The Huron Expositor, 1937-07-23, Page 35�111 ,
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1�' NO# 111-11111.11,
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10., M.,
Fult Fi
1w W_#0r, supply :fdr the plotp,
he now tguk�
W10 the, i4fdAlle4op Ott
kon. houpe fly .14 n9COA , y 00 water supply ho beon,luorei�od
)ut a sorlaU4 liealkh. SIMS, toafald;��O,Oorlqb Tile woupty low 'Oeamug of- the .�i
Junior Institute and MI-erp
by in. the *.arm vontbq, To� 0.6114. New Home the TO ftJV= Formerp
was held in t 11 odues,
1111110 to ax�l wli day pyoqlatg� T*
'4 by,
;.ko.Ooos obuo-Awee. It is Dr. H, 11. CQweA has'. eo
The meeting was Qp.en the,
health m becoUs.e it breodg the va lots of 14n -d- 04 'the Omer ed. . Mon 'ho ti;
1i asean, w
M-nure-, and-tbumaA ft,09 'Of an AredW_,_i)P-_
, ew *-V1ctvrla--r,,
s",dre6tly tront filth and posge, tho-Wk* litppet parsonarpe on,
give: ifte opeililng add -row, which h
ed matw to, foodstuffs. which be. lutendo to u114 a now %n4 did, o sk
_I1X I his. usual pleasing, mallmr.
decomposing orgi�nle Inst- vgpto-dlgt� residame. The real estate Next Mr. M. Anderson., of Zurich, k4. th
and, btlier living argan- deal Was put *.r6ugh by 21r. 1. W`4 -of Dal lix
tr,9duced Mr. Hera, luspector
t6'ft& hairy. body and Hern.—B"ter - TimePTA06 . r�
cate. Its, Niho, gave a Very interesting Il- iii
cky feet and mouthparts, I -
. Ten Miles of Now Line �usitrated lecture;andthe caropf milk si
couveye.4 to food illi its. and. cream. 'Mir. Anderson . had imich
saliva. The house fly, A4� U4" 0_:. �u Ul-
A-WIM Qamer MAL Ygro Q'Y'SEem -- 0 W ay
knowii- �o scientists as Muse&- dom. have the contract for building. ten the Zurich Creamery.
estioa, Is world4ide in distribqUor. dles of new line which will- serv6
and notorious- for the part, It plays ini mi The social Part'of the Program was
the dissemination of dangerous * dts- . 09 new consumers. The line will be opened by a -tap dAnco'by little Aileen ed
eases auch as infantile diarrhoea, t4b7 built on the Thames Road east from Munn, which delighted. all. Follow- s�i
the Thames, Read church to, with -in ing tbist 'Joan. Golinas gave a splen-
erculosis, ty-pbolid, choleea and- dystenr
is h4lf--j, m06 of Ruaseld-ale and north, did monologito and then Mary Cole- qu
tery. In, Canada, the house fiy�
on .,the rullarton and Hibbert 'bound-, man read -the girls' club paper edited n
Joan Gelinas. Ne -
probably the inost. important -insect
ne_ ar,y for a couple of miles. This will by herself xt kn
species concerned in disease tra , mean 18 miles -of new line in this ter- Claude Gelinas and, Lee Oesch gave a 0
-mission. Do this account it Is very
important - that measures be'taken, to ritory this year and with a number pleasing guitar duet, which was. heart- th,
'It'and to pr -'event It ff6in bav-.. of subscribers added to the already. Jlly applauded and. thow Eldon Gable
Aig aecew to human'foods. existing lines brings the number of and Ray Ortwein sang 'i'duet which fa
The most effective method of con- new consumers ciosie to the 10D i6ark. 'was also very. good. thi
lirollixg house flies consists of elimin- —Exeter Times -Advocate. Wil-fred.Mousseau closed the meet. p
4.) -ating or redusing their breeding plac- Ing, and thanked Mr. Anderson �for m
Ankle Fractured the funds he gave for the delightful
4 es by properly. treating or disposing lunch served by the girls. At the Pr
,of manure and garbage. While working an a,barn on the close of the lunch Mr. Andqrson then
6 manure Is probabIll L.chieflyL reSpona_ second concession of Hay for Mr. tha4kpd -the -parents, andirlends pres . (Is
fblo for the majority of flies in sural Campbell, of Hensall, a stick of tim-
4 sections. In the cities, garbage is, ber fell on Mr.. . Fred' Broclrst leig ent fdr coming and making the even- w,
zan Important factor in. fly production. fractiji'lag the ankle. The fracture 'Tfig a success. The meetiiig was clos. At
To be fully effective, control Mai- was reduced by Dr. Dunlop and Mr. ed. with the National Anthem- dr
sures should be organized on a Com- Brock'� foot will be in a Plaster cast ju
Imunity basis, as one ni2glected-maP, for the next six weeks. TUe accident cup mayonnaise M1
are heap or garbage dump may in- Nappened on. Friday last. — Exeter 1/2 cup cream, whipped all
fest a whole neighborhood. Collec- TimesIAdvocat Th
tious of Manure "should. be removid Salt, paprika, celery salt to taste. ro
Soften, cheese with fork. Add green
tiom city stables and disposed- of-, at Saves Man At Grand Send pepper, pineapple, nuts, mayonnaise,
,.least twice we6idy. In rural sections, Cyril. Mantle,, of Stratford, was whipped cream and seasonings. Pour
where practicabfe, the manure should into treezing tray sad let stand four d
be removed daily and spread thdn-.Iy in 'credited with saving the life of Wil- hours. Slice and serve on crisp let- n
felds, where tbe'drying effect of sun fred Clarke, '! of Stratford, when he tuce leafes. Garnish with watercress, et
and- wind.'will prevent breeding. An was caught In the undertow at Grand Salad may he frozen, by packing core- ri
elternate method consists of taking Bend on Sunday. The swimmer was fully -sealed mould in. six parts of ice W1
advantage of the heat produced by approximately sixty feet from shore to one part salt and allowing to stand wi
fermentation when maui6 is placed Jln when,' he appeared to be having diffi- fogr to six hours. a . t
tightly packed piles. The manure culty. Trouble was,notleed by Man- Salad may be moulded, ins ead of rl�
tle who was 'on shore. 13y the time tio
pile should be constructed on hard frozen, by using I tablespoon' granu-
ground or concrete. `Tbe sides.of the assistance arrived., young Clark had lated gelatine soaked in 2 tablespoons eti
-pile should be clean cut and almost gone under' twice and. . was Uneon- MJ
scious. -After getting the swirmner of wafer, and. dissolved, over boiling di,
vertical, but sloping slightly towards water. Add with other ingra-ents to
the ceotpe. As,fr6sh manure is add- on shore, Mantle used., artificial respir, ea
ed to the pile it should be tightly, ation and in about 10 minutes, Clarke cheese. h
rmal.—Zurich Herald.
-packed by means of a shovel. The was no Jellied Tomato Cheese SaladL ml
beat produced by fermentation de- Passes C. L. U. Examinations I tablespoon granulated gelatine an
stroys all fly eggs, larvae and pupae, 14 cup cold water ini
except possibly thoks, close tq the sur- Mr. Oscar Reed,, of Staffs, -has been d
-face Of the top layer. The aPPlida- Informed that he has succe .1% cup condensed tomato soup
s6fully I cup cream cheese oi cottage m
-tion with a watering can or spi�ayer passed. his third, year (final) C. -T -U- cheese
of a solution of borax. consisting . of exsmlnatlo ' giving .1m the right to
ns, hi 2/,
I ma Maise Of
-1 lb. of borax In, 6 gallons of water to use the title and designation "Char- 'I . 2 cup yon
tablespoon onion juice we
!will destroy any fly stages In the top tered 14fe� Underwriter of Canada.." cup stuffed cities, sliced or 1/2 ol
7layer. Six gallons:of the solution is Mr. Reed is local representative for cup chopped celery
sufficient to treat 30 square feet Of the Great West Life Assurance CO.—
surface area. Mitchell Advocate. % teaspoon salt gi
Steps should also be taken to, pre- 1/2 cup cream,. whipped.
Scak gelatine in cold water about
-vent the accumulation of manurefrom Repairing Town Hall 5 MInUteSL ba
other domestic livestock such as pigs. Heat soup. over boiling th
cattle and poultry, as flies will breed Ezra -and Ferg Robinson commene- water,�.add salt, 'cheese, onion juice j
-ces, althoujh to a ed work on repairing the Town Hall (extracted, by grating onion.). Heat bO
In -these substan
lesser exte I : .. a.. , . S roof Wednesday. morning. They are until cheese is softened. Add- soaked S
1! re -ge-' i'u - busy applying steel shingles to the gelatine and, stir until dissolved. Chill ro
All or b c ' ch as hou6o- belfry. . Mitebell Advocate. and when partially set, add mayon- ce
*1iold gar,g ; sboul-A be wrapped In naise, whipped cream and olives or
papei fly-prooi girba�lke ly
celery.. Turn into mould. that has'fe
cans, until al Isposed of by bum- -cold water and eliill. sa
lug. The,accu I I ng,og garbage An may be secured by wr#ing to the been rinsed in
-sion of When firam, remove to bed of lettuce
municip dii �rfiig the warm Publicity and'. Exten, Branch,
months of'the year Is und4sirable, as the Departinenb of Agilculture, Ot- and serve with -mayonnaise. Sprinkle ed
taws. with paprika. This sailad. may -be
such ' dumps produce enormous num- frozen -by following dirbetions given ed
bers of flies as: well. as other vermin,
Itute a -serious publi for "Cheese Salad."
4and, may consti ic
-muleance. The only satisfactory way TUCKERSMITH Mocha Marlow
-of disposing of garbage during the fly
season, is 1�y' incineration-. - (Too late for last week.) 20 marshmallows
Measures should be taken - to ex- Miss Jessie Gibson, ..of Lucan, is I cup hot coffee
tolude.flies fr am dwellings. The screen- 'the guest Of her friend, Miss Ona Mc, 3/2 cup toasted almonds (may be'
m Gregor.
.Ing of doors and windows is, Vea, omitted)
-%useful In this regard. Flies, that Arid - Mr- John C. Doig, of Detroit, spent I cup whIpPing cream
their way" Into the house should. be a few daysr the guest of his mother Pinch of salt
-promptly destroyed. Fly alkatters, and sister, Miss Janet. Flavoring.
rsticky fly -paper, poisoned fly pads, Mrs. Joe McClelland and Master Add inlirshinallowo to hot ',06ffee
-poisoned bait made by mixing - -bne Kenneth are v4sid;Lg friends in, the and stir until 'dissolved. 4=11 and
teaspoonful of formalin in a cupful neighborhood'. allow. to. -partially set. W-bip cteam,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Wt-l-liam McGregor and add marshmallow mixture. Add
,n�f sweetened milk or water, and ex-
-vosing It in saucers-,� Includedt visited with friends in Lucan one day flavoring. Freeze as -'Cheese Salad!'
;among the various means of doing recently.
-this. 917. sprays containing pyrethrum Miss Isabelle Doig, of London, vIs-
extract In mineral Pil gre a Valuable ited with heir cousin Miss, Janet Doig.
rand- widely used killing -agent. Fur- . Mr. and Mrs. Hujit McGregor spent LF JU
ther Information on house flies, pre- a day recently visiting. with Howick (Condensed from -I pound No Peace?-
-Ipa�red by the Entomological Branch, friends. In Reader's Digest)
The most monstrous criminal dhar
Salads and Dessert . s ,ter in modern,axinals was. probably
Hear! Desire Landru, whose head I
Salads.,itnd -desserts which may be saw *hopped off at dawn on Febru-
moulded or frozen in the Fefrigerator ary.' 25, 1922. He was convicted. of'
and which give a some*�at festive the coldblooded murder of ten wo-
air to a simple meal are particularly men and one boy, whom he bad beek-
welcome to thei housewife 41uring the ed to pieces, and burned in his cook,
hot summer * months. It is not hard �stove Lat Villa Gambals near Ve
-to prepare such dishes diii-Ing the 'the lover 283
sailles; he had, been
coal of early morning, and It is a women.
great relief to know that a tempting
Over a period of Ave years Landru
salad or dessert ia ready to serve had, pursued the grim business of sys-
when the lunch or supper hour ar- tematic love -making and slaughter.
rives. Relations duly reported the myster-
The Milk Utilization Service Do- ious disappearances of -his "fiancees"
ininion Department of Agricultu.�e, re- to the police, but each time the cir-
commends the following: cumstances and the name of "the
Joe Best of ail: ft, killers. Cheese Salad man, In the case" were different; the
Clean,' quie� . k, sure, 1% cups cream cheese or creamed police found no clue, and did not con -
WHY cheap. Ask your Drug- cottage cheese - nect the -disappearances as the crimes
gist, Grocer or General I green pepper, chopped of one man. The disorganization of
PAY Store. 1, cup crushed, pluetipple, 'well diral&-
civilian life during the war favored
'JE THE wiLsoN pLk,pAD ed Landru's schemes. The -husbands of
CO., HAMILTON, ONT. % cups -nuts, chopped, many of the women were at the
front; oth4s,, whose husbands had -
been killed, were only too anxious to
listen to offers of marriage. Then by
pureebance, In April; 1929, the sister
of �ne of the missing "fiancees"
caught a glimpse -of, Landru in ftria,
followed him to his apartment, and
Informed the Police. Without realiz-
Ing they had made one of Ike greatest
'eate-hes In, Parisian criminal history,
the police took him In custody.
The whole fantastic story began
when, on- the way to the station, de -
A tectives caught Landru attempting to
throw away a little notebook. It was
thb famous car . net containing the key
to the euttire Oerles of'astounding
crimes. It 1lookedi like notAttons at.
business transactions. and remained a
mystory until police comVered the
names of Women in the carnot with,
the names of fteres of women Into -
Ing since 1915, And tound that tet
11% the police Diecad, togethor V.
biwirl* dtalft& Toy lelfted, , flmt
"YVIA A A!PX'0JW4r Mrs
7'7777- —,_A7�-
4., OA InA, o
ow xt e, 4W
to tplro�7. PRO
0" Ae matrintony. at, 1, selpolld'. or
rd. mee#,ug. Hlii.p A;; . rovealeo,
at t4nes . eaurtialFf"Okoven, w0iiW4
1nU1t06OU8lY,- Jnaint�Wllg, & Plif�
onate, and, turning
Vlqve lottvro by th.O,Iftore- A bum,
_of. such letters
Liu ready tar use.
During this time. Law)ru maintain -
separate bome 96r his wife amt
and was a goodibusband and
m4y man, He exo1oged his fre-
ent excursions to the,'T�ills as "'busi-
es trIW. I Neither *fe nor son,
w the nature of ble,business, and
ten unknowingly belp04:41spose of
property of his vietims.
Landru,s un-forgettablerArial, in the
H or 1921, wits better,ttian anything
pol4es-Bergeres ovqr put on. All
s storined the d0ors. Landru
alotained an Imperturbable dignity;
dor questioning he w6uld smile de-
catingly and say, "It"s an affair of
nor. I do not kiss'Javid telL" One
he -.sent f5or the judge, saying he
re . morseful and wjj-�nted to talk.
last, buzzed the pr4ecution, Lan -
is going to eonf6ss'.� But to the
dge Landru. sighed and said: "I
at tell you. I am remorseful about
the 283 Infidelities to my wife."
e story ricocheted argund the court
om to roars of laughteT.
But. day by day -the prosecution -u-d-
vel-led the cryptic entries in tKLe
a-th camet." The first was. the
me of the respectable widow 6uch-
whom Iandru met through a mat-
nonial advertisement. After a
irlwind, courtship she went to live
th him at the,fateful Vills, Gambais,
vernouillet, under'promise of wer-
ge. Then came the stark inscrip-,
n, "One round-trip, two single -tick-
to Vernouillet," witb the cost.
e. Cachet and her 17-Yeai-old son
appeared from. the ' face of the
th. from that day foft& 'Some of
T furniture tamed up in the apart-
nt of Landill's wife. LaPAM'S. wife
her son,a sweetheart wefe wear -
Mine. CucheVe jew4lry wtion Lan -
U was aTrested.
Entries in the camet marked with
onotonous regularity a fatal jaunt
Vemouillet and the disappearance
one more victim 'The majority
re widows, but one was a 19 -Year -
d girl; and at the timeo of Landru7s
rest permande Segret, an'attractive
rl Of 29, was . wearing the "death
igll—the engagement *ring Landrd
usea. for nine other fiancees. At
e same time -he was engaged to
anne Falque, from, whom he had
rrowed, 2000 francs. DesVite M11e_
.gret's knowledge that she had nar-
wly escaped the fate of ten prede-
ssors, she refused to testify direct -
"against him. "'He was'always. af,
ctionate and, respectful to me," she
d. "I loved him and, would have
arijedbim." At the trial she avoid -
his gaze. When she finally look -
at him she swooned in the witnesg
I pt oont4u" � -!!i9,O
U9. one 1plo# 473414-
-bOttleR. tb.#� 404 99A 04M"4-
N61&0ora At
w ftwo.,
Ithey had Olteo seen asp" V14,6udo of
nauseating smoke. conitni from, tl�q
Allenists . an& - scientists w;ho, exam -
4 __*
.4, _U b yat" Duld not
, r . q � 1�,ed they cl I
women, - Exceptl;*foi his extFAQTdIp4ri
eyes, which were large au&'seopeilt-
,like In their fixity.and brilljWwo, he
fiad oQVt bUtWard feature td.aCOUAt
fQr lk" no 'was. 56 years'did, of. med-
ium. build and sallow complexion. At
-first glance his only.uriusual featare
were his, remaxkabV shaped bald
head and his Assyriant beard, of
which he was InorcUnately proud.
Parisian men about town tried to
eticit Landra's system of wbinlug,*o-
men, By� -be SmilomYsteriouslY and -
mid: �'_Our relations were Mostly Of
a business nature, and these of a
private nature axe amatter between
them and me!'
Henri Desire Landru was sent*eil
to have his head, cut off in front of
the Versolles jail at dawn on -FebrU
axy 25, 192Z, ' . I I
About - 4 a.m. that - momidg, word,
came that Anatole Deibler, the fain-
ous executioneer, bad arrived with
his guillotine, and we hurried to the
Prison, Four hundred troops had
drawn cordons at each end ot the
street and permitted only poasessors
of little mimeographed tickets to
pass. . The only light came from the
few electric s.treet lights, and the
flickering candles -in the workmen's
,id-fashioued lanterns as theyL'balted
the grisly machine- t.og0her.
Nearly. loo officials and newspapi�r
men. gathered, in a circle around the
guillotine; I stood,.15 feet away. News
arrived. from the prigon.that LaUdra,
Whose long bloLek beard had been cut
off Previously, asked that he be shav-
ed. "It will please the -ladies," " he
He wore a shirt from whic h
the neck had. been cut away, and -
cheap dark trouser& --no shoes or
just as the first streaks of chilly
dawn appeared, a large horse-dra*n
van arrived amd ba&ed UP within a
few feet of the guillotine. Deiblers
assistants pull[ed.two wicker baskets
from it'. Placed the small round one
in front of the machine where the
head.would fall, and. the large coffin -
shaped one close beside the guillo-
Suddenly. the great wooden gates
,of the prison swung open. Three ftg�
ukes appeared, walking rapidly. On
each side a jailer held Landm by his
arms, w-hich were strapped behind
him, supporting him -and pulling'him
forward as fast as they coul -walk.
His bare feet pattered on the cold
cobblestones and his knees seemed
not to be function -Ing. His face was
wtmen, and as he caught siglA of the
ghastly -machine, he went livid.
1�: U
- T 10F.
And- See- How 0-thoraw-
Will FoAl-ow
1W ITEN NEW you go snotoring resolve to,"Tty CAmmesy" Aevi.lw� f
fineh of the way and see how much raore enjoyable,ye
be and how quickly other drivers wM
eet If I could hat persuade half of the maiirlsis a&
61"Irry Courtesy"I am confident that the admier h&K woulld
vitit and'then we would have established the greatest 'shollilm
factor for safe niotoring--courreous drivin&
Again I suggest that you "T�ry Courtesy" the next thae you am
driving. Try, to refrain frosu "pocketingr your fellow-moterha
when he gets into a tndfic difficishy. Try to gire hiva.
warning of what you intend to do next'whether it is'10 slow
down, step,. 0�auge direction or overtake him Try togive him
his share of tLe road so as not to unnerve him by�l is "clow-,
shave." Try to reqnember to dip or dim your brilliant bead1lighm
when you meet him at. night so that he wffl not be "ditchedF1 or
drive straight on when he should take a curve. Tv�,to
that hills, curves and other btmd spots are danger nots-4mv
to your right side of the road when you come to them -
In these and the dozens of other ways, which will occur to ym4
I sincerely rewsumend that you "Try Courtesy" every inch aQ
the way.
L -
of the Road
d-M1LrV),R0LET.ia big in size —Ws
kA a full 1121/4 -inch wheelbase
car. Wo big in power—with that
smooth, lively Valve -in -Head eu-
gine packing full 85 horsepower
under the hood! Yet it costs you
less, for gas, less for oil and less for
upkeep than any other car in its
"Better than 20 miles to the gallon
of gas in heavy tra.ffic' " report taid
drivers. "Up to 30 nuiles per gal-
lon," say travelling salesmen wh6
ride the highways day in and day
Anyone who says you have to pay
Lig-car prices to enjoy fine -car per-
formance—fine-car roominess—
fine-car pride --certainly haan7t sat
behind the wheel of The Only
Complete Low -Priced Car! Enjoy
that experience for yourself, today.
Once yoft drive a Chevrolet, you'll
never be satisfied ivith. less than
Chevrolet value for your inoney!
""ter 2.0amnor 11�shs $745
"iwreda factory, Oshawa Government
taws, licento and freight 4MWond. (Prim
subject to cban�o feishous notire.) Monthly
paymews to inst your pwrse on the Ger4rd
UNISTEEIx TURRET TOP BODIES BY MHER The heartof Mewaetdepe���11
... Combining All-9teel safety with silence. Wider brilliant poddTmaricm
and roomier. Safety glass. 37ISHER, NO�DRAFT V 6ATION FRAS
drafts and windshield " fogging "'. Enables Von bw
PERrECTED HYDRAULIC BRAXES ... Recog- ..=op I- frosh ;I; on hot &7&
Umd everywhere as &-dest and smoothest.
VALVE-IN-11EAD High -Compression Engine ... .. OnallmaiwrDoLuxomddelL
Ao W. DUNLOP11 I. Se*rth
'J", Ile V1;11�-*, Pffl.