The Huron Expositor, 1935-12-13, Page 3tvw}. a }Nlr" i' 1 ,. - f&",K 'ei A 1+ t,
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. e •• (BY f Karl" 3w"11m)
A (Oontlnu .d twmr lasrt week)
, Chapter IX
;Whim'le Albrawas building %is biome
t I in. Uaran, he often wondered whether
it had all been worth while. One
,brother was tread (because he tried to
save some hand -made, gods from th'e
I , fire in Ur. Another ,brother, Nah'or,
, liad come with them at all,
and was still in Ur, shill r�wworsthiipping
, d&e fire••g(od, and ;hishouseful of
hand -made Igo&4. His 'old father had
aged) -the hurried flight from the
moth in Ur had been too much for
, 1 'him. S'ar'ah was too old to make
many new friends, and Lot, the lit-
, tle lad, was forevear 'asking ,to go back
home '
4 Abram had not found the new God
yet. He had burned his hand -made
. gods, but he worshipped only what
he ,knew: the stars at night, the sun
.in the morning, and the moon' every
seventh day.
p' • But, the land was rich. Abram
soon ,became rich. Lot was growing
0 1 up --he, ,too, was 'growing rich.
b 'Ae'aring of the success of Abram
c •+ and Lot, Nahor decided to come to
'Haran to livfe. He broughthis house -
• old and, this hamd'made gods- with
him. He also succeeded in getting
1 rich,
Then, Terah the old father, died.
' He died still looking for a better God
i ,than there- was in 'Ur, and better
than the gods of the people around
On ,elle night When Terah 'died!,
, I Abram went out alone -in his great
sorrow to worship the God' of Heav-
1 ,en -the Gold' who made the stars. As
. • Ire prayed 'he lo'oke'd into the starry
r . sky, longing -to 'know more about God
- -and• there came to him, as if in
.. ' . - .. .. answer to his prayer, this command
from ,Tire -'God -'he-was loo ing for-,' "Get away out ,of this land, away
, I from your father's ,house, away from
your brother, and, go to a land- that
, I will show you. There, I will make'
you a great nation, 'a nation which
I I will be a blessdng to all the world.
Go, I am with you,"
So Abram moved' again. This time
t I he took only Sarah and Lot, and
their servants ,and slaves.
T Sixty miles down the river road,
then across -the ri-ver, and two •hun.
• dred miles over an unknown country,
over hills and through wilderness
Q and desert places. They passed near
the white -capped mountains of Leb-
anon, and followed down the Jordan
# •, laver -an elderly couple and a young
man. They were strangers in a
• strange country -a country full of
people called Canaanites,
I 'rhe Canaanites had sacred trees
-where they worshipped their gods,
and Abram went to Shechem where
there was a sacred oak. It was a
new way to worship! Was it the
right way? Abram wondered.
c That night God spoke to Abram
again. This time, the •promise was '
definite, "This is the land I told you
of. I will give it to your children's
children," And there Abram built
an altar to -worship the God who had
,called him. He had d'isc'overed God,
, , - Twenty miles farther he went,
meeting people all the way, people
T I who wondered what he was doing
there. Then he came to Bethel.
. I . ' Again he built an altar and, worship-
ped God.
a I But there was a famine there, and
Abram could not find a place to live.
' ' ` He went right through the land of
the Canaanites, right to Egypt.
} I However, the Egyptians would not
IF let him stay there.
' 4%
A legal Investment for Trust Funds
, $100. and Upwards Accepted for
a I Terms of 5 Years.
Unconditionally Guaranteed
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$1.50 to $2.50 ti
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mm. W. R. Pa'bdex,.b0 is viat of
f4epft in Glopt w-aft-0esent,
Nlk, and Mics. N. #arch:]*' m Mr
Torn 410000n andMtl S Alen 7'lhIl-
lips were Tceronito 'vwililrs over *,(
week -e d. ,
Wiss Amos, of ,Pa'pleh111, . p the
guetit of her s1ker,•'Xirs. untie Wil'
son, for a few Muss..
Miss Grates 'Sebtb, of 'dart Dover
returned ion Sunday after visiting he°
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Scoot
Miss 'Milds edScott, , of 18tratford, it
(holidaying at Ilona .now.
Congratulations to Mr. Lewis Rud•
dy end W,. Raymond R,'Rtedmurid br
their success at the ,po!lls on M!on•
dray at East WAwamsjh municalpa'
olectib'ns. MM. L. Ruddy headed :the
polls for councillor.
Mr, and Mrs. Roger -Oke spent th(
week -end in Tomon!to.
Mr. Kenneth 'Plourde, of Ower
Sound, visited' for a couple of week.
with Mr, and Wrs, Walter Lackeridlge
141x• Andy Bell, who has been it
Jellicoe for the past several months
is visiting with his+' in Wing.
Mm. Thomas Htendei son was a To.
ronbo fvdls''vtiar ever the week -end.
fMrs. Mac Gralhem bad hes' tonsils
removed 'last week. We are pleases
to report she is making a splend'dd
Mrs, William Haney is visiting ir.
Toronto. Mr. Haney s'penit the week-
end there.
'The regular ,monthly meeting of
the council of the Township of Hay
was 'held .in 'the Town Ha11, Zuritch
on Mlanday, 'Deceber 2, with all the
mem1bers present. The minurtes 'of
the November ineeting were adofpted
as read. After dispo'sin'g of the COM-
mun.ioatio•ns, the following 'resfolu'tibns
were passed,: That the fallowing be
appointed polling places, Deputy Re -
u rg.ri•g Officers' acid -P6li'--C1'erks -fbz
the several polling places in the town-
ship of Hay for -the year 1936, and
that Bylaw Now 11, 1935, confirming
same be read three times and finally
passed: Po -11 No. 1: School House
No. 2, D.R.-O,, Darl Camfpbell- Poll
Clerk, Clifton, Prouty, Poll No. 2:
School House No, 14, D.R.O., Donald
Burns, Poll Cleric, S. McArthur. Po -11
No. 3: Town Hall: D.R.O., W. O'Brien,
P 11 'Clerk, M. S•chilbe; Poll No, 4,
Town Hall, D.R.O., D. Oswald, • Poll
Clerk, A. G. Hess. Pall No. 5, 'School
H.;,us'e No. 12: DJR.O., Urban Pfile;
Poll Clerk, H. Trvamtner. Poll No,. 6:
Kell'erman's Store: D.R.O., Art Web-
E•r; Poll Clerk,-C'laytion Pfile. Poll
No.. 7, Schotol House No. 7: D.R:Ot.,
J. B.• Forrest, Poll Clerk, J. A. Me.
Allister. Poll No. 8: Filbert Den-
omme's Store: D.R.O., Fred Duch-
arme; Poll Clerk, J. C'orriveau, Jr,
Accounts covering payments on town-
ship roads, telephone, salaries, char-
ity and relief and: general accounts
were passed as per vouchers.. • Town-
ship Rcadas-'P, Fassbld, repairing
grade, $1.75; Ed. ETb, Road 9, $65.32;
S. Ropp, Road 2, $510; T. Sgein-oa:h.
Road 8, $:3,60; E. Hendrick, Road 14,
$9.45; -I. Corriveau, Road 17, $47.25;
R. Adam§, Road 10, $132,47; M. M.
RuF-sell, Road 1, $4.50; H. Steinbach.
Fcad 'Supt., $8'40; W. E. Turnbull
Road 12, $14,80; W. J. Haberer, Roar,
7, $3.40; A. Smith, Road 8, $4.8,,51-'R
Munn, Road , $22,70; Tp. Ste4phen.
ecment tile, $12.25; C. Al•dw4clrtlh, Rds.
2-3, $13.35; Nich Foster, Road 6
$3.75; W. Fis•oher, Road'11, $5.61; U
Pfil•e, Road 14, $52.32; W. Fa -rell
Road 18, $1.40; T. Dinsm'o-re, Row
18, $46.02; F. E. Dem', Road 10
S-5-75; W. Ducharme, Road 16, $6.50
tit•'. Coleman, Road 2,$4,20; R. Mil
ler, Road 9, $20.6'5; G. Sureru's, Roac
9, $52.85; Johnston & Kalbfleisch, ac
count, $2.60. Telephone Arcounts-
A. Dbelick, Reeve, $15; W. Haugh
councillor, $10; E. Walper, eouricild'o'
$10,; H. K. Eilbar, re Hay System
$25; Bos'anquet Tp., re Hay' System
$a`; Northern Electric co., material
$154.25; E. 'Stebb'i.nis, errror tolls $4.90
Stade & Weido, acct., $13,40; G. Arm'
,rItrong, 'counc.illor, $10; M. Turnbull
councirlor, $10; A. F. Hess,'Clerk am
Treasurer,, $350; Stanley Tp., re Ha;
System, $'5; Economical Fire Insur
a'nce Co., insurance, Central, $2.5.00
B'el'l Telephone Co., tolls, $68; P. Me
Isaac, labor, -etc., $138.52; H. G.•,,,Hess
labor, etc., $90.75, Salaries, Town
ship -A. Melnck, $75; W. Hauigh
councillor, $65; E. Walper, councillm
$65; G. Armstrong, councillor, $65
M. Turnbull, councillor, $65; A. F
Hess, Clerk and Treasurer, $$60.00
Charity and Relief -Jos Meidingei
.rinte roots, $1; Menno Oes'cb, $6015; J
Gascho & Son, acct., $4.3.6; A. Mel'ic
milk, $3.5'7; William Bras., $2.85
G. J. Thiel, roots, $2.50. Genera
Accounts -Z. P. Village, townlstht
grant, $183.75; J. A1'brecfut, care'tak
er, hall, $40; D. of C. Tnsurance Co
colleotor's bond, $15; F. 'J. H,aberei
sibeep valuator, $2; Perth Fine Insui
ante Go., insurance -an hall, $20.00
Stade & Weid'o, acct.,
Village, township grant, $61; Tows
ship -Clark, assessments, P. V., seJv ,
drains, $54; amusement tax on, tick
ets, $3.30; Tucke,rsm!th Telephone
arrears, $84.5'0; H. Volland, shee
kill -ed, $5; IH,. Clausius, i'nspeoto'r M
B. Drain, $5. The council +djourne
to meet for final ,session of 1935 0
Monday, Dec. 16, at 1.30 o'clock p,n
-A, F. Hess, 'Clerk.
Almost 90 per cent, of Canadi'a
wheat is contained in the Scottisl
milled flour used by the, bakers c
Aberdeen, Scotland.
0 tli .00po
ItI°3110 I
$1.50 to $2.50
° j 11
.1"'S,fiEia w11ai"',ns,�ika skw't;1uhntt1 by,1�%ttrl{
q x t:. �,n ' 1. u
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'(00Ai used Xrolmn ffe 2)r
J3to',w`m4n ,E.C'ketlt, Theft W1. Yra�i
W141021, who. he been a resident 'af
gurqu County for the lust two yeare
re .4edmitted to Huron, bounty Home,
and the Werden ,si,gln the application
tnd that the IGnspegtow of the H%viIE
;et proof of age re Old' Age'Pension.
MoNall-Scott: 'That John •CGaw•an
,f tlhe villptge ,of Bl'ylth, be appodnted
t county Oon,sitalMe. An. a'men'dmemi
:o this 'motion- was rend as, fo,Uows:
Mawhinney -Eckert: That 'the mb-
,,lon of Reeve McNeill, re appointing
i county constable be ttabl'ed to the
fall-uary session. The amendmentl
,vas lost an a vote of yeas and nays
is follows,: Yeas -Reeves Amca'hlbaid
sard'iff, Eckert, Hankey, Hemingway
Keys, . Hawhinney, Mellick, Mosler
3wnei'tzer and Turner (11 yeas). Nays
$Reeves Bb'wm'an, Bryans, Davllds'on
E11i'ott, 'Grain, lHaaeke, Hudson, Jones
Lovell, 'Matheson, Magridge, MoNall
Prude, Sboltt, Sherwood, Stewart ani
WlesIbeki tt (17 nays). The origina.
ntoldon was recommended.
Bryahis'-Grain: That we, the mvm-
�ers of tfhis coluneid, wish to express
ntr thanks .to Mx. Cardiff for hi,
meat of apples and his -thoughtful.
vess for the welfare of members of
:his cou oil•-'Ctarried.
Elekert-Mattheson: That Bylaw 18;
If 1934, be changed, to Pead indigent,
nenrable, insane, and, tuberculax, in.
tltead [of incurable -Tabled. '
Archibald -Eckert: That this coun-
;dl sih reay regret the re¢nbval by
leach -of Mr. 'William Crosier, late
Neva of 'Sealiorth, and ,that the Clerk
}e requested to convey to, the mem-
rers of this famtdl'y the sy4mpathy of
he couneil.f-ICarrie'd.
Friday • -
The Clerk drew at4tentirom of the
nermbers,of council to certatin mat-
ers that had been previously tabled
tnd which Would, require attention
refoi•a adjournment.
In regard to -the list of libraries
which were to receive the grana and
vthich matter had been tabled for
uAher discussion, -the following moi -
'ion wads, put: Pryde and Cardiff:-
E'hat .th.e-.,es_ .in
:he Cbunty as passed at the June
lesion be paid tta the 'list of lubra'ri'es
is supplied by :the Prov'infcial Insrpec-
far ,of Libraries, and :that any OmEs-
ions from that list be considered at
'he next 'session of comnc'id.-Carried'.
Council was also reminded that Mo -
ion 64-3-35 of Reeve Eckert a n d
leave Mathesfon in respect to the
hanging ,of Bylaw No. 18, 193.1,
v'ould require attention (before a'd-
ournmertt. This document had ,been
rrevlously tabled for further con'sid-
This matter was finaldy disposed of
ry ;beim•g tabl�eld and is 'to ,be brought
lefore council again at the January
neet'ing .of Coum'Oi4.
Report of Reeve Elliott
This gentleman, who is chairman
d the Property 'Co'mfmittee, ad'dkessled
:ouncil in respect to •a suggestion,
hat since the Magistrate' fficehad
:een moved to the Court o•us build -
ng it might, be njecessar to all'o or
nore space in -the 'Cou'rt House an
halt it may be necessary to consid'ea
noving the wash rooms and the lay.
stories -to the. baseu'lent. The quer.
ibn had 'been 'bro'ught to the atten-
i'on of the Goderich town council, be-
ievimg that that 'body might be will.
ng to consider sharing in the cost
vhereby a public lavatory might be
witalled at the ,acne time, The mat.
ser 'h'ad been discussed with the God.
$rich town council. Reeve Turner re.
:ponded to Reeve FlHott's remarks
)•eing a member of the town council
chis matter was disposed of for th(
gime (being by the following motion
Bowman and S'co'tt: That the incom'
ng eourneil deal with the matter. -
Carried. ;
The report of the Education. Com
mittee was read, to council and of
motion reread clause -by clause, Reevl
Scott in the chair, and finally adopt
The report of the Legislative Com,
mittee was read to Council and of
motion was reread clause 'by clause
Reeve Pryde in the ehaia•, and. funalll
adopted w'itlr the following 'afm'end
men'ts: That Clause 53-3-3'S be strucl
out and that Clause 56-3-35 be s!t'ruel
The -report -of the Execu'tfivle Com
mittee was read to Council ,and of
motibn was reread clause by clause
Reeve Cardiff in the chair, and fin
ally adopted,
BDwman-Bryans: That we, th
county coumicil 'of 1935, think it is •
wise move to Nave Magistrate's Of
five moved to the 'Oourt House an
we recommend to 1936 council the
this, matter be taken' up at the Jan
uary session for th'e'ir assistance w'
would ask the County Engineer t
prepare an estimate sof cost of w!orl
-To the Proplerty Committee, Jam:u
ary session.
Eckert -Davids -on: That Bylaw 1f
of 1934, be resc'ind'ed and a bylaw b
drawn up according tIo Clause 1 o
the Executive Commdtltee's Report.-
'Bayans-Bowman: That we, th,
mfembe-rs of this county council, menu
ori•a'lize the Prov'in'cial Government t
do all in their power to stop the op
eratibn of .sllb't machines' and t
strengthen the power of the 'presem
Attorney General in ,his endeavor t
sftop this mfeams -of robbing the. inmt
cent public of their good m'onfey.-
dar ri&d.
ATath•eson-MieNall: That this tour,
OR recommend to the electors ,of th
Town ;of Clim'tlon to return their pre*
etnt reeve flor the Corning ,year, as' h
is chairman -of' the county Prrnpert
Committee and that he may complet
the cbimflrltittee's work about 'the coui
house, -Carried.
Westeo•tt-Sherwood: That we, th
mlem'bers o£ thus Council express ,ou
thanks to all county o;ffucials Ifo
their co -'operation in making this bu
last meeting of 1935 a daoided, suc
cess,, -+Carried.
Eliitotlt-Haitle••y: That this, count
petition the Minister of High -ways t
extend, the 'timie for issuing motor v(
hiclie licenses up to Feb. i.-'C%mijex
Haacke-McNall: That the fees t
'the Technical Schofol than Qta v,e ;bete
paid by rpalrptils attending from Jana
OJT to July, 1905, be raturnted •by til
ECkerlt-IMeXel'l: That in Zeller"
I Y d r1' rt+',,it
j'1 jell \'' '' �I- ": ' . 5' r' i5 A' ,yJ m„ .1
ISco'krt-J'ontw: Thafti� to 1 alwk. bo,
shill, 0mizefcl to rtefuse •gQtliltdbjl• .. re*
IFlO.p7!yl!1a11111ty ffDa" iA7°a,y+ :p2tpdUs +alt-
tez,d'ing !teahmical sehb,o'o when suchedu'ca'bdbn can be 'c'orRvtrde�ntly ,had,
within the county, ithis an!oti:bn' 'bedng
in Line with the recommendation of
tthe 'Chief 'Inspeebor.-4Ca tied.
As the businessof the session had
now been dompleted it was moved Iby
'Reeve Ceridiff and secon'd' Reeve
No Name, that the Warden vacate
the chafin• and that Reeve Matheson
become chairman of the meeting. The
chairman called upon Reavles Elliott
and Tuamer Ila come t1orward. Reeve
Turner read, a very appropriate let-
ter which was addressed ,to the retur-
'ing Warden, Mr. Wim. Sweitzer, and
'afterwards presented the address to
Mr. 'Swed'tzer. Rfeerve FAl'vott grac-
lously presented, the council's gift, a
gold-4headled cane, s,ultabdy 'ins'cribed.
The retiring Warden very fittingly
,and very feelingly replied to the coun-
cil fallowing the prese nta'plon.
The chairman, Reeve Matheson,
then called upon the following, mem-
bers pf council for a few wards: -
Reeves 'Scoitt, Archibald,, 'L'ovel'1, Jones
Mosier, Bowman, Eckert, Pryde,
Haacke,-Stfew'art, Hemingway, Card.
iff, 'M•ellick, 'Grain, Datvid4son, Mog-
atidge, McNal'1, Wesbcott, Keys, Bry-
ans, Elliott and Turner, and upon, the,
Treasurer and the Clerk.
The 'Chairman had hoped to have
,been able to call upon all members to
speak but was rprevenIted from doing
SID by the lateness of the hour. The
Warden then returned to the chair.
Eckert -Lovell: That we adjourn as
per :statute 'Carried:
The council thein. joined in sirnging
the National' Anthem and after wh'ic'h
hands were joined and "Auld Lang
Syne" was ,sung,
Re Gordon Helm: We recommend'
that all Ipa,tients going to Sanator-
ium and insane and asylum hospitals
1(hat" 2'lTe Invand'ci'palr'ty --pay- half.-the -
east for first six months, after that
the c'oudby assume full costs.
Re a letter fnoarn Lucknow Public
Library Board requesting a grant,
we recommend mfa action' as we would
be setti*.g a precedent with libraries
such as Listowel and Harristton.
'A letter from West Huron's, We -
men's Institute areques'ting a grant,
we recommend no action at the pr -es- t
Ent time as we would like more par.'
ticul'ars.--tGelorge McNadl, Chairs- no
The report of the Executive Com-
mtittee was read and, on motion was
reread, clause by clause, Reeve ,Card-
iff in. the . chair, The report was fin-
ally adopted as read,
IRe a resolution from N'or•folk Co.,
re weeds' on highways, we recommend
approval of same, Mr. Grain dissent-
Re a resollution ft•bm-Duffe'rin Co.,
,re -ques'ti'on 'of relief, we strongly ap-
prove. .
Re a resolution to the Hon. Mlinis-
ter of Justice and to the Hon. Secre-
tary of State, re the Performing•
Rifght Society, we approve strorngly
of this pet'itim and ask this council
to forward same tx the Hon. Gentle-
men above me'n'tiomed, also to our
Federal NIeni-bers, Messrs. Golding
and Deachm•an, to protect ou•r rigbtw
in the matter of 'music an, enter-
ta'in,ment, al::o to the rest of the coun-
ty councils in Ontario.
Re a rc:s.olution from Kent •Cbumty,
re issuing of debentures by munici-
palities .we heartily endorse.Re a resolution from H.ul.lett Tp.,
re re:gistratilon of births, deaths and
marriages, we concur with the pro-
posed suggestion, and recro-mmven•d'
that it be made applicable to all
nmr'n i'cri pal'i ties.
Re a resolution re fee system, pass-
ed Junle 7, 1935, amid' forwarded to
the Premier of Ontario on June 10,
1935, and acknowledged on June 11,
1935, we suggest our Clerk be in-
structed to again write the Premier
asking for further and fullar consid-
Re a communication from the De-
partifn-ent of He'alt'h, we recanvm:end
filling of .s.ame.
Re a resolution from Es'se'x Coun-
ty re alo'alition of county councils, we
stronfgl•v appron•e of samre and feel
tfhat county ands t'ow^nship ctounicils
fill an urgent. need of t'h'e people of
Ontario, -Peter W. Scott, Chairman.'',
If you will refer to the June min-
ute 'hook of this year, pages 58 and
59, Report No. 11, you will .rote we
detailed amount,- paya'bl- to various
Ischoolst as follows: To Callegiate and
High 1,k-libL)4F in Huron, $42,013.02; to
continuation .%ehools in Huron, $8,-
561.79; to schools adjacent to Huron
County, $5,$52.1; total, $55,627.22.
The following list will .show how
other exlwnd'itu'res require,d by Act
have been paid or will have been
paid by T)ec. Mil: Committee pay
s .61 15• to Mr. F. Beacom
sheets, C
under 'ar,er of Jude Gn_ Bello, $87.x0;
to Dr, J. M. Field, under ord'err of
Judge Castelbo, $87.50; examination
fees, $497.67; equipment grants,
-3,147.81; Fifth Class grants, $2,-
878.69; a total of $62,387:544, as com-
pared with 1934 total ,of $62,418.86.-
J. M. Robe°••t,, Coiintty Clerk.
The delegation .instructed to inter-
view the London Board of Education
met with the Vocational Ad'v,i90ry
Committee of that body on August 29
and reached on understanding which
is embodied in the attached ,agree-
ment. Your oon in-d4ttee has since met
and submit ,the foldo-vA ng as a basis
'on which 111uroai Country pupils may
attend te'c'hnical se-livols ourbsWe the
That Whereas we recognize the
right of Harron 'County pupils to a
techniead education, and whereas the
Acro recognizes that 'a pupil can at-
tend high ,school for a period of six
years v t{htout cost to themselves; we
tiherefore recommend .that Hiurton 'Co.
pupils be permitted to commpleee ,lour
years of high school or to eboleal ed -
. .1 -...,• im, .
•yN,'M4,kIN}Mfa �a���",W,M Yr.NW'P,f+,�.�::�F+•IMMpp�5�F A7.�;a ,Aqq y)! �.",+;-.
ter four .• y� ,4. V '1
tion obatll• bo �' w' lam, Q
cent, ofi tkte ,poll, Ao ;
that after ,six Yvan, �►�' �r,'.e Tpr;
q'ut red to assume ttlue ftxtd .,
It is undeaas'tafod titlgft f. - - yIMW
secondary educati+o101111111s,
.,10c;lutl4es Ilbi,p-
ed ,time spealtb at H1Ugh Scltool aaud
Technical -School.
Wle note that the ntumb'er (,of Ipwpills
from Huron Cb. atbbending Technical
,Sehootl in London taMng lan advanced
,Commercial ICouarse is. a Binge .per-
eentage 'off the total number sold we
would recommend that oris county
council suggest, to the various eecou-
dary schools within the county the
:advisa'bi'lity of In'eluding a commer-
cial course in their curriculum.
Re resoautifo'n front Lincoln C'auanty,
re co's't of education, we r coinmencl
that Huron County Council, endo.Tse
the resolution.
Resolution: 'Whereas, the county
makes a grant to any rural school
teaching fifth class work, and where-
as, we believe that Ithe 'nfalburre, of this
education should be of .the greatest
benefit to those whA still remain on
the farm, therefore we would recbm-
mend to the Department ,of Edmes-
dion the neeeesity of extending the
facilities in our rural schools' for
beaching agriculture an4i alta subjects
that will be of the most use to ,boys
and girls who will continue farming.
-,W. R. Archibald., C'hahimtan'.
Address toWarden
Mr, William Swe tzer, Warden, of
Huron County, 1935.
Dear .Mr, Swe'itzer: The closing
days of this -session marks the ,love
when we,, as a County 'council, must
disband. At ,this time, we sever oure
relationship as Warden and. County
Council. •
We wish you to know that we sin-
cerely feel that your conduct of the
office 'of Warden has ever been, in the
interests of •the County. You have
conducted the office in a fair and.
straight -forward manner, showing
tact and good judgment, and 'partial-
ity--to-'none. Your efforts have en=
cleared you to us all and your genial;
generous manner will leave cherish-
ed remembrances with ups of the 1935
co'un'ty council.
As a slight token of ,our e§teeml we
p:res'ent this cane with these verlses
ctedieated to you:
Bill Sweiltzer, our noble Warden,
Comes from the midst of a great
While walking in there, Bill must be-
For his wife is in charge of that bill -
of -fare.
So, in -presenting this cane, Mr. Billie,
Don't •u -se it to smack at a lily;
In your wife', wrath you'll remain,
yrou and the cane,
And the results will be not to your
profit or gain.
May We also assure you, Mr. War-
den, of our high appreciation of your
services as co:unetillor and waa'd,en and
join in extending to yo•u and yours
e ur best wishes for your future hap-
nin'ess and health and prosperity, -
Signed on behalf of the members of
the 1935 Huron County Coun'c'il: Geo.
H. Elliott, Robt. E. Turner.
w+^ 7•+y w..,.,t.vywuww -,• y ... vvh.,. , Ga' y, 1 },. } } i 1 ,• f� . u_ . ,.gyp
d w �IA'
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1 A'
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�e Q t �
',, 'r
tri, i
11 I9
Theme have been 'S9 pri'so'ners, oomr : '. �A,•„ �� t4 .. , ",�
Fitted as foltib L.'C.A. eeetx4stt to ��;?elt ilt� 1-•, ,�.
Witted ws: 26; ,dln2t t, dream s! i '�"F,
19, traffic act, 5 fraud', 3;,, aoaattesnupt ply , etre.
of court, 2; Ibrera iaxg and .enttariat'g, X; "bu7!tt m p Ali' tF4 ii . i g
assault, 1 • deserting �'•irr t+rureol , .
, , g •eltlsldren, 1; re_ q � '� �� �u
edf'vling stolen golod!s, 1. Total 69. This afilnatsnt n}9y st ,e , , .l a , ai
We have at present in custatiy sev aches and loss of.e 00174W 4 f �''
by eadu a 'dehci ce -'� , �rWm s, . (
on prisoners. Cos of daily rations Laboar TQ4iy ltesl afi4 `6 a { , i� �� t
per ptrisoner, 101/r. cents. -James B. , '
logg•B $ ran'4 ,7, `.
Reynolds, Gaoler. ._ des
aid ebtnination, ALL:BftaTt R$gp,4 }
AdvisAdvisor Council nisnfla . and °°�',>� ,L l� h s
ory The "1►u1k" ir, Aw BaszP •�r a,
digestion better than this ,fiber i, , , , I
$Iifie same -annual -welting of the fruits and vegetables. It 19 .9 .44,r I -''' .
metrfibters of ,this council was held In and often'm re eaeetive Ietii'lt tl . 1 , :
the 'Board Room of the Agricultural natural food }letter ,ilio taking RaiC•.,
'office, Clinton, on Saturday, Nov. 9th, ent metlicines-often •harmlli'I . * 'd'
The five members, Messrs. Hemfing- Two tablespooaftals of Aw,:Htt4I! " 5
way; Keyes, Feagan, Scott and Stew- daily are usually acteut..�rlil f
art were in attendance, also the war- each meal, in coronet cases. `. r
den, Mr. Sweitzetr. relieved this way, see your doeto�'
After a few 'opening remarks, the Brighten days with..ALL.BsAtwt' 1.
Chairman, Mr, Hemingway, introdue- Get the red -and, -11
ad the first item which was the ques- green package at
tion of arranging for a series of farm.- your grocer's. Made 9� '
em's ,meetings to be held .99me time by Kellogg in Lou. ALL.BRAN I
during the Winter months. After con- don, Ontario. .
sEderable discussion it was recom- t
m!ber of the
mended that the Agricultural Repre- Kee On ��i'""!
se'ntative arrange far a nu:
meetings at wh'i'ch such subjects as Sunny Side Of Life
Contagious Abortion, Mineral De ,ci- _
encies, and the use of better sires
would be discussed. It was the opin-
ion of the members that .these sub- cation ,of such clubs may the left td
tette should be of cparticulal-ouncil
interest -thc discretion of the Agricultumai 71�
to farmers and the council further re -an (presentative in co-operatn'on wfnth �
commended that tilt rural and urban vaitbus Agricultural Societies•
reeves eortsentatrate with the ing hall Some discussion took place'xegamd-
aural odatienafor a meetings.
hall ing -the fact, that very 'few boys SM
accommodation for these meetings. comperting; at the two County Flow -Th'-. next subject for consideration ing Matches and Mr. MacLeod stag-
tvas -.he Warble Fly C'oertrol program
and Mr. -MacLeod mentioned- that �e.'gested that each Plowing A.slso'ei1a 1_--._ -._
policy -of the Department was -not de- m?tg`ht'sVi5ns,or a' Ii-ame P'%bl g Cwti-
firnittely known as this matter, was un'r-' petition in' order to interest and 4P1ti•
der consideration by the Minister ou ct,urage boys to •compete in the b'o'ys'.
gricu�lture at .the present time. All classes at the local match. The tmejwb
members of the 'council spoke in fav- bers of the A'dmAsory Council are in
or of this ivork and- very definitely favor 'of this idea and further stalg-
r ecommend that all farmers' in the gels't that a portion of the county
county apply the necessary treatments grant to the Plowman's Association
for the control and eradication of this might be used, in provddin'g prize
post." money for a. Home Plowing Oo ipe,ta--
Some time was spent in discussingtion.
barn fres occurring during threshing The county
it until » dsis :that, the
o,reration's and a number of the m•eerr- gran county council nia the us"
1 grant of $200 floc Junnar Extenuaiaa
ber_ of the coune�l were in favor of work, and the usual grant to eachi
threshing m'ach•inds being fitted with School Fair Association, -, Oliv'er
a-prinkler attachment on the blower: lfemingway, 'Chairman.
It was pointed out that .such an at-
tachment- would undoubtedly lessen
the numberof fires originating from . others Allowance
tn•e blower pipe and would greatly
improve working conditions for the '.Mothers' Allowance Commission
members of the threshing crew. As reported to you at the JIume
In discussing Junitor work, MT. Mc- meeting the Board is now organized
Leod m'en'tioned that the annual short with your County Clerk, Mr. J. IL
course in Agriculture and Hlamre Dc- Roberts, Goderricra
h, as a airmn; A.
on'om"ccs would be held in H-ensall dur- T. Cooper, Clinton, as secretary, and
ing the month of February, 1936. In representatives at Wing•ham, S"ea,-
connee'lon with Club N'V'ork the mem- forth and Exeter in the persons of
hers of the council recommend .the Mr. Frank R. Howson, of Winngihtam;
fcrmatio,n of such clubs as Grainlliss Laura Jeckell, of Exeter, and
Clubs, Foal Clubs, Calf Clubs and Mrs. M. A. Redd, of Seaforth, r
Swine Clubs, and believe that the 1'o- (Continued on Page Six)
HENRY: "Angus, do y-ou ever think of the time own and later a modern dairy outfit. And don't
we started this dairy business?" forget what our wives and children did, Angus."
ANGUS: "You het I do, Henry. it all started ANGUS: "No, indeed! Even the girls joined calf
with me driving that milk route at $20 a month clubs and borrowed money from the Bank to
and board. 1 worked early and hard for what 1 got, buy the first fine stock. They did their bit in
i r nt prize-winning herd."
u our est
' S willing t0
building o
5 Ra, �'
n•hen the boss g P r P
but the turn came C
sell out. The Bank of Montreal knew 1 was thrifty
from the way my savings account had grown Not only are the Lirgest dairy concerns in Canada
sreadily. They helped a lot by Iending me some customers af'thq, Bank of Montreal, but hundreds
moncy- on good,security, of course; it gave me of independent dairy farmers as well. Large and
a good start. I still worked mighty hard, but the small, they keep their business deposits and sav-
profirs made me forget I was so rired. We have a ings at the Bank and borrow at times for seasonal
nice balance at the Bank now." requirements. Many of them call on the Bank for
other services, such as credit information, market
HENRY: "Yes, and you took me in is a partner conditions. Many of them have their bonds and
and gradually we worked up to a fine herd of our other valuablcpipers with the Bank for safekeeping.
1J 1 9 JL ,l ® TYAIOt-
Clinton Branch: H. M. MONS EITH, Manager
Hensall Branch: W. B. A. CROSS, Manager
Brucefield (Sub -Agency): Open Tuesday and Friday,
f•: .