The Huron Expositor, 1935-04-26, Page 5p #N�4FIPI W 0 4 N1 1 If _#M.#`� A W". R 019 .Trt "W M �wy N J114c.10 , am W-1,01 1 b0m 1MV s1he a% X M,811)14, I , , - 0 T ppr,r. f)m' " MNOX A.0005W , I r 0 T, arviind, �o on Ver w• g IV i�, E4 %,q , , I T. 111, XJ 'I• xre# burn son willi frierid!s in 4- L 'I 'W" .. - , - W JoRx W. A. L4 ; r NEE. NAM, A' T 'Idf t �Y­ wi-A"t DandCAR day, friend Dell'JDf 11%0w, 8, 4A W NEXT We are PXneI.edL to report that Stre. jT1;W1MZn:iF, the ytillage" is some- her,.pis ber, Mrs, THE, LIVES110F, 6, OWN AT, yY 1J What impe, A ft, bud 0,401, friends hope &e. will,woon be, able to ;4 gr romi�; i ny confined, to b Her m�a S'' ea ,p "O,veea and ffli be p and around soon:' " . - . I I " - . , , y 'DoTbthy Thormvqn of Wpst, o�i ern'Unrivirsity, Londofi,, was a week of end guest with her pAvenb M�r and 7 IX-. -ji Jarrott, brmerly kils-a cTaig, whohag spent the last Mrs. Robert Tb'Dmfpsoi�, 'of the High-. e eadl, ar' Clothes Jor IN yegT taking a (post graduate course fn way.uJ 'Ulldl -,an- arrep. and rEu of is r. si#ng or 'T. he many. *!ends of ldir&, W P� arg U TIEko US&_ W] 1,y� guest A� 0; after )having bee I - I `'em 99 Tuckersififth. were glad to I 4r' swath ah, Mt see out,.agwn. ter)havingbeerk dbn 'W" Is Jarro, leaving *Pe roam for'Host=#ifliir -MIrs. J. X johhiO'Dn',-,.,of Hay, ftr New' York, where he has secured- confined the I 'saes Dorothy and Frances Elgle a fine (position and practice in that winter. oman o r C hiold- city. I 17%le Busy Bees ffiwiov -Circle will land )j 91r, ter 11 with thekr Aunt, =Lqs Hazel Thbmso n of Thames hold kheir XvAl jme�-Aing I at the home -ad -cousin's, Mar- Road spent the holidays with her par- of iWas Beari-ce Daynian on, Satar- . . . . . . . . . gie, a and.Robert Elgie, of Tulok6r- eats, N Pon, day, afternobn. fr. and, Mos,. Robert Thome Of IM T&. and 'AT". S. W. Thomison and 4 [Miss Lffaleyon Chandler of Miss . Jessie Finluyson of Belgrave.fartAly (of Twkersmith we're recent Womein's Codt s -University, London, was -a week. end is visiting for the holiday season with. visftovspkand Mrs. X Neeb 4 0 gilegt with, -'her parents, Rev. and, Mrs. 'heir parents, M]x. and Mrs. Jas. Fin- 04. F. Chandler, at the 'Manse. layslon, -of Tuckersuilth. ,pxilliam,G. Strong of en's sul'o ts, Dresses and Suits t '!0 Miss Isabelle Campbell is holiday- Dr., bg6rt -Jarrott of ISeaforth was- Easter guests- of jug with her parents neari Moles- the his parents,' Mr. and y 'Moore of Tuck- vorth. Mrs, Jarrrott, of Hay. T&_ and Wks. William Butt bf. Sea- MLean of Ijondi4n C[heen(*r bf Tucker- w weeks As a matter of economy, you -k�A 4r During the next fe IoTidx have been visiting for, -the past Mqi pve. the week -end with his s'V­th it iyh�)rdving. Her—many their Mrs: J: NcLeah, t-mkm& ho'she 'will soon be out W owe it to yourself to, buy -month with thei son, Mr.,'and Mxs.' p iE.�ift e are holding a special, ex- _ 11 1 � " , and MT8. Thon*s Butt, of the villagl&�, of, I Tu hibit of New Spring Suits. We have Values with- W�g 31ohn Wio;kman �k the vilIage sipent 1-heweek­end with their Y "I" There is an. air of exclu- out precedent in the history Q.- daughtak and son-in-law, 'Mr. and - Mrs. Eldon Ke", of I&Khllop. siveness about these 1kew "of our store. -CENT A "MILE BARGA PARES The, many friimds, of Miss Doris Style Suits that all men like. MAY 9—Front SEArORTH I Alexander, of Hay* will bepleased, to Then, too, you are sure, S bear that she is recovering from her ,The superb quality—the ex - 'TO C.N.R. STATIONS in MARITIME PROVINCE recent' illness. - cellent tailoring—the smart not• only of the greatest pos- Vrov.� of Quebec; New Brunswick; Prince, Edward Island; Nova Scolia Mr. and' Mrs. Reid, Torrance and MAY 10 and 11—To Ottawa $7.20; Montreal $8.3 family of Darters, Hill visited Por a Aleut and correct styling—the sible values, but you can be 0 clay recently with Mr. H-enr y Ivison perfect fitting and most im- positive of getting the very 4uebec City $11,55; Ste.- Anne de Beappre $12.15 and daughter, Miss Jean, Ivison, of ROUND TRIP FARES Hay. portant, the very reasonable newest styles and the,clev- We are sorry to, hear that MT. pricing. erest workmanship --,in the Tickets and Z-4forination'frum Agents. Ask for Handbill. T492A Robert Dinisdale is, not enjoying the CANADIAN NATIONAL best of health, but we hope he will Come in and see these latest 'materials and color - soon, be feeling better - J. New Suits; it will give you in-gs. Garments that possess,, a new,�ppreciation of how all the style in the world good and how reasonable to -date, beautiful and very k. Watson Edwards perfect clothes canes reasonable. rhe -marriage was solemnized at I . I q. R lull the First Presbyterian: Church, Pie- Prices: 44 611—, on,Saturday, April 13th, at 11 to $25.00 'he Rev. Samuel Parley, o'clock, by t of Ploy Hester, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.,F. A. Edwards, of Bayfield, DRESSES. to Robert A WoUtsolij ,of Fairlight, 43A tol$13.75 son of the late Mr. and -Mrs. John Watson, of Stanley Township. The ,-to 19.75 to $22.50 V SUITS.... bride was charynd-n-gly- attired, in a Visit Our Store Dur smart -navy blue ta'fFeta suit trim- ing HEEL- HUGGER ined with white, 'her hat and! acces- Week—April'. 29th to Sfti6g,,were of `matching ciollor. She Jul May 4th.. also ww.e A corsage of TA-lisman, ros- New Spring Styles, Grey, Sand or es,and mauve sweet peas, and the Lromoni)1A gifts a 4iamond dinner ring. Brown; snap front; pure fur felt PAlmdng the eeremomy, -e the bridal Men* F. It flats .2,095 Fittings AAA to D. party, including Mr. and Mrs. Dave will stay in shape ................. Gardiner and daugbteT, Dotty, and Mss. Ross Beatty, of Girvin., Sssk., See the repaired •to the Hotel Chas lain New Spring Straw and Crepe Mod - NEW WHITES where the wedding brea&fast was -trimmed in the latest die - served. On Sunday evening they els, gaily Millinery 119 went to Fairlight, Sask., where they tater of fashion and good taste.... will reside. Members of Trinity Church Dram- atic Club gathered at the Rectory on 0 Famous Forsyth Brand, guaranteed Irl Tuesday evening to spend a social as to color, quality and style. evening with Lawrie and, Coxbfun Men's Fine Shirts 10 5 5' .... ................ 1 J'o'hns who 'sail on. Seturday for Eng- at .......... land. Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Bugler received the ,guests who numbered' about twenty-seven. The eventing was or Chiffon or Service Weight. Pure youhave any serious ideas spent in progressivte court whist, El- Silk ' H se quality -Silk. All colors.sie McLeod and Cars�Dn Johns having Women75c, high score. ABas Ducy Woods read a at .............. ... ............. ofo bting smart this season, give s'hbrt address on behalf bf the DTa- more than Club and Sunday School a passing thought tOP matin Samuel Wideombe Made the presen- Good Sturdy' Suits, two pair pant your Shoes,, 6ecause n6 matter how tation of novel Eavttr baskets to lined throughout., A, real baalluring your gown, no matter how Lawrie and C&rson as, small parting Boys.'Tweed Suis ' r-750 up gifts, wishing .'them' bon voyage. The gain ................. ............ -ets were found to contain a pleasing your Faci, you cannot bask Parker fountain pen, each, On behalf look or. feel your best unless your of his -brother and himself, Lawrie, Bloomer or Pantie Style; fine Lisle in afew well-Joblosen wfoTd1s, gratious- Silk; Stripe, White, Peach or Pink. shoes are, moulded to your feet in ly thanked those present for the gifts- yeomen's Bloomers �'�c. All sizes. A real bargain ........... Comfortable, stylish lintsi and also expressed itheir' thanks to Rev. 'and Sk%. Bugler for having en- tertained in their honor. Mrs. Bug- ler served refreshments and before Extra length, full size. Will wear leaving "Auld Lang Syne" was sung. like a pig's nose. All colors. The fo]Mwing officers of the Bay- Aen's Work. Shirts $1000. field Football Club for 1935 were re- at, .......................... cebtly 'appointed: President, L. W. 2 Buireb; vice-president, J. W. Jowett; manager, 'Charles FepgusjoA; sere- Fine quality Marquisette, colored tart', J. Pease; treasurer, F. A.. Fades eks. voile insert; complete with tie -ba wards; managing ciommittee:'J. W. Frilled Curtains 98c prill Jowett, 'Charles Tomsy John Castle, 21/,j yards long. All colors ........ . Charles Gemin-hardt, John Pease. f 10. Sndy Mr. and 'Mrs. E.. A. 3—bot c'Y_ortvard-� Sauder, Mr. and -Mrs. F. Erwin, Mr. Black or Blue, Pants or Overall style, and 'Mrs. W. Erwin, Nbas'B. Pollock Snagproof Brand. and'Miss Ruibie Fisher of Kitchener Men's Overalls'1o50 • were guests of ATrs.. F. A. Edwards: at ............................... [Mr. and Mrs. H. Erwin of Midland, Bring the biddies )M;i-chigan., who spent the winter in Florida, are visiting Mr. Alfred Er- Heavy Silk Crepe or Taffeta. Very $1.69 win. 0 See the NEW MICKEY MOUSE New Spring Blouses. latest in style and color. $2.95 Health Shoes. Sizes from Baby at ................................. ll 3's to Boys' and Misses' 21/2. s The 'Western Farmers'Martha Washington Brand, perfect 1.49 'Widths B to E according to tyle. Weather Insurance $ ting, better made; exclusive pat - SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Mutual Co. House, Dresses", fit ................ $1.95 NEXT WEEK Organized 1905 terns and styles Head Office ': Woodstock, Ont- evey pair of Mickey Mouse Cash and Bonds on Hand— 0 If you have trouble in fit, style or Shoes. bought• duriTig week fro*" $213,720.62 1,50 - The largest reserve balance of wear, ask to see the new numbers we With give corsets, Girdles, lim ef April "27th i� May 4th, We witt any Canadian Westbar � Insur- are Showing in Nemo -flex and Na 4 aneeMutual,,Oo. doing business FREE One Child's Matinee, Ticket Corielettes tures Rival. to geg'ent Theatre. See Mickey -on In Ont'- , Prompt Adjustments ana Sat - the $cfeen. isfactory &td6thents. 4 (Ask Your NeWbot) IT 1, If -not a poli older now, y�" -1 to. see ot write 4 MICKEY shaWd not fail to our iSpeehd kepresentAlivem. AUGGER MOUSE Lowest, W Aftiletble .4. WEEK' WEEK. Meltillop April 20th W ',,Phone 949 f 4, StAtotth. April 21th to �7 Mjay 4th. )p FOR May 4th rHE SH( J, A. MURHAY Tdekosmith OHS I . 11 1�. I'll Phone 1 3. r i, 864rdith. im mop K�d GOOD SHOES A Q,, a. g J," 4, "y Fs,2 i"XI -gig g, M 71 1. p #N�4FIPI W 0 4 N1 1 If _#M.#`� A W". R 019 .Trt "W M �wy N J114c.10 , am W-1,01 1 b0m 1MV s1he a% X M,811)14, I , , - 0 T ppr,r. f)m' " MNOX A.0005W , I r 0 T, arviind, �o on Ver w• g IV i�, E4 %,q , , I T. 111, XJ 'I• xre# burn son willi frierid!s in 4- L 'I 'W" .. - , - W JoRx W. A. L4 ; r NEE. NAM, A' T 'Idf t �Y­ wi-A"t DandCAR day, friend Dell'JDf 11%0w, 8, 4A W NEXT We are PXneI.edL to report that Stre. jT1;W1MZn:iF, the ytillage" is some- her,.pis ber, Mrs, THE, LIVES110F, 6, OWN AT, yY 1J What impe, A ft, bud 0,401, friends hope &e. will,woon be, able to ;4 gr romi�; i ny confined, to b Her m�a S'' ea ,p "O,veea and ffli be p and around soon:' " . - . I I " - . , , y 'DoTbthy Thormvqn of Wpst, o�i ern'Unrivirsity, Londofi,, was a week of end guest with her pAvenb M�r and 7 IX-. -ji Jarrott, brmerly kils-a cTaig, whohag spent the last Mrs. Robert Tb'Dmfpsoi�, 'of the High-. e eadl, ar' Clothes Jor IN yegT taking a (post graduate course fn way.uJ 'Ulldl -,an- arrep. and rEu of is r. si#ng or 'T. he many. *!ends of ldir&, W P� arg U TIEko US&_ W] 1,y� guest A� 0; after )having bee I - I `'em 99 Tuckersififth. were glad to I 4r' swath ah, Mt see out,.agwn. ter)havingbeerk dbn 'W" Is Jarro, leaving *Pe roam for'Host=#ifliir -MIrs. J. X johhiO'Dn',-,.,of Hay, ftr New' York, where he has secured- confined the I 'saes Dorothy and Frances Elgle a fine (position and practice in that winter. oman o r C hiold- city. I 17%le Busy Bees ffiwiov -Circle will land )j 91r, ter 11 with thekr Aunt, =Lqs Hazel Thbmso n of Thames hold kheir XvAl jme�-Aing I at the home -ad -cousin's, Mar- Road spent the holidays with her par- of iWas Beari-ce Daynian on, Satar- . . . . . . . . . gie, a and.Robert Elgie, of Tulok6r- eats, N Pon, day, afternobn. fr. and, Mos,. Robert Thome Of IM T&. and 'AT". S. W. Thomison and 4 [Miss Lffaleyon Chandler of Miss . Jessie Finluyson of Belgrave.fartAly (of Twkersmith we're recent Womein's Codt s -University, London, was -a week. end is visiting for the holiday season with. visftovspkand Mrs. X Neeb 4 0 gilegt with, -'her parents, Rev. and, Mrs. 'heir parents, M]x. and Mrs. Jas. Fin- 04. F. Chandler, at the 'Manse. layslon, -of Tuckersuilth. ,pxilliam,G. Strong of en's sul'o ts, Dresses and Suits t '!0 Miss Isabelle Campbell is holiday- Dr., bg6rt -Jarrott of ISeaforth was- Easter guests- of jug with her parents neari Moles- the his parents,' Mr. and y 'Moore of Tuck- vorth. Mrs, Jarrrott, of Hay. T&_ and Wks. William Butt bf. Sea- MLean of Ijondi4n C[heen(*r bf Tucker- w weeks As a matter of economy, you -k�A 4r During the next fe IoTidx have been visiting for, -the past Mqi pve. the week -end with his s'V­th it iyh�)rdving. Her—many their Mrs: J: NcLeah, t-mkm& ho'she 'will soon be out W owe it to yourself to, buy -month with thei son, Mr.,'and Mxs.' p iE.�ift e are holding a special, ex- _ 11 1 � " , and MT8. Thon*s Butt, of the villagl&�, of, I Tu hibit of New Spring Suits. We have Values with- W�g 31ohn Wio;kman �k the vilIage sipent 1-heweek­end with their Y "I" There is an. air of exclu- out precedent in the history Q.- daughtak and son-in-law, 'Mr. and - Mrs. Eldon Ke", of I&Khllop. siveness about these 1kew "of our store. -CENT A "MILE BARGA PARES The, many friimds, of Miss Doris Style Suits that all men like. MAY 9—Front SEArORTH I Alexander, of Hay* will bepleased, to Then, too, you are sure, S bear that she is recovering from her ,The superb quality—the ex - 'TO C.N.R. STATIONS in MARITIME PROVINCE recent' illness. - cellent tailoring—the smart not• only of the greatest pos- Vrov.� of Quebec; New Brunswick; Prince, Edward Island; Nova Scolia Mr. and' Mrs. Reid, Torrance and MAY 10 and 11—To Ottawa $7.20; Montreal $8.3 family of Darters, Hill visited Por a Aleut and correct styling—the sible values, but you can be 0 clay recently with Mr. H-enr y Ivison perfect fitting and most im- positive of getting the very 4uebec City $11,55; Ste.- Anne de Beappre $12.15 and daughter, Miss Jean, Ivison, of ROUND TRIP FARES Hay. portant, the very reasonable newest styles and the,clev- We are sorry to, hear that MT. pricing. erest workmanship --,in the Tickets and Z-4forination'frum Agents. Ask for Handbill. T492A Robert Dinisdale is, not enjoying the CANADIAN NATIONAL best of health, but we hope he will Come in and see these latest 'materials and color - soon, be feeling better - J. New Suits; it will give you in-gs. Garments that possess,, a new,�ppreciation of how all the style in the world good and how reasonable to -date, beautiful and very k. Watson Edwards perfect clothes canes reasonable. rhe -marriage was solemnized at I . I q. R lull the First Presbyterian: Church, Pie- Prices: 44 611—, on,Saturday, April 13th, at 11 to $25.00 'he Rev. Samuel Parley, o'clock, by t of Ploy Hester, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.,F. A. Edwards, of Bayfield, DRESSES. to Robert A WoUtsolij ,of Fairlight, 43A tol$13.75 son of the late Mr. and -Mrs. John Watson, of Stanley Township. The ,-to 19.75 to $22.50 V SUITS.... bride was charynd-n-gly- attired, in a Visit Our Store Dur smart -navy blue ta'fFeta suit trim- ing HEEL- HUGGER ined with white, 'her hat and! acces- Week—April'. 29th to Sfti6g,,were of `matching ciollor. She Jul May 4th.. also ww.e A corsage of TA-lisman, ros- New Spring Styles, Grey, Sand or es,and mauve sweet peas, and the Lromoni)1A gifts a 4iamond dinner ring. Brown; snap front; pure fur felt PAlmdng the eeremomy, -e the bridal Men* F. It flats .2,095 Fittings AAA to D. party, including Mr. and Mrs. Dave will stay in shape ................. Gardiner and daugbteT, Dotty, and Mss. Ross Beatty, of Girvin., Sssk., See the repaired •to the Hotel Chas lain New Spring Straw and Crepe Mod - NEW WHITES where the wedding brea&fast was -trimmed in the latest die - served. On Sunday evening they els, gaily Millinery 119 went to Fairlight, Sask., where they tater of fashion and good taste.... will reside. Members of Trinity Church Dram- atic Club gathered at the Rectory on 0 Famous Forsyth Brand, guaranteed Irl Tuesday evening to spend a social as to color, quality and style. evening with Lawrie and, Coxbfun Men's Fine Shirts 10 5 5' .... ................ 1 J'o'hns who 'sail on. Seturday for Eng- at .......... land. Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Bugler received the ,guests who numbered' about twenty-seven. The eventing was or Chiffon or Service Weight. Pure youhave any serious ideas spent in progressivte court whist, El- Silk ' H se quality -Silk. All colors.sie McLeod and Cars�Dn Johns having Women75c, high score. ABas Ducy Woods read a at .............. ... ............. ofo bting smart this season, give s'hbrt address on behalf bf the DTa- more than Club and Sunday School a passing thought tOP matin Samuel Wideombe Made the presen- Good Sturdy' Suits, two pair pant your Shoes,, 6ecause n6 matter how tation of novel Eavttr baskets to lined throughout., A, real baalluring your gown, no matter how Lawrie and C&rson as, small parting Boys.'Tweed Suis ' r-750 up gifts, wishing .'them' bon voyage. The gain ................. ............ -ets were found to contain a pleasing your Faci, you cannot bask Parker fountain pen, each, On behalf look or. feel your best unless your of his -brother and himself, Lawrie, Bloomer or Pantie Style; fine Lisle in afew well-Joblosen wfoTd1s, gratious- Silk; Stripe, White, Peach or Pink. shoes are, moulded to your feet in ly thanked those present for the gifts- yeomen's Bloomers �'�c. All sizes. A real bargain ........... Comfortable, stylish lintsi and also expressed itheir' thanks to Rev. 'and Sk%. Bugler for having en- tertained in their honor. Mrs. Bug- ler served refreshments and before Extra length, full size. Will wear leaving "Auld Lang Syne" was sung. like a pig's nose. All colors. The fo]Mwing officers of the Bay- Aen's Work. Shirts $1000. field Football Club for 1935 were re- at, .......................... cebtly 'appointed: President, L. W. 2 Buireb; vice-president, J. W. Jowett; manager, 'Charles FepgusjoA; sere- Fine quality Marquisette, colored tart', J. Pease; treasurer, F. A.. Fades eks. voile insert; complete with tie -ba wards; managing ciommittee:'J. W. Frilled Curtains 98c prill Jowett, 'Charles Tomsy John Castle, 21/,j yards long. All colors ........ . Charles Gemin-hardt, John Pease. f 10. Sndy Mr. and 'Mrs. E.. A. 3—bot c'Y_ortvard-� Sauder, Mr. and -Mrs. F. Erwin, Mr. Black or Blue, Pants or Overall style, and 'Mrs. W. Erwin, Nbas'B. Pollock Snagproof Brand. and'Miss Ruibie Fisher of Kitchener Men's Overalls'1o50 • were guests of ATrs.. F. A. Edwards: at ............................... [Mr. and Mrs. H. Erwin of Midland, Bring the biddies )M;i-chigan., who spent the winter in Florida, are visiting Mr. Alfred Er- Heavy Silk Crepe or Taffeta. Very $1.69 win. 0 See the NEW MICKEY MOUSE New Spring Blouses. latest in style and color. $2.95 Health Shoes. Sizes from Baby at ................................. ll 3's to Boys' and Misses' 21/2. s The 'Western Farmers'Martha Washington Brand, perfect 1.49 'Widths B to E according to tyle. Weather Insurance $ ting, better made; exclusive pat - SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Mutual Co. House, Dresses", fit ................ $1.95 NEXT WEEK Organized 1905 terns and styles Head Office ': Woodstock, Ont- evey pair of Mickey Mouse Cash and Bonds on Hand— 0 If you have trouble in fit, style or Shoes. bought• duriTig week fro*" $213,720.62 1,50 - The largest reserve balance of wear, ask to see the new numbers we With give corsets, Girdles, lim ef April "27th i� May 4th, We witt any Canadian Westbar � Insur- are Showing in Nemo -flex and Na 4 aneeMutual,,Oo. doing business FREE One Child's Matinee, Ticket Corielettes tures Rival. to geg'ent Theatre. See Mickey -on In Ont'- , Prompt Adjustments ana Sat - the $cfeen. isfactory &td6thents. 4 (Ask Your NeWbot) IT 1, If -not a poli older now, y�" -1 to. see ot write 4 MICKEY shaWd not fail to our iSpeehd kepresentAlivem. AUGGER MOUSE Lowest, W Aftiletble .4. WEEK' WEEK. Meltillop April 20th W ',,Phone 949 f 4, StAtotth. April 21th to �7 Mjay 4th. )p FOR May 4th rHE SH( J, A. MURHAY Tdekosmith OHS I . 11 1�. I'll Phone 1 3. r i, 864rdith. im mop K�d GOOD SHOES A Q,, a. g J," 4, "y Fs,2 i"XI -gig g, M