The Huron Expositor, 1939-11-17, Page 44b' vtm� ,, Ati� r da will be inserted at new low cash rates : rot sae, Wanted. Lost and Found. Cutting Events. Etc—Few' worth 2 week 1 Cera 2nn d week 5 � Sad week Minimum charge. Brat Inaertioat 2.5 Ceuta Each figure, Mittel and abbreviation enrsalb as ease wand, Oard ed Thomas, In uam Na1u--.1 cent per word. Minimum. 50 cents per week. Flaaltauhe may be direoled No a Box Number. cora et The Huron Expositor. for 10 Dents Ten cen• iB addthilonwal per week WM be cheated tC ads in phase clans inns net Paid by the Sebnrdav night in the week in which the ad was run. Births. Marriages and Deaths insetted free of charge. Anotilon Salm, Notice to Coeditors. Ebe.—mss on septidalbs. Personal Kmmas...ABE, CLEANSED AND mated by using Ruanecaps. At j ate/eye ds, use Enamours for Your sake. McKINDSEY'S DRUG STORE. INV1G- regular health's For Sale Cards of Thanks l JAMES'MAND 'F cCLINOEEY AND 3y, Hawaii, wish no express their deepest gratitude for kindness shown 'them by their nei,lhburs and friends during the illness and 3753-1 dealth of the Telae Mr. Jas McOlinchey; special hhamina to Rev_ R. A Brook, those who eataisted in lithe 6kkgiza . and So those who loaned caws. 3753-1 P1GS FOR SALE- -FOR SALE, SEVEN ;choice ed`iikers., at Loft 21. Commission 3, . N•LcKillopr GORDON Mr:KENZiE. 3753x1 FOR SALE—THOROUGHBRED OXFORD Down ram. 3 years old. Will exchange. Apply :to ALEX- BU•CHANAN, Hensall.or Phone 41. Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE- •100 ACRES. GOOD huddi�ng's., "drilled will: wheat in, and PlowingY a e- For TWo ilesct11arst of appply tiorth oa on Heigh y Preknises to ROY LAWSON. 3753x1 Lost and Found STRAYFID HEIFER—STRAYED ON TO the: farm rental' by Garnet Taylor, Stafa, two mouths ago, a red heifer. Owner can have same by paaying advertisetnent and feed expenses., 3753x1 �iTItAYaED BEAST — STRAYED EEJFXR. 1�`-""34�p7ht roan. on to Lot 18, Concession 4. Hay. this week_, Owner can have same by Daoyine owaner1hip •'and paying charges. GEORGE DICE, R. R. 2, Hensall. 3753x1 A .pledgeto the W.M.S. was given by Mrs. P. Lindsay. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. A. W. Gardiner and Mrs. Win. Bri'ttton_ Mrs. Me'Gzies 'clos,ed the meeting wibis prayer and lunch was served. James Rapslan, a foo -mer resident of this district, passed away on Sat- urday' :miorning, Nlovenn'ber ,lith, in the Kitchener -Waterloo Hos'p'ital. Mr. Rapson had been in poor health sante early in the summer and had been in the :hoepitaaa for several weeks'. The funeral was conducted by tike Rev. D. IL Gordon, B.A., of Kitchener. Re- presentatives of the Kitchener Moose Lodge, of where Mr. Rapson had been an active member, paid their tribute totheir fellowship with him in the funeral service of their ord'ar. The pall'bearels were all members, of the Idge. Interment was in the Kiniturn cemetery. Mr. Rapson is survived by three members of his owes family; William, of Guelph; Ruth, of Pene- tanquisthene; Lottie, of Toronto, and by two brothers, LsaaC_ JX1' Alpert, and two sisters,, Eva and Ellen. The regular meeting of the W.M.S.. and W.A. w -as held on Thursday, Nov. 91h, with the president, Mrs. E. Ad- ams, presiding. Mrs. R. Rogerson ''led in prayer, foi•llowed by the Lar'd's Prayer in unison. 'rhe minutes were read, followed by the business dis- cussion. A very successful report was given on the fowl supper by Mrs. George Lei't'Ch. Rev. A. E. Menzies presided over the election of officers which are as follows: Pressid'ent, Mrs. E. Adams'; vice-president, Mrs. William Britton; secretary-treasnlrer, Mrs. George Leitch; pianist, Miss Edith Britton; assistant, Mrs. George Addison; group leaders, Mrs. A.. Dex- ter, Mrs. E. Lawson, Mrs. Orville Dae, Mrs. Ben Snell. Rev. A. E. Menzies closed the meeting with rl-WE FAMILY OF THE LATE DANIEL 1 M+nNaug+htoai, of Hensall, wisah to express their sMeere thanks and deep ap'preedantron to relatives, frIonds and neighbors 'and Rev. R. A. Brook, for the acts of kindness ansi ex- /irestuns of ,sympathy ®Mended to them in Geer sad bereavement. Wanted IATANTED FOR. FEED—HORSES AND kettle. Wr-t91 o"ll and destroy ytour sick, disabled asrinraIs. Reasromalble petites. JACK- SON BROS. Phone 134 r 5. 3753x2 'For Rent FOR RENT -OCTOBER 154h, 8 -ROOMED brick house with bathroom and new fur- ral°ce, -garage .on property. Apply to 3746-4-1 Jack, o t hers. Huron Road 05) Carter est and and son, CHAMBERLAIN. Miss Annie Pryce, of S'eaforth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pry'ce_ The weather is all that could be de- sired at time of writing. We hope it con ti nu es. Don't forget the euobre and dance this Friday night. Mrs. S'parling a,nd Miss Hazel Sperling, of Wroxeter, spent Wednes- day with Mrs. Walter Eaton. BRUCEFIELD A meeting in the interest of Red Cross work wi'il be held in the I. 0. 0. F lodge rooms on Tuesday even- ing, Nov. 21st, at 8 p.m. Everybody welcome. A full attendance is urg- ently requested. The play, "Cheerio, My Deario," is being presented in Br-ucefield by the choir on Wednesday night, Nov. 22. sa. BLAKE Mr. and. Mrs. Mervin Stelck, of the 14th concession, spent a few days in Toronto_ Mr_ and Mrs. Wm. Manson visited at the 'home of Maw Manson and fam- ily- Mr. and Mgrs. Lloyd McBride, of Windsor, visited with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. McBride. Mrs. Sam Hee visited her sister an'd daughter in Midhdgan. The W.M.S. met Wednesday after- noon in the Blake church. Mrs. Man - son's group prepared the program. WINTHROP For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT — SEVEN ROOM Irick house on Godericb Street East. Modern conveniences. Apply Box 215, EX- POSITOR. 3741-tf Property For Sale F —4 OR SALE -0350.00 CASH. SIX -ROOM frame house, in good oo'nditilan, en Ord Street, Seafiortb- Two lots, chicken house, Hydro. Apgty to Box 206. EXPOSITOR 726 tl Notices NOTICE—ALL ACCOUNTS OWING TO the firm of w'alker's Furniture Stbre, Seaforth, must be paid on or before Decem- ber 1, 1939. 3751-3 Auction Sales COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE WILL BE held at Dick Boase Stables, Seafloa-'th. on Friday. November 17th. HOMER AUNT, Man- ager, 1lhlane 228 r 12; G. 1L Elliott, �4� Auc- tioneer. • UCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND HOUSE- "- head Effects. ---The residence of the late Miss Robinson and contbe lei will be said by Public auction at ilhe residence, Sparking St, Seafonth, on Friday. November 24th, at 1 p.m.: kitchen stove ; 2 kitchen tables: k'itbhlan c''n a ia-+ : cuipbdard : dropdeaf cherry Sao; % dozen chairs : rocking chair; ma;hoWa reY Asst ; oak sideboard with bev- elled athrroal: set of 2 mahogany occasfonat chairs : lc -fashioned sofa; bookcase; old situ oak or(Ysm converted into deck; 6r x 9r bedroom rug; dressers : wash stand ; odd tablas ; bedsteads ; sprknic s : etc.; kitchen mien- ; dishes end outer aaitiolea. Terms—On h+o' use made known ma day of sale and sub- ject to reserve hill. Effect,- Cosh. ESTATE. OF MISS ROBINSON. Prop.; }lamed Jack- son, Auctioneer. Meetings MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL THE NEXT MEETING OF HURON COUN- try Council will be held an the Council Chambers. Court House, Gnderich. _commenc- ing Monday, Nlovember 29th, 1989,' at 2 p.m - A91 aaccou.nik, notices of depratations, ap'pli- etartions and other business requiring atten- tion of council should be in the bands of the Clerk by November lilac. J. M. ROBERTS, County Clerk, Goderict?, Ontario. 3751-2 In Memoriam CONSTANCE A 41, Qur F"athere Known of Old"; memor- I Hoggauth, "Good Advice," from. Man addatseas, Rev. R. A. Brook; hymen, dy and Restless Following the pro- +'�«l et. , ,ll the Sainte Who Frown Their gram an address was read by Jean J4abars Best"; benediction, A short I Vemmer and the lid of a decorated service was helld at the monument: bungalow removed in which was "Abide With Me," Hensall Citizens' concealed a large number of lovely Band; prayer, Rev. Chandler; Last gifts. Maude expressed' her thanks Post; two minutes' silence; Reveille. in a verytfitting manner, after which Wreaths wane, placed by Mrs. Alda dainty lunch w -as served, Simmons, Mrs. Minnie Sangster and Mrs. George Hudson. "God Salve the King," and benedection' by Rev. M. A. Hunt. Miss Greta La,'msnie, organist, presided at the oonsole for the ser- vice in the church, while Mr. W. O. Goodwin dainected the choir. Tn wsitdng to a friend: this week, Mr& Ida Coiwill, of Park Side, Sask., formerly known. before marriage, as Miss ida Dice., a midliner, draughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dick, then of the Township of Hay, men tioaled It was 17 years since ehe left Hensall, but being a ,olose reader of The Huron Expositor she keeps in touch with all •tthe Huron news, par- ticularly of Hensall, where she once lived. She usually spends the win- ters in California and. Florida, but is not certain where she will spend this winter—may spend it in Toronto and Huron County, and ber many friends would be glad; to ,see her again. Don't Drive A Willys Ui4L;ESS YOU WANT. TO SAVE YOUR DRIVING COST 50 PER CENT. OV- ER OTHER ,CARS! We offer a De Luxe Sedan, 1939, driven Tess than 2,000 miles„ with Factory Guarantee. Also 1936 V-8 Ford Coach, Willys Coupe, 1936 Model SEE THE NEW WILLYS 1A TON TRUCK J. E. Hugill & Sons AGENT tan Church mast on 'rhursd!a.y afters wan last in the school room of the church, Mrs- A. Logan presiding. Prayer was given by Mrs. Jean Man- son, followed by Scripture, Psalm 46, by Mrs. Pantie, minutest, roil call and business. Mrs. W. A. MacLaren sang Ia delightful solo, and Mrs. C. S. Hud- son gave a. spt1endiid and interesting topic on "Indtia." A closing hymn and prayer by Mrs. Workman con - eluded the meeting. • The Young People of Carmel Church mast Monday -eventing with Miss Irene Hoggart:h presid'ing. Miss Margaret Hell gave the opening pray- er following t'le singing of a hymn; devotional t . it, Miss Hannah Mur- ray; minute: , telt call, business and offierinig. '1 captains appointed were Jack Lal and Bobby Cameron. prayer. Themne sonag, "The Call of Christ, Miss Margaret. Bell Miss' Mabel W'orkrma'n gave a splendid report of the P.Y.P. convention held at Lon- don. James Campbell gave a 'poem, "Hippity Hop" (by Isabel Graham)• A music S number was led by Mrs. Malcolm Dowell. Miss Margaret Grieve contributed an interesting top - Two -Wray Action on the Kidneys, iic on "Hymens We Love." Following antiseptic and invigorating. Rime.- the closing peinidd a Bible contest caps at -reek tlhe cause of Rheumatism,' was held, followed with contests and; Sciatica, Lumbago. Middleton's Drug games. Store. On Tuesday evening • the Ladies' Association of Cannel Presbyterian Euchrne, Dance, Hensall Town Hall. Church bend their' November meeting Friday, Nov. 17th, auspices all in the school room of the church with Retina - Chamber of Commerce. Proceeds aid Mrs. Frank Farquhar presiding. Mrs. 'Community Christmas Tree. Good Farquhar led in prayer. The min - prizes. Murdock orchestra. Lunch I utes of the previous meeting were provided. Admission 35 cents. read ands approved. The financial re- port was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Workman Arrangements were made to hold a home -cooking sale and tea on Saturday, Nov. 25th, at 3 p.m., in the church. A piano solo by Miss Helen Dick was enjoyed. Mrs. Jas. A. Paterson gave a. splendid demon- stration and addeess on tshe care of clothing. Contests and lunch fo IP HENSALL Now is rthe •time for a nice warm dress. See the new materials at Good - wins. At a meeting of the finance and publicity committee of the Red Cross 'held in the Town Hall, the following Icanvascs`e1's were appointed !to can-' vase the town for, •donatlorns in the interests of the Red 'Cross: George Hess, E. L. Mickle, Joe Hagan, Geo. Follick, G. M. Drysdalle, Joe Flynn. William Fee, H. W. Hoitan and W. 13. Cross. Dr. William Joynt has left for Brockville, where he has accepted a government position_ A euchre and dance, sponsored by the Hensall Chamber of C'om'merce, wild be :h+eld in the Town Hall on Friday evening, Nov. 17th, with good prizes ands good music by Murdock oroheetra. Proceeds are for the cam- munity Christmas tree. Mrs. Williams Smaalle bad her ton- sils removed on Tuesday morning at Dr. Steer's office. Mrs. A. J. Hummell, of Millville, Pa., spent a few days last week vis- iting her faist'ers in Hensall and dis- trict. Mrs. •Rummell is in the very best of 'hea1Fh and never looked as well as she does know. Miss Irene Smale, has returned fol- lowing a two weeks' vacation Spent at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. James Nicholson, of Wimighasn, accompanied by Mrs. Robt. N'icholscm, of Belgrave, were visitors with Miss E. Johnston Armistice Day. The Ret] Cross Knitting Committee will be at the Town Hall an Monday, Nov. 20th, from 3 to 5 p.m., and will be glad to see all the ladies who are knitting or interested, also anyone who would like to learns. Miss Cassie Dougall was visited over Sunday by her friend, Mrs. Clark, ,orf Listowel, and also by Mr. and Mrs. Hastings, of Listowel, with Mrs. Dougall and daughter, Cassie. Servic•r:5 in Cermet Church oa Sun- day last were conducted by Rev. W. Weir, B.A., of Portage la Prairie. In the morning anthem the special parts were taken by Mrs. W. A. MacLaren and Miss Irene H'oggarth, and at the ev'enin'g service a lovely duet was rendered by Miss Irene Hoggarth and Mr. Frank Battersby, of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Dexter visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oliver, of Clinton, on Sunday. Miss Jean, Anderson, of London, visited at ter 'hams over the week - and. The meeting of the W.A. and W.M. S. was held in the basement of tho church on Thuredlay afteknnoon, Nov. 9tih- Mrs, P. Lindsay presiding for the W.M.S., opened by use of the hymn, "'Ilhere is Work To Do For Jesus.." Prayer was offered by Mrs. Robert Lawson and Mrs- Lindsay. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and .adopted and business trans- acted_ Rev. A. E. Menzies then took the chair for the election of officers for the coming year, which were as follows: President, Mrs- P. Lindsay; lot vice.,presidesnt, Mrs. Jas. Hugill; and vice -'president, Mrs. Geo. Addi- son; 3rd vice-preeident, Mrs. Orville Dale; secretary, Mrs. Charles Dex- ter; treasurer, Mrs. Bert Stephenson; literature and M'iss'ionary Monthly, Mrs. Earl Lawson; temperance secre- tary, Mrs.. B. Snell; strangers' secre- tary, M rs. (1 Leitch; mite box secre- tary, MIS, Lorne Lawson; Christian Stewardship secretary, Mrs. B. Stepp ensOn; press secretary, Mrs. C. Dex- ter; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Robert Iawsan; flower secretary, Mrs. George Addison; organist, Miss Ed- ith Brieon ; assistant organist, Mrs. Ella Casrbett. The Women's Associa- tion then took obaarge. The Young Peeler -0 Society of Ooastance United Church will hold their regular meeting in the church on Hatay, Nev. 17tJh. A good program is being prepared and lunch will be served. The autumn thankoffering meeting was bell at the house of Mrs. Wm. Britten with Mrs. Peter l.ind'say pre- sridinig. The meeting opened with "Y!w1 May Have the Joy Belie" Silent. prayer for our coiitlitry and mission - aril s was observed. Mrs. Lindsay of- fered prayer. The first chapter of the study book was given by' Mrs. William Britton an lade, followed by Mrs. li. 11). Merni ies, aDay Without a Chaste." Mrs. A. W. Gardiner gave a very interesting address, "The King- diotrm of God," also the following verses: The IJard Christ wanted a heart one day, To do a loving dieed, He wamsted two feet an an errand for Hunt To run with gladsome speed. Dnt I had need of my own that day. To Res gentle persuradling I answer- ed "Nay," So ali, that day I used my hands, My tongue and my feet as I chns•e; I spoke acm=e cold bitter words That. .hurt one heart, God knows, I busied my bands in useless play And my wilful feet went a crooked wry. And the dear Lord Christ with His work undone i1' or the lack of a loving heart. It leo through men that He speaks to men, Ms men must do their paint; lie May have used mother that day, eked 1 vori.sOted rsi have let hire have McMURTRI i—I'n lovirux memory of a dear wife and sister, Catharine McRdatth Me- Mnrtt e, who passed away Nov, 10. 1938: •One year hats 'passed since that gad day, The one N'e loved Was called Omar: God took ber hone. it was Hos will, Butt in our hearts she thre th idiliL --E'er remembered by endbaawl, Mother and Sisters. 375511 Births EATON—Iln McKillop. nn Thutbday, Novem- ber •9th, 8e, Mae. and Mars. Walter Eaton, a itati. DUNUj:BY-Tai Scout M ntorihl 8ostood, Sea - forth, on Noir-unbar 12th, so Mr. and Mrs. ',toy Detrgey, a daughter. 1, OTAGGAR'T In Sethih dl ornuria+l Illosp7 . S'ealflmdlh, tri Noteetobeet1tth, 10 Mr. and Mg. r2 dOthr SrctbfEtaattttr Tikuseekb, a ann. Deaths is tahlr✓ dfi 1'ritlay. Netermber 2lsrdtes, sewn(' daughter tn. Andrew Koons. rob• Tuesday. November ler, 'Ad- tare year. ala.0 t1, R 9l Church News ed - The Young People's Union of the United Church met on Monday even- ing, Mrs- Welter Spencer presiding. Following the opening thymn, Miss Barbara Shepherd led in prayer, fol- lowed with tee Seriptinre read by Manse June Saunk'reock. Misses Ruth Berme and Goldie Cross contributed a pleasing duet -with guitar accom- paniment entitled, "In That Little Old Cathedral in. t'hie Pines." Mrs. Ken Hicks gave a splendid address on the mass movement toward Chris- tianity in South India. Ross Ken- nedy slang a pleasing solo, "Some- body is a Golden! Deed'," Miss Gladys Luker acoompanyfirng at the piano. The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter - Married 40 Ye rs Mr. and Mrs. Frank Col-emlan, llugh- ly respected citizens of Hensall., on Wednes5lay • celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary at their home here, a,, family dinner served at 6 p.m. marking the oocaasion. The house was effectively decorated and the table most attractive with bowls of yellow mulles, tell pintk tapers and centered with a lovely wedding cake. Mrs. Coleman, the former Mises Sarah El- mira Turner', together with her bus - band, were married by the Rev. Samuel, Acheson, pastor at that time of Kippers and HllUsgreee cburethes. They spent most of . their lives on the Parr Line where Mr. Coleman was a very successful and prosperous fernier, retching some aix 'years ago to Hensall_ Their union was blessed with two sons, Harvey and Lorne, who reside an the Parr Line. They have two ,grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Colenn+an are members of Hen - sail United £Cit rah. They were the recipient -s of many ''lovely gifts 'and felicitations from their host of neigh- bors and friends. • Council Meets The regular meeting of elle village council was held :Momld4ay evening in the council 'chambers with all mem- bers being present. J. W. Ortwein appeared as a delegation tram the United Church, re the rent of the church sthed, also suggested the coun- cil place fire insurance on the shed to the extent of' $1,000. Mies C. Mit- chell appeared stating she was being overcharged for 'insulin. F. Beer ap- peared re Canadian Legion wreath for Remembrance Day, same to be ordered as usual; also asked about the holding of the holiday on Nov. 11. The coumacil requested the stores, anti business places to be closed at least dulling the services. . Lee Redden re- ported re the repairs to the sddaewal'ks also some holes in the streets• need- ing filling, also stated W. Alexanider as being willing to supply walnuts' to plant in the park, same to be grate- fully accepted, The Treasurer re- ported $3,765 as being paid on 1939 taxes to date out of a total tax roll of $12,280.26; also reported re the echool of municipal officers held at London as being very beneficial_ Cor- respondence was read as follows: R. Ducharme, Dept. of Public Welfare, Municipal World;, County Clerk, Coun- ty Treasurer, Red Cross, Dept. of Pensions and National Health, C. W. Hawkehaw, Prime Minister of Can- ada, Prime Minister of Ontario, Hy- dro Electric Cemmisticn, Dept. of , W C. Kerr, J. Roger, De- t pf Municipal Affairs, J. G. arson, Ontiania Association of ral Municipalities; same dealt with Ili filed% Jones and Shepherd: That we secure the plans and profiles of the drains of the village as held by J. Roger, of Mitchell, for $25. Car- ried. Bills and accou'nts: Berry Bros, Inc., paint for hall, $18.75; County of Huron, spraying road ail, $40.32; A. Spencer & San, material streets, $1.40; Bonthnon & Drysdale, material for hall, $14.55; Bank of Montreal, in- terest, $83.65; Lee Hedd'en, salary, $55; J. A. Petersen, selecting jurors $1.50, 'expenses at London $10; R. E. Sbaaddick, selecting jurors, $1.50; R. J. Paterson, selecting Jurors, $1.50; County of Hunan, hospitaiizatio'n, Rands, $71,75; A. Clark, supplies for streets, $12.25; G. Hess, printing, $11.75; Hensall Hydro, hall, $5.31; United Chu•reh, rent of shed, $5; H. Daysnan., relief groceries, $15; O. Ito well ffe, relief milk, $3. Total, $352.23. Horton and Shepherd:: That bills and accounts as rend be paid. Carried_ Jones and Honton: That Bylaw No. 11, Namintation and, Elec- tion, be given first and second read- ing. Carried. Shepherd and Horton: That Bylaw No. 11 be given third and flea] reading and finally passed. Carried. Jones, and Shepherd: That we adjourn,to meet Nov. 15th. Car- ried.'—JameA. Paterson, Clerk. The 'travelogue, "Hiking Through South America," presented by Toil Brothers in the United Church last Friday; evening, and •s'ponsored by the W.A., was a s'plemdkl treat for the large a.utlience that attended. Mrs. Harold Gook and daughter, Jany, left for Niagara Fall's, N. Y., to sped t wo months in the interests of 'her .heal tee The Clerk of thte villetge of Hen - sell, Mr. Jas. A. 'atenson, advises us that he has been addeleed by the De- pantmlent. of Municipal Affairs' that at this election of muneciptul officers the elected off'i'cers will 'hold offioe for two yearn at least. Therefore, be ad- vises the ratepaeers to ane goad judg- men't and be careful in the. seleotion of officers to represent them at the corning electi'o'n, which well be held in the Town Hall on Friday, Nov- 24, between the hears of 7 and 8 p.m., and if an election is necessary, it will be ,held on Monday. Dec. 4•th, be- tween the,>;il!pu -s of 9 a.m. ward 5 p.m. in, the Town' all. a Death of Daniel McNaughton Death claimed one of Hensall's well known citizens, namely Daniel McNaughton, who passed away on Thursday evening of last week in Scott Memord'al Hospital, Seatorth, following an illness of some seven weeks- The deceased who was in his 87th year, was born in Tuokersmith, moving to Hensel' some 17 years ago. Mrs. McNtdughton passed away 'some three years ago.a' Mr, McNaugh:tt n was a very well read man and took a lively 'interest in all that pertained to the village and community, and shad a host of friends who wild°regret his p'ass'ing. 'Phe funeral was held from the 'home of his son, Peter, on Saturday afternoon at 1 p.m., con- ducted by his pastor, Rev, R. A. Brook of the United, Church. Assist- ing with the singing were Mr. W. O• Goodwin and Mrs, Maude rE-Ieaden, while Miss Greta Lammie presided at the piano. The deceased's favor - Coining to Hensall C. R. WILKINSON, MO. OPHTHALMIC OPTICIAN Wingham will be at W. 0. Goodw111'fl' store ev- ery let and 3rd Tuesdays in Me month, for the purpose of 'beteg eyes and fitting glasses. DiIcait cases and those that heave not boon properly fitted are specially memo mended to consult me. Soars: 10 a.m, in 6 p.m. Phone Henna 10 for appointment ite hymens were. sung, "Rock of Ages" and "Forever With the Lord'." The floral tributes were exceptionally beautiful and many_ The pallbearers were Messrs. Frank Coleman, Tom. Kyle, George Fallick, John Shepherd, Dave Robinson and Geor'g'e T. Wren_ Burial was in HensstiJ Union Ceme- tery. Surviving the deceased are two sons, Lorne, of Hibbert and Peter of Hensall, and one daughter, Miss May of Toronto. One daughter Greta, pass- ed away some years ago - Honor War Dead Hena'aili paid solemn tribute to Canada's war dead on Saturday last, Nov- 11th, When a large number of citizens from Hensall and district at- tended memorial service in the Hen- sel( United Church, ,leaded, by the Hensall Citizens' Band, the Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion B.E. S.L. assembled at the C.N.R. station Yard grounds at 2 p.m. and marched to the church, where the following servioe was held. Stores and bank observed e. part holiday, while the occasion was narked with a two - minute silence. Rev. E. F. Chandler, of Kippen United Ohurch, pr'esi•dled, assisted by Rev. R. A. Brook, Rev. M. A. Hunt, of Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, and Rev. John Richardson, Follow- ing is the ordler of service: Call to worship; psalm selection; hymn, "O God of Bethel By 'Whose Hand"; in- vocation prayer, Rev. Brook; Scrip- ture lesson, Rev. M. A. Hunt; prayer followed with the Lord's Prayer, Rev. John Richardson. Miss Margaret Dougall contributexl 0, pleasing soda, "Brave Heart." The Last Past, Dave Kyle; two minutes' silence; prayer; Reveille; offering for the relief fund. of the Legion; dedicatory prayer, Rev. M. A. Hunt; anthem, "Peace Be Still" by the ohoi,t; hymn, "Gods Of, Highwa part He R Notice ! Owing to money being taken out of milk bottles, we request our custom- ers, whenever possible, to purchase Milk Tickets direct from the drivers, and avoid leaving cash in the bottles. Pleaase gather up all empty bottles around year homes and led:ve out to be 'returned tq the Dairy. Your co-operation will be appreci- ated'. THANK YOU i .A Maple Leaf Dairy ,. Prices Are Advancing • Small Radio Sets are already up in price, but our large stock of Radios from $30.00 up still represent the Lowest Price. RADIO TUBES WESTINGHOUSE WASHERS COFFIELD WASHERS GILSON WASHERS MISS SIMPLICITY WASHERS ELECTRIC RANGES ELECTRIC APPLIANCES WIRING SUPPLIES BULBS FARM MACHINES REPAIR PARTS ALL ARE BEiNG SOLD AT THE LOW PRE-WAR PRICES A small down payment will hold any purchase until required. DON'T DELAY — COME TO -DAY ! JOHN BACH MAIN, STREET SEAFORTH Honor Bride -to -Be Complimenting Miss Maude Mac- Lean, popular and much, feted bride - elect of this week, the Hensall Sen- ior enfor Institute meet at her home on Wednesday everring and presented her with a beautiful salver relish dish and many other gifts, the gifts ar- naaged tin a very attractive basket with color schemes of pink and white. A social hour was .,spent in gaanes and a buffet luncheon served. A' number of girl friends of the bridle -elect met at the borne of Miss Derjd Pfaff on' Friday evening last and presented her with a kitchen shower in ivory and green. Commun- ity singing was enjoyed as was pro- gressive Chinese checkers; the prize winner being M I8a Margaret Grieve. A buffet luncheon :was swerved in charge of Miss Beryl Pfaff, Mrs. J. Sinclair, and Mies Mabel Warktinan. On Monday ,afternoon a pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLean, when dome seventy-five neighbors and friends g9t,hered to present a mis'cellankeous shower to' Maude. Mise Beatrice Drover conducted a short program, which consisted of a reading by Mrs. Ed, Chappell; duet, Mrs. G. Slavin and Mrs. Carl Stoneman. In ooetume; eniet J'`°'fdr the facet bdt',;al#.''itr 9ifiIg by Jean 'Veneer; rcolaateel�, lied by, airce A. • ti6 „1:ftil u ,7 1•. ,.(1Jt i.L 1:'c( ett :fa(r4 les SOAP SAV I NOS Here's a grand opportunity to save money on these Famous Soaps: "EXTRA VALUE" SALE 3 LUX TOILET1:0LAR WITH GE LUX SDAP Coupon Box Top SUN LIGHT SOAP 4 Bars 23c RINSO Large .. - - 21c Small --, - 1Oc LUX FLAKES Large .. - . '23c small ---- 1OC LIFEBUOY SOAP 2 Bars 13c, LUX TOILET SOAP - 4 Bars 23c FALL FOOD SPECIALS Fancy Apricots—Per lb.. ...28c NEW Prunes, large size.. - .2 lbs. 23c Dried Peaches, per lb. FANCY Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 25c Fancy Currants 2 lbs. 29c Shelled Walnuts, per lb. _ ...40c WHOLE Candied' Cherries, 1/2 lb.... .23c Pineapple Slices, 1/4 lb.. 20c 15c Mixed Cut Peel, per'lb. 29c PURE CLOVER Honey . , 2 lbs. 21c 4 lbs. 41c Arrow Blend Tea, 1/2 lb.....30c CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S Soups ' y -2 Tins 25c DETROIT Coffee, fresh ground, per lb. 39c Devon Mincemeat ....2 lbs. 25c Bulk Macroni 3 lbs. 14c CAR DNO'S GROCERY SEAFORTH Phone 82 Prompt Delivery rs • ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES NOV. 24-25 From SEAFORTH To Stations Oshawa and East to Cornwalll inclusive, Uibrtdge,E1M- say, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, tollingwood, Meaford, land, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Oapreol and West; to more. • P M. TRAINS NOV. 24 ALL TRAINS NOV. 25 To TORONTO Aloe to Brantford,. Chatham, Goderioh, Guelph, Hamilton, London, Niagara Palls, Owen Sound, St. Catharines, 81 Marys, Sarnia, Strat- ford, Strathroy, Woodstock. See handbills for complete liet of destinations. For fares, return limits, train Information, tickets, eta, consult nearest agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL 1' 1