The Huron Expositor, 1936-07-17, Page 8suit 4 1936. •
24,t, Vounds
SARSI-Just fresh in.
Pw'm'd • •
2 tins
• large jar ,
• jar '
large bottle
• With bottle Vanilla
ell for
• 3 cans
2 ftor
-. 25c
• A. Cs Routledge
Phone 166
Having Purchased
business of the JOHN RAN -
KIN AGENCY from the Guar-
anty Trust Company, I solicit a
continuance of your esteemed
All insurance records, etc.,
have been transferred to my of-
fice and any information will be
gladly given.
. M. A. REID, Prop.
Phone 214 : • Seaforth
Specialists in All Kinds of
• Insurance.
Bowles Win At. St. Catharines,
A rink of :Seaforth bowlers co,ntposed
of W. J. Duman,- R. J. Winter, R. J.
Sproat and Dr. F. J. Beettely, were
in St. Catharines on Wednesday alay-
ing in the Manufacturers! Towne-
ment The rink ,W071 sixth prize..
Fere paha ale° •play,ed in the Scotch
Doubles Tourney at Goderich on the
same day, but none reached the
neeney stage. 'e
Death of Miss Alice Mary Brown.
--e-The funeral of Mae Alice Maley
Brown, whose death occurred on Fri-
day', July 10th, tann measles in her
67th year, took place Saturday after-
noon, interment being made in the
Maitlandbank cemetery. Rev, Canon
E. Aepleyard officiated. Miss .Brown,
who vvas a daughter ,of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Brown, of Harpur-
heY, had been in delicate health since
a child, and atter the death of her
parents resided with her sister, eVties
Sarah Brown, in the old ;homestead
near Seaforth. She survives along
along with another sister, Mrs. D.
• Grummett, of diarpurhey.
- The wedding took
'place very quietly in Nakina, Out,
en Thursday interning,: July 2nd, by.
Rev. Fr. IVIlarleau, 'of Nelson William
Aubry, son ct Mr. and Meta J. A.
Aubry, of Nakina, and. Jean Eleanor,
eldest daffghter of M.T. A. F. Cluff,
lot Seaforth. The attendants were
Audrey Aubry and Lawrence Aubry,
sister, and brother of the, groom, both
Of 'Nakina. Following a wedding
brealdast art the groom's home, the
young eouele left forToren* for a
week's, -hon,ey.moon, and this week
have been guests at the home. off the
beetle's 'falter in' Seaferth. Mr. and
Mrs. Aubriy Will reside -in Naliina.
40 0 0 0 0 0 o o o .0
o " .0
0 S. T. HolmesSOn
Main Street, Seafortly P-
O 0
40' S. T. Holmes, residence, 0
.0, Goderich Street, 'West; phone 0
Nb. 119W. 'Charles Holmes' 0
4 residence, Gbderich Street, 0
4 East; phone Na; 308.
0 Ambulance Service 40
0 'Night calls, Phone 308. 0
0 Day calls., Phone 119 J. 0
• 0 Charges moderate.
4 0 0000000000
.4> H. C. BOX
• 0 Licensed Embalmer 0
0 Ambulance Service
• Hcispital Bed 0
4 with adjustable ratchet oper- 0
ated spring for rent. 0'
Night Calis Day Oaks 0
Phone 175 Phone 43 0
0 • 0
0 0 0:0,0 0 0000
0 W. J. WALKER and 0
0 Licensed Embalmers and 0
Funeral Directors.
o Day or Night. Calls promptly
attended. 0
000000 0000
Clerk of the ,Second 'Division Conrt
• County. of Huron
. • .
Office in the Domineen Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours :
uesday, Thursday and Sarteierlay,
1.30 p.m. to, 5.0,0 pm. Saturday
evening, 7.3e to 9 p.m.
Life, automobile, fire, sickness and
iaecid,enit ensetrence. If in the mar-
• ket. for any ,of the above lines,
kindly give urs a call.
Insurance Agencies
Phone 334 : Seaforth, Ont.
- Insurance-
• ;With enormous increase in
' auto. accidents,, you cannot afford
to take chances. Let us protect
yon. Rates are low in compari-
',' •I on with protection give ft.
; Pronipt service and payment of
eliding. In case of trouble,..,,the
; Company's ,Agents' through Can-
• oda are at • your service. Enjoy
*Our trips protected by one of
Witt Auto Policies.
• .1•Auto • Fire Wind
I Ade EU'
r and
4, , + ,.
MacDougall -Alexander. A quiet
'wedding trakplace an Elk Lake, Ont,,
'onJuly 4th, at the home of Rev. and
Mrs. J. M. Boyd; when Agnes, Jean,
ytoun:ger daughter of. Mr. and ea -s.
H. Alexander, of Walton, Ont., was
milted in (marriage to Mr. Jas. Mac-
Dougall, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
MaeDou,gall, of Cane, Ont. Rev. Mr.
Boyd officiated., The bride .were a
pale 'blue frock of sheer crepe with
wthete accestories, and :eerried a bou-
quet of sweet peaseand maiden hair
tern. • A luncheon, was served at the
hone of the tbridegeo,otn, after which
Mr. and Mrs. MacDougall left tior
Temagarni Lakes to spend a short
Jobn areactst, oe, reerentai.eThel NOvir Opm
feeeral was held teem U
the inta - • • ....
bee parents, Mr. ami.,Krs. Frost, East
Welliaxa Street, on Sand•ay afterneon,
when the eervtiees were conducted by
Rev: C. C. Keine, followed by enteie
me,nt ie Maitlandbank cemetery. The
;Pallbearers were :Messrs. Allen .Reid„
IStoddart, Leonard Bolton,
Ha 's& Eyre, Harvey •Hehner and L.
Cc, Bristow, and among those from a
distanee who attended the funeral
wee: Dr. J. H. Bristow, Bay Oity,
Mich.; Dr. Russell Bristow, Detroit;
Mr. and Mrs. William BristotwaSar-
nia; Mr. and Mrs. H. Eyre, Sarnia;
Mie and Mrs H. Bargees:, Fleet,
IVIiehe Mr. and .1aes,. Bert Knott,
Stratford; Mrs. William Robinson,
Auburn; Miss M. Bristatelearnilton;
Mr, and Mrs. tHarry MeCooll Clinton;
Mir. and Mrs. Mac lacCool, Clinton;
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garrett, Blyth;
Mr. and Mrs. 'Sam Hohner :and
• Sermon Stibjects For Next Sunday.
-First Pres,byterian and Northside
United Churches in 'joint services
held tse .Nerthside ,Chuech, July...,19th
and 26*. Morning war -ship at el;
evening service at 7;, Sunday Schools
at 10 o'clock in the res.pectitee church-
es. Morning s:ervide, sermon by Mr.
Feast, "Reward For Fidelity: Let Us
Not Be Weary in Well Doing." Ev-
ening service, sermon by Mr. Feast,
"'Herod Feared John: Why?" Heart-
iest welcome to all.
Egraendvalle itare Sun-
day Sehtiol; 11 a.m., "Noah and the
Heed"; 7 p.m., ."The • Friends of
Christ,", --Rev, A, W. Shepherd; Min-
McKillop Chaege: 'Bethel, Cavan
and Duff's -Sunday, July 19th: The
Young People in e'harge in. all three
appointments; 10 a.m., Duff's, special
ePeaker, Mr. :R. eacKereher; 11 a.m.,
Cavan • Church, Winthrop, special
speaker, Mr. Earl Anderson, Brus-
sels; 11.15, Bethel charge, Mr, ,Ping -
land. A joint 'Sunday school picnic of
the three appointinents in George
Pryee's bush on Tuesday. July ?1st.
--Rev. G. E. Morrow, Minister.
Ste Thomas" :Charelp-Sunday, July
19th: Sunday school at . 10
morning service e at 11 sena sermon
by the Rector.No evening service.
The evening 'congregation are re-
qu;ested to attend the morning service.
-Canon E. Appleyard, Rector,
Dies in Sarnia. -Word has been re-
ceived of the death 'of ;Mrs,. Sophia
Knight in SarniaeH•oapital on July
7th after a long illness. , The .deeease
ed woman was a eistee of Mrs. Wm.
MeiMliehatee, -sea- (Seafortee. She •
resided in in Se.rnia district all her mar-
ried life. Surviving are seven daugh-
ters: Mrs. M. McDonald, Mrs. 'E. C.
.Crandon; Mrs. Geoffrey Crete, Sar-
nia; Mrs. William O'Neil,. Point Ede.
Ward; Misses Carrie, Margaret and
• Florence Knight and a son, .Frank,
of Crew's Nest, et C. Mee. Knight
prior to her marriage was Miss
Sophia Sutherland and lived in this
vicinity. MraWilliam'. McMichael,
Seaforth, and Mrs. Duncan, Wood-
stock, are the surviving members of
the family. •
Death of John Lennon. -The death
of John Lennon occurred Friday last
at his home in Saginaw, Mich., -where
he had lived for nearly fifty years.
The deceased was born on the Huron
Read, one mile .east of Seaforth, son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Len-
non, and :eldest of a family of twelve.
He is survived by a family of three,
two daughters and one son, -IVIr.s. M.
J. O'Mara, Mrs'. Edward Mintline,
and John; all of Saginaw. He is al-
so survived by two brothers and three
sisters: Edward P., of Westmount,
vebec; eFearik,. , of Detroit; Mrs.
Mary Thaepe and 'Mrs. Elizabeth
Mahon. of Detroit, and Mrs. •Jarnes
Devereaux, Seaforth. His wike,-Elii-
abeth Kennedy, formerly ofDetroit,
predeceased him three years a. go. The'
funeral was ;held. Oft Monday 'rest
from his' late home to . St. Mary's
Catholic Church, where Solemn High
Mass' was celebrated by the pastor..
• Interment was in the fel/lily plot, St.
Mary's emebery, 'Saginaw, Mich.
• Northside W. M. S. Meets. - The
-egular imonthly meeting of the W.
M. S. of Northside Church was held
in' the Ih'asement of the church on
Thursday .afternoon, July 9111, over
thirty being ;present. The 'meeting
was opened by singing "Saviour Like
a 'Shelplierd Lead Us" and grayer by
the president, Mrs. Laing. The min-
utes' were read and received arta the
various reports given. Mrs. Wiliiam
read a paper on Temperance which
was followed by the roll call. The
devotional period was in charge• af
'Circle No. 1 WI* Mrs. Porte,ous, pre-
siding. The Scripture lesson wee
given by Ms. Bright. The hymn, "In
Christ There Is No East or West"
was ,sung, after Artiieih there were a
few minutes •of silent prayer and the
Lord's Prayer repeated in unison,
The Bible ;reading was led 'by Mrs.
W; Black. Readings •vete given by
Mes. Hutchison and Mrs, Barber. 'Af-
ter singing "Yield Not To Tempta-
tion," 1Misrs Lawrence gave jarre-
port of the,,Domlinion B,crardeem;eeting.
The ;meeting closed by singing "Blest
Be the Tie That Binds" .and the bene-
Collegiate Principal "Loses Father.
-The (Stratford Beacon -Herald' ori
Monday neade the following reference
to. the death in that city .on Sunday
of 1Ver. William Ballantyne, father of
Mr., G. A. Ballantyne, Principal of
the ;Seaforth 'Collegiate Institute:
"The death occurred at his home, 303
Camfbeia Street, Sunday morning of
Ballantyne in his 84th. year,
M. Ballantyne, a native of Downie
• Toitv'nship -and a member ef . one de
the .filitriet'S pioneer fiCrillies, suf-
fered a stroke two years,age and
death was due to the effects of this,
stroke. He had been a resident of
Safford for the past 16 years, com-
ing here where he lived retired after
selling his farm in Downie Town-
ship. He had farmed in Downie the
greater part of his life and was wide-
• ly known throughout that •COMIMUTI-
ity. Mr. Eallantyne had taken an ac-
tive part in the Work of. the church
and in civic matters while in Downie.
Since coming to Stratford he had,
been a member of Si.. Jean's United
Church.. His wife died 18 years ago.
He is euryieed by three sons: Russell,
.Downie Township;Jamb, in the Gore
of Downie; George; Seaforth; one
daughter, Annie, at .home; one bre-
ther, Angus Ballantyne, DOwnie; one
sister, Mrs. William Holmes, Centre
Street', Stratford. The funeral was
held Teesday with service at his late
residence at two o'clock and with in-
terment in Avondale cemetery. Rev.
J. F. Reycraft .of Central United
Church was in charge of the service."
, Death of Harold Frost. -The death.
occurred at Harley ,Hospital, Flint,
Michigan; on Friday, July 10th. of
Robert II -farad Frost, in his -32nd
year. leer. -Frost was the eldest eon
of 'Mae ;ancl Mts. 'Reuben Fr'ost, of
Seaforth„ where he was horn and
spent his early life. The deceased
had been a. ;suffeter from diebetes,,
but had rateebeen serribusly ill until
the Tuesday before his death. That -
teen years an Wee Frost went to
Florida, coming back a year
later to be married to Miss Marjorie,
11(1e0o,ol, at Clinton, Returning to
Florida he eesid,ed. tlhere Thr two
years, beffere erroviag to Flint, *here
hie resided until his death. Re is
Varvriired by his; wed* and one deagh-
tree; Rath. ,4e f.4 also survived 1,y
his parents/ three .silititherrsi Mrs, ltoitv-
ifed.BOrget$4 1%14 1Vilsties Thir,-
knd 1ean at. arid.
f.4 4
'Mc git:RE
• ee Mr. W. L. Watson, of Taranto,
spent the week -end with his father,
Mr. James Watson, wed his aunts,
the Mieses Watson.
• Mrs. Albert Bond ,aeid. Mrs. Ern-
est Brown, of Galer-were week -end
guests at the hoitheof Mr. and Mrs.
le G. eaullen.
* Mr. Valarhae of Chicago, was
visiting friends in town this week.
• Mrs. Troyer, of Toronto, is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. John Censitt. .
• Mr. ePohn Zimmerman,'of
ton, is the guest •of his sister, Mrs.
H. E. Smith. • ,
• Mr. .George. Hays has returned
Keine after spending several weeks'
holidays with his brothers in Wind-
sor and Detroit.
•. Mr. W. J. McKay, of Thiamin's;
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murray, Mary
and Cecil "McKay visited with Sea -
forth friends. this week.
• Miss Millie Johnston,Jof Hamil-
ton. is a guest at the Nome of her
brother,' Mr. Thomas *Johnston..
• ler. Frank Beattie,'of Iola, Kan-
sas, is: a guest at the home of his
brother. Mr. J. Wesley Beattie.
• Mr. and Mrs:. William •MeGena
mond, of Heesthell, Sask.; Mr. and
Mrs. William Brown and son, Billy,
of Saskatoon, and Mr. William Far-
euhar, of Blyth, spent the week -end
at the home of their uncle and aunt,
Mr. and MR'S, William Stevens.
• Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Martin, of
Englehart, are spendingethe holidays
with relatives in this distriet.
• Mrs. Howard 'L. Purdy, Of To-
ronto, is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Kerslaw
• Dr. ,George Midln-
garvvisited, his cousin, Mr. John Fin-
layson, and other relatives in town
this week.
• Mr. and /Mrs. Stewart Murray,
of 'Pittsburg, are guest; 'at the home
• of Miss Edith Daviderm.
• Mr. and Mirs. William Welle;
Jack and Donald, and Mr. and Mrs,
Howard Slmilth, of Rochester, are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Kers-
lake at Point Clark.
• IMies Beseie Helmet has secur-
ed a positilon as tetich,er in 'Tees -
• Mr. Archie 1VIeKay and some,
Kelvin and joffre, of Torotte, War
ceiling on Seaferth fallen& this week.
• Mrs. M E. DetborOugh, EN,
and .defighter, MiseNeleey, el North:
are visitirtg Mir. and We. .C.
' • MISS Coliil1, Who bus been the
For Ice Cold Drinks
guest of her cousin, Mrrs. Booth, has
returned to her 'home an Toronto.
• Miss Catherine Flannery motor-
ed to •Madland with friends from
Blyth, where she spent the week -end.
• Mrs. E. Geddes and Mies Mary
are spending a week in Bayeld.
• Miss Maud and 'Miss Olive Laid-
law are spending a week with friends
at 'Selkirk Beach, on Lake Erie.
• Mess Jean Buck, of Detroit, and
leer. Keith Burk, of Windser, are
guests at the ihocm,e of Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Plant.
• Mrs,. J. F. Reid received word
this week of -the death of her bro-
ther, Mr. William Dewsen, which oc-
curred at. bus home in Los Angeles.
Mr. Dawson had been ill ' for some
time. '
' • •Dr. Karl Aberhart, of Toronto,
is spending -a few -holidays with his
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aber -
• ;Mrs. Lloyd iiirtis,, of Marmbra,
is visiting her .uiother, Mrs. W. G.
• Miss Edna ateeKay; of Niagara
Feels, is a u4.,,
te;st at the home of Mr.
andelVers. - .. Willis.
• • Mr. endeMTS. Nelson Aiuhry, of
Nakina, are , guests at the home of
Mr. A. F. cluff.
• Mir. and Mrs. Harry Eyre, of
Sarnia., are visiting at the Eyre -home
in Tuckerstathe
• • Mese Helen and Master Donald
Smeth have returned! leaeepi Milverton,
where they. spent their liolidays.
• Mest. Alex. Sproat, lof Toronto,
was the guest of 'Mrs. Robert Bell
this -week.
' - • Mies. Anne Gordon, of Cleveland,
de a guest at the 'home of .11(fr. and
Mrs. R. W. Catm,pbell, ;in ,MeKilleaa
• Mi•se,Mary and Mr. Gordon Drall
of Detroit, are visiting their greed -
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert.
• 1Vers. Theisen and San, of 'Detroit;
are guests at the home of hex mother,
0: Mr. Stanley Hays, of We/d-
em-eels teasitierg. e,t -the . home -et. his
gereidraother, Mrs. 11..• S. Hay's.
' • Mrs: A. Edler and family are
visiting friends at Flint, Michigan.
• Mr. and Mrs. WI D. Smith and
family and Mrs. R.R. Scott and
family are sPending, a month at Bay-
field. : " • • .
• Mns. J. A. Case is spending a
few d,ayre at the suramereleame of her
sister, Mese Donald Hamilton, at
Stoney Lake. • ..
• Mr. atid Mrs. William Somer-
ville haee eeteirned to Woodstoek af-
ter spending a few days at the holme
of Mrs. L. T. De,Lacey.
• Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Scott; Betty
and Billie, of Chieageo, are giteets at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott.
' • Mrs. J. A. Smith and children,.
who have been the guests of Mrs.
S.enitles .mother, Mrs. James- Beattie,
for the past- two weeks, have return-
ed to their. }tonne' in Peterboro.
• Mr. C. Eckert (was is Stratford
this week on business.
• Misses Bose and Emma Dantzer
who have been visiting in this vicin-
ity, have returned to their home in
. :
• Mr. Charles B. Stewart was •e
visitor in Minden ,end Toronto this
Our collecting department is R. re-
sult of yeare of successful expeneece
in collecting local or out of town
accounts. Personal calls made on
all cases, if necessary. No collection,
no, charge. Remittance made month -
gill yang -Mat- of accounts to -day to
B. C. A., (License 176)
Office oven R. Smith's Store
• The Rural Mail Ceuriers' As-
sociation of Huron County will
hold a meeting in Seaforth on
July 25th. All Mail Couriers are
specially requested to attend this
J. M. JOHNSTON, President
• Der. ;Ear/ 'Sr and two. children,
at the home of Mae and Mrtee-W. A.-
,Ortioh,••this week. Mr. S'neith left foe
TerentolWedeietsday, leut the1 el -alarm
are: remeinting and well spend the
holidays with their grandpaaents.
• ,MISSW. Elizabetra Southgate,
who has, been spending her holidays
at blie./eame of her parents', Mr.• and
Mrs. W. E. Southgate, has resumed
her 'duties at Welk.* Hospital, To-
• Miss Donna areole is eisitingeher
friend, Mess Jean McDonald, -Wel-
afre eftd"Mes. A. G. 1VIcHarry, of
Windeor, were week -end guests of
Mr. and Mies. R. Rogerson.
TheW. M. S. will hold an open
,meeting on ,Wednesday; July 22nd.
Mrs. James F. Scott, of Seaforth, will
_!give an address. A good :grogram
Ig being -prepared. Would aull. the
ladies of the cOMmunity please .ac-
cept this as an invitation.
Mr. and 'Mrs. W. MMillan, Lon-
don, visited Mr. and iMrs. V. [Dale on
Sunday. Marion Dale returned home
with them.
Miss Clarissa Dale is spending her
holidays at Fergus.
Mr. and 11VIrs. WiuliirnBtrittoni and
Edith called ,oar Mr. and Mire. Walter
Broadfoot on Sunday evening.
Mr. and arra Charles Dexter and
Ellen .spent,Moneley in Goderich.
Since •the destruction by ,fire of his
pasture, 'ale. Henry Klehei has rent-
ed the late Walsh Bros.' farm.
and Mrs. C. J. Eckert, Joe
Eckerct, Mrs,. W. J. McKay and Mrs.
Aid E. Desborough visited relatives
this week..
Mr..4.rohie McKay and sons,, from
Toronto,evisited with friends over the
week -end. •
(Mir. feed Eckert and -Eileen called
,•on' friends in 'Seaforth last week.
Ma and Mrs, T. J. McKay visited
relatives in Seaforth this week.
'Fires are still raging in the pine
swamp ,and .have destroyed several
cattle and sheep. The losers' were 3.
George and HenrybKleiber. • .
Mr. W. J. (McKay, from Timmins;
MTS. Jerry O'Hara and, 1Virs.Joe
'Murray have returned from Detroit
after visiting their brother, Leo.
TIME lu'n LIW.1
under the auspices of the Clin-
ton Old Time Dance Club
Bayfield Pavilion
The RUStic Rhythmaire,s' 'with
additional instruments f o r
modern dancing will supply the
mUsic, SO that you are assured
of another enjoyable evening.
A Contest for amateur performers
will be held. pIf you can play, sing,
dance or perform, you have a chance
to WIn a cash' prize, and there is no
entry f. . All entries Mtist be MAIL.
no to st,„,11. Thottiv000, Clinton. net
• later than Saturday, July Itith.,
those so lecolved will be considered,
Daticitig 9 P.m. to 2 Sian.'
ADMISSION 30e (tax included)
Eferybody ViTeleonie
'aThe farmers -are -thrieu,gh haying
in this vicinity and are net sorry for
it edther. With theeintentse- heat and
drought many have to, ease. up on
hard _labor._ - • - - - • - - -•
A number from this: vicinity at-
tended the funeral of. the late Wm.
Fillingham on Friday last from the
home of Mr. and ;Mrs. 'Claeence Parke
on the Goshen Line to Bayfield ceme-
tery for interment. •
IIVIrs. Lorne 'Eller, e Falcon'bridge,
is visiting her sister, Miss Edna, and
brother, Allan.
Miss Dolly Hagan is in Clinton for
a few days nursing !Mrs. Peck.
• Me. and MTS. W. Davidson spent
the week -end with relatives hi Mit-
chell and Stratford, Mr. Martin re-
turning with the -hi to spend a visit
Miss Edna Cochrane and sister,'
Mts. Eiler, spent a few days with
their •sister and 'brother-in-law, Mr.
and IVIrs. R. Dec,'en route to a trip
to 'Montreal and points on the way
•:Kippen and Hillsgreen Sunday'
Schools are heeding their annual pic-
nic on Wednesday afternoon at Bay-
The Late Mr. V. Stelck
There passed away on Lot. 27, Con-
cession • 5, oxr the old Stelck home-
stead, Hay Tatenetripe en Friday,
July 10, ,Mr. Ferdinand Stela, son
of the late tMir. and Mes: D. Stelck.
Mr; SteTek was in theeham and while
going about it is thought he was ov-
erceme with his heart by the heat
and passed away. When his neigh-
bors, , Mr. and . Mee. A, Reichert,
;didn't see him at the noon hour as.
he had been boarding in their home,
they became him not get-
ting over for his noop meal. They
went over to his farm and. upon find-
ing him telephoned his family to
come at once. It was a sudden Shock
to his two surviving daughtersand
their husbands. • Mr. Stelck was barn
on the farm -in 1862 and lived there
until his d,eath. He was married' to
Ellen Luker, daugihtee of • .the 'late
Mr. and !Mrs. John 'Luker, who pre -
deceased him 33 years ago this No-
vemlber. He we a good citizen and
a fine neighbor and was a lover of
his violin which he often played to-
getherewith his Oliver
lovers. His
daughters, Mies. Oliver Fee and .Mrs.
Gordon Love, Mourn his loss. • The
funeral *as held on ,Sunday,..July 12,
at 2.10 ham his late ,home, conduct-
ed (by Rey. E. F. ,Ohandler and Wes
largely abtended by relatives and
friends. . Interment took place 'in Bay-
field ,cemetery, Messrs. James Jar-
rott, Alfred Reichert, Clarence Bren-
ner, Allan Cochrane, 'Ross Love and
Wesley :Richardts,on being the pall-
bearers. The ,syrneathy of the com-
munity goes • :out for his -sorrowing
daughters and relatives.
and W.A..Meet
Thetreguiter ineeting of the W. A.
and W.M.S. was held at the home
,of Mrs. Elden Kerr on. Thursday,
July 2nd. '"Dhere eras a good attend-
ance. The W. A. President, 'airs. R.
Murdie, epresided. "Pass „Me Net,
Oh Gentle Saviour" was, sung. e The
Scripture lesson was taken 'by Mrs.
W. Shannon. The leaflets were tak-
en by 'Gordon and Miss Bele
en Beattie. (Mrs. W. Shannon gave
a evading, ."The Old Clay -House."
Mus -die ioffered prayer and the
W.M.S. president, 'Mrs. W. Shannon,
took charge ,of the. ,neeeting, .The
"stetwavectShiP. leaflet *as taken by
Mrs. Ivy liendertOn. ."0 God Our
!Help in Ages Past" Was Sung and
rs. Siharitondled in prayer. A de-.
146. 1. • .
Helena..4uttbWas served by Circle
and Mis,•dateialie' /tieHgele,
. '11"),111'44 41*164.1.'1'4 r ,
Sea -10th Lion.s.faiek
July 22.
aradeheaded by Seaforth
Highlanders Band
will corner Main and Code-
• rich Streets at 5.45 p.m: •.
.See Bills tor Complete Programme
In case of inclement weather Water Carruivativill be
held July 23rd.
.Admission, including tax, 10c
Children in Parade FREE Free Auto Parking
and Mee. Charles Reg-ele, Mrteeled
Mrs, William Hoegy, Marie and Louis
'Hoegyy Mr. end 'Mrs. Charles Eggrt,
• Della and Norman Eggert and
Huether. attended the ' funeral of
_Walter Grease,- son of-- Ma- an4
Will Grosse, of Auburn, on 'Sunday.
Much sympathy is expressed to Mr..
and Mme. Grosse 'by. friends in this
vicinity. •
Miss Ruth Steinacher, of Stratford,
spent a few days with Ma-. and Mrs.
William Koehler.
lilies Joy Huether, of Morriston, is
spending a few areeks with her cow -
in, Della Eggert.
• Mr. and IMTS.••Willi4m Doerr and
childrea, of. Gacalltill, who attended
the funeral of , Mater Walter
Grosse, at Auburn, • spent part.. of
Sunday avith Me. and Mrs. Jerry
Doerr and took in the Children's Day
• program on Sunday evening.
1Mr. aed,.Mes. A. J. Huether, Joy
and 'Dot,' 'of Morriston, ond Mr. Will
Eggert and son, of •Guelph, called at
the home of Mr. Charles Eggert, UM
Wednesday. .
'Me. and' Mese William Heeding an
-Mee- -aarleafeese -Andrew- Seel nee hete-afe -
Steatford, spent Sunday at the home
of Nen and Mrs. Wen. Koehler. -
The •Children's Die program. given;
'by the Sunday School of the Evan-
general Church on Sundoy evenrmg,
which was- held on the lawn of Mr,
Charles Eggert, Owing te the extreme
heat, was enjoyed by quite a large
gathering, and proved.a decid,ed. suc-
• cess. Each one en the, mgra,mme dii
their part nicely. •
The funeral of the late Mrs. Julia-
BenneWeis on Wednesday of last week
was attended, by a large number of
friends and neighbors, Who extend
their seropetely to Mr. and Mrs. Wim,
Benneweis and family in their be-
Notice to Water Users
• It has come to the attention of the Commis-
sion that many users of, water, who are not pay-
• ing for lawn or hoseconnections, are using this
• service,- without paying for. it.
If thee users persist in the use of hose,
there is no alternative than that the Commis-
sion install meters.
Please,let us have your co-operation.
An extensive epidemic of Measleg now ex-
ists in the Minicipality .of McKillop, and it has
• been brought to the attention .of, the local Board
of Health that all cases are not being reported.
• The purpose of this notice is to inform the
residents that the Health Act, under a penalty,
requires that i1 householders shall give notice
to the' Board 'Of Health of the occurrence of
"Red" Measles, and that the premises shall be
quarantined and placarded.
• Measles may prove a very serious disease,
• especially to the very young or old, and in the
present extreme weather, One death has recent-
ly occurred.
• Co-operation in the effort to protect the
health of your neighbors by prompt notification
is urgently requested.
Signed on 'behalf of the LoOal Board of Health
JOHN. M. ECKERT, Chairman.
it ILt :1;'4'p,Atita,)