The Huron Expositor, 1934-07-06, Page 514fi, IP.' 4. L l 15,4. 1a 4. w• 1i ;ri7: "•1 421 la r0 r LSE ' , TRE eaE %rtb'; ' OW a AYat l . Katherine epburn in: ' ` IQRN�TG GTJOR " . ' 'One of: Bepburnra I reates'x I>?letuxes. 'CARTOON. fioM'1 Y 111t0ndaY; Tuesday and Wedne day,,.-.,?uly 9, 10, 11 , JEANETTE McDONALD and .RAMQ111 NOVARK Bring You One of the Most Enjoyable 'Musicals of the Year, In "THE CAT AND THE FIDDLE" WiS.rR1FrI. _ ._._ ' t1pMEDY. •Thursday, Friday, 'Saturday- my 12,,13, 14 .ITOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, Jr.., with El•IZAB1111 BERGNER, in •, "CATHERINEi THE GREAT" 1,1../4111:IYi li 1} OW4 W4 ""•ra IaaaV' Matinees 'Sat. and holidays, 8 p.mw,r Two shows nightly, 7.30 ailed 9.15. llIhtf'1/11y t�ntberball#?a'e i4xtulrtaalt fr :ot,1- T44%0 he14`; On Clue *chop/ POI* P.xd ay last; tael•nt0 11 e 1114400 i�Il and Prizes-, were. ,gv et1G daUa9uiis lunch, including seecareaaln, wo,, ,nerved. It being a leveler -Wer- e -tthere, w a 'tgeod • altibennlan' ,' and the teacher and pupas, are to .be congmatbuu,'ated- o1r enak'ing the Aerie sea, a wonderful aulccese, fMr. •- and . Mrs]. Jonah Green . are s9pendhng a few days at Mrs. Beenethis 'gnettS_",of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Green. Mrs. IMeClloy and daughter are Ivd'$- i'tine, the former'sr daughter, Mrs. J. EGMONDVILLE v. Mr. and Mrs. Davis.•Moore of To- -Tonto were holiday guests • with friend's in and *aroundthe village. Mr. and Mrs. George Hills* and Miss i.ia were holiday guests with friends Gln Deleware. Miss Isabel Chase of Kitchener spent the week end with Miss Belle - aeksonw. Mr. and Mrs. W. lOharlesworth and' lamely of Toronto were week end gpests with friends here. Muss Margaret Finkbeiner of St. Marys H'opital, Kitchener, spent her rdlidlays with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. C. Finklbeiner.., Messrs, Georgeand Wm. Black of London and Miss Mildred Ifamndlton e ef Woodstock were week end guests -with Mr. and Mrs. W. Black. CHISELHURST Miss ?ewe Harris has returned Intim Exeter' where she has been -working the past year:: Mrs. Tom Drover is confined' to "leu' bed through illness. Wie hope -for a speedy recovery. lies Wren from] the West is tvis•- = ing Mr. .and Mrs.. George Eyre sand 're'lative's: Mn..'Freul' Slavin is under the doc- tor's card. (Owing to. the resignation of Miss • 'live Wiorkn can, who has 'been the deapaible teacher of S. S. No, 10, "Tackersmndth, for the last three years, -the trustees e have' engaged Mies Audrey'- Dinnin of Cromarty to fill 'the position. ;Congratulations go to Mer. and .�I3'5•.. Archie Hogarth on the birth of ' . fine baby boy. On ,Wednesday afternoon, of last -week the lafiee of this con muddy • ,gathered at . the home of Mr. and Mrs. deo. T. Wren to do honer to 'Miss ' .Agnes, a'bride elect of th•e week: A -prettily decorated wagon drawn 'by et miniature bride and groom, loaded with gifts, _vas ,presented to the gide. The gifts were many and var- ied and testified to the high esteem $71 .which the bride is 'held. Later -tihe pretty trousseau, was displayed and a dainty lunch 'nerved • on the '.01awn. The arrangements were in 4charge of Mrs. Bab .eleGregor and Miss Edna Brintnell. CONSTANCE ,11118 IMr.Lorenzo, 'Proetor of Halifax vis- ited his •aunt, M'rs. Henry Taylor, and other friends on 'Sunday. Mir. and 1V1rs. Elrnest Vodden of Madden, •S'ask., land Mr. and ..Mies', Al- bert Vodden of Londeeboro visited Mises (Florence Taylor recently, Mr. and Mrs. Bromley and a lady friend of Toronto, visited at the home of MT. l' 1!d 'Mrs. Jas'. Dale"over the week end. Mir. and Mrs.•Erolmeey left on Tuese dlay for the Chicago World's Fair and intend taking a tour trough the States. .. Miss Nellie Stobie of Detroit, Mr. and John Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tteb'beck of Warwick, Lanioari 'Co., spent •Sunday at the horrerof Mr. and Mrs. Win. Britton, Mir. and Mrs. Peter Lind say" .and Mr D \Millson visited Mr. and Mirs. Wni. Woods and Mrs. Ed.. Britton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunlop of Kinislbino, 'Sack., are visiting Mr. and Mrs'- Hughi .Dunlop, The Dive Wire 'Class intend holding a picnic to Goderich on Friday. The Golden Link Mission Band will hold 'an open meeting in' the school room of the church on July 11. The. Live Wire Mi s'ieii Bane will..be in atbendanoe. A splendid prograns is being arranged, Mrs. Roy Lawson will address the Band. Lunch will be. served. The ladies and young people Af the congregation are invited. WALTON The monthly tweeting of the; Glean- er Mission Band of Duff's Church was held in the school room of the church on Sunday 1miorning with' thirty-four members in attendance. The meet- ing opened with the worship period as outlined in the study book. The president, Mies Mary Buchanan, then took charge of ,the meeting. The roll call was called and minutes of the previous meeting were read and . a- dopted. During the business period plans were ..made for conducting, a booth at thgarden party. The girls of the senior class are 'helping in the (booth and donations • of home- made , candy will be gratefully ac- cepte*d. The birthday offering was received and after singing a hymn, .classes were formed for the study NOW—DAY OLD CHICKS THAT ARE 85% PULLETS HERE IS SOMETHING POULTRYMEN HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR Pullets divided from cockerels as they come from the incubators. We offer this opportunity in WHITE LEGHORNS ONLY -8,5 per cciit. accuracy guaranteed. Immediate shipment. DAY OLD WHIT'E LEGHORNS PULLETS, $13.90 PER 100 "ANOTHER BARGAIN SALE OF TOP NOTCH FAMOUS R.O.P. Sired Chicks, while they last—Act quickly. Other breeds are still being sold 'as they come" pullets and cockerels together. Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Wyandottes, White Leghorns, $5.90; Leghorns 1 week old $2 more; 10 days $3; 2 weeks, $4. TOP NOTCH CHICK HATCHERY Box 55 • Phone 1257` Stratford 1 CENT -A -MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES sat. JULY 14 from SEAFORTH To TORONTO, Chatham, Sarnia, London, Ingereall, Woodstock, Paris, Brantford, Hamilton, St. Catharines; Niagara Falls. ;0, ALSO ON FRIDAY, JULY 13th To Whitby, Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton. Belleville Kingston. Genanoque, Brockville, Prescott, Morrisburg CornwallAgincourtUxbridgge,.Lindsay, Peterboro, Cempbellford, Newmarket, Allendale, Co1fm ood Meafoud, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurat, Bracebrid'ge, Huntsville, North Bay and all intermediate points. ALSO TO All Towns in,New Ontario on linea of Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Rly., Nipisaing Central All,. and on C. A. Rlys. to Kapuskasing & Hearst, From points beyond North Bay. Return up to the following Tuesday. Fares, Train Information, Tickets from Agents. CANADIAN NATIONAL T27a W. R. PLANT, PHONE 4J or 4W JULY SALE OF BRAY 'CHICKS Prices Greatly Reduged ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS TO `GET YOUR SUPPLY—LAST EGGS NOW IN THE INCUBATORS Standard Quality Foundation Stock Day-old Barred Rocks $7.95 per 100 $9.95 per 100 10 -day-old Barred Ricks 11.95 per 100 13.95 per 100 3 -week-old Barred Rocks 15.95 per 100 17.95 per 100 White Rocks, Redp-andi Wyandottes ,(day-old only) same as Barred Rocks. White Leghorns, 1/2 cent per' chick less, age for age. Jersey Blark Giants (day-old only) 1 cent •per chick more. These are the same kind of leg'h-quality chicks we have been hatching all season,. Prices redu•ded for quick clearance. A real op- portunity for anyone who can 'accommod'ate a few more pullets next Fall. The older chicks are particularly well -gown for Ode age. They're past the danger stage and should come along fast. "DAY-OLD PULLETS"—LEGHORNS ONLY If you like Leghornts, this is what you want. `Day -cold Pullets" or "3 -Week -Old Pullets." Oodkier'els term, out as they come from the incubators. 85 pee cent,. accuracy guaranteed. This new development is proving very ,popular with many of our customers*. Standard Quality Foundation Stock Day-old Leghorn PULLETS . $16.95 per 100 $19.95 per 100 3 -week-old Leghorn PULLETS.. 25.75 per 100 29.75 per 100 Place your ',Order with your nearest Bray Hatchery or stales office —or write direct to ISI. 'Catiharines. Send $1.00 deposit with order and pay balance on safe ,dlellivery o8 chicks. BRAY CHICK HATCHERY, 97 Clayburn Ave., St. Catharines, Ont. Brooder & Office, H. W. Charlesworth, Clinton. This advertisement hes ' received Govlerremlent Approval insofar as it ' . refers to baby chicks, • It McGregor, near Klippen. Peter Peterson and his aiwitler, Mrs. 'Peterson', 'Waved on Saturday from Eimorudville to his farm • in Tue erstwith. iMr. aril .Mira. Ver'bean o 'l Tham:es- ville were week end visitors' at the home of 'their daughter, (Mrs. Mervin Lane.. Miss Laura Taylor and Mr. Nor, - man ,Gwmlph, Strraitford, and Mr. and Mirs. Peter Bale, Winthrop,lspent Sunday with Mrs John Taylor, Miss—WI. Grahame was a week end guest ;of 'Mrs. S., G. Houston. Mr. ...and Mrs. Peter Hargraves .of Torenito Wereweek end' guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shillinglaw. Mee. SlhJiahinglaw rettuened eveth .them. A union' picnic,. Ander the auspices of No. '9 -school 'section, and the White '1School, Tuckersnl;ith, was held .,ono Friday, June 29th, on No. 9 school grognds. Tire.afternoon, was spent in; softball games and races, the. pro- grraml.!being in charge of 'the teachers, Misses Margaret E. Grieve and Jeanette Frialmligant An abundant lunch 'wee providled .by S. 8. No. 9.:e. Mr. , -- Mr. 'William Archibald: had abarn raising on his farm on Friday, June 29th, in which sixty men were en- gaged. rMr. and Mrs. Robert Gemmell of Thameeville and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Handley of Landon were guests of Mm.. and] Mrs. J. D. Gemlmell. eters. Troyer of Toronto is vlisitiiiig Mr, and .Mrs. Sidney Gemnizell:, iMr. Peter Simpson spent the• week end in Toronto. • STAFFA Miss Helen -Sadler of Hamilton is at present visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. W. ,Reed. IMr. and • Mrs. A. Jeffrey, Detroit, visited over -the week • end with Mr. and Mrs. Wim'. Jeffrey. IMr. ,and Mrs. Halliday, Toronto, s'pent'the Week end with their daugh- ter, 'Mrs. H. Leslie, Mir. and. Mrs. Harry Leslie and family of Stratford visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wlm. Fawcett. , 1VIr. and Mrs, R. Livingstone visit- ed over the holiday with-AVIr, and Mrs. J. 'Livingstone. 1Mis.s Mary Drown and Miss Ada Srpeare, Seaforth, spent the holiday in the village.. (Mrs. V. McNaughton , of Chicago, who has been visiting ner sister, Mrs. G. Butson, left on Saturd'aYr for Brit- ish Columbia. Mt s. N. Mitchell,'Cen- tralia, accompanied her. period.,after which the meeting clos- ed by singing and the Mizpah bene- diction. The annual garden party .of' Duff's United Church will be held on the church ground's on Friday evening. Supper will- he served after -which a programs will be presented 'by Miss ,Phyllis Henne, Miss Pearl Newton and Mr. John Edmondson. Recent •visitors iri the village and vicinity: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerley and young daughter, Margaret - Ann, of Toronto and 'Mrs. Roy Bradley and children of 'Harri.ston with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Love; Mrs. 'Murray Fing- land and family and Mrs. Brown of Cochrane with Mr. and 'Mrs. Colin Fingland'; .'Mr, and 'Mrs. Yates and Muss] (Elizabeth . McKay of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. R. Livingstone.. 'The following teachers are spend - ting their vacation with their parents in the vicinity: ,Miss Olive Bolger :of Stratford, Miss Tena McCallum of Hearst, Miss Jean Turnbull, Ottawa; Miss Ola Crawford, Wharton; Miss Aileen Ryan, Brantford; Harvey Bry- ans, Obterville, and George Kirkby, Grand Bend. • BIRTHS Horner -an Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - :forth, on July 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Horner, of Zurich, a son. - Schultz—On Monday, July Ind, in Private 'Patients' Pavilion, Toronto, to Mr. and Mas. Marvin Schultz (nee Helen Carswell), '(twins—Jean Barbara and Jahn David,, DEATHS Tough.—In' Brucefield on Thursday, June 28, Isabella Sparks, beloved wife of David Tough, in her 73rd year. IMPORTANT NOTICES HAY FOR SALE.—A QUANTITY OF MIX - ed timothy and alfalfa. Will sell deliver- ed or in field. Apply to T. G. SHILLING - LAW, or phone 133-21, Seaforth. 8478-1 COLLIE . PUPS FOR SALE.—A NUMBER. of Collie pups for sale. Apply to DAVID PAPPLE, R. R. 3. Seaforth, or phone 137 r 24. 8478x1 Weed Cutting Tp. of Tuckersmith An a minter of economy the Council desire the de -operation of the property owners with- in the TownsSIIP In an• effort to suppress the weeds at a minimum of cost, by the prloperrty owners cutting She weeda on the xond, abutting on tiheir property. D. F. MCGREGOR, Clerk. 8473-2 FARMS FOR SALE FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PAZT L07' r 26 rt) 29, daneesaion a, McKIE p, eon. 9a9a1t,g 182 norm end knoWn so the T, !Q Hayti' Avon. Must be road to deo. the seams. M tint acid i,811 be mated or sheat shear i* to J. 2i. • ilOVBNLOOS, allarotttor, NUM tVote*s'.. I. x,934„ ', (041PAI.$4y t�f"' t#F, lope at; Hensel),, 4lonnP' +at Hun* aro 40 , bx liven; I have �. phied t 4a thio{}.' 7 ,.of 'the 'iiraterpt: Ltr#ts klq ; rKsx1 ti at Ir}'}}'.yy,�,v�e 000.6.d.„11f ' o�at,r,,��r pfW�e ¢ .r he 'Town J 531, , ensail Wn lee ou 4by o July, 19.39 the filet AVIA. persons ,sutitlhd qD`: vt#te in the saiduA .. ipal40 at. Munteip&l. 11eptdont" and thalt such Oat •zemains thexa !for, inSpeetiop. AND I 'hereby call upon' all vclters to „ fznarredrate proceedings to have any errOnl- lif! onaho,4ons icorrected • according to 'law, the last daty ,for appeal- 'being the 24th day of July; 1984. DATED • tirfs '&rd day •ef July, '1.934. JAMES A. PATERSON; ,:, Clerk of the Village ee leierulfld: 8478.8 MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will -be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by, Public, Auction at MILLER'S `HOTEL, IN THE VILLAGE' -OF WALTON, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, • an THURSDAY, the 26th DAY OF JULY, 1984 at the hour ▪ of 2 °Wolk in the afternoon the following property, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR THAT Os;HTAIN parcel br tract of land and ,premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Me- Killbp, in the pound of Huron and Prov- ince of.Ontariio, being composed of all of Lot, number Nineteen (19) in the Fourteenth Concession of the said Township of McKil- lop, containing 184 aeries snore or less. On the paopenty there is said to be two houses and a .barn. • This .property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS.—Ten per cent. at the time of the sale and the balance of the purchase ]Honey'' in thirty days from the date thereof. 'For further particulars and conditions of sale apply . lo JAMES TAYLOR,Belgrave, Auctioneer, or to - COWAN, COWAN & GRAY, Solicitors for the Mortgagee ,4*° Sarnia, Ontario. DATED Sarnia, June 21st, 1934. 8472-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 63 hereby given ',pursuant to the Statutes inti that behalf that ail persons hav- ing claims against, the estate of Oatheriae Jane Hill Henderson. late of the -Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on o¢ about the 13th day of August, 1933, are required .to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned Solicitor, vn or before the 14th day .of July, 1934, atter which date the Administrator will proceed to disih'ibute the estate, having regard only to and being responsible only for the claims of which he shall then have ,had notice. DATED June 27th, 1934. JOHN H. BEST, Safort, Ontario, • Solictor for Administrator. ` 8472-3 WAWANSEA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Canada's Largest Fire Mutual Eastern Branch, Toronto 2, Ontario. Windstorms have arrived. Get pro- tection from the strongest Company in Canada at the lowest rates avail- able. No premium note required. Automobile accident protection to farmers at the lowest cost in Ontario. CONSULT YOUR LOCAL AGENT J. H.SCOTT, Box 142, Seaforth Phone 336. When you have a HORSE or COW you want removed - Phone or write to William Stone Sons LTD. Phone 22 - Ingersoll Phone 215W - Stratford Usborne & Hibbert Mutual. Fire Insurance, Company Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President - ANGUS SINICLAIR Vice -President - SIMON ,DOW DIRECTORS SAMUEL NORRDS J. T. ALLISON WM- H. COATES, PRANK Mc'CONNELL . AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent far Ileborne and Biddulph. AILVIN L. HARRIS, Munro, Agent far Fullerton and Loga,n, THOMAS SCOTT, Cromniarty, agent for Hibbert. B. W. F. BEAVERS Secretary -Treasurer Exeter, Ontario. GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. THE JOHN RANKIN- AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS Alex. Broadfoot, Seaifoe'bh - Pres. Connally, Goderich - Vice -Pres. Merton A_ Redd, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: • • Finlay MloKercher, R. R. 1, Dnab1fin; John Murray, R. R.. 8, Seeforth; E. R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen,; Jia. Watt, Blyth; C E. H'e w itt, Kincardine., DIRECTORS William Knox, Londesbo4'o; George Leotharb, Brodbagea; James Con- no11+ 'GGderndh; Alex, ttroadfotit, . No, 8, Bemifo it1h; Robert Few, Blyth ; him Pepper, Brlic eQ l; Jami Shot- dies, Walton; Thomas M 1atif, No. 6, glut R. Archibald, No. 4, Organdies, Voiles, Chiffons, Print House Dresses Bright, clean floral pat- terns, fast color prints ; well made; full sizes to 44. 55e Famous . Osmoor 'Inge Dresses Fully guaranteed in ,big variety of attractive pat- terns; organdie and pique trim. Sizes up to 52. 95c Children's Dresses New designs in - Prints and Rayons; fast colors; nicely trimmed. 59c re les New Voiles, Ryans, anese, ,Fujeen, B,1 Sheer; new style, lar..xy new patterns; attra# trims. 52.59 Special rack of new •Stun - mer Dresses; marvelous styles; n e w colorings ;. wonderful values. Sizes 14 to 48. Regularly. $5.00 ` to $6.00 $3.95. - Here is a wonder value! F i n e quality organdie, voiles and crepes, plain or printed, short or no sleeves.' Sizes 14 to, 44. Regularly to $7.95. $5:95 Here is a Worth While MEN'S SUIT SPECIAL i8.° Pure botany wool Worsted Suits in Dark Grey, Black, Blue or Brown, back ground with an at- tractive 'variety of fancy stripes, cut with new peak or notch lapels; new lines that fairly breath dressy smartness; well trimmed and lined throughout and substantially made. If you need a Suit, don't miss these. MEN'S Mrs IR / SUMMER WINDBREAKERS SUEDINE WINDBREAKERS 1 Made of good Suedeine Cloth, button front, sport collar. Brown, Cocoa, Blue, Grey, Green and Black. Buckle and belt or elastic waist band. SWAVEL WINDBREAKERS An excellent sport windbreaker, wind or water proof, knit bottom, sport co11ar, button front. Royal Blue, Cocoa, Brown, Cardinal Red, Paddy Green. All siz- es. GENUINE ENGLISH SUEDE Made of best quality English Suede Leather, satin lined. Sand, Cocoa Brown, Grey; belt and buckle; glider bottom. All sizes - 1.95 450 7 95 • tewartBros., Aimuimmossik