The Huron Expositor, 1935-04-05, Page 3µ 4a r:L\ L• �' "+- I (-.. /•t� ' ,,, - la{i .�.� y b Ftf t j 'Vtt, t1,yr�... t�j} .'h°'J7Y'�sN ��,.,h v B;I C.+t ' r If �4C di ...`.'U.'. S'U, T J r +n ^kJ .,C G.�. �,X71f1!� a,'y:
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no. 10 rw'aa ng xeadizd ''1ua' . 4 y . `>'i?'a!tan'' ales ecluiih, of Mrs, ]lice , 9Ya3'f
IPa0er �' loante rtfell•+off-M%0r�l md.T"' in4o 'ppxGh the `l`rCi Wird' 1°� a•wS3
d ui, :say :t&1e vu'bioYe' oea�
.� '" ' , fit�v T►ll Jill�b� 7l141,V
. >k J a fill bM. . "s 81�d 41, s'tatbrug' that. plte'truA.W. 8
x al' llheCa ' 4Wft wl�ll' biP E(" were n fi• all Ole*0 ea f(ox
111u y rs,
b. 'i�41 a th u "
e lalani� � tign ou�ltlitn e "' � la ' ilrsi t
l ` the d
!�• �`' ' � 3"i�'�+ s!bv, ask
h it'iOD- troths' to tho 'Y'Cao. , W11 .: H'' inz for, � 0 e'o" ra n bf `t,he' ]tidies
illi` "'1
#e0�fenrfss . .'.L�e � � wall •ov6iU,eh° �%e ;1osl '4nC° ifhus'."i�rri�`ex'a, br+n- Iri the o� �� '�o� ie<riu'1'�;kt' for
wit about 24 feet, long - 44d1415: ,thY'rt orb HiuQiori 'ShPaon�s �]$ �1, Han h€ ��rreaa -or #enee'�lo� `the emutih
Vee tt high, 7t is thought coni ; . etde of bl�1a' fgrlOunid�, It was decided
froez ' at d` ]thawing' sof" ifhe f fanaRllda- to ask Wks. • 1Miortimbre.:tta' sipeak, at
and wall died it to weakens-'ao the Mayf meeting. MT. 'E, V. Lawson
Oat when the foundation cruxnlblled is to give the tolf4le' at the April meet -
the tenr-Tach wall fell with it,,—Iing, speaking soh; notwers• Mrs, R. J.
haun AdvancerTimes• ('Iiateodid1or.' lash 'week.) Phillips introduced the quVAion Of
New Lighting, System 'Mrs. W. F. Bur gm& and, n daughter, bowling far -the •plaj*groundy and the
�' following tdonimtittee was ap'pon'nrted! to
' IExerbem is to have anew system of, Ruth, spent, the week -and fat Parkhill take the matter up, with the village
,. etrfeeb lightbinfg through the business with her mother, Mrs., (Finn. trustees Mrs: R. J. Phillips, t, Mrs. Ede
section of the..0,vm. Ift was decided Mr. and 'Mrs. G. P. Larne and fame- gar Lawson, Mrs. J.
Adlin and Mrs.
tat the rouzlicil meeting ton bLonday i'ly havegreen guests for bloc past B. Keys. The moll call was answered
evening to place a system of upright week with IMr. and Mfrs. ' W. 'H° with Irish jokes. Mir's. Wan. Craig
0aandards on both- sides fof Main 'Sat. French. , rendered an instruny�ntal and the
from• Huron to Gilddcongratulations, The We extend congratulations to 'Mr. election' of Officers. then took place. All
lights will !be placed about 150 feet and Mrs. 'O. fiTiuoznpsony "o on Satt the officers for last year were te-
rapaat and siaggamd, ante light to a wrday, Marc% 16th, were twenty-five elected with the addition of Miss
otanderd. This lighting capacity, will years fmarnieds Sadie 'Carter and 'Mrs Whn. Craig as
be dlo�uIb1e I sa .as to give each 'side of IYAss (Llouise Tltlomp's1on1 Is single 7
aEsthe = the 'same amount of light champion act the Twine • City' IBadmirn- serve anft pianists. Lunch was then.
as at present oh- the wrest��srnde, The ton •, G. ampion�ship,, Kitchener, on served on the'hostesses,.Ferguson'Mars. . J.
Robertson Mrs. {Mrs. A• ngwand. Mxs.
*vires will be removed frroffh the Main Satarilay. She rwlon the ladies sam- �,. IX Sht ppard•
Street and the stores will be fed from single. She and Miss Neirgrath won Mrs. Wyatt has been ill at the home
t'tue rear. The local Htydro. Conumi,s- their way to the finals in the ladies' of Mr. J. Taylor.
Worn have a surplus of something like doulble's abut lost fau't by one game.
$1$,000 fon hand andf'part,itf this will . Visitors: Rev. W. Mains of Cor-•
floq used in making the change.--ExLa- unna with Mtl"s. C. A. Howson; Mr.
iter, Times Aldvocate. WALTON P. Brofwn and Miss Ida Stalker of
Quick"Action Checks Blaze Londeslborto with Mm, mid 34ltrs-. M.
Ata oximlartely; 9.3a Friday even- (Intenfded tw last weak) Arlin; Miss 'Aznnie IStrawgha. of=God-
iantg, at might have been a much W: M. S. Meets, 11von with 1hter parents; Mrs. Earl Beadle,
]lison arnfd 'little niece, Lenore Beadle,
=ore.serious ablaze was observed at The regular monthly meeting of of Godlei iclh with, Mr. and' Mrs. Chas.
the Brd6sels fGivanfery, and reported the W. M.'S. of 'Duff's United Church, Beadle; Miss 'Mary Houston with her
by a rfesddent of titre virdinity. The, fire Walton; on W'ednesd'ay, March 13th, 'parents.; Charlie - Scott was, in the
iorilginateid in, the achrininey of the with Mrs. 10umniing presiding, was village fan Tuesday- .Ross Murray 'of
builldinlg; burned through the door opened with a few minutes of 'silent. St. Helens with Ernest �Hickingb'ot-
used 'for cl'e'aring the GOat 'out the prayer, followed by prayer by Mrs. tom;• Mrs. 'Wilmer Wilson, ClintOi4
Eue, and ]spread from. there to • wood A. Coutts. After singing a hymn, with her son, Elmer,and mother,
]Billed near and the wood work of the Mrs. Brifttfon gave an interesting and Mrs. 1Funking; W. and -Mrs. Walter
engine room. The fire alarm summon- wel) Prepared talk on the life of Hamilton, Lucknow, with Mr. and
ed help promptly and the blaze..,was James. 'Mrs. 'Britton M'rs. Cumming Mrs. Jas. Johnston.; Robert Gibbs of
quickly brlought under control by the and 'Mrs. N. Reid were appointed as Lon'desbor0 was in the village this
use of chenideals and,the chemicaj en- a cOmtm'vttee to arrange "for the Eas- week; John Munnings of fColborne
gine. If- the orutbo"eatk had occurred ter thankofffering meeting, A letter with Mr.. and, .Mrs. J1ohn .Manning ;
at a lamer -hour, when it might nfot 'from'M. ntoion, Sask., was read. An Mrs. Norman. Murray, sof Campbell-
inWe :been seem 'before it gained more article was read by the .temperanIce ville with Mrs. R. Marano; Mr, and
headway it fvvoul•d no dfoubt have prod- secretary, Mrs. J. Marshall, after Mrs. T.Manning, London,, with, Mr.
led milwh m:Dre disastrous,, as it was which the roil call was taken. The and T&& John Manning; Dorothy
considerable -damage was done .to the members responded with a verse con Craig with her 'parents; 'Mr. Walter
engine rloom.-413russels Post" taining the word myrtle -tree. ,Mrs.• Hont, Goderich, with Mr. and Mrs.
Marshall brought news from ,China. W. Craig; Mr. and Mrs. P. Manning
Chapter V of the -study book was read and Phyllis with .Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
' HILLSGREEN• by Mrs. Cumming In the absence of Howatt; Billy Mill with Mr. and
Mrs. 'McCall. A hymn was sling -and Mrs.. J. Carter.
(Intended for last week) Mrs. Cumming closed' the mleeting Folks away: Mrs. C. A. Howson
Miss Agnes Lave spent a few days with prayer, and Mrs. Mugford' with Mrs. M. Jew-
tneiaefntly With Quer si'stefr, Mr. and el, Benmiller; 'Mrs. John :Medd, West
•Mrs: W. Huxtable of Centralia. The •leitterrs M.D. signify°'mentally Wlawanpsh, is visiting her slop, Steph-
lM'issaes Annie and, Agnes Cochrane deficient." en Mfedd of Woodstock; 1Mr. and Mrs"
of Cljnton visited friends in the vitro- The !Mediterranean and the Red M. Allin with Mr. and Mrs. R. Rob-
fty during the',week-end. Sea are connected' by the sewage inson, Hallett; Mr. and %Mrs. A. J.
number !number are attending the canal. Ferguson and £amfily motored to
auction sales (held at the different Climate lasts all the time-, but •Wingham on Sunday; Mrs. W. R.
farms throughout the dristrict welather only for a few days. Patterson; is in-Goderiah with her
r n4idtfr.',rtA.
.rust pick up the telephone
and let thein know you're
• Wherever you may be, you can join the
home folks at a moment's'notice ... via
Long Distance. For as little as 30 cents'
you can talk 100 miles or so., Consult the
front pages of your directory fol" rates.
ak,;;,o-��(. ..'N,.0 ei.�:g _,..•,. ,r+� aaa �p.:,�.., g .r,,,�+.:� �:- ��;', .<•� �,,\mra,
�S .,s � �. _ Vic. �. � 'i , r� .. `4V�, 4;: A. . ,r .^ � • : t w,n t� �'1,
i�;3�fi�� (�f�'1,,�7G�'•�r�,?'�'•99�3��;a'is�,�i'��v�a��' e��' •' aa��r���a'��� �a �i��i! M��;
Word of
aai)�--k?17rty ttla ID14 a'
grave Wen a .fuse' ' Klin
Pills .
fo afti ars 'tes' Mi
Geo, . RICO, re id int � toy' MMS �1'au
•"As;a (girl sedmeA tgt'ho ve a wLN
back and I ri� n
Jet's. wg4p in po
shape, iso' nvothea !used to give x
Dodd;'s Kida lir F jllx and, . Lalways fA
Ever airucei thlat f4mfe, w'he
ever F feel an tired'�eel' ib •acros's ii•
back, • I take Dodd's Kidh P111s as
the ache disappears,. "I , ,now 40
four children anddo all my awn'wor
I a'l'ways 'keep, a box fon 'Iaarnfl""
The •best -evidence fof the merit
Dodd's !Kidney Pille-is the fact th
all usors are so euthuslastie aba
them. Both .men and, women in i
walks of life have found great ben
fit from the use of 'Dodd's Kid1w
Pills. You too can, wisely fallow the
advice a¢>td' keep on hand at e
times, in case of need,
sister, 'Mas. A. 'C. Jackson; 'Mrs. Guy
Durham returned to her home in Sit.'
George; Mr. and !Mrs. W. Wilson who
spent the 'winter with 'Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Elamilfton, have (gone to, Bruce -
field; Mr. W. J. Thompson is in To-
nontto; J. W. `Mead with 'Mars, Ross of
Mrs. J. D. Howatt with
fifer daughter, Mrs•:'P. 'Manning, Lon-
dfesboro; Mr. and -Mrs. W. H. Shep-
pard and family and Mh•. Russ were
in Stmt^ford onSaturday.
The Y.PiS. of Knox United church
was held on Tuesday evening, with
Miss.. V. Sihhrp- in awge. ` After bhe
Ppemng exercises•, Dr. Mortimore led
in a gv:ie fon Mark, 4th chapter. Then
Hollowed a duet by Minnie and Char-
lie Millvan; and an instrumental duet
'by 'Mary and Zeta. Munro; Charlie
Scott gafvte a talk and Dorothy An -
Verson ,gave. a Every fntm�sting ad-
dress on Oldeals of the Christian CA,-
zen in 'Relatioli'to the -World
'Mr. and Mrs, John Rafthlby of the -
village Thursday celebrated the 46th
anniversary lot their wedding and
were at home to the manly guests who
called to congratulate them. Mrs,
Scrimgeour, a friend of long stand-
ing from Blyth, spent the day • with
,Mr. Raithby, the son of Gefte and
Mary :Raithby, of English' descent,
was born 72 years agb torn the farm
next to James Robertson .on the 13th
of Hfullett. He -was educated in, 'the
log building 'where Na 9 .school now
stands and had ao his teachers Mr.
MbFall and John Wilson, sehodl mas-
ters well known in this district. He
has always followed the occupation
of farmer. Om March 20, 1889, he
was married to Matilda Lansing,
daughter of • David and Margaret
Lansing, formlemly of Pictom Lat-
terly they lived on the farm now oc-
cwpie.d by Sidney Lan- ibg on the
Baste Line. Mrs. Raibhby attended
school' at Picton and also at No. 9.
They were, married at the bride's
home by Rev. Keatle, wlho has since
Pastise•d on. The bridesmaid, Emma
Rapson (Mrs. Frank LansfirLg), is fre-
quently a visitor at their place. The
groomsman, Frank Lapping, is not
now living. There was no wedding
trip, the happy couple going to their
home, where Jas. Robertson now
lives. The next day the groom bega�l
,splitting wood for the winter. After
lining there for some time they mov-
ed bo the farm now occupied by Earl
Raibhby; then down, to where Joseph
Milner lives. For 'some time before
they retired to Auburn, seven years
-ago they farmed where their son,
Franck, now lives. Some 40- friends
gathered to 'cele'bra'te their silver
wedding with them in 1914. Mr.
Raithby has in hi.4 'possessifon a piece
of his mother's wedding cake which
is 73 years 'old. The church they at-
tended before the church was built
in Auburn was the old Baptist build-
ing on the Base 'Line. They have
both been much interested in, church
work. Mrs. Raithby especially so in
the Ladies' Aid as long as she was
able to attend. MT. Raithby has been
a deadon in the Bartist chfurch for 40
years and has !been the out.4anding
teacher of the Bible Class for twen-
ty-five years. He says his anxiety in
this world is his personal responsi-
bility to God. 'Mrs. Browvh, (only sur-
viving sister of Mrs. Raithby passed
on in February, leaving just 6ne bro-
ther, Clinton Lansing, of Picton, Out.
Mr. Radthby has three bmthrr, Jas:
and George of Auburn and Rev. Win.
of St. Thomas. The union was (bless-
ed with three children, Mrs. Sb9nIef
Johnston, Earl and Frank, all of . -
burn district.
The Junior Sunshine Club met on
Saturday afternoon for their regu-
lar meeting with Helen Marsh as
-president. The program was as fol-
lows: Hymn, graver, Ila Craig;
Scripture reading, Zeta Mnmrb; min-
utes.and business; roll call, Ruth.Ar-
thfurr; reading, Fern Lawlor; contents
of the Hoakfs of the Bible bty 11 girls;
looking up pas'sa'ges. Dr. aIvilortimbre
gave a much appreciated talk to the
girls 'on truth and truthfulness; solo,
Betty Asquith; 'Heralds, Ilsaabel Raw-
linson, Vivian Straughan, Betty and
Ila Craig; hymn; •Lard"s. Prayer and
Miztpah Benediction.
Early Tomato Production
The (best prices for tomatoes ams
paid for early, ripe fruit, but the
growelr must not make theinti Ude
of having the plant{, cost more than
de retfasiomblfe. °
The 'Dfoaniniorn Htarblm-leurritstt re-
commends early (sowing coupled with
the use of darty mfeturIng, good varire-
Ues. The sfolw'irtng should be evade just
featly emtougth• to halvle tft oky, wen
gfrt rov'n {plants in tbio'am and ready for
plenti4g ouft at the sign id sfegtled
wfeatt8 er.
,/�IS1a11�',s� �undn�rly7 Tiofh�� 1 in Wd roge n�,iyband
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Xt vs �1oW wnmecessery. 5aeh n of chaxacker. 1>4.mcar a ''lq, per/ $
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a "fiYdseat and of • lite influence tat any branch Of
or dondiitiions u#on ift. In Eurr- Y th1S
where the borer has been for
dollar or more. Interest c�+ „l�aoaaded•half-y�url►.- '
*Are Oar sometimes isfevemal, �
when, the weather (chiefly very
Nea$her) is eo unfavorable to
,sect that it does almost no dean- F
Such i6easons �Y
however, are'of- of- �ri't<r �, .. `
'Zo,wed by several 'eucceslsive, � � ` x t
G fw!aavn IsieaUomb (so, Ifavoralbl'e DOMINION -BAN
the '•borers. soon became a •vent-
scourge and -the government is ESTAB•LIS IID 1871
d to make. it comrp ti3slolry' for S19"ORTS° BRANCH j
wmfers fto clean up their stubble
{Ther (corn remnants, ,{o hartse the E. C%. BoSWell Manager
This, from instance, ,head bo be
urn Italy ,'duly twto or three 'years 30
There are manly parasites and wnwwuuuuwwnmw�wwuwu �unauwwunnuutwuuopWll�?
severe diseases attacking the x �'
it is much more likely tb' be
n !Ontario where there are very this if he jo fcarefnxi to plow the stub,- �
parasites and almost nla disease. able and Other corn remrnanbs under
act, Ftrbfefsslar Caesar say's that; Oonnrplebelly and then too use •a disc in-
e 4perienoe Inas slhawn him that, steadof a tiobthsd rtr0tivatar in Eilld¢ag ER
favorable year for the borer the the Lvil and a dh'Sc drill instead, bit
Ibesft we, can hope to do by a the other ,types when sowing �'tf,h���e : �oarim
clean-up Is fth prevent; it from seed- 'If :t'rFae sttulblble has heaved this.
at sfbodd be itched with a z'
srixug more, than tub -fold in- h� � r
of fawn for five -fold, as it would say roller blue difscing. This
1 wIlll firm it so than little wall "�D�
s'tubkyle and refuse were left '�'y be
e grouand. He altso ,states that dragged up by the ;crit or'the drill.. EI) MA7E3'AIM
taut fa fair cleanup it would take
tahree such successive years .'to By dodnug their share voluntarily; .' M tval� a� d
tally destroy the sweet corn, farmers can shorten the time requir- � cineivAeffyatr'�
most of the husking corn in,dus,- ed for inspwdon&°amd thereby crake features eaartmtes g
the cost of enfarcemfent. of the Act weather -tightness
this is also the Iopirubn of a11.: And easy aptice
who "have carefully studied the v'er'y light, less thafin 25 cents each.
Therefore, too drop the Act This i'nlcbudtes cast to 'bhe-'Department / rides ffid&
+'time. lilke' this when the corm as well as 'the Kiounty dost. lengths for fifes
vs so essm-Vial to the wfelfare of 'tire C [arnf Domer Act is for the far- .C�ccd Stawe ra•
Province, would be. to disregard mems, .ntot against thein, and is wbr- �(� seat dfo great. � R•�
trrnre • interests -of the farmer. thy of everyone's hearty support. The x
ter,, corn' grbwer is urged to use canetfaul man whb cutfsf his corn short
judgmfent'thns Spring in 'dead- and Wows the stulblble under Char -
w'i'th his corn field, so that he oughly rwi'tlh• a 'wide furriow plow Will
amply with the Act wi'tihhout any ;have' nk) complaints to make against 1
precia(ble extra work. H•e can do •the' Act.
and you get these Only in the
in the Low -Price Field
FOR 1935, the Master Chevrolet offers you
five famous modern features,, not one of
which can you get on. any other car in Chev-
rolet's price class I
"Turret Top" Fisher body—the first real all -
steel body ever offered in the low' price field!
Knee-Action—for safety and comfort! Blue
Flame Engine the valve -in -head type used in
costly cars! Weatherproof Cable -Controlled
Brakes! Fisher No -Draft Ventilation!
When you can get all these features in only one
low-priced car ... see and drive that car before
you buy ! Call in today at our showrooms.
PRICED $88� (for the Master
FROM' 2 -Pass. Coupe)
Delivered, fully equipped, at factory, Oshawa, Ont.
Frei.6ht and Government license only extra.
C -75C
a 1 Im
31 T� lx h La