The Huron Expositor, 1934-12-21, Page 8rIP arJ Pr rr; as to 13 BUD )1:4t y4 ki +R w slingYou 11 a Very MerryXmas w CANDY 25C 2 pounds for -I(1aQ XII ATE DROPS 19'c at, pound BUDS 1.9e a t, _pound SAM CANDY 19c at, pound CUT ROCK 19c pound OCOLA.TES 1-pouand box NIXED NUTS mit 2 paaand a for PEANUTS 2 pounds for O Wer at 30c, 40c. 60c mit, �jper diozem. . WASTER AND O. A. C. LAYING KASH. • EGGS -1 cent Extra for Trade. 29c 35c 19c A. C. Routledge PHONE 188 • READY FOR XMAS WITH GIFTS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY • KODAKS • MANICURE SETS • ROLLS RAZOR • BOXED WRITING PAPER • PERFUiM'FS • CHOCOLATES Keating's - Pharmacy The Rexall Store PHONE 28 SEAFORTH NEWS OF THE TOWN Is Buried Here. - The remains of Mrs. E. Braniff, daughter of the late Mr. and 'Mrs, John Wright of Sea - forth arid wife of E. Braniff of Cleve- land, Ohio, whose death occurred on Decemlbe'r• 15th, were brought to Sea - forth on 11lionday for interment in +the' Maitlandbank cemetery. Mrs. Braniff, who was • horn in McKillop, was sixty-three years of age. She had been in ill health since last spring. Surviving are her husband, E. Bran- iff, Cleveland; Ohio; four sisters, TWO MONSTER Holiday Dances .CARDNO'S HALL, Seaforth Featuring the Nine Red Jackets Lid -Holiday Dance Friday, December 28th This will be a splendid dance with fun and, frolic for everyone. Come and make merry with the crowd. ADMISSION: 50 Cents (including tax). Dancing, 9-2. SEE 1935 IN WITH A WHIRL OF MERRIMENT NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE Admission: 50 Cents, including tax. Dancing 9-2 Further particulars next week. ti A IMIXED 2 ponnKIs (CHOICE CHOCOLATE (7REAMS and d CUT ROCK per pound Me1NTOSH TGF FLEE � pound CHIRrSTMIAS HUMEUC. per pound FRUITS GRAPES 2 pounds ORANGES per dozen V • ForXmas,1. FLOWERS CHOCOLATES at • • 25c $1.50 , CHERRY TREES at 3'0c up 25c 30c, 40c, 50c 04 NUTS PEANUTS 2 pounds for MIXED NUTS 2 pounds CANDY JELLIES. (DARK pound LIGHT orb ...� 19c 35c 25c 19c 19c 25c 25c CHRISTMAS `CAKE 39c 30c CIGARLIi'ES, CIGARS, TOBACCO, SANDWICaES, LUNCHES We Wish Everyone A Very Merry Christmas Make Crich's Your Headquarters When Shopping. Arrange to Meet Your Friends' Here. V Cric/i's The Sonne of White Clover Bread Phone 34 W Sealtbhi be' it%' aits lies' iri' ii.i' aft il•: has he" (Mars. ' W. 'Sat, Sealfarth; Mrs. • H. 'Bowen' and M. PQrc the Havgbies, Gaylord, 'Minch., and Mrs. Jae h WI/lug, Ca nadair, 'SOSh. The re- =sins were accolmlpanied by her hus !band and a nephew aid niece, Mr. and' Mrs, -.Tblhn Mann of Clinton. • Rerv. T. A. Caranichae'l of Northside Unit- ed Church officiated at the funeral vvrhkh took plane from Box' • under- taki'ng parlors Tuesday afternoon. Anfouncement, - Mr. and Mrs. Thus, Johnstone, Seaforth, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Thelma Ruth, to Dr. James George 'Dillane, son of Edward- Dil- lane, Toronto, the marriage 'to take place in London, England, in Janu- ary. ,, Celebrates 47th' Anniversary. -Can- on Austin Smith on Sunday celebrat- ed his f]orby-seventh anniversary of bus ordination in Christ's Church Cathedral, Ottawa, by Bishop Lewis. The choir of St. Thomas' 'Chnnrch of- fered felicitations. to him last Sun- day. Christmas Services at St. James'. -The church services of St. James' Church will consist of Midnight Mass eeilelbrated on Christmas evening by the pastor, Rev. :Father T. P. Hussey. Christmas. carols and special music by the choir ands Mrs. F. Devereaux, organist. Oni Christmas Day at 8.30 a.m., there will be two low masses said. A. Y. P. A. Meet -A meeting of the A.Y.P.A. was held on Tuesday evening .with the president, Frank Archibald, in the chair. The meeting opened by .singing a hymn followed by the Lord's Prayer. The secretary, Patricia Southgate, read the minutes of the last meeting which were adopt- ed as read. The business part of the +meetin.g then took place. It was an- pounced' that in the future the meet- ings will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. The business being completed, a social hour was spent by the 'members and lunch was served, Presbyterian Y. P. S. Meet. --+The weekly meeting of the Presbyterian Y.P.S. on Monday evening took the form of a Christmas night and the various,,parts of the program con- foieeed in making it a real Christ- mas sada]. The •centre of interest was a large beautifully lighted. tree from which Santa Claus distributed presents to everyone of the forty or. fifty members present. Earlier in the evening Miss i. I. McLean told a Christmass story which held the in- terest of everyone. Pending the ar- rival of Santa Claus, John Mills gave a piano solo and everyone joined in 'Christmas songs and games, Aft en. the enthusiasm over the presents cooled down, hot dogs and coffee were served. The president, H. Glenn Hay`s, presid'ed,, and the meeting clos- ed as' usual with 'the National An - McKillop W. M. S. Meets. -The Mc- Killop branch of the W:M.S. of First Presbyterian Church held) its Decem- ber meeting at the home of Mrs. Mary Hawthorne, on Thursday with a good attendance of ladies present. Mrs. J." L. Bell .presided and the program was opened by the singing of a hymn. Mrs. (Russell Dorrance read the Scripture lesson and !Mrs. J. L. 'Bell led in pray- er and read an interesting address, th,e subject being, "Pray the Vital Force in Missions." Mrs. J. M. Gov- endoek sang very sweetly the hymn, "Holy Night." The Glad Tidings Prayer was taken by Mrs. John Car- ter, Jr. 'Mrs. Thomas S17arpe read an interesting account of Miss Grigor's work in the West. During the busi- ness period' Mrs. William Drover gave, the treasurer's report which showed that'the society had handed $92.21 to the Presbyterial treasurer this year. Mrs..Jaynes Kerr conducted the elec- tion of officers when last year's of- ficers were returned for another year. Another hymn was sung and the meeting elbsed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and an enjoyable social time spent. Sermon Subjects For Sunday Next. --!First Presbyterian Church -Rev. G. H. Feast will preach both morning and evening. Christmas music at both services~ +McKillop, Bethel, Cavan and Duff's -Sermon topic, "The Pilgrimage to Bethlehem." • Christmas limbic and anthem, "Where Shepherds Watched" with solo by Mise Margaret Pethick, and "That Glorious Song of Old." Christmas (music at Bethel and Duff's, 1 p.m. at Cavan Church; open ses- sion of Sunday school with special Christmas lesson by Mr. A. A. Cuth- ill. -+-Rev. G. E. Mors -ow, Minister. Northside United Church -11 a.m., "Finding Jesus"; 7 p.m., "The Story ` 17(0 "THE OLYMPIA" 'OUT ROCK 2 pounds for FANCY SATINS 2 pounds for FANCY SATIN QRtUNiOHJ, pound CARAMEILS and CHOCO- LATE MIXED 25c panful !SP'ECIAIL XMA'S • 1 MIXED, pound J ALL KINDS FANCY BOXES 25c AND UP (MOIR'S • 'ti +SPk7OIAL 50C (CANDY CANES ' .sc 2 for and up. These Candies are Strictly Fresh, made in our Candy Shap, Wishing Our Patrons a , MERRY CHRISTMAS 25c 25c .,15c 111 "TIIE OLYMPIA' iY. rr,;' it 01i' Y�fr, tier;' z,, f}> /)i i."' il4' Nicke rs SHELL 'Service wishes: you all A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR This Station will be closed on . Christmas 'Day. of the Rev. T. 'Elgmondrille day School "The Christian "The Peace Prince Malcolm, St. Thomas' day in School and Royal Advent"; of His ,ser•vices, at 8.30 mas greetings Canon Choir Master; Rector. Celebrate versary, Mary, the Mrs. Am of the eloped from where the in marriage Murray. event was December ding day. residents the momentous Fernando lywood Dawson, the highlights sion with ing in tains a tion matters, of the important ,Shepherd' Who Didn't A. Carmichael, IV/Mister. ,Church--10aim., and Bible Class; At .'Home"; 11 lVfiaker"; 7 pan., of Peace."-IRerv. Charles .MunisteV. Church --Fourth Advent. 10. a.m., Sunday Bible Coasts; 11 sant., 7 p.m., "The Sunlight Presence" Christmas, Dec. 26th. Maly Communion a,:ar4. and ' 10,30 a,an!,; at +bathservices. ervice Austin Smith, Aslsdstanit Canon E. Appleyard, Go."- Sun- topic, a.m., "The A. Sun- The Day Christ- s,Canon and Anni- 1884, late J., son Ont., united 3. A. happy on. wed- now son, Hol- S. occa- liv- re- cam- Golden Wedding -- On Deeeanlber 10, twin daughter of the ,Sanlith and William late Carpt. Edward' Dawson, ,Seaforth to London, youaisg couple were by the late Rev. The sequel to that celebrated in California 10, •1934, their golden Mr. and Mrs. Daw on, of the Golden State, divided, day between their Valley Ranch and the home of their son, Douglas of .the films, who recorded of the enjoyable talking .pictures. While retirement, Mr. •Dawson keen interest in transporta- especially the futherance Safeyt First Last Minute GIFT Suggestion A 1934 ALUMNI YEAR " BOOK • Send one for Christmas to the , Ex -S. C. I. Students you hnow. I They will appreciate it. 1 . On 'Sale At: STEWART BROS. KEATING'S PHARMACY J. J. CLEARY THOMPSON'S BOOK I STORE ' CRICH'S HURON EXPOSITOR i 2'5c EACH ENVELOPES, 5c EACH To Our Many Friends Clients we extend the Old -Time Wish A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS 0 For Sale or Rent. -Choice brick dwelling with frame outbuildings, 5 acres of land, suitable for poultry farm low taxes, electric lights; mile from Seaforth; 20 rods fromahighway. apply o hway. For terms, -WATSON & REID Specialists in Insurance and i f i' ; 3/4 ' i ifr,, ; Irl' Yt' lir' be.' •I iri;' ao r,,' it'' ii,} il;,' la ►1.: 'to + , '''• he" , ; Y�►' ' py,' , r}';+ ir' he'' f'j1 he; i„' r/�,' �r'; CyCoLoGysEl: ;` fi ;.1 a'`54, .. \' )` I ' 16 ` "erf 4 -41NAlt Ae ,,,‘ ''t SHE EASIEST -THING iv ,�YO MAKE IS AN• EXCUS.E.THE EASIEST ; �r� 7HING TO BREAM j �:Y 1 S _PJOM ISE/ We'd rather keep our prom- 'r ise than snake excuses! Keep that promise to your- self to come in and look ige p,'§ over the Rogers -Majestic Radios and Radio Supplies -Radiosbr that perform the remise • of giving you the Int 'polgsible performance LV all the time. Give "Her" a Rogers- V. Majestic Radio for the ideal Christmas Gift. i.'� Re -tune with Rogers-Majes tic Tubes for perfect satisfac-iys'' 1 tiofl. Wrn. C. ' Barber !Phone 101 e" Seaforth }, e., * aa., tba Yt,, ca, c.,.....„ i, pain ftir zailraode Which has been s' major portion of Iain wife watt The, many S.eafga trh: friends of Mr. and Mrs: Dawsonwill be happy to know MMs. J. I) W;d!ght, twin sister of M'ns, Dawson, is a frequent guest at their ranch' home. Death. of Mrs. Thomas Henderson. -The death occurred on Sunday, De- cember 16th, 'ad; the home of her son - in -claw, Mr. W. J. McIntosh, Centre Street, of Margaret Dickson, a very highly esteemed resident. and widow of the late Thomas Henderson, in her eighty-Ifnfith year. ,Six weeks ago, Mrs, 'Henderson • had the misfortune tp fall and fra+ctlure her right arm.. She was taken to, iihe Scott IMemrorial Hospital, and after two. weeks +she was -removed to the home of her daughter, !Mrs,:McIntosh, and appear- ed to improve but later serious com- plications set in which proved fatal. Mrs. 'Henderson was 'barn in Roxbar- oughsdiire,, ;Scotia/1,d, and came with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Diok- son, to this country in 1853. They settled on the 5th concession of Mc- KiIlo,p where she lived until her mar- riage to ,Mr. Thomas Henderson .in 1874, when they Went to reside on the 10th concession of 1VIeKillop, where they remained for twenty-five years, afterwards• moving to the 61tih concession of Hullett. In 1910 they retired to Seaforth where Mr. Hen- derson died in 1922:' Mrs. Hezidersbn +was beloved by a large circle of friends because of her fine Christian character and• kindly disposition. She was a valued memlbers of Northside United' Church and a life member and one of the honorary ,presidents of the Women's 'Missionary Auxiliary, Surviving are her dau+gh'ber, Mrs. W. J. McIntosh, also two sisters, Mrs. W' E. Broadfoot, SeafoetJh, and 'Mrs, W. S. Broadfoot, Tuekersina,th, "and one brother, 'Me. George Dickson of Mc- Killop. The funeral, which was priv- ate, took place on Tuesday afternoon, December 18th, from the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. W.. J. McIntosh, Rev. T. A. Carmichael of Northside United Church, officiated and gave an appropriate address from Psalm 35, Verse 14: "I bow down heavily as one that mourneth for his mother, the love of a mother exemplifying the love of God." Interment was made in Maitiandbank cemetery. The pall- bearers were her. nephews, James Hendeison, John Henderson, Ivy Hen- derson, Earl Dickson, Ross Broadfoot and George Robertson. Among the relatives from a distance attending the funeral were Dr. and Mrs, J. F. Hossack and Miss Dorothy Hossaek, Innerkip; Mr. and Mrs, S. Broadfoat, London; Mr. and' Mrs. George Rob- erton and daughter, Miss Helen Robb= erton, of Clinton. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. 'George Bethune returned from Port McNi+coll on Tuesday to spend the winter at hie home here. • Mr. and Mrs'. H. G. Meir and I • leave Saturday to spend the I with relatives in Windsor. • Misses Arb'hie and • Wilma Seip motored to Bay City en Monday to attend the funeral of the late Mas. Harvey Bristow. • Mrs. J. L. Grieve is visiting at the 'home of her daughter in Chatham. • Mr. D, H. Wilson has returned from Toronto • Mrs. Frank Cudm,or+e and ]little daughter, of 'Toeonto, are spending the holidays at the home of Mrs. Cud- mo+re's mother, Mrs,. J. F. Reid. • Mliss Kathleen Stewart, Univbrs- ty of Toron'to, is spending the Christ- mas holidays at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. • Mrs. Angie Carter was in Rock- wood this week atten'd'ing the diamond w°Mi.n+g eelebrration of her parents, Mn . and 'Mfrs. Robert Paesmore. Mr. Pass+miore is 93 years of age and Mrss. Passmore 84. • Mr. William Brine is spending' a ew ,clays with friends in Windsor. • Mr. Jake` Sproat, of Terniagaani, s •,spendin'g the Christmlas' holidays CHRISTMAS FOOL BARGAINS At 1;1 Cardno's pief; HIGHEST QUALITY ' CHRISTMAS CANDIES FANCY CUT ROCK 2 5'c '2 pounds 6 VAiRIETY OF SATINETS Per • ,pound, .. 15c aid 18c CREAM - - - & 011000 LATE X, per Ib. c MI ,SPECIAL XMAS avrrx ul 5 c 2 pounds .......,... Best Quality MIXED 35c NUTS, 2 pounds 'DIAIMOND BU+DIDED WALNUTS, per lb... 4'41 XMAS SUNKIST ORANGES 29c, 30; 40c and 50c per doz. MeLAR!EIN'S JELLY 5,, POWDERS, each .... FRESH ROASTED PEiANUTS, 2 Lbs'. , , 19c We Wish Oum Many Cus- tomers and Friends a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS • CARDNO'S Grocery Phone 2 Seafarth +tri' Phi" hell ►h,' THE 'SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS IS ALIVE IN THIS STORE Come here for. GiftThings Supplying your requirements will be Pleasant and Profitable HANDKERCHIEFS Each 5c to 50c 3 in Box, 25c -85c 4 HAND BAG An excellent gift iterrn. $1.19 to $3.50 NECK SCARFS Men's and Ladies' 75c to $1.25 HAT SPECIAL Our most Styles'h Hats Half Price BED, SPREADS Beautiful Silkalo make $2.98 to $6.95 LADIES' COAT Wham better time to get one? XMAS CARDS Hundreds with suutalb.le greeting messages, HOSIERY in Ne+at Boxes. • 69c to $1.50 LEATHER GOODS Book Covers, Writing Cases, Travel Books, etc 25c to $1.00 Newest PULLOVERS and Sweater Coats $1.49 to $3.50 AUTO ROBES 100 per cent. wool. $3.95 to $5.00 NEW DRESS Get one for Christmas Day. PICTURES Neatly Framed. 50c 0°$2.50 GLOVES Kid and Fabric. ,50c to $2.50 SILK CREPE SLIPS A $2,25 value, .special ate $L75 MADEIRA PILLOW 'CASES, Special $1.98. & $2.25 Pr. BLANKETS ' and BED COVERS-O.V. make $3.75 to $7.50 BOXED LINGERIE Bloomers, Panties, Vests, Gowns, Slips. Lovely T W is Mac TAVISH'S 29c to $1.00 $3.95 to $5.00 Hearth Mats with lye• parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Sproat in Egmondville. • Mr. and Mrs. J, L. Kerr, of Mc- Killop, have nnoved into the new home Mr. Kerr has erected on North Main Street. • Mr. Thomas Habkirk has pur- chased the residence on the corner of George and Victoria Streets, and is. now occupying it. Additional Local .on Page 5. DANCE OLD AND NEW WINTHROP HALL THURSDAY, DEC. 27th Brussels. Orchestra ADMISSION - 25 CENTS ‘-7 3 DAYS LEFT ,NY (40 ,rt{� 'S'{d in which to complete the Christmas Gift Problem for year 1934, and in an effort to help you solve it, we suggest: FOR HER Toilet Set - $5.00 up Wrist Watch $7.00, up Diamond Ring ...$15.00 up Newest Braclets $2.00 up Beautiful Necklets, $2.50 up Ensemble Sets $8.00 up Compacts 50c up Hand Bags $2.50 u>i (Ali Leather) FOR ,HIM • Signet'Ring, heavy, $4.00 up Wrist Watch $6.00 up Pocket Watch $2.50 up Cuff Links $1.00 up Travelling Set, Leather $3.00 up Wilkinson Razor Set $3 00 up Waterman Pen and Pencil Set $3.75 Key Tainer and Wallet Set $-1.,50 FOR THE HOME China Clock, self winding $35.00 Walnut Mantel Clocks, $12.00 3 -Piece Silver Service.. $9.00 Hand Painted Dinner FOR MOTHER 32 -Piece Dinner Set, $4.95 up 97 -Piece Dinner Set, $17.50 up Silver Casserole... .$5.00 al) Christmas Cards C'\ Set, 97 pieces $25.0 Crystal Slim Ware, $3 doz. Wail Clock <walnut), $15 up Spode Dinnerware, per piece 75c up FOR DAD Waldemar Chain ..$2.50 up Travelling Case ..$5.0% up Cuff Links $1.00 up Christmas Calendars Wishing you the Merriest Christmas Ever WE SUGGEST YOU SHOP AT twang* IT PAYS PHONE 194 SEAFORTH 9 '9