portion has been short stories and McLeFlranl, who then gave a summary-
I},s, ?. rJ health. Rumaca+ps' Twb-Way Aution C 1, Hull1reGt; Wednesday evening, December y pleasure.
' ' U'' �'i 0t1h, 8 Pm Adm.ilsion 15t. J'•
qumckly areaasses and invigouVrtet the hid- poet, The late Rev. William Allen of the year's progress. The treasur- Mr. and 'Mrs. George T. Wren were I
pr,.8., mays. Use Rumaaaps. McKINDSEY'S .DRUG 3757..1 had a word he used a great deal, the er, Mrs.
Quince, gave her financial an Toronto on Saturday last attend-
i� , ,, STORE. 3757-1 word "musiIIlg." It just means think- report. of the (monies raised, and spent in'g the funeral of then daughter (An- �
' DE OF GOOD QHEER"--ATTR_kCT1v1� T. - ing things over, gena so after my read- and a goadl9 balance on +hand: for pie Bernice), Mrs'. Robert Smith., who
JA _ ' B book of verse by I- Nabst Grabam, it- In Memoriam ing I would make a sort of a mental further work. Mr. Hill was voted in-
�.l"9,',, .i Tu's'tmM+ed 'b6' Gelarge Daly; auithalble for G1rQds Passed away at her home in Montreal
"� l:' avis irivih�• curi&s ult $1.00 may be obtain- estimate of,the article. Some I would to ;the chair during the installation on Wednesday morning of last week,
,a I ��jjRU\VN••1xt A>vfing memory of Sam-
,.;- gd'from Mus Graaram or id Thrmrpdan's 13uok D uCi! Rruti�•n, �vhv aped on December lath, put down as very dry and u.ninterest- of officers, which are as follows: following an illness whfoh had con-
Store. s7a7- i r93s: ing; another would be full of inter- President, Mrs. Roy McCulloch; 1st fined her .fol her beds since Anlgust.
.: ";n, ;
I ,;j est, you feel there should, be sederal vivo-pres., Mrs. Keith McLaren, The The funeral was heldt on Saturday
- "` - - 14ruve lost m,y sours comwardon, more verses or chapters. Then once other officers were reappointed and from St. Matthew's Panlars, Toronto,
"k``? A Life linked wider mY awn;
5f,q For Sale in a while—just once in a w+hile�you the meeting closed with repeating the and the floral tributes were excep-
An i ley by day I amisx 'hien more,
;l u y poem, and Lard's Prayer in unison. The lunch tionall' beautiful. The' late Mrs.
?1 �'S — -- :1s [ work Yarrmufih lice alone. Came across one, usual- a y
Vii' HIE CH,EERIF-ST Glb"r, A SILVER- SaKLy missed by Wee, hter and
i:, T Throated C�rnary end Baby Burl}ries, truer- you have not gone fax until, you re- committee, Mrs. Hill and Miss Cur- Smith spent her girlhood flays in this
,... Gnaorloh;l}�u 3�s7-1 you have before you the product rte, assisted the 'hostess, Mrs. Mc- district and she is survived by her
."' a.nteed to talk. MRS, 1lARRY HART, sea- aline
I�:'' forth. Phone 224-W. 3757x1 _, of an inspired mind. At once it is Culloch, and a social time wase spent. busband and one little sons u year and
,s;$ -p; a case of hands off, no criticism; the a half ,old. Much sympathy ie ex-
X,'. ' F , pairs NNADrnen's skating outfits, C.0 -M., writer 'has put it all down, not a tended to her bereaved familq, par-
eauminum fi•ndsh; ,}rzer 5 and 7, used Only word too many, not a word, left out. MANLEY ents and. sister.
) ' ' duce, $2.50 each. Apply to Bax 196, HURON ENZENIS�O(,'ER—In Det cQ6 on 'December And, Lions, -in my humble judgment The Yount
t` ' EXPOSITOR. 3757-1 b2bh, as ]Viae. and Jigs. Hew•y Flnzemberger, The many friends of Mrs. John g Peopl'e's Urian of hen
-. ___ the little poem I have -presented to ,:all Unflted Church met Mondor eve-
; ,,.. , Irsree' ,Mona SiE1N). n dmvS�ters — Dor+athq y
„d;,;.' OR SALE --TWO PURE BRED COCKER Aflfatie you t•oililgiht is just such a poem. Murray are,Ilir geed t0 learn she ,has
n1II with a
w1 good representation, esentati i
F g g Mss
r- P
• r • '011,
ni 4 m � at. very -
.xr'el pups, S 'oa>,Uh rte
m t p p� d. ry been ab •;•turn -
n Ie to home efts Hors
Here the r
Hee e s sake, quoted oted the
P poem q P
F'lva McQueen r
en seta M'
rr'. s4irua.l:ly priced ccnr:idcnirrV.*, quality and Q P •0rdl r8'5 Say
bn•edinr;. (Cal,:,r,, red). real beauties. The -- -" and in conclusion said:, "If any of you ing a lmok'en -n about three months. Drysdale gave a spiendia topfe on
�''' ;deal die Chrisrmas z;i'ft. Apply T. J- I would like a. copy, on is ours Mr,' Fred ],,..,!-L lead his barn roof ,L
m pp y ( p. e y for
- �: SKERRtTTr Hensala. 3757x2 j I the asking. If as repaired wb'ialr was damaged b the ,'Goad Samaritans of the Sea"; Rt�ti1
Seaforth Club you read it you Y Hess contributed a
�, I will try and tune in to the soul of late wind storm. r pleasing solo,
,:I, _ _,..-_._.�_ I Y "'llhe Worldis Waiting For the Sun -
(Continued Mulloeh, if you will weigh it Mr. Edwin Leon+hart has been busy
;.�=•, (Conrtanrued from Page 1) r ,-tees" Bob Hess accompanying at the
Auction Sales 'nom
Il I lout with ,his tractor
an the scales of everyday expediment, p t of late, piano. Miss R th Brook read the
LAITY AUCTfO ALE ILL Now I'm not going to ask you to I know you will. find "colors" that in- Mr. l,aui,s Duffy, sen of Mr. w1m. Scripture and Liss Norma k led
COMMUNITY N. ,� W BE Duff is so'o�u,r'aillr on t old p
C dicot the purest he holne
'�)"' head at Dhlck house SIaal�fi, Seaforth. ev- draw your chairs closer together, but e e pu st gold. Thank you." Y, J g in prayer. A number of Christmas
' ery Friday. HOMER HUNT, Manager, Phone I am goring t0 sxiggest that for luso- s't6hd of late feeding his live stock.
228 r 12; G. H_ E�Lioltt6 Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Eckart were vis- carols were sung 'during the meeting.
:t", 3T48 tf tyt or twenty,five ,rndmites we draw our "Why the Ch'i'mes Rang," in pan -
"t minds closer together in the name itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
McKILLOP tonins farm, will be Presented by the
,�I: and for the sa'k'e of friendship, be- l John Murray, Jr., last Sunday. Mission' Band of the United, Ghnlrch
`' For Sale or Rent cause bailed down to one word, that Bethel Church will I}vald the Sunday on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 16tch, at
` �,,, is wtha-t our story' is (about- You may school Christmas tree on Thursday, VARNA 4 p.m. and ,will be directed try Miss
lfx'; FOR SALE OR RENT - SEVEN Room not all agree with my first word, as Dec. 21st, in tile, church. Kay Drysdale, superintendent. I." , 1' br" house on Goderich Street East- it iIs a word! of regret. It is this: ' The Christmas concert will be held The' sale held on Sat -
Modern conveniences. Apples Boa 215, EX- After t31e New Year, the stores in
n,' ' - POSITOR. 8741-t! 'I'l1at the quality of friendship has in Duff's Church on Tuesday even- urday last in Pas•smbre's shop on
,t z. Varna, will close at 7 p.m. every
: suffered through the years. We are r ing December I9tIh. Main Street, and spon'soared by the
night except Wednesday and Satur-
- - - going too fast. td make fast friends. ! Wohelo Class of Hensall United.
r')�r', Lost and Found Wo do not take time to be friendly.I day' .Church, was a decided success and
Mrs, M. A. Rothwell, who has spent
Wealth, scientific research and lover- the proceeds very gratifying.
�� . GOI.UNIBAN the sunnier with Mrs. M. Reid, has
'- �iuxsE LOST—IN TELEPHONE BOOTH I tions ;.hate brought us comforts, low- The following slate of officers pres-
; 1? . or ti, front of Queen's Haines, Seafo�-th, a' gone to spend the winter with her ,soled b RMurray,
,v 1. uries and speed, but they have not On Tuesday evening of last week y Tis's convener for
lady's change purie containing a Bumf of grand daughter lII Wlnd5'Dr', elle nOn13AaCln•�'
t aomev: Reward- Presse weave at EXP Sl- brought contentment. t'hi's speed lire members of• St. Coluniban choir b committee, will farm
TOR OFFICE Mr. Ernest Mills, 'of Soutrh Dakota,
3756-2 demon- is seen in almost. every walk gathered at the home of Mrs. John the 19.10 slate for the W.M.S. of Herr -
n I;: ' was renewing acquaintances -here last
k, W. of life. Downey, who has resigned her posi- 1.week. Mr. Mills is bhe youngest soh sell United Church at thea, December
? Here tet me contrast this with tion as organist and .leader. During of the late Thomas Mills, an old rest- meeting on Thursday Bast, Rev. R. A.
,•` Property For Sale earlier days, and I do so by bringing the evening Mrs. Downey was pres- Brook, pastor, presiding for the nom-
,, dent . Stanley. inations: Hon'o'rary president, Mrs.
'•^ � y'cu a verse of an old song which was entP'd with a cash doFiation and an Mrs- I e
` LZOR SALE- 33so.00 GASH 9Ix-Room _ ogee spent ell wee -;-end with C. A. McDonell;
., frame house, in good eondiUma. on Ord.l 5 'g in this and many other parts Of address was react by Vincent Lane, her parents i'n Zurich.. pres., Mrs. W B.
Ik Street, Seafbrtb_ Two Tata, chicken h.use, i Western Ontario in almost every pio- expressing appr•eei4tion of ,her many The annual meeting of the W. ,A. Cross; vice-pres., Mrs. C. Ballantyne,
Hydro. Apm+ly to Box los, EXPOSITOR Aeer home, 1 brine you this informs- yearn oY service in the church. The of St. John's Church was held in the Mrs' R. A. Brook, Mrs. J. Elder:
tion first r, treas., MIr
hand, •r I r r ens. 5.
. s well events, emainrde • h n'' C. Cook; records
r of the evening was spent ng sec.,
<' _._ _ ( chvrJ h Tuesdary afternoon and we Mrs. N. E. Cook; correspo Ig sect,
USE AND LOT FOR SALE --ONE 1'!F'1H, the older folks singing it so often, in iarcls. �Ir, and Mrs. �Vm. Maloney are pleased t'o report a successful
acre o8 genie; 3�roamed frame hales, because they were to„ether so often Ilrlr.isho-+d very fine music. , Mrs. A. W, E. Hemphill; pianist, Miss
year financially. Two bales of clot•]
a '„ modern conveTidc,n,ee:, on G'odermh St- West and all so in4ereated in each other. A euchre was held in the parish Irene I)o'uglas; asslislt., Mrs. T. J.
I'bs further panticuJan apply w 'rltUvtAs' I ing were packed for the Reserve. The Sherriit; 1•Iissiouar
�v.: There were five verses and chorus. hp.l on 'T'ues'day evening when bhere, old officers retain their officeReser I ` y Mont'h'ly sec.,
DICKSON. Phone 190 ar��l3. J756x3''tn Mrs. hi. U. Drysdale;
• i- . d I have not forgotten a v:ord of it. se ere d7 tables in play. The prize, A reception was held in the hall' press sec., Miss
__ w„re won as follows: Ladies, 1st, i H. Subb,iland; Christian Stewardship
1`ues+day night •in dlonor 'cif Mr. anti'
. Frlendshi'p makes us all so happy, Mrs. Strong, Seaford-; 2nd, Mrs. Mrs, Beattie. A well-filled purse wag';and finance, Mrs, Wilson Carlisle;
Notices ! friendship makes us all unite; Laing; gentlemen, Ist, Thos. O'Reil- straxigers' sec,, Mrs. J. Elder, Mrs. S.
l presented to Mr. and Mrs. Beattie, of Rierner; tem Prance sec., Miss J. Mur-
. T riendship makes one tell this story, ly, 2nd, Pat Cleary • door prize, te11 Ir which• a' very pleasant evening p
NOT 0F_ -ALL BOOKS MUST BE RE-. friendship brought us here tonight.” Doreen Maloney, daughter of Mr, and was spent:' Wle welcome them, to ray; Associate Helpers, Mrs. R. J.
r turned to the Public Library on or be y; g pair Paterson,, Mrs. E. McQueen supply
Mrs. Jos. Malone 'drawing for our comrmunrit and wish the your
I , I fore De&�ber 23rd. GRETA THOMPSON. y g '
•` < I.awaxian. 3756-2 This song truly represents fhe sen- of pillows, Mrs. Jos. Doyle. col le, bon voyage commnttee, Mrs. C. Gook, Mrs. S. Mer-
% , timent and community spirit that Mr. and Mrs. James O'Reill and p yfri 'through life. oer, Mrs. J. Elder; Mission Circle
,• Y Y The many friends of Mrs. Jahn
NOTICE kept the fires of friendship and con- family, of Shakespeare, visited with Steps., Miss Irene Douglas; Mission
?;, Smith will be pleased to know 'sire
teatment bright in the hearts of those Mr. Frank Melady. Band Supt., Miss Kay Drysdale; Baby
lies returned 'home_ from the hospital, Band Supts., E. L. Mickle, Mrs.
Township of Tuckersmith Party settlers.
i'” it is not often I take u the Orn(i ..�., N. E. Cook, Mrs. G. He EIfST
1„'.. -ALL ACCOUNTS OWING THE TOWNSHIP p r��7p Ball:iniyne. presidecJ. fdri the lahter
l., . of �zckurmith. -Peci-ally +the weed cut- of our club meetings, but tonight i ZURICH, BAYFIELD part nl the program which included a
tin, account, rnu.; he Presented to the ltl�'P, the floor and. y0U will just havt>
�6`1c;,u.riril nbrt la.t4,r th:•n Yridny, nevember lrth_ splendid• address by Rev. R. A. Brook.
D. F. ,11(-GREGOR, Clerk. ro 'pert up with me. Isere may I -take The Late Mary Ann Johnson Conside'rabie wrecking and rebuild- s ple d+di I dress were presented Brook.
3756-1 time to make a few general observa The death took place at ber home ing has been going on in the village the trf\asurer, Mrs. C. Cook' superin-
-- tions. It is a very difficult thing for in the village,, on Thursday, December this tall_ Walter Westlake took apart
tht> ordinary man on the street to 7th, of Mar • Ann Klein, widow of the n tendert of Mission circle, Mass bene
1. TOWN OF SEAFORTH Y his barn acid rebuilt a double Douglas; Baby Band, Mrs. E. I,.
i come and stand, where I stand to- late Thomas Johnson, in her 93rd age, IDraie Featherston .wrecked his Mickle; superintendent Home 'Help•
:' Clerk's Notice of First Post- night: wp spend about three hours year. Deceased had enjoyed her us- barn and. also built a ]urge. garage. .er•s, Mrs. E. McQAeed'. Each report
a per month attending meetings if we ual health and was up and around showed an increase 'over last year,
� ing of Voters List George Blair wrecked his barn and
�;. came to them -,aril, a•nd some of us do the home until Thursday when s'he rebuilt a implement sheat and all reports' were most
VTl•TEBS' LIST, ,939, MUNICIPAISITY OF yet if we take passed peacefully garage and i gratifying.
not do th ell, and Albert Woods wrecked this barn and The study, taken from the text, "Now
I" THE TOWN .OF SEAFORTH, COUNTY W y away. A resident
P ' oF'HITRON. Zionism seriously, we should all be of this village for over 60 years site rebuilt a chicken house. abideth faith, hope and love, but the,
`"r OTIICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I wearing perfect attendance buttons- Iliad the esteem and respect of a
N Mr. 'Frank Wild and. daughter, Dor- greatest of all these ,is love." This
', $lave cornpried with 'Section 7, of the it iB most important time -and if you large number of the residrents in t'he ton, Alta., called, paper was prepared
Vdbers' List Act, and thatt I have posted up ashy, Of Etialnn Oli by the president,
nor my,offine az the Town of Seafort r, an the have any doubt ghoul it, redid and re- community. Her 'h'usband, predeceas- Frank Keegan, and the Wild form-: Mrs. Cross, at present confine to her
. 29th day of November, 1939, the lint of an read' Mie Lion's Code of Ethics, which ed her some years ago. Surviving are ily on Monday, having come tip from home thraugh ill ,health, and pres-
`persons emltidaed to vote in the said munici- iS just about the bighest type of rea- four daughters: Mrs. Ed. Stoskopf, of Toronto whine Mr- W.iIrL purchased ,a creed by Miss Murray and mush en-
alii at nun+ri a, �.lec•t;inn.9
D Y R> and than such
s:>riin r
'' -ores remra;rra t�se,, alr.inrperYon. K you can find, and it represents Kitclhener; Matilda, Alice and Susie, n,ey7 Car and is motoring )rack home, joy'Ied by everyone. The viaiUing Com.
And I hereby earl- upon alt VOtos to take the true soul of Zionism. If you still at. home. The, funeral was held On leaving London on Wednesday, Dec. mittee,-:Mfrs. Wilson Carlisle and Mrs.
Ei 1. immediate pr•>r..r-rl:nor,: ,r, have any errors or have, doubts, ask any one of those SaLurd.ay. Itev. E. Tuerkheim con- 13th, Mr. Wild is a son of, the late S. Merner, repart.ed' ,having made 29
It;;.. .,rni-.=Ian.: L,.I-r•.•, ( ;•,lint, w law, the last Ic•harter member, who stood up here rltl'ctFd ihr servire at Uhe home and Peter Wilri, formerly of the Blue Wa-'
day for api.a,Q )«•:n;r vhf, 20th day of De-
ocmher, 1939. tnnigibt and they will tell you that interment, took place at the Baden calls and fourlaf four confined to heli.
ter Highway, gold later a very exten- A bail of clothing for the Western,
n:\oris ,f w orthrr, the formation of this club wt's built cemeKery' sive farmer in North Daklo•ta. S,1=0 area 'is being packed and forwarded
,,, c I,, t: IIr s Orth. years ago Prank moved to tate
� �' an almost perfect, attend'a.nce by the Mr. and Mrs, F dward'Halberer cele- id�i• by the htnies. The pastor .preffiided
3755-3 members. They counted mleetin9 brated the 7th anniversary 2: of their montaa district and, now with thy, over the ,devotional and the hymn,
time important, and here I , f talirre- wedding on Friday Oast at their home he1'p of ,three g'ons farmis edght 'h ., ".Jesus, Saviour, Not Me", Was -sung.
J - _ up the time Of forty Lions, forty re in the village. Immediate relatives At the canc)usion' ''f th sting a
j Meeting3 dred acres. Mr. W'fld • and, ISaSbtlr �Q Me
eking presentative men, •and then I remem- were entertained to a banquet and' like Ontario and said they w;1�' co share meeting of fills riieu's As
NOMINATION MEETING her the high' standar•ri' this club has the evening was spent in a social again for a danger visuL
set up back over ' bhe years in' the manner, sncia.tion was held and condgeted by
t`, McKillop ' wayof Zlhe new Cities Service station, just. Mrs. Ballantyne. During this period
guest speakers, men +have Mr. Alex N. Masse, 14th con_, Hay, east of Glangregor Square, is nearing arra
'';'' HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ELEC comes to ug frOpn town and out ref sustained a ,heat/ lose last week ngementfi were made t0 hold, a
' Y conaplletion ,arid will. be Up-fo-datg pial afternoon in the bhsement of .
;;. 'tors of the Mnnn'clpalfircy of tine Tbwneb6, town, all or nearly all of them with when; he lost five head of cattle. A when finished
of McKiNop oriel be bead act W-unthsap Haat on a college education behind them, well heavy wind blew open the door to the ladle lr f the Wednesday, Jean 10th, gnat
Fa& Mhe 22nd da
of December, .9 for
The members aP L.O.L.LOLNo. 24 are the ladies of the congregation to be
a,; the p�arpbse of nominating a Reeve and four accustomed to this sort of thing and the granary and the cattle gained ac- arrI,nging for a progressive euchre given a special invitation. A program
CoumcrVlora for the year A. D. 1940. wrth many. prepared subjects to cess the and dance on the eventing of Decem- committee was appointed, consisting
tt;: graiti stored therein. The
.,I NIm►irrawons w W t>e received beroween the choose from, and then most dlificuit effect oP the over•eatiag caused the her 29th is the 2awri hal}. of Mrs. E. McQueen-, Mrs. lYfeun Red-
-gorge a event
and or o'clock
rso pbei of all this, today we sit in our homes cattle to become ill and the five died Thee Sunda school of St. And rew'a d
I�'%, In 44no oveot o> more persons t>�mg rnrmin- and the great minds came to Us from a few days later. y en and Mrs. Milton Love; lunch
Y= rhea shat, are required to fma goes several United Church is practising for a committee, Mrs. E. L Mickle, Mrs: M.
nffades, an edQgtibn rv6aa be 4read on Mmrday, file ends of lite• Oartb, and, talk to us Mrs. J. Wagner and son, of Shake- Cillristmas endertainment for t h e G. Drysdale and Mrs.. C. Cook
Mine front day of Jranulary, A. D. 1940.
vyr. Ph1ta win tx oPmi from 9 am. until s oar on every subject you can think of- apeare, visited relatives) in the village sclaolarrs in the balaement oP the
preaC'hers, professors, renters, Mrs. Thomas Finale
a� at the fa�weng place; P Press- on Sunday. y, formerly Miss
li Pitt No. 1-.Irs,res o�l,m's hones, 7.ot 10, deet$, commentators, stators, and church on December. 21st- Mary Murray, daughter of the'late -
,�.. Mrs. Emma Rase is spending the Mr. and Mrs. Ahrens, 04 Detroit, Mr. and. Mrs. George Murray, who was
Con 6: ,IsmpA Nolan D.R U., wh,. Mmlomey, spears Monlda
Al,u;' , P.C.even the King himself dtrops' in'once winter with her daughter, Mrs. Kuhn, y a merchant here a number of years
y" Pdf 00. Mls .Jos. Hwx's hoaset Lot 25, in 8 while, and ou•r Queen -God bless at Windsor. Y and Ttresde at thein
beautiful cottage oprpoaute the 'lwlblle ago, and after Mr. Findlay'e death in
1�rfir•: Cam. 4: Mnrilie, D.R.o., Mea. George her- came to nor nflt long ago. These Keep the date, Dec. ]9th, open for ®ooi, having two large ,poplar trees Clinton a Pew years ago Mrs. Findlay
r�r:. E�honc Y.C: Lions, are some of the di>HeMaltfes I he annual Zurich school concert o
i tr 1PrA Np a--Jaswh Smith's 'hour Lot 10, t' : cut d'ow�n from I'n fr'Ont of the Oot- made her home wlith ,her da titers,
s , Goa, 22 ReA+ir Sannomb�pfi, P.k,A•,; had to face I,n,coming here tonight. be bell in the town Hall that even- �
),sr� `'A 1�C: 13owe�er' Sf yds ands I will look back ing. Mrs. Falconer of Bay4leid and I -s
t `; Fat No.' 4' Driscoll's house, Lott 26, Mr, and iwrR. Chdrrahward', of I.on-
Rathburn. of near Hensa'1.1., and so
7t over our iivesy it's the hard thin Dr. and Mr4. i. A. AddiBon ar 1e don,
Itµ l GtiRi: t2: "Wrn ",Somerviaae, Jp. ,o., WEitls a sPerit Sumd'ay .at thea rcottage bad roams+ in the Joynt block, has ret
�1) luafstm P -G. that we fIAI46"'don+e drat bring us' the ceiving the congratulations of their here,
r turned to Hensall and has taken
�, JOAN MrINAY, Clark. most -satisfaction', the things that teat many friends on the arrival of a baby
i 8756-2 the'best' that is is us. You all know boy, rooms; with her friend Miss Murray,
1. 1,
the fellow who gets everything band- HENSALL on Highway No. 4, at the east end
-',srx) NOMINATION MEETING ed to bim on- a. silver platter is al- of Uhe village, an•d her manly friends
`i`, t" CROMARTY '
+IJI'llways a misflk in the front ]'ane, if .he Euebre and dance, Town Hall, He are glad to welcome 'her back.
Township of Tuekersmith ever gets there. salL Fridlay, Dbe. 15th, at 8.30, apron- Rev. John MusLwd, of Toronto, took
till,.,. THF- ANNUAL NOMINATION MEEPING 1 testa at the the services in Carmel Presbyterian
Ueginm'i'n,g that I pick- wed by Chamber of Commerce. Church o4 Sunda, laat. In the morn-
`'" T' of the 'Ibadtrsh p 'orf Tnckera�iMJh far the ed np shirr Sine Pram quite au: obscure Mr. and Mrs. Colin McDougall, of Mlrrrdaok orchestra, G0a(j prizes. Pro- Y
.,aria nonainrdibim of icandidates for the affice of Harrington, spent Sunday with Mrs ,, the choir 'rendered the anthem,
s}i1,i ` Reevb mod Oeam diens for Lhe year 1944, will trcowrce and, I may as well start at Quaace. ceteds iw odd- of Red Cross. Lunch "Praise Ye. the Lardy" the olrlfgato
I fir` the beglanl-n p
ra • . 'be +>seld, in Waitron's in Juppen, on g'• ()ne day, as I swept provide& Admission 35c.
Mr. and Mrs. Ghariie Mitts and solo taken
+ tt`+A41w. Da*nyber ?,2nd, 1939, from I to 2 the Hack whop I noticed, a leaf on the Rhe+nmatiVin, Seiatbca, Backache; -In Imo' A. 11,,All e l
1.',i' r, p stir. • Ytxi be areetl+esry, such Ppli shalt floor out of a family, of St. MaFyrs, and Mrs, Rabt. In Uhe even -Ing the'anthem, All Hall
�Z . ' Sur aliened an Mbaday, Jamar',, 1, 1940, be.,magazine or pamtphiet (Ahlttick, of Granton, visited with IIIlIIlb2tgtO are attacked at the source the Power aE Jean}s, il�idtme" arae sung.
!iof some kind. Tt was soiled, but b lige ,.-camel aad:nnbi tic acLfoiti
1Corebxf the hamm orf 9'am. a�rd G pm set site .Mrs, R.abartsam and, sons, John Rol} y Momilay e4eilfn*' the Y.P.S. meat in
2otiowrle(t: tDiaree :arra by the foilaw,ing ,ole;- there was somas poetry on ft and I ertsan. of flumacaps. A2fdldMettiyrl's Drug Stare.
,Iy:'11,, cert: t"cAl if o. 1-•F'1nntBsne vacant story: never pass ave` Poetry lightly. I laid To the Electors of bhe, village of the sr�hool'robm of the church The
IL. � MWO ; : + *91 „ey, Clerk: Mr.' Rab Hamibto� an(] sister, Mary nresUinJ; opened with carol al
� x •House„Nb. 8- Edward Brown: it on my desk and after a while I en, I a'pplrecfate very mucin the RI>Irg,
i' Janethe Hamilton, Spent the week end after wbi-ah Jean McQueen, : led in
° M �Cderlc. PeR Na a- •picked, ft up and read it, over. I read with Mr. Corby and family, of Duh- support received' at the poll btu Mon,
FfI” �Dc5M �1�� Ad9 fi;06*1; D•IL0 c It a second time, and do you know, day, December 1th. My eleetian• will Prayer. Violet Hyde read the Scrip.
' 1pirmtllf Ciic7y,. C1art; Peal 00. 4�hoo1 mss' be devoted to the best 'fwtereets of etre lesson and Mrs. W A. MacLaFren
I,g i ItiX&ti 1 it ' h6mas ftkotifati, D.".; J. It was Iuat a soiled 'leaf any more. Mr. and MTS. Duncan McKellar and Hen$al1 and Huron County for 1940.
of sang a solo "O Little Towns of Rethle.
vl ,. tl/;,-• telettai4h, Merk. Pon Nb. •fi-Sacirbnl Thtosre verses stood out in si1arpest Mr. and Mrs. J Scott attended thehem." Allan Davidson
Wishing you the Compliments of the gave the topic
I L,,,0#L,;..'1R,b
SDeli,, b1R ..���M Tse. aUnttCast yynd I bcarceily laid It down funeral of thei unole, the late John • � on The Spirit of Christmas"; a mug-
,". yt,cma: v'Ji�iarnrM r�Itb, weakoii; R, i. SHADDICS$. Y1 . lyr y� IIn+Eit I Irardl ryomhritted it Ub memory. F�wea, orf- Brillaseis, on Saturday*, De foal numbeie ,by Margaret and, Harry
iGiOi s ° Ido not know jltlst Why it lzapressed, camber 9th: +tee Hensel- 5e to $1.00 Stora has Dougall. A hymn w followed by
t aa, bpt I irnew ,bhe editor was struck ay a trws+ortrmrent of Cha+lstmas
' t 3w oUl$(1M�, Mr. R Pierre, of Bttlsaels, visit c�olpfeUe
al l4$ , Altar the Natfowd Amithemlt.
' i x`�A'11�1'4'y •I tbftrs It; gbave i a full Page apace, ed railth 'Mr. a t tt�. crc' s'txa acLvilse s
d6.t nal MIs. B. O. Mites ryy boPlY1 Mr, and Mrs. Frank Rotltburn Of
i r 1.j �� Y
^A i'. 1 r rA
} i< 1
�. i
I' ; r IM Yf vl a fur{ Yt ltJar 4rffyrti"J!}++I ret «llrpll ,:ar rr iia u..
t- 1'. 1 I. t
t >za{ I, if
`. r �I
_ a.-ylt'.�d1
byte Manson's -group of Carmel Pres- Hensall
byterian Church was held 9'n the
school room on Wednesday afternoon
and was a decided success and well �xrr� �t�T
patronized. C. R, r� iLK1[i� 1§0N, I.O.
Mrs. Garnet Case was hostess to OPHTHALMIC. OPTICIAN
the Hensall Senior Institute recently Wiinghal�
w,hen'there was a splendid attendance.
The president, Miss Beryl Pfaff was will be at W. O. GoodL'w' s otam ewo
in the chair. The roll call was an- ery 1'st and and Tuea yls Ila este
swered by a suggestion for relieving month, for the purpose of tesamN
last-minute rush for Christmas. The eyes and 8,ttln'g g1wep, - Udgiontt
motto, "Christmas in Other Lands," cases and 'those clPuat have ,not be=
was given, by Miss Pfaff. A demon- propedy fitted- are speitdimtfly recent.
titration of "My favorite candy re= inendedl to eonautt mus. Hausa 1*
ripe" was given by Mrs. Claude a.,ul,, to 6 VA% Phcow Efenmall 14
Blowes. Mrs. W. A. Maclaren sang $01• &pmt d am,,
a pleasing solo, "Heart of Gold," and
Miss Florence Welsh gave -a piano
solo, be guest speaker was Misr Stratford.
Helen Cameron, of St. Louis, Mo., who Mrs. Mendoza and daughter; Miss
gave a delightful travel. talk on Siam Kay Dobbs, of Toronto, were hostess6
Where she had spent a year as secre- as in Toronto on Dec. 2rnd for Miss(
tary for 'a motion picture corporation. Marion Sinclair and Mr. H. Sherritt,
A Iarge number of'•gifts were r•eceiv- of Dundas, whose wedding will be a
ed to be sent to the Sick 'Children's smart event on New Year's Day in
Home in Toronto. The house was Blyth United Church. They were
beautifully decorated, and the lunch presented with a kitohen shower. The
was served by Mrs. I. G. Smillie, Mrs. guests included Misses Mavis Spen-
E. L. Mickle and Mrs. J. Passmore. cer, Joyce Scruton, Lettie Love, D.
Mr. C. L. Jinks b'as received a gold Farquhar and; Helen Murch and,
medal for 100 per cent. Isale.smarls'hip Messrs. R. Passmore, Norman Sin-
at the Cocks:h'utt Plow banquet held I Clair, Kenneth Manns, Racy Paterson
on Tuesday'$vening in Windsor Hotel, and Keith Campbell.
va\ jL
T ::`
I -- U .
Christmas Specials
:Mixed Nuts WITH PECANS LB, i✓C .
BRAZERSS.and.. per ib. 2110 and ,iald ALMONDS U.rperib: 25C r
Fresh Roasted �0C -
PEANUTS ......................................... per Ib. 1U r
Sunkist Oranges, per doz. 20c A 40c 50e .
Large Texas Sweet t� �}
` TA'NGERINES.. per doz.' 19C GRAPEFRUIT ... 8 for 25c
• California �1 q QC
GRAPES ....................................... . ..... G lb,. 1 e,1
Special Card � �� ... �5 •
'. R7oir's i®C' Mcir's Xmax Box ^y�C
Star Maraschino
CHOCOLATE DROPS, Ib. 19C 1.CHERRIES ..Pound Box 25'C .
• See Our Display of FRUITS and VEGETABLES ,
2 Pounds 23'C 15'Cf 25Cf 35C, 50C Jars
. 'f"' 2 S GROCE KRY ",
I C AR vl')" N U - & BAI�EK,Y ,
Phone � SEAFORTH We Deliver
I . 61.
. 20"ate ' ..
� .
.At the request of Merchants and Businessmen, I hereby proclaian
A Public H61id'ay for the Town of Seaforth ; ' "'
and request the Citizens to dally observeJ,thel same.
JOHN J. CLU�"F, Mayor
�7 ' - at - "s called to the danger to lift✓
d p rt I DT t stmas decorations, such as
.. drapers , scenery, � n to represent snow, etc.
Displays of this nature and the lighting arrange-
ments in connection therewith add greatly to the
ordinary risks of fire.
See that inflammable material is clear of a`nd
not hung over lightingdevices, 'steam pipes, stove
pipes, electric light bus, etc. See that the electrie
circuits are properly fu d and not overloaded. have
alt temporary decoration's removed as 'soon tits they
have served their purpose.
Rb'member, nothing can render these displays
absolutely safe, and, that if accidents are not to viar
the festive season, constant vigilance and care must
be exercised. '
A. W. DICK, Fire Chief,
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