The Huron Expositor, 1935-12-13, Page 1-
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Seventy-afth Year
Whole Number 3548
OTH; FMAY, DEC41401$1Et 13, 1935.
Mail Men on Kippen Routes
Are Remembered As
Christmas Nears.
The Euchre Club met at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kyle to the
south of the village on tonday ev-
ening of last week and :a very enjoy-
able time was spent. The first prize
was 'again captured by the blacik-
smith, W. L. 1Viellis, and the coneola-
titan by Mr. :Geo. Glenn, while the
ladies first was on by Mrs. W. L.
Melte and: ean'stalation by 1V1as. E.
Kyle. The next meeting will be et
the hamie of Mrs. John Deitz, %of the
village, and premises to be. a ,real
Our new mail man, Mr. Harvey
MeLaxen, better knOwn as "Tony,"
tells the writer that he is. being treat-
ed on the route with the greatest of
courtesy as in several leases good
things to eat halve been left in the
mail boxes and sayswith the Christ-
mas season .corning on when every
housewife is sparing no pains to
make the Christmas dinner a real
sine. It is hardto say how big a
goose or how large a. cake may be
Waiting for 'him at some good. Sam-
aritan's box. The farmer, more than
anyone else, appreciates the service
of a good mailman and en both routes
which leave our toffice :daily we can
boast of having two carriers which
cannot be belaten, both for courtesy to
patrons at all tames and in rendering
abeam a real daily service. Be good
to your mail man; he .appreciates
your kindnests.
A. anost enjoyable banquet was held
at the home of Mrs. Glenn McLean,
on December 6, by the Kippen East
Women's Institute A sumptuous
chielven diraner was served at 6.30 and
a toast to the King and Country was
gmaposed by Mrs. G. McLean, and a
toast to the Intstitute by Miss Audrey
Dirmin. This was followed by a short
program conslisiting of a splendid talk
on "Christi -nee GM -riga by Miss Mar-
garet IVIeKay, and a -quartette con-
sisting of 'Mrs.. R. Simpson, Mrs. Wim.
•Sinclair, Mrs, Wm. 'McGregor and
Mrs: Wne Beal. • A :librarry has been
sent to the Institute for the winter
lalatatala ravel Taranto. The ebloice
of a bank account of $1.00 or an, in-
itialed silver son was donated to
the babies of the Inatitute. The win-
ning side of the year provided the
pragram and the loving side the feed
for the banquet and sides were again
chosen for the coming year raith.Mrs.
William Cole and Mrs. William' Me -
Lean as captains. The eveniaug was
brought to a close by a social ba.Lf-
boar which was spent by the unload-
ing of the Christmas tree. Santa
Claus was 'present.
Neil Shaw Elects
New Executive
FluroiOld Boys of Tort
Nam New
AtiO.ded Annual Me0iiig
Warden William Sweitzer, of
Stephen Township, who was hon-
ored at the closing session of the
Huron County Council on Friday
when he was presented with a
Committee Re comm ends
° That Provincial Opinion
Be Obtained.
The 'propsitien of the Peerless
RefeagerataraCcanpany was thorough-
ly dlatettakeld. at a joint meeting of
the Setiforith team council and In-
diustrial Oonureattele en Wednesday.
The proposition was, laid before tae
meeting 'by Mr. D. E. Ervine, repree
sentieg the. cloanpanye The meeting
was held flonowing EC saggestion
made in. caencil on Monday :evening,
A t•Stittikkni by the Industadal Com-
mittee that the .couneil 'obtain the
apinien 'Of Provincial cufficials was
The resolution was as follows.:—
"Resolved that this Irtdustrial Com-
mittee recommend to the Town Coun-
cil that the 'Council lobtaili the opin-
lon of Hon. Mr. .Croll, Minister of
Municipal Affairs, and tlhe Deputy
Minister, Mr. Cummings, and the at-
titude of the Ontario Municipal Board
with respect to the towns' bonusing
the Peerless. Refrigerator Company
by a .g.uarantee of bonds before any
bylaw is submitted to a vote of the
On Monday evening the Neil Shaw
Auxiliary of Egmoncleille Church
held its annu'al meeting. The roll
'call was given and the !offering was
received. It was decided to hold the
meetings the first Monday night in
each month.
The election of officers for the New
Year are: Honorary president, Mrs.
Mc 1VI Klan ; president, Mari on Wallace;
lst vice-president, Isabel Forrest; and
vice-prestidlent, Jean Gerneriell; 3rd
vice-president, Anna Love; recording
secretary, Mary Brenda:eta t; cot re-
.sporeling aereetary, Hazel MacLach-
lan; treasurer, Jessie Wallace; press
secretary, Jean 3m•i ; strangers'
'secretary, Jean Irvine; Associate
Helpers' secretary, Alice Thomson;
pia n at, Laura Stewart; ass stant
pianist, Mary Broadfoot; Serial Com-
mittee, Convenor, Margaret Forrest,
Grace Wallace, Bessie Rice, Muriel
Finnigan'Dean Castle, Helen Thomp-
son, Mrs. R. Nott, Beth Forrest.
A hymn was sung and Jean Irvine
read the 'Scripture. Marion Wallace
spoke in a very interesting manner
and a selection was given by Dean
Castle, Dorothy and Jean Germ-neg.
A blind bazaar was held and proved
to be interesting. There was an. in-
teresrbanig tgamie and the Mizpah Ben-
ediction 'closed the an.e•eting.
The C. W. L. are holding' a social
in the parri•sh hall on Thursday, De-
cember 26th.
• ,• • • •
Beer Cheque
Town Treasurer John =A. Wil-
son, has received a cheque for $251,
from the Liquor Control Board
of Ontario. This sum represents
20 Per bentof the amount paid
in authority fees by the three
hotels of this town, which have
beverage rooms, during the per-
iod, November 1, 1934, to October
31, 1935. Accordingly, the three
hotels mu* have Void during
the period a total of $1,255.00 for
their beverage room authorities,
or an average of $418.33.
• • • 1 • •
Roxboro Concert
The Roxboro school concert and
Christmas tree will be held on Fri-
day, December 20th, at 8 o'clock in
the sehool.
U.F.O. & U.F.WO.
Hold Joint Meeting
Thirty-sixth Annual Meet-
ing of Association Elects
W. A. Campbell, Wingham
Old Boy, As New Presi-
Away back in January, 1900, and
on the night of the municipal elec-
tion, four Huron Old Bays casually
met in the Prime George Hotel, and'
during the 'discussion it was decided
to try to .organize a "Huron Old: Boys'
Association." The quartette were
Thos. P. Stewart, formeny of Blyth,
Wm. Prendergast and Heniry Beattie,
feeme:rly of Seaforth, and. Edward
Fleetly, formerly of :Clinton. Mr,
Floc:dy was 'appointed secretary pro
tem with instructions to arrange a
meeting in the Ternple Building and
send out notices to all Huron Old
Boys whose names could be obtainecL
This was done, some ninety of the
Huranites being notified, seventy-five
'of whom attended the initial meet-
ing. It was decided to ask Mr. J. S.
.v .11ison, then managing eaaborof
the 'Glebe, to act as :the .first presi-
• dent. He readily acceded to the re-
quest and the first annual meeting
was held with the greatest enthusi-
asete the first officers being; Presi-
dent, J. S. William; vice-president,
D. We:laminar; secretary, E. rloody;
:treasurer, .1-1. Beattie. A manage-
ment committee was also appointed
And the first, annual banquet was held
At 'Webb's, Yenge Street, during the
fallowing mionith. The first annual
excureion was run to Goderich on
the firet Saturday in July, 1901, when
ten carloads of Huronites visited the
old county, accompanied by the 48th
allighlanders Band.
• The 36th annual Meeting of the As-
eaciation was held ire the West End,
Y.1VLC.A„ on Tuesday evening,, Dec.
3, with the largest attendance for
some years. The president, G. E.
Feegueon, Occupied the chair and very
encouraging reports werefeed by the
secretary and tneasiirer, the former
dealing with the activities Luning the
(Continued from rage 4)
McKillop W.M.S.
HoldFine Meeting
The :annual meeting of the Ladies'
Aid and Women's Missionay Society
met at the home of Mrs. Ed. Miller
en Thursday, Dec. 5, with. Mrs. Hillen
in charge. After zinging, "0 Came
All Ye Faithful," Mrs. Hillen led in
prayer. Minutes were read .and
provesi. Roll call on "His Life A-
niong 1VIen" was answered by a good
attendance. A reading, "A New
Year," by Mrs. Haien, was
very intetreetang. Anrival reports
were given, athetwing a very success-
ful year. During the ibusineast per-
iod the new officers as follows were
elected: Hon. Pres., Mrs. (Rev.)
Morrow; President, Mrs. Hillen; let
vice-pres., Mrs. H. Alexander; 2nd
vieepre's., Mrs. A. :Ross; secretary,
Mrs. F. Bullard; Ladies' Aid treas.,
Mrs'. C. Dolmage; W.ALS. treas., Mrs.
Simpson; Christian Stewardship
treas., E. Toll; strangers" sec.,
Mrs. H. Blanchard; Missionary
Monthly sec., Mrs. A. Dolmage; sup-
ply sec., Mrs. Margaret Cuthill; Mis-
sion Band Leader, Mise Bessie Blan-
chard; assistant leader, Mrs. R. Mc-
Farlane; Mi Rai on Band Committee :
Norine Little, Elva Pryce, Is:atbel Bet-
tles; press sec., Miss Edith Hillen ;
Temperance sec., Mrs. W. Dodds;
Captains of the four Circles: No. 1,
Irene Dolton; No. 2, Mrs, Patrick;
No, 3, Mrs. R. McClure; No. 4, Mrs.
W. Dodds; Finance Com., Mrs. J.
Pethick, Mrs. H. Blanchard, Mrs. Jno.
Boyd; Flower Coin., :Mee E. Habkirk,
Mrs. John Beattie; Ladies' Aid Com.
Mrs. Hilien, Mrs,. Somerville, Mrs,
Garham, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs,. J.
Hogg, Mrs. T. Pryce; Social treas.,
Mrs. Garnham; pianist, Mrs. Waimea
Cuthill; assistant, Miss Edith Haien;
Ladies' Aid auditors, Mrs. Larne El-
liott, Mrs. R. Campbell; W.M.S.
tr*rs, Mrs. Margaret Cuthill, Mrs.
Betties. Mrs'. Ga.rn•ham took charge
of the devotional exercises leading in
prayer. Mrs. E. Toll read the Scrip-
ture, 764 in the Hymnary; sentence
prayers by Mrs:. R. McClure and Mrs.
W. Somerville. The meeting closed
with a hymn and repeating the Lord's
Prayer an unison. Lunch was serv-
ed by Circle 4.
The Noteemiber a -fleeting of the U.
F. 0. and U. F. W. 0. was held at
the home of Mrs. Wm. Dow with a
splendid attendance. The men oc-
curpied one room and the ladies an -
:other, with the president of the U.F.
W.O., Mrs. Wm. Douglas, presidintg.
The meeting was opened with sing-
ing, followed by the Creed repeated in
unison.. The roll call was responded
to by "Causes of War" and the min-
utes of last meeting were read and
adopted. Press literature from the
head office was read and diseue•sed.
The topic, 'Peace/ was taiken by
Mrs. Charles Clifton, 'whose address
was both educational' and inspiring.
The women 'then joined the men's
club and a social program was fur-
nished. Miss Eva Steakhouse, in her
pleasing 'manner, gave two musical
selections on the banjo and several
readings which were much enjoyed.
The meeting was "closed by sing-
ing, th.e closing ode. After the meet-
ing the 'h•ostersts la.nd friends served a
delicious lunch' and the social half-
hour was spent. A hearty vote of
thanks was tendered the host and
haertess fan their hospitality.
The December meeting will be held
at the .hatee 'of Mr. Stackhouse on
Tuesday, Dec..17, at 2 p.m.. The
meeting will he opened by a quota-
tion from Aus•kin, "Brame men have
dared to examine lies which had long
been taught, not because they were
free thinkers, but because they were
such stern tfhinkers that lies eauld no
longer escape them"; roll call, Christ-
mas recipes; election of officers; cur-
rent events, Mrs., Wm. McKenzie;
delegate's report of annual conven-
tion in Toronto; rbopic, "State Medi -
eine or Medieal Health Insurance,"
by Marian Mantel exchange of qmilts.
The Oluiatmas program will be in
charge of the men.
Decides on December 23 As
Date For Curt Of
All members of council were pres-
ent at the December meeting held
Monday evening. Mayor 4. D. Suth-
erland presided.
The report of the Finance Com-
mittee was presented by ActingReeve
Isaac Hudson and adopted on motion
of Councillors Broderick and Purcell.
The report of the relief officer indi-
cated that there were seven families
on relief and 17 depen•deets.
A request from the insurance com-
pany carrying the townes. public lia-
bility policy that protective railings
be placed on Main Street where the
sidewalks were considerably higher
than the ground, was referred to the
street committee.
Reeve 'Heds.on gave notice that at
the next meeting of council he -would
introduce a motion to rescind motion
passed Nettember 8, re ylaw 367.
Fountain Again
The Campbell Memorial Fountain
made its monthly entry into the dis-
cussions when the property commit-
tee intimated same trouble had aris-
en over the faucet in use. The com-
mittee will interview the solicitor for
the estate and have the matter
straightened up.
Appoint Election Officials
Council appointed 'officials to con-
duct the municipal elections 'if they
be necessary. Elections will be held
on January a, with nominations on
December 30.
Officials appointed are as follows:
Polling Sub -divisions Nos. 1 and 2
(North Ward), at Dunlop's Garage;
Andrew Archibald and Robert Scar-
lett, Deputy Returning Officers; R.
E. Bright and John Cumitaing, Poll
'Clerks. Polling Sub-dirvisions Nos. 3
and 4 (East Ward), in Council Cham-
ber; J. A. Case, Deputy Returning
Officer; J. A. Kerr, Poll Clerk. Poll-
ing Sub -divisions Nos. 5 and 6 (South
Ward) at Public Librrary: Earl Ross,
Deputy Returning Officer) Wm. Reid,
Poll Clerk.
Wants Guarantee
DE. Irvine, whet had prev-
iously •addressed councalaye a propos-
ed inclustayein the C.P.M., building,
was' present avitfh a new proposal. He
represents the .Peerless Refrigerating
Company, 'who propose to manufac-
ture refrigerating unite here.
lhe company wishes the town, to
guarantee a bend issue of $50,000 for
15 years. Approximately 65 men
would be employed.
It was pointed out that the per -
(Continued on Page 4)
Presbyterian Choir
Honor Newly Weds
Fallowing the regular choir prac-
tice of •First Presbyterian Church on
Friday evenicng, a: metal; time • was
spent when Mr. and Mrs. James F.
'Scott, ,of Thornton Hall, Were made
the recipients ot, a pretty ,giat in. ap-
tpeeciatilan a£ M. :aeott's 'services to
'bait organization. A bountiful lunch
was served.
Mr. 1VI; R. Rennie sunke a fes
words to, Mr, 'and' larata4;Seatt and
Mrs Ja, E. Daley made the presenta-
taint. • ,steast A
Over Forty Players Take
Part in Badminton
John McKenzie ,and Helen McLean
won the tournament arranged by the
Seaforth Badminton Club on Friday
evening, when they defeated Ted Tain-
an and Betty Southgate after a close
game in the finials.
It was the largest tournament held
hy the club in some time and over
forty players took pert. •
IFalleivin:g the games, a delicious
lu,nch was served by the Social Com-
Managers Named
Warden Sweitzer Honoured
at ClosingSession ofCouncil
Condemn Performing Rights
Reeve Eckert, of McKillop,
Leads Discussion Against
Exhorbitant Fees Charg-
ed by Performing Rights
,Plans f )r Duncan Cup hockey are
rapidly being completed and the com-
mittee appointed by the enorth
Athletic Association to, handle the
league are only waiting for ice.
Practically every bey in town un-
der sixteen years of age has signi-
fied his intention, of playing, and
teams are n w bei . -.g formed, Men-
ne-era and assistants have been ap-
pointed as f ollews : Van Bell, Frank
Sille, I. H. Wee.dmark, Ross 'Rennie,
Roy Dungey, Torn Sills, 'Dick Fruin,
Cyril Flannery.
Warden William Sweitzer was pre-
sented with a 'gold mounted cane and
an addrre•ss in which th•e members
complimented him on his success and
in his "donducting the office in a fair
and straightforward manner, show-
ing tact and goad judgment and par-
tiality to rilone," at the closing ses-
sion of Huron County Council ton
Friday afternoon.
The 11'd:dress was read by Deputy
Reeve Turner and •the presentation
made. by Reeve Elliott.
Mr. tSweitzer in reply stated: "I
want to say in all sincerity that I
thank ex -Warden Elliott for the
wonderful assistance he has given' me
and the councillors for ,their c•o-op-
eration." He offered congratulations
to The clerk and treasurer for the
successful an'd business -like way in
which They had carried but their du-
Reeve Matheson was chairman dur-
ing the happy event.
Others speaking were Reeves Arch-
ibald, Jones, ,Moser, Bowman, Eckert,
Pryde, Haacke, Stewart, Heming-
way, Mellick, Grain, Davidson, Mog-
ridge, 1VIeNall, Westeott, Keyes, Bry-
ans, Turner, Treasurer Erskine and
Clerk Roberts.
Reeve Eckert, of McKillop, in the
discussion at ;the Friday morning
session of the clause regarding the
fee system as charged by the Per-
fo•runing Rights Society that it should
be amended to read the Dominion of
Canada as a whole, rather than just
Huron County. This is a serious
Iroblem, he said. .Council approved
strongly the petition curtailing the
rights of the Performing Rights So-
ciety and claiming they should not
be allowed to charge any fees what-
soever and that a dopy of the resolu-
tion be sent to the members of par-
liament far North and South Huron
and to the Minister of Justice and
Secretary of State.
The Education Cortimittee's report
was taken up. Reeve' Archibald ad-
vocated the teaching of agriculture
in the ,public schools; also the in-
creasing of teachers' salaries. With
the urban centres paying high salar-
ies, it is difficult for the rural school
to hold their teachers.
Reeve Elliott stated he did not see
the pont of comparing the salaries
of rural and' urban teachers. The
matter largely depended upon the
trustees in the sections.
Motions Presented
Bryane-Bowmen; That we, the
members of this County Council,
memoralize the provincial govern-
ment to do all in their power to stop
the operation of slot machines and
to strengthen the power of the pres-
ent Attorney -General in his endeav-
or to stop this means of robbing the
innocent ptublic of its money. Carried.
Elliott -Hanley; That this County
Council petition the Minister of High-
ways to extend the time for issuing
n»:.or vehicle licenses to February 1.
gives more heat
per dollar than
any other Coke
• tee 1!"''
,IAZ •itirl
Some 3,420 players registered
at the Seaforth Golf and Coun-
try Club during the past season,
the club register shows. The
number of games played would
be considerably in excess of this
since many local players failed
to register. The first player
registering was Nelson Cardno
on April 18, while G. A. Jackson
is the last on November 15.
• • 0 • • •
South Huron Agricultural
Society Wins Tenth
Members of the South Huron. Agri-
cultural Society, who exhibited grain
at the Guelph Winter Fair, succeeded
in securing tenth place for the Society
in a large number of exhibits. A
prize of 315 accompanied 'tlhe award.
Keen, competition featured the
Fair but the showing made by the
South Huron exhibitors compared
favorably with any an the show.
The members who competed and
the number of points they secured, is
as follows:
Wim. Cha,pnitan, Exeter R. R. 1,
Beans, 87; Lorne Chapman, Exeter
R. IR. 1, Oats, 84; W. R. Dougall,
Hensall, Barley, 88; Elgin Roweliffe,
Hensell R. R. 1, Buckwheat, 80; John
Robertsion, Kippen, Wheat, 85.
West Side Beats
East at Euchre
The west side of town defeated the
east side in a euchre battle at the
Seaforth Euchre ()lob on Thursday
evening. Thirteen tables were in
First prize was won by Charles
Aberhart, while lone hands prize
went to Walter Scott.
The Club has planned a mixea
eachre for Thursday of this week,
which will be followed by a dtunce.
J.E. Evans, Dublin
Dies Suddenly
The village was shocked to learn
of the sudden death of Joseph Evans
who died at his home at six o'clock
Wednesday evening following a heart
attack. Deceased was in his 40th
year, a son of the late Peter and
Catharine Evans.. Fifteen years ago
he married Catherine Murray, of
Kinkora. He w1 s a member of St.
Patrick's Church and of the Holy
name Society. He is survived by his
wife and four children, Joseph, Mary,
Francis, and Eileen; also three bro•
thers, Louis, Detroit; John, Goderich,
Frank, Dublin, and one sister, Mrs.
Zurich P. -F. Bonn, Dublin. Deceased was a
soldier in, the Gretat War. The
Hydro sym-
Is Interrupted pathy of the community goes out
his dear ones in their sael los-s of a
husband, fatfher and brother. The
funeral will be held at St. Patrick's
Church, Dublin, on Friday morning
at 9.30.
nine .
Cemplete council proceedings and
reoorts appear on Page 2.
Hydro interruptions were common
the past week and much difficulty was
experienced in locating the trouble.
Local linesman and also linesmen
from Exeter found the trouble at the
transformer connected with the de -
nand meter at the south end of
town. A broken insulator had caus-
ed the short circuit.
William Thiel was recently
sworn in as a county constable. Mr.
Thiel is also mail courier on Route 3
out of Zurich
Mr. Harold Stade has left for
G-uelph, where he has accepted a poei-
tion. He will also play with the
hockey team in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz, now oc-
cupy their fine new home on Main
.Mr. Albert Smith of Croswell,
Mich., spent the past week at the
home of Mr. WM. O'Brien.
Mrs. Amelia Fuss is spending a
few weeks art the home of her daugh-
ter in Detroit.
The local churches are preparing
for the 'Christmas program's.
Mr. J. Bleck is on the way to re-
cevery, as is also Mr. C. C. Schilbe.
Both of these respected citizens have
been seriously ill.
Hay mimeil meets next Monday,
Dec. 16, aorr the final meeting of
1935. Hay taxes will also be receiv-
ed to that date without penalty. The
nomination reeetin'g will be held on
Dec. 30 this year.
A cheque for $72.40 was received
from the Liquor Control Board by
the treasurer of Hay township, be-
ing the 20 per cent. refund on bev-
erage •authorities in this township.
Pleasant Euchre
At St. James' Hall
Hensall Audience '; e
With "The Girl
Fur Coat"
• Yeg.,
Present Play
The play entitled "The ceirl.
Fur 'Ceara" a comedy drantalay Myr-
tle tGiard Maw, given layaaand „under .'
•theaf th4ilesPU*seited°fCh.,tbeurchW,41reaLi?Yeall42.
presented in the Town Hill' om
day evening to an audience plate*
ed the hall and gallery, and- Was •
more than enjloyed by all present,
and tone of the very best from start
to fintilsh that had been given here a ,.•e•
for some time reflecting credit on
Miss Ellis, the -teacher and 'aiistaug-
tor ef the clues' and: all the members ••,:a
th•ereaf. Rev. A. Siniclair, the pastor
of the United Chereh, presided in his . ..e
usually pleasing manner, While the
Truemner orchestra added greatly rio'
the pleasure of the occaSilon by well
renderedi. selections. .. The.. _following
is the caste, ie order of appearance:
Mrs. Lee, mother of Bob, MilOed
Serutone Silas Lee, Babas' father, Del-
Getigeae daele Denny, Le4s hired
man, Davy Kyle; Nettie .Lee, Boob
sitter, Letitia Lova; 1VIlaggie
Pete's sweetheart, Mildred Sinilliee
Bob Lee, Nifty Naras husband ; Lorne
Eider; Nifty Nan Macaaft, vaudeville
queen, Weide Watson; Roger Devake,
city touirist, Ted Munn; Judge" Mae-,
nerd, the law, Jack •Corbett; Mrs.
Roger Devake, a bride, Gladys Pasts -
mime; Directress, Maas M. A. Ellis.
The taibove mentioned all "took their
parts so well it would seem almlost
unwise to 'particularize, but yet by
tgenteral consent -special credit Is: due
'to Davy Kyle for the more than ex-
cellent, capable and fascinating man-
ner in which he played his part, and
all the more we may be pardoned in
making special Mention, :seeing it. is
the first tianie in which he teak a pub-
lic part in any play. The basiness
men are also receiving credit for the
manner in which they patronzed with
advertising cards, the .preceeda • far
the geoid cause for which was given
proved most gratifying.
.preived most gratifying. During the
evening Miss MeClary presented twe
pldp4id'readin•ge. The directoress, ' •
Miss Ellis, was presented with a bou-
gnat of mums at the cartel -mien of
the play.
A pleasant social evening waz
spent at the euchre given under the
auspices of the C. W. L. in St. Jame -s'
Parish Hall on Monday.
Prizes for the highest scores were
won by Mrs. James Reynolds and Mr.
William Stoddart , a n d, the lone hands
prize by Mrs. William Stoddart,
For the first 10 nomths of 1935'
the total number of pedigree regis-
trations with the Canadian aaational
Live 'Stook Records, Ottawa; aapprov-
ed by the Dominion Miniateraof Age
ricultere was 59,178, compared with
58,457 in the corresponding period of
1934. Included in the 1935 registra-
tions are 2,904 horses, 28,285 cattle,
6,847 sheep, 5,724 swine :and 1,213
Bride and Groom
Honoured at Blake
A delightful evening Was spent by
a large number of neighbors an d
friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Elmore Keyes, on Thursday last,
Nehen they were tle recipients of a
miscellaneous shower. The me.mbers
of the Blake -Goshen Young People's
Society also presented them with a
beautiful occasional chair and a wal-
nut end -table. Mr. Stewart Beattie,
president of the Y. P. Soeiety, read
the address., after which Mr. Keyes,
th:anked thoSle present for the lovely'
gifts. The following is the address:
"To Mr. an•d Mrs. Elmore Keyes: We
have gathered here this evening to
spend a social time with you and con -
T.0 you the good wishes of your
many friends. We take this: oppor-
tunity 1) express to you our appreci-
at:on ;rr your valuable assi steno e ,• in
'our young people's work. We also
vosh to extend to your life partner a
learty welcome in our midst. We
would ask /you to accept" these gifts
as tokens/if our good Wishes for the
future. We sincerely hope and trust
chat you may both have a long and
happy married life.:—Signed on be-
helf of the Young People's Society
and C o mm unity : 8. Beattie, Pres.
Y.P.S.; Harold 'Dowson, Clifford ,
Egmondville Club
Elects Officers
The Egmondvillle Hockey Club held
a meeting on December 5th. The
minutes of the last meeting were
read a.nd adoirked. It was decided' to
hold a euchre.
The election of officers resulted as
follows: President, Charlie Kruse;
vice-president, John MacLean; secre-
tary -treasurer, Harold Finnigan;
manager, Art Ndebbleon; coach, Wen
Manson; .capitarin, John Flannery;
Committee; Alen. Finnigan, John
Strong, Frank KI ing ; tim e -keeper,
Ed -ward Brown; penalty time -keeper,
Alex. Finnigan.; Representative, Frank
8. C. FEAST, Mb. r.
Morning Worship: "THE CROWDED RECORD
Evening Worship: "THE BECLOUDED REC-
Tleartimt Welcome To AIL amommaftimitrialmemeale „
The Minister at both Services. 01•111116111.1.11111111111.
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