The Huron Expositor, 1935-09-20, Page 74 '
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. a Tire Gta�kfoTTU1a I.rTtintPxl is, doe 121
. ar`bto* fifteen n4pwbes. I'm goipg too
� 11HAYS & M)falR ®��•• flag it .And', sten', you, iia: the 'baggage
. Succeeding R. S. Hays Y [- 1 , i A 1" ear, to Arrgiu;RO.a
1Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers a ..I. 1 V "A limited train will, not sloop an
„ . and Nptaries Public, Solicitors for ... flag. his ,one rootlet," sand 1.reea Purdy
the Dominion Batik. Office in ,;rear of
' the Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Money confidently.. 'SI'll straddle the ?cracks
to loan. CHAPTER I head. As 'he jerked upwards his ears' marks.,,, wi'tih' my' auto and pretend I'm ,,•stall-
regi'stered onhis sleep -drugged' 'brain He dli:d advandi'n brisk] his ride " 4
. ., k'A,• zephyr, light as an atngel's the fear, sharp crack of a hi h ow- at the read his lance never Wtea•- d`My me''g Bzvd Shannon;,,
JOHl� H. BEST breath, bore a4 incense of yerwt San- er Afle; even as the ,thoug+ht came tea ing ffbm Vies man glance
lay so still 1�0- ch'me ';aoquanAance volunteered.
to and sage across take 11evel gray "You're a.,
' Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. hem that somebody had deliberately side the roap• ,case, news playe@tnlly good' fellow and I'm be
Seaforth Ontario 'sbrebcJlnes et ;from 'Yale'@ die 1r, Ojos used,th,e Purdy 'head for a Itarg'elt,-he nuzzlin + ' holden to ou."
Negros; yet from this labor`. it re. Y g his 'late rider s Udy. ,
lost 'his !balance and fell ih a'tudicrous ;Purdy turned the man over on has `°Pleased to make ynqur alcqueirnrt-
•served 'sulffielent strength to turn the heap to 'bhe ground under the lip of 'hack, and the two men gazed into sane," Purdy said affalbly, and gave.
fans of a light windmill, the •meehan- the loading chute. Thereupon his each �dther's� ,fapes .silently and d the wounded ,killed this, hand. TQtey ,
, - VETERINARY i'� of w(I* lacking lubrication, shared, at each dher !humorously:
guardian -pe -perfectly
angel whispered to him to t)l4 w1, thought
ugh You'Thend
Then: Am. trm' giv_
creaked, ,. n asshlrke, at each lazy lac perfectly still. `SI` thlowght you'd' ooatre," said the °f Y • e you feel like
• re.c!oliltion. 'Grasshoppers, mlysterious- He ,did. In about thirsty second`s wounded man, speaking with dipfi_ ing up your present profession and
• JOHN GRIEVE, Y,S. ly impelled; to hap, decided instead to a steicond Ibulle!t rhpped' a hole through runny. `fYou were smart enough to tackling the hard', lonely Ili+fe of a caw
RRonor 'grad'uate of Ontario Veterix- fly, and drtoned,4 lugubriously down the shoulder of ,his, canvas jacket and fool me, so I figured if - you were able hand, I'll giilvle you seventy-five dollars
try College. All diseases of domestic w'a,nd; the •tele'phone and tele•gT, aph losb itself samewhere, out on the to walk ,yo'u'd' do. what I .neglected to ,a month, gage 'board and the bust
animals treated. Calls promptly at, vires strung on pblea along the rail-,' sage. Still Purdy remained motion- uo-rand that's ,make certaali Wel, lodging in, New ,Mexico. I have a real
tended to and charges moderate. Vet- road right of way, 'hummed fa,fmubly, less altihtou h' a s!har b'ur •bundc-4hause not a kennel and an
g p lung sem give me the mere sdiot th
• erinai Dentistry a, specialty. O'ff'ice I'me dl.siban't 'harptsiolvards' badly out , abion on his shoulder informed- him sowtlh of ,the $•oxide" ' as ey say foreman who can't make 'his men keep
Of tune
the'sycamore and residence on Goderich+Street, one , sycamore frees flank- 'that the !bwlleet, ,in lbs passage, had Lee Purdy relieved the fallen man it clean can't ,be foreman."
door east of 'Dr. Jarrott's office, Sea- ing the thdnt trickle of water that ,tltarely touched !his skin and. waxed of a pistol, an a shpw1det, ,'sestet fast- "9.>4lrtj��Purdy, I' isn't understand
- forth. was the Rio Hondo in time. of freshet, it. der )the latiter's left arm. Next he you a -U EPP
two ,crows cawed 601014-Bly; a wood • "I'm not , su d. There are
He •had"foot once chance in a million opened the man's s!h'irt and 'search;ed t*pI"lse
. Pecker T'endere'd his very 'best imdta- to .live amd he was 'talcdn'g advlant- for the wound. I -Ie found it high up tames, Bud r when I'harve difficulty un-,
A. R. CAMPBELL, V.1S. Cori of a riveting machine. ' Save for g g derstanding' myself, and thus is one
ate of that 'dance. Somelbod+y was on the Ari ht side with .the paint of
. Graduate of. Ontario Veterinary this ,diapason of minor sound's there striving to kill 'bl}'m ft%om ambush, and exit under -the right shoulder=blade. of th'e`me• Wand; me Ito 'take your
College, University of Toronto. All was silence in Sari 0ltofre. If ,the killer, could be Induced ,to,be- It,hid just mvsse the horse, home with trite and k
eep • diseases of domestic animals treated San Onlo£re was; acoulstomed1 to lievie he !had- accomplished his "1 will be` su. spine. until 'you're ready to fork him�a
by the, most modern principle's. Isiilemice. It was a fla station in klh'e P lyur' rpttused if It develops ,
g pose, Lee, Purdy hoped he might be That you broke any lrtlnes in your gain
Charges reasonable; Day or night 'heart of El -Valle -de los Ojos Negros; inclitved ,to ponder the futility of i'all," he declared "The horse stood !`TI dgnl'itt understand you a;�ta11!" .
calls promptly attended to. Office ' and over it and' the cattle corralbs and wasting addi'tli•onal a7ii'muT iti+on ,on a fast 'eno'ug•It and you slid' toff so slow- Bud Shannon repeated.,
r ',lain Street, I3,ensall, apposite 'Towrf loading chute, bh'e complaining wend- corpse, ly I would, have fired again, if I !hadWt A plume of alit snake shaved• ov-
Hall. Phone 116, Breeder of Scottish mill and a five-!t'hou'sen&gallon wa- Lee Ipnrdiy knew that no murderer, entertained so hire er a low hill to the west. Y°Hese
1. Terriers Inverness Kennels Hensall ter tank +ke t d sped frox your
. p guar •. It ,boasted nei- �j comes, the Lianited," Purdy announr-
• 'bhe' station agent nor station loaf- ,$ul'1y, cro7a+winced+ that he hasp killed! his ,,arse. tWihy sh •' d' anybody shoot a
man at, -say, four- hundred yards good honest ,horse?" ed, and Tolit iwith.'set his automobile '
ers; even' ,th•e 'trains did not stop there cares to walk that distance to view �° astraddle of the tracks.
. to`tatke on water, for the wlindmi'll and Thanks, He is a good horse` -an
tank had -!been 'erected' at close,ran'ge. the still and' gory tri- .Irish hunter crossed with a'Hermosil-, .'
. , --`-•-� MEDICAL 4 by the rail- bute to [his glial. Wherefore, Purdy Y'o range ,pony 'Well-?" 0HkPTE'R ft.
'cote cotm'pany to supply water tro the lay as he had"fallen from the loading "I've ds-illed you through ,the right 'dere •eonducttor,
'transient herds of 'cattle ,held in the chute-�+on. +his, left side, 'with hits left lung and made an• eoatraordina clean' hurrying urp ` the
DR..D. E STURGIS 'corrals for and
' hlipmefnt, and for rS' track, fo'umd the engineer and the
arm thrust .out under bliss 'head and jcib of it- I think you sought to get •fireman abusing
the h 'gess and• rtuen wruo duove the ng Lee Purdy. They
F hoe. legs ,drawn up sldghit1y. And as well.' • At. ,arry„•rate the chances ase were cas'tSrG y aspersions 1
Kiraduate of the Faculty of Red' cattle ,thither,, Hence,' except on he, lay thu • wondering about even. Ever stud the vas ar- g thiole veiled
eine,, University of Western Ontario, those !occasions' when the 'cow -mien �' g •,ff the Ibugh- , Y g upon h:s.intelldgence and Impudence;.
whack@r rvvovld t a third shot for fes Of the flWgzt of 'a 'dile 7�u11et?
• . and St. Joseph's ,Hospital, Londen: who ranged in,El Valle de .Lost -Ojos 1uck,'t+wo crow's flebv e4gitatedly over "No." 'to all 'olf"*hieh Purdy paid not the
M!ember'of Oolle of Ph Physicians and Negros 'and th'e public sl•igh`tesit attention: until•th:e arrival of
ge' y grazing lands his• head and there was heard' no Lee PUrd'y, squattbed on his heels the conductor. I
Surgeons of Orrtario. • Phone 67. Of= • an ,bh•e forest reserve to the north and 1•)nger their cawing or the rat -tat- -md •ro'lled' another cigarette. "At « a
t1Hee at Dublin, Ont. •3493 northeast drove their beef cattle iR a :Bort x'ant Gbt a friend of mine here, he ex- tt
b !„-tat-'tat :of the woodpecker in. the g�aY UP to two hundred plained. "'Swot accidentally.. Take
fdr sthipment, no human 'v+oice coin- sycamore �treeg along the Rib ''Hondo, yards -the bul,16b, after 'leavd7tg th@ d
pe'ted is 'San 'Onofre with the zephyr, muzife •etas a ,tw'ist motion Impart- rt- !him foto the 'baggage car and drop t
DR. ,GILBERT C: JARROTT . the rassho. The Ria Hronp.e a wade feet e'r- • Y Pa him off at. Ar uell
g pj�e'rs; the crows and the strewn wash exha s three feet Ire- to it 'by the lands' or what g p• .Tell the station t
woodpecker. ' + P p , you call, agentto see 'thalt ,•e's sent to the rail-
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine low the level of the suxravndiang the, rifling in the barrel. This causes
Y , Alone lin San Onofre, Lee Purdy sat coun, the bullet to wobble, describing' road hospital and, that Lee Purday well �
University of Western Ontario. Mem- on the In try, paralleled the railroad' tracks g a an „
p of 'the loading,'chute and .at a• distance 'of about three hu,idmed' Orbit as ,it speeds ahea and if t guarantee the�� expenses,"
Bargter, of College of Physicians and stao•&'e,d 'a 'cigarette of his own m'anu- reaches its. target while wobble Whoa, ,btoy, the conductor retort- ,t
eons of Ontario. Office, 43 Gode- yards on !th•e south. Purdy ,reasoned g ed. Ya" re a' cool citizen of a f
Half an hour 15revious, a that 'the :man ,who bad, s11
hat at helm 's on, the, result d's ,a greet jagged ,,
. rich Street, 'West. Phone 37. 'we•stbound freight had, picked u bhe wound. At' loo er, ranges-, might hot country; you are. I don't d
. Successor to Dr. 'Charles Mackay. P had'doubtless crept :down tames almost g gess, however, know Lee Purdy and the company
y ben carloads of steers .hie and his men . dry ,wash 'and hidden. among the''s ca- after the bullet -has settled in, its
had loaded' that day, and the range g y fi ht i, doesn't ,trust him', 'NtcSbody rides on a
blo,ss and • ' g mores, since at the soured of his shoot- g , twill,, unless it strikes a .bon'e, any train on any stranger's gwaran-
DR. W. C. SPROAT .- men 'had' accomrpanied ing the craws' had abandoned their drill a neat's'rrnall hole from entrance tee; so unless your friend has. a valid j
. the cattle to care for them en rauhte home-!buildiug and flown straight a- to exit. At eortremte range's, afterr
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, and check u,p oil the' weights when the force of bhe bwllet •'been ,spent pass'' somebody will. have to buy a
wax, from there. SP tickelt ,otherwise I'll `not attend the h
IInirversity of Western Ontario, Lon- the shipment should reach the stock There was no more s'hbtotin nev- it will begin ''to wobble•sgain•• their, 'r „
don. Member of. College • of Physi- yards. in Los Angeles. Stockyard's erhhel'egs, for five minutes Lee'Purd if it hails a man it will tear 'him u °lOstequres• i
cians htrd Surgeons of Ontario. Office were the most recent innovation in axe y a !bit. iI dropped, P I should ,have known; there is, no t
remarin.e•d as he had fallen, mot'von- d FP d, yot at five hundred s'en'timent in aR, railroad company,"
in Alberha,rt's -Drug Store, Mairi ;St., that 'boomn-throbbing metropolis, and less. Then, quite distinctly, he heard!. yards and if you 'have any particular Purdy retorted', and, handed ^thereon"
• .� Seaforth, Phone 90. - it had occurred to Lee Purdy ,to test a man sa „ de rite to live your desire a
y: Get civic' t'. ore, ,boy! doctor a dollar. The letter gravely h
the 'Callifornia market with New Followed the, sound' of a smart sla 4 ranted You ,appear to be a tough, .made than e
L Mexico range beef rather than the "H'es's comae, to' tete conclusion, hs s stringy sort of person:" g , punched a an,dept for u
. .DR. F. J. BURROWS Kansas 'C'it'y or •Ciilca a ' markets ,• a cash fare ,collected and hapd'eti it tb
g done hdk .jolt; Lee Purdy. d'ecidecl. The would bs as'gass'in's dark, fierce pure 'who (tucked it in the killer's h
'Hach had, a'bsgrbed ,tis ,brand i.n •tete "He's. Mounting th5v horse. to ride a- e}•es glowed somberly. "Ar•e you 'vest Y, " t
• ice and residence Goderich Street s pocket. Ivo-, then, be sing- I
> pa'.:t.
east df the United Church, Seaforth. way; he's, slapping the,horse on the playing with ,me 'before finishing your „
Jo'aquirl. Jose Ramon Omna v job?" he demande'd'. gested cheerfully, lets go, Phone 46. Coroner for the Count of flank ,to make 'him suvinrg away from Bud Shannon Was' de 0sited' on the
Y Sanchez, ahleged.,coork, driving two some obstacle to h'iq mounting. Well, `hCertinly not, I'm not going to 11,5 P a
iiaron• mu'le's h5tchetd bo bhe chuck warn, anything to ,hasten liar of the baggage car, but'nat un- r
-here goes for thealtars of the Pu y g your death.
had departed for' the ranch head- 'family!" " "�''IaY at'ot? I tried my best 'to til Lee Puardy had sacrificed' a vil- s
quarters immediately after servf kil_ lainows •old ,auto robe to furnish the a1
DR. HUGH H. ROSS Y >stg. He rose and ran to his automobile you.". desperado a pillorw. As he prepared
the midhdray meal. To. Joaquin, Lin- across the railroad • ,tra'ekos,. Follow_ "Well, I have never' killed a wound- to leave the car ih•e slapped the Shan- „
Graduate of University of Toronto coin Hallowell, the range boss,, had ing t'he faslhion of so many cantle- e'd, helpless enemy, and if that ex- ,on legs smartly and said, "WZII, it -
- _ Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- entrusted his novo 'best sadd,lehorses men whose busrines's' necessitates :peri'ence can be avoided I pref x td
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of for return p ntig}pt ,have turned out worse fozr both -
to .the ranch. They were. their motoring frequently over loaue- to kill
'it, f course, I tried int best of us, Bud. Take 4care of yourself, Ontario; ass graduate course in tethered at the ,!baril-ga'te of the chock I mountain roads' across sae and to kill .yod Ctve minutes ago, but that
Chicago Clavical School of Chicago ; wagon. The men who 'had not ac- Y s g was iti self-defense. I had to sto olck,timer. I'll see you at the 'rail- y
m'esqui'to-'st7udded' plains and through P von -d hospital at' the ,earliest oprpor- h
. R+oyaNOpthalmie Hospdtal, London, companied the 'beef shipment ,had al- tim-ber where ,panther, bear, wolf . oi• `you or ,-a's'k having you dq a 'bet'te. tunilt ."
. England; University Hospital, Lon- so departed heading home straigiht coyote, the cow -man's constant irri- job rhe .next time' you tried." Shannon reached for his would-be t
don, England. Of to -Back of Do- 'across. coun'tiy and hear&ng .before bent are fre wenfl met .Lee Purdy "Bu>H" said the stranger with a ' ,# „
. minion Bank, Seaforth, .Phone No. 5. them , thre small lkemuda wrhi¢h .had carr, i�d sera q ed to ti's Y curirous'1 frank gictim s Mand. PVI,. Purdy,", he w,is- n
Wight calls afiswere from residence actromt Ppp spare tire in Y grin, "you say you pexed, "if I knew your enemies' in h;
+g d ponied ah•e drive to San Onofre; front, a 'cava9ry rifle scabbard in 'a't'e not goia5g to stop, one. Yo,u ap- this. country I'd tell you, whto they
Victoria Street, Seaford, . Pres'e�ntl.y,, after res'tiintg, smoking and which an arm -pear to want me !to Powe, Wh .q q
cogitating,, Lae `pufdy would frollow. y rifle, cut drown to a y Y. _° were. If I ever find out and pro=
portting weapon and always loaded, I'll be.grabeful and tell ,you who lir- tided• I get `over this, I'll kill 'em for
_' ' ,Mteanwhil'e he sat on the lisp' of the nestled ready !Co his hand. After db ed me?"
DR. E. A. b4cMASTER loading chute, his ,soul stee• ,# you and it won't" cost you nto-than•g.' it
1. ped: in a tadning this rifle he dropped' one• No. I do not expect'you to tsnti'tch. ,.
, C0mplimeit:ts of Bud Shannon,
gentle melancholy, his mus�cl'es relax- If ,y�ouve sold yourself, shay sold. Be <,' r
. Graduate of the -Universityof To- behind the steel railroad track which • «ell.. so long, Bud: Pleasant '«
ronto, Faculty of Medicine stn pleasing lassitude, his mind perohO .an the ties, rose same twelve an honest killer, 'if that's your trade, 'green -fields."
Member of College of Physicians vaguely alive to -the real,izatfion that inches' above ,tjta level of the, ground' 'but don't 'be a double-crossing cro,ak." He sltood on the station platform
bid Surgeons of Ontario he ,had Prodded 'three hundred re- on which Lee Purdy lay; with care This frank expression of a code and w•atAZhed the Limited wind swiftly t,
g , graduate of c•arlcitirant three-year steers u that evoked a chtuckle from !the wounded
New York Post Graduate School and g a P the hundtre'd-and'-twenty-pound rail away •and lose itself among some low
Lying -aa. ,11ospital, Ne York , ' Of+• ibadin cl'in'e' and into the cattle would afford biih perfect protection. ,man, rA slight hemorrhage stifled hills. Then be looked at his 'watch.
cars ,fhat day. the chucklw almost instantly. .fice.on"High Street, Seaforth. Phone g H'e listened: Presesa,tly, above 'the Y• When ''Fi've 'o'c1o�Ck," ere sblalo�quizeci.
Z,lr., , _ He sighed. Ili was weary, Aprod- ,thrum of the telegraph wires, he h'e c°old get his breatdh he said:
Ofllce fully equipped for ultra short 'der of steers was be, and pro.d'd:in'g heard 'a slight sound that would have "I see. Yroh're saving me to get ,Guess I'll wash up and get out of w
st.@erg was work designed b g' here. I m' as bldody as a 'butcher' },
'wave electric treatment, Ultra ,Violet t; y Provi- passed unnoticed 'by ,one wehose every "hung, eh , Well, there were no wit- Ile• -went over Pato the corral and
Son Lamp, treatments, and Infra Red denco for men strong in the arm sine' nerve was n,ot strained to listen.. It, so how are you going to prove washed h+i.msolf at !bhe watering
electric treatments. Nurse in.attend- thick in -the head; nevertheless, he, was the blow of a steel hoof L tried to murder you? You can't trough, oinbed vis hair -ith his fin -
Lee ,Purcky, who was strong of 'arm against a 'boulder in the wastll, ,of the c0nti'ict a man, on uncorroborat d gets and,)caught up Bud Shannon's
once. tut not thick of 'head. had testimony, My wtord 5•s as
performed Rio Hondo,' and the s land came fron, good as home. A£te•r loosening the sixty-
. his montlton us, to k without coin- east of -~here the man had sipo,ken. Yours," V pound ,stock stadd4c, he fastened a
DR. G. R. COLLYER Plaint, wli!t'h a certain joy even,'albeit ' "He didn't see me 'get up," Lee "You are unimaginative 'ass. I long h'ors'ehair leadring rope around 9'
!there had mot .been aCny urgent nectes- Purdy'exulbed, "He was 'busy pick- •haven't The ;,lightest interest in you the animal's neck and tethered the t'
• Graduate Faculty of.Medicine, Uni- city for, his accompanying the drivo ing 'hisI way through the wash. But since I failed' to wound' you mtortally. horse to the reaf of his auItontabile. ' u
• versdty of Western Ontario. Member to San Onofre, there to deplete •his !he'Ll. come up out of 'Che sycamore I'm going (tc bring my .automobile ""W,ell, .,old boy," he addressed tho
• College of Physicians and Surgeons Youthful -vitality by prodding un 11- ',pre'sen'tly and halt for ane lasit (back- oveau here, tuck -you into the tonneau animal as he favored him with, an a
of Ontario. Post graduate 'work at ing .and ,suspicious 'Herefords •wp a ward look to make certain. A fine ,and run you d'ow-n to the railroad ho -s- affectionate rubbing'under the jaws, a
, " New York City Hospital and Victoria ,load:ing• chute. Link Hallowell, his sight at five h'untdred yard's ought to Pital at Arguello. have you got any 'yit'., u to Yo to ste' w
. $ospital, London. Phone: Hensall 56, range ,btoss, could' have got on very fix that sco'u1ndrel's clock." •money?" P Y p den or ttivelve C
"About t'wo hundred and.ftf mikes an hour for -an hour and a
Office: King Street, Hensall. well wli'thout ,,fins, ,He adjusted his'sitghts and dead- tY dol- half," e
. •,o• The vague melancholy herei.nbe- ed that luck was with him in that •!ars, Ma•. Purdy." Footsteps crossing the station plat- a
. fore referred- to, however; had • its 'h'e would not have to make an allow- "9Well, th�ean, pay your own hosrpital form caused hdmt to whirl and l_a c
genesis •not in rebellion at • th'e char- ance ,for windage, which is inconven- 'b l"rhdle it laslts. If it i'M't enough behind the automobile; on the instant w
• • DENTAL # acter of his labors, .but in a very de- ient. when doing farst snap shootin, I'll make up the deficit and if you're g P g' foolish enough to dies I'll he drew the gun he bad taken from a
finite realiizatd.dn o'f their futility. The Then he drew tete ,bolt, quietly sled a give You Bud 'Shannon. Upon his w'ord', San c
. :shipment of steers he had just start- cartri'd! e,into the breech and waited, 'Christian 'burial and' write ,home • to c
g Onofre was cgming to life to -day.
DR. J. A. N(cTAGGART ed westiv'ard wou,ld.� not reimburse quite calm in Iiis 'belief thaetihe could' Your folk. a first-class,lie regarding 'He ero'uctled behimd the, automobile, e
• Graduate Royal College. of Dental him 'dor the caelt of protductli•on.•Wit•h not possiibl be deceived in his esti- your demise, if you care •.t0 give me
Y fully conscious of tate fact that while
Surgeons, Toronto. Office at. H0nsall, no'd' fortune he might, •-hope to ' net mate orf human 'nature. Surely the Your home vAdtess." the -tonneau was no protection fr m ,
Out. Phone 106. stixty-five dollars, a ,hea& and Only a scoundrel must know that in .all that "I 'don't understand qov, Mr. PUT- bullets,'at least fit furhis'hed fair tam- I
• . • • month praviows, in New `York, he had desolate lonely land, there was. Oto cru- dy. !Hlow d!o you know 'I won't try Iouflage for the -target. ,target. A minute
. - •.partaken of a. small steak in a not mean 'beings closer tthan Arguello, sox- to earn my fee after I get out elf ho y- passed; and then a very pleasant
very we'll -known -restaurant and had teen miles east. That ktnowl a rital?" .
cool voice addressed htim.
AUCTIONEERS paid therefor Clre sum of otf.e dollar would intake twit'} careless inspire Leet'd'Y snt,iled a gv+let, prescient "'You may "putt u'p your pistol, Mr. y
and tivee!ty-five cent's. Hee wondered him with ,00nfidence. little smile. Well, if you're dog en- put-dy, and come out fr,)m behind s
now how many such '•steaks a clever The ,head lot a roan•horae appeared: nugh to do that I suppose that's one your autoriobile. I give , you my o
• I HAROLD DALE butcher might be able to carver from above the 'low fringe of stage a'lon of the chances I'll have to take. Well, i
g g g word of honor I am unarmed, and of
,Licensed Auctioneer the carcass of a thousand -pound the northern. 'bank of -the Rio Hondo. dton't die, old^settler, until I can get 1 were I wouldn't dream of shooting
Specialist in farm and household `Meer. It rose higher, burning as it arose, Iia�ck here withc my auto." ou „
sales. Prices .reasonable. For dates "I 'ou'gh't to be a middleman," Lee and presently horse and rider came Take my horse," said the killer y '•
1 P Anyb:,dy with you?" Pardo- ce- t
Purdy told himself. "As a consuaner nto lain view. And 'even as Lee affably. nandeu.
• and9 information, write or phone Har- d p = i
old• Dale, phone 149, Seaforth, or ap- and as a producer of .beNk I'm headed Purdy bad assumed, the rider piAled "Tthankc," Lee Purdy swung 'into „No." r
ply at The Expositor Office. straight for ecotlomlic ruin and vege- up his horste quartering t@pward San the saddle and gallop'e'd 'b'a'ck to San „ ,
„ , q g I hope you're telling the truth'
t'ari,anism� Onofre, and looked 'lack fox the Onofre, where he turned, the horse I'm coming out, but if anybody soo•.,I•s '°
He rested his rbiaed, body a aitnst 'thin he had left. lying at the foot jgto !the cattle corral and drove back g g g ;in the automobile for hks' now thor- at m•e it would +be well to get me f
ARTHUR WEBER the Upright at the head of the lo'ad'ing of the loading chute. Hedid ,nett see through the head -with the first shot.
Auctioneer's License rhute and drowsed pleasurably in .the readily that which lie 'sought, so he oulghly mystified pa'ssen+ger. Wkith I'll come a4bgging and- I'll get you,
• Sixteen years' experience. ,mid-afternoon, sunshine. The hum .of 'rais'ed 'his hand above bis eyes to. considerable difficully he managed to even if you are a woman," '
, Satisfaction, guaranteed, ,the telegraph wirers, the drone of � the shade them from (the westtering sun get 'the fellow into the tonneau and "Wait! I'll .c'ome to you. You're
Telephone: '13-57, Hensall, grasshoppers, the anesthesia of the while he looked again . . . , streitched him ,out on the rear seat, rlutch ,too suspica'ous for comfort." '
• Write ARTHUR WEBER, 'clean, pure, aromatic air, lulled him .As he watched the man glide slow- with !his• lang legs dangling over the '"Fair enough. I'll wtftit." f
R. R. 1, Dashwood. Pittle, by' little. He would rest awhile, ly out of the sad'd'le and, fall be!slid , side. Then, in low gear, Purdy drove ' Footsteps crunched' the sand- pre- I•
• bedsore commencing that flirty-rhtdl'e his horse, Lee Purdy murmured, "I sently before Lee Purdy strrod a i
INSURANCE journey back to ,lis ranch. He slept. think I made a tbull'e eye, but I'll r ��// girl, He stared at her amazed for
. He awakened with a tet•r•!ific start take a leaf out of your book, my �AC Awl about fire .seconds; then thrust his t
-the .gpasm,odic reaction of one sud- sweet Christian friend, It's a sign' of 6 - pistol down .between his shirt and the
denly and violently lucked from the hard luck when one doesn't make cer- aaackly disappear ohm the TS>0 JOHN RANHIN AGENCY P Liver andRid s wafst"band•of 'his tmu.ers. He bow-
' Insurance of all kinds. armhs' of •Morpheus. 'Something had tarn trhat an'important job bras been Y ed a Castilian bow -sweeping in its
Bonds Real Estato. ,struck, with gretait force, the four -by- perfectly done. As some wise -acre ata areu4d by completeness. t
' four inch upright agai(rnst which his once remarked, 4Gentiu's is, a capacity I)NA NASE'S "I'm sorry," he said. "This' hap- i
Money to Loan. head hard been restting; the 6mipaot for taking ,in -finite p'ains�.' 1'11 stroll G ens th be an off da for me. I 8114)- i
t -. Pl- 91. hard. tbeem burhitn 1 close to tires ,over aik read yotir brand, and etas•- ' P Y
",IA,PiORT$ ONTARIO g y Posse, however, tone may ,!be permitted f
r .,� ' y J "s. " qac.: tc r/',, 'r � f ' ,r +, e..e 'the' i:..
.. -,.. . .,. , .. ,,.4, uS i ,t r '1� Ilk 4-r< i. gree 1, d <,.t, , au
,i .. f(n _ .. .. .. .a, .e :..:., ,.....<. �, ;'Nr b {, tv fS`.k'!„
r e a s r, h , Prla % a a f "'
y r. F•. ,,., . t+�,,t L o -r.... •,r �, .. ,., , T .„-hr;+lYria" r l s r•"q r ` ,.,� `"' ' " �f �i
F '�..0 mAra^+ r r��'?�"%L w'W' . Lai wtii�3�.,a ne : {yyx„ ,u-.na14Eeµf# a� s �� k tixart l.,�aw, rA a &:n a k fi, saw hii --
7M„l,i.7F'�,lPi"n q xx.a �' xt .n t v -t
Wk 'noewao '�k�-&�(FeM tnik i K u ,,� yrk
7nam Myst x'�'r,a� i r1ra „ `u r; °,i ,� N�,�
detatlte t 7 .:
I rzsk 1111, Il' lnPe .lob* '
rd�'11tity y'""r °,� ` a (S, } ` -r ys r „r
a # W �7
�r Y r d
1 amtu 1!s 1... �!s s r
Angeles.- Mr. TodtE was 1,9 n'tlelt » '' ix ; ! ; ,» r
here " 'w'w11'r ' 'A��y51,�'t
".Oli; sb you, f �&d off. fire Irii#►L{I +T r" , n4u
kte ? I yy�� ff o�Y .l t
itef r dlaadn' C sVF~e 'yA!t� ,'Fi, �,ililti. _ r MA i 'N., S�' "• s y a c+..
The !gazrl nofltieed'. "You vex@' oth ),x,.d ,1ktr; r
cruise+ enlgaged " Re3li tls�i -Nt } i Y
"And that itg7me crew a!blxsed MPS ., lHt! !our' 1.`jl l � , tl . ?�''
{,flahggi2ug -the train with' sotto witlx const%yagti} •('A#!?k
iruaU,Ja, whhen, All the time flue easy yea�?o , 4 ` ►s' ¢ T : tr P ` i k ,. 9, t
rascals knew the train' wao going] t0 catharge �ithotlib 0144 t ' 1 nr« ;
stop at 1S�an Onofre anyhow. So you, �,.117 11
? ?lg1.e#utlr de.n►11#s ry 'r a .,
were expecting tMr. Ira Todd' Rto ,call f ^,'
$e'do>Ig's A�z+1 i
for you here?„ K'ellogg''as ALL -'it :Pl 11Rt ,a�At �a' � `
Tete girl- nodded, again tel ed axle, 1.but fi ; a .�t
r`Wt+ell, Miss Ormsby, .he ismtt p�
gagemenitti He. dirhyvle ac°t, xslief for. Aklxonxt , >�,r, ,r f si
to keephis em• tion. ' r. '$eiir Z�
in farom this ranch to Ar elll!o la, y"". ` '� " E i
g'u last dress u on request. ,. ...
P r q . tr r „ v
might. 'I saw ,him there this morning • �• .' •
and shortlyafter that he was islet' ; to inszc .eient b44 11 r " <
. r
a11." meals. Z.
"Oh, I'm so sorry! ,What is 'the Kellogg' s ALL -BRAN proviide0 'f
matter wi►Ch hihrt+?" "bulli:" to.,aid elimination. I''C algq' � ..r
,tee Purdy -hung hist •head and, slow- furnishs vitamin B an 'ran ` I i
lk scuffed a 'hole in the dirt with his ^ , -11
" The `bulk to ALL- a n,' „ ,I
!boot toe. He' -admitted fiiral, A _ . s 8'e
worthy citizen of 'Arguel'1'o found it tee -and safe for normal .indi ilr, , v
uals. Often more effeetivo 044' t',
necessary to bend an iron bar over ,b�„ in fruits and vegetables; as�it x �11 1
Mr. Ira ,Todd's erteadt, Miss Ormsby. V%
think he fractured rite Todd stroll; doesnotbreakdownwithinttebodg;' �: ; 1>
at any rate, the last I saw of Ira Jsn't this natural food p11
leasanter t
Todd 'the ,pupils' of his eyes had con- than 'patent medicines? Just eat ,.
tractad to mere- 'pin•-porsuts, and; it+ fs . two tablgspoonfuls daily: Chroniia
Try personal although unprofessional ,eases, with each meal, If not re.' . V...
opinion that Ira. Todd has ,concussion B@vee, see your doctor.
o£ the 'bs alio." Get the red and -green pacltage at � ,"
"How perfecrtly dreadlfu'Pi"6 . Muss your. grocer's. Made by Kellogg is
Orrtnsbyl s Tine eyes an'd finer features London, Ontario.
puckered with horror. "`What has .. ;,
teen 'done to 'his assailant?"
Keep on the Sunny Sade of Uft a
"He has been congratulated by a -
raum!ber 'of solid citizens' and cursed• _ 1.rr
and threateri''edt by other citizens not the Domnmd.on ,Bureau '.off .Sta.,ti ,t1@ vt
quatbe Eta s+ollitd. r.nd the 'DtepaL-bmenrt of Trade' and-
"I . do believe you' are Ira Todtd's Commerce i't is also podmutedh coat '-dhat .
assailant:" • the development o the canned foods'
"Hot, hot, redhot v, he replied trade .ha's - eff'e+ete great 'changes in ,,' ;
ightly. "You're on m' trail d
y Writ . t ,, ...----...._..
:.., ,. the relat�uotr•
cif. 29aods
to------seasons.--1..- seasoatS:
Ormstby, yt5ti'll't ee irve in a minute. Frulits and vegsettables of m=y kinds
However, y o,q'r'e just a trifle wrong. are to be ,obtained, at all !times'of the k
ra 'Tadd was my assailant. II'e went year. The 'canning. season betems in � '`
mato a restaurant in Ar � 1'1'
gUe110 and, ,June and continues through the sum- ^;;,#b I. r•
]i•ere in a Ioud Voice made statements mer and 'autumn until Octoiber, beitng
erugattory,'to my honor. I was break- at its height in July, August ,and r
asting there at 'the -dime, , Untbr- :,eptember. The prinrapal fruit and `
unately for bim, the restaurant harp- vegata'bl'et canning " provinces are P to be owned and operated by a Quebec, Ontaxeio and British Colurm- -
e'r•y good, friend of mine, a china- hia, the chief fruitb used being ap- ;,�.- ',
man who 'drafted down inbo 'this' Boum- pees, pears, plums, scathes, cherries, `
ry about five years ago ,suffering currants, gooseberries, blue'berri@s�,
rum tuberculosis. I foumd .the poor ras4•fbearies' and strawbeti"fes, ' with.11
evil hungry and brake in Arguello -the apricot and ,the loganberry addi-
nd withtout 'a• friend, so I 'had; him ti'onal in Britiigh Caluinbia. Ve'ge-- . • Axl
come out to -my ranch and sticky a'- tables canned include tbm.alboes; pass, ,`I:r
orind° until he got well, Then I corn, beans, beets.'�`carrots, pu'mtplditr, • •yf ••
I, him five bundred dollars to squash, spinach and asparagus: In, . 1
et into. business in Argubllo. He ad'diti'on to. a supply of cheap and " 'a"1,
as repaid ,Ithe money but still feels vholestome food, the Canadian con_
nd'ebted to ,me, so .when the unfor- sumer also enjoys rotection ,throw h '
unate Ira spoke out of his turn in the officers of .the Dominica Depart- '
Ohian's presence and in Chain's' rest- stent of Agriculture in carryin. out "
u'rant, Chan just ''naturally busted their dutlie's in accordance with. tone,
im with a short' iron seer,p-bar he Perls ?f Parliament and other regu- ii
ses, to poke Up lthe charcoal under nations relating to 'th•e manufacture : ,' ".."
is steak broiler. What makes you and 'sale of pure food. in Canada.
link I steak,
you by ruining
ra?„ j11,
` $etcause yrou're quite gory now ` s
n•d I saw you help put a wounded L„
n. 1.
ain; •alboand the gnain. Somtebod-v , u
aid he, had ,been shot and was dy-
`4.11aybe so;" 'murmured Lee Purdy, • ,
I fear the 'best but hope for the • COMFORTABLE 4. :,f
ar•st "
"You told tbhe conductor he had CONVENIENT ,';
een shot accidentally. Who Shot ,MODERN •
ou accidentally?" And she tapped P I ..:: „r.
er shoulder si'gn•ificantly. • ,
.)Purdy laughed softly. "Th'is, is t
he most accidental' country I ever 'lY
ek, Miss ' Ormsby. H'oweveT, I . •• - • •
aven't been shot.. Almost' but not ,'.
ui,te, Where are you bound?" '1. ,
"For tli Brox' K Ranch." WRITE FOR FOLDER yI
"Oh! I newer would have guessed ,G
Tire gentle irony in hMs soft voice - ' r
ahs not lost on the girl. She stared •COLLEGE
t' hint 'hau,g°htily. . '
"This your first visit to our coup- S N
ry, `Iics Ormsby.?" r`
"Did 'I understand you to say yea
ere from Los Angeles?" London and Wingham
The'AW nodded, without arbating South
el- cool scrutiny of him. P.M. .A
inued next week)'. , Wingham ..�....".........., 1.55 ,1.
- $elgrave .................. 2.11 <i
Bi t}t
The Gladiolus ThlriN Londesboro ................ 2.00
Singe the first ,outbreak of the Gunton .. 3.08
ladyolus thrtips in Canada in 19301 �Iureneld • • •............ 3 35'
his 'in'uriou's insect P'P
J pest - has beet Hensall 3.41
nder !th•e close observattion of the .a. ' • r '
Eautornological Branch of - the Donain- Exeter 3.55 y°
I'D Department of Agriculture, and North i
s a result ,of s'ome..fin'e co-operative Fe' I- A.M.
ork between the Branch ootid the eter 10.42 +,;
anadian glowers of glad'iol+i consid-, Hen l . " "" , . , "' . 10.55
ra!ble, knowledge has accrued• regard- Kipp r 11.01
Br fi d .................. 11.09
ng troth th•e effectiveness and short- Cli ton 11.54 �'
om•ings of the remedies originally
o'rl.ed out. B'rin'ging all the latest Ant esboro : :.........::::: 12,19
n1formsatarn up to date, together with Bel ve ................. • 12.80
g ::;
e7•tain changes and modifications in
ont7ol reoomnren'dratio'ns, a revised Wingh' t .................. 12.50 !
d•ition of bhe pamphlet, "Gladiolus C.N.R. Time Table „ 11
Thrivs," has just .beery aNs.s•ued, by the '11
Domintion Department of, Agriculture. East '
t may be obtained 'from the Public- A.M. P.M.
ty and Extension Branch, Ottawa. Goderich 6.45 2,30
The thvips is known to pass blue win= Clinton 7.08 8.00
ter 'on the corms in storage, but, as Seaforth ............ 7.22 3.18
yet, has' not bee found hibernating Dublin ............ 7.33 8.81
ucxes�,rfully out of doors. All stages Mitchell ........... 7.42 • 3.43
f the insect may be trilled, by treat West
ng the corms prior to ;planting, -as Dublin ........... 11.19 9.44• • 1
Alan G. Dustan, thg� author, points Seaforth ........... •11,34 9.57 1
sofa tin it -he rplamtpihl'et. Fumigating. )Clinton 11.50 10.11
he corms w�itlh naphthalene flakes or Goderich ........... 12.10 10.87 1' 1
m. 'ersing .them in a solution of cor- ".,
o i•vte sublimate or hot water has C.E.R. Time Table ib'' 'I
rven the best results. The svrayuang East ' • 'i
f growing ''
g g plants with a Paris green • . A.M. 1,+�a}�
(brown sugar s,oluttdo,n lis also very ef- Goderich 5.60 +' %
petive. 14Tenset .......... 6.66 �...I
.* McGaw ...................... 6.04 Q
,Cans in Canada Auburn ................... 6.11 n
Blyth ..................... • 6.26 ;a
The canning industry 'of Canada, af- Walton .................. 6.40 ;, .
ard•s an example of the valuable re- McNaught 6.62
ati'onship that may exist between. one Toronto ..... • • • • .......... 10JJG ",, I
ndustry and another. WUle• the can- West h '�,
ming industry which uses fruit, hvtege- A.M. • ' I s
&blas, mlalk, meats and fish as lets Toronto ...1. 7.40 y
commodities is an import- y&V.aught 11.48 �
ant entity in 'itself, it also forms an Walton ...................... 12 ''� X
adjunct to other industries, notably Blyth ..................... i2�i • ";a
he tin can indn>,sbry, the woodenbox Auburn r''r
rndvsbry, and the paper and printing 11cGaw L ".................... '_,um�ndustries In the censusof earned leaset . % ................
, a<i
.cod production in Canaa issued by Godik ...
. .., 30.4"t, 1
�'� "F r r ✓ � do
_ .. ..... _ e N8 'w h 7
R ' .. ... .. ? K,jnt.. .. a 4,9,', ad4;a , eo,,-.:,�..�., . , t a'i k 7 I Aka�h"'....