The Huron Expositor, 1933-02-24, Page 217` :;,ij; , I('r;:iS E k'j41! it nt ti iii :}k s?� r. ja ('S er GIpure, wholesome,.. and economical table Syrup. Children love its delicious flavor. THE CANADA STARCHCO, LIMITED, MONTREAL SUNDAE'• AFTERNOON (By Isabel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.) ALL ,h1UST FARE And we must fare through crimsoned seas 'Till men of every land and race +Shall know each other face to face, And all shall take and all shall give, And all shall learn at last to live And labor for the sovereign •good Of universal brotherhood. ,--Leslie Pinckney Hill. PRAYER 0 God, make our faith real! Teach as to regulate our lives by our sense of Thy purpose. Help us to commit our souls to Thy keeping, we pray in `the name of Him who loved us and gave Himself for us. Amen. S. S. LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 26 Lesson Topic --.Jesus Shows His Power. Lesson Passage—Mark 4:354:8, 113-20: Golden Text -11 Timothy 1:12. an writing of this incident of the storm on the lake one commentator• says: "As I see the time when this took place, I learn something. It was eventide when these disciples; braced the halyards and drew up the ;brown sail, and gave the prow of their little vessel to the setting sun; but, as the crisis of the story it was more than eventide—it was night; the hours had sped on, twilight so short in those eastern lands had slipped suddenly away; not alone a ,storm, but darkness had overtaken these disciples. So with us now, the time as of old is eventide; the ages have slipped by and we, are standing here, heirs of all the ages past, near- er the time than when we believed. Now, as then, .in the dark mysteries of life sits• Jesus Christ; dearer and closer when danger is near. It was• at their greatest need that He rose up and cried His great words of `Peace, be still." It was the 'sym- pathy, the help, that touched the. !hearts "of the disciples. He came to 'their rescue, and although the won- der of His power over. great natural laws was not without its effect, yet that which seems to have touched them was the sense that 'He was their protector; their :Saviour.. So it ,is =with us. Everyone cones first or Oast to God, through tribulation. And what db we 'find in the (m'ids't of the world! tribulation? The; story of Christ, the thoughts of men albout !Christ, are diffusing themselves throughout the whole Christian world —(Christ in .humanity, Christ in sympathy for others, that has be- come the 'Christ of our age. The re- d's Agit avoh lite 4,0 ,'1 10O—sen the i?tive,' t `leatba blind !slider the darkened attics. succor the poor and weedy, to bring good news," Ah, dim Of vision, and slow of hearts Your !Christi Give int, 0 give us Elm." —K. W. Yassar. A Guide To Meal -Planning Pork is one pf our biggest meat (bargains to -day. There are no pork cuts, fresh or - cured, that are not cheaper than even the most optimis- tic shopper would have believed pos- Isible two or three years ago. IDuring the past few years we haye learned a great deal about the right way of „cooking meat and pork has benefited, perhaps, more than some of the other meets. This knowledge is the result of experimental work done by cookery schools and the home economics departments of agri- cultural colleges. The result of these experiments is establishing standards of meat cookery which have been sadly lacking heretofore. There is one unalterable rule albout pork cookery, whether of the fresh OT cured variety, whether roasted, 'sauted, !broiled or ,boiled: It must be well done. Undercooked pork is dangerous to the health. The secret of success in preparing any fresh pork cut is to ariaistain. a temperature which will cook the meat thoroughly at the 'centre and yet keep the outer surface from becom- ing overcooked and dry. To develop to the fullest extent the rich flavor vehieh is characteristic of fresh pork the meat should be cooked at a moderate • temperature after it has been seared. Water should not be added to roast- ing pork. The cuts which may be roasted, such as the loin, ham and shoulder, have enough exterior fat to baste the meat and prevent the roast from drying out. Boned hams and shoulders are easier to . carve, and are attractive when served either hot or cold. They, may be stuffed with well -seasoned bread crumbs or bread dressing. Time Table For Roasting Pork. Loin, 30 minutes a pound at 300 deg. F. after 15 minutes' ,searing at 480, deg. F. Fresh shoulder, 30 minutes a pound at :300 deg. 'after 15 ininirtes searing at 480 deg, F. s. Fresh ham, 30 minutes a pound at 300 deg. F. after searing •l5Thiinutes at 430 deg, F. Fresh butt, 45 to 50 minutes a pound at 300 deg. F., after searing 15 minutes at 480 deg. F. Pork chops; should never be .irroil- ed nor panbroiled. They need long, slow cooking. To keep 'them from drying out the pan ire which they are being_coeke.d should be covered. One thick 'pork chop is better than two thin, ones. For best results brown the pork chops first, then cpver the pan tightly ,and cook over `a very moderate heat until chops are tender. When planning .menus it is weil to remember that when pork is included (since it is apt to contain a good deal of fat) the other foods in the meal should not be rich. Because of its high fuel value :pork is well adapted to cold weather use. Then, too, its flavor Valends so well with our winter fruits and vegetables that we have ,many tin/usually good com- binations which are both economical and popular. What. To Serve With Roast Pork. 1. Sauces, reliishes and accompan- iments --Fried Apple Rings, Apple. sauce, Glazed Apples, Onion Sauce; stuffed and spiced baked apples, mus- tard •pickles,, sauted orange slices, spiced pickled ,peaches, apple dump- lings boiled in the- pork gravy. 2. •'Potatoes:—IWihipped, browned (Franconia) ,potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, candied sweet potatoes, pot- ato puff. • 13. Vegetables — Spinach, eight - minute cabbage, eggplant, dandelion •greens, , green string beans, Lima beans, creamed turnips, Brussels sprouts, creamed or braised cabbage, 'glazed onions. 4. Salads- Crisp green salad with French dressing, grapefruit salad, lettuce hearts with bacon, dressing, ,beet and .pickle salad. • 5. Desserts -Fruit sherbets, snow pudding with custard sauce, fruit salad, banana fluff, fruit whips, bak- ed apples. What To Serve With Pork Chops, Tenderloin and Sausages. •1. Sauces, Relishes and Accom- paniments—Fried apple rings, baked stuffed apples, cider and •lemon sauce, pickled crabapples, pepper hash. 2. 'Potatoes.—(Mashed or whipped potatoes, creamed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, 'parsley potatoes or ,crisp savory rice. 3 Vegetahle:s—Corn, and tomato ti n ales, scalloped 'tomatoes, corn, parsnip patties, spinach with lemon, yellow' mashed turnip, creamed, on - ,ions or Celery, buttered carrots. 14. Seeded -Jellied vegetable sal- ad, cherry salad, apple, orange and grapefruit salad, tomato salad with 1,000 Island dressing, Waldorf salad. 5. Desserts—Vanilla, cream, car- amel custard,. coffee sponge, lemon, ice -box cake, frozen pudding. What To Serve With Baked Ham. 1. Sauces, Relishes and Accom- paniments' --Cranberry jelly, currant jelly, fried apple rings, baked spiced peaches, fried pineapple rings, racked 'bananas, cider sauce, pepper sauce, raisin sauce, ea - 2. Potatoes . Baked . poi atoes, sweet potato croquettes, candied sweet potatoes, scalloped potatoes or savory rice. ,• 3. Vegetables — Corn fritters, (Macedoine of vegetable, spinach with piquant sauce, Brussels' sprouts, 'ereannie'd cau,liflewer, eight -minute; cabbage, corn on the cob, 'Broccoli, mashed turnips, breised cabbage. 4. Salad•. -(Coleslaw, beet • and cel- ery salad, Waldorf salad, jellied 'beer. salad, grapefruit salad. 5. Dessert Apple fluff, fruit -sherbet, apple or cream pies- grape sponge, jellied fruits. What To Serve With Filed or eagnition of the brotherhood of men --that is Christ at the present time working into actual affairs, and leav- ening the whole lump." After they landed in safety Jesus found 'work ready to his hand. In this narrative of the man possessed of bhe unclean spirit we see that the devils were obedient to the word of command which fell from the lips of Christ: "Come out of him, thou un- clean spirit," and shortly .afterwards the once possessed myight have been seen "sitting, clothed in his right mind-"" This power and authority was relegated to His apostles by the Master, not for a temporary 'purpose, or to be confined to one age or one nation, for we read that after the cross had been endured and the grave emptied, the (;blaster said again: "Go ye into all the world and ,preach the gospel to every creature.'" The gos- pel and the Chuie"h which is a keep- er and witness of the truth, haye had power over unclean spirits ever since, end they have exercised it in every age, and before our eyes, 'and we are, witnesses that it is. in no sham, but a blessed reality. .There is still power 'being manifested in changed lives. Everyone called from darkness to light, and from the king- dom of Satan to the kingdom -of God is a witness. "Christendom is a liv- ing witness, built' up of lively stones, to the potency of Christ, His Gospel and His Church, aver all Satanic arts and in'fluences." an verses 18-20 we read how the healed man was naturally anxious to remain at the side of his healer; but Jesus sent him out to work for him by telling of His power and of His Compassion. We see here the possi- bility of• -'being under the protection of Christ even though far from His physical presence. ''Christ always pointed towards a spiritual reign; and discouraged trust in merely flesh- ly presence and, power. WORLD MISSIONS' India to England. Your great machines are humming In city, and in town; Their grinding wheels are crushing The lives of thousands down. . . , You bring us tools for farming, Reaper and' spade and plough; We11 have you wrought to feed us Who else, mere dying now. . . , You were our guide to freedom, Since you had fought and won; For us a dawn of promise Shines in your rising sun. Forget not in your glory Whose is the strength, the art; Give with your laws and customs The power that shaped your. heart! He of you too shall the word be true, "Why no, we're never lonesome" For 30 cents you can telephone about 100 miles Ivy making an "any- one" call (station. to -station) after 8.30 p.m. See list of rates in front of directory. "You must be lonely these days," Joe Hanley suggested, "now that young Jim has left home." "Why, not at all," replied Old Jim, pointing to the telephone with a smile. "We talk with the lad, on Long ,. Distance every week. And it's almost as good as seeing him." "Isn't it expensive?" "Why no, -station -to -station night rates make it about 25 cents." Let Long Distance keep you in touch with friends and relations. It is quick, clear, dependable and the cost is trifling. aA! Kik nexpen.l ive a, • Fralt riotobracs mak* slomat�i•; like new Broiled Ham. .f. Sauces, 'R:elis'hes and • Aceom- panimlents—,Prepared mustard, spic- ed gooseberries, wild grape or,wild plum jelly, cu>cumlber rings, pinepple rings. 2. Potatoes --{Creamed; .Au Gratin, "I had always been in good health until I ba >:%�>:.�%; .�'+^•3�#%`.� gan hgiving trouble with' my stomach. I couldn't i;{ ,• +, ,� eat anything without discomfort and contin- ually had ,heartburn I s•"•': severe gas pains and headaches. I can truthfully say'Frult-a-tives' completely restored Inc to health" Frait.at-tides .. . all drug stores upon the hips of tine cold and fejt c* > aa, ofa i clil dUlal, eThinOt atOotlIer once !eclat ed A44 the Oral decade of an ` ?w idi vudnar,t,le life s4ton,1d be. prinxarily con cerned, with health, ,and the Vicon deaade with edueettend Eduleatieh }s Most 'happily acquired Iby beastly child7'en, and lessons in health ere, but a branch of education:. An absence of a few days- from !school may not only offset an unde- sirable complication, 'but may indeed be the weans of averting the danger of snore grave consequences, Delmonico, Lyonnaise or whipped. 13.. Vegetaibles -- Baked stuffed bomaboes, spinach, Brussels sprouts, green 'b'eans. 4. Salad Calbbage and raisin, ginger ale and pineapple, jellied tomato. 5. Dessert—•Same as for baked ham. With Cold Sliced Ham. /Seine potato salad, prepared mus- tard, green peas and buttered car- rots, with orange ice cream, lemon sherbet or peach tapioca for dessert. What To Serve With Spareribs, 1. Sauces, Relishes and Accom- paniments• --(Barbecue sauce, mustard chow chow, bean pickle, tomato or spinach sauce, sage and onion dress- ing. 2. Potatoes and vegetables, same as with pork chops. Desserts, same as, with pork; ohops and roast pork. Soups To Serve With Pork. Consomme, strained vegetable, tom- ato bouillon, chicken bouillon. Dressing For Roast Pork. Potato, sage and onion, bread and apple, chestnut, prune. Praises Home Treatment For Bladder Weakness, Backache, Irritation No matter what your age m•ay be, how long you have been troubled or how many medicines you have tried without success—if you are a victim of functional Bladder Weakness and Irritation, causing days of trouble- isonie annoyance and nights of Brok- en Rest, you are invited to try the amazing value of [Dr. •Southworth's ,'Urataibs" without risk of cost unless please(( with results. (Made from a special formula used by the Doctor for ober 44 years "Uratabs" are designed to swiftly re- lieve the pain and misery ,of Burning Urethral Irritations, Backaches, fre- quent daily annoyance and trouble- some nights. Any good druggist will supply you on a guarantee of money bank on 'first box purchased if you are not wonderfully. satisfied with swift and positive relief obtain- ed. S'peaki'ng of unprofitable invest- ments, has anyone considered the snow shovel bou 'h't 'so confidently last Novem.iber?---iBmockvhlle 'Record- er and 'Tinders. It is confidence which ' develops O'consumer" purchases and puts peo- ple back to work.—!Roger W. Bab - Sen. A HEALTH SERVICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA THE SCHOOL CHILD There is .a tendency on the part of•a large number of parents to con- isider the common cold in young chr.t- deen as being relatively unimport- ant. This is especially true in the case of children at the 'beginning of their school years. The first years of school find a child in a (totally different environ- ment from 'that of his first years' of life. In the home, the daily round' of the pre•sscheol child varies but lit- tle from day to day, and during this period, excitement is at a low ebb as comyai•ed with the gla'maur and op- portunities for contact which t'he• earlier years at school hold. In the home, children are lightly clad, whereas in many instances, they are senti:to school with far too much clothing. The anxious -'other pre - ,pares her child for the cold walk, but she may neglect to consider the temperature of the school rooms. Outside coats are dispensed 'with in the cloak room, but sweaters and thick stockings ,are frequently worry throughout the day in the class! room. Somletimles warm clothing is neclessa7•y, but often enough, class rooms become overheated and thco child uncomfortably warm. During the quick exit at the recess period, lunch hour or school closing, such an overheated child may fail to put ori his 'overcoat, or, more often, mikes, the journey home with his coat wide open. An 'abrupt change of temper- ature, with its rapid cooling effect and consequent lowering of resistance provides an opportunity for bacteria ordinarily present in the mouth to become active, with the result that an upper respirartory ,infection de- velops. Once such a cold has been discovered, it is e'ss'ential that the child be kept at home, not only to -avoid compliceti'ona, but to protect other children in the same class or the samie school from catching the cold. (Such infections 'are only too often contracted from close contact with colds from which oth4r's are suf- fering. Five days is the average time re- quired to recover from a cold, but this will aatiftrally vary dlepending Dirt Fingernails Trap Criminals (By 'Prodiate King, in the Toronto 'Star Weekly.) ;Recently the (Surete Generale in Paris, the famiouls French crime fight- ing organization conducted a labora- rtory experiment Iby which it was able to convict a robber by the dirt under his (fingernails. The thief had climb- ed over, a, glass roof, broken' a pante and had descended by a ropes (He had left finger -prints which were proved' to be his. But 'the lab- oratory decided to 'exam'ine the dirt under his fingernails to ascertain if additional evidence could be col- lected, 'sufficiently conclusive, had the -'eeidtence of the finger -prints not [been availa'bl'e. The lsau1 etance under- his, nderhis•. fingernails proved to be a mix- ture of dust and oil known to trim- inologisbs as `igonue." The "gome" was miscrosoopically exemlined and tested in various ways. The 'tests agreed with those of the traces found in the rope used by the thou e -t reaker. And on the finger- nail •evidence the thief was sentenced to four years in prison. 'A ,mIuader by stabbing 'took place on the ;outskirts of Paris a short time agb. , At first it gave- the Surete Generale not a little trouble. A man was found dying in a ''field from a knife wound. Those who had tried to assist the unfortunate person be- fore the arrival, of the agents had -effectively destroyed all clues. There were no finger -prints on the weapon, and the ,gmoufvd had been hopelessly tramped, so that not • a footprint could ibe identified. 'The only line of investigation open to the 'Su'rete was the combing of the neighborhood for suspects. After some !time a man was • ax rest,'ed on suspicion. A spot of blood on his waistcoat was the only • evidence against 'him. He was taken to the police laboratory. Convicted by a Seed. On the sleeve of his coat wee found a plumed seed like that of a dande- lion. On examination under the mic- roscope the Isaed was shown to be from a comparatively rare plant. A tuft of. this order was found growing within two feet of the fatally ,stab- bed man. 'The seed 'had •been blown by the wind on to the murderer's waistcoat during the -struggle. This apparently insignificant detail solved the •prolblere of the Surete Generale. ''The. French sileuth Ls a logician and also a psychologist. He understands the workings of the. average criminal rnlind. He is also amazingly well in- fo'rm'ed as regards the :mental pro- fesses of those listed as masters in certain types of crime. The naen under IM, -Chiappe, head' of the -Surete Genierale, are backed by a mass of facts eonverning the men and women of the underworld. This vast re'serlveir of information reposes in the •Surete Generale in the fo -m of the most comlprehensive and ''complete dossier system in the world. Each crook has his history, complete with Bertitlon measure- msents,•.finger-Prins, photographs..'• Into the perfeeture at Marseilles eornes h brief •message --'dust a num- ber. It reads: 'Paris 287,055," 'The same message has been re- 'ceived ,simultaneously in the 'prefec- .tures of every municipality in France. 'The number is enough. The local police know far whom they are look- ing. Monsieur Chiappe wants Jacques Tusson, whose .speeialty is cracking the safes of small jewelry- establish mlents. •The details of his latest crime will come later. ,He must be grabbed without delay. He must be picked up before he boards a liner at'lblars'eilles for Bom- bay, or flits across the Mediterranean to find refuge in some, Algerian hovel. He must- not he given a chance to take passage at Calais on ' OF) 20 I Te!Is.. How Stu., T, AND , INiPRUVEQ HER COMPLEXION 196 50 .Lbs. Off Are you the young lady of whom people ace remarking, "How She is filling out!" ? (That's a good natured way of saying "getting fat.") If fat is slyly and stealthily distort- ing your youthfil figure, you should grapple with it t once. At 20 years of age this girl was in it* toils. Read how she unlburdened her young body of 50 superfluous pounds. "A/bout 12 months ago I was con- siderably overweight, being on the small side and weighing nearly 196 lbs. at 20 years of age. I was also troubled , with headaches and pains in the small of the (back; heaviness on rising, with a very poor complex- ion which broke out in spots every so often, Since taking Kruschen Salts all these conditions have disap- peared. I have gone down to normal weight, :being 146 lbs., have a lovely oonuplexion, andrise in the morning with no heaviness whatever."1—(.Miss) H. P. The formula of Kruschen represents the residual salts of those famous European Spas . whose waters have been taken from time irememiorial for excess fat. These salts ensure a perfectly natural clearance of undi- gested food , substances and all ex- cessive watery waste matter. Wihem. this wastage is allowed to accumulate, the body's chemistry is liable to store it up out of the way in the form of fatty tissue. Once Kruschen gets in- to your blood, disfiguring fat eons- ,rruences to melt away from your, an- kl'e's and calves; your double chin 'commences to vanish, hips became slender; you won't lose 4 or 51 lbs., a. day or anything foolish like that, but alnoost 'before you realize it pound, by pound disappears—until you finally have the fashionable figure You have always desired. Kruschen Salts is obtainable at all Drug Stores at 45e. and 75c. per bot- tle. FREE TRIAL OFFER OF KRUSCHEN Try Kruschen now at our expense. We have distributed a great many special " GIANT "' packages which make it easy for you to prove our claims for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new " GIANT " 75c. package. This consists of our regular 75c. bottle together with a separate trial bottle—sufficient for about one Week. Open the trial bottle first, put It to the test, and then,.J1,not entirely convinced that Kruschen does everything we claim it to do ,the regular bottle is still as good as new. Take it back. Your druggist is authorised to return your 75c. immediately and without question. You have tried Kruschen free at our expense. What could be fairer Y Manufactured by F. Ganu res HUGHES, Ltd., Manchester, England. (Established 1755). a cross-chanln(e'1 mailboat headed for , England, and then lose himself in the purlieus of London's notorious Soho. He must be shopped from 'sign- ing on! . as a member of the crew of the steamer departing that day from Cherbourg for New York. A Centralized System. ,'Monsieur Chiappe believes in speed combined with surprise. When full details come, all pre- fectures learn, there has been a mur- der in Paris. Henri Granger, dealer in diamonds, failed to open his little shop punctually at 9 o'clock, as ..had been his want every morning for the past forty years., A gendarme in- veeti'gates. The old jeweller's body is found on the staircase, leading from his living quarters on the sec - end floor to the humble establish- ment below. „ He ;has been shot 'be• tweet the eyes. ,Immediately, the Prefecture is not- ified 'by the gendarme on the beat. An operator ticks out a slin.iple order• to every police station in Paris and •irts immediate environs. Within less than an hour 'the agents, • now on le the. scene and.getting .,the lay of things, advise the Sudete that it soaks like a Tusson job. Again, the . operator ticks out an order—an all -!bureaus bulletin—;but thus tin -ie it gives the name of the man wanted, his description, general nuanherisnvs. And this second order is rather inclusive, in that it relates also in detail to the mistress•of the man under suspicion. That second order `sealed ev'etry road and railway station in Paris. It was even relayed to every airport within the municipal confines. Elvery person who .passes, out of Paris, by aeroplane, motor car, on foot or by train, is new • . closely scrutinized by an alert agent. If 'Tusson is still in' Paris, his ar- rest will not be long delayed. If he has managed to make a getaway, - the flashing iieto every police bureau throughout the Republic of the 'brief message, "Paria..,287,655," will bring results. On every steamship wharf lurks an incanss•picuous character, noting -the embarking passengers, while :aboard the ship a nondescript indi- vidual is mangling with the crew— these are agents seeking pati'en'tly for signs of the wanted man. And in railway stations, air -ports, hotels, cafes, theatres and under-- worn] nder=world haunts other ineonsplicu'ous charaeterr are keeping their 'eyes peeled for the suspected'slayer., 'Science and Speed. Some eight hours later a message from the Prefecture at ,Mlarseilles trickle's into the headquarters of the Surete Generale. ' It is brief and to the point—"Paris 287,655 under' ar- rest. Taken into custody, with wo- man, in pawnshop." That's all—the' Surete Generale in Paris will attend to the 1est. Ixt France the detective service of the whole country is centralized, and thus speed and efficiency mark all arrests. The agents of 'the 'Surete Generale are totally different •from the sleuths of Scotland 'Yard. And, as a type, they bear no resemblance to the de= tectives of the police departments of 'the large cities df thifs continent. .Except for a few oustandiing fig- ures, they. are mainly small men,, shabibiile .dreessieel and often none too,' well educated. 'But they are picke2l ' for their sharp wits. , IWihen asked recently what were the chief qualafioations he looked for in his workers, M. Chiappe answered, ,'•',•Qiiick writs, logic and courage." A most important feature of the ' French :system of •detectkari is the reconstruction of the crime .in the presence of the pensioner. (Physical -force is never used . to break a prisoner 'down in France. The third degree as practised by the French police takes ,the form of men- tal torture. ;Forcing ,a suspected slaved: to gaze long and earnestly upon the body of the victim! -is one of the favorite methods of the agents of the 'Surete to force damaging admissions from, unwilling lips. There are tines when the very scene of the, crime furnished the set-• ting for the ghostly drama. The body - of the 'viictim, especially if it is a. woman, is dressed exactly as when. she was done to death. She may ev- en be seated "at a. table or in a chair,. in a Iifelike position, apparently en- gaged en the task which dlea'th, had. terminated. Into the room of horror • and death the suspect is forced, ap- parently alone with the, corpse. And then the doer. is locked 'with a clang. Then 'from. closets and ;behind cur- tains and portierres watchful, prying• eyes gleam upon the terrified sus- pect,waiting for him to g ve vont to, his emotions—so that the agents anay have something to twit . him aoout. 4vIX.9,i1,V� THESE famous dry yeast cakes have been the standard of quality for over 50 years. Keep a supply handy. Sealed in air -tight waxed paper, they stay fresh for months. And get a free copy of the ROYAL YEAST BAKE BOOK to use when you bake at hotlxe-23-tested recipes for popular breads. Address Standard Brands Limited, Fraser Ave. and Liberty St.,Toronto,Ont. RAISIN BUNS are wholesome and nourishing as well as Cream r/3 cup butter with 1/2 cup sugar. Add 1 well• beaten egg and h cup milk, then add with about 2 cups flour and 14 teaspoon salt to 1 cup Royal Yeast Sponge* and % cup rai- sins to make soft dough. Knead lightly and place In greased -bowl. Cover and set in warm location until double in hulk, about 1 h flours. Shape into buns, place on greased•shallow ;,ane, allow to rise in warm place until double in hulk. Glaze with egg Wish and hake 7,. I:! y4 delicious . 20 minutes in moderate even, 375' F. "ROYAL YEAS(' aPONGE: Soak one Royal Yeast Cake in V: pint of lukewarm water for 15 minutes. Dissolve 1 table - of sugar 10 h pint of milk. Add to the dissolved yeast cake. Add 1 quart of, bread flour. Beat iborouf hly. Cover and let rise overnight to double in bulk In warm place free from dradghts. Makes five to six cups of batter. Out free bolk- let, "The Royal Road to Better Health," tells; how Royal Yeast Cakes will im- i° prove your ' health, and sug- gests pleasant ways to take them. #3,&; t4 �' }'y4. Srsl<ellli�t' �, 1 {h,,;, ;a+ i',4 l'I 'r BUY MAi3E-1N- • CANADA GOODS. l" .',a.I,......-