The Huron Expositor, 1935-12-13, Page 74 4 4. � " . I • s LEGAL . . , .11 Phone Na 91 JOHN J. >FtUfxGA RD :Sariiister.. Solicitor, . TIY�'tar`ys Poblic,Ptte. r Beattle ..BIag1F nth, OUL % HAYS & M1AR Succeeding R. S. Saye pA sters, Solicitors, GDnlveyancers and Notaries Public, +Sbl'iel ores for rtbe Mmimion Bank. Officee in sear of the Dominion Bank, 'Seaforth. Money to loan. JOHN H. BEST Barrister, .Solicitor, Etc. Seaforth Ontario VETERINARY JOHN GRIEVE, V.S. ]Honor graduate of 'Ontario Veterin- ary College. A111 diseases of domestic ammlals treated. Calls promptly at- tended to and charges 'moderate. Vet- erinary 'Dentistry a specialty. Office and residence on Gbdericsh 'Street, one door east of Dr. J•arrrott'! office, Sea - forth. A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic `animals treated by a miost aruodern' gri'ncuples. Charges reasonable. Clay or night calls promrptly attended to Office on Main Street, Hensell, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. Breeder, of Scot- tish Terriers. Inverness Kennels, ffi+ensall. MEDICAL DR.• D. E. STURGIS Graduate of the Faculty of Medi- cine, University of Western .Ontario, and Sji. Joseph's Hospital, London. 'Member of College of Physicians and -Surgeons of Ontarw....Phone.67, - Of- fice at Dublin, Ont. 34931 DR. GILBERT C. JARROTT Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario. Mem- ber of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office, 43 Gode- rich Street, West. Phone W. Successor to Dr. Charles 'Mackay. DRz W. C. SPROAT Graduate of Faculty -of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Lon- don, Member of 'Cbllelge of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office in Aberhart's Drug Store, Main .St., Seaforth. Phone 90. DR. F. J. BURROW'S Office and residence, Goderrich St., east of the• United Church, Seatbrth. Phone 46, Coroner for the County of Huron. DR. HUGH H. ROSS Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty Of Medicine, member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario'; pass graduate course in Chicago Clinical School of Chicago ; Royal Opthalmie, Hospital, London, Englund; Unnversity Hospital, Lon- don, England. Office -,Back of Do- ,. minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night calls answered froom residence, Victoria Street, Seaforth. DR. E. A. McMASTER Graduate of the University of To- rgnto, Faculty of Medicine ' Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; graduate of ' New York Post Graduate -School and Lying-in Hospital, New York. Of- fice on High Street, Seaforth. Phone ' 27. 'Office fully equipped for' ultra short wave electric treatment, Ultra Violet Sam' Lamp treatments, a•nd Infra Red electric treatments. :Nurse in attend- ance. DR.. G. R. COLLYER Graduate Faculty of -Medicine, Uni- I varsity of Western Ontario. Member 1 College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. ,Post graduate work at New York City Hospital and Victoria Hospital, Loirdom. Phone: Hensall 56. Office: King Street, Hensall. I DR. F. J. R. FOR!STER • ' Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of I Toronto. Late assistant New York Opthal- mei and Aural Institute, Moorefiel'd's Eye and G'ol'den .Square Throat Hos- pital's,, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, 'Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month, from 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. 58 Waterloo Street, South, Stratford. DENTAL DR. J. A. McTAGGART Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office at Hensall, Ont. Phone 106. AUCTIONEERS HAROLD DALE Licensed Auctioneer ' Specialist in farm and hou's'ehold sales. Princes reasonable. For dates and inr8ormation, write or phoneHer- old Dale. phone 149, ,Seaforth, or ap- pl? at The, Expositor office. ARTHUR WEBER Auctioneer's License Sixteen years' experience. •Satisfatction guaranteed. Telephone: 13-57, Heneall. Write ARTHUR WEBER, 'R, R. 1, Da iliwo,od. INSURANCE THE JOHN RANISIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds., Bonda, Real Estate. Money th Lost,. Phoma 91. !SWIOR 1H ; . OjNTAAi!i0 t lw,&&,,§1.,�s�,;,'.rilh.� a'',? ,t .,a x.mrfi:, ,.1 acki��n",/X�a,i,. ,�..wk9,.VA✓ ;: -,. r o t;','h4 ,i x _4X s t ,I, 'II +r ' �;✓t, T-R"F';., 7F7n�;'�• ,? Y,}3 r e.!;y t,- 6 ,{s '}'rj$ fy�; ! ... , Gk'Mpp�I�h.41 i ',' ..d51' ',,, ,. hr ,!'�R �,, ',:.� a >'vG ,.J li,l �, .F �p r',5 n ::';. .'. ,, J' r:. ,.,.y�y. +t, 'kY. n =if44t' 't !, r' 4'. ,. . �. 1. . ", ''. . ,+., j t. ,Rte ."' . r, y,. h�. r1. 1.,.,1 i'i' �ry.,�� '.5, k AN•rt d J'rir a. .µ .r i - n 0 .:+I dd F 019.J• , - :":! •, �1''at,PJt '''''i1.i1.�r1C@ N` , �'.t.. .;dh :. , r,•� , e. I. , 1.� il.;,i' '.:.,9 a, , ,?, y'., .a ,., ^" . ,: ''�.,' "l ',•P w, "j,. t:.•�,,"F!' .r, •io , I-, e: ' .:�` .. `'' -Vii^Q „ .N' 3 ',4 til vi d„ It. .. 0 .c . • 1.'�' • died 1 etre n ?`'471 "i I'll, ­­ :, &�', I?�r9 �lxiy kfht►7lb . „„y' Y d o ppy ry g;:l yr } I. ..l . ""'St ,'�''. �1��r, `d:L+Aan +,'h 't77� � e. :ii?kl m . ed l d4 F / J t ,,,r,��� ala , s t' ..„p. 'that �•_ ( )'�'. !W00R' 4•'. tie WJx. xb W it +1 wthleiit '� of ht °* '��o ,�t� ? . d g , r, b {s V + r r ^i +i14 ri M, 5'�M tt " .i '•r u'�%.: p �/ PETER �- ® ® Tommy' llobked 'a7 out lrtitin In "lite ', w h » , , tt, f 15j' :" it B 1 1�" E 1 E ii ®. K Y N 'center• •of a clear epa,ee, e�ctem�ag I{01'd Age° }��7�3 s�� 1 � � ��5, � ( � ��� i ;*{l �� H ><&..'! 58tY' 'i.'L�+' , '�i' ' i�'.�. i Ji; :: ' ,1A5� 7n � h.'hV'+,��. ''�`. P fro Where the Evill rose ahruptl , '�t 1 -11 ('Continued from last week) fare tsynipath your sickly sen tbl- srtheznin!g and plan - When nearly two 'hours had elaps- nig to x,ob `yto'ur naighborsi You - ed ,Ga'il was overjoyed to blear at a you with your hared murderers distance the faint purring of an air- amKl--+--•#` p'lan'e motor. Louder and louder it ,mss 10b ,hand went firmly over her grew; ,presently, with a long sibilant mortar; wi h This right under her arm swisb, it passed over the treo-:to•ps, he ,lifted her from,, the 'bench to the circled Wille around Latcuesta Can, pab gate lin ,,, great swing. H1er ta`da, settled 'out on the mesa and, ,head came !back against his breast turning, came bumping leisurely ov- and ehe sagged helpless against ,him er the uneven ground' to halt in front •wMle, he opened the garbq and: thrust of the hangar. Joaquin stood up her forth w'illb- ,his knees. ,Softly he e,t.ifliy, and stood uncovered while closed ' the gate behind him. I•ce Purdy and Tammzy Scaife got out "It Will nc,t do YOU any good to of the airplane. scream low. raise a. scene len La Ctutes- "Lee, you run along to bed," she to Eneatatada," the warned herr an - heard Tommy Scaife shout cheer- g+3,ly. "I'm ,going to take my hand fully. "Joaquin will 'help me run' the froom your Mouth now, 'butt if you ut- bus into her .stall. And here, 'take ter a sound I'll 'gag ybu again. Walk my ,gun In case you run into some- -on. If you can't I'll carry you." body you dont want to meet. She walked ahead, silent save fbr Twnmy, glassed Purdy his gun and a low Iguirlglimg that was the sound the latter (bidding 'good night to both ,of slobs ,suppressed, in her throat. A men, started down the path leading Ihundme'd yards from the house he through the adjacent trees He came thrust cher gently to a seatt on the ion slowly, wbPh a lag in his legs, like l,ow-spreading limb of a scrub oak. a very weary man; his chin was sunk "Now, weep and sob and abuse -me on his breast. all you wish," he commanded. "Sorry Although fright had, paralyzed Gail I bed to ,manhandle tomo hours, 'before, it quickened her forr anion and experience y°but my 'in - now. She rose, slipped, no'iscrlessly soothehas 'knees `osls the. that no •rias can soothe an angry, acr path and 'hid behind an- frightened woman with words. You other tree ten' et (back of it, just as wouldn't obey me; you w feewere permit - Tommy ,or Joaquin rendered th`e han- ting your voice and your 'temper to gar and turned the switch again, rise too fast ---and I'd told you not to When the 'fight fell squarely upon awaken Hallie." Lea as he.•passed, Gail saw a pisrt,l "You contemptible coward!" she in his hand,, and that ,he, was sorely g!o,',•,tbe,d. "You treat me thus! --and I troubled of soul was quite apparent, your guest!" for she saw !hlim shake 'his head in a "You are my unwilling 'gu'es't and. negative, hopeless gesture, saw h'is you are singularly lacking in appree- han,ts outflung before ,him despair- i,A-cion of my hostpitality... I. do not finely; she 'heard ",him "mntittar quite arsk you to c'onbribu'te, ,bowaCid my liastinc'tly: "O God, if you're an, the ! --.; a•ce of rnin'd or to respect it, .but job, prove it! I don't want to let • you midst no -t say or do anything them do it if ther's another way that wall idlistt•ress HaBi'e or worry crit l"her to make ,her suspicious that all The man was suffering. In•. th(: isn't exactly as it should .be. I shall knbwledgp that he was suffering not permit that, Wihat *ere you db - keenly -else hewould not have talk- ing, tipto,et.ng around 'the patio after 'd to himself and God! -quick tears e,vierybod'y had gone to bed hours :)f sympathy cascaded down Gaul's ago!" half -frozen cheeks. She had an im- "f -I -was di'sttressed. I oowldn''t pulse to run, to him, Ito strive to com- sleep -so I -I walked out in tihe Fort him, for what true woman can molo'nligh,t. It -it's so beautiful down, itand by and see even a strange man yandeir -min the valley." suffer Without desiring to succor "Isn't ,it cold enough up 'heie for ni? ,A, vision, .of that w.lmch was you to wear a hat?" There was an y,ing on the floor of the hangar de- anxious, ohiding• note in his voice :erred her, however; he passed with r_!ow. , iraggting, weary step down the path, "I didn't intend remaining out- ind once ho seemed u'ncerta'in in his very long. I was ;afraidl- _wine i' I '"alk. I craw the plane lieu the moonliightt. I 'So he had remained in Arguello to - romon eredt-_" . e,t drunk. She had, nbt harkened -to "I see. Thought we were up to t stricken 'man ,but to a drunkear• man some dirty work, eh? By the gold's, • S'ommuning with 'himself. The fount: I would never 'have believed Ira Todd rf the girl's it -ears was closed as to 'be the ,salesman he has proved ;u•ickly as .it had opened. *She loath- himself. He has certainly .sold you a. A herself now for her momentary fine 'opin'ion of me," a-'e+aknelSs. . - . Well, she must "Do you, care 'what anybody thinksva'3t until the lights' , hi ltd be turn• of you?" she flung sot him. �d off again. ,she must freeze and "Yes, I do. I care so much what remble, here yet a little longer until Hallie :t'hin'ks of me that it hurts. : ee Purdy shbwld have bime to get And I'm weak enough to value your o 'bed; ,he must 'no,t Under any cir- go'oti -opinion of me a1do." mmstamces ,hear her tfptoeung, She saw her aptportundrby and with through the patio gate and along the the ad'rodtnes's of a clever womvari, she Torch to the welcome haven of her struck. "Do you wish me to 'thunk Vora. (better of you than I do?" Joaquin, and Tommy Scaife came He stood before herr, shoeless, hat- lut of the hangar, 'bearing a limp less, coaltless, and nladdeld-silently. iorm between them. With heave and "Then, do not permit Tommy muni and curse they flung it up to Scaife tb krill 'Mr. Todd."• he edge of the fuselage and J,oa- ',How long a reprieve do you ask, juin held' it poised ,here while Miss Ormsby?" kaife climbed, up into the ship and "I•ndefimitely-a'Iways." !ragged the body down ,into, the cock- "You exact a high price for your Tilt. Then she heard him laugh, and improved opinion of me. However, huddered at the realization that his it haippens that I've been thinloin•g ease of humor had been, profoundly than matter over and I had already :tillated at the ,perpetration of a come to the conclusion that I must nu'rder from ambush. She could not call Tommy 'off that job." ,,now than ,a certain, joyous malice in "Oh, 'thank You,, Major Purdy! And Pommy Scaife's strange soul always will you call your I.tink Hallowell ,off, ;revoked a laugh when a ents un- too?" )ieas`ant or embarrassing occurred to "Yes„ Un'k must be!h•ave himself al- 7cr'so'ns 'he did nlot like. so." Presently, fbr the second time that "Oh, I'm ,s•o grateful to yon,!" tight, Tommy Scaife went roaring p ,ff the Enchanted. Hall. Joaquin "Please don't. I've lived •long em - tared after him a minute, then drew ough in",thee Sou'thwe'st to, be able' to ,ome -water in a bucket from a tap subscribe, in all heartiness and sin- res'i-de the garage door anti returned Gerrity, to ,one of its un.wni'ttem laws, o the dnitemior of ,the building. Gail, and that is: Let every man 1611 his tealiz;irig 'that he would be busy sev- own snakes. My dear young lady, it Iral m,imutes cleaning up certain un- is with con'slid,erable ,pride that I have rleasant evidence of his marksman.. to inform, you ,of -a Perfectly unalter- ,h'ip, fled on, number legs, nor slack- able intention ho frill that man Toddy rued ,her speed until she -reached the myself, unless hie accepts my pr•o- >abio wall in the rear of .the•'hacienda. gram," dIere she paused to regadn her (breath "Oh, no!" -then very cauhd'ou'sdy she slipped in "Oh, yes! ,He bus had his ultima- ;h'e gate and onto the patito veranda. tum. Hd.g 'e will sn and swear to 'be- forre a notary public a document In the build'in'g of That veranda which I ,shall prepare for his 'signa- here must ,have been a devil's deeds- ture. Then I shall publish than doe- n1g. At her firs, step upon it a um,emlt in, the Arguello 'Citizen, pay- maxd creaked loudly; alt herr next ,ng customary'the customary adlvertising-space ,.he struck her knee a resounding ra'be's fb,r the publication'. The docu- ilow a'gain'stt the corner of a ,bench. m'ent in question will constitute a :nebamttly Lee Pu:rd'y's voice challeng- complete and di,gndfied wi,thdrawa'l of A softly .but quite dis.ta.netly from each and, every statement Ira Todd' vis, rooimis across the patio: has media to, you regarding me sand "Who's theme? Qudc'k! ,Speak, or to a 'c'er'tain statement made publicly I'll s'hoot." ,to me regarding my sister•. Having In a pitifully .small, fmighrtened signed the document, Ira Todd mm - ib -ice 'Gail Ormsby answered the chal- m'ed.a,tely wdll leave this country or -enge. "Nobody-irt''s, just me." Then argue with me, in the smoke, hr.; -,he subsided on the accursed bench •dr'gh't 'to remrain here." and commenced to w'e'ep with ,min.gledl' But -+he 'has cattle to dispose of," aa'in and emloarrassment, Gail cried ,broke,n-,h,eartedly, as she In a moment Purdy was a,t her realized the inflextibildty of the main's i!ide, his approach untheard because 'pu'rpos'e. sa.ntlorially s'peak•ing he was in his "I shall buy his cattle at a price "shocking feet.,, "Ss,shl" he com- to be set upon 'them by a trio of d!is" marvded. "Don't raise a row. You'14 rntereatted cattletmrern." awoken Hallie." "But --you admitted to me the L`I-'I've (hurt -.--my knee," Gail pro- truth of his charges against You.,, tested, too audibly to ,please him. Certainly. To you. But I shall "Quiet, I tei'1J you!" Hee whispered never admit the truth of ,them to am - thee Wards. "W'hdch 'knee its it?" 'other human 'being. They were nev- "T>his one," she wailed in a ,ting, e r proved, so Officially Ira Todd is a heatrtbrealeing voice, 'and rubbed the 'liar. I've ,got to, live in this court , injured Member. Y ! and in this country when, full-grown 'He rpatted 'tea• shoulder symrpathe't• men decry another man's honor they icably. "Poor chil'dl" he .soothed.. "I have to prove alt or accept the doc- dbn't blam o you for crying. A heard trine, of 'persona'l responsi'bil'ity, Todd, blow on the knee makes me swear knows the code ,but he thinks, he%'1 like a Pirate. There, ithere, my dear have me !killed Ibefome T can iUvoke girl, it'll be better in a few moments. ib' If I db not defend mty sioter's' Come now, please buck up-" honor 'and my own, mneme wall ,think I (She struck hishave m cam essam'g hand a orn." resounding slap. "How dare you And 1 shall, agree with 'them, Ma - touch me, yeti-yota-killerit, she sor PUT*. I db not think ydu are a bitted fanrofawlty. "Yotu--+with your mean of honkw. • , i.dbwn to the edge of the M"i44o Fai+1r, N �� c ip , r he ,saw the ashes of sore abazudlozued' ¢ t': , �1 r wards " Re grew ,pale. Ernemt dam ,b)ue mnwbnu- iudl9w, 1 camp fire. The gleamed spare was mexOand, }1�{}, ;i9�1 perhaps thirty feet •1$l carcumf a 'g='84)1tPdl �UfUnl�?iI7J1�1T#�4 ♦* y"ri I� y °� p� fix• ` light slue oont'lrcl see th'att.n ioutl+y flat"9v+aad!ecl">t sled dell vullth,;:` 4q t ru;° �"aa�, „;I,r x „ "I have treated ybu htinlaratbtl -•-a• mr ere opemrumtg between rbreles. � y' From where he stood Tommy 128' apr�rliubiorisai�,ed, 17;'inkeatsg Yi i`� I P miss 'Qmnus'by. graml 49 caac�oe[11alt3ans 2• deaths' j°.:•„ v.q.e.nrs„-Indeedl? Mranhandled with horino'r, s'e'e that fiche• sitbe of the camp fire w'a's reported, ,66�; apgrpaatfioms�at, pa�sault; .:_r ,1:; f 4r„ ishle re, lied with contempt and loath- still mnodst in one stpb't- a few ficet p p forwarded but twit dealt with; 9; re- . ; r . C , awg in every syllable. from it a large cam,teery lay. He ap- amstbatememtts 1. '. "i ' "You were gi eating a scene in m Proached' the ashes o£ the old' camip ' ■" i ,g,f Y As closely -as we came esthnate peps- � � patio at raid'nugiht, were4n% you?" fire and on ,the edge closest to mite ,slio'nts r amnbumnt to about $1.'5,- t lx� : 4R creek he soled' the mark of a large Paid will, ;,� ;, t tit. I ,adhtib P. forgot mtyseltf, but that g 500 ,by the Close of the prestent, year, pari , i r l was no excuse ---l" iholrnailed ,boot.This "I ami the sole judge of ,excuses on "Where's Steve?" he d'emand'ed' of be paid S•nwi deipal clerks:not include ithe amlounhw to hstym�ated 19 La. Cuesta Envoantada," he interrupt- CW-ber. It might the stated that 'the ed her sternly. "I'm am cbmmand The for guard' p'olinted. to the numlber,f sows thi year have arllorsvedtifo I` t}' 4 ' � Y creels. Hes lying on his. back down pews g d part may not be expended, «� r�r,. .. here and what I say is law. Thiara went do eQllelct towards the latter:part , are somle !things I canmbt 'afford tjh There in the creek, just at the edge of the year which would have ,the ef- mates are rrve�imrQd bo tk q ,{ _' } '� i M 'happen." of«tlie'vratei,"' feet of not showing much of an In_- approximately $3,006 wascixel �.;a "You are nota emdrleman." Are his feet pointed toward this that was neot intclrrde'd . , rblae ,arstrl• -? g crease ami' the s year's digures' 'airs i !last mates it would at ,per " , pay a "Art least I'm slit a weakli ,. bank?" • Y'ear's, Tuve increase willll. be more I pp!�• t(h'a� Awl ,t "I loathe youl„ 'Carter nodded and Tommy walked parent next year as the applicants hived within the esti iiatos, est gj� v t�, 111% .,. r� ' "That ds a mere queiAion of peer_ over to the edge of the (bank. A smal•1 will have been ,pada for the full 12 ted in Jvmue, The $.3,OtQit c(o . � conal taste, Muss 'Ornraby. Do, you b'as!h with a tuft of bunch=grass months' !period chatrged. to ,Capitrol. Sehoo,Ls, C 1#e(1 think u can growdmg under it was pressed, flat ter, Adnidni,s'trdti+on of Jtu's6IW ,,lie 's: You go quietly to Ytohrr and a drop of blood' showed on the Magistrate's 'OtfficB - 7gre Magi !iY Office, 'Gawnity pnprpexb ani ° room now, without any more 'theatm,i- strafe s Office has recently beemu !trans'- r 1. M1s?„ grass. T'am'my peered over the bank ferred to'tthe Clourt IHlouse for meas- Grants excee ,the ostim +w!htile "Yes, I think slo." and dawn, into St'eivie M'acD'ougald's' ons Of economy. Old Age Pensions, pr'antimq' 44 d3ead face. He observed that ,the m'Y- Befiore takfimrg aatiom ,etc. were !bellow. An �eciratblla �mmroi-': .' �t ' Then you had better go. Before 'in -this matter, and having had ,the ' •app , � �'ou do, however, eI -have one tmore dead ranger was wearing tab -nailed 'hearty co opera!tdlon 'of.Reeves Turn: ease is shotwn •ihn Fines and Li�cemns- 11 ••'' 4w'• 7uestd!on to" ask. You are leaving to- 'boots.er and Elfihbrtt we Wrofre to tit's In11 - narr'ow mornin are ?» He descended amubo the creek 'to ex- Huron County Highways. � g, you not . spector 'of Legal 'Offi'oes, Hii% reply y " amline the ,body. High,up tan' 'the man- is as 'floilllows, quote: Recdipbs and Expenditures, Jan. 1 `.t. I am. If I could I would d'eave to Nail. 30, 1935. mw.,, ger''s left br'era'st--almost 'too hllgh „ Ir to have Ybnia a,etter of the 31st ultimo', ad- , "Yost cannot, so, we will not dtisduss pierced the heart -he found dressed ,to the Honourable ,1&. Rioe. Receipts a bullet hole; and when' be turned Sundry Revenue • the point. I will 'have one, of the men buck, had 'be'en handed to me for at ........ $ 4,708,96 ' oke the rbiady over the point of exit show- ;. fi; r' J your 'trunk to Pre'sberry s in troy tendon. I would say that I see no Bal. 1934 Rehef Gramlts .. 11,507,23 ,;i7; rid car rim'mediately after 'brea'kfast, ed, -on the right side, a little in back reason' whatever why the, court room 1''93`4 subsidy ............ 48,4'21.66 ` ' , kno'therr mean will drive you down and even with the last rib. Tommy in the, dorumt ,house should) not be us- 'Gas tax :rebate 1,b36A0 •: ; '1! .here 1n Ha'llde''s, closed car." horned the ,body over again, in the ed for police matters, and: I think it Bank loans ...i. 97000A0 pry' adwiralbae arrange- 935 relief .............. 1;843.861. .. ' "Thank You, it will not 'be neloes- same F,;srticrn in WhSch, it had, fallen, would be a v 1 ary to 'go to that bother. Mr. Todd climbed up out of the creek, went to men t, provided it does not conflict 1934 County Renes` . , ... ; ..2270.70Ili s seem`wling a light nioetor truck for the spot where the imlprint ofthe lvab- with the sittings of the 'County Judge __ -- .•1. ` ne. I w:sh to t nailed, bc,ot was and stood in the pre'm,e Court_.Judt ...when .. put you to as little or ;the" Sw ge _............ ...... 41- ..� ncar..veni•ence as p'ossibl'e, and Ire- eerie P`-o.s'1'txon.. 1Hle. found himself hie i5'there :ori the assizes,. I think Expenditure . �; ,ret more t I can say the h'umlilna- fadi