The Huron Expositor, 1935-12-13, Page 4� I �, Aa. u4d Mrs. 1R. M. Tho S6 '*s f - * - "Vr, '* e -loco " . 11 - ". I , I t 11111 ..... , r. :.E ,,,, I I "! ��, ,­111'1111'�,�,-, ;%,, . $ I I ,. � I . ,�_'11111$RRPIIK� S, Hied : , sf I - .�'.,, W -leeks, "Aa" T*Mmd ,,OD ,#Wr ,the - - ��,� . 44 . I I- 0A 4 * Wed Ads will be inserted at new low cash rates: Lamoalt, Mr. Ed - I 'i',"A�""� I , 4 ". �� --per word: -Patewsop� Mrs. C. Firday, Mrs ew .days �,dra, -a the ehvrich with, the prest-, I I I . I i I ", 14 - ,;��:� , Charles Soekertt, Mrs. J. D. Guy, Miss riow got the jo6 compl,QW4 and' V Ill the . '11 " 4., � I V, ?, Minimum charge. first insertion ................. 25 Cents Fannie P&tezt§o4, Miss R. Camewn, be in reaft,essi to -serve the wants, of ,ad by &a�nerl' T he raiva$es of %, El�'. 1 I Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. last meeting were read andapprioved. .6 , � I I , wMa'Xib In Memoriam Notices -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Miss B. Rayson� Miss, A. Kerr, Miss the former or & The V,J*iUng 0DImUdttele reported zno)k- � �,';I� , Was may be directed to a Box Number. care of Ile Huron Expositor, for 10 J. Scott, Miss Gertrude Ross,, MLss wa,nit to have anything W,6119bed­ ing sLxteen calls on the shut4ns- Mrs. I I . -, �, . cepts additional per week will be chArged if ads irk above class are not pa,id by the, Miss L. Farrow, Miss E. Farmw, MiGs motDrist has ,bee" gr=te , , 4..'* � _'11. $lsturdaly night in the week in which the ad was rum 7. onth of Docember.' The t. . it � .�', .d uatdl the Time �', were aQ,pointed,to, call on .,*a shut- % I � �%py,`� Lydia Beek, Miss Ella Beck, MisLq R. 15th of January to prOcu * Ws new ins for the M � 4L " .. " � . % .1 Z . Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charce. Shappard, Miss T. Kerr, Miss Ham- license plates for 193 . T is is wel- . ry f , of Christ was . a 1, � ;� " Auction Sales Notice to Creditors, Etc. -Rates an application. - 'and e&Pe - 7 at "I '.I , ilton6 Miss Mae Boyd, Miss Grace come riews to many nicely i I - . The study ! . - Help Wanted W4NTED�A GOOD STRONG WOMAN ifor part in,valid and keep house; good r home. Apply MISS MARY TAYLOR, at 1 11 . Lost and Found f ,l� of Jerry O'Hara, Lot 12. Cenoession 8, Xe&;11,�% on or about October 25th - owner Tow have same by proving property and pay - =9 Charges. 3548-tf , Personal MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH ROUTE Of $00 families in Seaflorth. Write to - Montreal. Calloada. 3648-1 KEA DRIVING IS 2 SIX , 3547x2 I . Farms For Sale P",SALE—ABOUT 75 ACRES OF EXTRA t,Wd land, with comfortable frame house, i sman"barn; a few acres of bush, being West! Notth ,half Lot 17, Con. 13, McKillop, Huron Coupty. Possession by January, 1936. For partfetilars apply INDUTMIAL MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., Sarnia, or to JAMES Me- FAD2ZAN, Brussels. 3.547x4 , For Sale or Rent HOUSE rORL SALE --- COMFORT�kBLE �frame -house, all modern conveniences garage. etc. : central location. Inspection in- vited. .Must be sold to close estate. A. D. SUTHERLAND. 3546-tf FOR house on North Main Street; all Tn'od!rn conveniences. Will be �olcl cheap for quick sale. R. FROST. Phone 183. 3543-3 Articles For Sale STOVE FOR SALE- ­HEATING STOVE, AS I goc4 as new. Call at BEATTIE'S 5c TO $1.00 STORE. 3542-tf F"matched. lumber; ,suitable for driving � &hedul' Complete with toilers And 20"feet of trizek, Apply Box 51, EXPOSITOR OFFICE. gasoline engine, w a Dot a ,choice axe handles, wbiffie�re�- and Notices tenden., Miss Ohre Bates, Miss Mary mas is s3 near and so mudh 6111DIVing Mrs, Ril8chrie and, was much en�Oiyed I 1�1 . rHROAT SORE? TONSILS HURT, OR . Mr. Clifford WatsG,n, of the ville, by those provent. A Me membership .-[ . ..� a"e Notes who ,is agent for several Wolod makes . MASTER craftemen do- , e.L-dy for good results or money back ; it's Fred HessL The elecition Of officers . I � 00cl'c safe, quick, and economical; it works new- pa,esi- of radios and frigidaires, has quilve then took place. It wais moved and . , . . signed th'is - modern ry it. KEATING'S and HFZ1PHILL'9 Mir. W. A. Campbell, the ,beautiful spar- Pat all the old offloers be . jewelry and the early DRUG STORBS. 354s.a dent, is a Wingham ,old boy, arid Mrs. recently deliwerad a secondied th I - Ca=pbeill who was unavoidably de- ton electric ra,dio to MT. ino. Hazel- re-electe4---1 ... I shoppers will find an ex- , NOTlCE—ALL BOOKS MUST BE rx_ wood of the Lor.vdVn rioad and, no tensive display from turned tained from the meetimig, i,s also a _' airie, -the Officers, Honorary priesident, , Which to make exquisite I to the Public Library on or be- doubt Mr. and Mrs. Hazelw�od will Mrs. C. A. ,McBonfn�lq; pr,esidant, Ml%% , I . ore December 24th. GRETA THGMI�SON, native of that town. hour listening . Selelel,iOns . . . . Every Librarian. 3548-2 spend,many a pleasant w. B, Cross; vice-president, Mrs. A. - 6 1 I was formerl,y of Wingham and form- ,n to what comes Over (the 'air. Sinclair; trea-surier, 'Mrs. 'C. COok ; - ! .,.. THAT'S RIGHT, "RUB IT IN" ll� A MUCH The many ftiends of Mr. J1ohn guarantee our Z5; years of ed expression that takes, on a new er Editor of the Wingham Adviarilce. Wlorkmari, of the village, will be glad secretary, Mm. A- Spencer; assistarlt I 11 . I experience can give. I ning to those afflicted with corns. Just That staunchold veteran, . . that ,he - I 'Rub it In"-Noxadorn does the rest. OUS . l Womi White or us J A Me- is, feeling much ,ponldi-ng seeretary, Mrs. J. Elder; I mea In Laren, was gbvlen a unanim, wbe '1�0 learn vecretary, Mrs. H. Hilliard; corres I tubes at KEATING'S DRUG STORE. better after being so -TiouslY sick- piamast, Mrs. M. Drysdale; assistant natural gold wrist 1. 3548-1 of thanks for his able report of the Quite a change ifti. the weather took . � OTICE­NEW POWER CI�IPPEILS FOR dbmimatdnig cohliniltbee. week-ond When ra"n monthly se,c., Mrs. R. Patemon; .press l signs ...... $10.00 to $50 live, stock, from 10 cents per head up. - 1 melted a large fporthn 'of the, SO` ,�aeretairy, 1, s. S. Merner; Christian . I Also ca f for sale and a few young heffers in favor of carrying on the annius had failen a few daysl tprernious, Men% sturdit wrist Apply to DALE NIXON. Phone 144-4. . At -Ho -me (on similar liner., tlo last w1uch Stawar,dship and Finance sec., Mrs. I . 8548xl pear,at the Areadian Court. ,and hadr niade, everything appear so Carlilse -and Mm A. MacDonald; ., I watches in white or The fireit I Honorary Presi&nit, Hlon. much like an Old-time winter. Cln, Strangerd secrat-aries, Mris. Q Oook 1 . natural gold ..$5 to $3 5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mr. Gardiner, "Minister of Agricul- Sunday or heavy fog hung ,in the air and Mrs. S. Merner; Temperance see. , ture, was a fiorme,rzthdol teacher in �nost of t�� day and' if the'10ld sayhig Mrs. Dougall; inji,te box see, Mbn'. Costume jewelry Ili N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT South Huron. ' is .true that "a wint-"s flog will freeze Habkirk and ;Mrs. McQueen,; SuIMAY . period or modern de- � to the statutes in that behalf that I] . " we � will be in storle for some Cbm,rnkttee: Mrs. J, Elder, Mrs. C, . signs ......... 50c to $25 persons having claims against Bertha Maary Mr. D. W. Dam, Gorrie Old Boy, a do'g, I . ! Welsh, late of the Town of S I eaiforth, Huron captured the first oprize in euchre for real wint;6r in the n'ear fulture- Cloolkaind'Mris, Habldrk; Flower Com- . County, Widow, who died on the 26th day of the men, wlige Mrs. A. Becker, Zu,r- The many friends of Mir. I'saale Jar- mittee, Mrs.., -C): A,. MiscDoninell and Open . Buy your ' November, 1935, are required to send to the - rott of the N111age, will be vorry to Mrs. F. H�es * undersigned solicitors fo,r the Executor, full "Ch :Old Girl, won the -first prize for lea;� that he has not been as well s, Mis.sigin Band SuPt., porticulars in writing and verified by afft- ,the ladierl. , M.rs. McQuee;� Miission Band assist- Evenings I A. WESTCOTT Christmas ' davit. of their elaimis and the nature of ,the past few days as his- many friends' ant, miss vQqt; Wwtsorr; Baby Band securities, if any, held by them, orl'orbefore Would M66 to glee him, but all secretary, lM Mrs. Jeweler, Seaforth 1. the 219-t daY of December, 1935, after. which 'and Prinielpal' of Earlsel6urt Public withii1a the co,urse of a few days he , . Here. ' date the said Executor will proceed to dis- School, told of the ,many ,beauties o N. Cook. The inftiting closed vibli a ` December. - tribute the assets of the said -deceaqed� having gc,Dd ,old Rayfiedd in. the surnmer may be feeling much better. I hymn and px,aye.r.,, I, . . I . ., ., I . regard only to the claims of whicly �he then time. Who is in tune far an old time M.es. J olhn- - Parke, , who has, been I ., 1, shall have had notke. danee? Well, there is going to be , DATED at Sdaforth, Ont., this 2nd day of Past President D. D. Wilson wals SiperldAvg a few, Weeks, at the , home of - December, 1935. one at Wl&ts.on,s, Hall ,on Frilday, Dec. her trisbet,:iMrsi. A. T, Douglas, of. . I . I ... I . . HAYS & MEIR, ' ;priovide real magi.c. :for ,the, I dancle. If Hyde '- "' 11 . I Solicitors for Executor. closed accournited for hi:- absom-e. . .we clog- Sunday lastl ' I 11 . . . 3547-3 The ,popular Chaplain, R,ev. R. C. you enjoy the real old-tl Ciolenran of S.eUf,Drth i . I . ''. i . : I ging, be sure and come ar. you will be iMrs. Thbrniie , . MoDermid, was, not -present but Hon- assured of a . good time. I is ,vtiiadting at Abe home of Mr. and . . . .1 o-rary, President MeLaren explained Quke -a number from here attend- Mrs. Frank Cblerualn� . . NOTICE TO CREDITORS that the Clioplain was expected to ed the fuueral' of ffie late Archibald, - Miss Manion, Maclaren, wbio was OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT give some of his spare time to St. McGregor$ Of Seaflorth, which was operated on for aPpe"'dicltis in Scott ��, N to the Statutes in that behalf that all Paul's Chumh. held frkynrhis liate residence On Mon- Memorial 'Hospital, Seaforth, was .. persons having claims aizainst the estate of Mrs. I.A. Irwin led, a good party d d Cemetery. The o1lle t)o return to ber ht,me on Sun- - John Leiper, late of the Township of Hulle�t, ft-orin Howick Towrilsbip am . ,d ,they all !"y to Maitlan' bank I Farmer, deceased. who died on the 3rd Ov enjoyed ,themselves. . of October. 1935, are required to forwavA I$ L-Xtended to -the bereaved wi-dowi ,M,. and Mrs. R�ay Pfaff and little . theiri claims duly proven to the undersigned The friends of Mrs. J. A. McLarren brothers and sisters, in this their sad' daughter, S,heila, of Delhi, visited' at Solic tor, on or before the 18th day of De- Will be pleased to ,hear that she is houir of bL-reavemierit- the ,home of ,the forraer's, mother On I cember, 1935. after which date the Adminis- steadily recovering frorrn her reicent trator will proceed to distribute the estate, illn-ess and h1opes to meet us, in the Sunday last. . I having regard orJ7 to and being respon-ible ,has been in the only �or the claims lDf which he shall then near futli-re. I . Russell, Love�, who I I 11��,�,­l notice, employ Of Mr. Cleve Joynt fox a TED at Seaforth, Ont., this 28th day numbeIr Ot YeUTS, left on Monday for I ii of November, 1935. I — 411t Krin,cardirie where he has a position, . �, 1, .: I JOHN H. BEST. Mrs. Yungblutt, of Waterloo, is . ,­ I Solicitor for Administrator. 3346-3 KIPPEN . Subsicriptions received at the Hen- visiting at thehome of Mr. and, Mrs. . Ir I �, , sall Pos-C­Offlice for all Daily .and James BonthmOn- I NEW 1936 _____ I Weekly News -paper's. Posit Office box Mr. and Mrs. L. BattersbY visited I . . Births The WAL'S. -held th,ei.r Monthly rents fall due the last of December with -friends in Winchelsea Or' Sun- I Meeting at thle home of Mrs.. William and first part of January. G. J. Suth- day last , ' . I CHAM,BERLAIN-In Scott Memorial H*5pital, Sinclair, of Tuckersmit'l-1, on Wedne,_ erland, Postmaster. 3548-2 Mrs. � . Johnsit6is arid d6ughtery I I . Malrgore,t, Spe PHILCO Seafbirth. on Sunday, December Still to Mr. day af ternioon. when a goodly number Catmel Presbyterian ChuTeh Sab- . . I ,, I and Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain, the gift of a ' friends at R-kde Pazlk� . I I I . I daught-er-Marion Elaine. were present. bath slchot,l intendl holding a fine -Sdb- Mtr.'Albert Passmore, of Delhi, viis- . NJOY thrilling broadcads BLAKE ­In Tuckersmith, on Tuesday, De- Mr. "and Mrs. Thos. Workman and bath school entertainment on Mon-., oinle I P cember 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Blake. slon, Orville, Who 'have -been spend1ing day evenihig,': Dec. 23, and .,ard pre- ited at the Ill ' 6f .11�s pitrents, Mr. , , , Efrom. abroaid-plus,y Ur . , of Colborne Township, a son. EL pleavant visit with relatives *_ �aringfa,,fine 1prngram for the same. and Mrs. John Passmore, on Sunday ., favorite Canailian. and Ameri- , in - Rev.,Mr,, Flarr, of Woodstock, v-18-1 . I 11, ­­ - I a can programs - with an eco - Oshawa and, Taronto, returned home last. only'$79" 95 1 4during ,the week ,and report having ited at the ,home of his parents here Mr. Ge6ri,& Wialkier is innfined to . q,ality-built 1936 Deaths had a pleasant time. Mr. Farr ,�i-s ho,plie through, �� believe, blood v nomicals COLLIF-In Colorado Springs, Col., Thomas or�_Wedrlleffida;Y last,%i' Rev. - poisioning in one -of his hadld�L- , (With Philco AA -wave Aerial, $85.95) Philco. Sensationally low Collie. . . An aluminum demonstration was. 'and Wife, IV Hensiall. MT. Wil,lriami Lemmon is in Victoria . price for such a high-qualitY' BOX -In Seafortli, on Thursday, December 12 held at the home of MT. Robert Coop- The Reave nd Lgrudon, taking treatment PHILCO 361OF New"bollanced" - . relict of the late William T' -on road ion Wednes- swOrn into the were 'Eo'spit" feAtures'include Precision Radio Dial,, set. M - c f the Lood a lo!TQ-4-�_' fot his eyles� Autoniatic Aerial Selector, Full Auto- , . I a y even, ng t last week. in Drus 0aly evening,, Dec. 9T,n. Mrt. Arina MtDonald, spent a day inatic Volume 'Control, To.se Contwolf SUPC - . ,'I dern unstratibn the representadive The local churich spr�iie/ on ,Sun- it, Seaforth last week. 11 _� tor, Power Line Noise Rejectors, Philco ". . I showed the housewife how ala kinds day laist were fairly well attended ,Mr. -and Mrs, WkL Parke visited I Mrs. 1. H. McCreath, Mrs. A. E. ' Electro -Dynamic Speaker. Beautiful .. s, Seafdrth Town Forbes,,. Mrs. H. B. Stowe, Mrs. R. of vegetables, meat, etc., could be -with good practi�cal sermons and good with friends in Dondlon on Sunday floor type Walnut cabinct. . ". .. cooked without a vestige niusic by the choirs. I&A. - .. I and -byJ so doing one got 91 the vit- . -_. (Couthwed fTom Page 1) Ferguson, ifx;. D. Roberts -on, Mrs. Mr. William Mangn,", of Bear -h- The Swiss Bell Ringers put on a PHILCO 3610B 1. �:I G. C. Young, Mrs. W. A, Buchaniam, amins ,that these vegetables contaln- ville,, who from time to time was a very -good concert in, ,the Town, Hall This handsome Domestic and Foreign .1 r, mission of the Municipal Board would ed that are ,otherwise pleel�ed away vi�i,tior at the home of his cousins, on Tuesday evening last, but the Baby Grand has all the "balanced" , !, ha-ve to -be secured. A, suggestion to MII& D. D. Wdlslon; Rono,rary Life and thrown out in, the Waste water. g ' features described above. Walnut cabi- . '. Members, Mrs. Wirril. MeCreath, Mrs. . ,J. Sutherland and Miss Hattie D. audience was riat as large as the . "I . call a joint meeting of the council Many in this comiritunity were sor- act of Latest design..- - . - - . 1. il Jos. Beek, Rev. W. G. Manna, Mrs. Sutherland, passed away at his home c-onowt meiited. I I ­­, ., I I Janet MtVittie, Mrs. R. Holmes, Mrs.. f the 'death 'of M` Arch- on Tuesda,y morning last. He had The mason�sl ,of Huron. Lodge at � . I . ed. ibal-d McGregor, which Occurred at been in failing 'health for some time Hensal. had a very interesting and �� .,;;�. ,., , Chief -Constable Snell was, inst S. L, Scott, Mrsl. Zimmer, Mrs. M. his home in Seaforbh ,on Friday. Mr. $66-00 ..�...., 71. ruct- Sanderson; President," W. A. Camp- past ,but heart trouble hastened dt at well -attended meeting on, Monday ev- 0 ", . j McGregby was well andl favtoraibly the last. Ile was most highly re- enirlig last, the olecasion. being the "Q 11� oiling. bell; Vive-Fresidents, W. A. Ru,eban known in this community, having liv- (With Phillco All -wave Aerial, $72.00) 1 .... I ;1. i0ourt of'Re-vision was set for Mon- an, Robert BrOolks, 'Dr. F. T. Bryarls, ed ftor a num spected -in ,the village ani(fcomn-irunity' first -official vis,it -of Dr. Forester, of . .11 , Dr. ,Byro,n Carrupbell, G. M. Chesne ' . ber of yews on the Hill in which he ,bad- resided for many Stratford, th,e�`Ddsittri�, Deputy Grand 1. .. . I ;,� , day, December 23. , y Road, Tuckersmith. Liberal Trade-in Allowance ... �_ . I Accounts Passed R. A. Cr4eer, Miss M. Morrish, Miss years, coming to Canada from Eng- Master for -S�Duth Huron and, hir. of- I . I , . . 1, . Accounts were passed as follows: E.'Kihg, M,isis E. Bryans, Miss Anne Institute Banquet Splendid Success land when quite a young man, In floersi. The interesit oX'tbe- meeting EASY TERMS * I. , Crittenden, W. E. �Hainna, A. G. Beachville he Leaves his .wife and a was heightened by the puwnlg� On Of '. . Ciollegiate. Institute Board, $1,30,0.00; Smith ane brother loo, m1ourn bisideath, and rel- blie first degreer by the Master -and . 17, ­ Public School Board,, $900; James V. I -L W. Brown, W. F. Cantelon, G. E. rains but ,it piours," and the same atives in England and elsewhere. .l. - Ryan, salary and' tirect., $58; John A. " his dlegree team of -the local lodge, , "Islo alary and postage, $70.51 ; Bleswetherick, ,Mrs. G. M. Chesney, seems to be -true in regards to the Mrs. T. EAndsay has returned from (thie Work bedrig ,put on in, a ,mianner , Wr n, a Mrs. M.,garclett, Mrs. W. E. Hanna; �faiT maidens Of -our comintilunlity, as London wbere she had, been visiting that elicited much praise from the ;. H. Snell, salary, $60,; Thos. Storey, Hortovgi;y Secretary, E. Floody; See- for the Past number of vireeks one fox a couple of weeks with four sis- D.D,G.IVL -and a large rmmber of vis- Daly's I Garage - .i . . salary, $60; E. C. Chamberlain, D.C., IILA�Y, R. S. Shoppard; assistant See- re and another a shoTt distance ters and r4atives and friends. ii;t;ing brethren. During the time of PHONE 102 SEAFORTH ;, retary, Miss -.;S. Walker. Treasurer, t , - practically in all calings, Mr. Vincent, a former seeltibn man ,the dlegree work the -District Deputy 1� . 11 . . digents, $55.15; 'F. Shewfelt, aect., Pr. H. J. Hodgiins; Fi;ia'neial S ere-'ite4whers, flarmers, universdity gradu_ on rthe G.N.R. at HensalL has follow- Grand Maister delivered inspiring and ,, $5; Canaddan National Railways, �e ,crosising protection, $16.59; Fred tary, Jbilirk Moon,; Chaplain, Rev. R. atels, and so forth, have decided to 4ng the retirement of Air. Tholmlas helpful suggestions and later on in . 1. C. McDermid; *udftws, H. Horrish change their chosen calling and, go Shaddctk, been appointed as his sue- the evending during the social hour - .. I Reeves, wages, $2.25; Jlo,bn Purcell, . " and S. M. Wickens- Convenors of on the matrimonial wyage of life. ces,qor as ,section foreman, and will, gave a very fine address, whAich, wss . I ".1 wage Committees, Recepti�n, Mirs. W. A. We notice by the papeT one, -more is, no & ubt, fill the ,position very satis- 140ened to with plea,3ure and profit. , I I Cani1pbell; Refreshment, Mrs. D. atl0e,d to -the long list and in the facto-rily.' X nuimber of brWhten from the dis- 1, ',on, Mrs. G. C, Young and c-rrye of a few weeks will be rank- On Wednesday evening last a very ,tr,i.ct lodges �kjlw ,&�-e addresses and Go., $2.715; Gevrge Seip, acet., $5.95; Mrs. H. Stowe; Program, W. A. ed in with the married class. W,ho, largely attended euchre, and, smo,ker expres�.sions of ,the fine social time , ". IT'S -1 Allen, atct., $7.3-5; John McZe�zie, Buchanan arid G. E. Ferguson. Pubi­ will be the next, we Wonder? - was held in the ,bond room of the being opent. BrlertbTen- were present . . I �.�­ licity, E. Floody; Property, 6. A. MT. Clifford, Watson, of t1he illage, Citizem' Band, ion the corner of from Stratford', London,, Seafooth, . I'll i . blacksm Fred NewtIon; Visiting, Mrsi. I. H. Brown; was called to Seaflorth during the Queen and Wif4linjgstoin Streets, when Carlo -w, and Exeter Lodges, and, dur- ... -..,. Earle, D.C., $28; PX.C., street Town Representatives.. Bayfield, J. week tiwing to vicknies-s ;of his sister, a few very plealsamit. social hours ing the lunch ti(me toasts, *eve pro - 1. A. Cam eran,; Bluerale, H . Margaret. We are glad to mention were ,spent, slome 24 tables represent- posed and respouded to in the ae- �,'! !f,i� . Blyth, Hanry Sloan, Robt. Scott - that Fhe is so-ni-ewhat better, but ing the interest taken. and -beskdes, customed manner. Docalbreithren al'* ... , 1 $189.37; Seaforth4 'G'alf Club, $5.5 Will I N THE 5" i 0; Bmicefleld, T. Mustard- Beagrave, k. he under the dboto-r's car`Io-for a tkne this nurjVber there were many just so ,gave addresses and -before seipar- I . )"", L Ferguislan- Brussels,' Geo, Thlomp- Mrs. FraseT, of Michigan-, itidsocial chat and intero,ourse, ating the National Anthem and "Auld &I members (10) $70; John,, C. XcKen- ; who has enjoy V�, I son; Chiintor�, A. J. Grigg; Eg-morid- been spending ,a visit at the home of the sipaclo-us band roomi being filled Lang Syne" Were sunig with r '9 zie, salary, $,76; Geo. �A. -Sills & Sons, vi,lle, D. D.' Willson,. Exeter, S, J. lberr si-ster, Mrs. John Workman, and .1 5. � to overflowing and evidencing, as ex- good will. I 'I" John Stewaalt, aect., ,$8.65; William Hicks; Goderich, A'th-oi McQuarrie alvo ber brother, William, of the vil- pressed '$y' Rev. W. A. Young and, The annual Christmas. entert:_ . I ;i��' and Dame Thom"o,n; Gorrie lage, and brothe� Arthur of the town Mr. Ja*eg Bonthron, the fact that ment a the United Church will I 1;4 � Montgomery, acet., �34.75; J. ,Regier, , A. H. , be BAG I I I "l, Halliday; Londesboro, Harvey Mo,r- Idne, Stanley, returned to her hokne the business mon and citizens gen- held inthe school room of the church I I, . �: risp; SaItford, R. C. Kirnig; Senforth, fluri nig the pa,st week. erally, as well as those in the vieln- on Friday evendng, Dec. 20. A. good "I "",'I A E. FbTbes; Wi,n9hani, W. H. Pear- Those who have radios and' listen it7y, ,are interested in and behind the -proigram is being poepaxed, I I � �4.,., ft; W. Murray, $28; Thos. � Purcell, * SOMETHNG MORE than carefully selected in- ` I isl3n; Hen-vall, Mrs. H. J. D. Cookie; in to the hockey broadcasts niu,s;i ,see Band, as vornetb6nig thiat is a rea.1 A meeting tof ,the Directors of the '... 'lr�;" - $29; J. J. Broderick, $28; Thos. John- Zu i,ch, ent in reception avvet to the village, During .the 'ev, South Mran Weather Insurance, Go. giedients--SOMETHING MORE than scientifical- ,rr 'ii�­11' ne, f28; Robt. W. Eberhart, $28-1 r Mirs. A. Becker. an added imprOovem , �%,&; Among Those Present from CFRB, Toronto, ,��111,� I,;. W. W. Crosier Estate, $16; County on Saturday ening the Band passed light refrelsh- was held in the Town Rail -on W,ed- ly balanced proteins, vitamins and minerals—SOME- 4 ,:�� of mimn, ,ratei, $4,789.12. ' everrinig, as -WILW, Cincindtiti, &I-intost nients, and following the close of the nesday last With a good attendance, ,-.� I - and Mrs. B. ff. MeCreath, Mr. J. A. made it impossible to get the broad- evening the Band discoursed several, when many matters of interest weTe THING MORE than a full measure of -clean, praft- i " '14,cLaTen, Mr. t Typirt Toronto. Vvlhl()emer ,has' fine selecti-onis. Mr. Battersby, as discussed I ,z ,,!�z � I - W. A. Campbell, Mr. cas' producing feed -for your poultry, . 4 1. �', . , Mr. R. S. Sheippord, Mr. brought about this pleasant change, leader of the oTgarilizarti6n, and his Miss Gladys Douglas, , dlu e 1_11�,� H. 1. MiDnish, Mr. and Mrs. W,. A. we say "Many thanks'l" fine large membership, received, much nurse, has returned from Seaforth It ill? Hur�on Old Bloys . Buchanan,, 'Dr. and Mrs, H. J. Had- Mr. arld. Mrs. Edgar Buttand MT. credh for the splendid proigress they where &he had been nursing o patieW and that Something is Roe Practical Experience. , .�i'!�� ginS, Mr. -and Mrs. L. M. Pringle, and Mrg. Thb,rnias Buttof t1he vinage, 'have made -and, the fine music they for a number of w4". � ROE FEEDS''are Farm-Uatsd-piihd Proven., -AII ,P ""'), Mrs. L H. Brown, Mr. A'sited with the tormerl 'have discoursed. The oommittee in 'Mts. Minnie 'Muir, of Detr6it, is . '.1 I i ,�, , and the latter with the ftnan ff-ii1ton, Mir. and Mrs. R. Rroo,kv, ,n,g the Past Seafortli, dbr- c, 'bar relativies, Mr. and guess wor S - I t­M.l -cial and Mrs. Wm. B�,�,,O:r harge of the euchre and smoker ,are hisre visiting k is eliminated, as. ng more profit for I` year riec �'L �` ,,,, M. Scarlieft, Mr. and &Mng much credit for their good Mrs. Ed. Sheffer, olf the Village. 11, , 1: standing. Thle arrangements with Mrr. and Mrs. Week. , you in every b,%g. ,� - Wle would Terniind one and, all of management ,ad the affair. Special The: Cb"er of , 0orriThefte, the I I �I­ regard to the annual At -Home Were Mrs. H. D. MoTris, Mr. and, Mrs. S. , 1� W Idt to The incoming executive. The M. Wicken% Mr. and. Mrs. W. E. the sebooll cOnceft at Not. 2, Tucker_ TefleTlOnCe Maybe nitade to Mr. Alfred first Of Ws week ,had. a fine large , o i, i" � ,. . q)uisiinles��beang ovier the rest of the Hama, Mir. and Mrs. A, G. gmqth, simlith, ,on Monday evlani,nlg, Dec. 16, Glark wbo, toolk a mia,at active part. 'Meigtavob' tree brilldantly Ngbitedi ,".. ,,,',.,,, gil,ln, -oted tio euchre and M". 'and M'M, W- Ducl-oirth, Mr. whan a gDb'd pi"09"m Will -be given MT. Billy joyrot, you'1119*11ib sob of with 0&bx4d'oleeiriv lightff,,, put ialp I . " , , 0 and Mrs,. J'ohn Maorn, Dr. andi Mrs. B. ,by the veholars' and' ,o,bh s , Mrs. Gelarge Joynt, of thi *e, islyV4 06 ,TO*n Hall an *bi4h �, j�)" , I _, ,� 9 40 taWas being required, and or and; also S, villog � �,.1 1 ?I A. where 'Swnta 01aus will, malk � -his, ap- on, Sun at WOR 1b' 4he 'M.0 for ChriStiniats ," I I . " M: 0 D . W. DanA Mrs. A. Becker, Mims the chilldren. One llupg ,v�hich, it is hoped,., wiflil . ip nvoieg"S&Vairteed i,U years. ATWOOD - ONTARIO f 1W 'Y' a A—! Geo Ada Becker, MisisSadile Wit,lbe,li Mrs. The Busy Deep Mission Ofrele are ,PTV" #9o&t bentiflioul as to hM gen- a", ,, aft. P king their I I �4 Ilk , I - ]3r-' ft. ,jaleCtealb 1. A. C. IC. Yonog, Mrs. D. Robertson Mxs. , ho,lding a 1yot ituck supper at the bonie eral lwauh. " lu�' I 0.1 9fb*WWve por the ciow- Local. Representatives: . `