The Huron Expositor, 1938-12-23, Page 4A sfe 7 4u iassioed Ads will be inserted at) new low cash rates: •Fer Sale, Wanted. Lest and Foend, Caeabut &mate* Jete.—Par wear. 1st week 4 1 Cent • and. wen •, • Cent. 8rd week eis Cent Minimum charge, first insertion 25 Comet Each figure, initial and abbreviation Omuta ea one word. Ma,v4 of -ThankIn Memoriam, alotnes-1 cent per word. Minimum. 50 ce111)3 per week. Igueniriee may be detected to a Box Number; care af The Hurons Expositor, fur le canto fettle Ten cents additional per week will be charged if ads in above ohms ere not maid by the Saturday Bight in..the week M. which Use ad yeas run, Births. Marriages and Deaths ieeerted free at charge. A.uetion Sales, Notice to Creditors. Bee—Rates on application Notice To Creditors • NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES STEWART- A LL PERSONS HAVING elsaiats 4.4. against the Estate oe James Stewart. Late of the Village of Egmondeille. he the County of Hume, deceased. who died on or about the 17th day of Meech, A. 13.. 1937. are hereby saottified to send in to the under- signed on or befare the 23rd day of Decem- ber, 1938, full pambiculare of their claims with affidavit proving same. Immedialtele after the said last mentioned date, th.e assets of the sad esLate w411 bei dhteibuted annegst the parties entitled there- to, hoeing regard only to cesimee of which the undersigned dale then have notice, to the exclueeou 01 aill 'ethers, and the under- signed will not he liable to any person of whine claim the unclemigned shall not then have notice flow the assets eo distributed or any part thereof. DATED at Sea/teeth 'tiles reth day of De- cember, 1938. Marion Reirteedge"and Elizabeth Stewart, Executrices. By their Solicitor . ELMER D. BELL, Seaforth, Ontario. 3704-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF MELVIN E. CLARKE. "Clarke Transport," of the Town of San - forth, in the Province of Ontario, AND IN THE !BAWER OF The Bulk Sales Act_ NOTICE XS HEREBY GIVEN TliAT THE -" Now moivin E. Clarke has made e bulk sale of his Tesesnart Business situate at the Town ea Seeferth, to Edward John Lewes of ahe Clay of Toronto, end that I have been apeointed to act as 'Trustee pursuant to the provisions of the said Act. NOTICE IS FURTHER GLVN that those having claims against the vendor should file with me a sanitary declareejen Proving Omer claims not later than December leth, 1938, and ether that date I shall distribute the eroceeds of be sale, ,having regard only to those claims of which I then have eatice- DATE.1.4 at Toronto thh 8th day cd De- cember, 1938. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Trustee, 39 Weillesley St., Toronto, Ont. 3704-2 Personal releblUiMATISM., SCIATICA. BACKACHE. "" Lumbago are ateaolood' at the source be the claiming end I:name/tic steam 01 Ruma- caps. KEATING'S DRUG STORE. 3706x1 • For Sale NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HELEN MOIR, late of the Village of Remelt, in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS ItglitinSt the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the un- deesitmed Sollibitor for the Executers, John R. Stewart and Frank Finglaed, on or be- fore ene 24th day af December, 1938, after which date the assets, will • be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, baying regard only to the claims of which notice sh,aJe thieve been elven- DATED at Clinton, this let di:IT of Decem- ber, 1938. F. FINGLAND, Ceuta/re Ontario, solicitor for the Executers: Jahn Re Stewart mad Frank England. 3704-3 Notices TOWN OF SEAFORTH Nominations MODEL 27 FORD COACIL CHEAP; e'e run smell mileage; original top, Looks about as good as new; ene of the best cars for deep snow; also five tern. Good turned whiffietrees ; deo axe and hammer handles al- ways an hand or made ea order, JOHN ELDER, Hensel!. 3704-tf Card of Thanks A MEETING OF THE ELECTORS OF THE leL Town of Seeforth will be held in the elocv,n Halt Sealfmth, on Friday, December 23, 1938, ter the parease 01 rnorainating per- sona for offices of Msayer, Reeve, Couneillors, Scheel Trustees end Public Utility Oommia- Nomineallens will be received from 7.30 o'clock p.m. tin 8.30 o'clock fe-ne. If a pen be neemtbag the same weil be held at the dlthlowintg raaces en Monday, January 2. 1939, &nom 9 o'clock a.m. until 5 o'clock p.m, Poling Sub -Menem No. 1 tat W. A. Criries Store: R. E Relight. Devaty Retmezing Of- ficer 7: Thonsas hohustone, Poll Clerk. Poli- tely Sofb-Devition No. 2, at A. W. Dunlop's Office: JOhre Cumming, Dep,uty Returning Officer; John .P. Scott eon cnerk. engine Sub-Divisinoss Nos. 3 end 4,: East Ward Town Clerk's Office; Francis Devereaux Deputy Returning Officer; J. J. Brederick, PIA Clerk, Palling Sub-Divisitons Nos. 6 and 6, South Weed, at Public Library: J. Alex- /ander Kerr, Deputy Reit:arming Officer; Wil- liam -4 Reid, POE Cderk. DAVID H. WIELSON, Town Clerk. 3706-1 Township of Tuckersmith CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Vetere List, less, 0tookapanty of Tucker - smith. Comity. of Huron. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I '` have complied with Section 7 of The Vot- ers' Lista Ant and Heat I have posted up at mg office en Tucker:smith an the let day of December, 1938, the lest of all persons en- titled to vote in the seed idtmicipaffite at mereclipted electians and that such list re - maims for tinspeciern. And I hereby call upon at! voters 4so take immediate Proceedings to have orny antes err am/snore carreeted ac- roording to law, the last dee for anneal be- ing the 22nd day of December. 1938. D. MeGREGOR, Clerk of Tuckersmith. 3705-2 taling than Maniy. of the OedillaTY Hee ed foods. However, the potato being somewhat dencient' im protein, and fats, .abould not be used exclustivedy in the diet but combined with leap mean eggs, other protein, or rat- sapplying. &oda: - The following recipes are taken, from the Ba "Olanadian Vege- tables tor Every Day" which may be obtained free on application. from the Publieity and. thttension Division, Do- minion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Potato Soup 2 'cups mashed potatoes 2 slices onion 1 teaspoon •clauppecl parsley 1 quart milk 2 tablespoons flour 2 teaspOons butter Salt and pepper. Scald anilk with onion. Reanove on- ion. Add milk slowly to potatoes. Melt butter. Add flour, and slowly pour hot milk over the bubbling mix- ture. Stir constantly. Etoil one min= ute. Add parsley, salt and pepper. Potato and Cheese Puff 2 cups hot mashed putatoes 3 egg yolks 2/3 cup grated cheese teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 1/2 cup milk 3 egg whites. Beat yolks and blend with the pollee toes, seasonings, 'milk and cup cheeike. Fold in the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs and sprinkle the remainitig cheese on top. Bake in a moderate oven until mixture is very light. Serve at once. Serves six persons. MR. THORPE RIVERS AND FAMILY DE - sire to exrpres6 &OM tgincene appreetation ce the mosey kindnesses and sympathy extend- ed to than during their recent sad bereave- ment.• 3706x1 NOMINATION MEETING Township of Tuckersmith Feb ANNUAL NOMINATCON MEETING ef the Tawaishep TacketrarniTh for the momeriatien olf eamdidatels far the office of Bettye and 0ourvalore leer the year 1939. will be had at Walketes HaE. in Beireefield, on Monday, December Math, 1938; teem 1 to 2 arfl. 81 e peel be neeessaey such poll shall be opened on Minekary, January 2. 1939, be- tween the hours of 9 0.11I'L and .5 p.m. at the /following Tenn and by the following offi- dem: Poill No. 1—Finniglarne vacant store: IL St/entree D.R.O.; Haery ,Clherney, 'Clerk; Eke 2---Sehleci1 Biome No. 8. Edward Brown, ROy MeGeeeh. Clerk. Pall No. 2— Seined Mese No. 4, Joseph G. Creel, ; Rog Bilueee Clerk. Poll No. 4 Seance Hone No. 3, Themes tehapticari. 0.12.0.; J. W. Mc- Intoste Clerk. Peel No. 6—Selhoohl House No. 1, R. D. Bell, 0.11,0.,M. Teaquair. Cleric. Poll Ne. 6—Schint Houles No. 9: Hugh Mc- Millan, 13.11.0.; Vie J. arradite. Clerk. D. F. MeGITEGOR, Returning Officer. 3705-2 NOMINATION MEETING McKillop, matattAL WitrriUG,01-* is ttve, tins tim .,Ivtorgemoolit,s, of the, acaresete 01 MeEilitip :WEI iteld Wird/104v mill an 14011% tareentikr 26ths 192e, Tar the Pur - cif fre e:nee ebie anufeertes Ibr Reeve end perinea tar 'ale year 1989. Ilornto aim be received from 1 pan. to 2 tram • In the eiretiC'ef ware patties 'being mean- eited ;dare are Itmairod acr fill tire several °f- eltlint lot/ 146 14014 on Manday, nnleetuatra and, l'Oaa roils win be epee frem . insni nein deo dire lailowniat Idaues esisadeatekdautadideniettse, Let No. .1Y.n.0.; Wright* .,eijitto•J'aZ, tot It ' MRS. JAMES S. BROWN AND FAMILY 'LT a.nd Mr. and nars. vv. J. Wililiaans wish to thank the many feieside neighbors, nurs- es, doctors and Rem Boshart et Sons for the many kind acts during the illInes5 and death of Mr. Brown and 50r the loan at- can and floral wend's. ' 3706-1 In Memoriam flOLTON — In LOVING MEMORY OF Mary Rebecca (Beene Bodeen, who pass- ed away 20 yea-rs aSra, DOC. 21, 1918. roes of eadlems 031 came o'er US. Team 10 silence often flow. For memory keeps yeu ever near us, Though you died temety years ago. - -Ever remembered by Father, Mother and S is teas. 3706-1 MeGREGOR -1N LO V 111/41 G MEMORY OF eve Elva Florence Anderson. who passed away two years ago to -day. December 27th, 1936. Our family circle has been broken. A finak eerie from our chain; But thcnagh we're parted fer a while, We know we'll meet again- - Remembered by her Parents, Sisters and Brothers. 8706 x 1 Births wAasoe-- In Scott Menecirial neastaa, Sea - forth, on December 17th, to Mr, and Mrs. David Watson, of Walton, a daughter. DOW- -In Scott Monorail Hcerestaaneceferth, on December leth. to Mr. and Mrs, James lYthg Tockerernith, a 505 (sea born). WILLIAMS-1n sons Memorial Hospital. on December 2015, to Mr. C1.211 Mrs. Michael Wellianer. Tuckeremlith, a sore Household Hints One of the household problems in several countries is the knowledge that the quality of beef in a butcher's shop is not always easy to determine. Canada, however, is an exception.. In the Dominion there is no necessity for any -concern in that direction, pro- vided the meat to be purchased is branded or graded beef. Graded beef (or branded beef as some persons call in bears the Government's guarantee of quality, of which there are two 'grades. The first grade isknown as "Choice," each: cut bearing a portico of the red ribbon-like mark whidla runs from one end of earatt side of the carcass to the other. The second grade is the "Good" grade or brand, stamped with a blue ribbon-like mail( after the manner or the other grade. Thus, buying beef by grade takes the hazard out of marketing. The round 'official "Canada" mark of Gov- ernment inspection guarantees only that the meat is wholesome and free from disease. Good beef may be tough. Therefore, the grade marks. -- red and blue ribbons—are the only guarantees of quality. The grades are caosen for quality from Government inspected meat. The following recipes are taken from the 52 -page illustrated pampblet "Beef and How to ChOose and Cook It," which may be obtained free on application from the Publicity and Ea- ten Sion Divison, Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ottawa: Baked Stuffed Flank Slit flank steak to form pocket, or if the steak be thin, fold one-half over the other, and fill with poultry or other dressing. Tie with strips of cetton_ Brush with drippings or melt- ed butter and bake in covered roas- ter for one hour, or in open pan for 114 hours. If cooked in open pan, baste several times during cooking. A few 'slices of breakfast bacon may be placen on top of meat 10 minutes before serving. Short Ribs Browned To four or five pounds of short ribs add one large onion quartered: cover with boiling water and boil for ten minutes. Reduce heat and simraer for one hour. Reraove ribs to roast- ing Pan and place in., hat oven for from one-half to three-quarters of an hour, or until the ribs are nicely browned. Peeled potatoes may be included during this latter period, i desired. Thicken liquor in which the ribs Were- boned, and serve as gravy. Beef Loaf Remove fat and tissue from 11/2 lb. Of rued or shoulder eteak, and grind together with 14-1b, bacon. Add I cup bread crumbs, 1 egg 'beaten: with ,3 tablespoons water, % teaspoon mus- tard and -h teaspoon salt. Mix thor- • oughly' and pack in well -greased bean. 'Cover bowl' closely and steatet for 134. hourst Whett cooked, drain off any raelsture Which May have collected, Inv:eft meat on platter and serve hot, With• mcl eurlant jelly or cranberil Sneed C)TATOE$ IN THE 'MENU fliithitiltl eleMenit In potattles 10 iotg0 in, oroportfott to oblio 110.: WO toirtoiii§ defeate'el Otatel0 WS tab cthalstm'". atter FOUR GENERATIONS ,i„„Lt. • ..,. ,.„ :a -Gary Jean Andersona el ..' ' • " " read the minutes. ihaebaess was dis- . weed and the Edi•tor and Sub -Edi- .. ,tOre apPeintedi, namVeMain, Nott„ naa a LS nett mud He ' Brittatt. Tha. program committee are the Trusteea. en eese-ae was elaioned bad Mrs- Grimoldby fevered with a solo, and accompanier; • herself on tiro guitar. A' reading waa given by Mer'Auderson; F. es Mate Losing et solo; milsical selec- tion by Kinbuim orchestra. Mr. Grim, oldby and Mr. Charlea Riley gave vid• Hu selections and were acconaeanied by Bernard Riley on the guitar and. M , (a, ineleby on the piano. A pleasing feature of the program was a play, "Stiek To Your, Word, Gal," i by Helen Britton, Bill Jewitt, 'Ross , McGregor, Verne Dale Wed David An Jerson. The meeting .closed -with the, National Anthem:. HENSALL Wasting yreu All a Happy Christ- mas anal thanking you for your nus - Mess throughorut the past year. Good - win's. Euchre and Dance, under auspices of the Chamber of Commerce, in Heinsall Town Hall, on Wednesday. Des. 28th. -Good prizes. Lunch pro- vided. Good music by Murdock's orchestra. General admission, 311e. WINTHROP Mr. Gillies and Mr. Bill Campbell, of the lake boat "Captain Secord," are home for ChrieelItae. "A Merry Christmas tb all The euchre and dance held last Thursday night was fairly well at- tended. The prize winners were:— Ladies' most games, Mrs. Robert Dodds; naen,'s most games, Leslie Doi - 'nage; lone hands, Russel Dolmrage. After lunch a few hours were spent in dancing. Don't forget the euchre 'and dance on Thursday night, Dec. 29tb. S. S. No. 10 are having their Christ- mas tree Thuneclay afternoon after the closing of school till after New Years. Cavan Church entertainment and Christmas tree will be held Friday night. VARNA , BR,UCEFIELD DonaM Mciainuca has •purehased from Murray Gibson, of Brucefield, a good straight type Dual Purpose Shorthorn bull, Worcester Banner. This buil is coat of an exceptionally good milking caw with a show tidder and by Hilaview Baodoleer. Hillview BandloleeT was .nest in his class at the 1933 Royal Winter Fair. The dam of Worcester Banner was by Lynnore Worcester, sire of ten R.O.P. cows, and was sold to the United States Goverannent for $500 when 12 years old Mr. McKinnon: is to be congrat- ulated eu the purchase of this bull. It has both good breeding and lots of milk behind it and should be a good addition, to Mr, aleldininon's herd. Notice: • Keep your ear and eye open for the Brrucefueld firemetne con- cert to be put on in the hall onThurs- day night, Dec. 29te• This is a wornay cause and should be well -partranised by the village of Varna and surround- ing country, for we must mot and care net forget that a friend in deed is a friend in ,need. This willing brigade responded twice last summer and who kruovns when "a call might be sent in again, so let all turn out and give the Brucefield bniga;cle a, lint. In ev- ent there might be any cihange in the date, be listening and make no min - take. MT. Seeley, of Clinton, called on his Meter. 141rs. Austin, Sunday: It looks as if there wilt be good sleighing for Ohristmes. MANLEY Our teacher, Miss Beer, held her Christmas concert de the echool on Wednesday (afternoon, which was a decided sueeess w hi eh the pupils and rarents ail enjoyed. Our correspondent was misinform - ea last week. It should have been Mr. Fred Leoneardt who purchased the 150 -acre farm, lot •3 and part of 4, con. 12, McKillop, from the estate of the late Mrs. Robert Gray, of Hib- bert, for $1,600, with fair buildings which does not shew much improve- ment in teeming, but we wish Mr. Leonhardt success, and no doubt be wall hare an easy ata.rt in life, when we look back to 80 years ago when the pioneers hewed their homes out of a wilderness and built up modern hemee and paid th,e Canada Co. $15 to $50 an acre and. had no means to start with. The overhead expenses were net so high and taxes low and they lived on their home-grown pro- duce, and every woman baked their own bread. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Thotnas McKay is suffering with an infection, in her foot It looks now that we will have sleighing for Christmas, and teat the farmers will be able to haul home their balance of wood they have piled up in the pine swamp. CONSTANCE Mr. Leo Stealienson and Mr. Alvin Dale were in Toronto on Tuesday, re- turning Wedineaday. Mise Ethel Dexter returned on Fri- day from Orangeville to spend the holidays. Miss Doris; Lawson, of Landon, is spending the Oltristucues bolidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Law - eon. - Meseta. Duncan Chatter and George Hultetin lare both! -under the doctor's owe Mr. and Mrs. William Britten, Hel- en and Edith spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Andreve.„Pareltie, London. ItlfS, jack Ilusbyw4and Shirley, of Chatham, calm .06 Thursday to spend the Christmas holidayie With Mr. wed Mrs. Robert turmoil. , - Club of Proattos ISe eleit.,:h„.�t Ilitogroott held its regu- lar Meeting On, WedneadaY eV -ening okhoolhowso '10tolo, Mr„, Mvin titttod WitiVaft flv IIENSALL John Foster, well known resi- dent `of Zurich, who is In his 90th year, appears on the left. On the right is his son, Alphone Foster, and seated is his grandson, Har- old holding great grandson Billy. The latter three are of Hensel!. filigree enhance the decorations and tableau Seenes,.wbich wAll feature a Christmas Pageant entitled, "I Bring You Good Tidings." 'This pageant will be a womshipful preeesttation of •the • Cbristmas' message. It will include four tableaus, "The Anauneiation," "The seene, of the enephenda," "The vis' cit of the wisdoms to Bethlehem" • and "The ad of adoration," while a concealed chair tot score forty voices Will sing the musk of songs and car- ols aserociated with 'the pageant. Those taking peat in the pageant are as follows; The angels, Elva McQueen, Edna Saundereoek; a nepresentative of •the woaid, Marion Dottgall; the Via gin Mlann!? Mrs. .Alfred Clark; Joseph, ldr. Dd. McQueen; the anepherds, Walter Spencer, Claude Bowes, Keith Buchanan,' Harry W. Horton, Bob Hess, Wiliam. Love; the Wisemen and Chi* attendants,' !Clarence Smillie, Ralpis Brook, Harold Bell, Wilson Car - hale, Jack Sicamons, Jack Traquair; lighting ,effects, Cara Pasemore; car- •tains, Robert Passanore; the maiden, Normal Oolok; the young man, Edison Forrest; the prophet, Laird Mickle; Love represented by Ruth Brook; Joy and corporation Peal attached. Car- ried Jones and Shepherd: That we adjourn to meet Jan. 9, 1940. Car- ried.—Jas.. A. Paterson, Clerk. Mr. and -Mrs. Leeland Willett, of Zurich, spent Sunday with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlisle, ac- companied by MT. and Mrs. Ea. Fink and little Billy, ••gpent the week -end with friends in: Hanover. The Expositot Hensel correspond - eon, Mr. G. J. Suthenlann and Mrs, Maude Hedden, are prepared to re- ceive new •subscriptions to The Ex- pcsitor 01 $1 For the period from now until Jasemary 1, 1940. The offer is, good only until the first of the year. Sunday School Teachers Honored On Monday evening, the members of St- Paul's Anglioan Church met in the basement for a social evening and their annual Christmas. concert end tree. At the close of the program, which conststed of carols, recitations and pantomimes, Miss Amy Reynolds was presented with a beautiful tri - light floor temp and a:magazine Tack. Mies Reynolds, .although completetY taken by surpnise, thanked the mem- bers for their kindnetas. The follow- ing address was reed by Miss Mary Fee: "Dear Miss Reynolds: We can- not let another Christmas pa.as with- out recognizing your efforts in the work -of the &today School. You have been moat faithful and untiring in your efforts •to promote the welfare of our Sunday, School. Not only in the work of the Sunday edhool have you Shown youidzeal and faibbfulia-ess, but also in the -work of the, chierch and the organizations of the ,church. We do wish you to know that services have been appreciated and as a slight token of our esteem and appreciation we ask , you to accept these gifts. May they recall nrany happy memories and may ,you long be spared to .help carry on the work of St. Panne. Signed on behalf of the Rector and the congregation: G. C. Petty, William Fee." Colin ci I Meets The last regular meeting of the vil- lage council was held Thursday even- ing as per statute in the cou-neil team - hers at 8 p.m., with, all members be- ing present, •except Councillor G. E. Brock, who sufferedt a stroke recently. Ma:totesof the -last meeting were read and on motion of Jones and Shepherd were adopted. A large del- egation froin the Chamber of Com- merce appeared asking for a dona- tion in the aid of the Christman tree, also discussed the appointment of a full time ,eroplonee for policeman, caretaker and several other duties, same to be,tonsidered later. Twitohell and Shepherd: That we grant the Chamber of Oammerce $15 towards the Christmas tree. Carried. The Reeve aud Clerk reported re the ad- vice received in Toronto, re trees and ta.x exemptions. The tax collector reported 1-e taxes as total collected 310,584.21 and 39,37211 as cash; 31,- 158.00 We prepayments; discount al- lowed $54.10, and the arrears ail be- ing $1,088.11, He was instruoted to proceed with the collecting as per by-, law for same. Jones .anicl Shepherd: That we extend the time for the col. lector's roll to be turned in to Feb. 6, 1940. Carried. Twitchell and Jones: That we -instruct the 'Collector not to collect the business tax of K. Hicks. Carried. Correspondence was read as follows: F. W. Gladman, re 0. Gei- ger; County Clerk, re solicitor's ad- vice; same filed. Bills ann accounts, were read as fonow-s: .T. Sangster, labor, hall, $8.00; Hensall Hydro, at. lights, $1,008.00; School. Board, school rates, $3,933,76; Public Libra:II, lib- rary rates, $195.08; County of Huron, county rates, $1,343.20; F. G. Bon- throns postage, 33; Municipal World, supplies, $3.93.. H. T. Cudmore, gray - el, $10; A. Olark, labor and materials $11.3.6; J. A. Paterson, typewriter re- pairs, 316.04; R. J. Petersen, re R. W. Carlisle, labor, 31.60; A. H. Ers- kine, collectien tax arrears, $3.35;' Moore Bros., labor and material, $68,16; W. R. Davidson, coal, ball, $31.93; Think of Montreal, insurance, hail, $30; J. Paissanore & Son, sup- plies, Piro Dept., $7.95; R. J. Pater- son, re W. Hervey, gravel, $48.00; W. M. Sproat, $6.00; A. Spencer & SOB, material, $45.95; W. B. Cross, Treasurer of Chamber of Commerce, Christmas tree, $15. Total, $6,789.31. Tattchell and Shrepihende That the bills and atecounts as read be paid. Carried.. Twitdhell and Shepherd: That Bydawa 11 and 12 be giaten first and ia*cond reading. Carried. shoo - hard and Twitcheil: That Bylaws 11. and 12 be given third and final reed- ing, signed ty the Iteerve and Clerk • Additional liensall on -P,age 3 The Medical Officer of Health re- . port for the village of Hensel was presented to the council and snows the following: ' Population, 685; 15 birth; 9 deaths, 1 from cancer; 4 cas- es of 'mumps.; innoculations as fol- lows: Diphtheria, 150; smallpox, 68; 'scarlet fever, 15; number of private wells in. the Village, 150; number of sariaples collected for examination, 139; number of samples showing con- tamination, 126; number of inspec- tions to milk producers, 2, and num- ber of cows over wthicilt he has Ms control in the village, 14, 'and the ex- penditure for the Board of Health, $133.00, or 1534 cents per capita— Jae. A. Paterson, Secretary, Board of Health. Mr. Sam Rennie, one of our prom- inent young business men, has been op/sainted organist and -choir leader of Brucefield United Church, duties to commersce the beginaing of the new year. Mr. Themes Welsh, of the village, has just been ,acIdin-gnsome fine new maceinery to his eanamill which will enable hilia to cut logs ansi wood much more quickly and to any re- quired size. Mr. Welsh, being an ex- pert carpenter and sawyer, always be- lieves in keeping up to the latent and does business on a large scalein the way of manufacturing and shipping lumber sod supplying wood, and he also gives ,emplcryment to a large uumber ,of men. The aervices , Hensel' United Church on Christmas Day promises to be an outstanding event. The morn- ing .period of worship will commence at 11 a.m. when the minister, Rev.' R. A. Brook, will preacih on the theme, "The Name Wonderful." The chroir wil•I present special' music under the leadership of Mr. W. 0. Goodwin. Miss Greta Ineneete Will pnestaie at the or- gan. The evening serrite will com- mence at 7.30 instead of 7 p.M., and with the chuneh beautifully decorated special lighting effects will be used to bY POrPtIt3r Salladercock. R A-, Bret*, M. G. Hgqq, MAW 1481.414g% Kay. Dryedatet; 'etum,ee. Pate1180631, .Matt Lproareir, D. Drysdale; Playlet, lable'Greta UM, anie This pageant is Imilag boa. Rale oar the auspiceeo the Sandal! Settler department .and 1/10,37 0.t Oleg lebillirta of the Sunday school are assinting in the work. Special Christmas Cantata The Charietmas cantata,' "The World's Dedeerser," will be .Prestmted hy the choir ot Carmel Church sin Sunday evening. ,Special parts in the cantata will be taken by M. M. you.. gall, Mist J. reeeff6011, Mite M Weieke Man, MTS. W. A. Maclaren, mrst, W. Boartinnon, MM. W. Young, Mist% I. lloggarth, MOM% J. Bengenglf, Max:Laren, BatterebY, Rev. Young, Moir, Mustard and Walker. A special feature at the evening sea -vice will be the singing of carols by the junior Choir. W. *McLaren is choir lead- er and Matt 3. Mitalock lea organist, while Rev. W, A. Young is minister. 1 1 1 1 Clearing SPECIALS /7 zee e es -0 -4' 4.8-0 Merry Xmas Wreaths to25 with Mazda lamps .... 4.1w 8 -Light, Condoner with 110 -volt M$250azda lamps.. a • At little cost, you can spare your home the shame of going un- adorned for Xmas! XMAS LIGHTS . Tree Holder with 1 qt. wee capacity and wiired with $3 80 8 Mazda lamps Eight -Light Cord Seta, complete with bulbs 42c Noma Multiple Sets ci with 110-v. Mazda lamps an I Eau Noma Holly Wreaths $1 25 ,with 110-v. Mazda lamps, Noma. 10" Wreaths with an 110 -volt Mazda, lamps .... e, ELECTRICAL GWYN 2 -Slice Automatic $13.95 TURNOVER TOASTERS Tosaterr $1.50, $1.75, $1.85, 32.10, $2.50 $2.75, $4.45 and $4.95 2-0011 Flashlights with Electric, Irons ci 50 co 95 extra bulb, complete .... 58c from 4 Is to • We will allow $1.00 for your old Electric Dora on the pur- chase of a New Automatic El - $1.95, $2.25, $2.95, $3.30, $6.50 ectrie Iron, SANDWICH TOASTERS 7 AWIIMCWOnt/I1K11.1%.,IW .11.44...rsow mnis7, wow- re' r -- JOHN BACH Main Street, Seaforth PHONE 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,-eletel ;eke:1 e ./ereet e1 eel. eeteeek (el le • Our Most popular small set Philco 5 -tube in Xmas wrapping. $29.95 eet e-ef fee, ezeleejeleeil • ' ;- eel Santa Says: This Christmas Give a RADIO ! WITH RADIOS AT ERE LOWEST PRICES IN RADIO HISTORY, A SMALL PERSONAL RADIO MAKES THE IDEAL CIIRISTMAS GIFT! the buy this year. Let us show you why. Victor 4 -tube Battery Model $33,50 R. C. A. Victor Battery Radios are Victor 6 -tube Battery -Model $49,50 We carry small Electric Models in Victor, Philco, Stewart -Warner, Mar- coni and Northern Electric. You're sure to see the model that suits your taste and purse! RADIO SERVICE • Don't let a defective radio mar( your Christmas festivities. We are prepar- ed to give you speedy, efficient service at reasonable rates, regardlets of the make of your radio. Radio Licenses Issued °It 4 44 A