The Huron Expositor, 1933-03-03, Page 1__. _-_- ----.---......:.,...-.--•...,:.—"...M..:.....� r,,,�w:.wawwr�a.a.-:. Tisatris¢v amYmmewuma54� 4tu,gza4M&r Ski 'J .`(��i 'ii'k
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N h!etr 84013 ird year 0
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A Fi
reman For Fifty -Eight
i Years, George A,, Sills is
Honoured By_' f ire B r ig� a o E
• ----I . •
Presented With ,Chair .At '58 YEARS A "FIREMAN
Gathering o1' New and Old
Timers in Fire Hall on
Friday Evening. a�
•ti A
A presentation unique in the hiq-> ::#:;'#I�; i;': r,. '
'tory of Canadian 'Fire Brigades took `: "! i3 r;''•>' '"
plbaice an rifle . Seaforth Fire 'Hall on.
Ii'nday evening, February 224th, when
a large gathering ''<'
ng of fit�Anen and ex- ;;<,;.•:
firelmlel n assembled to do ho'hor'to the
Brigade's treasurer, !Mr. Georgi -a. •-A.
,Sills, on the occasion of his 78th
birthday. 3:::;..
'Mr•. ,Sills is a c'har'ter menl&Nr �of
the Ibrri;gad?! Moving joined in 1'875.
,Since then hie bias been a continuous
member, an unbroken service record
of 58 ',years. '
In brig early association with ,the
Brit,ade he was an actdve and tour- George A. Sills, who on the' occa
a!geous fire-fighter; in later years he• 'sion. of his 78th birthday, was hon
has' w&ved with willingne" and effic'i- ored by members of the Seaforth Fire
entey as Brngadle, Tivasurer, Mr. Sill's Brigade. Mr. Sills has, been a Fire
eeotalblished a world's record' fb!r coup- man since 1875, and for the past 3'
ling at the Kin!carddne Tournament years 'has been Treasurer, of the
and 'w!flon the Seaforbh Brigade broke Brigade.
the world's record for 300 yard hose
reel race at Mt. Clemens, he was one _
the couplers. Neither ofte�e PEDDLERS' R Y - L A Nl
.world records haRne evier" (been' eyual-
._, led and.. -both. are still to the credit
73he elvendng was spent in pca
sive euchre, John Stewart winning I .
the prize for most gaimies and Wm. : —
Reid for lone h'an'ds• Magistrate .Greig G i v Q E
~During the course of play, Fire a
Chilef .John McKenzie called the miee't- Judgment On
iing to cider and' on bemalf of the Fire Saturday.
Brigadept+mented the ,treasurer,
George A. Sills, With a very hard- ' r
. soypie, leather Chihli¢•. Chief I1WKeenzie's ,Judgment in the cases of Rex vs,
address is as follows: was Dalton as given by Magistrate
"On an occasion of. this king . it '�� on !Satu!rday' nwrmdug last when
wquild perhaps, seer. fitting if we tiie IMAgiertrate found that Dalton was
. were to recall the ievents• of Other Inot may: of edthew . charges and dis-
days and dedicate the eventing to !mliss!ed' the 'actions. -
those veterans who have passed on. " The first' c'ha'nb'!e waes that on Jalr-
. • . " However, to -alight the, latter proce- nary 25th the dlefendant did.sell meat
dude is not on our .;p!rogrwm It is in violattioin of °town Bylaw N2. _�4'6.
not; the old me:m►bew that we have The court found' the eevid!en!ci fail@d
in mduA In fact we have decided to to .P'rov'e such sale, hence the action
r lrOveer•se the situation- we are going volas dismissed.
. . !to do honor too youfih: Thiene . modem- ,The, second charge was .that -t ,'e
" Mmes are abelariived as the age rrf rdefenldaint` had sold meat on Febru-
youth-=4ii !thin youmg' m ir'"s caunrtry; ary. 14th 'wr hvm!t •first having Pro-
, youth 'moist be served. Cured a license to db so. The d'e-
I am going to ask Bob Jackson fenndlalA admitted the •sale, but relied
., Will. Retied sand Geordie Sills to• colire upon hie quald�frcations as a distribut-
forward to the 'front of the 'dp.k,, inrg farmer and cladmned the exemip-
Wir-'Ll the more ,-or less expert card Itiwns under ,the bylaw, The eourt
. sharps ,ar'hb have been trying to turn concluded that Dalton es'tablis'hed
. lit tge tr urnrps into batg• ones by pound- these quala'fications and dismissed the
the ihlble }dawdler than the other case. I '
fellow, pledse give me your :stun- 'The cases 'which ,had 'been- argued'
Qsorp. .. , th O .pr'evi ue week, aroused nii in-
Firpi of, all, on -behalf of trip Bri- ter+esrt and throughout the mornmg,
gade, felt rime extenda••c.,rdial hearty and afbermroon the court roam was
welcome, to t'he old�tilmiers who are crowded. .
. again grac_ng the hall 'with their IH• G. 'Meir of - Hays & Meir, acted
Presence W;• thank you for coutir:b for the town, ,and J. J. •Huggard act -
and do hope that the, evening tarns ed for Dalton..
out to the 'a real odd !rimer. • `
!In asking your assds!ear.ce in carry-
, Ing Duet this idea, I ani sure you will . ELIMVILLE '
agree -with wharf has just 'been r=.aid.
! It is from the youth that alit soli- !Mr. and) -Mrs. Wes,. Horne are vis-
d'ion of our most perplex'ng problems ,itdrrig this week with R!ev. and 'Mrs.
must come and canseCIL-entbly yuaualt White at Wood!slee,
art'last have first consideration. IMT. and ,Mrs. William 'Brads!h'a'w
'Brothers, I aur a,srleing Georg,: A. ,are all smiles --it's a new son.
. I r'i'lls, ats.orne,who has, been stArdi'n;; IMr•. and Mrs. Richard Johnsg visit -
for all that is highest "and best in our !ed wroth ul4r. _ and Mrs.VOM. Pybmrs,
organtiz'ation, since the day of its in- near. Ch.isialhurst, last Fridlay after-
ception, but who is 'gertainly s'bi:l tie noon, •
youngest among us to please be seat- eMr. Freeman Holrne s:pent the week
ed. In asking you to• accept this lend in Tormto. .
. chair we do so with"the feeling that
such a function is long overdue.
You wereone of those wbo . first WINTHROP `
organized 'the, fire brigade in this
cohtm7nunity and you have been eon- A large crowd attended thle euchre.
tilmousely associated with it since, and d'an'ce last Friday 3tigeht. The
This, in, itseflf makes, urp a re!oord that prize winners were Miss Rossie Pat,
It May srafoly b -6 -said camn'o+t''be eq- rick, for ladies' first prize, ar..d Miss
ualled in this broad Donignion. Your 'Mat•gare't P,ethick for. ladies' Lone
me dve parbi+cipattikrit with the hose reel hand prize. Mien's first prize went
aomrpainry ,that won eche International to :lir. Jimul,y 'Moore and men's lone
Co'rnlpetition at De'troit;,,youm :seating 'hands went to Mr. -Guy Dorrance.'
til► of a record for, ebreaWng and The rest of the night waA spent in
mala ng 'couplings wlhidh has yet to dancing.
be surpassed or equalled, these also Mr. Joseph Doilmage. underwent an
I to your laurels and helped to cl,eration for appendicitis in Scott
vinkle Seaforth famous in days gone Memorial 'Hospital last ,Saturday. He
by'is improvingnicely,
But • o!f even greater import your Mr- acrd Mrs. Cecil Baxter, of Ben -
untiring interest and executive 'abil- Willer, spent S,Indla.y with Mr. and.
"sty have been, one of the major fac- Mrs. Rcfbert Campbell.
, hors in esrealblisehin!g the ' favorable
srtandnng which the town' has at s ' Mr. and Mrs, Zack uVLcSpadden
Y s1Fel1; Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Wit.
maintained with this fire tr•n;d'erwr'it- 'Trewartha, Mr. Trewartha celebrat-
err. These facts all proclaims you as ing his 80th -birthday, We w ish him
1. ons whom we may well take pride int nvany happy returns of the day.
ltonoa,ng- It may, perhaps, ;be ob- We are sorry to hear of the -death
jected that upilmol!stery does not we'll of Mm•, Gordon Hulley.
harawnize witch `you,r restless sepirit Mr- Ki,lig, of Stratford, -spent Sun-
lin>ah des yon. aa•re+ said to be addicted to day in the village. '
'the habit of night reading, YOU may A nuivber of lads went on a rab-
conceivaibiy at such times find a plaice bit hunt last week and baVg,,!d 90,
in it, So we ask you to accept thus, bid,, .lacks.
our belated offering, while ,we look The regular rneetitig• of the Young
forward to long continued happy re, !Peopl'e's. .Society Ga
Nan Nan Cur
dations and good! fedowshiep in the wars held on, Tuesday evening, to comet' ary 28th with Mrs. William Boyd'
The crowd samilg `'For 'He'-s� a Jolly presiding. The meeting, opened with
Goad Fellow and Geordie,' as he a hymen followed with proses by Mins
e known to the bays, warmly tlmaruk- Irene +Boiton�. The mmanu,tes� of the
ed the Blritgllb in 'a very neat re- ,previous W,oerting were read and
7 ity adopet-1, The roll call was, answered
After lunch, Charles S'be'wart, sec. Iby the name of a Missionary. A
eoneded by Robert E. Jac monii ~moved hymn was suing and the S+cri'pture les -
0 hearty votte of ,thanks on, behalf of ,son was read bg Md!ss Rdith Hillen.
the ex -Firemen for 'what WM aii The tapicc "Over Partnersharp Wath -
cl'aime'd Iby all to be oneof the most 171,&i,a,,, wra!s gives by Mr.. Dyke
Pleasant nights iii the •Birilgkde's his- W4ueatley. The meeting classed with
tory, and "Pressedthe" •h!00e SWIlthe a hymn and repeating the 11•Lizpah
• 1n!emlbteas' patseb tan" Ore>se'13% ' 1714 °be+nedittilon in umdrson, after whio'h a
hold 6wasionarl sdumpQor retlnihm. • ,Contest was enjoyed by a19. x,
b , M1:
'. I •, t regi
. o SEAFORTH, FRIDAyt. MARCH 3, 1933.
-,-...---- -.___ .. ',''e' ai t"f,t }µ,GY >;Sr rr-..',q,3i'i' .,'""a4t1' ,Tawt>a.
T` ti :
E����� �a�olaglst P. U C. AND E rn *A+ 1 y J � �- ,g o1� .� ' r� i h A I
" M1 A ` i
y S "+ r
A�'HEISAL1 SANDAL S>P�a� in :Seaforth u '1r
SCHQQL IIQARD HHLD in M M I x ' ` �O ° ` '`�' A,1.
SEED H0 FRIDAY p ,� ,� r,.
" lA meeting, in which all farmeeas ,;Aum
%S �.>d �e dniteresipd, �� to held to REGULAR MEETINGS and�� �s 111.
, �; :, �� f
the '1lawrt 'Hall, Seafamth, on Tuesday 1.ale+� wi + r ' }�t�
afternoon, Mlanck►.7tJtt, at 2 pm. sharp. 4, ,,, . -
Dr. ~Lionel Slge!vens!on, Provincial o P".11.,
Address of Judge, Prof.. W. zoologist; wd41 'be an atteumdancAd Little Business Before Meet- ��-�--
will dismiss fully the subject of ® -
J. Squirre�ll, Enjoyed "WaAle Flies in Cattle." The warble Ings an Friday and � mith mea 'Qui At-, %, .
B Exhibitors, fly 'is causing cdnesidellr•alble, losses in Wednesday. 1 � the Rescue - g G4rl111@ .'Q� . rte,; i
Y cattle and, has - become a serious mems- Y ter Exciting
are in the provdice. Dr. Stevenson Tuesday 101
Night Before.
DR. CAMPBELL- PRES. wall outline simple6 inexpensive treat- Because he didn't have a ticket
nnem+t for the control and enadicatia.n ACCOUNTS PASSED the conductor on the noon tram' ]Rig Crowd.11 e4�':
from Stratford on Friday last put .
} of this 'pest and no far*tmmeer• in the dxs- 1 ,w Y p � a
The .annual Seep�el Show ofi the South tttict should miss the opportunity tx, ryya a transient off at Mitchel. 'Not11
+ attend this, lecture. ,Mayor Sutherland acted, as chair- to be done out of a ride the EG•MONDVILLE LOSS fix;' rr
Humor A!gi cultural !Socioty, held in man at the regular meeting of the transient climbed aboard the r..
H+e•nsall To'w'n Hall on Friday, Febris- ' Time' meeibing Is bidnig arranged far Public Utility Commission held in the OAR
ary 241th, !brought out the, largest 'by the Ontario Department of i- Y tender and was found at Dublin. • .H.A. GAME , -
sorrel! Chamber ons Fridley aftrtmtoon
entry of seed. exhiibi:t rip in some culture in ,Clinton and' with the co- When the engineer suggested it __ - , .,
Q Last, This -as necessitated .ry the would be wise for him to get off •4:1,1"',� r `
years. operation of !Reeve` Archdlbald of albsence of Chairman VV. H. Goldin A Iarge crowd was sari the r,ttrk ori •
Only two Classes tele not rep -res- Tucke,smdfh, and Reeve Eckert of yl,,p g.. he started throwing coal, ,so
McKillo somebody phoned Seaforth to Trtesd'ay eveidtug flow robe. semi; fill u : ,z,
sited, the others showing very keen P• have the graeme of the 1VLdMillan Gulp series. Fag-
camrpetitian with five to. eight C�ntries E. L. Box moved, seconded 'b. Ma Police on hand. Chief
^rn each class, and the show was pro- a �' y- of Police James V. 'Ryan was mono!°a'11e eliminated, Tuoker+smdth• ht _
or Sutherlased, that Coln'lm!islsdr;'n-have '• �
no'unced by the judge an!e, if t of the nEiqunsi-vion forms printed to be used notified and stood on the plat- a scare °f 4=2' ahvd gained the righrb
sleds, SCHOOL BOARDS EsuperintendentP form ready and waiting when .the ta. mreiat WinNihmap 'in the finals. The . 1,;,,"
b +. t
be, , he had attended' this be!nveen and office and train tilled in. The transient i r gaam+e muds fair! ,even
Prof. W. J. S!qudrrell, Director of adl orders to be O.K. lois, two membbers P 6' with E+ Y tjtiraughoulta
nosed the call of the law, so the 601mondnnlle 'hav'i'ng a little edge" �. ".
Experiments in the Delxa> trent of of Comlm•is'sion or one niemlber and of the la Tuckersmdth bl
Field Hniiband Ontario A NEED FRES HAND aboard and it necessary to -climb play. Prenedl
ttule gridg,e the treasurer. The motion carried. personal! themselves hard to ,beat - however; tnzral College, Cmrelph, acted as judge, Y escort the and were dangerous at fall times .• u
,And later gave ont:, of the most in- The following accounts 'were prey- troublemaker to earth. He was Most of the'farns thought it the best
terestrin!g and. profitable addresses ermted for payment and were ordered dodged in the local jail and later :+'
Forane Local' Principal 0 - paid: -Electric De artment -.E. Mole." removed to the county' jail at game of the :series,th�ats been splayed ""i; -J"
that ,has, elc!er 'bee'.'heard in the lis- 1J P P this year. '
taict, salary, $100; Jahn A. Wilson, salary, Goderich. .
. hoses' Control ' by .Muni- Egnvondveilie took the 1 d, in the, _ x
(Prof. Squirrell has judged at Hen- . $55; H 'S 1l, salary, $5; S. Allen,
Cl al Councils. watg'eq, $37:6 Bell Tele ® first period when Jim Mora scarred %xr"
salt .Seed Fain.' for same ygeear:; and 1J d, phone Co., . ••,e
�. * on a Ione tush 15 minutes after 'the ll.,
• each year the inter=est in his address account, •$3.60; Th'an•z'pson's Bookstore � peariod �,gan. Tucket,smith •then tied
and.' the dn+scussion arising from it account, $'3.25; Ellis and •Howltrd, in- Peithcount 10 ucke s Later~ �i
All efforts to have sahoal boards voicts, Jan. 24, $4.78; Fdb. 1, $2.66, . , whenti
grows in .interest ,and popularity and thed'r finances placed under the Fe.b. 2, 514.1'5, Feb. 6 $13.21 Feb. 8 PARKE AND CARDNO Wnlse McCartney Ibeat MroGeoch an
with the seed a fast shot from the blue line. It ' ^''a
growers and farmers run!tirol of municipal -councils should $16.47, Felb, 21 $2.13—$52,94, less �',
in aids district. be strontgly resi's'ted', George F. 'Ro•g- C^red!it �Fe+b..1'3, $1.84., $51.10; sacrad- was a nice Comebination +play from
The ''society ,president., Dr'. A: eR. err, chief director of education for fan General Electric ' Co., invoice, AD I Gond. Reynolds to Bolo Archi'ba'ld to fid.
Campbell, Pres' ,d and' short address- Onturio, told menmm'bers.of the Ottawa BADMINTON CHAMPS .'McCartney. The first period was .;.
es were also given by Reeve Vtril,liam $34:28; hydro E'lec•ttic Ponver on.-
uachers Institute at their annual fairly even and Drily one penalty was ' i
Consitt and' IMT. W', D. Sanders of mission' of C}ntario,' pomver $1,2?7.73, received, F. RiVilolds
l, cot,nention in: Otttawa. 'School less cre,dilt $285.33- $94 ,40; HydroOpening
getting it far +;,, .,
E�oelter. nuard.s' have as grew: a mandate Electri'e Power Con,imGssdon Forty entries At 0 enin an accidental trip.
'The followamtgi is a list of the sic-' , , invoice, p g ;�;,
raess!fwl ,exhdbdtomms: rom the electorate as any other FES,, 8, $2'7.30,; D. Fell, account, $`1.25; TOurnalTlerit On Tucke'rsmdith outplayed Egmvond- '
I' 111icipal body, Mr. Rogers d-d,tr- The Woodstock Lain. Ville in the, first half orf the second ' .
Fall w+beab—rl2alton Truemrner, 0. , "and they should' have the �inul r. ,, P 'Co., in.voiee,
e,i ' Saturday. period looked far la while . as � "*
Geiger & ,Son!, '<'V:. R. Dougall $14.4a John A. 1'irlseony transporta- thou
g say us to th; l instruction and cant's- tlozi, $5.65; +S. Allen, wages, $20,4Q though they might win. They sett'a 11
Sp'ring .w eat --Jo Robertson, 0. c,, ez, the sohboLs. :!loved by E. L. Box, seconded ,by Wallace Parke and John Cardene 'fast pare Ibut it Was too hard' oto'
Ged+ger &Son, '112ii1tai ruemxrer• Wr•. Regerrs is well known in Seal A, D. rSubherland, 'tha+t ,the following camm+e through as winners, in+ the op.. them and they 4e�ll dawn• a little to. ;'
Late oats—jW. R. !olwgall, Jahn forth and is a fore err. Izincapal of F accaunuts and salaries be enfin trounnaatremt of the 'Seaforih wards the en'd' of` the 'peiriad.' Wilse
Robertson, Johsrs Ingram, George In- ceaforbh Coll Passed and g
,grralmz• Collegiate. I'ir'stitute. Prior cheques 'be issued for same. Water- Badminton. Club, held in the club Wright rece!ilvred a Penalty for board-
Baxley, six-rowed—John, golbe,_ 't;o his recent appointment as d6rec-. works +Departnnlentr-A.•Litrtle, salary, quarters in the. Town Hall on. Satur- zng I'atul Doig and TuclUersmiblt put ,
tom oll .giate Ins for ir. Ontario, he .was day afternoon and emeamang, on an;.attae'k that netted them a goal.
son, INlilton Truletnlner, W. R. Doug- $5.0; Bell 'Te]e'ph'one Co., account,
all, John BoQtorn. g- a Collegiate InspecboT• $2.75; The General Supply Co, of !That' tri!° tournament was papular Jim If olg f ~jade a lona rush the leungth .;.J
(Speaking . on the snribject, ..°,lt ID Canada, ir4voice, 1$13! 5U• was ,evidenced .b of the rink and 'McGeo!eh rushed. him,
IFdelrl peas -40. Geiger & 'San, Alex. „ Neptune y tri+e large number i ills cotane , so Jim .. ^'`
Buchanan, rmnentis in Onlasao Educatdou, . Mr. Nested Co.,rnvoice; $3.79; S: Allen, of spectators present' and +by the 40 passed +the.
iField •beams=JW. R. Dougall, M _ Rogers strongly deprecated what he Wages, o charge of puck to Cord. Reynolds, who scored•'
g = termed "the' alto flier adventitdaus $8.3.. entries. The draw was in char Wore 'MeGeaclt could t back --into
ton Txuemnrmem, A. B. 'Bell. the rules coim+ammattee which included
and wrong value attadhletd to matric- Public School Board. ,Mrs. W: Parkleb'Mhss�aVlarion Bell, Mr. 'position iri the net Hlicknell drew , ,
'Tim!othy seed! --.Jahn Bo'l'ton, Alex, ulation. -ccertificates;,, he held that in- I. H. Weedh -iax.k -and Mr.. Ted Tann- "' ��Ity for giving Bob Aacl-Abarld .
Buchanan, A. B. +Bell• sistence by universities on Latin is The ,Seaforrbh Public 'School Board an, the !boards. One minute afiter get;_
Red clover seed= -IW. R. Douggall, bedevil+lin Ontario secondary met � the, school flor its regular ting thus resat he made a ,n1ce.,ime 'la'
!tori Tryleimavet, John Bottom. g dart schools. Su The winie'rms met three couples Ibe-
H+e +pred'i'cted that co nj;.a'in English meeating on Wednesday evening. The fore entering the final's. Their hard- rush and shot a 'hot one frond inliide
!Bulckwheab--4VA '+R, Doutgall, !Geo. classics *ill shortly aind properly �rmean,, Chrarles Hlodm es, preside<3'• est battle was.. in, :the second round 'ruckersmi,th'+s blue line to., Mahe the
Ingram, O. Geiger & .San.. take the plass of La'ti'n aaad' Greek; . 'Can Motion of Joynt and Wright, wnhia i, the came w score '2-2. Elgmondvddle, them! came .' 1, *•
g , Y p against Miss B,'
'Early .potatolesi--aW,. R. Dougall, A: 'he urged irhe rieoes�sety, of OnrGamio the minutes of the previous meeting M. Grieve and Blare. out, strong and, 'broke the tie' three r
B. Bell, Jahn Boltoi. y..Wiatsa_ra .. TAte.. $
schools getting over the idea of em- 'were ard!oVted' as read. runners-up, Miss sluff and D. H. 'minutes- -later. Jim 'Mbrris; taking - a •._ .. _ _.
Ito. ruieempotatoes,-A. .1 Dougall, p�dzing depart,mentra.l eataminadiions A number »f accounts were order- Wlilson, won. four se!ta,. to reach ,the '`�o`t on Sandy Doig 'that' Hugh Mic- :
Milton Truenzrner, A. B: $e14. , • a'dnauseani-, and he, asked teachers ed to be paid on inoti+on of Wright, finals and .were only ?+beaten after a Mullan batted in before Sandy corrld
IMbst . . tabele showing of grain rte develop a new teaching technique and Archibald!. These included:— 'hard tussle. The presriidrent of the clear it. From then on neither teazrt
seedls, zweepstakes-7W. R. Dou-: so that !they can handle larger class- Salaries, $776.14; Charles Alberhart, club. Dr. W. C, Sproat., congratulat- could score but there were soime clone, . '-c
. . es and thus reduce the cost of, edit- $19.60; John Ra;kin Agency, $19,6!0; led the 'w!i•nners and' pr esented' them calls for 'boom goal tenders. F: Kling
cation. 1ht there~ tdmwrs• of"stress. Watson & Reid, $58.80; W. 'Haw+irins, with appropr'ia'te prizes.'' dcrew a rest for tripping F. 'Reym�alds -
s5c; light account. $"7.56; Normeline, About. eleven o'clock a d+elirao-w one ,ndmute +before.the period.ended'.
EGMONDVILLE' $17.50; 'Janies'Robb, $1; W. E: Kers- lunch was, served': by the committee, i 'ore action -Was ,seen in the third `•,
HILLSGREEN lake, $1,65; Geo. D. Ferguson, $4.01; Which included ,Ws.
W. C. SProat, perio'd-• ble!cause, Rath teams seemed '4
Miss Gertrude. Webster spent the P. B. Moffat,41.165. $1.65. Mrs. J. A. Stewart and 'Mrs. R. J, e:ag•er to get goals. Jima. Doig drew
week end with Toronto friends. Rev, R R. Colorer delivered a very 'The ,principal's repot=t for January •S+p+zoat. the first penalty for' a wrong bodfy ..''
fine sermon on Sunday, 'hits subject and Feb'ruaay was adopted, During 'The draw is as follows: check. Egm+ondville 'then ,scored
Miss Vena Crozier "is a,webk end fbeing, "The Ideal of Chrd!st's I.ivirig." Felbruary there were 192 pumiIs .on their fourth.goal when Wilse, Wright
guest with M es, Lillian Richardson. 'The W M• S. Will 'be held at the the roll and the average attendance First Round. scored h�i's first goal of the season
Messrns. Qeiorge and William Black �,e of :YIrs.. Charles Stephenson on was 171.59 or 39.21 per, cent. 'perfect. • with Frank Kling giving the assist. N ,
of London, were week end guests at Fri�d!ay' afternoons lMrareh 3rd. A pro- This compared with 90.31 per cent. ` Mrs' W. C. Sproat auld Teti Tamman. Roy M'eGeoch was givien. 'a -trip to ".
the parental hams there. - gr�alml ice belinrg arranged ' for the for January. won against Miss Meargazet Fergu- the penalty `box for a stiff body '
1Liss Bessie Grieve, of Ohatihham, ypjorld's Day of Prayer.' somn an•d E. Keating. check,' but Tuckersgnith cau•Id not
spent this week end with her Parents (Miss Ida Gingerich; of Make,. -is -Mrs. W Parke and R. J. VP''intea• scare, although they tried' irantvc-
here. ' visiting at the home of 'Mt" and Mrs. won against Miss 'Mar'gar'et' Grieve ally. Frank Tiling tripped G. rd. Rey- '
IMiss Margaret Ferguson, of 'Bay- R. McAllister. MANLEY and John McKenzie. - nblds'and took a resat and was soon
field, was a wpperk, end visitor with her IM•r. and Mrs. Charles Blackwell '114,49 Janet Cluff an'd' D. H. iV'ilsl ri followed by Jinr Mori is for
parenits hese. ., . visited nvitlh Mr. and Mrs,'C, Sedm+on The many friends of Mr. William won agminst Mrs. R. J, SFn•oat and checkin>lr t0,o close to the boards. .y `
on Suiduay. Jal:r:!es Welsh are pleased to learn Ed. Devereaux. It w•a.s a fast ,game alio' was vera
(Mr. A. Aubin is wearing a broad t+hat he has retur;lled home nvuch in.- Mrs. Jas. A. Stewart and Ken exciting fronm .start to, finish. The
WALTON snmale these days; a fine baby girl proveld :in health after, convalescing An,emt Won against Mrs.' H. Watson fan, .wti;re on their toek all during
arriAled an Sunday. >T in Scott's +lkenmeorial !Hlospital several and' A. Downie• the game an<i the cheering nearly'
A large crowd attended the semi- months. Miss Helen McLean and R. A.,Wal- rais,ed the roof at times. All the
moritthly cornnu:ndty diamce, in. the A. 11r. l ratmk Demi,scey had, a narrow ter won agains�t'lLi'ss M. G9!enrjenndng players deserve credit for their stay- °
0. U. W. Hall on Friday evening. BAYFIELD escape from having one of his eyes and a;el,:on C'arrdno. in,r
y k power and it, would rat,be: fair to 11
The members from the 15th canes- in'jure'd when 'he was lighting a fire 11. • , it. J. Sproat and 1t' n. Bell -ingle out any play:;r•s an;d call them
'don of Grrey were in charge' of the Eldon Merner and bamid ,Sturgeon with some kind1ling w•ocxl which' lie won against Bits 'N. Jeffery and L. stars when they all played the' best
lunch. of Crediton, were calling on friends cut off a pine stump which had been H. W eed'meark• they were possibly capable of doing. ;t
The weekly meeting of the. Yourm;; here Mom day. lying in the yard for years. He C. R- Grigg and A. Y. 11cLean myon t Trizekeitmrith—Goal, S. Doi r, d
People's Society of Duffis 'United 'Mrs. A. Newton -Brady accomrpan- 'thir).ks the stick had been loaded with a,1;ain,st J. J. Hugg•ard and, J. Crich. g'
W.- E. Southgate and L. C. Jack- P. Dor1,r, 1- d., J. Mia.0 centre, G.
Church vvas held in the school room vel thle doctor t2t Ilamilton on. Mon- CYr,mp ex,l>los,urre for as soah as the Relnalds r. tis,;', 1dc.Cartnev 1.'w.
of the ahurcch on Sunday eveidng 'day, fire hit it, Iraa+t of it flew up and a son won -against J. R. Frost and Dr, I B,oi, Arcl,i'b r '
with Crosby Ennis, the fourth !vice- The fishermen completed' the work small particle ,hit him in the eye, J. A. Munn• al 1, albernArc F. Pey-
ersident in charge, of the meeting. of Y no(,ls, dl'. Coleman, F. Archibald.
pr g g• putting tip ice m, Monday. They mt'hirh has made it quite painful 'for Hiss Bessie Grieve and IL Wahcon Jijnn,ondv,flh�-Goals ,R. McGeo'c`h ;
Following a, song service with Miss have a lot of good ice put away for sevvi-al days.. .1 w^an against J. 11• ReMillan and Dr. r•, ci.. H, V1,cMillan• 1. d. W. Wright- t�'�'_
I:C'aihe+l Ritchie presiding at the piano, surrinier, u,se.' The first of 1'Ia'trh has showed a W C'• Sproat• cetttre, G. Kruse; r. w., L. Hick ell,
a ,ra ,:n was offered by the rriinistpr,- . 04r. E. Refhu, who frequently J. Cardmo anil W. Parke won
1 y equemitly sings little of the lion. and if the ;luxries 1. .v. J, ' 1Lorris• alternate -s, I'_ .•
Rev, C'h!arles Cuanmiang. The Scrip- s!ol•as in the United Church and as- cont•"rntre 'we nrlay have enough of against G. Dick and E. Bell. Sproat, F. !fling, A. Nicholson.
tuq* leasom was read by 'Harvey= Bry- sdsN in the choir; sant,~ over station sleighing. -to finai`h saw'Logging• to Second Round. Referee—d. Muir.
ans froim Ephesian!s 2:13-22, after CJGC, London+, .1lolulay night. It was Alex. -Mitt -bell's saw All.
Which _Mr. Fred Clark contributed a the opinion, of several Who listerie<l l)e,ssrs. Thomas Purcell and.Thos. Ig t t; , Parke and R. J. Winter Ontario Rural hockey Association, ,
banl,jo solo nvith Gertrude 1�ilier ai8E- in, that he was by far' the (btvst sling- 11cKay n,rade a ,business trip to To- won against llrs. W. C. Sproat incl Semi -Finals. •
i,ng as, aecommpongst. A s+ple!ndid topic er •ort the Monday Night Club pro- ron•to this wl2ek• Tc'd I'at,tan.
entitled, "Partnershi'p With Inudria," gram, ' Mr. Coln Fckart called on friends in F•gmmmmdv-ilie last the fir;ct game o£
wa-s given +'by Mios Isah+al Ritchie. The euchre anti darce, aider th. our burg this week. :,lds9 Janet Cluff anri D. H. Wilson the semi-finals in O.IR.H.A. to Druanbo
g g P cyan Amen t lire. ,J. A. •Stewart and l }_3 here on, W! •dnesday night„ A 4
Rev. Cumming alzuo ave an inter- atns ices of the l3'aclntdnrton Club on ..
g g y !ghat, Evac a .+bi.g success, J,n1 Am'ent. g
estiro address and •tlim�E m�eetdn! clos- Meomda, night, ! f'ou'ls ]a"Re crowd witnessed the
Mrs. R. J. Sproat' and William Bell gry'n1e.. ii>ti!nrrnrinille seemed to ban's
.ed wraith a ,hymn and the N- Ezpah !ben- there being a good crowd preseit. CONSTANCE Won against 'Xis,s !Helen McLean and mare shr,ts nn I)runmbo's ; aJ du•rin. .
edirtion. The prizes were won as follows: R. A. Walter. ' g
The top'i'c for next Sunday eventing Ladies, Mrs. John Parker, (Miss Lucy C. R. Grigg and A. Y. McLean the but could not- outscore the
will be eititl!ed, HI!orw Shall We Win Woadts; gents, N(nvton Sturgeon, W. !llr. and Mrs, Loo Stephenson mot- gty f gmon'd-�
Our Friends for Christ?" and will be Jcr!hnston' Excellent music way pro- hied to Brigd?.m on Friday last and ` 011 a+gainct W. E. Southgate and L. vi.11;4 w*ere Art Nicholson, I" Hirk
taken Iby !Mhrsss Eleanor Knilght. . vided and a splendid lunch servred, vi -sited Mn. slid Ars. Juss•tin Sinclair,, f ' .Jack.�ctn• .ell and Jdttn Drodg.
John Car•dno and W. Parke won
• iA. ;play entitled, "Dumtmy," will be retu:rn'inrg rrn• ,Sunday. Reef'en-ee'—G. Muir.
pr,^eseibed in the A. .O. U. W. Iiall 111~. I.e'o p5tephenson and Mr. Geo, against Xisas Bessie Grieve and H.
an Friday evening, . 'March 3rd, by ROSEDALE Dale went tit Btigdlen ilii ! ,week and tilatsan» . Y:^.
the Young Peo les! Society of Du'ff's Mr. Sbe'p'henson bought a standard Third Ronnd. VARNA
United Cl,une�l,, DRUMHELLERp'S'�d mare.
IMrw. Jawed Coutts, of Mitchell, is Mr�c. -.Mary Stewart, of Seaforth, Mist .Janet C:luff and D'. IT. Wildon ; 4.
visiting' at the harne of her parents, who bass prem! evi.dh heir daughter, 'Won against Mrc, W. Parke and R. The, W. A. of .St. Jolhn•ic; Chuac'h
Mv. and ,Ylrs. Freeman Htackwellx ' Mrs. Roy l,aw,s•on since before J. Winter; met at the 'name of Mr's. E, Beatty ,°�
(Miss F,le!anor Knight ,"nt rthol Deepest Mine �mr'i�mnas, is not imprm-ing in. health Mrs. R. J. Sproat and Wim. Bell— 'oat Wednesday. Therre was a good ;;.'
week end at the booms of her par- ` as well as her nmia,tr friend,, would b•Ye-, attemrlances .
ends, !]Hitt•. and Mrs. J. Knight, Gan- . like to see. ' John 'C,arrino and W. Parke won' 'The m'am'y friends 'bf' Mrs: Jones ' ,,,a
brook. 7 produces !Mr. George held a wood bee against C. R. Grigg and A. Y. Me- will':be pleased to know she Maas re- <:
!Mass Ruby young, of ,Myth, spent on Werlmles'day. Lean. turned firom Lon'd'on, where she went °'4
the week end wi+tim her 7'SRlmrts, Mr. 1' The W. A. will hold a social even- 1.
Semi -Finals, for m!edital treatnmleit. We arneerely
am+cf IMns. 'Tboinias Young. Alberta's inrg on Friday, March 1011. A good hope, she will dlemive much benefit and .
.-Mdl§s Versa Porter, of, Cmilbrook, thile, is cxp,orted. IMiss ,Janet. ,Cluff and D. H. Wilson will soon be herself "again.
,spent 'a few days, vn'* her grandlpar-IMrs, George Wlm"eatley- returned won against Mrs. ,R, J. Sproat anri The Wo,^]d',s� Day of Prayer will
Brightest William Bell. ,he observed: )n Set. Johne. Church Fi+i- -
ents, !Mr. and, 'Mrs. Joseph , 'm Toronto an Tlmursrlray after
Donald Wiiso'n, young son of Mr. -Pending a wv-ck with her daughters, John Cardillo and W. Parkeubye. ' day, Warch 3rd. -11
.111, .1
am!d Mr. +Brazil WiLsom, is to be con- Coal. Miscwe;s i3lanr},e dill F•]va, Mr. and Mors. ' Geronnge Citenrn artd 1. i ,
Finals. ft
gratulwted on., re'eeiving ,this' ., iliv+erl' The W. A. met, for quil!tiirg in the family, of Kipplen, called on - their i
cusp dhinhted by the King Concert Co. Sunday s+c'hoh'l of the. church on Jahr; Caadbio acrd' Wallace Parke' oatsnn, !Mnc. I3erdrtty, on 'Shuvdo. j.
.for the largest number of votes in Thursday. ' The president held a won again -4f; M•isas Janet Cluff and D. The sap suuakers will soda be. heard 11
y,; N
the baby contest. N. CLUFF & SONS short tbus+iness meeting. 11. Willson. if thins weather croo dirlida, kk�"
. I Sn •
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