The Huron Expositor, 1933-02-24, Page 7T.
, r .,-.z�,u. . r. ,Phn 91§n d i'..,: .b• ,. r as.,.
'none No, 91-• .
Barrister, Soliicitorh
Netery Public, Etc. •
Barb* rib* Bllock - - Soiarth, Ont.
Succeeding R. S. Hoye
Barristers, SW -alters, Conveyancers
and Notaries Public. Solicitors for the
Dominion Bank. Office in rear of the
Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Money to
Barristers, ' Solicitors, Conveyan-
cers and Notaries Public, Etc. Oiflce
in 'the Edge Building, opposite The
Expositor Office
omnor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
ary College. All diseases of domestic
animas treated. Calls promptly at-
tended -to and charges moderate. Vet-"
erinary Dentistry a specialty. Office
and residence on Goderich Street, one
door east of Dr. Mackey.'s office, Sea -
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary
College, University of Toronto. All
diseases of domestic animals treated
by the mast Modern principles.
Charges reasonaible. Day or -night
calls promptly attended to. Office on
Main Street, filensall. opposite Town
Hall. Phone 116. Breeder of Scott
tisk Terriers. Inverness Kennels,
Hensel!. ,
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat '
Graduate in Medicine, University of
Late assistant New York O:filial-
mei and Aural Institute, Moorefreld's
Eye and Golden" Square Throat Hos-
pitals, London, Eng. At Commercial
Hotel, 'Seaforth, third Monday in
each wreath; from 11 a.m. to 3 . p.m.
68 Waterloo Street, South, Staatford.
Graduate of Faculty of , Medicine,
University of Western Ontario, Lon-
don:. 'Me:titeir of -College of Physic-
ians acrd Surgeons ofOntario. , Office
in Alberhart's Drug :Stere, Male St.,
Seaforth. Phone 90.
Graduate Dublin University, Ire-
land. Late Extern Assistant Master
Rottmda Hospital for" Women and
children, Dublirt. Office at residence
lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. ••
Hours: 9 to 10 a.m-, 6 to 7 ,pen,;
Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m. '
• DR. 1'. J. BURI'tOWS
Office and,resid'entae GederichStree't,
east of 'the United • Church, , Sea -
forth. Phone 46. Coroner for the
County of Buren.. •
.. '
. -
C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin-
ity University, and gold medalist of.
Trinity Medical College; member of
the College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario.
Graduate of University of Toronto
Faculty of ]Medicine, niemniber of Col-
lege of Physicians and 'Surgeons of
Ontario; pass graduate courses in
Chicago Clinical School of Chicago;
Royal Op(h'thailmnie Hospital, London,
England; University Hospital, Lon-
don, England. Office Black of Do-
minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No..5.
Night calls answered from residence,
Victoria Street, Seaforth.
Graduate Faculty of !Medicine, Uni-
versity of Western Ontario. "Member
College of 1?hysici;s. , end Surgeons
of Ontario. 'Post 'graduate work at
Neer York City Hospital. and Victoria
gospi'tal, London. Phone:Hensalt,
156. Office, King Street, Hennail.
' DR. J. A. MUNN
Graduate of Northwestern Univrers-
ityi, Chicago, 111.. Licentiate Royal
College of Dental Surgeons, Toed/ax.
Office over Sills' Blardtware, Main St.,
elleatarth. Mime 151. -
Graduate Royal College of Dental
& rgeons, Taranto. •' Office over W. R
Stniith's 'G'rocery, Main. Street, Sea -
forth. •Phone: Office, 136 W; resi-
dence, 185J.,„
Honor Graduate Carey J'ofiues' Na-
tional School for Anetion'eering, Chi-
cago. Special course taken in Pure
Bred T.ive Steck, Real EMer-
chandris'e and Farm Sales. in
keeping with prevailing markets. Satt-
in+fa'etio'fi assured. ' Write or wire,
Oscar Klopp, Zurrich, Ont. Phone .
by Temple Bailey
It was in IMardh 'that Giles came
to Paris with Amelie and Scripps. It
was exciting and rather like a play,
this resurrection of an atmospher:
which 'belonged to the past. Quarters
were found for Amalie and her com-
panion in the same pension where
Amelie had stayed during the war.
They explained the doctor's plan for
his patient and asked her 'to co-oper-
ate. "There are times when- she may
seem strange. We hope you will not
notice it"
'It was when Scripps first appeared
in uniform that Amelie gave him
startled attention. She tifrned to
Giles with a pitiful question': `f. What
do I rememlber?"
F`Albout Scripps'?"
"Try. to think:"
"I wore a uniform, too?"
"With' red crosses?"'
"And we dined here . . . and
had caviare and pancakes ."
They had chosen -this restaurant---
estaurant--a Russian place on the Seine, because
they had hoped she might .remember.
It was individual and -- interesting,
with the waiters in • costume, and
music that was typical and at times
(barbaric. There in a secluded corner
the three of them• had dined years
ago. They had now the same table
. and Amelie remembered!
She flashed a glance, from one man
to the 'other.' -"yWlhy did we come to-
"To have caviare and pancakes."
Giles tone was light,• though every
nerve in him was ten -se.
They. let it go at that, but were
startled a bit when -she asked! "Why
were we all ,here then ?"
'Scripps leaped forward. In his
eagerness his face took on an effect
of youth and good looks. His uni-
form was 'becoming, and gave, him
the well -set-up. leek- of a soldier.
"Because • you and, I were lovers,
Amelie, and -Giles was our friend:"
-A frown fretted 'her forehead --
"Why 'should you tell me that," she
demanded, "when it isn't true?"
So the moment passed, and. they
went on heavily to talk of other
things. '
As the days passed, -however, Mn-
elie seemed like a 'person waking
slowly, from a dream'• -there was for
example the afternoon when Scripps
took her to the American church
where they were ,married, They went
alone, and Scripps ,told Giles after-
wards how as they had stood in the
dimness and dankness, she had -caught
his arm -and had said in a strange
voice: "With- this ring,' I -thee wed
". where's -my ring, .Scripps'?" '
!He had taken- it from his pocket,
for it 'had never left him since she
had discarded it; and had said: "May
I put it on?" and she had held out
her hand and he• had whispered: "as
long as we both shall live, Amelie,"
and for just one mpi'ireirt, she had
leaned''against him" and had let him
touch her cheek with his, lips. Then
she had drawn away,, and • 'by the
time she reached home sh'e seemed
to have- forgotten. . .
IShe cojetinued to wear the . ring,
ibut there were days when she refus-
ed .to have anything to do with
Scripps -days when the insisted that
Giles should go everywhere with her,
when even their most careful plans
brought no inemories.
Now and then Scripps grew des-
perate. "I am not the same •man and
she knows it. Sihe hates weak things.
You. know what she said of old
"Wait," Giles advised. "she'll come
to it. The real woman in her is
sweet and kind.. Have patience,
Scripps, and it will work out," •
' ' Yet even as, he said it he wonder-
ed. !It was hard -sometimes to keep
his faith in life. There was so much
that was cruel, so much that was
difficult and devastating.
He and Scripps were stopping at a
pleasant and quiet 'hotel, and 'it was
the night after- their conversation
a'bou.t Amelie that Giles went for a
walk. He had no destination, he was
restless, and had felt that physical
exercise might help lift the depres-
sion which weighed him down.
'The street into which he came from
the hotel was brilliant with electric
lights. To the right and left were
shops, closed now, but with their win-
dows golden and their wares display-
ed. He loitered to look and found
himself caught in a maze -of specula-
tion. What would happen to the
world of commerce if women ceased
for a time to buy the things, which
were brought from the ends of the
earth for their, (beautifying? Ail
through the aes, merchants had
come to •cater to feminine loveliness
=beasts with their silken burdens
had crossed the mountains, ships had
sailed with precious fabrics packed
in their holds.- In later years there
had been trains and motors', trucks
and air transports. Women's be-
longings? A world built about them!
He passed a shoe shop and. stopped
as he saw shining behind the glass a
'pair of -silver slippers. They had
chuckles like those on the slippers
which had first brought Joan to him.
He found himself wanting them,. A.
silly idea, perhaps, but none the less
one in which lie resolved to indulge
himself. He would come to -morrow
,aM'id buy them and set them where he
could look upon them and see Joan
in all her grace and girlishness.
He had not heard from her. It
had 'been, perhaps, too much to hope
that she would write. Yet he had
thought her 'friendship might con-
cede pomnething more than 'silence,
-It had not. There was, however
the chance that his letter; had not
reached her. He had her address in
t rW
� r I'�
Barcelona. It had been gaiven him
by the mother, of the children he had
met in the woods. He had wanted
to write again but had kept himself
from it. Afters all, why should he?
(She had gone, of course, to be with
the Hallamts, He had read in the
papers before he Ieft that they were
sojourning ,in Spain. It meant, of
course, that Joan was with them.
Oh, well, such things must be en-
dured. If only she was 'happy! / If
only the little ships had not been
lost on the -rocks! .
He went on and on. A fine mist
was dimenfing the light of the street
lamps. He knew he ought to go in
but he knew, too, he could not sleep.
When at last he reached his hotel he
was cold and wet. As ha entered his
room seemed to fairly shriek with
loneliness. The wind blew strongly
against the window. The sound
brought memories of .other storms a-
cross the sea .•. . he thought of
'Dillyshut in with Iove . . . of
the edow of her hearthstone, of the
child in -her arms. He thought of his
own future. •Not much- to think of.
IHe would have no other woman ,in
it but Joan.
To, have known her and then to
have lost her! A man who had lost
'by -death a ;beloved woman might find
peace perhaps --in the thought of a
reunion. But to lose her to another
man . . a man -like Hallam!
"I could ' have 'made her hap-
py. 'I know I could have 'Made her
happy. But if she marries Hallam
- (God help her."
'The next morning he went back to
the shop where he had seen the sil-
ivter slippers. It -'was a very exclusive
-shop . . . and the price of the
slippers was high. But he cared
nothing for that, and presently he
had them, ,clone up in a parcel' and
under' his arm. The salesman hoped
that, the 'size was right. It was al -
way, he asserted, a risk to buy shoes
without fitting them. Giles said with
a smile that there would, he thought,
be no trouble. He had chosen a pair
that were -slender and' small like
Joan's pretty feet. •
'Then, as if his thought of her had
brought her to him, he came face to,
face with Joan as he was leaving
the shop.
(They stared at each other as if
they were, seeing- ghosts, then Joan
held -out her• hand: "You aren't real,
are you?"
' 'He laughed. 'tiI am. But you
aren't. • Things like this don't hap-
pen." '
"Burt it has,happened."
"q thought you were in Spain."
"I have been. But I came down
for a bit. to (buy things. Farley is
with me." ,
"And now that we have met?
Can't you lunch with me? Or dine?
Surely we aren't going to be ships
that pass in the night."
"No .. . " she considered the
matter . , . "I might dine with
you. II have a late fitting of my
wedding gown . five at
Hie did not let her finish. "Your'
wedditig'gown ? You are going to be
married?" his voice was sharp.
"Yes. Didn't you know?"
"How. s+hould tiI?" -
"It was in, all- the papers." .
"I rarely read society news." There
'he put a question,. squarely': "Did you
get my letter?"
"Why didn't you answer it?"
'Colour came up into her cheeks.
"I. . . . there have been so many
things to keep rrre . . . from
writing." •
"I• see," dryly.
" They stood for, a moment in sil-
ence, then Giles said: "Perhaps, ev
en now, I am -intruding?"
She held out her hand to him im-
pulsively: "Gh, no, please, ,"
"Then shall I call for you'�at'- the
wedding -gown place?"
"Yes.' She gave him the address.
"I am getting a lot of things. How
would you like to come early and let
the show you some of them."
"Your gowns?" -
"Yes. The mannequins look love-
ly in them."
"Not lovelier than yeah" o••
IHe smiled at her, and then went
on, with a touch of wistfulness: "Do
you know 'what I have in my par-
cel?" -
"Silver slippers: Last night I was
out in the mist and rain and passed
this window acid saw them. They
were like the ones you •brought to
Scripps' shop. Do you" remember?"
Did she? Her eyes • showed it al-
though she was silent.
/"I .thought of you as I saw you
then -lighting my dim room. So this
morning I came in' and brought them.
.They were like having a hit of you
with .me. Do you see? ' Not having
ydu-I must have Something."
Her -fingers touched his sleeve. "1
am sorry."
"I 'don't want -pity , . ." then
with zv quick change of voice, 'I'll
come for you then? At five."
When later he called for her at
the roo•tnss of a famous dressmaker,
he 'was admitted at once and found
.Joan waiting for him.
'He had never been in a place like
tlds, •and was amazed at the beauty
of the setting -'classic draperies in
grey and violet, Iong mirrors set in
the wall, violets in low vases. Noth-
ing else, and all this simplicity as a
background for the graceful auto-
matons who swept in and out in this
gown and that, cool, young, beauti-
ful, perfectly poised, utterly com-
"Are all of these yhii•s?" Giles de-
manded of Joan, as the mannequins
cache and went.
"Yes, Sometimes it,, doesn't seem
true in the lea -at. I feel as if I were
an actress on a stage, dressed for
the part."
"lire' famous dressmaker appeared
now to camlmient and criticize; "Mad-
emioiselle wears best the simple
things," he said, "it is her type. I
shall show' you. next the wedding -
gown • . it is a copy. of aztt,.oldd
portreit.,of a lady. of Provence."
He went away, the mann'e'quin
trailing after him in draperies of jade
and silver, and when -Giles and Joan
were alone; Giles. said: +"'i always
-think of you as I first saw you on
the rocks.' '
"How long ago it seems."
They sat in silence. Both of them
with the thought in their minds of
that stozeny day with the wind beat-
ing the trees down, the waves reach-
ing rip towards'the sky and in Giles',
vision was Joan like a winged visit-
ant high above him, and in Joan's
of the vivid youth, with ruffled hair,
his hand upraised, to warn her.
'She caught her breath iii .a sigh.
"Dear friend, I should have answer-
ed your letter."
He turned towards her with a
quick movement. "It would have
saved a heartbreak. I have been
in, the depths." „r
She -reached out her hand towards
him and he took it. "I don't know,"
she said, "why 'I didn't write. ,It is
as if •I lived in a dream. ."
"I have tried to understand .
hut it has not been easy . , "
- He said after another pause: "You
haven't told me when it -is to be."
"In April." •
"So ' soon ?" lie" broke off .as the
famous •dressmtaker re-entered, fol-
lowed by a mannequin -
"The wedding gamin," Monsieur enn-
nounced. ,
It was an. exquisite thing of lace
like a cobweb, with pearls dripping
down the front of it, and orange -
blooms in clusters catching the veil.:
"Mademoiselle should wear it herself
to 'show it' ire, its perfection," the
ferrous dressrflaker said, "but we
have a superstition that the !?'ride
:frust never, try on -,a gown after it is
finished. We dare not risk unhappi-
ness," He smiled at Giles. Ile bo-
Ineved him 'to be the blissful t)ride-
gr•oom! Giles wondered what he
would think if he knew the truth ?
'].'hat he was nothing to Joan. That
-she had not cared enough for their
friendship to answer his letter ,
that even now she was pitying him,,
lie had an' oveewhelmin•g desire to
break forth into sudden savagery and
tear the wedding gown to shreds. $ut
of course he wouldn't. He would
simply sit there saying banal things
while within him the red blood was
When they came out, Joan said:
"Shall I dress for dinner, or will you
take -are to some • place where I ,can
wear what I have on?"
"•I don't want to see you gorgeous,"
he told her with a sort of desperate
bitterness, "Joan,' let me • have . you
for a little,while es if there were no
past 'and future .. ."•
IHe took her to a charming place in
the Bois. They motored through
thick' woods to a long building with
a • Sweep 'of. garden in front. "I
brought you here," Giles said, "be-
cause of the trees;' I shall' never think
-of you as Mrs., 'Hallam of Paris and
Baltimore. I shall always think of
yoti as Joan of'the. woods."
'They had a table which gave them
through a wide ,window a glimpse un-
der the moon • of pale statues set a-
thong young poplars. And when
Giles had ordered, he said': "Now tell
me how you happen to be in 'Spain."
'He listened while she told- him
ni'ore than she knew she was telling.
Of Nancy's letter: "She asked me to
come over, and eat the apple!" Of
the glamour of the gay life at Barce-
lona. Of Drew's devotion: "He real-
Iy Ioves me."
"It is an artificial existence," she
confessed. "Nobody seems to have
any cares, any responsibilities. We
all do as We please, and nobody asks
whether 'things are right or wrong.
It is just whether it will be 'good
"And 'you like it?"
•"Yes . , . one side of me likes
"And the other side?" •
"I'm not sure," she laughed a lit-
tle, "hut the taste of the apple is
He leaned forward, e`Do you real-
ly mean that, my dear?"
The flippancy with which she had
been speakieg was .no longer in her
voice as she said: "Oh, don't ask
me. , . ."
"Why- not?"
• "Because- that's the thing • that
Worries me -whether all my life I
shall want -to eat the apple . "
He reached for her hand and held
it tight in his own. "Joan, when I
raw your wedding gown I wanted to
tear it to tatters."
She tried to withdraw her hand.
"No, let me say it. I can't hear the
thought of you as Hallam's wife. My
dear, I love you. When you marry
Hallam my heart mill die."
She sat staring at him, then sud-
denly it seemed as if the world about.
them dropped away and there was
only his illumined faced in a sort
of golden haze -his strong hand on
hers. •
She spoke breathlessly: "Giles,
dear, I must not listen . . . please
And will you take me home?
In the days that followed Joan's
departure, Giles lived in a dreadful
dreanr. The thought of her marriage
was a nightmare. Yet what could
he de? In modern times one did not
rush in and. forbid the 'barns simply
because of a sense of the desecration
of such a union.
He tried to throw himself whole-
'h'eartedly into the drama of the lives
of Amelie and Scripps. They were
Amelre who year
We r'ornance in )pta,rYs,.
'back on an effect"y.•path,
emit of Amelia vihs that af: a 1psear
happiness revivified him alae 'brought
light to his ey a.,-.colo>t t
`cheeks. •
The climax crane oneaft caws
when the three of them -had drnett to
a little inn on the outskirts of Pars,
a cherming place with a pond where
ducks swam in the Silver water, and
with 'blosseating fruit trees iiingjtxtg
their pink and white against an. azure
brays r r'#uit�r
Mart* digit,...
14efoae he 'l `. r...
"Rut how eaP,
th6t?" .
"It -is becalm 7,04 MY*.•he
you should: rt." '.
' I'd rather go to Oallal .
Well, why not? . Tell
you know, lin the old days yob
have.had the thing out •with p ivq'ie;
As it is you May.. lk h otbert
Scripps ` had 'bought, along the way, down, :but whare the di 'e ?
a nosegay of spring flowers for Am- - They said,. little elfiber 'Chat, en 1
elie. She was all hi white and look- the next morning Giles 'left fo,
ed like a bride with her great ben- Barcelona. ;He took thetas* route
-quet, She said as they came to the that' Joan had followed, coming' sat.
inn: Wl .reanemr, er this. Raymond night to the, dusky inn where )Bose
She with us. . . ." he turned to and loan had met. He 'was aware of
Giles. "You were not here. It was the chat?' of it all and of the s mtos-
Raymtond?" Ahem which seemed to belong to
tIt was the 'firm time she had seem- medieval days. He was aware. too
ed to differentiate -between her-.l'ro- of that sense of, romantic • adventure
ther and they man who she had 'insist- which had impressed Joan. lie won;
ed was- 'his counterpart. 'dered if by any chance he might sonic
"No, I was riot here," Giles said day travel this road with• -the woman
gently. .. be loved. If she did not meaty
Her eyes were clear and candid. Drew? Might there not Caine a
"Raymond went away and left us, time..
Scrips and I, it was our honey- As he satat breakfast he saw op -
moon." polite him a sailor in a vivid blue
She spii'ke no more of the past, shirt, scarlet sash and scarlet hand
but when they had dined and the day kerchief albout his head: He was
had darkened into an amethyst twi- showing to a companion, as pictur-
light, she was content to follow esdque &s himself,. the model of a lit -
Scripps to a charming arbour roofed tie 'painted ship. It was -a tiny, per -
with spring blossom, leaving Giles feet 'thing, • cariv"ied from wood, bril-
to sit by the pond which was now liantly colored and gildied, with its -
purple in the 'gathering dusk, and pennants and flags perfect. Giles'
-deserted by the ducks who had set- eyes rested on it eagerly. He leaned
tied them -selves on the grass, sleepy forward and asked in his imperfect
-heads tucked ender their shining Spanish: "Will you sell?"
wings. A crescent moon was reflect= The sailor nodded and' named a
ed 'in the pool. The night was 'still price, and presently Giles found him -
except, for a slight .breeze which self •pe
swept thrrlagh the blooming' trees Hie hadin aossfeelingssion thatofthe he wouldtinybark. like
and- ' brought their fragrance, brought ,to' give it to Jn. spreading
too the thrill pf a re-created world.sails held •the promise Its of some voyreadi-
3n two weeks "Joan would 'marry 'age of happy adventure. If only she
Drew !Hallam's If it had. not been did not marry 'Drew!
for Amelie and Scripps, Giles would When he came that night to Ba-rce-
have returned• at once to his Island. Ionia, he went to the ltei • and
Among his books he felt he ,might asked for 'Drew. He was told that
find surceese from the agony which the ''Hallams and 'Miss Dudley wer:;
tore him. Deep in his heart he 'wa:s spending the week end in the mour.•
aware that Joan would never be hale: tains, a half a. day's journey by met -
Py. There' was that with' her or. 'They had gone away, the clerk
which 'Drew could never satisfy. She informed him, that Miss Dudley
was heading straight for disaster. might rest.
There were things, too, he had to Giles asked: "May •I have the
think about, which made him uncer-address? I- am an old friend."
tain as to the course he should our- The 'clerk gave it, and an hour
sue. Many' of the men he had mem, later Giles was on his way. He would,
in Paris 'knew Drew Hallam ''and see Drew 'Hallam and 'have the thing
from them' he had heard the gossipdut. And failing Drew, Joan,
which linked the name of, Joan's fu-
ture husband with a past which was
indiscreet, if not stained with dis-
honour. If Joan had had a brother
or a father, Giles would have laid
the whole story before them. Yet
to go to Joan herself? How could
he do it? She would not 'believe hire
and he would seem only a despairing
lover trying to force an issue for his
own sake. •
As he sat by the quiet' pool, in •the
purple dusk, he wondered why`, he
should care what he seemed to 'oth-
ers. The thing was to save the wo-
man he loved. He had thought of an
appeal to Hallam. Of a challenge to
Drew's. own sense of the enormity
of linking his smirched -life with the
life of a girl• like Joan.
'Whatever he„did, must be done at
once. 'He rose ' and 'stood with his
face uplifted to the sky. Albove him
was a serene world -yet his heart
was torn.
And now Amelie and Scripps,,came
from the blossoming arbour, -hand in
hand. • As they approached, Ameiie
was singing a little French song shy,.
had often chanted long ago for
Scripps -her voice was like a bird's,
sweet and clear in the silent night.
-"'When they reached him-. Scripps
spoke: "Amelie wants to come back
here. . ."
"You mean? .' ." Giles-look-
ed from one to the other.
"Yes," Scripps -said, and his voice
,was deep with emotion, "she wants
to come ,with me, Giles, alone .
Sitting' by the pool the three of
them made their plans. They would
return to Path, and as soon as pos-
sible Scripps and" Amelie -would set-
tle down for a time in this lovely
spot. Amelie was radiant. The dark,
clouds had lifted. She was like her-
self. Simple, sweet. Giles felt, how
ever. that they must not go too fast,
there must 'be no' mistake before
Amelie entered upon this new life
which was to be an ecstrltic echo of
the old. • •
As they drove' home Giles ' knew
that freedoms had come to him at
last. Am -elle and -Scripps won Id
soon not need him. Yet he knew too,
that his relea:ce had erei'vnd to'i,late.
He -would be alone w:th neith(':
i' iendship nor love to fill his
The days intervening -between Joan',;
duirriage' would soon. pass. She would
ho Drew's •wife. Lost to him foreer
et. "
That night, as he sat late in the
;'•rill -room of his hotel, he was ap-
1•.roashed by -an English officer whom
hi' lead known intimately during the
Great War. They talked over old
times, of Amelie and' Scripps, am
Giles voiced with. some vehemence,
his sense of restlessness an•d indeci-
ion. "I am not sure what L waist
to do with my life."
"Why not travel'?"
Giles tapped the table thought-
fully. "it was what I wanted -but
now that the' opportunity is mine, I
find myself eager to go "back to my
Island -to bury myself."
His friend demanded: "What has
happened ?"
Giles tidied to laugh it off: "Per-
haps I ani growing old."
"Perhaps -you are in love."
" Wliat' makes you think that?"
• "011, a man like you should be
ready for adventure, for life, for ex-
Giles flung tip his head. "I ora in
love. With a woman who marriee
another man next week and he -is not
worthy of her."
"Hew do you knew?"
"You remember him -Drew Hal-
The Englishman gave a short ex -
(demotion: "Remieinber! He a cad
and a coward,"
Giles tone was eager. "'You're
sure of that?"
"Sure of it," the Englishman set-
tled himself in 'his chair, -"listen to
The retreat to which -Joan and the
Hallame had- gone was an old mon-
astery, which offered hospitality to
those who sought rest and quiet.
Joan, would have loved it if she could
have been there alone with Drew.
"It is a perfect place for a honey-
moon," she said, "but why should
Rose and her mother have followed.
us?" Her voice had a note of sharp-
ness, per nerves 'were on edge.s. . It
had seemed incredible to her that
Rose and Mrs. Carter should intrude
at -such a time. "What made her
think she could come, Drew?" she
He evaded her question: "Oh, well•
you know Rose. . . ."
"But -surely •, you didn't invite
"No -but she adores this place-,
and asked if I cared if she joined. us.
What could I say?"
' "Will she 'be following us like this
after we,atre married?"
ire Iaughed' and put a finger un-
der her chin, lifting her face so that
he could • lore's into her eyes. :Veal-
, » ,
' A deep flush stained her cheeks.-
heeks."Yo'r know I'm not. But the thin
is .o Overly absurd.- Rose, ought to
know she is not wanted."
"Oh, well, in a week you and I will
leave her behind forever." He laid
his cheek against hers. "My sweet
Joan' wandered that afternoon into
gardenof the monastery and sat
on the rim of an old fountain and
watched the doves flying down to the
water: One of the brown -clad bro-
thers came out to feed the doves.
Joan said to him: "I love this
peace. The world seems so far a-
The brother said quietly: "Yet
there is peace in the world, daugh-
ter, if we have it in our hearts."
"I know,"
There were no further words be-
tween them„ and when he had fed
the birds the brother Wont. away, hint
Jean thought of what he had said:
"There is peace in the world- if we'
have it in our heart:^,"
She- knew there was no peace in
her world. ''\Vii --n she was with strew
she was conscious of a sort of tumult
ucros happiness -he N% as a marvellous
lover• and knew how to play on the
-trings of her emotions. Yet always
at the hack of her mind 'was a dis-
tur'hed sense that some day the
glamour would disappear and she
would! face Drew's faults and he
afraid of them.
in a Week she was to Malay him!
She would go through with it now,
although more and more she shrank
from it. Drew was unstable, she
could not deceive herself, yet it was
too late now to draw hack„ She knew
the exact moment when her dotrht'
had chrystallized-that moment with
Giles Armiger in Paris when he had
told her that, he loved her.
tDinner• that night, was served in
the rectory, a long room, lighted only
by a few candles and the afterglow
framed by its arched windows, It was
toward the end of the dinner that
one of the brothers announced- that a
gentleman wished to speak to Mr,
brew rose. "Did he give his
He had not. He was waiting in
the little office.
Drew- went out. After his (leper=
ture, Rose and Nancy and Mrs. Car-
ter kept up, as usual, a smightly
conversation.. Joan was- quiet. She
had a same of the strangeness of the
moment. Site eat bpposrte one of
the arched w:inddow•. and looked
straight into the heart of, the setting
'swim. With its gold and crrniCrek._e
seen -leo a garteway inte :a .s?hmning ,i
Lure... She worpdehed il', Piro
-would go through that gate' and .
their Paradise. (Surely 'there tarnl
(be no flaming sword • to bar ;hat
out. -
Thoy liangeired long over 'their et --
fee, but Drew did.. not return. -At Iaab •-
Joan rose from 'the :batik arid wenn
alone into 'the garde;%- She eat . ac -
gain on the 'rim of -the fountain, aril
trailed 'her, fingers in the quiet pool.
The doves ''hart flown 'to 'the h'e1fry'
apd settled theseselvea for the night,
A few faint stars Shone overhead
but in the sky was lingering the rose
and golf! .and green ";of the afterglow.
Joan heard a step on the 'cloistered
porch and turned, expecting Dxew,,
But it. was not Drew. It was' the
brother to whom she had spoken int
the afternoon and he handed her a
little parcel. "'It was 'left for you."
'She asked: "Who -lefit•j !'
"The brown clad brother went a-
way and Joan opened the 'parcel._
Within she found a tiny, carved ship,
gay with purple and crimson and
gold. There was no card'. No clue
by which' she might trace the giver.
The night ca-arre on, and the moon -
rose. Joann still -waited, thinking
Drew would join her. She wondered!
what was . keelring him,. She wonder-
ed, too, about the man who had sent
the boat. 'Why had, he come, and..-_
what .'business would . he have with
The 'little .reception room of the
m!o,nastetry was a bare place, with
'high windows ,whic•h framed at the
moment oblongs of nose -lighted sky.
'Giles was -standing 'at one of the
windows, and -turned as Drew enter-
For a flew moments they' faced each
other, in silence, then: Drew said:
"You wished to see me?" • v
"Yes. Shall we -be interrupted
here? I ahouldelike to speak to you
alone. -4
"We can go outside."
Drew led the way to a gate which
was opened by one of the brown -clad
brothers. ".Beyond the gate was a
little grove where seats had been set
about for such wayfarers as wished
t6 rest and look at the view. Through
a cleared space in the dark cedars -
was a vista of the peaks of the moun-
tain range, bathed now in the mists •
of evening, and sweeping shack to-, '
ward" the sunset like the waves of a
glorious sea.
Standing by a bench, with iris- hand
oir the'bark of ,it, Giles Gamier at once
to the subject in hand: ,-"I am afraid
you will not like what I have to say.
Bet I must say it. I ,want you., to
release Joan Dudley from her prom-
ice to ,marry you." -
(Continued next week.)
.ya;'w5^r✓,f� mast:$'uud*MwtLk',C'1�ntuWne�c�irrr`nLe
South. '
Wingham 1.55
Belgrave 2.11
Blyth 2.23
Londesboro 2.30
Clinton 3.0S
Brucefield• "t 3.27
Kippen 3.35 .
Hensel! 3.41
Exeter 3.55
Exeter 10A2 -
Hensrall 10.551,
Kippen 11.01
Brucsfield 11.09
Cl inton 11.54
Londesboro 12.10
Blyth 12.19
i3elgrave • 12.30
W'.ingham 12.50
Seal orth
C. N. R.
Seaforth .....
Goderich •
9.59 '
Goderich 46484, 5.50
Menet 5.55
McGaw 6.04
Auburn 6.11
Bl yth 6.25
Y alton 6.40
McNaught 6.52
Toronto 10.25
Toronto 7.40
McNaught 11.43
Walton 12.01
Blyth 12.12'
r 12.84
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