The Huron Expositor, 1938-04-15, Page 5ri. of s" RE�•f,ENT ATR, �)��� PEAFORTH • • Claudette Colbert -! Charter Boyer a• 1 in "TOVARICH" , Yn Monday, Tui .Y, Wt duaesday! Fred'Astaire with .B.urns . and, Alien '!DA;MSEI,,„ IN DISTRESS' , with Joan Fontaine A Musical OddmedY starring ,Fred Astaire/I dancing feet. Next ' Thursd y, , Friday: Saturday Wendy • Barrie Kent Taylor "PRESCRIPTION for ROMANCE;! with 'M 'eche Auer -3"' The_ Three Mesquiteers In. !'THE PURPLE VIGILANTES" Coming — "STAGE DOOR" juommimminumommeRir ST. COLUMBAN Miss Rita Duffy ,has retUrned to ther, home after spending two weakB with her su t, Mrs. Matthew Coyne, in Hibbert. Mr. Jadneo Atkinson has returned to Toronto after spending the week -end withhis, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Aitkinson. Miss*.Lucy Burke was called home from London owing to the illness of 'liner father, Mr. William Burke,; Mr. I urke is much improved. The C. W. L. are hoicking am Easier. social on. Monday, -pril 18th STANLEY Lenten, services are being held in Goshen Lnited Church this .week when the folglowinsg clergymen. will be pres- ent and. give the address: Monday night, Rev. MT.'$urton, Clinton; Tues- day night, Rev. E. F. Chandler, of Kippen; Wednesday night, Rev. C. W. Cousens, Clinton; Thursday night, Rev. J. Penrose, of Elimville. On Friday night a sacred cantata, "Olivet to Calvary," recalling the last day of the Saviour's ` life on earth will be given by the young people of the church. Goshen Auxiliary of the W.M.S. are holding their Easter thankoffering meeting in the church lln Thursday, April 21st, at 2.30. Mrs. Herbert Chiles, of Loudon, will be the guest :speaker.. Blake, Varna and Hillsgroen Auxiliaries are invited. Following the meeting a social hour will be held. Mr. and Mrs. Orval McClinchey, Mr. and, Mrs. Brube McClinahey and Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson vis- " ited with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gillis, Parkhill, one evening last week. Miss Anna Forsythe, of Toronto, is visiting with her friend, Miss Norene Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Cluff, of Kirkton, spent last Friday with Robert E. Rob- inson and family. Miss Dorothy Armstrong .has re- turned home from a visit with friends .._ in Clinton. W.M,S and W.A,, of, Duff's Church, .McKillop.• was .,held on Thursday .af- ternoon, April 7th, at 'the home of ii'rs. Ross Murdie. Twenty member answered the roll call with "Hope." The early afternoon was spent in quilting, during which Mrs. (Rev.) Craw told two interesting missionary stories, which were very much enjoy- ed by all. Mrs. Adin Forbes then took charge of tdre meeting which op- ened by singing Hymn 112, followed by men bersship prayer in unison; Scripture reading by Mrs. Jas. Kerr; Easter reading. by Mrs: Robt. Camp- bell; solo by Rev. Mr. Craw, followed with prayer by Mrs. Craw. The Eas- ter thanisoftgi'ng - was then taken. Mrs. William Shannon and Mrs: John Q}crdoEa, presidents of the W.M.S. and W.A., then' took oharge of the busi- ness. After business discussion and the minutes of the previous meeting, Also two letters of appreciation were read, the meeting closed with the 'hymn, "Breathe Unto Me, Breath Of Cod," followed by the Mizpah bane- -diction. ene•diction. Lunch was then served by the lunch committee. Death of. Peter O.8ulfvan The death • occurred at his home In St. Columbaatow Monday, April 110, of Mr. Peter; L O'Sullivan, in ,his 70th year. Mr. O*,Sullivan had been in failing health. for a number of years, bis death-'.follirwing a few weeks of serious illness. For a great many years he was one of the most widely known, trusted and respected drovers of Huron and Perth Counties, and con- tiiiued actively in business until his last illness. Born, in McKillop Town- ship, near St. Columba% be was a son of the late Peter O'Sullivan, one of the pioneer residents of the dis- ttri '.;and his boyhood was spent -on the ly homestead, novo- owated ± Mr... Armes O'Sullivan. Later heptii,`' chaeett Lbt 13 en the third ooncesarta of M%1Ci1iop, where he resided u1 five years Age, 'whew he moved to 14 ,,on tb�e', fire concesOon, and feat: fall moved to, St. Col'umber,. Some thirty years ago Mr. O'Sullivan was united in maryiage to, Miss Margaret Hastings, of Hibbert Township, who survives him, together with one daugh- ter, -Mm. Joseph Moylan, of Kilohm er. He is also survived by four sis- ters and two brothers: Mrs. F. Far- rell, of Portland, Oregon; Mrs. Joseph Downey, Vancouver; Mrs. Valentine wilds, Bayfield; Miss Mary O'Sullivan and Messrs. John and James O'Sulll van, MoKIliop.' A funeral masa wag sung over the rema,ins in St. Cdlttn1 ban Church on Wednesday mining by Rev. F9ather Dawtzer, following which the body rested at his home until Thursday,. morning when the funeral was held to St. Coluraban cemetery, where the graveside service was conducted by Father Dantzer. The pallbearers were Messrs. Joseph McQuaid, Patrick Flannery, D. Cron- in, Frank Melady, Joseph Roach and J. J. Holland4 Atpong those from a distance Who attended the funeral were: Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Moylan, Kitchener; Misses Mary, Fiorenee and Johnston, ni al dron Mrr.. d Mra. Earl O'Hmlloran and Mrs. Gibson, of To- . Mao; Mtg. Wilds . anfd farm3iy, Bay- • Aela, -grid Mies Vera Wing, Clinton... } 'yr • Stewart Bros. Keep Pace --Ready for the Ea "Swing Into Sprang" Correctly, Confidently, Emil°. (, When you are buying NewC1othes, Correctly Styled and Dependa Made, No Store Will Show You Cleverly Selected Variety at More Reasonable Prices „ When Everybody is Style Minded .. This Peerless Selection of Women's New Easter SUITS, COATS and DRESSES The Coats and Suits: 1938 STYLES Hand tailored and Swagger Suits, BoxyCoats, Smart Reefer Coats, Fitted Coag, Cllarless Coats. Ultra smart "Hit Styles." Every coat a fashion favorite. Greys, Blues, or Blacks. 1938 FABRICS Fleeces, Tweeds, Novelty Crepes, Suede Cloths. 1938 SHADES Sands, Greys, Coral, Green, Brown, Navy, Black. PRICES: Suits 8.75 to 22.50 Coats 10.00 to 25.00 GORG LORIOUSEOUS LAMOROU S resses SETTING A NEW STANDARD IN STYLE AND VALUE Absolutely New Dresses—New in Style, New in Design, New. in Color, New in Materials, New in Patterns—Colorful, Flattering, Becom- ing. All the smartest versions of the 1938 style trend are here. You will be delighted when you see -what a lovely dress you can get for: 3.75 to 7,95 Dress Up! Look smart for Easter. Style Fabrics for Less- Money. Men's Easter 'SUITS and TOPCOATS THE SUITS If you are interested in getting the best possible clothing values, suits honestly built and tailor- ' ed, from fine imported smooth Worsted cloth ; Suits that have abiding correct styles built into them by expert workmen, then come and see " dur new Easter Suits. No end of colors and patterns to choose from, and every suit brand new. PRICES: $15 $18.50 $20 EXTRA PANTS $4.00 to $4.50 TOP COATS A gala display of new style Top Coats featur- ing Raglans, Balmaccans, Belters, Slip-ons, Fit- ted Backs and Tubes. New, attractive checks and .fancy . cloths in Grey, Sand, Brown or Greens. All sizes. Prices 10.95 to 21.95 Boys' New Spring Suits SPECIAL. FOR EASTER 25 Men's Top Coats $15.95 Single or Doublebreasted, Long or Short Pants, Fancy Sport s; or Fitted Backs, in quality Tweeds, Fancy Checks, Flecks and Stripes, in Grey, . Brown, Sand or Blue:' Substantially made to wear and keep their shape. Procurable •in one or two $9 50 pants, as you wish • Women's Dress Accessories RIGHT IN STYLE — RIGHTIN PRICE HOSE -- All the New Spring shades are here: Coppers, Bieges, Apricots, Blondes, Crepe, Chiffon and Service weights: 69c 75c , $1.00 GLOVES --- Style right. in !hake, in color and in designKid Gloves, black and white $1.95 Berrgaline or Rib -Tex slipon style; Black, Brown, Navy, Beige, Grey and White 75c UNDIES -- They're just in and they are as smart as can be. Voile Nighties and Pyjamas, in new pastel shades. A11 sizes MOO to $.1.25 HANDBAGS— All new styles and colors, Patents and Gaberdines and Calf $1.00 to $2.95 FLOWERS— For Coats and Dresses, all the newest ideas 25c to :$1.00 Osri oor Best ROUSE DRESSES They are different. They are better. They look and . . wear none. like twice the $ I .00 y'. 't 9,& 416y " .iEv skit l2 tt;! 1 A New Hat and Easter Are Inseparable. New Easter Millinery FROM THE CARTWHEEL PICTURE BRIM SAILOR TO THE NO -BRIM PILL BOX, AND ALL IN BETWEEN Style Hats, that will do so - much for your Easter ap- pearance, yet cost so little. Every style endorsed, new idea is here with attractive ribbons, colorful flowers, flirtatious v e i 1 s, flipant youthful hats, reserved dig- nthed hats. ' Black, Blue, Brown, Red, Royal, Green, Navy. PRICES: $1.95 to $7.00 ART BR Men's.... Easter Furnishings SNAPPY - NEW - DRESSY - PRICED RIGHT. HATS New styles made by Steson, Biltmore, Brock, Creen. There is a style for every face, and WE HAVE IT. $1.95 32.95 $3.50 SHIRTS New Easter patterns, bright, attractive, colorful. Collars attached or separate. Sizes 14 to 181/2. $1.00 $1.55' $1.95 TIES - As new as to -morrow in "swell" check, diagonals and conventional patterns. Swell? Just see them! 50c to $1.00 HOSE New short or long, elastic or ordinary tops.' Cot- ton, Lisle or Wool. Bright, Dressy.. !2500 to 75c Seafort Men's and Boys' SPRING GAS Attractive patterns . in Spring . colors. Silk 1 breakable peaks; leather, Boys to 75c en'